The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 28, 1894, Image 8

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1894 a mm exibit attracts an Expert’s Attention and Re Talks About It as a Sample of Enterprise. ilOEE CAPITA!. IS KEPBESKXTED Vkfto Hm J£r«r U*#n s«*n Oat of tb* International Eipo»Ulon—Jt»l*cu tho Exhibit of tlio Acmo Brewing Company. An estimate of tlio money represented In the exhibits at tbo Dixie Interstate Fair cliowa up flsuiva tliat ore sur prising. Mr. Joseph Jlayhow, of Detroit, Mlcb., who'la a well-known expert In all mat ters connected with fairs and expo*,- tlotis throughout ilia country, said yes- I*,nitty to a Telegraph reporter that tho uiognltutlo of the Dixie Fair was a complete surprise to him. "You people hnro here given an ex pos; tion that easily surpasses anything yet attempted in the South," he said. "Tho amount of money spent liy for eign exhibitors on displays is some- tiling new In Southern expositions. IWliy, in this building nlono tens of thousands of dollars are represented in the work of decorations. Tour building has become a palace “Here, for Instance," ho continued, pointing up at the ‘beautiful brown ■done front and arches of tbo Acmo Urtwlug Company," is something equaling anything I have over seen at any exposition North or South." Tho Acmo Browing Company, under the nuunagement of Mr. Aleck Block, has, os usual, spared neither time nor expense. Their exb.blt represents an outlay of nearly 33,00,), and is la tlnral hull, next to tho exhibit made by Messrs A. & N. M. Block, the great wbolcsal liquor doalem of central (ieor- gin, whoso exhibit rivals that of tho brewery. Under tbo masslTO arches and Inside tho sumptuously furnished space re served by tho brewery uri> pyramids of their noted bottled beers, tbo Ameriom tgueeu, which Is now ono o( tile most fnmoiw uottled beers iu tho country and Is competing favorably with the bent known brawls. It ts rec ommended by physicians mid its until- ysls sliows Hint ,u every particular it is u boor of great body and purity. But tills is not nn advertisement of the Acmo Brewing Company, but a comment on tho greatmws of llio Dixie llutemtate Fair. Tlio bacltgrouud of tho exhibit is a handsomely painted and grotcsiiuo .painting of guouivs In a cellar where tlm bunding of a bung hus caused no little commotion. This painting nlono cost $150 and was made for the occa sion. Tho Acmo Brewing Company shows ,nlso the material out of which the beers are manufactured, slid experts :lu die business lmvo pronounced their brews of Bohemian ICxport, Acmo aud ! Canada mult as equal to any beet ever browed. “Now,” oonMimod Mr. Mnyhow, "I bate visited the Acmo Brewing Com- •pany’s plant sml found, ns 1 expected, that this vxlilldt Is a fair criterion of their business methods. It Is beyond doubt tlio greatest Mid liost brewery In llio South. This is tlm best exhibit I have ever seen out of Chicago or Purls, and 1 protect that the Acme Browing Company will carry .iff the blue ribbon ngnlust any competitor lit any exposi tion at which they are represented In the South. QNR OF TIIK 01,DUST. Mr. I'd ward Melntyro lteslgns From the Central. The many friends of Mr. Edward 'Melntyro will bo surprlsisl to learn of bis reslguiitlon ns couipiroller of tho Central railroad, tho resignation to take effect November 1. Mr, Melntyro lias been with the Central thirty years anil was ono of the old landmarks, so to speak, of the : rood. He was one of tho few who were with tho Central throughout all 'of Its umuy changes, he having been out of Its service only a row mouths, which were during the tlmo the road • was leased by tile Itlchmoud nml Dan ville. Smile years ago Mr. McIntyre's health begun failing and he lias grown steadily worse. Some time ago he was lu Macon aud his frleiids here then behoved that bts health was such that Ids ivstguatlou was a matter of only u short while. No appointment has yet been made of a successor to Mr. McIntyre and It la not known vrbo will be the appointee. M. Is one of the best positions on the road. CHBAF KATES TO ATHANTA. ! Tile Bacon Club win laavo Macon tor Atlanta Monday morning. 8:33 o'clock, by Southern railway. Tickets SJ.ll each; good to return until Oc- lob"r 39. building at the entrance to Midw ay and Is one of tile great redeem ing features of the affair. Yesterday the entire membership of Wesleyan i College vlotted It and pronounced It one of the grandest obJ«t lessons in .oae.-ed history ever obown In this country. Dulles and children can visit thlt great masterpiece without coming 'Hi contact with the (Midway proper. 'The Oily of Jerusalem Is by far the (grandest exhibition on the fair grounds 'and no ono Should mint seeing tt, 1 For (looks, stationery, art goods, frames, dolts, toys, «te., go to Mc-Kvoy- ganJers Oo. i PICTURE FRAME FACTORY. ‘ Tho iMcKvoy-Sandero Co. have opened a (irat-class picture frame fac tory over (heir book, stationery and ,«rt store. No. 673 Cherry street, where they hate a full line of elegant mould ing,. canvas stretchers, etc. They can .pleura the most fastidious. Mr. James KV. smith, the well known artist tn this line, formerly with Mr. C. C. Holt, will be In charge of this depart ment. No mors need bo said. ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Why do so many peep hi we see around us eeem to prefer to suffer aud be made miserable by indigestion. con stipation, dlaalneaa, toss of appetite, corning up of the food, yellow skin, wh'ia for il cents we will sett them chiiob'a Vita User .guaranteed to cure them? Bold by Goodwyn A Smalt Drug Oompaay. corner Cherry street and Cotton svtnue. ■Leaving Georgia, early In August, when the crops promsed a rich yield to the expectant farmer and the mer chant was pleased at tbe prospect of fall trade, I was oot prepared to ap preciate the Short crop prospect In Tennessee and Kentucky, where the crops of corn and tobacco were esti mated to be at least 60 per cent, less than the average and the Quality of tho tobacco was much below the usual grade. In IlliiHils and Indiana the corn prospedt was very poor. This section, however, had good rain about the mid dle of August, which In a measure re lieved the threatened failure of the com crop of these large gratn-growfnt states. In eastern and southern Mis souri the craps were good, but In the western counties and throughout the states of Nebraska and Kansas crops of sll khids were utter faiutres. Toe rains failed to come and the hot wind i parched *1110 tender growing products Ion* before maturity. Where June promised plenty, August promised want and suffering. Numbers of farm ers ore leaving their homes In Ne braska and Kansas on account of re peated erop failures. Dally I aee out fits passing, going West, and I assume, as many are going East and Bourn. We crossed the stale of Kansas from East to West 'August 13 and while we did not come 111 contact with a Kansas cyclone or see Mrs. Lease, for which Hhe state Is .noted, we experienced one of those hot winds which have de stroyed so much of the product of the slate and are driving many who thought they were fixed In good and permanent homes to ■ seek new loca tions; and 'thi*. too, In the fall or the year, after they had expended their all toward* providing for the comliyj W £eavVrtf Ktwrtey about 1 o’clock In the afternoon, the wind commenced to blow from the aouHiwest, ami Boon wh* a fowling gale and continued for flour hour*. The car* would rock to and fro from tho force of the wind, and holding your hand out of the car window the furnace tike heat would actually bum It. Birds would seek protection behind 'telegraph poles and bats and owls driven from their hid ing places tn the sage by ‘the suffo cating heat found It nhnoat Impossible to keep on wing. It was truly « lief when we were out of It, «W <>o not care for a similar Before sunset we wrce ln Golorodo. and under the system of common In many «»rt» of this state, the one-time brown prairies were green with growing crops, not only grain and tiny, but farm and garden products of 11 \Ve "reiehei Manttou August llrth, In the midst of the tourist season, targe crowds coming and golng d iiiy. nnd no. tels and boarding houses doing aprofU able business. The season at Manltou ta short! there are no Jong stayers There arc many largo and commodious hotels and attractive Stages for pri vate (hoarder**, and. as elsowherenl classes can find agreeable aoeommoda- tton without trouble or undue expense. Bo much has been written about Man- ttou amt the surroundings I will not undertake to give you a detailed de- sentption of this beautiful moun- taln-elasped city. It Is a treat resort for invalids and sight-seers, situated nit thb foot of Plke’a Peak, and is 1.000 feet above sea level. On ‘three nUlea are mountains whose slue and tHdght excite wonder ami admiration. The cWy. In f:i<?t, ninv <be aald to lx* built on tne sides of these mountains, the stree.s being the valleys below. For Invalids, the climate ami the waters arc 'the at tractions, Thero are any number of mineral aorhiga for the waters Of wjjjnlt equally as muny virtues nro claimed. They are all good, however. Fur the sight Peer, there la Pike's Peak, reached by .burro trail, cog-wheel railroad and carriage food. Everybody gdlng to Man ltou goes to the ton of th e peak, if they can stand 'the altitude OhOOO feet). There are .wonderful caverns close at hand which on active Imagination can nil with thrones, pulnlts. Organa, bridal Ohstnibers, gods and goddesses, and nil the known animals, formed from the wonderful stalagmites and stalactites Tliere are canons. Imiklngat the perpen- dtoular wiilM of which make you very tired tn the bnok of the nock. There la the "garden of the gods." tho rock form ation in .which, rising out of the open mesa, arc ns wouderful os they arc weird. Thero la Cheyenne canon, a beautiful gorge, exciting wonder and amusement, and Cheyenne mountain, some 13.000 feet hVrh, on tho top of which iMrol Helen Hunt Jackson wan burled. Everybody who cares to under take the very thttlcuh task goes to the grave, marked (by a huge pile of rocks of all nixes, claimed to bo contributions from visitor**. A imwrt man built some steps up the aide of the mountain, and was charging 35 cents for tho use of the same, and Mr. Jackson has reoently had tho body rsrmoved to a cemetery at Colorado tipn-ug**. Ul.ll Manltou, Cota. MALARIAL & IT I —POISON [ Rraulta from atmospheric condition*, [ unclean promt***, Imperfect ventilation un*i m.M'o frequently from ti»«' «t« a tiv ) 3BWER OAS. A central rundown and t:tijM \«• rinl.' I «•>'! •'.'!.* it i f till' l‘l'Hi'1 i'll- [ aunt, and If not corrected, Catarrh, Bron* t I chltlm and even Consumption may bo tho | . A. Rico, Ottawa, Kan., writes: . r J*ftMBlVM tri.uMrtl with Mu- | lari a, which caused my nppottto to fail, | and X wa* ao reduced In tleah, that I life lout tta charm*. I tried mercurial I and potash remedi«M.but could get no relief. II then decided to try , I A few bottle* of this wonderful medlclno [ mad* a complete and r 'rmanent cure, and 1 now enjoy better health than over. nplood and Skin Diseases reo to any aadress. 8W1IT SPECIFIC CO., AUsata, Go. { SPECIAL NOTICES. THIS business year opened with doubt and pro ceeded with hesitation, but not here. Our lines were already marked and firmly followed. More ready cash for needed sellers; more goods and better. All this justified by present experi ence. Instead of the prevalent meagre deficiency and expected scarcity we meet the season with prod igal preparation, And now the people meet us with avid appreciation. The results—happy for all. SUI1S HI WHIMS. Something for you to have the run of a stock of Clothing where the variety is practically bound less, and the qualities so great that no need is skipped. Took a long look ahead through mists of doubt to do it. No other house in Macon had the foresight and courage to so completely prepare for you. Plenty of them now wish they had. Looks as if they’d wish it more and more. Meantime here’s anything, everything, just as you’d choose, better than you’d choose, very likely, for the eyes of our buyers are quick to sec any newness that will interest you, and quick steam whirls it here before you know of its existence. Clothes for every need only half tells it, something for every fancy comes nearer. If we knew how to make the assortment better in any way, it would be done. Buying direct from the best makers in sures proper prices and patterns. MACON, GA. 51 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET lines, Boiu SAW MILLS, Machinery Ail Kinds. TOUTS l't'crr -It tni'\ tun t he tim*‘ u o irivc you fib s n* >n»* too fast; neither I too Blow. Our time pieces both for pocket and mantle are all guaranteed. [ Try one. GEO. *£» BE ELAND. Jeweler, 320 Second Street. ( R. C. WILDER'S SOUS CO., MACON, GA. Gontractors and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. Lumber, rough and dressed, shingles, laths, and dealers In mixed paints, lead, tills, lime, platter, cement and builders' hardware. CM TO €23 THIRD STREET. NOTICE TO BAR. The dock,< edit be willed Monday eve ning, October 39. at 3 o’clock, and cases wlU (hen be awlgncd tor first week in Nowrober. By older of J. D Hardeman. Judge. ROUT. A. NISUOT. Clerk. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. Loans mail* on cholcs real estate and farming lands In Georgia. Interest 7 par cent. Payable In two. three or five years. No uelsy. Commissions very re.ison ibis. SECURITY LOAN AND ABSTRACT COMPANY. CO Second Street. Mtcon. Os. ARTHUR PEW, Civil Enginoor. M. Am. Soc, C. E. M., Inst. C. E. Surveys, plans* estimates and spedaca. lions. Office «TH Poplar street. Macon, Georgia. Cheap Money to Lend On Improved city and farm property In Bibb and Jones counties In loans ranging from tori uo at 7 per cent. Sim ula interest; time from two to five years. Promptness and aeebmmodaUou a spe cially. L- J. ANDERSON & CO., no. 312 Ssoind Street. Macon. Go. MONEY TO*. ftvtu per eeut. Loans negotiated Oft Improved ell, property »nd farms. SSOUTUERN LOAN AND TRUST COM. PANV OF GEORGIA. M Second street, Macon, Go, ■F. A. GUTTEHBERGER &C0 .(SUCCESSORS TO J. W. BURKE & CO. MUSIC HOUSE.) Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise. Agents for tho celebrated SOHMER PIANO. We have on exhibition ot the Dixie In teratste Flair a magnificent line of these famous pianos In different woods, bealtfcithe WORLD'S FAIR GOLD PIANO, which cost 33,000 and took first prise st Chicago. At our store. 43 Second street, can be found a comptete stock ot everything to bo desired In the musical line, - MOERLEIN’S BARBAROSSA (IN BOTTLES ONLY.) On account ot Its absolute purity, Wholesomcness. good taste and quality to add digestion It ts a most pleasant and refreshing- beverage, an article Incomparably strengthening to the tn valid and convalescent. This beer ts brewed from the best selected malt and from hops Imported from Bohemia. It Is brewed after the new existing method tn the Hof Uraue- ret at Pilaon, Bohemia. Barturossa is a light, palatable beer, unexcelled In taste and brilliancy, and on account of IU excellent quality la preferred to tho Imported Pilsner by oonnolseura. For tne dinner table sod tor a tun ch there ts nothing better than a bot tle of IUrbarossa. ULLJIANN £ WILLIAMS. Delivered anywhere In the olty. 'Phone 431. Sole Agents. LOOK OUT FOR COLD WAVE! Window Glass, Mantels, Tiles and Grates. Nbar la the time to buy the above before the cold weather cornea. I hay* the largest stock; South, with prices lower than evar. T. C. BURKE. o. P. & B. E WILLINGHAM, MACON, GA. m EOORX LUMBER, MQULDINSx PAIOTi LIME AND CEMENT, AT LOWEST MAKKET PRICES. LSACIllG WHOLESALE HOUSES. G. Bernd & Co. BTACO!r. OAa Jloautactursra aad itatw., BABKEhh. baddlbby. LEATHER and SHOEFIDntaii am. 483. 134»n-ft 4W Cherrr 3troaL L. Cohen & Co., ■ LIQUORS. CIGARS and TOBACCO. Cheapest house in Macon. Orders promptly flUe<L J. L. HACK, M&n*g«r, - - - Macon Ga. A trial soliciteu. CONCERT LAST NIGHT. CONCERT TO-NIGHT. CONCERT EVERY NIGHT. In your own home, with your own family, and your own fine- tuned piano. Juet gather your wife and sirle and musical friends In your music room and have a grand home concert. That is pure musical enjoy ment—satisfying, refining and en during. We shall be delighted to furnish the fine piano to every family de siring to Inaugurate the home concerts. That Is lust what we are living for. LUDDEN : S : BATES Southern Music House, R. J. ANDERSON & SON MACON, GEORGIA. PROGRESSIVE TAILORING Can only be done by keeping, abreast of the times and reliably informed on dll that is new and novel. I have made arrangements with flic highest authority on prog ressive tailoring, to keep me posted on all,the new ideas as they are evolved and adopted; thus my clients may be sure of having their clothes made in such styles as are entirely current and eminently correct. McKAY, The Tailor, 503 Cherry Street. I For the lest COAL at the Lowest Prices. We can duplicate the bestpricss on any kind of goods. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Telephone No. 409. Prompt attention to all orders. lard near East Tennessoo depot. I la 4$ hour* OoaarrlaMi I and dlacharce* tr*m th* I wltSMit iacoavcaleace« V -A W.L.Douclas *5 CUAP IS THE BEST.. VG ORlWbNOSQUEAKINa. *5. CORDOVAN, . FRENCH& ENAMELLED CALF) W FlNEGAlf&I4II6AB1 13.5? POLICE,3 Soles, •t'SfS.K* BoysSchoolShoes, **' ,z "bktpo« go M SEND FOR CATALOGUE * W*L‘DOUGLAS, BROCKTON/ MASS, •aye^monpy^b^purekafilng W. L* Because, we arc the largest manufacturer* of advertised shoe* iu the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protect* you agaiust high prices and tbe middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting aud wearing nualitlcs. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than sny other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by ROCHESTER SHOE CO. 618 CHERRY STREET. Madison Avenue Von HOTEL, fladlson Ave. am) 38th St.,’ NEW YORK. $3 per day and uj>. American Plan. Fireproof and first-class in every par ticular. Two blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated railroads. The Madison and 4th Ave. and Belt Line cars pass tho door. H. M. CLARK, Psor. Passenger Elevator runs all night. The Wavto Get Therel Houston, Tex. Galveston, Tex. San Antonio, Tex. Austin, Tex. Dallas, Tex. Ft. Worth, Tex. Little Rock, Ark.\ Louisville, Ky. Cincinnati.O. ; Detroit, Mich. ^ Indianapolis, Ind.1 Chicago, III. J St. Louis, Mo. Kansas City. Mo, J' Omaha, Neb. St. Paul,MlnOs> Denver; Cot. Kansas. Nebraska. , Minnesota .. Dakota. . - California. — —, And all PoIntsWcst. BUY TICKXTB OVER THE This Hat runs doable dally trains add through cars from AtUata to the Southwest, via New Orkaai. This Use bat doable dally tralai aad through cart from Atlaata to the Southwest, via Meat* phis. This Mae bee doable dully trelei tad throagh cart from Atlaata'to the Northwest, via St, Loo!*. This Mae bus doable dtlly trelas aad twa routes to Chicago and West, via Loalsvlllo aad via Evaaivllle. Tull lBfhnn»Uon chMrfiUiy ferakhed opon up. pltcutton to FRED 0, BUSH. Dlh.Pue.Agt, - ATtANTA, 6A, C. P. ATM0RE, Gen'l Put. Agt„ LOUISVILLE, K¥» A. T. HOLT, Real Estate Agent, 3€ Second streeL T have eome nice houses yet to rent Come and s"« me about them. Several farms to rent, and some splendid offer, tngs for sale. List your property with me and give me a chance to see what X can do with IL COTTON. I wish to Inform my friends and pa trons that I have moved across Poplar Street, opposite my oli stand, and with Improved facilities and more conveniently arranged warehouse. 1 am better prepared than ever to handle their couen to ad vantage Consgament* always race tvs my prompt and personal ntunttan. NEW ROOM CORRECT WEIGHTS! HIGHEST TRICES! SATISFACTION OUARANKED! ELLIOTT ESTES. B7-43 Forfar atresL OF MACON, Q A CAP1TAL1SURPLUS, $260,000 R. H. PLANT! PRESIDENT. W. W. WRIGLEY, CASHIER. L C. PLAIT'S SOI, BANKER BACON, GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED 1883 Banking in all ita branches. Interest allowed on Time Deposits, We handle'foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London for all European points. MACQH SASH, DOOR & LUMBER C0„ INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, I .. AND MANUF ACTURER3 OF ... Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair. ’ BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Etc.