The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 09, 1894, Image 6
THE 4CACOH TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 9, 1894. THE DIXIE FAIR AT AN END Work of Demolishing the Dig Show Was in Order All Day Yesterday. IDE EXHIBITS WERE BEHOVED An4 lb. Crtuidi Will 1.00k D*» ( oortotf T.d.y—t-r.mlnni. Will Do Paid Within Thirty Days— Morn Award* (lltron Out. • * Y«/tcrfay closed the Dixie Ioteretste Fair, the xrejUut emerprtoo In the w*y of • Houtbem expouttlon ever attempted In Georgia, and probably the most com plete fair ever held In the South. *t cannot be said that the Dixie Fair cloned In a blaze of glory, for all the glory of the fair seensi to hove van ished at the end of the second week, and the great enterprise, in reality, simply petered out, as It were. This by no means Indicates, however, that the fair felled to furnish Interest to the end. lbr It Is absolutely true thut from She opening to the does there was not a tingle day that was not bigger end better und more full of Interest than any fair ever known In Mato be fore. the Dlxlo Fair was a huge u/idetuuk- Ing In every way. und while It la true that It U the biggest advertisement Ma con ever had and the proudest feather ever worn In Macon's ou/p. It la also true that It iwsa an expensive enterprise tuyl one which dbst the city some money. Hut If It Is not entirely a flnancieJ suc cess. there Is much consolation tn the fact that the benellt derived from It will be‘far-reaching and. after nil. the city Is the gainer, if It had coat even mare. ItlMIOVINO THE EXHIBITS. It was o« intorentln#. If not more sb. to sen the hundreds of workmen en gaged yesterday In demolishing the last Vestige uf the big Show, ns It was to view the -whole at the height of Its glory Beautiful bo-tits wore tofn down with relentleew haste, exhibits wore packed away and carted off. nml before night the trig fair hud been ef fectively wrecked, Whit had cost months nf labor and though* to devise, collect, and put In place was demolished In .1 few hmim. ami the once beautifully arranged buildings, with their mile or more of nvunmltlcent exhibit* wore bo- fore night almost empty. . , -Midway had been pulled down and ranted away in u night, and It was the •‘Diverted Village" to nil Intrai/i nml purport-'* yesterday. The naughty, naughty muscle dnni’om. the bedaubed alrms from -the sultan’s harem*, the Nairtch girls 'from Augusta, the array of fakir*, the gaudily dressed Turks, were nowhere to be aeon, ami all that Is left of the Midway Is scent for the health omoers to remove, and tha bos-'l will* of some of the Uiwiteni for tho fair managers to hnve pulled down. NOT SELLING BELOW 003T. About the only people on tho ground* yesterday were exhibitors and helpers, who -were there to tear down aan re move tho exhibits, and bargain humeri', who were there to buv «rtlol«i fiutn the various diuplays at price* to suit the ttm-s. If there were any bsrgsto* to be had. hcr.vover. ono had to get a pri vate •tip" to find thorn, nml the major ity of -tho borgihi .hunters, were frank enough 1o confesui dlsapfiolietinsiK. Those who tried to save money oh their limit hill found country hams nelHng at 15 mats per pound, nod the men who tried to lieat the feed stores paid 75 cents nor hundred for his hay .and hod It hauled off hhnseir. Preserve., and canned (roods like you ■ buy lit tho grooem for 11.60 per dozen quarto sold readily nX 13 and II, and tho purchase!* thought they were.doing something great. K was fun to see the hsrxaln hunters a| work, but more fun id quote oMy price* on them after they had bought and paid for their goods. pkmmiums to be paid. Th* full- menu acre have been bother ed to .Mil'll with people minting to know *MO premiums «U l» pnl.l. Bacrvtnry Knnpp MStaortssd tpe Tele- graph l-.iret night to announce than ill pttrelWMl will be pild thinly days from clotduc day, or on December 8. Tills Is n customary rule with «-M well resit- Inked fairs und Li conceded hy all well Inirted exhibitors to bo entirely just Qa. and proper. Nut irrte I hull 110,000 or 115.000 of 10x1" l.i i- IU.0I.-J-, -m.l IIIHJI..- more, ts tied up wire the railroad., the urn* being tn-- inoin-j -i.ik.'ii In by the ivmuVh f..r ooupou tickets w ild. Hardly tiny of rigs r«ulH will bo uible to mnko a wlttc- mom with the association before Iho lira; of next mouth, so the necessity of p.eip'nlii* ill.- iviym-m ,-r premium-, cun nutty be understood. •MORE AWARDS Ul'.PORTETn. The Judges In department 8—lx.vdle- work. etc., fepul.t-.l,their iiwai-U to the seer,il*ry‘fl office yesterday. The 11,1 shown cue of the Uniat exhibits of In- (lies' handiwork ever seen at tl South- ,-m expoMttliuv und every Indy In tile state will rent with (DM rest the following Hat of nw'u-ds. 'Mi*. John In-mlls of Mdeon was superintended: of this department, nnd in her In due tho credit for th* line display etude: Clan* I.—Old kullc' bond aswlnxt dis play. First prise 35. Mra. C. G. Paul- lln, Macon. ti». Second rets* 31. Mr'. VugtaU TU-yl-r. Macon. Ga. M tchtno sewing dlsplny. First prise 31.50. Mrs. C. G. raullln. M., Qa. * Hcmvtlti'hlnff Nwlnicn—Find prise 33. Mm. Annie I.. Mo'ce. Terr.- Unite. Ini Second prlxe 31, Mir. Virginia Taylor, Mt«>n. Qa. Drawn work (Mexkun embroidery) epeehmi,—Klit-'t lu-lie 31. Mr*. Annie I* Moore, Terre Haute, lud. Lace, hund-mndi*. ill-play—Flret prixe .35. Mrs. M, F. Venllouse. Outn<*vlli.\ Ga. Second prize 31. Fred Otto, Ma con, Ga. Embroidery, cotton or Unen specimen —Flat prise 31.' Mbs. D. B. Tomlinson, Suvannah, O*. Second prize 60 cents. Mrs. Annie L. Moore, TY-rre Haute, Ind. Embroidery, silk or woolen specimen Plret prize 33. H. B. Ensworth. Mocou. Ga. Second prize 31. Mr*. E. Iiujlt. Lockland. o. Embroidery, display-—Flret prize ft. Mrs. Joe Ellison. Rome, Ga. Table cover—Flret pure 31. Mrs. An nie L. Moore, Terre Haute, Ind. Quilt, white, -hand sewing—First prize 35. Mrs. Annie L. Moore, Terre Huute, Ind. fieoond prize 11. Mrs. J. C. Pres- tun, GUtoon, Gdt Quilt, worsted—First prize 32. Ml,. V. Guerry. Macon. Ga. Quilt, silk, ilrst premium 33. Mrs. C. O. PiuUan, Macon. Ga. Quilt, crazy or Jammere, first prem ium 36, Mrs. E. J. Juhxn. Macon, Oa. Spread, knit or crachet, flret prize 32. Mr*. M. J. JtuthefZ&d. Macon. Ga.; fec und premium 31. Mrs. J. C. Preston, Ma con. Ga. Pair of ellk mittens, hand-knit, first premium 32, Jins. fl. S. Turner. Dcvcr- eaux, On.: second premium 31. Mr*. E. Buck. Lackland. O. Pair of silk stockings or socks, hand- knit. flret premium 32. Mrs. D. H. Huth- ono. Athene, Go.: second premium, 31, Alisa j. BegKS, Macon, an. Pair of woolen stockings or sack*, harel-knlt, flret -premium 31, Mrs. An- nltL. Moore. Terre Haute, Ind.: second premium 60 cento. D. J. McCormick, Btyksboro, Go. ruir of cation stockings or socks, hand-knit, Ilrst premium 31, Miss June Smith, Shiloh, Talbot county, Ga.; sec ond premium 50 cento. D. J. McCormick, Stylesboro, Ga. Rug, tufted, flret premium 31. Mrs. Joe Ellison, Rome. Ga.; second premium 60 cents. Mrs. O. C. Fuller, Nashville, Tenn. Spread, white or colored, first premium 32. tV. E. Paul. Eaiftnun, Oa.; second premium 31. Mrs. A. A. Gaeni, Sumner. Gu. R.i* carpet, first premium 32, IV. E. Paul, Eastman, Ga.: second premium 31, D. J. McCormick. Stylesboro, Ga. Galleotlon of hou*-.-hoRl relies, first premium 33. Mrs. E. U. Ross, Fnuvl- dance. Os.; second premium 32, Mra. L. B. Mitchell. Macon. Gn. Bret general ilir.jdny In this class, first premium 310. Mrs. C. G. FauHan, Ms- con. Gu. CLASS II.—LACE WORK. Point lace, specimen, flret premium 32. MHZ Campbell. SavsniM-h. Ga.; second premium 31.. Jim. Joe IV. White, Au- fftautfl, Oa. Guipure lace, specimen, first premium 32. Mr*. Emnm Whitehurst. .Jlaooti, Gn. 11 onk ton Inoe, specimen, first prem ium 32. Silas Annie C. Hannon, Macon, Ga.; second premium 31. Atm. J. W. White, Augusta. Go. English tbrouj lace, apeolmen. flrest premium 32. Mrs. Jason-.W. Gifford Tlv- in ton. Four Comers. R. J. AppMuue lace, specimen, drat premium 31.50, JILvi Campbell. Savannah, Ga.: raecond premium 75 cento. Miss Lizzie Shemunl, Worn-n-ton. Va. Jracteme lace, specimen, first prem ium 31. Mrs. A. Woolfolk, Cnlumbue, Gu.: second premium 60 cento. Jins. Walker, Muoon. Ga. Fcuther-edge 4aoe. first premium 32. Mies ijfattln Hall, LexJnqtton, Ky.: sec- otui premium 31. Miss Lizzie Sheppard. Wttrrenton, Vn. Tiftlng, first premium 32, Mrs. Emsnn WhltelhuM*. Macon. Gn.: second prom- il«m. Mitt Mut-tle Hall. 1-exlngton, Kv. Rick-rnek wo-h.e—t nremlum 32. Mies Lizzie Sheppard, Wnrrcnton Va.: si on.1 premium 31. Mtos Katie Ross. Prow- Idenee. Go. Novelty braid, first premium 32, MHs Lizzie Sheppard. WafrcWton, Va.: seo- ornl .premium 31. Blre. W. W. Jlook. Sumner. Go. IXirneiJ net laoe. first premium 35. F. H. -HenlonlmiM, Winchrwier, Vn.: sec ond premium 31. K. J. Dettrie. Macon. On. Mce, first premium 32, Mies Katie Rues. Provkdence. Ga. Ch'jchet lace, not low than on* yard, firet premium 31. Mies Ada DuPree. K:\thlccrx Ga;s second -premium 60 cents, Mn*. W. W. JIunk, Sumner. Ga, -Knit lane, not lean ithan one yard, first premium 31. Mm. J. c. Preston, Jlsebn, GJ.; seoond. premium 60 cents, Mrs. S. 8. Turner. Deverauux. Go. Samplers allowing greatest variety nf designs for knat or crochet luce, first premium 31. iMm. W. IV. Monk. Sumner, Gn. Rent general dlsplny In this class, firtt premium 310. Jttos Katie Roes, Provi dence. Oa. CLASS III.—KNITTING ' AND CRO CHET WORK. Infan-ls’ knit or crochet shirt, first premium |l. Mm. E. Buck. Leek land, O. Infanta' knit or crochet, socks, flmt premium 31, JIrs. W. at. Fannin, Palut- ka. Fin: second premium 60 cents, Mrs. K.iile H. Ellsworth. Toledo, O. In runts' knit r crochet aicque. first premium 32. Mrs. R. Wbolfdk, Colum bus, On.; second premium 31, Mho A. V. Hlwtoack. Inee. hnnd-made, specimen—First prize 31. Mn. Annie L. Moore, Tint Haute, Ind. SecotsJ prise 31. Mrs. C- K. Denson, Aldecn, Ga. •Darned no: kue. apeelmen—Fhrst prlrv 32, Mra. S. a Tuivr. Ivn-raux, First prize 32. F. 11. Herdomlnus, Win- chaiter, Va. Second prise tL Mrs, John Kite, Columbus, Gs. Fine otalnt, macblnc-niide. unwashed —Ting fxlze 32. JIrs. W. W. Monk, gunujef,, g*. Caileu dre-ss, cut ond made by exhibi tor—Flivn prize 32. Jflss Katie Rots, Providence. Gw. Ktoood prize 3L ‘JIrs. C. G. PaullaD, Macon, Gn. Stilt Of clothes for a boy, cut ond ireide by exhibitor. Man'* putts, mod*, by a wombn— First prize 32. Jim. a. H. Slicrioo, fire- burg, Gs. Second prize 31. JIrs. W. W. Monk. Sumner, Ga. Kitchen apron— Flret prize 75 cent*. Mtos Kaltle lions. Providence, Get. Sec- ohd prise 60 cents. Miss Lizzie Bbep- pu-td. Warrenton, Gu. UtifUri’s wardrobe, most sensible and neat—First prize 32. JIrs. George S. Jones. Jfacon, Cn. Pillow sham, iucked—First prize 31. Mrs. W. W. Monk, Sumner, Gn. Darning or repairing, itpecimrn—First prize 31. Rebecca J. Slayntiker, Lan caster, I*a. Second prize 31.’ JIrs. Au- n'.e L. Moore. Terre Hcufte, Ind. Display bultonholes. on different ma terials—First prise 32. Mias Lizzie Fheppard, Wdrrenfcon, Vs. Second prize I. -Rebecca J. Slnymuker, Linccxter, PU. Rug, buftnd—Flret prize 32. Mrs. D. J. F. W«»on, Poulan. Ga. Infon-ts' knit or crochot tope, first premium 31. .Mrs. W. W. Alonk, Sumner, ttlfhMt H*nor&—World's Pair, DR. im ^ CREAM BAK1N6 P0WDB MOST PERFECT MADB. A r Gm>e Oesm of Tartar Powder. Hte hor,-. Ammonia, Alum or any other aduliwafli. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, Child's knit or craohet drees, first premium 32. Ml»* Lizzie Sheppard, Wnr- rento-n Va.: second premium II, Mrs. a S. Turner. Derercnux, Go, Child’* knit op cmclu't skirt—Firm l-rlze II. Rebecca. J. Slnym-ikor, Lan- i'a»ter. Hr. Si-conU prize 60 cents. Mrs. E. Illicit, Lo.-kluid, O. UuUea' knit or orochet undervest— First prise 31. laidlcs' knit or crochet skirt—Flralt prise 32. Rcbecoa J. Slaynwker, Lan- ozater, Pa. Second prize 31. Mr*. E. Buck. Lockland. o. Hrir «;tk mlttctui, hind knit—First prise 32. Mrs. S. s. Turner. D.'vercoux. OS. Second prise SI. JIrs. Katia H, K'lmtorth, Toiodo, O. I*alr silk Btocklugs—First prise 32. Mr*. W. w. Monk, Sutnder, Ga. Ciychet shUwl-Flrst prise 32. Mra. KMSc H Ellsworth, Toledo, O. Second prise 31. Miss Lamu Beggm Mueon, Crochdt fheclnaitor—Flrut prise 32. Jalg* A. V. Hancock. Second prize |1. Mire Annie Henning, CAunrbus. Qa. OrooiK-t cotton Gdy—First prlte 32. Miss Haul* Hall. Lcxlngtont! Ky. JBumbsr robe, crochet—Flint prize 32. Miss -Mctto.* HUU, Lexlugton, Ky. StUN oml prise 31. E. J. Dee:nc. Mima, Ga. Alirimn. kulrt or croenu:—First prise 33. Jilt's Katie II. Elio worth. Toledo, O. Second prize 32. Mra. Joe E. White, Augusta, Ga. Afghan, liifintw—Flret tx-!ze 32. Miss MM Hennings, Columbus. Gn. 6ec- mid prize 31. Ml.-s KUtk.' H. Kllewonh. Toledo, O. SppMd, knit or crochet—FIt*t prise 33. Mlie' Katie Rose. Pravld.-nce, Ol. ItoMpd prise 32. Mira Mattie Hall, Leslny on, Ky. I'ur-e, knit or crochet—First prixe 3L •Mrs. Walter Grace, Jlncon. In. Serend prise 31. Jl.,sa Katie Rosa, l’rbvldence, Gn k-t table m«t«, knit or crochet’(elx)— First prise 31. .Mrs. Kittle H. BU rth. T.iede, a let Met rash*—Flrflt prise 31. Mrs. Katie H. l l'swonth. Ttoetlo, O. Seuul prise 50 taaU. Mire MutHe ll.ill, Lox- iugson, Ky. Hug. kntt or flgacbet -First prise 31. Mrs. C. E. ltens.n, Mac.-it, Ga. Deri gcmfal display of knitting— Flrut prise 35. JIrs. J. W. Fannin,Eu-v nan. Gs. Uest gencml display of crochet—First 'rise 38. Jtku A. V. Hanock. GLASS 1W- PUWN' SEWING. Hand sewing display -First prixe JIrs. C. G. PautMn, Macon, Ga. Hand *,-wiiig speeinstn—FHM ■r'ixe 32. ,'tra. Annie L. Moore. TV'rre HVibJ, *n-i. s.-.1,1x1 prigs 3L Kebecctt J. Slly nrtkvr. l^ncaster, Pa. MUchlne o-w lng d splay—Flret prise 32. Miss Katie K -w Prnllinca Gi. s xtd prise 31. Mr.a. w. \V. Monk, "nirrere. Ga. Jluchlne sewing, >p-vlmen—Flret l-riie 31. Mrs. George 8. Jo i s. M i -rn. la. Seoend prise 73 , .-n:.,. Mis Katie i. Kitswutth, Toledo, o. Flue shirt, bsud made, un-wualted— mm 5=‘i> |ii I ss.s. ir* s >x J . ,SWIPT SPECIFIC COMPANY,? ATLANTA. QA. * The David of the People. He Slays Giant Disease With His Little Pellefs. SCORES OF PEOPLE Declare They ilate Been Oared, ond No Doubt Toutawtli More Have Been Slade 1% ell hy tlieUoe of III* Kemedle* Who Have Not Usporlrd, -ViglONS ANTO DREAMS. 0 Ex-Governor 1)ob Taylor vt tho Aci.i- emy of Music Last Night Ex-Oorernor Bob Taylor delighted a cultured iwvdlence at the Academy of Jlnelc list night with his orlguul 1-c- tur<>. "VlxtuiM and Dreams.' - Few leclurere have m:-t with the auc- ccjm that has come to Te:me««e'i cx- g-jvernor nnd none have been more de serving or given the people more in re turn fur-their patronige. "Vlil ;ns and Dreams'' (* equal to the lecture.-a fa mous "Fiddle and Bow” aul ,vil» u-ver fail to draw u crowded house on a re turn engagemena. WARDE AND JAMES. Tito Washington Poet, spatklng of Louis James In trie revival of "Henry IV.," by tha Warde-Jomes company, says: "Louie Jamas' repu.atlou au au all-round actor Is such ue to make the mire announcement of his appearance In almost nny role eufftetem. uiunnaj l.t- die MUl.e.,aiion or a creditable per- formunc-e. bul; few were prepared for hie exuelkfwl impersonation of the f it knight. Jlr. James utunds upon the border line between comedy and trage dy and iy -arable of stepping on culler side, but his l,ransform-.UIou na c.iVtuff la complete. Except for iv'-n r::-on:int voice und a slight miggnsilon of that sardonic laugh his peinoumlity an known IQ other roles was complbtoly buried benuath his mo-uri.alnjua mak>-np. At this da:e, when few can r.-ui-.-mbrc the liun great F.irit-Uf. the elder Hncitt-W, comparisons aire useleas, but Mr. James Is Fa la Caff of today und tha*. :s sulll- Cleuft prais-;." Messrs. Wardo nnd James will pre- sarit "Richard III." on Friday, Novem ber 9, "Richelieu" at the ma'.lnee und "Henry IV." oil Saturday eveu ; ng at the Acadfc-my. •'BLUE JEANS." On the occasion of the first, produc tion of "Blue Jeans" iu the Fonrteenth Elneet Thuture In New York tje com- cdy-dransi- wa* given lavish ptolao. hy the press in ltd entirety., qlje New York Herald for Instance-amoiii ©tiler thins* saM: “ ‘Blue Jeans! is ntoRcce,vs. It Win be- played to packed bodk-,* for long runs. It appeals strongly‘no she heart. Ut la a cleverly cotfiitractod drama,'with lots of brisk dialogue nnd brlglit lines.” Alan JUle, proou'oly the most fcvjrod of all the critics u Now York, said: "lu ‘Blue Jeans' Mr. Ar thur Ulta-done a work o-f which he may justly be proud. It Is extremely Inter esting. bt-lntotly written, vlgjrap.ily as sertive and full of human linen,>01. one of the charms of 'Blue Joans',ln my opinion la the non-conupIcuoaiCncu-tig- gresslve villain; he is nut always rush ing on in kid gloves and a fo.led-agnln expression." "Blue Jama" mokes tta first, uppoar- a-nce In JIacon on next Jtonday even ing, November 12. nit the Academy. "CHARLEY'S AUNT" COMING. The long-loLtad for and mucb-licmld- cl evoirt, the first prcscitrailan of "Charley's Aunt,” • take* piuqe next Wednesday evening at Use A:n-3emy of Music. "Charley’s Aunt” is one of the gqnulne sUccereftll play* o' this reason. New York run* are not nlw-iys everything claimed for iitnaj. but •'Oltnrley'* Aunt" crowded the Sl.-unl- ard Theaitre, Now York, for elgMceu months, mid Its engagements in other cities were proportloimtely succcasiuI. It Is n comedy wfth an ldivklualRy containing none of the trite anJ hack neyed features of the oon*entlondt com edy farce and II will be prescn'.cd by a splendid oast. SUPERIOR COURT. A Number of Qlaes Cleared From the Docket Yesterday. Yesterday wan a busy d«v In the superior court and Judge Hardeman had a busy rime uf It. Tho owes taken up for hearing were as follows: Snllle B. Loving vs. W. A. Davis, pe tition for Injunction, etc. Judgment for the lefendnnt. Mows Yarbrough vs. The Guarantee Company of Georgia (Iwo casm, bill for Injunction. Dismissed. Wittif.p Machine Company et al. vs. Smith * Hall, petition for lulfinctlan. Verdict for plaintiffs. William Boykin, Jr., petition'to pro bate will of WIllMni Boykin, appeal tn m court of ordinary, B’.-Il up wMa court adjourned. Ckwk George W, Sima yoxterday fin ished transcribing .the big Sauthern railway mortgage. There an 55.600 words in the mortgage :tnl the clerk's foes for recording It amount to 383.65. Tho maJi’Bllo name Imperial Ins been applied to the purest and beat baktp* powder j-ct produ.-cd, vlx^ Hie Imperial ltakins Powder. Mlidi DellsSteTCa--.of llosloa. M.i-e .1 tea: 1 have alwavs suflrred from! iNlltary Scrofula, for US'-U I IrledS leu, rvuicdles, *r.d many rckcblc I . , stclsns, hut none relieved me. MUrin takinggbottles of — . m now well. I very grstrfnl you, iu, 1 t,x-l fttt ttrereg res ■ fr-'m u lltoot untold agony, and shsllt:; take ptca-ure in 'p-.u.-n - only worclsre lisa fdf thn Wiwdsflnl w-rallelM k GEORGIA, nibb County—G. W. Yates. Jr., having applied to me for letters of administration on the cxtnt* of G. W. Yalta late of mil county, doct.if, i. this U therefore, to hotlfy nil Dirties concerned to file objsci'ooz If they ton I n or before first Mond.iy In December. UK why le.ters should not Bruc as asked for. C. M. YVILEY, OMUury. Thursday was a record breaker In the sales or Munyon's remedies at tho retail stores in Macon. Several of our leading druggist* were visited, and without a single.cxcfrpiluu they all de clared thut tinriog their whole business eypcrience’they Bad- never, seen me dicinal preparations of any kind that sold so.rapidly ns Munyou's, and agreed i that this enormous demand could only be created by tbe wonderful curative powers of these remedies. Al most every person purchasing relates Uo\v some friend link been cured, in a few hours, or- else, hnvlug been cured themselves, they desire to send tho medicine to' some; friend far away, who thejr know to lie suffering. A half hour spent In nny drug store where these little pellets are sold will convince the most »keptlcal that Pro fessor Jlunyon has, indeed, dlscoveied a new method in treating diseases which will cure DU per cent, of the peo- plo who use them. " Caution—A certain druggist, on being asked If he kept Muuyou's remedies, replied: “Yes, n fmv, but don’t sell thorn If I can help It. I have a large stock of other humaepitli'.e medicines on hund. and while this advertising Is going on I propose to push them on to people who call far Muuyou’s when ever I can.” Wo tvtoh to say right here that such a pc.Run Is unworthy of your confidence in any particular* whatever. Beware of- tha man that tells you that these are Just as good, •for there are no remedies made that resemble Munyon’s In' formula or ef fect. lMIBtlllATtSM CUItED. Munyon’s Rheumatism Cure is guar anteed to cure rheumatism m any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheu matism can be sured lu from ono to fire days, it speedily cures shooting pains, sciatica, lumbago and alt rheumatic pains In the back, hips and loins. It seldom falls to give relief after ono or two dosijs, and almost invariably cures be fore one bottle has been used. Price D5e. a.OSItCJl AND DYSPEPSIA CURE. “Munyon’s Stomach nnd Dyspepsia Cure cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles, such as rising of lood, distress after eating, shortness of breath and all affections of tho heart, caused by Indigestion, wind on . tho stomach, bad taste, offensive breath, loss of nppeMte, faintness or weakness o{ stomach, headache from Indigestion, soreness of the stomach, coated tongue, heartburn, shooting pains of tha stom ach, constipation, dizziness, faintness and lack of energy. Price JBo. JKRVE CCHK. Munyon’s Nerve Cure cures oil tho pymptoiiis of nervous exhaustion, such as depressed spirits, failure of memo ry, restless and sleepless nights, pains lu the head and dizziness. It cures general .debility, stimulates nnd strengthens the nerves and tones up the whole body. Price Llo. KIDNEY CUKE. Munyon’s Kidney Cure cures pain In tho bnck, loins or groins from kidney disease, dropsy of tho feet and limbs, frequent desire to pass water, dark colored or turbid urine, sediment In the urine and diabetes. Prlco Hoc. oataRiiii cure. Catarrh Positively Cured.—Are yon willing to spend 50 cents for a euro that permanendy cures catarrh by re moving the cause of the disease? If so, ask your druggist for a i",c. bottlo of Munyon’s Catarrh Cure and a Doc. bottle of Catarrh Tablets. Tho catarrh cure will eradicate the disease frem tho system and the tablets will cleanso and heal thir afflicted parts and restore them to a natural and healthful coudl- tlon. MuuyonV I.lver Cure corrects head ache, biliousness, jaund'ce, constipa tion and all liver diseases, t rice 25c. Muuyou's Cold Cure pivveuts pneu monia and breaks up a odd In a few hours. Trice 25c. Munyon’s Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the lungs. Price 25 Munyon’s Female Remedies are boon to at) Women. Price 25c. Munyon’s Iicadaelie Cure stops headache In three minutes. Prlco 25c. Munyon’s Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of plies. Price 25c. Munyoa's Astliuu Cure is guaran teed ti relieve u-ttiiuA in three mluutts and cur? In five days. Price 2.V. Jlunyon’s Blood Cure eradicate.! all Impurities of the I-IjoU. Price 25c. Muuyou's VitaKzer Imparls new life, restores lost powers to .weak and debil itated incu. Price VL Munyon’s Houiojpatlilc Remedy Com- ’ paiiy puts up spec .fie* for nearly every disease. Sold by all druggists. • ...BY WEARING.., “HOHENZOLLERN” SANITARY UNDERWEAR Made in Germany of the highest quality wool, pure and soft, in medium and heavy weights. Recommended by leading physicians. Sole Agent For Macon, Georgia. CHARLES WACHTEL, 515 CHERRY ST. MACON, GA. BEANS THIS TIME It was corn last, and somebody got ono hundred dollar* for guessing nearer than anybody else. / Well, we will begin Monday, Octo ber 15, another guessing contest. This time the Jar ts partly filled with navy beans. WE WILL GIVE ANOTHER $100. We have the beet stock of Shoes in Georgia for you to select from. With every purchase to the amount oO 31 one guess Is allowed. ,■ COME EARLY! COMB OFTENl , MIX & EVERETT GO. 107 COTTON AVENUE. MACON, GA. DEALERS IN SHOES. . RECEIVER’S SALE. PIANOS, ORGANS. Call and examine this stock. You can save 50 per cent, on every purchase. New. and second-hand instruments. The famous “STANDARD” Sewing Machines reduced from $60 to $30. E, W. BURKE, Receiver. , (ESTABLISHED 1881.) .. 5.. ALTMAYER & FLATAU, Wholesale Dealers in Liauors, Wines and Cigars, 457 AND (59 CHERRY 8TRBET, MACON. GEO. The test Liquors for the least money. Send for prlco list. ALTJIAYER & FLATAU, Agents. IF YOU -Want. a Cook,. -Want a Situation,- -Want a Salesman,- -Want a Servant Girl,- -Want to Hire any Hclp,- -Want to Rent a Store,. .Want an Agent or Partner,. —Want to Buy or Sell a Farm,— -Want to Buy or Sell a House,- -Want to Hire or Rent a House,. -Wont to get a Good Boarding House,- -Want to Buy o* Sell a Horse or Mule,. -Want to Trade or Exchange Anything,. -Want to Find Anything You Have Lost,. ——Want to Find Strayed or Stolen Animals,—— —Want to Buy or Sell Cattle of Any Description,— - — Want to Accomplish Anything Under the Sun,— You can do it easily through the Advertising Columns of The Macon Telegraph, the Greatest Macon Want Medium, at Ouc-Cent a Word each insertion. We will be pleased to furnish estimates on nny kind of Advertising.