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Ad Uaprecedented Attel
at tlie Dixie Fail
20,000 PEOPLTfERE Tf
It Was left for the Drut
Break the Record for
Special Days,
The Pompeiian fironndi Couldn’j
commodate the Great Crowd
Night—Col. Bob Plant** HorceJ
Merman, Won the $1,000
—Broke the'Record*
It was left for the drummers to have
the biggest of all the days,, and more
l>eople were seen on the fair grounds
yesterday and last night than during
the whole of last week and Jurlug any
other two days of the fair.
This statement might be doubted by
those who are uuused to sizing up
crowds, but when one familiar with
* this sort of tiling begins to figure It
down he pretty soon finds that the at-
'leudance yesterday surpassed all off
hand calculations.
Ho figures say, at 3 o’clock, MOO
people scuted In the grand stand,
with 1,000 more on the outside and he
Nsecs 2,000 more hanging over the fence
all tlie way around from the grand
stand to too Pompeiian grounds, and
there he has 8,000 people lh sight. Jle
goes at once to Midway and finds 2,000
more packed and jammed in the streets
and discovers an extra thousand seated
In the different theatrts and beer gar
dens. He looks over the crowd gath
ered to see the De Comas and sizes it
up for another round thousand, making
12,000 In all. Ho secs 2,000 more peo
ple sanding elbowing batweeu the.
front of floral ball to the far end of
old dining ball. He flnds a thousand
more scattered in the rear of floral
hall, a good thousand on the top floor
of tho building and 2,000 on tho first
floor, making in all 13,000 people In
sight, and then he safely counts on
2,000 more scattered around In tho
stock pens, clivus tents, peep shows
and the thousand and one other little
deadfalls, and when he sums It up no
has a crowd of 20,000 pwplo within
the park enclosure.
There Is no mistake about this, as
the secretary's books will show, fur
over $8,000 In gate receipts were hoard
. from before uigfit, aud It must be taken
Into consideration that tots dees not
Include courtesy tickets, season and
helpers’ rickets, all of which usually
put several thousand people Into tho
park each day.
Just one more day like yesterday and
tlie Dixie Fair will bo out of tho weeds
and reasonably certain of piovlug a
grand financial success. The munugc
ment Is already feeling good and Dixie
Fair stock is going right up to par
And It all comes from giving the peo
ple a big show. A smaller show- might
have lost money, but. with such an ar
ray of attractions na tho Dixie Fair
presents the people can’t keep away,
and its success is assured. This Inform
ation Is written advisedly, ft comes
from headquarters, hut It Is not uec-
ewary to state from whom It epianated.
It Is sufficient to know that the fair
Is now a oomplete success, or will be
before the gates close for tlie week
tomorrow night. Then the show begins
ovor again aud holds for four days
next week. The city will remain full
of people and tho big fair will eontlnne
to attract aud entertain thousands of
people every day.
There Is yet another week of the
Dlslo Fair, and If the rule which baa
applied so far holds good, It will to
bigger and bettor each day.
Macon can but feel proud of her
drummers, as well as a host of their
brothers, who came in yceterday to
help them make drummer's day a suc
It was a conspicuous success In ev
ery sense of.the word and to the Jolly
drummers belongs the credit. The Ma
con drummers left their gripe down the
road a day oritwo ago and began run
ning in home to take a hand in drui»
lner-s day. They were yester
day and no city la Georgia could have
a bettor thowing. One drummer
eald he would pay a reward .of |to for
Rny Macon drummer who was. found
working his trade yesterday. If any-
uts ' ! h uame of a single
Mucon drummer who spent the day
outside of Macon he can get paid for
The drummers met at the Brown
bod?,? 1 ,!! 0 ocI S ck a!ld marched liTi
body to tile park over 100 slronr rJI
' vm Hateman and Julius’ otto
V r *e the marshals of the parade ,
t-mi-raM DJ Tho tll d pr '-’ cc ’ is:ou like born
dnimrrairs all -nvtr*
friends OnJaycdlhlcHy w?'h ffii