Newspaper Page Text
A Marvelous Cure by Hood's
After All Else Failed.
Mrs. Pliebe h. llaU,
Gaits, Hamm.
“ 0. I. Hood 6 Co., Lowell Maw.:
"DearSIrn Twenty-five years ago I bad
blllotu lever, mi4 typhoid lever, anil lor
live irtelu 1 lay like ono dead, but at laat
I pulled through and (Ot up around. I
soon discovered on my left leg Just above
the knee a email brown spot about as big
as a three*ent piece, which pulled up but
did not hurt me or feel sore. 1 did not pay
any attention to It until tv/o years alter,
when It commenced to spread and have
the appearance of a ring worm. It Itched
and burned and 1 commenced doctoring,
but to so avail. 1
Cot Only Momentary Relief,
And sometimes not even'that. I could not
sleep nights, and on account ol the itching
I scratched tho spot until the blood would
run. In hot weather my elbows and all
my Joints were Just the same, and what I
have suffered I cannot describe with a pen.
lost February I tried> an herb for tho
hlood and It broko but In the worst form of
a rash all over your body, I began my
scratching, and scales would fall off, Tho
acres, discharged and I lunged to die.
Finally my husband bought a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla and I had not taken
more than half U before 1 began to change
for the better. I have had four bottles,
Now 1 Am All Well
hut two tittle spots on my leg. I can now
bleep and eat well and work all the time. I
am M years old, aud the mother of eleven
children, and think I can do as much as
any one my age.” Mbs. Fuksb L. I! all,
flalva, Kansas. Oct HOOD'S.
Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, reliable, and efficient.
Only seven members of council were
present at the meeting latt night and
tho absentees missed ono of the most
Interesting meetings ever held.
Thoto present at the meeting were
Aldermen Van. Hatley, OolUns, Alt-
mayor, Riley, Hill and Hpcrry, Just
enough to make a, quorum.
The reading of the minutes of the
laat regular meeting end the subse-.
quent eahed meeting was suspended,
and the meeting buckled down to busi
ness In a burry afier a lato sum.
The Aral business before the meet
ing was a petition from Mr. U. T.
Powell concerning a change in tho
plan of grading Oomulgee street from
the one agreed on Jointly between a
committee from council and himself.
After some discussion tho petition was
referred to the chairman.
A petition from Judge C. C. KlbW
stating that certain tombstones that
belonged on n lot owned by his fam
ily lu Hone Hill cemetery hod been
moved to an adjoining let and that
burials other than ilwse of his family
lud been made on als lot aud tomb
stones bearing Uie,parlies of those wno
»«!.• buried there had been .erected
over the graves. The petition asked
that tho matter bo referred to the cem
etery committee so the matter might
lie Investigated. u took that course.
Alter a few unimportant petitions
had beau disposed of Alderman Collins
urose and said;
•'Mr. Chairman; -As chairman of the
street committee I rise with reluctance
to soy what I have to way. but 1 want
me chairman of council to appoint
oomo one elae chairman of tho street
committee: I feel'that 1 have been Ig
nored aud never felt so outraged in
my life. I never-felt so bad us I did
when I teamed on Saturday morning
that the trees In Ayres' park had been
eut Mown. The trees were cut down at
night and It was an underhanded pro-
eeedlng. I had promised some of the
residents In that neighborhood that vac
trees would not be cut down and 1
had been assured bv the chairman of
tho board of nubllo works that the ! «d and hoped the chairman would not
trees would not he molested: 1 talked coniine his appointments to the mem-
with -Mayor Horne about It and- he hers present, as he wanted a commlt-
eald he understood that the trees were tee whq_woutd do ho whitewashing,
not to be cut down. Now. the board Alderman AHraayer said he did not
of public works says In the paper this want to say anything about trees, but
moruhig that council ordered the work ‘hot he w-ia astonished at the amount
Tlie. very latest in Silks,
Dress Goods, WrapS and.
House Fnroirhings.
Can certainly- srfve yon
money on your bill ■-
TjyKEN for less than is era-
WANTED—brood men to place Equita
ble Bui.ding and Doan Association
stock In Georgia-, loans promptly
made. George A. Smith, general
manager, Exchange Batik building,
Macon, Ga.
WANTED—8awyer for circular eaw-mlll;
nono but sawyers need apply. Amos-
keag Lumber Company, Amoskeag, Ga.
*50.000—Wo have In bank this amount
to Invest In improved central propeitiy
paying a good Interest. We have
cloeed several large deals this week.
If you wish, cash on desirable proper
ty. call on Geo. W. Duncan & Co..
Real Estate and Loan Agents.
OYSTERS and fish, plenty, finest and
cneanest. Order ns to send what you
want. Dopson, Clarke &■ Daniel.
gives, satisfaction. Your, grocer sells
It. ' t
THANKS—To the M'toon and Northern
lull road for prompt payment In full
for cir load (200 barrels) 'apples
smashed and burned up In wreok:
also for their aurck handling of per-
1'hri'b'o .freight" from the East. Sew
ell Bros.
WANTED—VieHore to Dixie Fair . call
on us for information In regard to Ma
con and auburbs. To pat-ties Interest
ed we keep teams on hand free of
charge. Geo. W. Dur.oan & Co.
WANTED—A onrtoer -with *1.000. Busl
aevs ray* largo.probes. A(lilresa Heal
ing Ba;m Ob.. Macon, Ga.
done, but If you will look at the min.
utca ot this body you will sec that
council only authorised the work on
Oomulgee street. Mr. Chairman, If
you will exeuae the expression, I say
the cutting down of those -trees wan
tile work of grading the streets would
dost, as he had been under the impres
sion all along that the work was to
cost only Iff,000.
Aldermall Van said he had been in
jured more than any. other member of
WANTED—Parlies Interested In rent
ing, selling and exchanging real es
tate to call on headquarters. Geo. W.
Duncan & Oo.
tho most damnable outings ever' 1 per- i council by live work, na they bud cut
petrated In this community, I was J2*l> two fine 'trees In front of his
ntadilLr on flS-tumay -morning than aud Ills family had been without
ever before In my life, and I am Just! *«• In the house for four weeks. They
on angry now. I havo assured Mr. ! Hardly tot water und were otlier-
Ayres und others that tljo tress would UUST** * n 2 t* no complaint '»
not bo cut down and they were look- JL r ®JI 0M ana h * hnd no complaint to
Ing to me to prevent the cutting of ,p?,' „ „ .
them. I was satisfied In my own mind rc £ ma to a
that such n thing would not be at- I ?,„(* -. co 5 Bm> £f* d , wbiv
■tempted." I }•?'to he appointed at the chairman g
Alderman Collins smike with K good mT?' . ... .
deal of feeling and did not nvlnce •uhmltted a cotnmunl-
word* In apeaklng of tho matter. He S**,(!•£!!!!? i? 111 Jf r tt
toxletdd that the matter bo’ Ihvesll- Sre, l ZL2* ' ? l n »Wl,ty to
gated and -the blame bp put where tt ,"?? Pjeommcnd-
belonged. He concluded by Requesting Ing’tbc appoliument of Mr. J. H.John-
Msyor Horne, who occupied n seat In SSJ'-i "* w munl ration wis no-
the meeting for the first time, to make mwi, nrt ,llc tccmiimendathm also
•tatement on the matter.
WANTED—Everyone to visit Chapman’s
English Kitchen during the Dixie Fair.
Meals 25 cents.
Ing the Dixie Fair to call nad make
our office their headqditrters. Ice
-water, aramns and stationery free.
Goo, W. Duncan St Co, ,
gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb.
CHEAP MONEY.—Long time. Edsv
ipaymenKs. Loans Placed for sums of
*500 to *1.000 on Macon real estate.
OdDnoy to bank here. No delay. W.
B. Birch. Masonic Hull.
kidney trouble and catarrh. For sale
at Taylor's drur (store.
ftew -BUCKWHEAT. W-ratelng. at
HOLMES & COUTTS' celebrated extm-
yeast crackers retail at the low price
of lOo a pound.
THE picture frame factory of Macon la
the one owned by W. Lamar will
iams. Finest work, large®! stock.
-Moderate prices.
BRIGHT GIRL or amaljt boy can
mike a neat stun by catn-aaslng for
•".he Bay In Gray." Wrltp for terms
to Rev). George O. Smith, Macon,
The mayor arose and after thanking
council for Iho Privilege of speaking,
''1 am the man -who Is reported to'
furnish the backbone In this matter,,
and 1 do not doubt what the paper said.
When the ptans were (Inst submitted.'
they were shown to air. Carting und
minedf.I w-is inexperienced and relied
Alderman Colllna submitted a reso
lution that the Board of Public Works
change no more grades and atop all
work until official notice was given
from council, "i will be here only two
mourns longer, and I erlah to God my
lime was up tonight," h« said emphat-
J“ny- Djt them stop work on Third
street. I don t want to see any more
WANTED—At very reasonable compensa
tion, by a competent man, with tine of
fice experience, employment In the c«»
or elsewhere. Well recommended In all
particulars: Idle by*are.dent, accustom
ed to work and will do unytlilng that
comes to hand. Please address "Prompt
ly.” cat e this office.
DR, SMITH'S "Boy in Gray" can be
fobnd at McEvoy-Sanders Co. and
at J. W. Burke and Co. Get one for
your boy.
WANTED—150 additional men on Ma
con's eewer system. Good wages and
weakly -pay w aotlve men. Apply to
Gnboury & Noble, office Second and
Oomulgee streets.
t nw iiiaAVTrtdUHVTtl »IIU Ulin* m1na , *
on»tho judvmenit of M«*»n». Wilcox. 11M PrfJ* * ** njapo and don’t
Carting, and asked MaJ. Wilcox about "bout them.” Hew he
again loslsccd on the chairman ap-
poll ting Somebody to take his pines
*. ,re * t committee, but while he
was doing so Chslrm in Sperry de
clared the meeting adjourned.
MaJ. Wlloox about
•he cost, end he raid It would not be
much more thin mat saved by the
traWafer of tho sevvem. If 1 had had the
experience of Mi;, t'nrltng and Copt.
Wilcox, .and had Jtnbwo then how tho
atreet* would look. .I.would not -havo
recommended the adoption of the plans.
1 acknowledge mv ml«-:nkc In eons-ilt-
Inv with Mr. Patrick Instead of MaJ.
'Vl fox: but Mr. Patrick and raysMf
visited tho pl ica und had n tacit agree
ment that the -trews were net o bo dls-
urbesl. but that the road wiui o slope
-from both sides." Here Mayor Iloree
gave the conversation between Mr. Put-
vlek and hlnuelf. «nd called on Mr.
Tdkrick. who was present, to verify
what he him said. Mr. Patrick did so.
Now. I would succeed that a commit
tee other than <he atreet committee be
appointed to Ipveslrate this matter nn.l
puce the blame where tl properly Hc«."
cold Mayor Horne. „Ho a'So asked Mr.
I-atrlck If ho had Informed tho Wd of
public works a* to the umtcral.vndlng
between them before the work ot cm-
t nx the ire as wv* ordeml. Mr. Tat-
i ck raid he had. The mnynr th»n said
Work* Commissioner Ware
bod told Mm -that It bad not.
"Banrhie sentiment," raid Mayor
IlMorae. 1 believe -that the olvatigcs will
improve the properly." Ho concluded
by toying that the-coat of carrying out
tho work would bo, according
to the ecu mate of Mr. I'ahOek end the
brawl of public works, and that ha.l he
known It would cost so much he would
not have recommended It He thought
he and Colllna had been
shown dlreourloiy, and there was no
resaon why the board uf public works
ehouM take such eimwiary ppvedure.
It looked to him like vvnderhandisl
work, and he did not hesitate to say
that be tWought the bhivvo should reat
cv the board of public wortox
Alder man Colllna said that be hear
tily agreed with Mayor ltorne and
moved that a comnvlltee of throe other
than the street committee be appointed
Jo Investigate the mutter and put the , - JBL vru . r
blame on those to vvhuvv It belonged, yreterday taking the Johnson estate
He wanted a good committee apivoiut- cut of the bands ct Mr GrorgT W
Duncan, who woo appointed tempo!
rary receiver sever.C Mays ago. and
putting It back In the hands of Mr.
chirw ^v’f ?, 0dr,r *' wa » formerly had
The estate‘was put In the hands of
Mr. Duncan on the eptltton of P. Lorit-
lard A Co., one of the creditor*, but
ycJtervliv a hearing was had bofor
Judge liar-daman, and he reinstated
administrator, but en-
J.vinc-l him from disposing of auy of
■the property. J
The order issued by Ordinary Wlle;-
ssme Ume ago requiring Mr. Rod.eerr
to atrengthea Ms bond still stands and
he baa some time yet to set uevv
aawunt of the bond
S’.SO.WO. which makes it the biggest
bond In the city.
Kv* Payne, revs of Shellman'a
eTu titl'd’ B* Annlo Cratg during the
p ' lynn ' herself an nrtlst of
Tm S especial delight In the art
department, y
are to ’tn'i if,™’ ,v ,vl ^hen of Atlanta
are In the city, the guesets of Mr. and
*!?•»: k- M nck, In Vlnevllle. Mr.
Grand Lodge Dd n * th0 n>w ' llnr of tht
■Misses Addle Cock and Twin Humber,
charming young ladles from Mil-
"*• *T ,h,> *"'■*•* of Mr*. Em-
met 13.1 mm In Vlnevllle. ,
. MlJ^’ln CllKttrxy, n popular
SdMsJ'&S* A . n > < ’ rtcu »- •* in the city
JJjUnr Mrs. James Callaway, 530
Washington avenue.
I Hsssey Of Marahallvllle
1—^? 1 ** hl tud Pollen', on Third
street, during the fair.
Dr. n. W. Walker, Dentist. Kill sec
ond street (over Solomon'* Jewelry
•tore!. Macon. Ga.
pro&^tore foThe'c’ltr 0 "* th#
the'vURore ^the' Mr**™* lS * m ° ae
Dr. W. B. Dheatham
here to attend the fair.
'Mrs. R. A C.rooms and son .m
quite 111 al toelr home. *55 As? street!
Mr. Jullen S. Rodger* Resumes Charge
of the Johnson Estate.
Cheatham ot Dawson lx
Judge Kardrman passed an order
and virtue ha*
j BOinrUmr» "ilmxl
r } Wti* whfD you
gat Bills in kmkj
^«xxwn or p wte-
boar*i boxi*. For
thnt re«3QQ, Pr.
Fier»V» l‘l.*RMint
Fdlt'U &r\> eoaIixI
up in littte xlasa
viola, juat Uk» ains
und ahape to carry about with you. Tln*u,
when you feQ Lilloua or con^iiM»t«vl, have a
fit of uuilcofUon after dlnnrr, or foci a cold
cominx ou, vhay're always rtedy for you.
Theyrr the aniallrat, the |>le*L:AUtt»t to
take, atul the moat thoroughly Mtural NU>
edy. With Sick or Bilious Headaohea, Sour
bioraarb, Dyapapcin, Jaumiicss DuLtiueaa.aud
•U deraacemenu ot the Liver, Stomach, and
Bowefe, they give you a tailing cure.
Headache; obstruction of none; discharges
falling Into throat; tym vivak; ringing In
Can; offendv» lirralb; U aivl taste Sm-
pahtd, and general debihtr—tbeuo are aomo
of the symplcma of Catarrh. Dr. Sage *
Catarrh Binody has cured thousands of
the wont caus,—triii cure you.
San Frunclaro. Oct 30.-E. C. \\*a;tc,
•uwtafy of state, dlctl suildculy this
WANTED—To sell you s '94 model
Denumoro typewriter, best machine
in the world. J. E. MUtter. agent.
'Phone No. 2Sd.
FOR RENT—A nice residence; 7 rooma;
Orange street. Apply 611 Cotton avenue.
HOUSEKEEPERS—Our stock Is newer,
finer and larger than any other
house. Wc ore headquarters for ev-
everythlng from A to Z. Leave your
orders with us If you want a fine
■thanksgiving turkey, celery and
oranberrles to match. John'
H-'lmea & Oo.
CENTRAL, give me um. is tnat air.
Keen? Yes, madam. Please stna me
two boxes Saratoga chips 1 think tney
are excellent.
WE HAVE a lot of tinware we will
give-away for wrappers of large pack
ages of Rhorcr’s Bread Raising. W.
C. Turpin & Co.
SARATOGA CHIPS are all uve rage, ask
your grocer for them.
FOR RENT—Seven-mom* residence, too
Clinton street. East Macon, with cne
-irro garden. Three minutes irt-n elec
tric care. Very durable! price low. Ap
ply at Macon Savings Bank.
rOU nENT-*21 Orange street; seven
rooms, gas and water, car line. Apply
to J. N. Birch.
of pure cream of tartar and soda and
Is guaranteed strictly pure. To In
duce you to try Turpin's Baking Pow
der wo will, .for a short time, give
with eqoh pound can of powder a
pound can of Holmes & Courts' cele
brated oakes or salttnes both for. 40
cents. Turpin's Is sold by the lead
ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking
Powder Company. Macon. Ga.
FOR SALE-Very cheap. One 20-horse
boiler, new; for flrat man a bargain.
Jacob Hlrsch, 610 Fourth street.
FARM for sale or renL Well located,
with comfortable dwelling end Improve
ments. on Holton road? H. V. Washing
ton, 601 Mulberry street.
FOR SALE}—A fine Jflngliah breach*
loading double* -barrel - ahot gun* U
fcorot «oUI OJttfUuon* .&irgatn.. c. H.
I AmiCXdon. 271 Oranwe euven.
FOR sale, lease or rent. «b« Moxley
Box Works of three acres, near brew
ery. on t>'juthenn' railroad. Seven ten
ant houses that pay *55 per month.
Fine opportunity (or right isuty.
Geo. W. Duncan & Co.
Lhe pluco 4o. get your «neajs. F.ah.
oysters and game served.
beat made. Ilayo you tried tt?
FOR. the brat, dumbing, go to Jarrett
& Abet. Pooler * treat, satisfaction
guaranteed. (
GOOD ROOMS, dmi-ciaas fare at the
Gray house, one block from Union de-
. pot. on car line. 431 pine. Mrs. H. JL.
OEORGIA CANE SYRUP 40c. per gal-
In at Gtuo*jGP0o*ty Co.
MAN aad wife (rant to tore 4o run
farm In Florida. Apply too ,T. Bran-
nan. car* TeWxraah.
43 PER CENT, average weekly profits
on *130 Invested. Prospectus. Itemised
statistics free, ncnsxi A Dwyer, ill
Broadway. Xtw York.
DON'T buv until you see atyj price our
good*. OriceOrow Co.
corn's,' Third street, near Mulberry.
CHRIST CHURCH-Th*. pews at
Christ Church will be rented foe the
ensuing year on Thursday, November
Wit. The treasurer will be ox the
church from U to U o'clock. .
J100.000—W« have Gila amount of out-
(dde money to Invest In Macon prop
erty. It must be Improved, ond pay
ing a good Interest. Call on Geo. W.
Duncan. A Cb.
oakes are made from new materials
of the very highest standard of ex
cellence; they have been awarded tho
premium over all competitors wher
ever exhibited, and -ire pronounced
the finest manufactured In the world.
If you use cakes or biscuits, why not
buy the beet. Sold by tho loading
fancy grocers.
Large shipments just received, ordered specially for Fair
trade, much cheaper than early in the season. Everything
figured down to a basis of cotton at 5 cents a pound." 60 pieces
Domestic Dress Goods, 36 inches wide, specially selected pat
terns, as a leader this week at 10c a yard—good value at double
the price. Another case those SI.50 Si J k Gloria Umbrellas,
ladies and gentlemen, as a leader this week at $1,' 50 dozen
every-threatl linen Ladies’White Hemstitched Hnndkerchief's at
15c each, former price 25c. 50 dozen ladies’ Union White Hem
stitched-• Handkerchief's at oc each'.' 'The largest stock Press
Goods'in the city from which to make selection. The newest
things in-Trimmings just received.
WRAPS—Ladies’and Misses’stylish'Coats and Capes at
prieps to suit the times. See our stock of Children’s Reefers
and Gretchens. t : | . ... '
DRESti-MAKING—Everything figured, down to an exact
science. Mine. Groham is achieving wonders jn her depart
ment. Now York facilities at far less expense. Leave orders
now for the approaching holiday season.
Yet .. ..
WELL, how do you Uko us—our goods.
and our price*? Our strong point Is
that we ore soiling a line of bod-room
suits, dress era. Wardrobes, bureaus.
vvashs.Mndi*. bedsteads, chairs, stoves.
In fact, everything kept In a. firat-
class furniture store, that are une
qualled In price* and quality. It will
pay you to call and examine our stock
before purchasing elsewhere. A. S.
Thomas, 653 Poplar etreeL
Hr —iron—
§ Rheumatism, s
| Neuralgia, |
I Sciatica J
We have made arrangement* by
which we axe offering to tha rcadera of
the Telegraph the Demorest Cut Paper
Patterns, which are worth from 29 tt> 6fl
cento each, thus making every copy ot
the paper worth from 10 to 40 cento*
Cut! out the coupon below and mail ao*
cordng to directions bn it and you will
receive by mall the pattern in the size
Securely bound in handsome
cloth, now ready for
If you visited the Fair
you can appreciate this volume
and if you -did not it is the
next best thing to a visit
Come and see it When will
you ever again have an offer
of 180 fine Photographic Views
handsomely bound for 30 cents.
This is all it will cos! you if
you will clip out the following
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The Telegraph.
559—FRANCHENE WATST. Sizes for
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