The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 04, 1894, Image 11

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1894. ll ft y THROUGH EYES FEMININE. “Whene'er a woman vow? so love you In Fortunes s^i■ e; Makes protestations ilia* would provo you Ker soul's delight; Swears that no other io/e shall win her By passion .tlrred- Belleve her not; the oharmlug sinner Will break her vow." l'he past week has certainly been ns gay socially as any one could wish. The many attiaoi'ons at tile liir. the theatre and numerous Bmall entertain ments have kept t'j- ! ell-s and hea.s on a continue is ito. Next week promises to be quite gay, since two gcriuin* «*e t»j»«l f r Tik-s- day and Friday. -tlW at :lte .Vends* my ol Music wul l-tns a r-'.ty n.t '-n masse tomorrow night While the so cial season was |- •« in lieamnmg it lias ceru.laly come - r, wun n tush and the ball w li h »ep rolling now until the Lenten .31. n. The arrival -if M'st Miry Howard .n Macon us thr suest ■>( Mist Annie Han son will occasion nj..y enUiBil'nmtt.s In her honor. <Ja Thursday evening, after the opera "Isles of Champagne. Miss Hanson lnvlteti several couples to her home to an Impromptu and Infor mal "ch.ifln8^1i.ii party." MM Han son Is a delightful hostess arid die (..>. tunate few enjoyed ti the utmost Hie palatable Weish rarebit which Miss Hanson knows so well how to prepare. The guest;: were Mias Howard, Miss Hatcher. Miss Cl.shy and Sllss Mart ham. -Messrs. Pickett, Phillips. Wa'dtn, Martin, Nelli ran and Walker of At- jaota. Miss Howard is deservedly one of the belles of 3eoc»ia. an 1 Is til* re cipient of social homage* wherever eho . goes. GEORGIA SOUTHERN A1 FLORIDA RAILROAD, -POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE- “Snwanee River Route 1 to Florida." Is the only di rect line from Jacksonville, Palatka, St. Augustine, Ocala, Sanford, Titusvill, Bartow, Tampa, And all points In Florida and Cuba. Our trains arrive and depart from Onion de- pota In Macon and Palatka. DEPARTURE3-S0UTHB0UND. No. 1 for Montgomery and Fu- latka 11:10 a m No. 31 for Jacksonville and Ba ltics 10:33 pm No. 5 for Tlfton 4:50 p m No. 31 for LaGrange 4:U> p m No. 61 for LaGrange 8:00 am ARRIVAL8-NORTHBOUND. No 2 from Palatka and Mont gomery No. 4 from Palatka and Jack- ■onvllle 4** * ** No. 6 from Ttfton . No. 32 from LaGrange a m No. 62 from LaGrange....... 2:45 P m GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GULF JL XL The Only Line Running Double Dally Trains Between Columbus and Atlanta. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 14. H01. NORTHBOUND. UND VOLUMES Lv. Columbus Lv. Wavorly Hall .. Lv. Oak Mountain Lv. Warm Springs.... Lv. Woodbury Lv. Concord Lv. Williamson.....*... Ar. Griffin Ar. Macon, C. R. R ... Ar. Atlanta. C. R. R. Lv. Griffin Lv. McDonough No. 61 | No. 63 Daily 1 Dally 7:10 a.m.| 8:20 p.ra. 4:14 p.m, 4:25 p.n 6:00 p.n 5:22 p.n 6:51 p.n 12 p.n OKI a. 10-00 fi:30 p. 7:35 p.m. 10:23 p. 11:30 a.m.j 8:05 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 7:30 p.m. SOUTHBOUND. Mrs. Stetson invited a few friends on Thursday afternoon to un informal ten. The feature of the party :r.#» out- tl-nsr of the wedding: cake recently used nt 'the- marriage of Atlas LUa D.irr;»n of Perry to Mr. Pate of HawkinsvJHe. Among the number of young ladles present were Misses Roger*, Wiley, daBose, Boynton, Smith, Talbott Hatcher, Willingham, Wing and Wise. Sleeves are still the pronounced feature of the bodice and aUhoutrn tho inflated leg-of-mu*:t->u_ is the most pop* ular. there are any number of fancy designs, with elbow puffs, draperies, puffs, etc. There Is no decrease in style, and. If possible, they uv> larger than ever. The sagging sleeve is more Stylish than «the DOudant one. The necks of bodice* are finished with standing collars, but more gener- h|*y with bias bands of silk, velvet or chiffon, with onormjiis rosettes on cither side, the front being left plain und laid in fold©. Much of tho trimming Is now set*on in perpendicular lows, this stylo caus ing tho /figure to iook sleuder,” Corsages come Just below tile waist and are finished with :t crushed belt or narrow tresade.’* Fancy waists of tany description are conspicuous by the*r presence; those of lace, not or chiffon maw be worn over different colored Mlks.” The dainlest, and yet the haudsomest this fancy' waist seen this season was worn by -Miss Mantle Hatcher at the opera Thursday evening. The bodice was a perfect cloud of soft plnl; chiffon, over. Taffeta silk; the yoke and cuffs wero shirred In many small tucks; the collar and belt were made of chiffon rosecles und the sleeves were tremendous puffs of the same dlaphonous stuff. A dain ty opera bonnet of pink velvet and a bou quet of meteor rosjs helped to complete tho toilette, which was especially be - corning to Mis© Hatch *r. Mrs. C. Cooper left for Americus Friday after a week pleasantly spent •with her parents, Air. and Mrs. H. E. Oliver. Mr. Pleas Patterson Is in the city to enjoy *he fair. There Is a decided flare, bu*t. not an exaggerated one, noticeable In nklrts, most of the fullness being set in tho back ill godet or organ pleats, doublo box pleat©, etc. The basks of skirts must toe stifly lined to set well. Fnssengers la local sleeper, northbound, can sleep until 7 a.m. Passengers from Jacksonville for Macon proper snould take this sleeper at Lake City. The "Dixie Flyer.” leaving Macon at 10:33 p. m. carries through Pullman buf. fet sleeping car to Jacksonville and local sleeper to Palutka, arriving In Jackson ville at 8:30 a. m. and Palatka at y a. m. West India fast mail train leaving A.acon at UdO a. m. makes direct connection at Cordele with S. A. M. fust express ror Montgomery, arriving there at 7:53 p. m., at which point close connection is made with Louisville and Nashville vestibuled 1 Imlted for Nfw Orkana and all Texas points. Sleeping car accommodations rose rved In Macon for this train. The Suwanec River Route is the only direct line from Macon to Palatka and all interior Florida points, close connection being made at Palatka In Union depot with Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West, Florida Southern and Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Indian River .-adroad; also with St. Johns and Ocalawaha river steamers. Sleeping car accommodations reserved to Jacksonville, Palatka or New Orleans. Further information cheerfully and promptly furnished upon .application. Telephone 100. Send your name and address for beautiful photogravure. J. LANE. Q. A. MACDONALD. Genl. Manager, OenL Passenger Aft., Macon, Ga. Macon, Go. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. NEiW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND V , BOSTON. Passage From Savannah: wl TO NEW YORK: CapSn, $20; Excursion, $82; Steerage, f’ 510.00. TO BOSTON : Cabin, $22; Excursion, $30; Steerage, $11.73. TO PHILADELPHIA, VIA NEW YORK. Cabin, $2G.50; Excursion,-$30; Steer age, $12.50. Atlanta and New Orleans Short Line, ATLANTA and WEST POINT R. R. Gulckc.t und Beat Simile. Montgomery, Selma, Mobile, New Or leans, Texas and Southwest. Lv. McDonough.. .. Ar. Orltftn Lv. Macon. C. R. R Lv. Atlanta. C. R. R Lv. Griffin Lv, -Wim>unsoii Lv. Concord Lv. Woodbury Lv. Worm Springs.. Lv. Oak Mountain..-. Lv. Wavorly Hall.... Ar. lollumbus All trains arrive and depart Union de pots at Columbus and Griffin. Ask f >t tickets and see that they teaA \la the Georgia Midland ami Gulf No. W Dally 8:15 a.m. 8:37 8-m. 4:15 n.m. 7:30 n.m. 9:06 a.m. 9:03 n.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:16 UUf. a.m. U:10 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 423 p.m. 6:54 p.m. 6:18 p.m. 6:51 p.m. 6:59 p.m. 7:34 p.m. 8:04 p.m. s.H P-m. 9:05 p.m. CLIFTON JONES, Gen. Pas. Agt. C. W. CHEARS, Gen. Manager. Columbus. Ga. Tho great popularity which this mag nlflcent work h«e attained In aerial MACON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, OCT. SO, 1KM. , |PM|P M. t0Tm hai1 Icd U8 to ma,w arrangement with the publishers by which wa ©an offer bound volumes at an almost unheard of price* Read Down. AM.|AM| . — I 8 45|Lv....'. Macon Ar 6 j JlOttjLv Machen Ar III 82|Lv...* Madison .•••A , *| > *'l I 2 03 Lv Athens ,....Ar SWl 1 3 35ILV.... Abbeville ...*Dv 13HIA M. 4 23 Lv.... Greenwood ..Lv Chester Monroe Dv Raleigh . Weldon ....LV Richmond 623 Lv... j 806jLv... A M.I12 26jLv... j 306Lv... 5 401Arp 11143JP.M I 9« Ar.. Washington ..Lv 739 lUOO Ar... Bshlmove --'"1 ‘“1 UVlir.. PhllftdelphU ..L v | Southbound. No. 35. No. 60. No. 33. Lv. Macon.. I 4 35 pm| 7 66 ami 7 65 nm Lv. Atlanta J 5 35 am| 4 20 pm 1 30 pm Ar. Montgomery.(U 0G am| 9 20 pm| 8 30 pm Ar. Pensacola...i 6 55 pm| 5 30 amj 6 30 am Ar. Mobile....'....} 5 20 pmj 3 06 am| 3 05 Am Ar. New Orrs....J10 25 pm| 7 35 am| 7 35 am Ar. Houston | (10 50 pm|10 50 pm TO SELMA. •Leave Montgomery........I 9 30 pm| 8 10 am Arrive Selma ju 15 pmju 16 am Train 37 carries Pullman vestibule sleeper New York to New Orteans, and h , ffton to jj cw York city., ^ dining car to Montgomery. Train 38 ticket office la temporarily located at The magnificent steamships of those lines are appointed to e»U as follows, standard Umei SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. (Central or 90th Meridian Time.) City of Augusta....Men., Nov. 5,11:00 am City of BIrmgham.Wed., Nov. 7, 1:00 pm Kansas City Frl., Nov. 9. 2:00 pm Chattahoochee Sat., Nov. 10, 3:00 pm Kacoochee Mon. Nov. 12, 4:30 pm Tallahassee Wed., Nov. 14, 6:00 am City of Augusta....Frl., Nov. 16, 7:30 am City of Blrmlnghm.&aL, Nov. 17, 7:00 pm Kansas City Mon., Nov. 19, 10:00 am Chattahoochee ...Wed., Nov. 21* 12:30 pm Nacoochae Frl., Nov. 23. 2:00 nm Tallahassee Sat., Nov. 24. 3:00 pm City of Augusta....Mon. Nov.26, 6:00 pm City of BIrmgham.Wed., Nov. 28, 6:00 am Kansas City Frl., Nov. 80, 720 am SAVANNAH TO BOSTON. Buttons are extensively used again. "Lincoln green is one of the favorite colors for tailor gowns and Jacketo.” * City of Macon....Thur., Nov. 8, 1:30 pm Gate City Thur., Nov. 16, 6:30 pm City of Macon....Thur., Nov. 22, 1:00 pm Gate City ....Thur., Nov. 29, 6:30 pm __ quite the newest «thlng Just now, and is a comprom&e between the navy and lighter shades of •blue.’* "A pinkish violet Is one of the lovely shades Ih velvet and Raft-flnishod satin.” "Chevetto is a delicate yellowish pink. "Petemla is a pale reddish purplo much lllced for evening wear. "Fuchsia and currant red are much used. "Goblin blue Is among the revived colors.” MACON, DUBLIN AND SAVANNAH KAILUOAJJ. Time Table Vo. 13, Taking EiToct Sunday, Scptembdr 9, 1894. HuO Dowd. WM up. Bun.| | | (bun. I wonder if the new fad in visiting card©—the thin card—will meet with favor. They are no heavier than a good quality of raper, and yet for a year past the proper thing In engrav ing has been tho large, heavy type; certainly the two will not look well to gether. So what will the devotees of "fads and fashions” do about it? •MIsa Emma Wise will spend the greater part of November In Wilming ton, N. C. 6lie will be aadly missed In the social world, but Macon's loss wJU lH5 Wilmington's gain. Miss Wise will bo. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. SVI©e. SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (This ship does not carry passengers.) Dessoug ...Thur., Nov. 8, 1:30 pm Dessoug Bun., Nov. 18, 8:00 ora Dessoug Wed., Nov. 28, 6:00 am J. P. BECKWITH. G. A. Jacksonville, Fla. Walter Hawkins, F. P. A., Jacksonville. W. E. Arnold. G. T. P. A., Jacksonville. C. G. Anderson, Agent, Savannah, Ga, UTATlONb. P MjP M| 4 001 IA M|A M 10 90(10 16 10 20|10 05 10 10 8 16 Mr. Alfred Colquitt Newell left yes terday for Milledgeville, where he will spend Sunday. Tho announcement exf tho marriage of Mr. Jim Stewart will interest the numerous friends of that popular young gentleman all over die state. On November 14 Mr. Stewart will be mar ried to Mias Lillian Holmes of Jones county. Miss Holmes Is Justly consid ered one of the handsomest women in the state and i« a perfect type of pure and lovable womanhood. Mr. Stewart Is In every wuy worthy. Purify your blohd, tone up tho sys tem, and regulate tho.digestive organs by taking liood'a Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of JunstioQ City, Ill., was told by her doctors that *he had consumption mid that there waB no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery completely cured her, and she says it saved her lire. Mr. Thos. Eggers. 129 Florida aireet. San Francisco, suff red from a dreadful cpld. approaching consump tion. tried without result everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, and In two weeks was cured. He Is naturally thankful. It Is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the won derful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at H. J. Lamar & Son’s drug store. Reg- vlsr site. 50c. and SI. Goodwyn A Small, druggists, rec ommend Johsou’s Magnetic Oil, the family pain killer, internal and external. 8 001.......... Macon 3 061...M. A N. Junction... 3 13 Swift Creek 3 30 Dry Branch 3 40 Pikes Peak 2 50 Fitaparlsk 4 00) Ripley 4 201 JeffersonvUla .... 4 361 Galllmore ..... 5 00 Danville 5 12 ....... AUeitovn ...... 5 221 Montrose ....... 6 50| Dudley 8 071 Mooro 6 301........ Dublin JAS. T. WRIGHT, Oeneral Manager. X). B. DUNN, Superintendent, carries Fufilman vestibule steeper New Or- Jeamo to Now York and dining car to At lanta. Trains 34 and 35 Pullman Buffet Sleep ing Cars between Atlanta and Mont gomery. GEO. C. SMITH, Pres, and Gen. Mgr. JOHN A GEE, Gon. Pass. Agt. GEO. W. ALLEN, T. P. A., Atlanta SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY- WESTERN SYSTEM. SOUTHBOUND. Leave Macon Arrive Cochran...,,,,, Arrive Hawkinsville... Arrive Eaetman....... Arrive Jeeup Arrive Brunswick Arrive Jacksonvine.... Arrive Savannah ; I No. It- 1 No. 13._ 10 45 pm!ll CO am 12 13 amll2 43 pm ‘ 7 40 am 3 40 pm 12 64 am 4 15 am 6 16 am 8 25 am 6 65 am 1 28 pro 5 15 pm 7 IS pm 9 25 pm 9 47 pm northbound. J No. 12. I No. 14. I No. 11 iJ’ %“!!—•! * JOxntj i 25 pml 8 25 .m Ar. Atlanu. ' " or-—l - — _ . „ , 7 85 ajnj 7 50 pm 11 45 am .I 1 90 tmfu 00 pm 2 OCpm P*. I , ton J",V u n J 3 20 am 11 51 pm £j lt ? wh J l, 12 47 Pm| 4 10 nm| 8 87 pm Ar. Chatno,a.| l 20 pml 4 45 am| 7 10 pm •*" £h«tno»».J | 7 J0nm| 7 20 pm Ar. Cincinnati) j 7 4Spm| 7 80 am Lv. Chatno».| \ 7 00 ami 7 45 pm Ar. Memphli-I | g io piu) 7 00 am Lv. Chatnoca.l 9 00ami 6 65 pm Lv. Ooltewh Jl I 3 M ..J It 97 nm Ar Knoxvtll,.. THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENT3. Southbound. Ne. 1L—Solid vestlbulod train to Jick- .onvlllo, with Pullman buffet drawlni .uuvui., mm runman nuff.t drawlm room car. attached (or Jacluoavlll* and Brunswick. No. 18. Solid train tor Brun.wlok. Northbound. No. 1*.—Bolld vestibule train to At- UnUj connecting with Ibcol train (or ChetUnooie and way itaUone. Carrie, Pullman eleepln, ear. between Macon and Chattanooga. No. 14.—Solid train to Chattanooxo. , tnm Atlanta, con- MomphliTlmd ^noxvVlha C “’ Clnn ‘ U - No. 18—Carries free chair car to Chit- M a } tac hsd to eolld ves tibule train for Cincinnati, with Pullman SS&SLSS? "connection? at 121 Chatunoog.. with fast In 111 U 9 06 866 830 816 8 00 745 720 7 U 7 C0| 8 00 * i0 I rectlons. • M For full Information • *-5 j rateo, etc., apply to da to route* JIM W. CARR* »06 peeienaer and Ticket Aaent MaconJ On. C. H. Hjideon. lluufir, Knoxville, Tenn. W. A. Turk. General Passenger Agent, Washington. D. C. J. J. Farnsworth. Division Passenger .ranL At -nta dm Akont, At’*nU. Go. C A. Benacoter. Acsletant General Paeeengcr Asent. Knoxville. Tenn. P M ''»U|Ar.'.. r N^w YS'r'k .'.'.Lv| 220 P M p.eeenacr trains wliratO^,** OWS'gg* street to take on and W ott pawygjg; ar. ftgtffs sftSitti nS™14SJ Florida Railroad. Bast TennesMC \ irg i ^Second—No!*402 leaving ^MiddleGeo?: makes cloro connection with Oeor at MadP B °vv*iipib-Wlth solid train for Wdshlng* iTStm* S“i or „iw ttR eata * E. T. HORN. Genera\ Manager. ■. C. MAHONEY. Act’d O. P. A. Columbus Southern Railway ■nmo Table No. SI. Effective Sept. 13, 1»M- SOUTHBOUND. 1 No. L 1 Dully. No. 3. M’ndy. Wed’y No. 5. Friday. Sitdy. Lv Columbus. . Lv Richland. . . Lv Dawson. . . Ar Albany. . . Ar ThomaBvlllc. Ar Brunswick. . Ar Jacksonville.. 3:49 pm 627 pm 6:40 pm 7:40 pm 11:00 am 8:10 am 8:25 am 7:00 am| 7:00 am 9:20 ajn| 9:20 am 12:46 am ill ^2 am 2:30 pmj 1:00 pm 6:40 pm! 6:10 pt>» 8:10 in] 8:10 am 8:25 amj 8:25 am NORTHBOUND. No. a. Dally. No. 4. | No. 0. Tueady.l Friday. Thusdy.| Satdy. Sights and Scenes of the World wt, first published as a high-class art work* «nd wss sold by subsoiiptto. only. A tow ooples ot th» original adltlon remain unsold, and w. hav» o*> cured them (or the benefit o( our readers. They ar. printed upon extra, heavy mauve-tinted enameled paper and upon one aide of the paper only, making a book twice ae thick a. the twenty-one part, would be. The work, manshlp la superb, ae they were th. first Impressions from the original plates. They are elegantly and gtrongly bound, with specially designed title, on aide and back, the Rueeia edition having marble edges and th. full Morocco gold edges. By taking all there wa. left ot th. original edition w. ore en&b'cd to offer thle unaurpaeced work at the following very attractive prices: In beet English cloth (publisher*, price, 16.60; our price* It. In hit Morocco, (publisher’s prloe, 17.50); our price, 18,60. In full Russia, (publisher's prloe 89); our prloe, 84, In full Morocoo, (publisher’, prlo. 810); our prlet, 84.60 i i For out-of-town orders rsmlt 64 oeats extra and the book will be delivered to you by prepaid express, securely packed. This U An Unusual Opportunity Lv Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick. . Lv Thomasvillc. Lv Albany. . . . Ar Dawson. . . Ar Richland. . . Ar Columbus. 7:00 pm 7:25 pm 2:20 pm C:50 am 7:60 am 9:00 am 10:60 raj. Trains No*. 1 and 2 a^rlvo aud depart from Union depots at Columbus and Al bany. Trains Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 4 •arrive and de part at foot of Seventh street, Columbus. 7:00 pm ".«» pin 2:20 pm 7:00 am 9.06 am 11.10 am 2:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:25 pin 8:00 am 3:00 pm 4:31 pm 6:27 pm 9:00 pm To procure this king of oil art works at a ridiculously low price and tftfould be taken Advantage of at ones, os only a few are left. Remember that the book to complete and all ready for the library or centre table; 360 full-page views, size 11x13 inches and printed upon one side of the paper only. EaoM picture Is worthy of a frame. Samples can be seen at the office of the Telegraph, where all orders should be addressed. H. C. LULL, Superintendent. (iliONEii AND WESTEBN RAILROAD TIME CARD NO. % To Take Effect Monday. April i, im. Not. I end 2 will run dally except Sun. day. All others Irregular. Down. Ret |MU«^ i MI!m| 1 . Lv. Dublin .Ar 53 6 .. Hutchings .. 44 10 .Spring Havoa. 42 11 .... Pext«r .... 49 11 i. n Alcorns ... 17 12 .... Chenier ... 34 a ... Yonkers-... 30 21 .... Empire .... .... Empire .... S4 » .... Cypreae ... 14 44 . Hawkinsville 14 47 • , M Orovanla ... 0 P. M. IM 4 48 4S 416 8 K 146 129 J OOiT. 220** 2 If 296 " Close coanectlone made at Dublin with WrlghtsvlUe and Tennllle rsJlroed la both directions. East Tennessee. Virginia and-Georgia trains poos Empire os follows: Going flouth...... II M pm Going North 2 it pa J. W. HIGHTOWER, a ML B. T. MAHONEY, a F. A P* A. CENTRAL R. R. of GrJEORGrIA. H. M. COMER AND R. & HAYES. RECEIVERS. Scbedul. In effect oet. 4th. 1894. SOsnd.ra Time, 90th Merldl.n- BETWEEN MACON. COLUMBUS. BIRMINGHAM. MONTGOMERY AND ALBANY. Rand, McMly & .Co/s ATLAS OF THE WORLD I NEW IfflETY-TWO MANY ENTIRELY BOOL MIPS. FEATURES METHODS. Theo Etkno Chrono Anthropo Bio Geo Topo Hydro logical graphical bead down. 1-7 06 a m . 8 16 * m 11 00 a m 12 24 p m 8 15 p m •8 10 pm t 18 p m 10 40 p m U6S pm 144 to 4 10 a i 7 06 a ml inilf am 12 22 p m 1 64 p m 210 pm 2 12 p ra 6 40 p m 4 61 p m 0 60 p m 0 20 p m 0 10 p m 7 66 pm —STATIONS— Leave Arrive.... Arrive.... Macon •• Fort Valley .... Cblumbua r ....Arrive ....Leave 7 45' p m 6 35 p ra 3 46 p m 2 25 ft m •8 45 a m ;;;; Arm Arrive.... Opelika •• Birmingham .. ....Leave ....Leave Leave ..... Macon ....Arrive 4 10 p m 7 40 a m rata. Arrive.... •• Fort Valley .. ....Leave 2 00 p m 0 40 a m ft- ■ “rtm |... Arrive.... 1 28 p m 5 20 a ra Arrive.... ,••••• Albany .... Leave 11 60 a m 4 10 a in Arrive.. •• Dawson .... Leave 11 21 a m U 47 p m . Arrive.... .i Fort Gain.. .. . ...Leave 9 20 a m ..... MM, "Itt Arrive.... •mm Eufaula ....Leave 10 37 a rn 10 17 p ra Arrive.... • Ozark .. ..Leave 4 06 a m Arrive.... . Union Springs . ....Leave ft 10 a m i 62 p ra Arrive.... ....... Troy ....Leave 7 16 a m Arrive.... ... Montgomery .. ....Leave •7 a a. ml«7 20 p ra BETWEEN MACON. ATLANTA. CHATTANOOGA. MILLEDOEVlLLB, AUGUSTA AND 8AVANNAH. 1 46 a ml 8 05 p mill 30 a m Il5pmll00 a ml 7 65 p !4 15 p znl'U 00 p m[U 90 a m 5 03 p tntll 46 p m 12 17 p m 6 10 p ml Leave Macon Arrive Arrive.. Griffin Leave Arrive. Atlanta Leave Ar.... Chattanooga vta Atlanta ....Lv Leave..Macon Arrive Arrive Gordon ..Leave , Arrive....... Milledgeville .......Leave 2 15 a ml 2 40 pm Arrive, MUlen Leave 1 6 30 ft ml 4 SO p m Arrive.. Auguita Leave I I 04 ft ml t 3) p m Arrive Savannah Leave 7 65 p m(10 22 p mill 00 e m 6 40 pmlISS p ml » 02 •4 28 p n»[*8 66 p in *7 20 7 W s ml*1 1* p m'*J 29 - 3 40 p ml | 46 a m!10 00 a m 2 55 p mi * 01 > ml 4 10 ft m .*•) i • 06 a m U 02 a m il 36 p ml 7 45 a m| 8 30 p ml..... . •8 20 a mi*l 46 p ml Trains marked thus * daily; thus ! doily except Sunday. Trains marked thus 7 Sunday only. Solid trains are run to and from Macon and Montgomery vb Eufaula. Savannah and Atlanta via Macon. Msec© ,«a Albany via Smlthvllle, Macon and Birmingham vU Columbus. Bleeping cars on night trains betwen Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Parlor cars between Macon and Atlanta. Passengers for Thomoston take 7*6 a. m. or 4.-23 p. m. train. Pasaengere for Carrollton and Cedartown take 7:61 l* m. train. PoaaenKers for Perry talA 11:16 a. m. train; Fort Galnea, Buena Vista. Blakely and Clayton should take *ij6 a. m- train. Passengers for Bylvaala. Wrlgbtavllle and Sandersvllle take 11^0 a. m. train. For further Information and for i. nedulea for points beyond our line apply to W. F. 8HELLMAN. Traffic Manager. W. P .DAWSON. Passenger Agent. 16 w.rt.K. OtiHiil Fumciu AgmL HhRRIB. Xlck.t A»U Macotb CI8TORY of tho WORLD’S PEOPLE. CENSUS of 1890- Biographies of Prominent Men. Portraits of the World’s Bright Mem Historic Praotio Systematic Statistic Politic Patriotic Education Economics Emblematic STATISTICAL CHARTS and DIAGRAMS. GAZETTEEB and ATLAS. AL Three hundred and forty-fire pages. Bound in finest quality English cloth. Printed upon fine calend ered paper with marbled edges. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE, *7.50, Cut out coupon end send ll with TWO DOLLARS, and we will send you a copy ol the magnificent work. Size, 111-2x141-2 inches. Out of town purchasers tt psy carriage. t \ A mmm mm