Newspaper Page Text
The Knights of Labor 1W a Great
Number of Liita aud
Hcsoiti lions.
He May letia ttoe Aesambly' but Cmi
jtolloU»Tb« Order R*ported f n
Hwllhy Condition.Ilolp for
thp Carpenters.
• New Orteam*. .Voir. 22—The Knight,
trf lAtoor had a buny seoalon today. Ree-
olutlona were ndop-.ei tha: each lo.-i.jl
wm&tly Man n>jke a maximum scale
of ib*k>» above the regular scale by :he
tNtftfrmai TraHo* Assembly; that
grievance* and ooaufirinu mu»f coino
Tip Jn -Mi* In sal court > of the ne*emblle*
within rtxty Jays; that the legislature
of hhe various states be tnemoriJllxed
to titniM laiwa providing for the creation
of fvte&e Author oureiu*.
Tie gcjvemi as.t-ably at !!» kv-euing
actislon continued lla work cf railroad
ing the buaincae through, and It in u
noteworthy Asst tliat there wee more
tijita apertt In the un*ta,ang of tho Pc
wee la the jusiago of any number of
Dills aesd reaojtitluns.
The n-fltennoon osalott mu c&Hod
order at 2 o'clock all of lao delegate!
reueaenrhlud In the Bcronrmon'* hull.
Master Workman Sovereign wielding
the gaved. The comm'.-t-se on law won
given itho floor to make their linal -e-
-dJttong other recommend ulvra t.f
eonicetuoico and ImjxHttn ic e wee the
«n« ipreaeniad irxidl tying tho constitu
tion where the awt master worltm.iu
has Itho ccivllege'of voting in the gen-
oral assembly. This clause Was ordered
stricken out and In the future the past
muster wtU have a eeat in tht genera]
enscmbiy, out m> vote. -
Xt was ois . decided to admit waiters
In hear saloons and restaurants where
bee. mat intoxicating drinks an sold
providing tho waxterj were not penna
Xtent barkeetper* or saloon keeper* This
«E"gJ£«i rwort of th,
lh coronal ctee on the state of the
a-i l stated tho c.tMlflMl
Se'Sf Tra *°P® <n , a v9r Y healthy con-
datdon. sa-iu under the existing clrcum-
euppc*?d WI1 * f * r W!llcr !han WM at flrht
oommittee announced that
Oho report of me OOnsnltlst wax if in-
forest ito cnambo.'s alone.
, n ^r*enl from the OMitm, careen
SfHf 1 “J£? i e l “« AauuMmatad Atmxl
f - on awwl A.non m j 3V!*r*rMi 41 f t ,
'^or •won t-fura&fi.l i n n wur
Knights of Labor, nnd the latter U
assembly. TO* appeal was laid before
As uoush snil tno entire vole m in f«.
wo! mendenn,.- who; u»;s‘aiue «£»
In Ihdrgxuiver -jgive. ****** 11
The Ojmtmll'sx .in ll.-r'butlon also
rnsenv.,1 fttud ru>v:, In whirl a
heanty endorsamemt wan glven to he
•dnvwasUu.uon of Uic jwjaeral **«,,„* ijf
bcxitxl during the (aS.iScTk.Sr'
rite’ 1ui dU4llflod Orvdoixfttnent of
Sttu&FK*' Th * adloumid
there htts been a slight rontrj|f'»irt#»
Sii ffWdual redemp*
«ad r*Ur<Tt%ir bf gold cenifiV
c ff a * tho lsaiie ot which WVS
c<i. M, >Utc j aw requlr>», wlien the gold
reserve ot the treasury fell betsw oud
'Wodred mil lion dollars.
Members 3f Two»; Con*
tees 41 Wuhln>;ton.
Washir.atcn. Kov. il.—Under the /.ill
of Chairmxj Sayers, the sub-corn ilt-
KSf.of ’he houxs cimmlttoc on appr.-
Pension am
the o.ij.u ..
s fn charge
ttrnVU bill, whlca
moot at the *am
ip near, and it 1h tx-
meeting of ihis
prifttlon* in c^hiuire of
fortlficst on oUis. »net
today. Til* sub'Ommi
of the DJetrict ?C Oiiirn
was ai»<> ootUUd
time, failed to .
Pected row th*
sub-rommlttee will l,e”l,oid' pmtOUS
to the meeting o' CJCgftsl.
oen. Cogswef <-i Massichugstts. one
: L t,e ■' . f ' : . ,
1 1 '• ' m t -u -v
tajve (yNeJJl reported today
,a 1 '‘-'i'.r y. U j g ijn*
hl, P t rt «,“ ° n amrmK ‘“I* friends, however;
resi J?'t,,**"*”', wl!1 he able -
*y°°« hla sett in tho coming aces
of corner***.
Tbe subcommittee on fortlflcationa
wh°n rn n«„ UIl |5. 11 tomorr <>w at 10.Vclock,
wien Gen. Casey, chief of engineer,
and Oen. Flagler, chief of mS
department, will be f»t>i...^a.i
SarSr^waspKs,.^ “
23, 1894.
Stylish new goods this week at prices lower than
pi..- ' v . jf;—-— iu»tr manever. 25
Choice Novelty Suit Patterns at 25 per cent, less than our
former lew prices. 10 pieces 40-inch fine German Wool Plaids
SrSh v d ! Ced f, ’° m 5 ° C and COc - 16 I )itcea 38-inch all-wool
Cerlb M e X tK m :lt ' 3 1 ' 3c * reduce(i fro 'n SOci 25 pieces Wool
- erges. at loc, worth 29c. 54-incli Broadcloth, $1.00 qual-
' rA*-' i a.*
5:30 p. m.
grtevi bce cwnm-lllec and the
i, '■' V "' k tt1 " «*i» sst
iT\i»onui, wnen .the coiiiVfinUcm will
«>f tho axaoutivi
b»jnd_w»a .Mmatn In «h. otty ov^r ^t
,Vx. i tP! fi3K 5 WiTHDHAW.
ColunrUiiM^O.. iNov. 22.~JohTi Molifld^
5 e '* u ot the mJnera dhioJoti
of *ha Knlg-h'tK 0t LAbor, le pr<*narin<r h
^ 4U:t nit ihe nationa4
convewton of t.he Knflirhts of Ijutbfir at
Nrnv OrVtww. Jitft hebl. UiJy
2* 1 , "Jyewntalcn. and naltlng h™ tt
•mdUeiwui to ttilr ooQveiittnn hc* r p
J^L*> | hruary neat inntrumod to take
flw ‘ n* h ’"' f . roni <h ® Kmghts of
ihcMv rre nbotut 7,000 of mom.
nvport of Trwuiuror Morgan to Score-
lury Uutlrjl-
JSkl&K tsatnuer
Of the Uatted Staitna, Hon. D. N. Mor-
sun. baa,dtixl to Secretary Oar-
“ f O* optuxt-
t'sjo Uk
t'miv mid cuodMon* of
The not ordln
try revenue* for tbe flw-
«il year ending June HO. cents
I 1 tiVTMxfl
wr.ikr.ia^o,,,^ y “
n doetvMHc of f 1 r,,.
i’rlor U» July, unt ., .
porn, wotv hrovy. ,ho ^
fonu Ihelr vaiilu
nlsliist by l«mk
or w as ivlitti' ned fn
«r\ ha* Ihjou aviIUvI .►, vftn frt "
yrnJv Nvn cbaMwaUo W\1 Inwa ,
for other nurpoaes. ’ nn1.iw.1ia
Hi.. Imp.,ru,nt evonu nf ,h»
'T ‘"'“' ll,ion l>f Pub-
S .J ,, , "" SMl '' of «O,WO0fl
Oper^vuk bond* to re,.) , he gold
!*TT ,he of tho pur-
*oa. of stiver bull on by the Wuo ot
Waimiry uutva With rrferemv b, the
Mfroaveot of ttvnmny notes, me twt,
¥**■ “•'* ^ t» AUfuat, ^3,
Ac msath- halt Istta ibk. ,0 ph,"da
fl«f tin. redetnpe on „f t, V:1Mlrv 0(>tl
"i K ,vf U, ° 'KH'Ungi. of
un to t*v-x st f 1b:la nrt t,
up t«tbnt fftue. amy Joipalmiett:
«te lotal niunsvt ,vf Ae „i VlW rnutor tbe act
tb^iiwr^V* M r th ’ how.
rtf*,, i k «r.4 bullion In
17 hHl1 r»Mut.‘ to th*
fiTaJJ JSS2JS b i ,s r^
r^.Ntnont of tr^iA.
«>» vensions wlii meet ngam^? 1 12
o^ock. HThen Cormnleaioner Iyc*3'-en
r'y; before them. H fa £^2
S ; £FSh|S?H
a. ‘.v.’sjsrrsr
Ainoi J.*®SSS«A 2?K* r ” sm * n
mtsatonwof NSf^rifcSy Saa? Ctm ‘
H-Wirtl rmineu>en,t rV,m ,. # l nl * c0!1 '
nipreasniialiivVS win r ^?',' th8 ll0u »* of
cliatxgc in o» of n,."5J e , .“ r ^<JJenl
SS! Sf! 1 " 1 ! ™ JSJSW.K
XU* pvrmy* (boon left upon the m
val uippro(prJrtiLj>n hdll iw Sfr i ne na *
gf-jrsr <*.42” age
s S;Sv’ US5 ' 0!5 w ““f-
«?‘»orthnln«- of New
^ < 3hal ™«unhfr> tiy Sm-aker'evt™
yrTOo^ wju **. no etSa'o 1
■XXANKY Bob exonerated.
Vertlkxt oftfto Coroner's Jury on the
Killing of III old on.
llve , pieces Children’s 54-inch all-wool
and k «”. g U ^%, W0 ' th ? 1 ‘2 5 - Our Colored Taffetas at 7
and 8-jc lead the citv in Stylish Tiaffetn* W» =1,^™ .11 .
. „ dt y in Stylish Taffetas. We show all the
new weaves m Gro. deLondre, Jaquard Taffetas,Moires, Failles
ftlll ? fi ' et f- Jhe most complete line of correct styles
kerchicft ,m 0 ir,S m n thG C1 T • B ' S d *' ives thi * w « ;k in Han.l-
™T.u/tr„r l0VC *'“ t “ Cmp '‘ U ’ f »«
( I-OAkS AND CAPES—Stylish new Wraps, hard to set
DRFS^Vr^mr'Vr" 0111 ?'' ^ ,h *P™- Se « thfo,!
style 1 and S ^t KIN ?~ Mm tV G °' :ham ~ Tlle Lest metropolis
guaran i WOrkmanghl P at Ma,;0fl V™<»- Every garment
P p Pirnples, Blotches^
^ — B * * £l~ and Old Sores -5
and potassium Catarrh, Malaria ^
^ Makes and Kidney Troubles
gn Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
^and Scrofula •
P. P. P. j>nrifl®a the blf*x5, boUda op
the weak and cebl'ltatad. iriv**
Are eatlrely NtuarfM by P.P.P. *
—Prickly A eh. Pok<» Boot and Pot**- '
0iuu, tbe greatest blood purifier on <
kxwnvxEw, o.. July 21,1891. ,
Mass as Lippman Baoa.. Savannah.
Ga.: Dea» Hina-I bouabc a bottle of '
7f»ur P. P. P. nt Hot 8pr1n*9 l Ark..and .
It but, done me more vood than three
Syxxrouw, N. T.. Nuv. 22._Tha lMurnt
to«fhtn« the d**th at CanMIua iCur-
Ow>. who iw klBed tn a sparring bout
with noib<mt IUrtmiinmons in the R. H
on n "tte J evem?l d o<
e2Sbxu^n WW !k on *Wg < * 1 In a ap.m-lng
exu.oiWoii tx\ hlies 'totira ot i ho H n ta
*nt Plti/.amxmoiw «ro.n all blame.-
Strong Wamony ngainwt
r,:r«ri D « SS
Hia Vtoit Not * Political One, ib'ut a
Plaaauro Jaunt.
N mx T ^u . N »° v: “-"B'nator David
alWdln fi,r rhe Soun > «ito
Th. Mixator has nothing to aay of
file recent Demoo ratio slump, and has
tiL' 7”* 10 “ y ot th * ®l*otlon lteelf.
Hei refurea to .tlacuee the political alt.
»• Hill decline, r be it«-
luvsd, but wave that htf will be in
^^2r. Wl, ' n “H**" ***>**£•
The eetrator's Southern Itenerary
The Beat Naval Drama. Ever Written
at the Academy Monday.
rhe*Enelen .?’ 5 i? al “ s: * P<>»se»8ed by
mSa En wm2h th * * u «*'<»rul naval
aim walca comes to tthla citv
7rom S5’ ‘li? •£*««•“ aSSltari^
kT •'I'* 9 Production. It
Ml the rtrat naval play ■ known
Smt*SH!PSSL S taw ' anid <he w-ooder la
RMirthpA* 9xc<?1Ient Arid has been un-
louoneo bo -many years. Tie met
ZTTr 'L -k Tbe BikirVfiSSi
one ttfit -that the theme Ia a nomiiar
niA^A construction of the
piece render* it likely That if miii
United States Jtan-o£w4 sJn jL?n
Iri "A^ 1 ' -triumph oil ^
«OM sailors 'have tnaDeoted <r>iA
of e thTthe?tr? b0 ? ' t<ho front a-nd re^r
v*iX D t™T c sA £ ^[p
essenllaIs to
THE black crook.
Crook Is coming: in all
if ifJ2L* plen<lop# ^bnaclng a wealth
°L 8up _S e^enery, cv>rA^oua costumes
«-aa Muttering armor, together wiBh
ZJfiSSJXSf* Of i litheome dancers
ana European nnecJaity artists. Tiho
BSFtolUPif*’ l * unwt c®ntlonally strong
tfact, nothing has h**en over-
Uooked. Over -fifty p^ple are lS-
pxTgeil In this superb production, and
scenic antJsta (have hefen tfor months
^ this tour, n^u 3S
talk of the country faat season.
The company whleli will support
H. Crane during his
WANTED-A cook at 122 Jefferson et. ;
nu one need apply wfithoiit good ref-
WANTED—Boarde™. reasonable rates.
Ooo<l fare. Oouples at $35. Apply C63
Plum street. Una. s. W. Smoak.
doe. not Include anye^.'^p.™^
fiKSl ®* 'riP wm P 4bl
»»'y be a leisurely plcaauie Jaunt.
Pcvumaater-Oonanal SuaUlned In «ul-
Ing Out Investment Companies.
'X".?X n * t0, '\ i’? v ' s2 —Assistant At-
tbet-Ofxicrnl Thomaa ot the peetemoe
SK b99n >b,ormw "at
the LnUed Soatea court m Atlanta.
cr i.'* 31 "* from ih« matt
company ,, hpcnulng , ,o„e^ 1
Washmgtrn. Nov. 22.—The naw
J 9 ” ! '' 9n f hu: > «n offla.
eomitwun 1 UVIS 8, _ Com mod or® Lin In
.Ulcus af, er committed
CHavaknd. Ohio. Nov **
tlw committee at the i v "c J 919011 '
at U;e Holltanten Huu.e iSav
chle.1 to hold the uexi anmVB
Comedian J?nU?a_. „. UUUI1K ul «
owning tour of the South and Wcet
on ® which is iow belus: seen
with him In Now York does not be-
doing anything by halves, and
*J5_ aic f 8 pride la giving ibis
plays in >the best possible manoor.
w, hen the aofto 4 ‘ is seen in this city he
win glva one perfoinrviBce .of “The
senator," a play which'.has had more
fiuocea* than any other American play
produced during the present genera
tion. It is a play that has been seen
by innumerable thousands, and Its
drawing powers to-day are- as strong
ub they were when it was produced
five years ago. The play ‘Is promised a
careful presentation, and in It • Mr.
Crane will be aeea*4n tbe tfitle part.
The New Orleans States of Tuesday
has this to say about “Jn Old KeOr
tucky," which bus been playing this
week In that city, and which will ap
pear at the AJcademy o< Music on next
Thursday night:
"In Old Kentucky" has made a gen
uine hit at t-V Academy of Muslo.
Seldom has meTo-drama uppeared In
this city with Suoh sumptuous scenic
effects and so idmJrable a cast. There
ore dozen* of novel features in "In
Old Kentucky," perhaps the best the
race some, and oertaLnly the nio»3
comical dUirkles that have ever ap
peared here on. th^ stJge. The work*
line of the race scene Is & splendid
piece of comedy, and merits all the ap
plause that is bestowed upon It The
company Is an excellent, one.
0nul *« etreet;
STuHii w “* r - “■ Une -
FOR J? BIsT ~ J:rw< > unfurnished rooms
on Cherry street, between New nnd
Spring; closets In each room; gjs
and water; with or withou'L kitchen.
P. H., care Telegraph.
FOR RENT-Beven-room residence, s#g
Clinton atrest, East Macon, with cne
aoro garden. Three minutes from elec
tric cars. Very desirable; price low. Ap
ply at Macon Savings Bank.
FOR SALE—Six heavy working cattle,
mil table for logging. Will aelT cheap.
Call on Dwight Gibbs, Penla, Ga.
FOR SALE.—One of the beat residence
buiMlng lots on the Mil, on Orange
street, oppoait* Tower 1 Park. Enquire
of A. G. Butte or A L Butts.
vnnniyuu jumu
FISH AND OYSTERS—All kindo received
every morning and afternoon. Dopson
Clarke A Daniel.
BOARD at Chapmen's English Hitch-
en, only $18 per month.
REMEMBER Thanksrivinw dav—frosh
P|^.^«Uce8, bread every morning, at
• ^-ximalLm —max
- launent at tho Uct Springs.
Sand three bou!*a C. O. D.
Respectfully yours,
Aberdeen, Brown County, O.
Cart 1. D. Job Mat ow.
_ - — T „„„ . To ail whom U may concern: I bare-
di.»ea»ea.gifIbjc tbe petlent health and b y teacl CY to the wonderful prc;>ertlea
haptiineae where elckneee, cl corny of P. P. P. for eruptiourt of tbe akin. I
feeling and ltMltudc first prevailed, suffered for several yeera with an nn*
sightly and disagreeable eruption on
Por prltnary.Neoondnry eud tertiary “fj* 0 ?* I tried every known retno-
•yphtfie. for blood poieoTdngf nierca- dy , bat ln ▼Mn.uutll P. P. p. was used,
riel polo on, atiirln, dysDeDol.i end ami ein now entirely oured.
fn alTblood add akin dl»«»aea’, like (fllguadbyj J. D. JOHNSTON,
blotches, pfaples, oid chronic ulcers. Savannah* Ga
«kte «*»»r c^l.
SSgS!iS!5i'ffSfA&i:feas JwismvA^a.jfigrsrafejikwvw
positive, speedy and permanant caret Biqm. Tsx., January 14,1893.
mill c■**•.». Maoesfl. Lipfman Bros.. Sarnnuah.
1 1" Oft.: Gentlemen—l iinve tried your P.
systems are poisoned ¥• **• fur a dleeaee of the skin, usually
d Is In an Impure oondl- known as akin cancer,of thirty years'
** 9 * atandiug, and found! great relief: It
purifies the blood nnd removes all ir
ritation from the seat of the disease
. due to menstrual Irregularities, atandiug.
, are peculiarly benefited by the wuu-
derful tonic and blooc cleansing prop-
and preveuts any spreading
Bores, i have taken five or six bottles
nnd feel confident that another coursi
of P. P. P.-Prickly Aeh
Boot and Potassium.
»*'“ ii mi .iMWBwiMM and feel confident that another courso
. SpRurorntD, **.., Aug. 14th, 1893. v111 * oure. It has also relieved
. —1 cau speak lo the highest terms of P° 0!p® indigestion and stomach
{ our medicine from my own personal troublea. Yoarr truly.
uewiedge. X was a IT tested with heart mBW w
disease, pleurisy and rheumatism tor
' ^aafawMadbytbarerybsafc
.jrply, •
OAP'r. W. M. BUST.
Attorney at Lew*
, one bottle of yourP. P. P. ( and ca
cheerfully soy It has done memo:
■ good than any thing I have ever taker
. icanrocommendyourmedloinetoa
sufferers of the above diseases.
Springfield. Green County, Ho,
M 00 Blood BUM Moll MS. V
X4ppnt«^ f a Block,Savannah* Ga *
The American
PINEAPPLES, meet oranges «>jnd nice
apples, at R. C. Keen's.
HOLMES & COUTT'8 oel^ira/tefl extra
toa»t orackem* retail at the low price
of 10c. a pound.
CITRON, cleaned currant., ;
prunes, now almonds, walnut, and
pecans, at R. C. Keen'..
Gives the Full
Of Every,English
LEAVE your ocd:tfe now for your
Tuank.giTlng mince plea at Merkel’*.
boat made. Have you tried it?
live chlokau8 arid
hens, at R. C. Keen’s, 616 Cherl^
® n 'l the rrdenH’tlon
on^iiwmcw of \h« ,
ou:inuing In <
*&«"■*, ■^Inatlonx ofVurC"'
^;" a 'Vwr"»v Mr th»r nL*
: ~ fu ' 1 ' 1 h ' , »< thus In,
..V, . ? “ 0, e- <» roliv-n.-d w.'r,*
• aiicejlcd In order lo pre»>r\e (lie r\.
O'llr.M equality telween live .liver In
g* »Ud rile ivolrti ou(».and-
iiv Tie- total em-Hioi of (lie i,'-
U>o.«V hlS " ly Ut ' ««■ ® "«
“,? 9> ' int of «>« now tteu* of
currency put mi©
eir, l’*:* ,u,nu * th " > w w«« uaa
'JjS: tV'' Uw been ex. o.Jel b,j, enw
■ ... e t UTUr.j W ,J ■ (1T1 fl|
n .h.-*2 riic amount o< worn sod muiv
*‘.cd notes rcdrtvrm-d «u lilv.CdisBJ.
PhtS a:«a> bag tn-n but died.
II 16S3. Th paper clrculatkm
lQ H«> l**t,
m »ivAhl w; $1,1i5,W0. tfuiv'c Gita*
—<rr«r to giaxt health and the xvxtwn rm-
iWred ImpM-vlou, to dime* wheii the bKxl
“ pure and the liver wtUve. For tho liver
la the Mdtiuel which uei-mtba or forb*da tho
germ, ofdiweee to enter the circulation of
the biood. To a rongerted, torpid and dla
' Ud8 * to “
I we. taken uck with'
rooseiUon of the hr,e
and (he doctor. ruuM
five me no relief, hut
I 0r " »«U«
01 , P“e°t-r." I re-
Olaed u.f ta-elth end I
) a in now a wall nun
I 1 weighed no |H,ur
before iaken rick, end l
.a. reduced io 130
t. pound* in sixty dav*
time, hr ear one euf.
ferlng «ith liver
troublem I we*. I would
ktlvisc (bfltu to use tho
* lit'.'.lru Mcdioai D!a-
u. , R%v „ „ « ) i T *n •* at once, before
•A J. USmxt. It *s too let**.
ISM li Wie Oeuiaroutfl* Cb* #, j;
^Hos Withdrawn From tho Faat Sinking
Southern Pausitmger Association.
And now cornea th« announcement that
the Georgia. Southern and Florida has
withdrawn from the Southern Passenger
Association, confirming the Telegraph’s
prediction that other Vlthdrswals would
be heard from immediately and that the
Southern Passenger Association ia being
disbanded for tho purpose of organizing
a new association.
There will bo other withdrawals right
and within a very short time there wll
be nothing left of the Bouthom Pussen-
8er amou.sUja tk'vpi a cvu«niis.sion«T.
PERSONS owing texea bn w*d land*
must pay up fo save coat ajvd land. I
cannot tulvanoe lit. A. G. Bu-As. Cte.
Land Agency.
F It for a queen’s iaible—Mioca pies
and cream puffs, at Merkel’s.
FRESH Graham Flour Just r+oelveA
at C. F. Collier & Bra’s.
45 PER CENT, average weekly vimai*
. ln ^ t,d - x.
NICE dressed pouRiy, dhoice Western
dressed meat**, best shock In Macon.
M't Georgia Packing Company's,
Is a Complete
And Perfect
1st the Greatest
Modem Work of
Theso Speak as Those Having
♦♦♦♦♦ Antfiority.....
nr L vi t i!U.?‘S*t Aric ' NoT -
“» -'“ewer to w Invlutlon
to Jo4n tho silver party to bo orvan-
WiSIBe W<y> . k f st - Louis, wrote a
letter lo-Aiy to A. J. Warner, chair-
n ’o” of the ni-ni*tfUUo Lf*tu.. n
wlih* he avid: “I will not toUaw * U y
ett of Inipiaotlcahllhl.e luio a new
rvuny. The Democrallc party tw tho
ouly one throuah which we can secure
free and unlimited coinage of silver.”
...A WORD...
ȣ?"? Df niaktgy Mid Phyatc* ot the
— WtaoAi Wealoyon Ualverslty. snm*
EXPERIENCED Workman and suDe- ^° r •twdon , ta and for t>ha mass of tho
rlor material make Merkel's rues, ^ will be very useful, not So
©ream puffs, chocolate, aclairn, pattl- m * wu ' on *ow coat. Such a Whin* Is
«hwii »--•« angers, the to thousands of homes, and
jour paper Is to be congratulated u p-
•n being ablo so furnish read-
■n at such a trivial ooat.
X. J. Elrod.
Frerfdenk of the IIbools Wes.tyan
•totvewlity, say a; The Anwrtoon En-
sholl, macaroons, lady
best in the city.
BLUE RIBBON.—The judges tiranlM
us the first premium tor our Rohrer’s
Bread Raising, pronouncing Rohrer’s
better than Hcnafords aftar^thm!
oughtest W. c. Turpin A Co; •
FRESH LOT Mandarine nr vm I roe anienoDo »n.
orangen «»«d "urtSwThSS? *. * work of
“IgS?. «o. Ana'tj,^ 0 ^ Ba* »>«■>
to arrive to-
day. Sewell Bros.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer wTi
sought (by oombtatog vhe dlbtlonary
"Ad encyclopedic features. The effort
■ a suootss. !W. H. Wilder.
APPLES rtaDgea Chair of, Greek. IlMncis Wealeyaux
lemooe' «>«>ai»uw. I W«*n»rrity. My.: mm la one tuuu.
lemona, poaacoee.
»-««• A. A. Cutlen,
oolona and cab-
■*VE have a few nndro of Burt', tt
- - - - . .. - w- ona feature
oc tne nook wtrloh pleases me very
much. Many of us baro read old Ea-
C ik and Scotch/bvK tbe ordinary dlo-
nwy Is of so avatt for such usss,
Mb areas your encyolopodja appears
meet 42m> requirements very fully.
ffiT. A. Heldei.
adveutisements under this
heading, fifteen words or
more, taken at one cent A
gives satisfaction. Rwtail* 2»o. lb.
POUDry every d»y, l
jrour" order with ua for a Thank*.
^M..g turkey. Telethon. « 7 . N?«toO
RHOtlfiR'S breed raising la the beet breed
pteparatioo made Tit It
Wanted—To ten you » *1 , .
Detwaio.-C typetvrltVr fe., „ ^ del
In the world j H ' jgJJ* machine
•Phone No. 2x3. Mlater. agent.
“"ure. 21. s
la »tOb> pome fur-
• >t 2.500 to a.uov ca;-aclty.^AJ.Vre*
care thh. office.
pAntform ncalax
A OaMPETENT and reliable~b^kT
keeper of long experience, capabDhf any kind of office work, is *n,
lous to secure Hnploj-ment lie will
work cheap. Addrcea X Y Z thia of
COAL AND WOt>D—Realizing t h,"t
‘ h9 , ti “W" .* r « hard, we offer Ccrci'u
coal ik |t.^ per toa Our wood vara
J’ r9 “ r * d to fill all older*
prornptl) c.lve u « a trial. CStlbon
Jeuklna A Berry, corner of Sixth and
Cherry Telephone Ut. nd
LOSTOR STOt^X-R.v.n marf ,
«* hl m I» ! "r»o.?o J
. hkS. r *"' lkrd u returned to Davu :
B l Bdlat Normal Urdxwnrtty, aaya:
®b-#wortt la unique. Americana are
■MSt Mlnrt to aha valua of time, Buoh
* 7«*WB o< knowledge fa, ec oompao)
• eorxn Win commend Jtaelf aake to
«n« laborious echo lor. she' general
•wader, and especially to tho teacher.
John W. Cook.
PROF. B. 1*. Van PE3TTEN,
Stwrintendent of Bloomington CRv
Sdhoota. aay,; It is * erorkof great
rafte’ra.? t® •“• oonctax, uoou-
»£«<««« in form. So muah
2?™^“°° ! n 9Ucl1 • co-npex.
*• uowhsra «lse to bo obtaln-pd.
E. X. Vau Aofitsft.
librarian of Wittier. Library, »ayn
TOe American BncyxCopedlo Dirthanery
®“ e . r *- n opportuuriy eoldom met with
* . Pr< n Ur * ? mo *t -teJuablu work fox
*«»>« £*}**■ Li «h. tom. library N
J!* 11 ** tndhrpeneahle to a.udenta uk
Boerory. .worker*.
H. R* GaUtnar*
Superintendent of Bdhbol*. MSwetx-
*J«^Wis., says: Tho Enoyolopec*s
DtodonMy. tn my ounkn., la c. very
valuable work of reference. It t* ex.
oouartve, oomprehenaive, and bean
•wianos of ths most scrupulous pains-
tokhig. I can rewmmend ths worli
wfthout hast tat Ion.
!W!m. E: Andersoa*. .
Wholesale Dealers in Liouors; Wines and Cigars.
«* UtmnSP
Send for price list.
len. administrator of th* eiute E w
Melton. Ut* of aaid county, deceased
having represented to this court thhi
haa fully discharged the duties of 'a.^
treat, and now sxk. for letters 0 f dlarnu
slon. This li to notify xll partl.i eon'
..<d to file objeettona If any tn.»
ce. on or before the first Mooday m
December, 1®*. or letter* of dlm!?iu 0 "
will then bo granted a-s u.«ked for.
ft ^ 5VI LEY, Onlinorya
Cutter, executor, and Mrs. Mary \*
Ayres, executrix, of the estate of Asher
Ayres, late of said county, deceased,
having reprvsem.>i to this court UjaTt
they have fully dteeharged the duties
of sold trust, tnls ia. therefore, to noti
fy All oartlea concerned, to file oblec- pH
tiona, if any they have, on or before the
first Monday in December. 1S34. or else
letters of dismission will then be Issued
a* asked for.
C. M. WILEY. Ordinary,