The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 27, 1894, Image 2

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Reports From tbo Commercial Agen
cies Indicate Lillie
Jobbin ETii7Wb*» Arm Ca«lU>« anil
Will Not Carry 8I| <*—*•
Otir-llMiiatacUfM liar*
Kmt Improve!.
New York, Oct. 20.—Brn/l*treet8'i to
morrow will say: Mcrclmnte Inter
viewed in T»rlou* portions of the eottu-
try report in some Instance* the condi
tion of business a* not iiarins realized
anticipations and at ‘other point* that
the recent bright outlook for trade Is
modified. Such advices are based In
part on the practical conclusion of tho
fill trade and always on the demand
tor holiday goods. Dealer* In dry
goods, clothing, groceries, thoea, hats
and a few other lines bavo had rela
tively the more satisfactory volume of
business, although In many Instances
fault has been found with tho totals
shipped. General trade oontlnnca
checked throughout some portions of
the region supplied by Kansas City,
Ht. touts, Omaha, Minneapolis and Ht.
I'atil. due ‘to reasonably warm weather.
At tho South low price* for cotton
continues to affect bualues* unfavora
bly, many larger tnerrliants lieatg more
cautious us to grsntlug credits to in
terior merchants. Throughout a largo
portion of the region between Ohio
und tit* Northwest interior jobbers will carry small stocks through
out the winter. Masters dry goods
Jobber* report only low oo*t goods
moving wllfi any freed.mi, and the out
look for’a settlement of the Kail Hirer
strike seems less favorable. Among
Southern cities, Charleston, Cbfftln.
noogn and Savannah say trade ii 1cm
encouraging, while at Memphis, Ate
Vanuatu, Illinois.
Ivy Poisoning
Eight Years of Suffering
Perfectly Cured by Hood’s
"C. !. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mans.:
“We have tried Jfood'a Sarsaparilla and
And It to be all you data for It Mywtfe
wa* poisoned by try when a young woman,
and for eight years was troubled every
I fists*-
I partita '
season with ths breaking out and terrible
Itching and burning. I thought hers was
*s had a case as anyone ever had. She
was In this distressing condition every
year until she began to take Hood’s Sarsa
parilla, which has effected a. perfect cure,
without leaving any scan, attif the has had
No Sign of tho Poison Since.
She Iv well sad hearty. I have taken
Hood’s Saruparllla otter tho grip wlUi
good results, and have also given It to our
four children. Wo »rc all pictures of per
fect health and owe It to Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla." J. C. I'iikkuav, Vandalla, lit
Hood’s Pills act easily, yet prompUy
and effl-li-ntly, on the liver and bowels.
NO. 1. —One case four-panel Fire Screens,
tintede reed frames, decorated designs,
never before sold in Macon under $1.25;
our price, 50 cents.
WO. 2. —One . case Two-toned Mixtures in
dark blue, red and black mixed, tan mixed
and gray.
A full Suit with six large trimming but
tons for same, all for §1. Positively worth
These two leaders for Saturday.
Baldwin's Young Men Will Change the
County's Record.
Mttledgevllle. Oct l*.—(Special).--Tha
Young Men’s Democratic Club held a
Itfrge and enthusiuric meeting at the
court house last night. Plans ware
adopted to secure a complete organiza
tion of the Detnocrntt of Baldwin coun
ty. On motion of Mr, Adoljuh Jdseph. a
committee was aopointed to visit every
merchant In MPledgeviHe and secure
Ms signature -to an agreement to dose
hi* -pkice of business an election day.
Cal. Robert Whltfleld mode a Stirring
address. In which he counseled Demo-
How He Best the Race Horse Record on
a Bicycle.
Buffalo, N. T„ riot. Johnson, In his
. .. . test yesterday wo* psoed by a ausdruple
I’OoouraxlIiR, while a. Mi-mpHls, Alt- team, made up of Oltoluui first, Pesvy crats to make an aggressive fight to re-
guxtu, Birmingham and Jacksonville second. Patrick O’Connor third nnd W. aiom Baldwin «>u"v7 It was decided
no new features have been developed A. Rhodes lourth. The starter was T. J. ^ i nv jt. Hon. Charles Bartlett to ad-
witli.n the week. Hales, however, ; risyles Mid the Judge* at the finish were drewi tha club on November 2.
have Improved iu *imd lilies In Atlanta, t W *• hhu-k. F. Bryant and T, Van. He 0Ir p rwJ cams. after a long absence,
At New Orleans the volume of sales ^V^ , t ^7 w ,7te™'*^lrt tendTto ' l, .^ h 2 m * ^°- r !l -? rw d< ’y*'
I,.,. *i, n *; ana two vmcn sweaters. which ienaca w
J i fr « ot m “* c ' e v But
price of cotton, sharp revision of credits
und li.-iml-to-mouih purchases being
s|K-dfl«l as causes. *
TlitU thank cIcarstKS. throughout
ths United Nhttes for six buatness days
ending wfvh 'Rliunsdsy, -this week,
amount to I9t:,ooo,ooo, wgulnst 1950,uoo,-
ooo tost week, * decrease of about
per cent, as compared with 1919,000,(100
lu the corresiHiiidlng week last year.
Business failures this week In tha
United States number 33:, sgakist 333
hut week and ns compared wIWi 339
In the like .Week of 1693, 320 to 1893 and
even- with these Impedimenta Johnson
neves budged from bts position st rite
rear of the quadruplet, and when he
crossed the finishing line bis front wheel
was tupped on the roar wheel of the big
machine. As the record-breaker and die
paccumklng quartette cross at tho tape
the features of the man were Indistin
guishable. All that could be heard and
seen was a roar, a flash of variegated
colors and s cloud of dust.
Electrical timing arrangements were
provided and each quarter was checked
at both start and finish, so that there
asn be no doubt or the accuracy of the
performance. At the start they.dashed
over the tape, Johnson lapping on the
quadruple. They wore going At a terrific
dip. Tho first qusrter was covered In
9:31 3-3, crowding closely the best record
for a thoroughbred horse for the some
30* In 1891.
New York, Oct. SO.—It. O. Dun A
Co.’s weekly review of trade, which
issues tomorrow, wilt say.
W * movoosnurcu oorsc .or i.„
n*°.y g «?s distance. This was on tho down qusrter.
W, Vied, of hustnesn. ^ >acond quart „ t| , cy went , n ^ u
1 the half tn 0:43 4-3.
When they struck
have.ceased, while a~numbcr of mills
have goue into operation and tho de
mand for product*, M — — ■
■Mr. C. P. du Blgnon leave* for New
York November l to visit Ws sister.
Tho King'* Daughter* are arranging
to open n bazar tn December ft>r tho
purpose of securing • Christmas offer
ing for -the Episcopal church of this
Mllledgevllle holds -the first place or
the healthiest town In Georgia. Since
January 1. 1894. then have only boon
twclvo deaths among the whites, and
thirty-two colored—a email death rate
fbr 6.000 people.
slackening tn some kind* of buatoem.
lltut, on -the n-hbte, ibutness Indica
tion* nro rather more favorable than i . k . .
they were a week ago. Gold export# , ,X‘ n n ■g** J£? nl l * v *L
hiv. i -a- 1 111a .1 number of mills I Jehiison migsu the quadruple men to do
their best, and they mads tha qusrter In
Speech from Russell's Opponent—All
the County for Bacon.
Fort Gaines. Oct. 23.—(Special).—PVwt
Gjlnow folks have heard the Hon. W. E.
Smith. Populist eandldfete for eongtees
against Russell. Mr. Smith had a good
crowd to hear him. but no interest wn*
manifested in his rehash.
People hero fed very grateful Co the
legislature fbr the election of their rep-
raentatlve. Hon. Clarence Wilson, to
the oltlae of sneaker pro tern. It was
ifUPgJaTC 2J5SS* i ovri ngarret tdeslto thii iisnsonsi ££
H:Uit of prosperous year*. 1» better nlce’snd were inrlinnVofsW u,4rlty . I l n 3 , llarJ worlt of this gentlc-
than tt has been most ot the time this “J* f * ° w , man that hUs county weiic Democratic
year. The prloe of farm product.! do ! S£* WS**** I *" th ® el«**on- Ho uecd every
not tmpravu much and there are atlll £“} i *» power, and made not leas
some strikes to resist (reduction ot l r r i ’“ lr 7 < * u "; r *' r '• th “ *<•*' they i than two dozen speeches in this email
wi«* ro that the purchasing power went very f.« bmttng the rime for the oouirty. Broldcs being n good Derno-
nf the people cannot have materially Jf™"? “5. lh f 1 .^ h ® ''me for crat. he Is an avowed Bacon man, and
lncrrtU'ed, but Sere I." more hopeful M »«•*«■ wBI be a big help to that distinguished
rplrft which prompts greater activity. ■ three-quarters - gentleman In hi* race. Throe-lburths
On -the other hand, the record of piat i b)r . , "VJ 0 •**• falL .... of our county are for Bacon tor sena-
(raOMcllans l« somswhat lew fuvo-ra- , Tf 1 * dw Stretch was wonderfully j tor. s-nd wc. shall feel dlsapiwlnted If he
ble than of late. It Ih Interesting that, ! f5*L nn n wll , cll v t lc Udfidnuplet men cross- , Is not elected, jfen who foUght him for
In suite of the low price of the prlncl. J* 1 ® 11,ne Johnson was a short foot be- ' eovvifhbr arc now his most ardent tup-
nsl Hnoriiirn cr'n manufacturers and fkid tlll rear ufieel an.I riding ns If ho - portens. This county was in Turnr’s
?y_. h . ®. r " ifrT I J-,»,rt more Imnrovo- b *d been out for nn exercise heat. Tho ■ alrl illairlet ,ni "ml a... Li.
sitoln with the South’ UvS fur the nuk- was 1:36 301.
Sth!? soiree H '‘ voml club r|,|fr » «“»• *»• time 1M.
otaei source. Johneon sntd, after dismounting, thnt ho
hn.1 flntaticd welt within the Unfit ot his
powers. , ,
from any
toutslsns Confederates Will Visit His
toric Gettysburg.
New Orleans, Oct 33,-At Its Iste ses-
nlnn the legislature of Boutslana msde sn
appropriation tor the purposo of marking
th* position* liel.1 by the troop* from
that state during the terrible three-days’
battle at GeUyaburv. Five veteran Con-
fo-lcml* soldiers hsve been selectisl from
What Hoko Smith Has Done lu*ths In
terior Department.
Wssliingtoo, Oct. 25.—According to
tbo estimate prepared at <lte Interior
department llM.80j.278.83 will bh ncceB-
mm Anny of Northern VUstlUa to visit * < !?*„°*
the battlefield, and «o-opciMte with the J u ;, i hoIti «
ofik-lst fwleral (Ictiyidninr Held iwmwlls : anomnrbfnm/rL^hii’lT' 01 , 1 ^' Tll °
slon tn lt« txirpoM of pssrttlag hlstorleat SSi na<;1 , 11 le . ar w “*
l-.eltlnns, A cordtsl Inviiuton has lieen . 8 0; v hlg for the
extended by CoL John R llaehelder of { n **$ HS.740,701.02.
tho wnr deiwirtttient for tho LouaUtna i . TBo -ren»o in tho oa Ulna tea for pen-
i jnmilttee to meet him at Gettysburg ! •»«>ns for lb94 la $10,000,000. Tho dt*-
early In Novetihber for co.nsultutlon nnd i in pensions, It Is said, is a de-
the location of the position* of the Con* creueu front tho appropriation for tho
federate troops In toe cqurae of the his- j current yvar. Hint appropriation was
todc action. | made beforo the cKwe of the last flecal
Col. HoehoMer not only ap^rorts tho ; year and was for $10,000,000 more than
action of tho governor of Louisians, bdt j the amount actually expanded List year
Is anxious that drlcgattons of veteran sol. i The estimate for 1880 Is no decrease
dlen be sent fhom mil Southern states for | from the amount actually expanded last
soasssiskv nbotnaraithinir ,w, th* grounds yw,. but la baaed upou the M.W tilU
v lh,f the expenditures will be Htntlonary for
accurately photographing
the movement# of Lee's army
fate of tho Confederacy was virtually de
Rome, Oct. UR.—Tho number of socie
ties of Socialist workers which lias
lk-eu gup pressed through -ill Italy with
in (he last few day* .« b’Jl. Among
th* documents seized by the authorities
in taking >clon of tlio various
qusrler* oHms soclutles Is a droiilar
sddri***e<t to tho chief of the working-
men'* imrtj- lte-lllng them tit Vedst the
conatltuteil sulherltloe. During the
raids of the authorities upon tho inret-
lug parties of S.
tnen were am
name of Caeserhj, the murder of Pro
Id.tii Carnot. An Anntvldsi manifesto
lias been puhllshoil lu Italian papers
over the signature* of the revere 1 rad
ical depuUv« and Socialist li>sili'r>i call-
lag for the organization of a le.igno
for tho defense of liberty.
the year* tsait. tsss and 1896.
SmiUl la)** to the Adams Express
New York. Oft. 23.—L a Weir, priw-
luent of the Adams Express Company,
received a pouch today containing a
number of boud*. ianruuoo pill hits*,
stocks, drafts, bill* of ..uti-ag and other
valuable document*. These papers
were stolen from the coutpauy'* sat,
tho express bag* tnkeu from ii*» train
tvv.alUt* In \cromi. n.e - was robbed at Aqulu Creek, Va.. on
TvrKd for Chewing the October 12. The pouch was Olio of
the xprowi liags taken .Tom tho train
by the robtierr, who shoted all their
booty into It. The money was after
wards extracted ami tho pouch, with
the remained of the eontvMu*. was hid
den In the woods near Oatverbm Va.
8oaroy, the captured robber, who lu*
turuisl ►nnpTi evlileuce. revealed tbo
hiding place to Ike authorities and the
pouch was sent to Mr. Wslr. Tho re
covery of these valuable documents
rcituc. d the loss i>f the Adams Express
Qotapiray by the robber* to lea* than
■our, ImUWf, mo that Uva
vrholo work! tc-Mui wnoiy.
That's tho #»ay you M
when your liter to inao-
I tit*. 'You need Doctor
] Tiercel PlfKUnnl IVlk>ta to
| tUmuUte it and correct it,
| and clear up your #r*tetu
. for you. You won't mind
I tha taking of them —
. tbey'ro an small and m
I HOfum/ in their efTcdi.
I All that y«>u notice with
! them U the pocni that
they do.
In the permanent cure of HiHounmo, Jaun-
di.-r, roiuU|'*U*'»i, liiui^i*ftti(*u, SsHir Htom*
acbe, Diuino*, 8ick or Diliou# Heedac'uee,
and every liver, «*.macu, or bowel dieorder,
tl*cv ro (ntaranferd to give eatixfacuoa, or
tha money is returned.
Don't tinker at your Catarrh with un
known medicine*. It'a risky and dam(*(\xi*.
You may drive it to the Win Get the
Remedy that baa cured Catarrh fur yean
and year# — Dr. Safe* Catarrh iLnuodv.
The maker# guarantee it to cure, or U iMtiL,
iu the wont cam.
Mr*. sVlniloWa Soothing Syrup haa been
u*ed ter over lUty year* by million# of
mother# for their children while teething,
with perfect aucc*** It aoolhea the
ahlid. aofttns th* guma, allay# all pain;
cure# wind colic, and U the beat remedy
for diarrhoea. Sold by drufcUi* In every
part of th* world, b* sure and uk for
-Mr*. \Yinflow*# Soften* Syrup," and
take no other kind. Ta«oty-nv* cenu a
Mns7”\voarumimjK dead.
CbtcARO, Oct.* Mary A.
\\oodbr.itgo. cvnw-pMHliuff *xi*tAry
of tho World't W. C, T. dlexl this
evening. She was stricken with apo
plexy two days ago.
Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
services In tho houao. and aro proud of
his record: but It la a fact that he can
uo «nar* (pood where tf& Js -than In the
Tho cotton crona arc fine hero, but the
price of cotton 1e so low that the ^people
arc blue nnd In a bad fix.
Wo Am making (Plenty of eyrup and
more meat than usual. Tho oorn crop
to poor, but with on oat crop will be auf-
g~#° Nltbout buying any from
In Saudsrsvllla Rnn a Mint of Their
Own ond Had Dollars Chnngrot
flsndersvltle, Oot.' 20.-(Spectal.)-
engaged In free coinage
without government aifthorlty -were
arrested and jailed here tonight,
finargsa WHR pausing counterfeit dol-
Isr*. They worked the town, buying
unlckles worth at nearly all Stores
nnd receiving 95 cent* change. One
merchant detected the counterfeit
•oon after making a sale, and gho
man pretended ho knew nothing about
tho dollar being spurious and fhat the
money had been paid him for picking
rotten. The fact tWat only a nlckle’s
worm -was purchase? at various stores
Is sufficient to rerute thl*. R. SI.
Brown, one of the victims, found the
men In the rear of his store after dark,
prepnrtog to leave town In their
buggy. He pointed n doubleJbarrelled
gun at them and oontmanded them to
throw up their bands, which -they
quickly did. Marshal Smith was sum
moned and the men were looked up tn
Jalt. Counterfeit dollar* have been
passed here several times recently,
probably by the same gang.
Montezuma. Oct. 28.—(Special.)—The
race for United Stales senator Is at
tracting murtwt tentlon here. Of all
th* esadhrite. for thnt office to the
flsM MaJ. Bacon Is deeded!)- ths fa
vorite and hto election by the general
assembly would please every olemen-
here. His towering Intellect tmd broad
statesmanship would make Itself felt
In congress and ho would prove
prominent factor to national polities.
The people also feet deeply Interest
ed to rhe election ot Hen. J. M. Du
Pro* fl>r tho sollcltonhlp of thle, the
Southwestern, circuit. Besides feeling
a personal Interest In a fellow towns
man they feel that be ta the* man for
the place and fully qualified for the
office to which he empires.
Remolds, Oct.- 30.—{Special.)—At an
earty hour this morning Robert
Reeves, an Industrious colored man,
left his home at this place fie the
purpose ot hunting. After being out
several hour* he started back home,
but w-us taken sick «ad asked a wo
man on the -road for some camphor
and tutd he -would rest awhile and then
go home. Nothing more was thought
about the sick man until evening,
when some one called him, sod receiv
ing no reply shook him atad found that
he eras d.nd. He bad tits shotgun and
Nine game by hla side. It ts thought
tout he hod soms brain affection and
that U caused his death.
Douglas. Oct. »—(Spectall.—Coffee’s
wide-awake sheriff. W. A. j. smith, to
tn south Carolina, and will bring hack
KpNruim Walker, the murderer of Mr.
Brown, at G.XV. Deen’s still, last year.
The weather Is One. and our fanscra
nrcrushlng out their cotton. Both steam
ginneries at this place are running on
full time.
South Georgia will be fully represent
ed at the Dixie Fair.
The Democratic primary for county
officers of Ooffee .will be held November
B. Pe-ternon to building a handsome
slxroom cottage, -which WM be occupied
by Col. W. M. McDonald when com
Why do so many people we geo
around us seem to prefer to suiter und
be made miserable by Indigestion, con
stipation, dizziness, lo.ts of appetite,
coming up of tbe food, yellow skin,
wben for 76 cents we will sell them
Shiloh’s Vltalizer .guaranteed to cure
Sold by Goodwya & Small Drug
Company, corner Cherry street and
Cotton avenue.
20 pieces 38-inch Wool Poplins worth 60c yard, will close
this lot 30c yard.
20 pieces 38-inch Two-tone Wool Suitings, can’t tell them
from French goods, at 40c. yard.
20 pieces 54-inch Colored Ladies’ Cloths, all stylish shad
ings, 65c yard.
100 Beautiful French Suits, §5 to $10 each; only one suit
of a kind.
100 Silk Gloria Umbrellas, $1.25 kind, for 90c each.
Largest line of Stylish Jet Trimmings and Yan Dyke
Points .in Macon.
Best assorted stock of Stylish Cloaks and Capes in town.
Don’t fail to see our Handkerchiefs.
We conduct the only successful professional DRESSMAK
ING Department in Central Georgia.
Our store furnishes every convenience foi* visitors, who are
welcome, whether purchasers or not.
REMEMBER we have the largest and cheapest stock of
Dry Goods in Macon.
nnd h a# t Win
ter Whf»at
Crushed Trtiddlt-pge Flour*
Yhsonty Flour of It* kind, snd ths bsat ot
snyklnd. Itlsmadebyasecretpro-
o«h known to but two psnont.
tl00,000 has bten offkrsd for ths Knowlodg*
Tbo Undine Is tbe best flour sold in
Georgia. T. Y. Johnson, MlUcr, Go.
Tbo Undine gives perfect satisfac
tion. J. H. Stillwell, Luella, Ga.
listill Spring*. Tenn.
MORE! taken at one cent a
WANTED—Good men to place Equita
ble Building and Loan Association
stock In Georgia: loans promptly
made. George A. Smith, general
manager. Exchange Bank building,
Macon, 6a.
WANTED—Everyone to visit Chap
man’s English Kitchen during the
Dixie Fair. Meals 23c. -
WANTED—Sawyer for circular saw-mill:
none but sawyers need apply. Amos-
keog Lumber Company, Amoskeog, Ga.
nmn of four years’ experience In book
keeping and store work. Willing to
work hard; moderate salary; anything
honorable; gllt-edge references. Insur
ance, elcgraph.
WANTED—To sell you a ’94 mode!
Densmore typewriter, best machine
tn the world. J. E. Mlnter. agent.
’Phono No. 283.
FOR RENT—A nice residence; 1 rooms;
Orange street. Apply 6(4 Cotton avenue.
rOR RENT—©4 Orange street; seven
room?, gas and water, car line. Apply
to J. N. Birch.
FOR SALE—On* magnificent' new Co
lumbia bicycle. Has never been used.
Will sail very cheap. Apply at Tele
graph office.
tho plm to ih low milg - Vwi|
oysters uud rarae served.
DELICATESSEN—Swiss. doBrie. Roque
fort, Muavter and Lhnburger cheese,
role, Bismarck, Dutch and Osteseo her
ring in weln; Jordan and Valencia al
monds, new prunes, prunelles, dried figs,
.split peas, barley, sprotten and buck
wheat Just received. O. G. Toole &
Weldman's store.
ONE fine second-hand Columbia bicycle
far sale cheap. Apply at once. Alex
Harris, 414 Fourth street.
LEAVE your orers for dressed poultry
during fair week. Dr«a»cd turkey*,
ire€**e, ducks ami hens at L. D. Able
A Co.’*. 630 Cherry street.
HAIR DRESSER — BraMs and bangs
made to order and all kinds of hair
work. Louisa Brown, 653 New street.
best made. Have you tried it?
ALL-POkK sausage, Vienna sausage and
Knoblock wurst fresh today. Georgia
Packing Company.
GT’EnTS of the Pierpont have th* dinner
privilege of the New England Home
Restaurant. Mrs. T. M. Butner pro
prietress of both.
SWIFTS choice Western meats, butter-
Ine, Weiner, Frankfurter, liver, tongue,
, blood sausage and head cheese, also all dressed poultry. G. G. Toole &
WOldman's store.
glvrs satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb.
DRESSED POUI/TRY—All kinds fresh
meats, sausages and staple and fancy
groceries. G. G. Toole & Weidman’s
CHEAPA BANANA—Ripe bananas, small
or large, to be sold regardless of price.
Sewell Bros.
ZIMMERMAN’S fresh Vienna sausage to
day at F. E. Kupferman’s; Sam Baer’s
oW stand, 412 Second street; telephone
HOLMES &-COUTTS’ celebrated extrn-
yeawt crackers retail at the low price
of 10c & pound.
OUR CHOICE Western meats are the
best. Wo keep no other kind. Georgia
Packing Company.
OUR OWN dressed poultry, Chickens,
chucks and geese. F. E. Kupferman’s,
Sam Baeris old stand, 412 Second street;
telephone 215.
RIPE BANANAS—You can get a bunch
of flne ripe bananas at Sewell Bros., <any
price, any size bunch desired.
FRESH CELERY at r7c. Keen's!
45 PER CENT, average weekly profits
on $150 invested. Prospectus. Itemized
statistics free.' Benson A Dwyer, 834
Broadway, New York.
FRESH JELLY 10 cents pound, gelatine
10 cents package, currants, cleaned, 10
cents, split peas’, Yankee beans, butter*
beans. Grace Grocery Company.
CENTRAL, give me 106. is that Mr.
Keen? Yea, madam. Please send me
two boxee Saratoga chlpa l think tney
are excellent.
WE SELL goods cheap for cash and give
exactly what you buy. Grace Grocery
WE HAVE a lot of tinware we will
give away for wrappers of large pack
ages of Rborer's Bread Raising. W.
C. Turpin & Co.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells
GOOD ROOMS, flnst-class fare at the
Gray house, one block from Union de
pot, on car line. 454 Pine. Mrs. H. A.
cakes are made from new materials
of the very highest standard of ex
cellence: thoy have been awarded the
premium over all competitors wher
ever exhibited, and pronounced
the finest manufactured in -the world.
If you use cakes or biscuits, why not
buy Che best. Sold by the leading
fancy grocers.
of pure cream of tartar and soda and
Is guaranteed strictly pure. To in
duce you to try Turpin’s Baking Pow-
dor we will, for a short time, give
with each pound can of powder a
pound con of Holmes A Courts* cele
brated cakes or nsltlnes both tor 40
cents. Turpin's is sold by the lead
ing retail grocer*. Turpin Baking
Powder Company, Macon, Ga.
TO please the visitors, leave your orders
st L. D. Able & Co.’s during fair
weeks for fine beef, mutton, veal, all-
pork «uusage, ail kinds of sausage,
fancy smoked meats, etc. Parlor Mar
ket. 620 Cherry street
TRY our "bacon shavings;** they are a
delicacy. Georgia Pack hag Company.
OFFICE Bibb Manufacturing Compi
ler. Macon. Ga.. October 20. l©4.—In
future all parties having local bills
against this company are requested to
present them for payment on Tues
days. J. F. Hanson. Agent,
TWQ CAR LOADS of fine Kentucky sad
dle and road horses to be sold at auc
tion at L R. Wrignt A Co.’* Palace
Stables Saturday, the 27th, beginning at
9 o'clock. Horses at stables now sub
ject to inspection. Coleman Brea a
Dot via.
WE CAN otter honorable employmant to
a few uctiv* men or ladies in each coun
ty which will pay $50 to $100 per month.
No capital or experience required. Ad-
dress P. W. Ziegler A Co., Box 1723,
Philadelphia. Pa.
HOUSEKEEPERS—Our stock Is newer,
finer and larger than any other
house. We are headquarters for ev-
e very thing from A to Z. Leave your
orders with us If you want a fine
thanksgiving turkey. Cfelery and
cranberries to match. John C.
Holmes 4k Oo.
' Wonderful
Yet ....
Securely bound in handsome
cloth, now ready for
If you visited the Fair
you can appreciate this volume
and if you did not it is the
next best thing to a visit.
Come and Bee it. When will
you over again have an offer
of 180 fine Photographic Views
handsomely bound for 30 cents.
This is all it will cost you if
you will clip out the following
Coupon and bring or send it to
The Telegraph.
Worlifs Fair
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