The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 09, 1894, Image 7
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1894. TBEI’RE LOOK1MG FOR HOMES Major Glessner .Has Another 'Largo Party of Xoiflierners in Charge. THE? SAW THE DIXIE FAIR, Left Vcilertl.y llorplng for Tlfl.u—A Sow liaggag. KuTa Applying to Oloycl..—other Intfrailing Halit. Maj. W. In Gleaner, immigration commissioner of tie Georgia Southern ami Florida railroad. Is getting In some more of bis good work for south Geor gia. This time he has in charge a par ty’ot thirty-five Ohio and Pennslyva- nla people, who have come South to look for desirable fruit and farm lands. TVith his usual wisdom, Maj. Gless* ner took the entire party direct Tifton yesterday, where they will bp turned over to Col. W. O. Tift, who will 'teach them more about Georgia and what Georgia soli can do before Saturday night than they could, learn in a month frpm any other source. ■What Col. Tift has] done himself at Tifton is sufficient to demonstrate tho possibilities of South Georgia soil, and before, the party has linished looking over his magnificent farms, on which is raised everything that the people of tho Western Hemisphere know how to raise, and his vineyards, surpassing those of France, they will with one accord agree that Georgia is the gar den spot of creation. Maj. Gleasner very -.houghtfully os corttd the party to the fair grounds early yesterday morning before tho exhibits were torn up and mere they saw the whole 'of Georgia on exhibi tion. To say that Northerners were surprised is putting it mildly; they were uehghted, and many of them overjoyed that they had at last found tho spot where everything grows In luxuriance. One member of the pariy said to Maj. Glessuex-, while looking at tho Georgia douihern’s magnlUcout display: “Show us farms that will grow what you have hero nud wo wl.'I each buy one.” Ho has talten them to the very spot and the entire party is doing Tifton today. From there they will scatter, some going into Flor ida. others remaining at Tifton for a while, and still others coming further up the road to jnspjot the lino fruit lands between Macon nnd Unadilla, Among those in attendance were: M. J. -Shorthouse, South Fairfield, 0.; John T. Jennings, W. D. Lindsey, J. G. Staler, G. D. McKean, G. ,\V. Eagye, O. B McElroy, Elmer Strieker, Williamsburg, Pa.; W. II. Wilson, Pittsburg, Pa.; Mrs. Low tiler. Miss Lowtber, John D. Banks, Mrs.- H. L. Duncan, J. K. Doolittle, A. H. Mor rison, Miss Itoberta Hosrner, G. M Alexander, Pittsburg. A BIOYOLE IS EXCESS BAGGAGE. Jt Is very probable.ffiai all the rail roads in America will adopt a rule on January 1 which will internet every man in this country who owns a bicycle or baby carriage. Heretofore bicycles and baby car riages have been accepted as baggage by all roads and no charge made for handling them when not In excess of the 150-pound baggage allowance. The general baggage ager.tR of the country, however, have Just sent out a joint circular requesting all lines to Join in an agreement to go into clfnot January 1, 1895, requiring all bicycles and baby 'carriages shipped as baggage to he paid for as excess baggage. This moans that no bicycles or baby car riages will be handled free of charge, but will cost the passenger ibout 15 per cent, of the price of his ticket in each Instance, bicycles to bo accepted as 100 pounds excess and baby car riages as fifty pounds excess. SHORT LINES. General Freight Agent Wlnbum of tho Central came up from Savannah yesterday. General Passenger Agent McDonald of the Georgia Southern and Florida returned yesterday from Florida. Passenger Agent Dawson of tho Central left last night for Montgomery with the Midway Plaisanco Su charge, . Now that the Imperial Baking Po-v der has received tho diploma there can be no question of las superiority, ~IN THE DITCH. lotere«tin« Programme Prepared for This Evening. The meeting of the Atheneum, ait the reeMenbe of Mr. O. P. Willingham thla evening at S o'clock, will be one of the moatjxkeresilrar in the history of the organization. The programme prepared for the eve ning la u. splendid one, and la as fol lows: PART I. Music. Mr. Arthur Wood. Critictam. "Marcella,” Mrs. Wm. C. Turpin. Criticism. "The Heavenly Twins," Mlse Safiie Boone. Music, song by Mrs. Gussie J. Mitch ell. Imtermteslon. PART II. Music, Mrs. Boyce. Criticism. "Trilly.” Mias Mattie Brian Brown. Song, Mrs. Joseph E. Wells. ReoUatkra. Mr. S. A. C. Everett; Mufitc. News of the month. Mr. C. P. Steed. Music. , . MARION RUAN DEAD. Horrible Death of a Horse Belonging to Eilhu S. McLean. A home belonging to Mr. E'lhj S. McLwn fell in one of the wwer ditches on Magnolia wtrebt night before last and ns enough help could not be bad at the time of -the accident to pull it out it who compelled to remain in the dltoh all night. Yesterday morning the horse wrs taken from the.ditch dead. The dltoh was barely wide enough tor the horse to stand in and the pressure ou its sides was so great thRt the imprisoned animal could ocarcely brou the. The horse was valued tut between J.7f> and *100. • THREE ALARMS. It'Waa a Day of Much Aottlvlty with the Laddies. An alarm of fire was turned in from box 51 at 5 o’clock yesterday morning, calling the fire deparhtment to the cor ner of First and Oak streets. A pile of wealherboardlng in the rear of a house being erected by Mr. Burt Wilder on First street, oexa to the oor- rier'of Oik. was found to be on fire, but It hid bc-m nearly extinguished by tev- erad negroes before the department was sutnnained. Only small damage was done, and the fire was evidently of in cendiary origin. At 7:J0 another alarm wna turned in this time from box 28. and on respond ing the department found the house of Jane Miller, colored, in the rcar of the Georgia Mttts. to be on fire. In a few minutes after the arrival of the depart, meat the fir- vs extinguished with 11 tie effort. Tbe damage was very small. At 6:45 pan. the third alarm mu turned in. Box 53- comer Calhoun and Ash streets, was the number, but when the denirtment arrievd cm tho wen; they found nothing to demand their / THE ATHENEUM. Sad Demise of a Well Known YcVng Macon Boy. The home of Sir. arid Mrs. J* G. Ruan has been made deflate by the removal therefrom of their brigrhJt nnd beloved young eon Marlon, xfrhoso sad death oc curred at a- late hour Wet&newday night. The young man had been In ill health foe some time past, but the Immediate! collapse came rapLdly and with crush ing force on the fond parents. - MUrJon Ruan was Just 1* years of age alt the time of his dea'th and gave promise of developing into a man of fer© worth. He was held in the high est eeteem by the many who Knew him ami lifo loss will be felt outs’iK* of hits own household. The funeral will take place this morning at 10:30 o’clock from Christ church. COMING SOUTH. Northern People Seeking a More Con genial Clime. The Human Electrical Forcesi How They Control the Organs of the Body. Tbs electrical fores of the human body, u the nerve fluid may be termed, la an espe cially attractive department of eclence, aa It exerts so marked an influence on the health of tho organs of the body. Nerve force la produced by the breln sod ceoveyed by means of the nerves to the various organs ot the body, thussupplying the latter with the vitality necessary tojn- aure tnelr health. The pr.euaaogastrlc nerve, as shown here, may beaald to be the most important of the entire nerve sys tem, as It supplies the heart, lungs, stomach, bowels, etc., with tho nerve force necessary to keep them active and healthy. As will bo seen by the cuttue long nerve descending from .the base .of the brain and terminating In the bow- uls In the pneumogastrlc, while tho numerous lit tle branches supply the) heart, lungs nud atom-! ach with necessary- vi tality. When tho brain becomes in any way dis ordered by Irritability or exhaustion, tho nerve force which it supplies is lessened, and tho or gans receiving the di minished supply are con sequently weakened._ -he g .,. ¥ w. mvh, organ Itself instead of tho cause of the trouble The notod specialist, Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. B., has given the greater part of Ills life to the study of thla subject, and the principal discoveries concerning it aro due to hU effort*. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine, the unri valed brain and nerve food, is prepared on the principle that all nervous and many other difficulties originate from disorders of the nerve centers. Its wonderful success in curing these disorders is tostlQod toby thousands la every part of the land. Bostoratlvo Norvine cures sleeplessness, nervous prostration, dtezlness, hysteria, sex ual debility, rft. Vitus dqnco, epilepsy, etc. It is free from optatea or dangerous drugs. It is sold on a positive guarantee by all drug gists. or sent direct by tho' Dr. Miles Medical Oo.. Elkhart. led., on receipt of price, ft pef bottlo, six bottles for 63, express prepaid. Is the only di rect line from POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE— “Siiwanee River Route to Florida.' II TO Jacksonville, Palatka, St. Augustine, Ocala, Sanford, Bartow, Titusvill, Tampa, Ana all point. In Florida and Cuba. Our train, arrive and dapart from Onion do- 'pots In Macon and Palatka. DEPARTURES—SOUTHBOUND. No. X for Montgomery and Pa* latka 11:10 a m No. 31 for Jacksonville and Fa- latka 10:33 p m No. 6 for Tllion 4:60 p m No. 31 for LaGrango 4*4) P in No. 31 for LaOrange 8.310 a m ARRIVALS—NORTHBOUND. No 2 from Palatka and Mont gomery 4 :20 p m No. 4 from Palatka and Jack- sonvlll, 4:05 a m No. 6 from Ttfton No. 32 from LaGrungo 10:30 a m No. 32 from LaOrange 3:43 p m Train No. II that passed through Mr- con-on the Southern railway Wednc?- dyy night carried 157 passengers to Florida and train No. 13 yesterday morning carried aixity.three more. AH of the paBSenge.-s were from tho North, Northwest and Hast and mit bound fm- different point:* in Fln'ida. All of the railroads are a good Florid* business and the indications are that Florida will do a good 'vui'.cr tourist business this winter. BUY fOTTON. Cotton at its croMmtt prtoo furnlsheo the greatest opportunity in the history of the trade for safe nnd profitable In vestment. Gotten hue an 'established Maine, and is now selling below the cost of production. We firmly believe that cotton aUl advance acent a pound with in the next olxity days. We are decided bulls on cotton alt present prices, and will ;buy the May option and guarantee to oarry the same until the first of May. 3835. for the following margins and | usual comnvifwlon: . Dnpeilal as Its name implies- 20 SKSnaa the highest perfection that can bo at- mined in the baking powdor line. CORONER’S OFFICE. Coroner Knight Now Has Comfortable Quartette. Coroner Knight wore a very pleas- at smile yesterday, and all because the county commissioners gnve him an of fice all to himself in the court house. Coroner Knight's office will be ad- Joining the office of Mr. Emmett Barnes in -the basement of the court house, and as soon as he get, it fixed up nloely will havo established office hour*. This is a great convenience to Coroner Kndghit a,nd the pitbt'c. In yesterday’s Teiegraplx will be seen a communication signed by the Judges of the baking powder department of the Dixie Interstate Fair testifying as to the purity of the Imperial Baking Powder. What mote nattering testi monial could be asked? 40 bales Ofay Cotton.. 100 bales of cotton' 160.00 And larger lota in proroonMon. Remembr. no matter how much lower the market declines than the above margin, wo will carry it until May 1st. 1805, without nay additional margin. If Is our opinion tliait within the next sixty days ever dollar Invested with ua will increase ten-fold. AH orders must be accompanied by cither Postal money order, draft cm New York, or express, omd you will be immediately notified of purchase by tel egraph. RUTLAND & COMPANY. Stocks. Cotton and Grain, Downing Butlding, 106 antd 108 Fulton st.. New York City. This offer only holds good until No vember 20. ‘84. GEORGIA RAILROAD AN ORDINANCE To provide for the office of Inspector of Sanitary Plumbing, to preodbe the manner of his election, his quali fications and his autfles. Section 1. Be it oifiMned. by the mayor and council of Che city of Ma con, and it M hereby ordained by authority of tihe sime. that from and after Kite passage ot this ordinance there shall be an inspector of sanitary plumbing. „ Section 2. He ahiaJl be elected by the mayor and oouneil of the city of Ma con ait the tame time and !a the same mahtner as Che election for other etty officers is had. and shall hold Ms office for the berm of e.wo years, pro vided, nevertheless, that am election may be held at any time after the passage of this ordinance by the may or and council of the cflty of Macon for the purpose of electing an inspector of esinitary plumbing for the remain der of the term which begun Deo. l?th. 1893. AH vacancies caused by death, TMlgwaitlon or otherwise shall, be filled by nh* council by eleotlon t for the unexolrett term. Section 3. The dutv of the Inspector j of san'.titry plumbing shall be to en force the ordinances of the board of health retailing to sanitary plumbing. He shall be charged with .the inspec tion of all plumbing in all buildings and tho ventilation of all water clos ets. cesspools nnd water pipe,,- Bnd Ml drain and waste pipes from all nanl- tary fixture* that may be placed In any house or houses, building or building* thialt may be erected In the city of Macon after the passage of this ordinance. He rivall. as faxwa may be necessary, for the performance of hie duties, have the right to enter any building or premises In the city Hurts. The inspector of sanitary plumbing ehhll not engage in the business of Plumbing directly or ktdirecUy while loldtnr effice. fleettkm 4. The salary of said inspec tor of sanitary plumbing rtyill be fixed by ordinance of the mayor end council. He nhall take and subscribe to an oath that he will faithfully-per form the diNles of hie office, and rhail. before entering on raid duties give bond to <hie muyor and council of the city of Macon, to be accepted by the mayor and council, in the sum of two thousand HOHars. for the faithful per formance of hi, duties, ns prescribed b>- ortinunce. nnd to Indemnify l gatne* loo* VH persons whlo may be injured or daimaged by the careless or ncgltgenlt performance of his duties. Section 5. No person shall be eligi ble for the office of ln*pector of nit- fcaTV plumbing unless he is a tftlzen of the cKy of Macon, nnd a pmsetteal plumber of at leawt eight years’ ex- p, -l.-nor. Pt-etWn. 8 Repeals conflicting ordi nances. A true extract from the minutes tf the mayor end council of the elty of Macon of Nov. 6. 1891. bridges umith. Clerk of Council. SCHEDULE TO AND FROM AUGUSTA. Only twenty-six hours Macon to New York. 9:00 a. m. train has through Pullman buffet sleeper Macon to New York. |N.Y.T’n|D’y M'lJN't Ex. lor. Macon. Lv. Mllledgevllle Lv. Sparta. . , Lv. Warrenton. Lv. Camak. . Lv. Thomson. Lv. Harlem. . Ar. Augusta. . 9:00 am 4:30 pm 8:30 pm 10:00 am 5:33 pm 10:12 pm 10:40 am 6:14 pm 11:23 pm 11:17 am 6:52 pm 12:26 am 11:28 am 7:04 pm 3:27 am 11:46 7:20 pm 8:43 am 12:00 pm 7:43 pm 4:16 am 1:00 pm 8:30 pm 6:15 sun AUGUSTA TO MACON. Lv. Augusta. . Lv. Harlem. . Lv. Thomson. Lv. Camak. . Lv. Warrenton Lv. Sparta. . Lv. MUIedftvUla Ar. Macon. 7:15 atn)ll:50 ntn]Xl-0O pm 8:00 am|12:!o pm|13:00 ngt 8:20 ami 1:11 pm|12:26 am 8:10 am] 1.35 pml 2:00 am 8:47 am) 1.44 pm] 2:14 am 8:22 am| 2:27 praj 3:27 am 10:00 am| 3:15 ptr,| 4.48 am 11:00 am j 4:23 pmj 4:45 am Sleeping cara batween Augusta and Ma con, on trains lsaving Augusta 11.-00 p. m. and Macon 8:30 p. m. THOMAS K. SCOTT. General Manager. JOE W. WHITE, Traveling Passenger A. a JACKSON. General Passenger Agent. Augusta, On. W. W. HARDWICK. Passenger Agent, Macon, Go. L. J. HARRIS, Ticket Agent, Macon, Ga. Middle fieofgii aid Atlantic Railroad, Effective 8vpiemD«r *. • O’clock, A. MM. Read Down Read Up. 11 00 P| 7 15|LV. Augusta .Ar.| On. R ,K. j 9 00 |Lr. Macon ..Ar.| |4i»p Passenger* In local sleeper, northboun d, can sleep uutil 7 a.m: Passengers from Jacksonville for Macon proper smould take this sleeper at Lake City. The "Dlxla Flyer,” leaving Macon at 10:33 p. m. carries through Pullman buf fet sleeping car to Jacksonville and local sleeper to Palatka, arriving in Jackson ville at 8:30 a. m. and Palatka at s a. m. West India fast mall train leaving Macon at 11:10 a. m. makes direct connection at Cordele with S. A. M. fast express for Montgomery, arriving there ut 7^5 p. m., at which point close connection is made with Louisville and Nashville veatlbuled limited for New Orleans and all Texas points. Sleeping car accommodations rose rved in Macon for this train. The Suwunee River lioute is the only direct line from Macon to Palatka and all interior Florida points, close connection being made at Palatka In Union depot with Jacksonville. Tampa and Key West, Florida Southern and Jacksonville, St Augustine and Indian River .‘adroadj also with St. Johns and Ocalawsha river vteamers. Sleeping oar accommodations reserved to Jacksonville Palatka or New Orleans. Further information cheerfully and promptly furnished upon application. Telephone 100. Send your name andfeddress Cor beaut iful photogravure. J. LANE. G. A. MACDONALD, Genl. Manager, UenL Passenger Agt„ Macon, Ga. Macon, Ga. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. Passage From Savannah TO NEW YORK: Cabin, $20; Excursion, $H2; Steerage, $10.00. TO BOSTON : Cabin, 522; Excursion, SfiOl Steerage, *11.75. TO PHILADELPHIA, VIA NEW YORK. Cabin, *22.30; Excursion, *30; Steer age, $12.50. Atlanta anil New Orleans Short Line, ATLANTA anil WEST POINT ft. 1L Mulokcit and Heat ttuuta Montgomery, Selma, Mobile, New Or leans, Tfcxas and Southwest. GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GULF R. R- The Only Line Running Double Dally Trains Between Columbus and Atlanta. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT.. 14, 1891. NORTHBOUND. “ Lv. Columbus.......«.,i Lv. Waverly Hall .... Lv. Oak Mountain...,. Lv. Warm SprJngs... Lv. Woodbury... Lv. Concord Lv. Williamson Ar. Griffin Ar. Macon, C. R R... ,\r. Atlanta, C. R. R* Lv. Griffin Lv. McDonough", No. M Daily 7d0 a.m. 759 a.m. 8:09 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 1 9:00 a.m 9;W a.m. 9:44 a.m. 10-00 a.m. 7:88 p.m. 11:89 a.m. No. 33 Dally 8:20 p.m. 4:14 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:23 p.m. « 5:51 p.m. 8:12 p.ui. 6:30 p.m. 10:23 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 6:40 p.m. 7:50 p.m. SOUTHBOUND. No. 62 Lv. McDonough.. Ar. Griffin Lv. Macon. C. R. R.. Lv. AtMnt* C. R, R Lv. Griffin Lv. Williamson * Lv. Concord Lv. Woodbury Lv. Warm Springs.. Lv. Oak Mountain..-. Lv. Waverly Hail.... Ar. Coliumbua Dally 8:15 a.m. 8*7 a.m. 4:13 a.m. 7:50 a.m. 9;CS a.m. 9:23 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10.36 a.m. u :10 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 12:15 P.m. 4^5 p.m. 5*4 p.m. 6:13 p.m. 6:31 p.m. 6:59 p.m. 7:34 p.m. 8:04 p.m. 8.14 p.m. 9:05. p.m. **A11 trains Arrive arid depart Union ds. pots at Columbus and Griffin. ASK ros tickets an.l ««» that toqt'rrafl ria tM Georgia Midland and Gulf TtaUroad. CLIFTON JONES, Ocn. Fa«. Agt. a W. CHEAR3, Gen. Manager. Columbus, Ga. MACON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, OCT. 20, 1894. Read Ufi. |PM|P»T, Read Down, AM.|AM| t i5|r,v Macon ...,Ar|s43| , Southbound. No. S3. No. 60. No. 33. Lv. Macon Lv. Atlanta Ar. Montgomery. Ar. 1’enaaoola... Ar, Mobile Ar. New Ori'a.... Ar. Houaton i 4 23 pm| 7 60 am 5.36 Ml | 4 20 pm It (» am| 9 20 pm 8 66 pml 6 80 am 6 20 pm 3 (6 am 10 a pml 7 25 am |10 60 pm 6 30 am 3 (3 nm 7 35 am 10 60 pm, (Leave Montgomery | 8 30 pml s 10 am Arrive Selma... |n 16 pm|U 15 am The magnificent steamships of these lines are appointed to nail as follows, standard time: SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. (Central or 90th Meridian Time.) City of Blrmgham.Wed., Nov. 7, 1:00 pm Kansas City Frl„ Nov. 9. 2:00 pm Chattahoochee Sat., Nov, 10, 8:00 pm Nacoochee Mon. Nov. 12, 4:30 pm Tallabosste Wed., Nov. 14, 6:00 am City of Augusta....Frl., Nov. 16, 7:30 am City of Birmlnghm.&at., Nov. 17, 7:00 pm Kansas City ... ..Mon., Nov. 19, 10:00 am Chattahoochee ... Wed., Nov. 21, 12:30 pm Nacoochee ....Frl,, Nov. 23, 2:00 am Tallahassee Sat., Nov. 2-1, 8:00 pm City of Augusta....Mon. Nov. 26, 5:00 pm City of Blrmgham.Wed., Nov. 28, 6:09 am Kansas City Frl., Nov, 30, 7:30 am SAVANNAH TO BOSTON. City of Macon,...Thur„ Nov, 8, l:3Q pm Gate City Thur., Nov. 15, 6:30 pm City of Macon....Thur., Nov. 22, 1:00 pm Gate City .....Thur,, Nov. 29, 6:30 pra SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (This ship does not carry passengers.) Decsoug Thur., Nov. 8, 1:30 pm Dossoug Sun., Nov. 18, 8:00 am Dessoug . Wed., Nov. 28, 6:00 am • J. P. BECKWITH, G. A., Jacksonville, Fla. Walter Hawkins, F. P. A., Jacksonville. W. E. Arnold, O. T. P. A., Jacksonville. C. G. Anderson, Agent, Savannah, Ga. Train tl carries Pullman vestibule sleeper New York to New Orleans, and dining car to Montgomery. Train 38 carries Pullman vestibule sToeper Now Or leans to New York and dining car to At lanta. Trains 34 and 35 Pullman Buffet Sleep* Ing Cars between Atlanta and Mont gomery. GEO-C. SMITH, Pres, and Gen. Mgr. ■JOHN A. GEE. Gen. Pass. Agt GEO. W. ALLEN. T. P. A,, Atlanta MACON f DUBLIN AND SAVANNAH HAILHOAD. Read Down. *un.| 1 tfo3INo.*| ■Fmjpmi 4 00) - “ “STXTlORSr MM Up. H lifum A. M. 660 655 810 815 1315 120 P. M.l Lv Mlirg'vlU Arfl 7 SO | l 09 Lv Datonton Ar.j 7 46 j 13 66 Ar Eatonton Lv| 8 86 ) 11 46 p Lv Eatonton Ar) 6 PS | 11 41 Ar. Atlanta Lv.) 8 G0p| 7 85a Ar.. Macon Lv.) 810 a) |Ar. Athens .lnr.|8 4ori Broughtonville meeting point for trains Nos. 101 and 104. Covington Junction meeting point for trains No*. 102 and 183. W. B. THOMAS. General Manager, DON’T BE A Ready-Made MAN Call at 383 Second St., and w* how y~ can have a I'AiLORat Ready-MaJa Prices. to gata million of Circulars I cuss Meanmertst. Hypnotist, Mind B**«W and ruirvopnnt. * larga book only 10c. Addreja at oneo. c. IL BOWAW. IfUvnu kee. TTla. ii**r-**i AN ORDINANCE _ To prescribe for the purtvti'ment for I . — j 1 -■ —"• vloHtlon of rules of the Bo»ird of i GUARDIAN SALE, Btaftth relatVng to nnd requiring virtue Of an ordsr of the Court Inspection of ear It ary plumbing. | C f Ordinary of Bibb county, Qa., Be it ordxloed by the mayor and , at the November term, 1894, council of the city of Maoon, aard It , 0 f gjid oourt, I'will sell before* the 13 hereby ord-aJmed by autbiority of the i dourffhoiwe door In said county, be- swne. cmaft for n violation of eny of 1 tweed Cbe legal hours of sale on t*ie a chimney in the nelghbbortiood pf ;he 1 the rule* of tihe ordinance of the | first Tuesday Vn December, 1894, the box burning out. — “ * ‘ — *“'* *— The.receiving ot the diploma by the Imperial Bakins Powder Is nil ibst is necessary to be said. That is proof positive of Rs parity and should a* sure all good hpoitwepcti that th*‘.v will get fl powder that cannot bo srr* passed. 'Or. Price’s Cream Bakins Powder Worli’0 Fair Highest Medal and I Bmd of Health relating to and re- I following named property, belonging qufrfcvg no Inspection of sanitary | to Bell Louis* Collins. W. W. Oolllns, plumbing. Oho p%rw>n or persons w* . Jr., -and Mattie Wilson Oottlns, all offending nhall be summoned fctfots i minors, and sold by me os their tfae recorder of the city of Mnoyi, and. guardian, to-wit.: Ton (10) khareai of on convtotlon. punlshc»d ns prescribed tftxe CeciPil Georgia. Bank stock of in die act creoctoig dWe- Recorder’® Coart. A true extra at frbm the mlnutee of the mayor and courv£l of the city of Mccon of Nor. f. 1894. BRIDGES SMITH. Clerk h Council. Maoon. Ga.; par value of aadh shaye, $100. SaM sock i« roM f/r Uie rtv.iln- tenance, educailon and support of said minors. Terms r,t sale cash. W. W. COLLINS. Guardian tor above named minora, Nov. 6, 1834, . * 415 4 45 460 505 5 15 625 6 80) 5 12 5 40 6 32 607 Macon .M. 3b N. Junction., ... Swift Creek ... ...Dry Branch ... ... Flkes Fsak ... .... Fltzparick. .. lilpley. ..... .. .Jeffersonville Galllmora ... ..... Danville ..... Allootovn .... Montrose “JN6.1)bio.<4 | A M|AM ..|10 20)10 15 .. 19 20J19 OS 10 00 9 60 9 ill 9 30 9 £ 9 16 6 50 6 50 ......... Dudley , .)W Ui . 9 50 5 35 ..| 920 9 09 8b5 8 30 8 15 8 00 7 45 7 30 7 15 Mooro 6 30 Dublin JAS. T. WRIGHT, General Manager. 1, B, PUNN, Superintendent. .WESTERN SYSTEM. SOUTHBOUND. TNorir *££* |io“46 pm Arrive Cochran Arriv. Hawklnsvllls... Arrive Eastman Arriv. Jeaup Arrive Brunswick..,!!’ Arrive Jackaonvlllc.... Arrive fl.vanrinh NORTHBOUND. 7 40 am U 64 am 4 IS am 6 16 am 8 25 am < 65 am 3 40 pm 1 28 pm 5 15 pm 7 15 pm 9 23 pm P 47 pro I No. £2. j No. 14. J N0. It J 30 am] 4 25 pmf 8 25 am a "‘! I 3 »aml 7 60 pm 11 46 am >...1 8 09 amlll ' 00 pm 2 00 pm Lv. Macon., Ar. Atlanta, Lv. Atlanta,.., _ u U 00 n I 3 20 ami 6 51 pm 4 46 am, °7^ aJ:.»4 ! ] Stlss hi’ 2SSS& 7 00 nm 7 45 pm Ar. Memphis..) j 6 10 pm) 7 00 am IS8SIS-8B jxKnoxvm...| Jil UaU !lg" THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENT?. Southbound. 'No.ll.—Sofia veatlbuled train to Jack- aonville. wltli Pullman buffet drawing 2SXJ!5L* meh * ,or J “ !l ‘roavUl. and No. 13.-aoild train for.Brunswick. No. 12.—Solid vestibule train to Ab SS"8Stfef b.tweaa *Maaon No. 14.—Solid train to Chattanoo.a. with .Leper attached from Atlanta com araftrSe 1 ?Saar « c o* r 4, o .d ch v‘,i: wctlons. *' Uh ffl,t tri,n * ln a11 a, ‘ For full Information a, to route. ratM. etc., apply to — JIM W. CAnR. Paa.ang.r anflI Ticket Agent. Macon, Oa. rr C ' 3k I i' ud " on ’ Oansrat liaMaw, Knoxville Tran, . A. Turk. General Paraeng*, Agent, iVnahlngton, D. C. J. J. Farnsworth, Division P,.,eng«r Agent. Al -nta, Ga. O. A. Benscotcr. Assistant Passenger Agent, Knoxville. Tenn, IU niUYtlll JUUU4VVW . . . ..r- I - 4 23 Lv.... Greenwond 6 23 Lv.,*> Chester 9 3S 8 06 Lv.... Monroe ..Lv 823 5 401 Ar.... Richmond ....LvlU2*|A** BKhrsraTS "oraneJSS; 0* Florida Railroad. £ a#t . T ;"S^ Stntrnl raH. W flecond—No!’ 402 leaving Mraon a* • J » make, clone connection with Middle Oeor - — ’°Fourth—With eolld train ton and Pullman rarlor Cuffri carfi Washington to New Yor ^,f !, y 'incated al Ticket office l« temporarily locatea at J. W. Burko'e book etore. hpmw ' E. W. BURKE. Ticket Agent. Columbufi Southern Railway am, Table No. nTBffcobve Sept. II. 1M* SOUTHBOUND. No. 1. No. 3. Dally. M’ndy. 1 Wedy No. 5. Friday. Satdy. Lv Columbue, Lv Richland. Lv Daw«m. Ar Albany. Ar .Thomnavfile. Ar Brunswick. Ar Jack.onvlllo. 2:19 pm 6:27 pm 5:10 pm 7:40 pm 11.00 am 8:10 i 8:25 sen 73»am| 7:00 am 8:20 am 9:20 ant 12:46 am 11:32 am 230 pm 1:00 pm 6:40 pm e:40 pt4 8:10 am 8:10 art 836 am 836 am NORTUUOUND. No. 4. | No. «. Tuendy.| Frldayi Thuady.| Satdy. I.v Jock.onvilla. 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Lv Brunswick. . 7:26 pm 736 pm 7:28 pin Lv Thoma.villo, 2:20 pm 230 pm 8:00 am Lv Albany. . . . 0:60 am 730 am 8:00 pm Ar Dow eon. . . 7;W am 0:05 am 4:31 pm Ar Richland. . . 9:00 nm 11.10 am 0:27 pm Ar Columbus. , 1030 am 2:00 pm 3:00 pm Train. Non 1 and 2 arriv. and depart from Union depota at Columbus and Al, b Train. Noe. 9, i, 5 and « arrive and de< n»rt at foot of Seventh .Lett, Columbue, H. C. HILL, Superintendent OCONEE AND WESTERN RA1LH0AD TIME CARD NO. k To Tsk« Kffsat Monday, April 8, U84. 24os, 1 and 8 will run daUy ssespt Sun* day. AU olhsra krrsgalar. lUod Down. - . R°«d U|u H0.L |M1U*| AM. 969 IU - 880 • 945 to 00 10 80 19 40 ar.ll 00 ly.ll 10 U 25 or.U 40 47 Lv. Dublin .Ar „ Hutchings Spring Havsu. .... Dexter .... .... Alcorns ... .... Chester ... , Yonkers ... „ Empirt ... .. Emptr# .... ... Cyprsss ... Hawklnsvllls iMtlss) Ho. 8. p. Mr u Orovanl* ... Closs connsctloua mads at Dublin wtUs Wrights villa and TonnlUa railroad la both id! Motion*. East Tannassaa, “Vlrglnl* and Oaorgki trains pass Empire as follow w doing Houth., Going North. lfiMpta a 41 Pm HIGHTOWER, O. Mm , , Y. MAHONEY, O. F. * V- A. CENTRAL R. R. ofGJEOEG-IA H. M. COMER AND R. S. HAYE8. RECEIVERS. Schedule in effect Offt. 4th, 1894, Standard Time, 90th Meridien. ■ BETWEEN MACON. COLUMBUS. BIRMINGHAM. MONTGOMERY AND ALBANY. . HEAD DOWN. 1*7 01 tn ..... Ill .m .....111 00 a in >....(12 24 p m 1* p m •8 19 p ml’ins a m 9 13 p m 10 40 p m 11 66 p 2 44 s 5 26 a ru 7 to am U 22 p rn 1 64 p m 3 to p m 3 13 p m 140 pm 4 It p m » 6U H in 8 30 p m 8 10 p m 7 66 p m —STATIONS— Leave...., Macon Arriv. Arrive Fort Valley Leave Arrive Columbus Leave Arrve Opelika ..Leave Arriv.,...... Birmingham Leave Arrive Leave Leave ......Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave.. Macou .... Arrive Fort Valley . Arrive AmcrJcue ... Arrive Albjny .... Arrive Daemon .... Arrive....... Fort Oalne. . Arrive Eufaula .... Arrive Ozark Arrive Union fiurln*. Arrive.... Troy Arrive Montgomery . 7 45 p m ..... .... 1999, 6 35 p m 9999, 99M« 8 45 p m Mil* I9»H 2 25 3 m ....» •••* • •••• M994 •8 45 a m ••••• •••*• i 10 p m 7 40 a m ..... ..... ’ 3 00 p m 0 40 a m 1 29 p m i 29 a m 11 50 s m 4 10 a m 11 21 a m 11 47 p m 0 20 a m 10 37 a rn 10 ii P ni 6 05 a m 9 10 a m S 68 p m 7 15 a rn ♦7 45 n m •7 20 P m *.!*.Q,A*A!li base BETWEEN MACON. ATLANTA. CHATTANOOGA. MILLEDOEVILLB. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. ♦4 IK a ml*4 23 p ml*7 55 a m I 1! « m i 3t p m 19 47 a m 1 46 a ml 3 os p mill 30 a m 1 16 p ml 1 09 a m! 7 55 p m 14 16 p ml*ll 04 p mill 30 a m t OS p mill 46 p m 12 II pm * 10 p ml r. 3 16 a ml 3 40 pm [ <30 i ml I SO 9 m I < W a ml f 30 p m Leave Macon Arrive Arrive.......... Griffin Leave Arrive Atlanta Leave Ar,... Chattanooge via Atlanta ....Lv Leave. Macon .... Arrive Gordon ... Arrive Mlfiedg.vUU Arrive Mlllea .... Arrive Augusta .. Arrive Savannah .. Arrive Leave Leave Leave Le*** ......Leave 7 65 p mllO 23 p milt 00 a m 649 pm|826 p nil 9 03 am •4 25 p m!*6 55 p m *7 30 n m 7 26 a ml*i It P m!rs 29 a m **!•*! 3 4u p in) 3 45 a m)10 04 a rn “rttT 2 55 p ml 3 01 a ml 9 10 a :n - t|rt ||f(- ..... t 05 am 11 03 a mill 35 p mi 7 55 n m| i .10 p nil •8 34 a nil’s 45 p ml Train* marked thus * dallyj’thu* ! daily except* Sunday. Trains marked thus T Sunday only. Solid trains are run to and from Macon and Montgomery via Eufaula, Savannah and Atlanta via Macon, M«ccs (tod Albany via SmlthMIle. iUcun an<i lJirmlmrhum vu Columbus. Sleeping cars on night trains betwen Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Parlor cars between Macon and Atlanta. Pa*aeng«rs for Tho.naaton take 7:55 a. m. or 4.*25 p. m. train. Passengers for Carrollton and Ccdartown take 7:61 y. sl train. Passenders for Perry take 11:16 a. m. train: Fort Gaines, Buena Vlata. Blakely and Clayton should taka UJI a. m. train. Passengers for Bylvanla. Wrightsvllla and Bandersville take 11:30 a. rn. train. For further Information and for schedules for points beyond our lin^ apply to 4 W. F. SHELL MAN’. Traffic Manager. W. p .DAWSON. Passenger Agent* ■/ C BAILS. General Passenger Agent. L L J, HAitiUB. Ticket Agt, Bacon, *