The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 18, 1894, Image 1

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THE a IT? m MAOON, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBiSk 18, 189-1. Maglo Copy, 3 Cent*. I DEFEND 11' ALAj MOT FbnLlBHED. Tlie Indian Territory Officials Hare Taken Precautionary Measures. PILL COOK WHITES A LETTER If* Bays Ha Mutt Be L«ft Alone, or Ihe Ofltaera Are in Peril—The Citizen* of Muscogee Will OefenA Their Town, St. Louis, Nov. 17.—A special to the Cliroiiclo Iron’ Muscogee, I. T., says: At a secret nieetlng.ot Muscogee busi ness uien beld early tbis morning $1,000 was subscribed for tbe defense of tiie town. Ex-Indian Agent Leo E. Bennett was placed in command. He immeQlately held a conference with Al. McKay, ono of the Indian po lice, and a plan of campaign was per fected. The town 1b to he guarded by armed men both day and night. The scouts are to be' placed In the suburbs to w-itcb tlie movements of Billy Cook and hl» men. All suspicions charac- tera found Id tho town are to bo ar rested on sight. If any resist nrrest they are to be shot down. Tbe streets aro tilled wlOi armed gaarrts, and this show of force has evidently Impressed tho outlaws. The first susplchms character who attempts to enter the bauk w.ll be shot before he crosses the threshold. United States Prosecuting Attorney Jackson 1ms as yet heard nothing of me posse ui uiveive men ne sent out Thursday n.ght. Jackson organized and wipi-ppeu me posse aieue anil uu- aided, ne is tua<t laey are ill trouble, us uoilkug has ueen luuid from them since they departed. Billy Cook euueuiiy does not mucy the change In the s.tuatlon. Tins uiurnlng he sent u letter to Attorney Jackson. It .s written In his own handwriting and on a single sheet of note paper and Is ad dressed to thp prosecuc.Bg , attorney. Following Is an exaot oopy: “Camp Cook—We found out today that you fixed up some deputy mar shals to run us down. 1 mean me and my gang. If you are going to run us down, we will get you out of the way. We know avliat you do. If you let us alone you are all right. If you don’t you will hear from us. Take warning. (Signed) “Bill Cook.”. FIGHT WITH CHEROKEE BILL. iMuskegee, I. T., Nov. 17.—A tele gram received "byt United AMW cey Jackson tonight seated that depu ty marshals had a light this atternoon With Cherokee Bell and h.s gang. Cherokee Bill was badly -wounded uhd two other members of the party were captured, together with two of tho bandits’ horses. Tlie deputies of Fort Smith and Muskogee courts are pursuing Oiierokeo Bell and tho re maining members of the gang. Marshal Rent Cobb arrived here late today to bring in one of the captured robbers and a whisky peddler. The other members of the Cook gang are said to he surrounded by tho marshals. Cobb asked tlie United States attorney and tho United States marshal for re cruits to assist him. Cherokee Bill wa» so badly wounded that tho depu ties think ho will soon be obliged to give himself up. Cobb reports that he expeots a hard battle, but that bo has tho advantage of the band. Excitement IS running high In Musko gee and a company of men Is being Organized to 6tart to the scene of tho battle. Great credit is due C. L. Jack- son, the United States attorney for ihe Indian Territory. Ho equipped fifteen men at his own expense, and put it,hem In tlie field to remain till tho gang is captured. Tho citizens of Muskogee have aaeed to olTer o handsome reward for tho bapturo of tho Cook gang. N "■■ ■ '. DON'T THINK FT TRUE. Gresham Has Heard Nothing From the Asiatic Outrages. ■ \ Washington, Nov. 17.—(Special.)— Secretary Grcohtam gays he has heard nothing official oft tho rumored atroci ties in Asiatic Turkey and ho does not think thoy are trustworthy. Tho United States consulate at Sivas is hut 250 miles from BltiUs and our agency at Troblnondo is only 200 miles away. It is thought imp,v'.dle that such widespread butchery could occur without tho consul of tho United States reporting upon It. The representatives of European nations near the alleged scene appear to have reported nothing on the subject CA.N’Um IN THE POWDER. It Did Not Explode. But Started a Fatal Fire. Black Hawk. Col., Nov. 17.—A -workman dropped a lighted candle' In a keg ot powder at the Ferigo mine tunnel this morning. The powder did not explode, but a are started, the smoke and flames from which suffocated to death four la borers tn the tunnel. They were: Albert Sandefs, aged 25; Durham Ivey, aged 10; leaves a widow and live children; Upper Willis, age X. unmarried; James Whitlow, aged 33. unmarried. The Arc did about 3S.000 damage to the shaft house and ma chinery. WOMEJX IN TERROR. Denver. Col., Nov. 17.—The police hold Frank Rock on suspicion of know ing something about the strangler mur ders, but w'thout thought of his being personally implicated In them. The quarter where tJTe three strangling* occurred is today In a condition of ab solute fear, the women being In terror of the fulfillment of the prediction of n clairvoyant that within three days more a number of Market street bcilf- worlds shall be strangled by the same hond. The women have engaged spe cial officers and filled their houses with all manner of electrical devices. Kdaglits of Labor Publication Committee Gives Out Very Little. New Orleans, Nov. 17.—little business was transacted at this morning's session of the Knights of -Labor general assem bly. The question of the eligibility of Delegatee Charles B. Mas tin of District Assembly No. 72, with headquarters at Tiffin, O., was decided in favor of the general officers, who had decided, that the assembly had lapsed and was entitled to no recognition Uy the general assem bly. it was learned this morning for tho first time that Sovereign has not presided at any session and tho ohair is occupied by Worthy Foreman Bidhop. There is geood authority for tho state ment that the press committee have been suppressing facts and that the real work of the session !a not being very fully given to tDfe public through the press committee. There have been many clashes in the meetings, but the commit tee has striven to suppress Information Srespecting them The principal business transacted at the evening session, ac cording to the press committee, was con sideration of the cases or tlfteen subor dinate assemblies which had been sus pended and referred to tho general as sembly. This created the necessity of prolonging the session from 2 to t>:30,wften an adjournment was had to 8 p 4 m. Mas ter Workman Sovereign stated that it had been intended to elect officers for the ensuing year today, but that tho elec tion had been deferred to Monday, ow ing to tho hearing ot the cases men tioned above. From good 1 authority It Is learned the afternoon sosslon was taken up with the hearing of tho Pennsylvania miners case, no conclusion being reached when the regular afternoon adjournment was taken. The miners have not yet con cluded their statements and five of them have been ttmn tlfteen minutes e&cti to present arguments and facts. Sovereign’s contingent has been re-en forced by the arrival of two delegates In response to telegrams, and who were ad mitted without tho formality of having to go through the credentials committee to test their eligibility. A CHANGE OF VENUE. Judge Gibbous Granted vho Applica tion of tbe Pullman Compauy. CKcago, Nov. 17.-Judge Gibbons tbis raoniiig granted tho I’ulliuuu I’al- aco Oar Company n change of venuo from his court in its petition filed some weeks ago In tiho quo wairaulo pro- c eedluigs brought by tho attorney-gen eral. In granting the petition the judge said; “I grant It on the naked petition, do nylng tho legal right of the defendant to a change of venue, on account of the unsufficlency of tho application, as tho affidavit <xui. be considered only as surplusage.” Tho case will now go to Judge Ba ker, as under the laws of tho circuit tho judge lias been' assigned by Chief Justice Tuley to bear all tho people’s oases now on the docket. Tho action of Jndgo GCbbdus brings to nu end the first chapter lu a bii'er fight ny the Pullman Palace Cur Company, When, tho petition was filed, by the ntWuey- genii'al, charging diet the company was Illegally using Its Starter by IRc- Illy ongagWig’attotiBhr-toffliimiywre Pullman company, through Its counsel, demurred- to tlie petition. Long argu ments were made on the demurrer and the nittorney-goneral filed-"pleas to'tlie demurrer. Before these- pleas were ar gued the Pullman oompauy applied for a change of venue from- Judge Gib bons, claiming that Judge Gibbous was prejudiced against them, which was evidenced by Ids remarks In a book written by hint entltisd “Tenure nud Toll." FLORIDA WATER SPOUTS. Two Singular Phenomena. Observed at Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Nov. 17.—Huudreds of poople were attracted to the river front this morning about 11:45 o'clock by tho appdarance of a water spout. Tho column of water entered, tho river from MoGlrt’e creek and mttdo acroes tho river at the rato of about twenty- five miles an ltour. It was followed by another at a distance ot about a quarter of a tulle. Both were very largo and they started from the sur face of tlio river In a big round ceil and gradually decreased up to the cen tre of tho spout, wlien it again began to widen until St reached tho clouds above and gained the fame slzo nt at tho base. Both of tlvo spouts ploughed through tho river and Undo the water fairly boll. Tho two Larger ones were followed by a small ono ,vud all took a straight course across the river to- winds Villa Alexandria, when they seemed to turn and mako straight up tho river, Tho waiter seethed, boiled and foamed and spray , was thrown high In the afr. GOLD TO BUY BONDS. Largo Withdrawals Bring Made From the Sub Treasury. .Washington. Ndv. 17.-Treasury offi cials are paying a great deal of atten tion to the withdrawal of gold from the treasury tn exchange for United States notes and treasury notes, which they believe Is being withdrawn for the purpose of buying bonds of the new lean. Unofficially, the opinion Is expressed that the treasury on this account iftay, during the next week, lose as mucn*as ten or fifteen million dollars: nflready the loss has reached THe Timid withdrawn from the Tlew !orw sub-treasury during the last few days was taken out by the following parties. November IS—Central National Bank. 1150,000: -Watson Bros., $200,000; West, era (National Bank, on account of Shawmut National Dank, Boston, $$00,- 000; Third National Bank, on account of the Shawmul National Bank, Bos ton, >300,000; Southern National Bank, November 17—Central National Bank, >150,000; Aslel & Co., >77,000; Buttrick A Efiliman, >200,000. JOHNSON’S RECORDS. 1 He Broke Four of Them on the Track at Louisville. Louisville, Ky„ Nov. 17.-John S. John son, the byclcle rider, broke tho record for. two, three, four an dftvo mil™ this afternoon at the Fountain Ferry mile track in the presence of 600 people. The start was made standing. Johnson was paced by tandems, triple and quadruple. The time of the first mile wan 2M Id; two miles, 4:01: three miles, 0.-09; four mile*. »:lo 35; live miles, 10:3.’. The pre vious records were two miles. 401: three miles «2* J-5; four mucs, 133 3-6; live miles, 1»M W. IB Hi SEE MTU. Lord Rosebery Had to Consult With the Sago at H&wardeu Castle MAS K0 DEFINITE PROGRAMME Activity on the Part of ths Homan Church—Jam,, Gordon Bennett's Great ttegotta—The queen Feeble end Lome, London, Nov. 17.—That the Influence of Mr. Gladstone, despite his retire ment from -the Liberal leadership. In still paramount in the, guidance ot the affairs of that party Is plainly visible ttt Lord Rosebery’s latest pro posal touching the house of lords. A division ot opinion exists among /the members of the cabinet ns to what form the resolution for tho abolition ot .the yeto power ot the house ot lords shuld taker and regarding the moat suitable time for Cie Trttroductloa of the question in the house of commons, led byL ord Rosebery'S visit to Hmwur- den. Acting under tho Inspiration there obtained, the premier foreslwrd- owed in hln speech at Glasgow the scheme for a second chamber, wKh a system ot conference oh disputed mat ters between delegates from the two houses, in-which tho delegates from the lower house wound Largely overbalance those from The lords. Obviously the ministers have under consideration some plan which Is still too shadowy to permit of Its being disclosed-. Sir William dlarcourt, chancellor of the exchequer, and Mr. Henry Camp bell Bannerman, secretary of state for war, opposed Lord Rosebery’s desire to Introduce -the question of the reform of the houBe of lords early In tlie com ing session of parliament. They urge that the best course to adopt will bo to hold the resolution In reserve until the ministry shall be ready for a dissolu tion. It Is implied that the Conserva tive loaders Will bo -willing to await the convenience ot tile government. Lord Salisbury, it is known, !b de termined to force their hands by pass ing In he house df lords, Immediately -the session shall open, a motion af firming the possession by that body of legislative privileges. This will neces sitate the introduction in the bouse oi_cammon» early In' the session ot counter resolutions and will cause a crisis which will make dissolution Im perative. T,-.e 'Btutemcni made' by Hon. Ed- ■iward Blake, M. for the south divi sion of L.mgtoid,, iturlng his visit to America, that fiaron Tweedmouth had ottered.: tjie/JtoCaf*!»ylte section ot the ‘TTjsE.qunfSnicm wry .party 2,Om piCSHM, will be.taken notice’of In parliament, as an -attempt, at corruption In the purchase of,votes. The -members of the Liberal party hold that the sum was offered as a legitimate contribu tion to- tho -parliamentary fund. The MdOdpthyltes, however, are able to ehow-c'.ean hands, having rejected the offer, dnd will not (afford their enemies any ground- for scandal, but Mr. Blake's reputation for prudence and rifilcence 'has suffered severely. • iA fierce campaign is proceeding for the London school board elections, ln-'Blsue* Which the religious proto spooks of sb among the greatest In the history of the metropolis and the coun try. ihe vote, which Mil be taken on Thtinsday, will decide whether educa tion stniU be controlled by non-eecAvrl- ens or by bleplpals.' Since 1871, under u compromise bdtween the parties, non- dagnxtte Blble-teachtng has prevailed, but gradually, through the laxity of the nbrv-reatarfaho, the clerical element of the boards teas acquired Increased In fluence, until they now feel strong enough to strike for sofenMcy. The English high Ohurch and tho Cathode clergy are united, in their work among die doctorate, and denounce their pro- gresJlve opponents, though tho mute', are led by non-conformist ministers and a station bf the English fhuroh fclergy as enemies of-rellglon In their-Intone tc Seoul arize the schools. As the pMUlt Wilt have a very great effect upon the whole -noitlonal system' public interest m the matter Is keen.” .The , Tabidt nays the religious condi tion at’ England Is receiving alt present the special attention of tho Curl Rome, no. According to other advices, th, Pape-personally studies every aspect o the question, and It Is stated (hiA lilt hollnws -h.m ordered to proceed to Rom« Abbe Portal de Gabors, whose reeen work over <t!he nljm dc plume “Dnlbus” has been very widely amd earnestly dis cussed. Lord Halifax, who is also I keen advocate ot papal action locking to a reunion Of the church, will else visit the veitilchn shorl/ly. .It is reported -that the pope is prepar ing an appeal to the people of England Inviting the Anglican ohurch to.neater In-the establishment of an entente with the mother eburoh. c ? Tg0 ot American has br*n faiutaT&t D^tforJ nnrl 2S ( 2 r 5? ert wnialnwl n leaflt. i>ne anhrrrl affedteil tvlfti iJn,,e A ts&jiSL ™£^n te ° ta b? of! uncertainty prevails In En- gllsh yachting circles regarding the prize* offered by Mr. James Gordon Bennett for the Mediterranean regatta. The official programme gives no ln- format.on regarding the enormous nums reported to have been given for smalt raters, pne. two and a half rater -Ia belntg built on the Clyde for P. If. Coates, and two half raters are being constructed for Normon Clark. The Steam yachts Katoonabn and Glr- nkfca will go to the -Mediterranean to unite Dart In the races there. The GlrgVhl on her trial trip recorded a speed of -Swentjr-one knots an hour, and It Is the general opinion among jtacbtsm'en. the t she ought to prove herself the most speedy yacht In the world. ■ Private cable advlera to the Field state tbit the N«w Tork yacht club committee have criUcIted Lord Dun- raven regarding the contests for the 'Acnertoibi cup In a frtenaiy spirit. The cm struct Ion of Lord Dunraven’s'new yacht, with which he intends to con test for the America’* cup, will not h*gln until all the points now being “aoUsned have been finally settled. OMervers of the arrival at Windsor of Dueen Victoria noticed bat her maj esty’s general weakness end lameness had visibly Increased. 8he requlrKf ‘assistance In passing up the slightly Inclined gangway fro the train to me laivdau wnica wus In waning. JAPAN WANTS TOO MUCH. Chios Not Likely to Aesent to the De- cnandBi •Imncha!, Nov. 17.—In diplomatic clrclw here the Buocesa of tho mediation he- tween China and Japan 1« rognrled as itapelAM. it is aald that Japan's mini mum «manda aro tho aurmtder of the ChinMc Meet and the payment of un In- deanntty of 25.000,000 pounds. Japan to oc- «M>py Port Arthur, Wel-HcU-Wel and the Formosan ports untU the indemnity has been MABtt FUK-THJfl CZAR. 9t Jpfforsburjr. Nov. 17.—Kmperor Nich olas Iiy the czarina add all. of the roy alties now in the city attended requiem service* m the eatttetiral thJa morning. Th« HlWrtUn grand dukes arid otrifcr ex alted *tet8onages tvho attended tne ser vice were In full Uniform and wore all of their tkoor.itlons. Tho chdral part of bhe service was rendered by a choir numbering oomo hundreds. In aplte of the miserable weathlf, large crowds of pcoplevsurrounded tho cathedral awaiting or. opportunity to enter an to look upon the feet of tho dead emperor. RIORDAN IS DEAD.' FltseljTW’.oiis Gave Bull tto Appenr In ■' the Court. Nov. 17.—Pugilist 'TUorilnn rnlu (lied hero nt 3.30 this from the effeots of Injuries while spurring with Fltialm- night. ions wns taken before Coun ty Judge Northrop to-day find his ball fixed >10,000 to jut,wcr to tlvo charge of m*nslaughtcr In the tliwt degree. In the.courtnocm ■ l-Tt/.sIminoilN says '—'fiS not have killed Riordun for >100,000, Jlten lie Broke down In tours He wig.i be unulgnwi trihs afternoon and released on bull find will appear nt thsEperformanoo nt Jacobs’ opera Iwnse (III Afternoon and evening. An autopsy wns held on Rlordan’s body ell 11 ;\. m. Thfr certlftcato Issued gives as, the cause of death “hemor rhage within the cranial cavity, caus* log oongjrcaston ot the hraiu.” Rlordgn was found to be Iff perfeof hennti.sDr. d. M. Totmun, who con ducted'the autopsy, cays thnt Rlordan must have been struck n terrflo blow on tbe chin, which communicated di rect with the -base of . the brain. The doprewton on rhe right side of tho brata ve« very deep end remained for i til'd <u»- hour aftior the clot was re moved, ■ _l WILL NOT STOP THE FIGHT. Ti«vr‘ Orleans, Nov. 17.—Local sport ing People do not believe that tho kill ing off Con Illordan will ham? any ef fect or tlie Corbeat-PiUslmmona ilght, which they generally believe will, be fought here. The Btato Legislature does net meat for nearly -two yearn, find thvro Is n-o- strong public Ssntl- mum-l -ttcro against lwxlng. Tho death of Rlhfdatk while regretted tutiong Fltzrijnmtxis' friends, find Ihe public, will have no effect on the local clubs, the officials of which said to-day that ‘the fight would take place us nn- nounoM and that they could probably pull ortho big contest. In some quar ters that opinion 1st expressed that the purwait or- last, night’s exhibition will for home time affect Fitzsimmons’ confidence’la himself. Professor Duff sfild to-nlgMt: "J be- Ilevo a mlstaleo was, made lu lotting Rlordan goon. I have always hesitated about letting any man enter the ring or box when I have bten around, who 1b Intoxicated, or who has been drink ing to any extralt. The lightest kind of a blow Is at any lime liable to prove fnitdl In the case of a man who has been taking liquor. I don't think that last night’s occurrence will Have any effect on the big fight, and none of Fltz's friends have, any doubt that he will got out of his trouble. They know that he Is big-hearted, and that nobody regrets more sincerely than lio the un fortunate outcome of the exhibition.” FOR 1 FI®. Judiciary Election Bills tho Spcclni Order for That Day’s Session, THE GIRLS’ STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Lady Board of Vial tors Aaka for nit Appropriation—Ilianclk’c Dill to Tnx tlaa Auguft*Carnal Wni Killed* i TURNER TOLD ON THEM, Says tho Dotectlvo Told Him ot tho Lynching lu Advance. Memphis, Nov. 17.—A aensttllon was sprung In the trial of Detective W. 8. Richardson and Ed. N. Smith, charged with lynching tho six negro prisoners near Millington, tills nioni'ng when F. E. Turneri’ a deputy sheriff, took tlio stand. He stated that ltlclmidsou told him ou Monday Before the lynching ihnt the men would ho”arrested nnd Would bo lynched. Richardson almost collnpsed. when tills evidence canjc out and the attor neys for the defense ta-gan ft fierce lire of'ei'.e-i questVmlng mid made a des perate, effort to break down Turner, hut failed. Other witnesses detailed the story of the lynching nnd stated that burnt •in.Ttches were found near the dead bod’c*, Used by tho lynchers tn lighting tihelr trim. Witnesses will appeal. Claim That Congress Hsa No. Power to Force Testimony, Washington, Nov. 17.—Judge Cote Ot criminal court No. 2 Rst iy directed that John-' W. McCartney and River ton’ R. Chiupman, the recalcitrant wlt- lUisses before [he senwtorlal sugar trust lnvesttgntlon committee, whose dfinwrrera he overruled last Tuesday, should appear hi court euml plead to Ulo Indictment*. : Counsel for Miciffart- ney (and Chapman will appeal to the ocurt of oppoals on Monday next from Judge Colc'a decision. They will Make claim Cffitt cpngrena has no power tt> make a crlmlhail offense or the refusal of a witness to •testify before a com mittee, and tTnit congress him no au thority to--delegate to the couffs the power to purdah for contempt of either house or of a committee. The a'ttor- ney» for tho defendants say they will carry the ciise to the federal supreme (court on a writ of habra* corpus If che court of appeals sustains judge Cole. MFiNNtNU IB CHUAl’. Falf River, Nov. Tae Arutwan mill will resume operations on .Monday after a shut-down of seven mouths. .Secretary Howard Is in receipt of a communication from Jacob 8chor,,-o,7. one of tho textile tariff experts, now an appraiser at the port ol Now Tortt, in which the writer states that the prices paid for spinning line yarns in the ” Tion dirtrlct, England, and the price* paid for the same yarns In this city are about equal. The state ment wss a tp the spinners In this olty, as they had been led to believe that the English prl-es were much lower than those In Lhle country. "morphine Ht.'tC’IDE. Fort Wont, Tux., (\‘pv. 17—A. L. Hill cfiffiUk-d tcdiy by ;he morphine route. The dead man • recently cuitic here from TmtesMq but Uttlo Is kaenvo of him huro Athinta, Nov. 17.—(Special.)—Next Tuesday nvlll be an Important day III tlie lower house of tho legislature. At that t'.mo iflyj reprcscutarivcfi of tho people will undertake to -deddo wUotho* there la to be any di.uige In the present method of selecting tho Ju diciary of the state. Yesterday tho bill by Mr. Houston providing for tho election qt tho Judgis and sulloltors by direct vote of the people was made ft Bpcokil order for Tuesday next, and today tho bills of Messrs. Ueudcrsou of Forsyth and Ilopklus of .Monroe hearing on the same question woro also set for d!spo- s'dloa on Tuesday. Mr. Hcudersott'a bill Is the satno ns Mr. Houston's, but Mr. Hopkins’ gives the governor power to Appoint -tho Judiciary. All threo ot tlie bills boar adverse committee re ports, which firactlcally oomtnlls tho general Juillolary comrulttoc, probably the most Important and post powerful In the fhifiucaico It exerts lu shaping leg>latloii, to tho present system ot selecting the Judldnry by; tho legis lature. With th!* committee opposed to tak ing die Judicial election out of tlie bands of ttoo. legislature, th'ero Is not much chance for a clinnge. There was barely a quorum present In tho house today, nnd tho session was n drag throughout Tho only thing that broke tho monotonous grind of bills on a second rending, tho killing n lot of ineaHures adversely reported from tho oommlttces nud tho Introduc tion of n few new'hills, wus tho ap- pearanoo of the boaial of lady visitors to the Girls’ Normal and Industrial School in tho gallery, bended by Mrs. Governor Atkinson, president ot the board. I Tho nppoarauco of tho ladles was a signal to ilr. ltolfculllct ot Bibli for the preseiiitatlow-of'-a-'toOlitorifit’fifc'iljlf, for a $30,000 appropriation of th* Mil- ledgovlllo school. The memorial was signed by nil tho ladles of tho board, who occupbd seats In tho gallery, ana when Mr. Bolfoulllet made a gallnut Uttlo speech In presenting It, there was q clapping of hands and tlutitcrlug pf dainty tamlkerclrlefs toy them that set the house to applauding. •Hie $50,000 naked for by tho Indies Is to ho used In erecting now hulldlngl. tlio present accommodations lxitig wholly Inadequate to meet tho demands on tho Institution. A good deal of valuable time was wasted m the House this morning ® ^'discussion over the wcommend*®™ hv the finance cijminlttco tnai in« Branch bill, providing ft>r a P°rma-n*Til Sfi fund, be prMjd. »«no •* ^ Dfimocri'tlc fiwmbm uld not tnjnK uw stalto Should go to the expeuso °f (nt Sh.- bill ur(‘.tl utter the conumlU* re- ISJtS 8 ulw £ Faustsjtook( ths action ns a great victory and received It with damonfitrationB of glee- A moaton to rcconsMcr will bo m»de qahe houso had the pleasure, Imtatdi* altoly rarer Rita Uttlo skirmdRh, at kWh lng Mel Btlioch's btR to tax the Augus- U osXtal, which came up under aw ad verse committee report. Mr. Branch has Introduced this MH at every session ol tho Jegistoturo when he ha» been ii member, under various disguises- Wits itlme -tho cuoal won not manUOMd,, bu.( tho bill merely undertook to construe tho connttt(Ittoo a* to whitit otinOI ,bc con. DJdercd public property, foiling, pf course, to Include Canute, t was a rath er smooth trick,, but tho Augusta rep- restin’trit’lve caugftlt on, and, brlnilpniH down a supremo court doctelon whledi Mo property, bad no trouble Jn getting declared the Augusta canuj to be pub- Che dnrmUltee to squeeze the life out of the MU. The house tagled bills of Mr. Broyles of Fulton providing for the record oi deetds In escrow, and of Mr. Gre.”i of Maoom to allow county Judges to pro sWe in other oosiutlcu. •Mr. WllUngbam's MIL providing lb! the registration of tho voters of Mon roe county was pissed; also Mr. George's toll author!ring too comtr.r&'J- er-gcneral to appoint one of the railroad comnriarion an arbitrator to represen-1 the State tn disputes •with railroads ovei tax rcitunns. It is calculated that thle bill will rave the state a (tent sun which has heretofore been given nut foi arbitration fees. Mr. Bailey of Smridtng today Intro duced a bill changing tho time of hold ing oauniy elections from January to October. •Mr. BolfeullINt introduced a bill op- praprisUntc >10,000 to the State Normal College at Athens. The Populist MM of Ithe day wns In- tdjJuoed by Mr. Hogan of Lincoln. It is for the Sleddon of county oammtsslon- ers by the peopte. •Mr. Parker’s toll to allow eases tn ths city and superior courts to be oppc.iled to a special Jury -wns Wiled today on an adverse committee regrirt. Next Wednesday the rodtnrs wtH hav< their regular Innings in the teglslnture. Th? bill for a stats boon] of medics! ex- citrine's Is set for a special order on 'hat day. Speaker Fleming toddy eppoletsd Messrs FouObe. McAmy and Jei.klns to net with the senate orxmmtttee In formu- laitlnga plan for summer sewfvi.a. Messrs. Hodges, Brown of Washing- ton emd Spence of Oar roll were also appdtotfld today to net wtlh 'l.ho commfUt© «to look 1wU> tho cf ymrrt v* tween the olty of MHIedeevUle and tbe stafie relative to the old capital prop erty. METERS NOT RKNTBVOBD. .Atlanta. Nov. 17.—Will Meyers, who was oonr'cted yesterday of the nmrdcr of Forest Orowley. lias not yet b->en sentenced and may not bo tor * month., His attorneys will move tor it new trial arid (judge Clark W.ll h* jn po jlirry about pausing sentence. ■ FlPjW DOU,AUB~lVE\VAItD. Jovernor Atkinson Determined to uet After the Lynchers. Atlanta, Nov. 17.—(Bpoolal.)—Governor Atkinson Is uetermlncu that no effort oa .»s part.snail prevent the arrest of those •vho took part in trie ncritt outrageous *air m Jasper county in writch Leo lsawrenco. Uhdor sentence of death, waa taken from tho court room and lynched. m addition to tne reward ol *2Ud each to follow the reward ot 75W for the nrat man arrested with proof to convict, the governor tnl» morning offered an addl- itonttl tewArd of ror each man re ported with sufTlolent proof to warrant nta being placed In Jail. TBJS* UOa* EIGHT YEARS. Eentenco of the North Georgia Conapiro- tors Yesterday. At!At** N6v. i7.—The rive 1 Cohutta mountain cphaplratora who tried to kill \Vtli xioper wore aentenced today by Judge Newman. W. It. Morrison was given eight yearB in the penitentiary nt Columbus, O., and A. K Buncnn, J. M. saOVrlsoh; J. T. .Morrison and J. W, Redd were each bcutctvced to ten years in tho Mtfrie prison, in addition to the hard la bor sentence each was lined )1,000. ‘ THRQVV A CHIP AT THE HOUSE. John Russell Shot JL>own for a Lima Prank. Athene Nov. 17.-<Hpecial.)-(Ncar Co mer, Ga„ last night occurred a corn Hhucklng at tho homo <fr Mr. John Ru*- ■otl*. A young man named Blackwell waa there and after tho aRalr waa over he started homo. As Jiq. went along the road he sang very loudly and created some disturbance. Aa n« pasted the house of a negro named Crawford Ar nold ho threw somo chips over tho fence and struck tho house with them. The negro was standing In tho door, and as Blacwcll threw a chilp against tho houso ho Ilred his pistol. Tho boil took effect in BlacKWolls liver intUcUiur a wound irom which ho will die. Tho negro who did tho shooting wns nrrestcdn and put in Jail at Danlelavilio. ROBBED ON THE HIGHWAY. Mr, Chandler Relieved of a Largo Hum. of Money. Athens, Nov. 17.—(Special)—Last night about 0 o’clock as Mr. Claud Chandler wus returning from Jcfforson to his homo Ih Center ho was held up by two highs way robbers and deprived of *403 and some valuablo papers. Ho could not rec ognise tho men, but says the hand ot tho man who lifted hla gripsack from the buggy was the hand of a white man. Mr Chandler wan unarmed and nad to quietly submit to tho outrage, as ho was covered by a deadly Winchester In the hand* of ono of the <baridlU. A vigorous search !■ being matte for tho criminals. IVES AN EASY WINNER* I Broke the Record for Runs and* Beall fich'acfcr Easily. NW York, Nov. 17.—Tho stormy weather hud a damaging effect ax MadUuiu Square Garden concert iudl, ffimrartiWWMWMWKm Jneoo Schucfer and Frank IVea was resumed for the sixth nod lost nislR. Ives tom- in-onced -to play where he left <AAhe night previous, when 'ho reached 3,000 ’points'!, tho limit o/ tho fifth* block of 000 point*. The game was tor 3.600 point*, 14‘lncu batik lino, anchor shoe barred. It w’aa for a stake of 12,600 a tide, und the net door receipts. Tineas was n LGr - crowd preac-ut, but -tho at- tOnidflhoo was not nearly an largo as on the previous night. QufOe a rnumber or lad I to were present Tho chances of victory were greatly in favor ol Ives, when play war*^uigitit, oa hu Mid only 600 points to go, while Schne* for had to make 1,051 In order to win. The game was opened in a dashing manner by Ives, who tok up hi* uDOft* lulled 1ftth inning and pl'accd 28 polfitk to Ills credit. Schaerer thvn went in nud by handling tiho cue lu a masterly m&iviner inado u. run of 03. Ives then went in arid made a run of 331 polniw, breaking all previous rwordo and tn.ik* takg a record of 600 points mowftlian Bonaofer’n old ono of 271 mude In a game aguluat Ives lu (Boston. Somo of his shots were marvelous. Tho ftpeetationto becamo wllafty en- thusla^tlo over the magnificent piny- lug. It unnerved Sohaefer oom^eteiy, and ho fell down on an easy a ruu of 13. Tills wurt followed by a. inlss by lvra, and another by Schaefer. Then lv(» pulled hlmselt 'togethotl and ,laced 311 to lj(s credit. Schaefer fob with 38, nnd Ives cumo back at him With 29. In Schaefer's fifth, tbntafi Hum* ho placed but *4 to h J" white Ivoa rrapondofi -wSto a.exm ot os. This put Scaurer on fills mctMe. t&l tp the next JnsKlng ho did ««ne «»» »“* nlaolmt 101 to l»ls credit. Ives nrissto s.fter a rim bf 14, wihtcfii toot him bul 90 i -11v ’■ t( moro to go. sohaefer nitdo t-i« best of tS time, arid by tiho irvwt cars- fill playing made a run of 23j, tatMiig on u draw Of his 236th shot. Ives ***0*tQ Up a*£tar a run of 23. Than Jake mw( 21. aind allpped up. Then Ives ram 23 nnd mlased. Hchaafer then, galth.ered tht bailbsain and failorl on ao NW d.uW, maidng It, leaving the ivestoa in g6od poglbicin Cir Ives, 'Who ftuofc artvan- uge of ihe set-up and made a ran of 26 uid tJhon seorOd a fcfto jnlss. SCtiaefer weal to pldcca Jn (his next Inning, ami final try, art! making onfly 2 polnits. Ives then got the IvorieH togOMitr ani made * run of 41. whldh guvo Mm tho gaitM pnd tnfi'toh. When IVm had mflrto Mg 41»t efho- Htew/for crossed over to hbn and rivbok him heartily by the fiiafiid anrid oheera und .the yells of spectator,. Tho sum- mary M ns follows: fret. 38. 331, 0. >0, 29, 63. It, 23, « 41 Grand total, 3.600. ’ u Schnefcf-M. 13. 0. 30, 24, 101. 235, 21, It, 2. drill.| total, 3.074. Ives’ a-verag-e for the nftfit wa, 60- grand average, 18 18-74. • Sch.-iofer’, average for tho night, 58 1-3; grand average, 31 40-71. EIGHT LIVES LOOS, l’unta Oort.i, Fla., Nov. 17. An (lent occurred in Gharlotte harbor by which eight lives wero lost. Ten phos. Posts employes wero asleep on a barn loaded with phaophato when It suddenly rep.l.ed, burying the men under tons of rook. Two. of ‘horn managed to r- ipo but eight were tost. Tho list of dead Is ns follows: a. w. Mitchell, Alex Parker, vvirey Walker, Tom Vann, WU1 Vann Dave Frauslyn, eBrry Jones. Jack Spen- cer. I. FLOUK 111 DOUGH. Greenville, ills,., Nov. 17.—A h loaded with 6.500 barrels of flour, alt signed by Bcharff, Bemhelmer & Co fit- tejtiln and towed by tho steamer 'ar Wave, rank about forty miles t Greenville yesterday and It re likely tho cargo 1s entirety ruined. AUGUSTA'S DIVORCE MILL Angnata, Ga., Nov. 17.—Twenty divorce oases was tlie rcoonl of superior oourt hero today.