The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 13, 1894, Image 7
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER: 13, 1894 I 11! The Cold Ware Is Driving Hundreds of Them to This Sunny Land. BETTEE SEASON THAN FOE YEAES J» the Opinlon.of Railroad People—They Expect a Colder Winter Than la Uenal—Ohioans Olay Locate BTear TIfSon at Once. The cold wive has started a rush In the wlntgr tourist business and all trains entering Macon from the North since Saturday were loaded. It is rather remarkable that the rush ahyuld come on almost neck and neck with the wave, but Union TIoket Agent (Harris says this Is due to' the tact that the rich Northerners keep posted on the weather and know eeveral days In ad vance when a wave Is coming. They don't wait for the cold to cwoop down on them and drive them South, but; light- out before the wave gete there. Tiiat'e why so many of them reached this section. Sunday and so many more yesterday.’ Ticket -Agent Harris says the tourist business has started up well and re ports from passenger agents in the North Indicate that the tourist busi ness is to be heavier this year than for several years pest. On® passenger agent, who Is fciurtttog for business In (Michigan, says the people of that section ore hurrying away, the majority BACK UP your scrubbing' brush with Gold Dust Washing Powder, the great modem cleaner. It ■mil keep your floors and paint white and bright with very little labor. There is no branch of house cleaning in which Gold Dust cannot be used to greatest advan tage. It costs much less, goes much far ther, and does much better work than any other washing material, Vour grocer will sell you a 4 lb. pkg. for 35c. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, w——i DEPARTURES-SO UTH BOUND. No. 3 for Montgomery and pa- „ latka nao a m No. 3-) for Jacksonville and Pa latka 10:33 p m ARRIVALS-NORTHBOUND. ‘ No. 8 from Palatka and Mont gomery 4:20 p m No. 4 from Palatka and Jack- sonvllle N°- 5 for Tifton (Sat. only) 4*0 p m XJo. 81 for LaGrange.....* 4.*W> p m No. 61 for LaGrange (Ex. Sun.) 8K> a m No. 6 from Tifton (Sat. only).... 10:50 am No. 82 from LaGrange 10:50 a m No. 62 from LaGrange (Ex Sun.).. 3:45 p m REGISTERING SLOWLY. The 'Books Show Only About 360 up to Date. There are only seven more days in which the people of Macon have to register, and yet there are only about 330 names on the registration books up to date. Yesterday Showed a 6light Improve ment over Saturday, but unless the cit izens take more Interest nod register sss..*^ Polled at Hh» December ajdenmlmlo arl ieTtLe awaTiiri^ Cm4lnari?y-they e 2.e cte<m - The books up -to date show ™Wnm*eaveh^i S un?i^fterC^ 1 mas. t>ut tho warm Southern sunshine JjJJgg® M y on<e parti’cular or ia too tempting: to allow them to remain . ®ut tka-t every class is rep at home with the snow already several j reeeotea. . inches deep on the around. Some peotpje, it seems, do not under- The Georgia Southern carried down 1 etontt the new method of registering, a sleeper full of tourists Sunday night : and in order that sucfli people may be GEORGIA RAILROAD and about thirty went to Florida over that road yesterday morning. The Southern is also busy with- the tourists Juat now. The number of Flor ida sleepers has been doubled since the 6th, two car loads of tourists generally r'l 'dus; through Macon every morning MR SAYS THEY WERE PLEASED. MaJ. W. L. Glassier, Immigration commissioner of the Georgia Southern and Florida, left last night for the North to bring down with him more prospectors. He spent last- week at Tifton and other points in south Geor gia du com- ttvy with hla party of Ohio and Pennsylvania ©respecters, all of whom, he says, were well pleased with enlightened the Telegraph again states that the registration book* will be kept open only cA Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, during the month of November, from 7 o’clock a. m. until 8 o'clock p. m. The same qualifications are required as formerly. Every man who wants to see good men put to office should register. If he doesn't register und bad men ge; to, he will have no right to complain. WEEK OF - PRAYER. . interest Increasing to the Young Men’s Christian Association Services. The special prayer service at the Y. the section visited. The Ohioans were 9v m tha^unl party'busy 'for 3fSS J?u% m k S23S& I ^ nees In which most , of the Ohioans ere “ • of engaged. or wSb to engage to after “J coming South, and many of them have , ”op M 7o r . tat Stoy“s alw”i S o“ night. The association w4U be glad to welcome coming South, and many of them have about made ur> their minds to Ibcalte fit or near Tifton. BOARD OF EDUCATION. TUNNELLING UNDER TRACKS. One of the most difficult pieces of I association are "especially urged to "be work that the sewer contractors have present and to bring all their friends yet tackled Is that now Wring done at with them. The meetings wtu be bus the -back end of the Union depot, where pended on Wednesday evening, -a* that th sewer has to be laid under eight , i. the regular prayer meeting night with tracks, none of which- Can be torn up I ncariy.-aU, tho churches. ‘ to allow the work to be d-n-ne. In con- I state Secretary Lewis will conduct the sequence of this the contractors have j services during the latter pari of the been obliged to sink shafts between the week. Come tonight and during all the tracks and tunnel under each one. the rest of the week, bed bf the sewer dltoh being twenty feet below the tracks. Engineers con sider it quite a neait. piece of work. SHORT LINES. , General' Freight Agent Stone of the Georgia Southern accompanied by Di vision Freight Agent Coates of the Brunswick and Western, went over to Montgomery yesterday to attend the Southern Exposition. NEW SCHEDULE. Some Interesting Nmva Concerning the Southern Railway. The Southern Railway will put on an entirely new schedule both north und south and the result will be that Macon will have three passenger trains north and two south over thla line daily. The change of schedule Is made to mocommodute the fast vestibule train to be put an between. Cincinnati and . Kansas Ctiiy and Jacksonville on Sunday next. This wHl be one at the fastest trains In the south, ti-nd will make the run from Cv&omntul to Jacksonville in a little less than tweriiy-four hours, the dis tance being nearly 900 miles. This train will arrive ait Macon at 3 o'clock a. m. and Jacksonville at 9 a. m. The other southbound train will arrive at Macon at 3.66 p. m. The northbound trains will arrive at Macon at i.25 a. m., R.40 a. m. and 4.26 p. m. This will give Macon a better service north and south than ever before on this road. ,M. V. Richards has been appointed Immigration agent of tho Southern, with headquarters at Washington. This Is a new departure for tho Southern tail way, but the beneficial results from immigration agents on other railroads In the South having been made so manifest, the Southern has fallen into line. It Is understood tteu the Immi gration agent will exert most of his rffor!* to inducing Immigration to EWuthem JGctfrgta, ao the Southern runs through a section of tho state that offers spatial' advantages to home- seekers and investors. Mr. J. C. Beam, traveling passenger apent of the Southern, who has had hla headquarters at Jacksonville for some time past, boo been transferred to Kansas City. Mr. Brtum'a thousands of mends to this section are glad of hla promotion, but deeply regret his removal, as he wok popular both In r.rilraid and social circles. Mr. E. B, Wells, who has been associated with Mr. Beam In Florida, now succeeds him. The Southern has sent out advance notices of hoMAiy rates wblchkare, aa usual, four cents per mile round trip. These tickets will be put on sale Dec. 22. 26 and 29, and Jan. 1, with extrema limit Jan. 3. The rates only apply to distances of 300 miles or less. INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. Will Make a Report of Its Findings at Council Meeting. Tonight. The committee appointed by Acting Chairman of Council Sperry at a meeting two we-ks ago to Investigate the cuutng down of the trees ta Ayres' park and to ascertain who was responsible tc A Full Meeting of That Body Transact! Only Routine Business. The Board of Education, held Its regu lar monthly meeting at the office of the board on' Second street last night, with almoet a full membership present. Tie meeting was one of littie Interest to the public, as only routine business, such as hearing reports from the schools, the condition of the schools, both city and county, and other minor matters were brought before the meeting. The reporta from the various schools showed them to be In a better condition than ever before, with the dlsolplln and attendance all that could be desired. A. L. Butts, the coni dealer, to too -busy.filling orders to remove his coal from the- fair grounds. Ho wants ten extra, teams at once 'to help him de liver ooial. liliil It llIs Not HAn experiment—but a| lUk Proved Success. 'Thous ands of housekeepers who at first thought they xxcv- jp M er could use any shorten- H ing but lard, now use C0T- sTOLENB and couldn’t beg H induced to change, simp-1§ gly because it is better, H ft cheaper and more health-1| is ful. The genuine has this |s H trade mark—steer’s head g §| in cotton-plant wreath— W H on every pail. Look for it j| Mads only by i The | N.K. Fairbank Company, ~ | ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. OEOROIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Notice Is hereby given u required by the act of yesterday morning and examined a man-1 cfmb e r rs, ujj, that I. w. N. Peden. of b t5hi l< tb> mm-nit.** - ...-I the atate of North Carolina, u executor gate meeting of **>« committee was , of lut Wtu and teatoment of James lif l ^h.t Prl .hl W »v!dai!ce ^tbe* wttnMaoi A ' p edtn. late of Duval county, FVi., and ‘whoto^ nroceedlng^wtU^bi now deeeaaed. Intend as the said executor JS. %S\oSSSn’JSSSttfJraStottS “ tracer toJVUiUm N. Pedra .evenly- report, the result of Its Inveatlgwtlou tc council. Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. <ri) of the capital stock of the Southwestern Railroad Company of Georgia. This the 30th day of October, A D.. U04. W. N. PEDEN. Executor Estate of James A. Peden, de- 8CHEDULE TO AND FROM AUGUSTA. Only twenty-six hours Macon to New York. 9 DO a. m. train has through Pullman buffet sleeper Macon to Now York. |N.Y.T'n|D'y M’l.|N*t. Ex. 830 pm 10:12 pm 11:23 pm 12:26 am 3:27 am 3:48 am ids tun 805 am Lv. Macon. Lv. MUledgevllle Lv. Sparta. . . Lv. Warren ton. Lv. Camuk. . Lv. Thomson. Lv. Harlem. . Ar. Augusta. . , -9:00 am 4:80 pm 10:00 am 5:83 pm 10:40 am 6:14 pm U:17 am 6:52 pm 11:28 am 7.-04 pm 11:46 Mm 7:20 pm 12:09 pm 7:43 pm 1:00 pm 8:30 pm AUGUSTA TO MACON. Lv. Augusta. . Lv. Harlem. . Lv. Thomson. Lv. Camak. . Lv. War rent on.. Lv. Sparta, Lv. Minedgovllle Ar. Macon. 1:K amIUtf) am|UD0 pm 8D0 .70(12:15 pm]12:0O ngt 8:JO am) 1:11 pm 8:10 ami 1.85 pm 8:47 am) 1.44 pm 9:22 ami 2:27 pm 10:00 *m| 8:15 pro 11:00 amj 4:25 pm 12:26 am 2:00 am 2:14 am 3:27 am 4:48 am 6:45 qm Sleeping cars between Augusta, and Ma con, on trains leaving Augusta 11:00 p. m. and Macon 8:30 p. m. THOMAS K. SCOTT. , General Manager. JOB W. WHITS, Traveling Passenger A. G. JACKSON, General Passenger Agent. Augusta, Ga. W. W. HARDWICK, Faaienger Agent, Macon. Ga. L. J. HARRIS, Ticket Agent, Macon, Ga. Middle Georgia and Atlantic Railroad. Effective September 7, 6 O’clock. A. 1894. Read Down Read Up. u 00 p| 7 18|Lv. Augusta ,Ar.l Ga. R .K. 1 9 00 |Lv. Macon „Ar.| | 4 <8 p POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE- Snoot River Rente to Florida." Is the only di rect line from Jacksonville, Palatka, mQ St. Augustine, Ocala, u Sanford, Titusvill, Bartow, Tampa, And ail points In Florida and Cuba. Our trains arrive and depart from Onion da- pot! In Macon and Palatka. No. 101INO.193I - P. M.l i 15 LV INo.102INo.iW P. M.l A. M. MUrg-Vtll Ar|| 7 69 1 1 w Lv Eatonton Ar,| 7 45 | U 55 Ar Eatonton Lv| 6 36 | 11 46 p Lv Eatonton Ar| ( 25 I U 48 Ar. Atlanta Lv.| 3 00p| 7 23a Ar.. Macon lv,| 9l0a| |Ar. Athens .Lv.| 3 49p| Broughtonvills meeting point tor trains Nos. 101 and 104. Covington Junction meatlng point for trains Kos. 192 and 10S, W. B. THOMAS, General Manager. C. H. HO WAN, Milwaukee, Wls. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—G. I. Johns, administrator of the estate of J. Warren Johns, late of saldc ounty, de ceased, having applied to me fat leave to sell ten shares of tho Un-ton Savings Bank and Trust Company stock, of Ma con, Ga.. and three shares of the Ocmul- gee Land and Improvement Company stock, of Macon. Ga„ belonging to said estate, for the purpose of paying ddbta and for distribution: This is to notify all concerned to file objection*). If any they can. on or before the first Monday In December. 1894. or leave to sell will then be granted. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—H. G. Cutter, executor, and Mrs. Mary A. Ayres, executrix, of tho eetato of Asher Ayres, late of said county, deceased, having represented to this court that they have fully discharged the duties of said trust, this la. therefore, to noti fy all parties concerned, to file objec tions, if any they have, on or before the first Monday In December, 1894, or else letters of dismission will then be Issued as asked for. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—The ap praisers appointed to set aside a twelve months' support out of the estate of Robert Smith, late of said county, de ceased. to his widow Lilia L. Smith, and hla minor child. Felton Smith, having filed their return In this office, this Is therefore, to notify nil parties concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday In Decem ber. 1894, why said return should not be made the Judgment of this court. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-A. A. Cut. len. administrator of the estate E. W, Melton, tats of said county, deceased, having represented to thla court that he has fully discharged the duties of said trust, and now asks for letters of dismis sion. This Is to notify ail parties con. cerned to file objections. If any they have, on or before the first Monday in December. 1194, or letters of dlsmlseion will then be granted as asked for. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-flamuel R. Jsques. executor of the estate of Richard IV. Jaques. kite of said county, deceased, having represented to this court that he has fully discharged tho duties of sold trust and now asks for letters of dismis sion. This la, therefore, to notify til par tite concerned to file objections, if , 0 y they have, on or before the first Monday In December, 1891. or Utters of dismission will then be granted at asked for. This third day of September. 1894. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary. BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. Will bo sold before tbe court house door in the city of Mncon, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day In December. 1894, lota Nos. I, 2, 3 tod 4. in square 29. southwest com mons. between Hazel and Ash streets. Said property levied on to satisfy two Justice court fl. fas. Issued from testh district. G. M., of, Muscogee county, to favor of Loan * -Kaufman and Lotos Buhler & Oo.. and one fl. fa. Issued from superior court of Musco gee county in favor of A. J. Be thane vs. V. W. Bates. . . . L. B. HERRINGTON. Deputy-Bheriff. Passengers in local sleeper, northbound, can sleep until 7 a.m. Passengers from Jacksonville for Macon proper saould take local sleeper at Lake City. Tho ‘‘Dixit Flyer," leaving Macon at 10:33 p. m. carrlti through Pullman buf fet sloeping car to Jacksonville and local sleeper to Palatka, arriving In .lackson- vine at 3:30 a. m. end Palatka at a a. m. West India fast mall train leaving Macon at 11:10 a. m. makes direct connection at Cordels with s. A. M. fast express for Montgomery, arriving there at 7:53 p. m„ nr. which point close connection It made with Louisville and Nashville vestlbuled 1 United for New Orleans and all Texas points. Sleeping car accommodations re«o rved In Macon for this train. The Sumanee River Routt Is the only direct line from Macon to Palatka and all interior Florida points, close connection being mads at Palatka In Union depot with Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West, Florida Southern and Jacksonville. Ht. Augustins and Indian River railroad: also with St. Johns and Ocatawaha rlvor steamers, sleeping car accommodations reserved to Jacksonville, Palatka or New Orleans. Further information cheerfully and promptly furnished upon application. Telephone 100. Bend your name and address for beaut tful photogravure. J. LANE. O. A. MACDONALD, Gent. Manager, UenL Passenger Agt., Macon, Ga. Macon, GO. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. PacEage From Savannah TO NEW YORK: Cabin, $20; Excursion, $142; Steerage, $10.00. TO BOSTON: Cabin, $22; Excursion, $30; Steerage, $11.75. * TO PHILADELPHIA, VIA NEW YORK Cabin, $22.50; Excursion, $30; Steer age, $12.50. Southbound. Lv. Macon Lv. Atlanta Ar. Montgomery. Ar. Pensacola... Ar. Mobile Ar. New Orl's... Ar. Houston The magnificent ateamshlps of these fines are appointed to sail aa follows, standard time: SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK (Central or 90th Meridian Time.) Tallahassee Wed., Nov. 14, 6:49 am City of Augusta....Frl., Nov. 18, 7:30 am City of Birmlnghm.Sat., Nov. 17. 7:00 pra Kansas City Mon., Nov. 19,10:00 am Ohattahoochee ....Wed., Nov. 81, 1330 pm Nacoocheo Fri., Nov. 23, 2:00 am Tallahassee Sat., Nov. 31. 2:00 pm City of Augusta....Mon. Nov. 2C, 6:0u pm City of Blrmghom.Wed., Nov. 28. 6:00 am Kansas City Frl., Nov. 80, 7_iJ am SAVANNAH TO .BOSTON. Gate City Thur., Nov. 15, 6:30 pm City of Macon....Thur., Nov. 22, 1:00 pm Gate City Thur., Nov. 29, 6:30 pm SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (This ship does not carry passengers.) Detsoug Sun., Nov. 13, 8:00 am Dessoug Wed., Nov. 28, 6:00 am j. p. BECKWITH, G. A.. *' Jacksonville, Fla. Walter Hawkins, F. P. A., Jacksonville. W. E. Arnold, G. T. P. A., Jacksonville. C. G. Anderson, Agent, Savannah, Ga. MACON. DUBLIN AND SAVANNAH ' RAILROAD. Time Table Vo. 18, Taking Effect Sunday, September 9, 1894. Rtad Down. liana up. §S3 No.)|No.2| VBIp'mi' "BTXTTOHBT ...M. & N. Junction.... 'Swift Creek .Dry Branch 3 00 306 3 15 3 80 8 40 Pikes Peak 3 50 Fltxporlck. ..... 4 00 .. Ripley 4 20 Jeffersonville ..... GeJIlmore Danville ........ Allentown ....... Montrose ) Ibiinr IKKpCll Jamiam 10 80|1U 15 10 20)10 05 10 10110 00 9 to 9 35 .j 920 5 60 Dullsy 6 07 ....M... Moore 6 30 ........ Dublin JAB. T. WRIGHT, General Manager. D. B. DUNN. Superintendent. WQIBl^SSvPa and rollhbt*. 8«ot eeelad for SI aSfffKS" Atlanta anil Rev Orleans Short Line, ATLANTA and WEST POINT R. H. <3ulekost ami Best Buiitc. Montgomery, Selma, Mobile, New Or- leaT1 ". Texas and Southwest, GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GULF R. R. The Only Line Running Double Dally Trains Bstween Columbus and Atlanta, SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 14. 1894. NORTHBOUND. Columbus . Waverty Hall .... Oak Mountain.... Warm Springs.... , Woodbury Concord..... Williamson........ Griffin Mscon, C. R. R... Atlanta. C. R. R.. , Griffin . McDonough No. 61 Dally 7U0 a.m. 753 a.m. 8:<fr a.m. S:40 a.m. I 9:00 a.m 9:26 a.m. 9:44 a.m. 10*00 a.m. 7:35 p.m. 11:30 a.m. No. 63 Dolly 3:30 p.m. 4:14 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 6.-00 p.m. 6:22 p.m. 5:51 p.m. 6:12 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:23 p.m. 8:05 p.m. 6:40 p.m, 7*40 p.m. SOUTHBOUND. No! Bf McDonough Griffin Macon. C. R. R. Atlanta, C. R. R. Griffin...* Williamson Concord Woodbury Warm Springs... Oak Mountain.»... Waverly Hall Collumbua. Dally 8:15 a.m, IJT a.m. 4:15 a.m. 7:80 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 9:23 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10*45 a.m. 1036 a.m, 11:10 a.m. 11:20 a.m, 12:15 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 6:54 p.m. 6:12 p.m. 6:31 p.m. 6:59 p.m. 7:34 p.m. 8:04 p.m. 8:14 p.m. 9r06 p.m. All trains arrive and depart Union de pots at Columbus and Griffin. Ask for tickets and see that they read via th. Ctorgla Midland and Gulf Railroad. CLIFTON JONES, Gen. Paw Agt. C W. CHEARS. Gen. Manager. Columbus, Ga. MACON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, OCT. to U«- Read Down. vmvul AM.|AM| _ |PM|PM. 8 «lLv.:..r Macon ...-AJIJH 10 261LV Machen Art 4 281 11 22 Lv..., Madison ,...Ar|146 2 03 Lv:::.. Athens .....Arj irai 8 56 Lv.... Abbeville ....Lv H 12 A M, 4 23 Lv.,.. Greenwood ,.Lv|U4S|P. I* 6 23 LV.... Chester LvIMS 8«|Lv.... Monroe J AM - l i™fc R wX':::iv. .« 840|Ar.... Richmond ,...Lvlll2s|A*g 946 Ar.. Washington ..Ltd 730 .flXal li.ltlmnn ...TiV 681 ,::&| el? . ..Lv 841 ...Lv| 3 30 PM. No. 35. NO. 60. No. 33. 4 26 pm| 7 65 afnl 7 65 om 6 IS am| 4 20 pml 1 30 pm 11 05 amj 9 20 pm| 8 30 pm 6 65 pm| 5 30 »m| 5 30 am 6 20 pm| 3 oc ani| 3 08 am . 10 25 pm 17 35 am| 7 35 am 1 .|10 60 pm|lo 60 pm I 9 *> P»l * 10 am Arrive Selma.. |ll 16 pm|U 16 am Train 87 carrie. Pullman veatlbulo New York to Now Orleans, and ““jy to Montgomery. Train 88 carries Pullman vestibule sleeper Now Or- lante t0 N * W an<s dining car to At- Trains 34 and 85 Pullman Buff.t Sleep- '1* Cars bstween Atlanta and Mont- gomcry. “J??' c ; SMjm Pres, and Gen. Mgr. JOHN A. GEE, Gen. Pass. Aat GEO. W. ALLEN, T. p“a.. Atlanta SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY- WESTERN SYSTEM. I SOUTHBOUND. j No. lt. I NoTIT l«»vo Maoon Il0 4s“bm Arrive Cochran * .hjisSS Ajriv. Hawkln.vlH.:., ? 40Im Arrive Eastman he 64 am Arrive Jcup I leg SIS Arrivo Brun«wlek...:,:| 6 15am Arrlva Jaoksonvilli 5 Arrive BavatoIh?*H S g 2S northboundT — 1 No. 12. I No. 14. | No. 13. 55 Atlanta’’I i «* m l 1 25 P m f 8 «‘»ra Lv al psrn 7 60 pm 11 45am Ar Dalten "' ,?^" m ' U 90 P m l 2 00 pin Ar. Chatnog. | . 7 I0 nm r 7 20 ' p - THROUOH CAR ARRANGEMENTS Southbound, SZeWcV UnCh " i t0t m3 ? - .ante, conn^^^^'l’b^'Ui £ Chattanooga and way «uu 0 „. ,r *J"-i" STSUtSS HSS.SSS tanooga, whlto'VattaohVd to mftd^vaw jsjsa$str uon “ to p c"T r «. k *S Knoxvlll., Ibig *** a *** , ‘ A^it, Wash^on 0 "*?.' AgenL D ‘ V, * l0,, P “” n «" P. C ^to«.r B g r k n ^, n j 7 , n q « n » ral 1100 Ar”. Baltimore .. PM. 12001Ar.. Phllidtlpnta s 3M Ar... New York - ' Passenger train, will , Oawjig ntreot to take on ond let off psssongers. Car” n .lectrio railway will No 2 at 8:30 p. m. from tho worm as w m &r^,b Georri^hern and Florida Railroad. East T»nne»«oe. viram "second-No*"402 lsavlng M&con at l a. m- makes close connectlon wItli MI'W'* a ‘ or * 'fcstf“fflsa.. — Jtistv&ss* #!WSS Washington to New Yor b, c . ted ,, Ticket office is temporarily located as . W. Burko'e hook .tore. £2:8SS&§ff&?<PSRt *. B.'W. BURKE. Ticket Agent. ^ Golumbus Southern Railway Time Table No. aTETectlve Sept. 13, W- SOUTHBOUND. No. L Dolly. No. 3. M'ndy. Wed’y No. 5. Friday. Satdy. Lv Oolumbue. . Lv Richland. . . LV DAweon. , . Ar Albany. . . Ar ThomaevlUe. Ar Brunswick. Ar Jacksonville.. 3:49 pm 6:27 pm 8:40 pm 7:40 pm 11:00 am 1:10 am 5:25 am 7 ,D0 am 9:20 am 12:15 am 2:30 pm 6:40 pm 6:10 am 8:85 am 7:00 am 9:20 ora 11:82 am 1:00 pm 6:40 pm 8:10 am 8:25 am NORTHBOUND. No. 2. Dally. NO. 4. 1 No. 6. Tueedy.f Friday. Thusdy.j Satdy. Lv Jeckeonvllle. 7:00 pm Lv Brunswick. . 7ffl pm Lv ThomaevUls. 8:20 pm Lv Albany. ... 6^0 am Ar Dawson. . . 7*0 am Ar Richland. . . 9:00 am Ar Columbus. . 10*0 om .... ..... Trains Noe. I end 3 arrive and depart from Union depot, at Columbus and At- "Train. Nos. S, 4. 5 and 8 arrive and de« Dart at foot of Seventh street, Columbu*. H. c. HILL. Superintendent. 7:00 pm 7:86 pm 8:20 pm 7.P0 um 9 .DC am U:10 am 3 :00 pm 7:00 om 7:25 pin 8*0 am pm 4:31 pm 6:37 pm 3:00 pm fiCONBE AND WESTERN RAILROAD TIME CARD NO. A To Take Effect Monday. April A 1336. jioe. 1 end 3 will run dally except gue. day. All olhera Irregular. Head Down. ««4 Up. No. 1. IMtlsif |Mllos| No; *T *p. |*T • M • H 9 30 9 4ft I960 1910 1940 •r.U W lv.U 10 U 25 tf.U 40 Lr, Dublin .Ar .. Hutchings .. Jfcrtotf Havso. .... Dexter .... Alcorns .. -e.e Chsstor ..I .. Yonktrs .. ... Emiilre ... ... Empire ... Cypms .. HswklnsvUls 690 4a 4* III IB l« IN | 3 cctv. Orsvenle ... "Cleea connections made* at DiiHIa win. WrigbtsvllU and Tennllle railroad lnh.Sk directions. East Tennessee. Virginia end Oeefgtw train. pe«e Rmplre e» fallow** oetPg Nouth ....lesspeg Ooiai North. I if pat J. TV. HI3HT0WIIS. th M, 8. y, MAHONEY, O. V. A P. A I CENTRAL R. R. of G-JEORG-IA. H. M. COMER AND R. 8. HAYES, RECEIVERS. Schedu 1 . in effect Out. 4th. 1894. Standard Time, 90th Meridian, BETWEEN MACON. COLUMBUS. BIRMINGHAM. MONTGOMERY AND ALBANT. READ DOWN, • !•• 1*7 05 a m Ill an -.111 Mam (ll 24 pra 6 15 p m EM B mi'll Mara » 1* p mu a p ra }J « B ni I H p m 12 99 p m a so p ra J 44 a ml S 13 p ra *I*;h •••••I 5 *7 P ra 4 10 a m 4 61 p m va K> p m I W a ml « 20 p ra -i-" I * 10 p ra T00aml766prn Leave.. Arrive., Arrive., Arrve.., Arrive.. —STATIONS— ... Macon . Fort Valley ... Cblumbue Opelika . Birmingham ■ Arrive .. Leave ..Leave ..Leave ..Leave Leave.., Arrive.. Arrive.. Arrive.. Arrive.. Arrive.. Arrive.. Arrive.. Arrive,., Arrive.. Arrive .... Macon . Fort Valley ,,,. ... Amerlcue ...... Albany .... Dawson , Fori Oalnee .... .... Eufaula Ozark Union Springs .... Troy . Montgomery ..... ..Arrive ..!.<■ eve ..Leave ..Leave ..Leave ..Leave ..Leave ..Leave ■ •Leave .•Leave ..Leave 7 45 p m .... «•••« IS pm M(l4 111 pm ••••• 3 26 a in • .••SB •J 45 am •*••• ••••• ••••• ..... 4 10 p m 7 40 im ..... ..... •••*«• a 69 p m C 40 a ta l 28 pm 6 20 im M.m 11 M a m 4 20 a m ••••• 11 21 a n> LI 47 p m •••HI 9 20 a ml.... sssig 10 at » mllO 17 p m 1 05 . m 9 JO a m tllpm 7 15 a m •7 44 a m •7 » » m 22122. 14 IS p m:*ll 00 p mill 30 a ra 5 05 p mill 46 p mill 17 pra « 10 p ml I 2 15 a ml 2 40 pm .....I 6 30 am| 8 60pm I doo amleso pm BETWEEN MACON. ATLANTA. CHATTANOOGA, MILLEDOEVILL*. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. ] „|*4 16 a m!*4 23 p ml-7 66 a in ..... d 13 a ml 8 32 p m- 9 47 a m 7 45 a m 8 65 p mill Mam . 115 p ml 1 M a ml I 65 p m Leave Mecen Arrive Arrive Griffin ....Leave Arrive Atlanta Leave Ar.... (to.ttanooga via Atlanta ....Lv 7 36 V m|M U V m 1 49 p ml 1 M P m •4 M p ml** 65 p in 7 26 a ml*1 1* P m ll 00 a m 9 0M m •7 30 a m •8 29 a m Leave Macon Arrive Arrive Gordon Leave Arrive Mllledgevllle Leave Arrive Mlllen ..Leave Arrive......... Augusta Leave Arrive Savannah Leave 9 40 p.m 166 p m ii*09&*m 745 am •1 30 i in J 45 a m in i n ii'ii p m 8 30 p m ■Id pra 10 00 a m lit su (Waa - Train, marked thus * dally; thug 1 dally except Sunday. Train* marked thus T Sunday only. - Solid trains are run to and from Maoon end Montgomery via Eufaula. Savannah end Atlanta via Maeoa, and Albany via Smtthvtlle. Macon and Birmingham via Columbus. Sleeping cars cn night train* betwen Bivinub tad Macon. Savannah and Atlanta. Varlor can between Maoon and AtUntag - . ' Fattengere for Thome.ton take 7AS a. m. or 4S5 p. m. train. Paeaengtr* for Carrollton and Codartown take 7At . to. train, passenger, for Perry taka lldS a. m. train: Fort Gaines, Butna Vista. Blakely and Clayton should taka UM A m. train. Paaeenger* for Sylvanla. Wrightavllle and gamlersvlllt take 11:30 a. m train. For further information and tor schedule* for point* beyond oug line apply to W,- F. SHELL MAN, Traffic Manager. . • W. P .DAWSON. Paeacnger Agent, , 7, ft HAILE, aeoeral Paaeeoger Agent. I* J. HARRIS. Ticket Act. Maeoa, }