The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 26, 1894, Image 8
mmgmmGmmr i ! 1 THROUGH EYES FEMININE. A FOOTBALL MATCH. •‘You have tickled my heart, fair maHen. With flit team of eye* you conxnjcfld. (Which not even the conquering Tile tan With rh«r training and sktr.l could withstand. ''While you were eerenely unconscious How you toeecd my poor heart, to odd fro, {Tour hind was the roil that I fought for. Xs I've struggled for naught else below. I've umpired the (time In your favor. But I thought Chat as your'e referee. And e'er piled the side that la van- ouldhed. Tou would surely hare olty on me." Then witting her dark drooping Joshes, She replied with a glance sweet and gbv: "I don't like to claim all the honor. 3o suppose that we snake It—a tie." But Thursday the Mercer and down hoys Will play foothal ytralyhtand soul re, Tfo fair maiden's heart <a concerned a» yet. No bewitching blue eye* and golden hair. •Tie "p&ce kicks" and "drop kcks" and touchdowns," And the goal that they nsk. Is not the fair hand of me charmer. (But a rough and snore difficult task. But nfter the game tna been ended, And finished the nght of the day. There'll he n good chance at the Csbln. For the "rushera" to play t'other ■way. The town teem have Invited their sponsors to bedeck themselves end their traps In blue and he Inspiration to them on the field Thursday after noon. Since Yale.beat Harvard Friday, the Macon team tent lhat Yale blue Is the winning color: but the orange and Muck will not give uo without n most Interesting struggle. The Mercer (earn win. In all probability, bnve their •noiwor* In boxe* or cirrtiflit wtW* el asm In the come la Increasing dally, and society will be out en masse, bet every one ohoose his or her color and wear It to encourage tho men. Mr. John gtewart left Macon yester day for Atlantia, where he will be mnr- Tl»d on the sftrrnoon of the UMi. Tho bride-elect Is (Miss Lillian Holmes, who** beauty and c&nrmlws p*r#cmnl- Itrtiave made ber * Kreat *ltrco ffhe left iNdiool. The wedding will oc cur ut the borne of the bride a aunt, Mm. Heffner.-antt *111 be but very eleffftnt nrtair. The ceremony will be followed by a dinner. No cflra* tnve been l«wued. bud a number of air. Stewart’* friend* will Kp from Olaoon. end Mr. Howard White will act na beat man. The bridal party wlfc be entertained the evening before at .the lovely borne of Mr. and Mr*. Rich ard llarrl* and will return to Mdoon (Friday. Mr. and Mr*. Jftme* fltewarfc will be at borne io their friend* at 238 Cringe etreet. ^ Wednefdiy morning At 10 o’cl-oek the ladles Interested In the Orp/han*' Homo Chrlitmaa tree will meat at the borne of Mr*. Emory Winahlp to discuss ithelr plans. Tho ladles hopo to bavo a largo Attendance at this meeting and want tho nsMatanco of every one In* UrmM 1ft Christina* pleasures for the children at the Orphan*’ Homo. On the evening of the 14th of Decem ber there will be an Interesting con cert la the Mulberry etreet church an nex for tho purpoeo of raising money for The Sunday school piano. Tho pro gramme will Include the best talent In 4he city end tho concert cannot bo Anything but a suefcou. • M Miss Mary Burr return* *o arlflln tomorrow after a delightful visit of several weeks to friend* and relatives in Macon. In honor of Mis* BuVr tb*. Oooklug Club gave thalr regular weekly meet ing at the home or AUn Mary Liszlc •Wlnshfcp. Saturday afternoon. Progres- elve angling was en loved by ‘the guests and the lovely nrlso'was won by Miss XriUlsa Daniel. The lunoheon consisted of every delicacy Imaginable, and tho afternoon proved of much pleasure to the following guests: Misses Mary (Burr. I/nilse Daniel. 'Nancy Winches- •ter, Clara Gtierry, Leila Gerdlne, May Kennedy, Almee Dunwoody, Alice. Qiurr. i)&l*y Ttf&mae May Rogers, Mamie Jarvis. 'Eunice Williams, Mary Coopor, CMtfa M.iv Williams, Kate .■\VHHamsi and Ms* Callaway. Tonvwrag eventagr Mr. Riditfd John son wHl erotertuiln his gv\nitleineh friends t.'l a nta«r party. Tho** ks (brtunaho ns v.* have tmOtakfooe 'to thle \rtv.e4eg.-\nli affair <vn)Uo4pttte wi*h It a great deal of {detail re. for as boat and hostess, bnere* nro none more thoroughly ohiimtinst than Mr. and Mm. J. M. Johntffon. A very unique and deUgJhUful lemon In domestic economy was brought Into l»*uy a t a aveent hi null mV) Impromptu cushrc party. Tna hostess, being v. woman of unumul *c]o?ernces, d/ccidoil that to make the Informal gathering IdMHMfi ami ito h<t wry querit Home cotfivm an a tilftHSsiUi arur- no6n. erave canh (Payer a • tiseful prise to be utilised in the kitahen or butli-r’s flafttiy. Tlw first prise wis a filw r spIdMxn. <the second a twvnd- knlfe, then, * box of exftuou for cook* lug, ami so t>n. urftil each tAU're* OHVfd JtiMl the AMmr Hhr wanted. The numerous MMi M«* TMboKt <•1 Ricbmoiwi wtu bo slniol to km»m that nthe wtU bo to the city tthls Week. During Mii« Talhiytt'* lastt visit to Mu* K6, who nxub> nil ay tHsnida tvntt ad- mlrvra. ‘ ' •, i iTr eee There will be any number «f charm- Irrg vlstrtng kUMs in Macon during De cember anti January. Hm Mamie Hau*her will ooRertaHt quite a bevy of beguile*. US** Whlker of Richmond. M1j« Wheeler of .V>.»l»n;pa and Min* Oanrp of Home. IP«s Hat fifcr Is a 'deirfIM hastesa <»d iwr vuttca always juive a great deal of »vial a>t- unlUota ‘ilao noted beeutleci from Don el He, Mis* Jennde Smith nod Miss Mattie Clark will be the guae’j bf Mr». Loe J’jitlan. No doubt ’they will be .the OO* CiftQon of some «iabora.te onionuiin* meats, jftttl ceradn it 4h they will be tx'llv's tn Macon, as they are everywhere alee. Mhas I'Sark vksJt«ai ‘this olty M»t iteason atM was Che recftpictift of inarmed and ring attenuono. Mils* lAUim Lootvraue. who bos \ia. ti !«i Mtootl oeveriU limvea, sat e ■we’d luioan and greatly here. \un t>e IfiM Mvingh^n’s gu*-lt after I'hrtvt- IRSS. There is a great tendency In the Bouih fbr aJirWi to appear «to* n ahnort a* 0om as they are tn oheir teen®, and It 4». Indeed, a. vary gnaft mistake. Girin, don’t be tn a hurry to mv im» I*. prubxUy mmm taJMd for you to re- *nun In *the flKtuxxl rv» >m in Ahoit Oryx when you 0M i-otmodf ondnoiitly nitid for aocMty a:» t she wearing of grown- up. PWlg The moUtnnjrpto'As wUI <t»»e own sbough. Today you are a chill an t r»- five Vhe <xmHUku\i,Uv\n that k a chtti'a dun. «mM ura oflvrvd f„ r you oo aocrnmi of >our youth. But pm up your b« and lwwth,m >our »rtl you «r» ut uv.-* pMUQIxed n« a Vounx tally, mush more -will be vx- JHV'bvl 0< you Oua Mur.' v\ai a.y.,:,o tk oUta myl. o< coutamlaf. Anorti.rr.titnix that count, for d> much Ul« oo u tlhai If you become a fiii. Ocdced y<yirv* ■woman too noon tho world irtll iprut you Km tine rfbok Ions be fore U»r« 1. my need of your beJnsr re- Beole-t na puieo. aa years go; but the fact of y xw havtn* bt-n "out" an low? *UI welsh bpivtiy a«a:n->i you, and nt 20 you will be looked on-as 25. and you ouhl.-.'J convince anyone to die contra ry, for they would «f. "She must be Wt leas: for 1 remember her find euoa which vu fully live year* ayu, and She looked M at that «roe.” Stay ybunw «a Ions «» you e*n; every day will brills Its added wei*Wt o', re- HpontlWIity. and oven though you feel asgriaved beoauae you are kept back, a» you Choose to retard »t, you wlU cer tainly thank your wise suipiatna in the futun for not having tymraKed ytm to deoeJve Itbe world Soto tfainkiqg you old er .than you really are. (Alt H a Sir! fetd* older than ahe doe. at 25 and tries U> appear twice Iter age. It V; hard Ito convince at girt that she will never b# young but once, and tf She only kneiv oVhat a refreshing thing It la to wee a glrtl-ft, metese, blu-h'.nx debu- tanv. sbe would certainly take the ad vice o her eideni and avoid bolus grown as tan* bw It la pwattSe. ■ How clever and w«U informal one thinks you, If you appear Jl when you are re ally It. and. on dhe Other hand, how backward and rtvuord you crVgbt appear If you loukrd 15 and In truth were 19. The fault of betirg young ladlen before your day la much myt asntrMi South than It Is In the North, and Is one that (t would be well to oorreot. ... Forsyth. Nov. 25.—(Special.>-X. brilliant entertainment mi given Fri day evening nt the pretty borne of Dr. und Mrs, J. F, Laneaw.r by the young ledles of the W. F. K. aodety, complimentary to their friend*. The affair was one of the moat highly en- Joynble and Interesting eoclnl .vents that has occurred In Forsyth In years. The young ladles of this popular and progressive society have tendered their friends many receptions, but the one given last evening coitpaetl all former efforts mid all of the guests present will Cong remember the pleasant hours afforded them by the Charming and enterprising young ladles of the W. F. K.*s on lart evening. The entertain ment had (been looked forward to with a deul of pleasure by the friends of the society for several weeks, nnd their nutlet pl.t tons were snore than realised. Every young lady of the so ciety made .every effort to aid In (he aUccfiis of the entertainment and their efforts were happily rewarded. The exterior of the hospltnble home of Dr. nnd Mrs. Lancaster wan beau tifully Illuminated with Japanese Inn- tema and the effect was pretty In the extreme. The spacious parlors were gorgeously arranged In palm*, ever greens and hot house plants of every variety and presented a brilliant scene. The Interior of the residence, with Its profusion of flowers and brill- -ant assembkure. wna a scene (hat one would not anon forget. For more than an hour the guests were admirably entertained with n superbly rendered programme, consisting of songs, reci tations and instrumental selections, ns follows: Instrumental duet, "Spanish Dance" —Miss Pittlo Lawson and Professor W. Til. TOIehrown. Creeling—Mins Annie IMoore. Instrumental wolo. "Chase of tho Lion”—Miss Nellie Turner. Recitation. "The Don Hunt"—Miss Fmnle Greenwood of (Macon. Vocal soft), "May Song"—Miss Tallu lah Freyer. Instrumental solo—Mlsa Hoaa Smith, mediation—Miss Greenwood. Sonig. “Ho Was a Prince”—Mlsa Maude Hooks. Each young lady acquitted herself creditably and was liberally appkvud- »•. The recitations of Miss Fannie Greenwood of Sticon elicited the ad miration und hearty npplauae of ev ery ono present. At the conclusion of tile programme the dining room doors wore thrown open and the guests In vited to partake of delirious refresh ments. The (tohle* wero kadoned wn - every conceivable delloicy and ‘were dilntHy and artistically decorated. The flowers lent fraefitnee and beauty to the room and (he pakwnlble supper of sovernl courses wi/i grsttly en joyed, The vounc ladles have every otuse* io be proud of (heir splendid micecss. which was well merited nnd to whlnh (hoy can j-lw.tya point with great nrlde. Moniesume. Nov. IS.—(Special).—A mm! drtirhilful as well ns brllllnnt ocea- etan wus (ho reception given the young people here by Mr. aiw Mtn. G. Lltva- inivn Inst ThunMoy evening eomclvinetvt- ory to their ertutmting visitor, Miss Jen nie Helmer of Hartman, who is quite n favtahte with all who know heir. ’ The tu'tic- «T this hOBOdtable home wtin (hronged wTCh the beauty and chivalry of 'the (own. Mr. mid 'Mtw. Lip Damn ame Ideal ontertnlners a ml nil were minis to (eel iHt Q» (no nnll enjoy thisnsplvco, cilCier In aorioj oonvravu or Join In the mares of die wn!lr. Savuao'* ordhoxtra dtaeouraed onltuvnolng muslo and t» the devotee* of TcmsJchore .tho hours iweut by with rapid tugbt. A't a Hite htur (he guertn marched to the dining room, whore a bonquee nprend lit for the girts ftwifed'them. The ronicinrtinuw'e of this deftgMl'ul occasion avjfl Jlnger with (hoar who were fortiurwrtc enough to utt- .teml. Tho (laUoirtmr coupleis wore prea- onlt: iMi s Jennie Helmer, Jamie* Uow- nnv. Mlaa Bto Lou WeWIbruok, Oecnr McKcsiale; Miss Hvu Storey, R. A. Hicks: Mins NeiiMe Young. Joe Eaa’.cr- lln, Jr.; Mils Annie Bocal, Loveate Do Viiugtvn: IMins Ctira '.MoKcnxle, L. P. Irfu:er: Mlm Roev De V«u«hn. J. P. Walker: Miss Collte Nopals, Jonwn Mnf- (ect: Mh« Gtwde Qrlnwley. Hubert Passmore: dllss Lula Lewie, Hooter Dixon: Alice Maxwell. W. G. Har- rlsmi: Miss Currie Dell MaaiweH. Winn Hltlrtllta N'vtl Hieka. Otiren-s- Wt-k- er: Ml* M.slide Utah Andley Max well: Mis Lula Chambers, J. P. Heuth; Mhs IJIIIe I jowls. Will MoKrnnle; Mwr Rouk MoOlong, Jismcn D. Lea Lor; Mil* iMti Golden. Dsrvie Murray: Otto llrawn. J. J. Ranblnekl, iMaralull Cheevcs. ^ Ha Motion, Nov. 25.—(Spcotal).—The ■MMW of Mr. S. E. Duemlmry nnd Mum hXhnl Jtekl of this ally (Will occur at tin Methodlnt church on Cho of Dea-mbeir 1 nit 11:J0 o'clock. Tito cer emony MU be finished In Ume for the newly married couple do take tho noon train for Florida, Micre they will visit the prinolpail .points of Stitrert. The uah- m will lieUMn. T. G. Greene//.. K. G. Mtue.ial.oii. P. & BUarunk and S. M. Rosser, imt. DvMlMnr ta tho mt of the Middle Ge.uvia nod at ihu pince Ural (v* oooupied a similar jwski.oi un de the Central until Ka lease expired. He enjoj-s (he «Mttn and oonflilwice of tile hurim-sl nral social «.vH, nivl lo a young mvm of excui.Uon.iaiy tine char acter. Mbs ReOl {sismvM.'B a great deal of iaitum.1 heutiuy, nnd Is a member of the fiSioritaM tangly of K.-Hs which k> so w ill known over the suite. Sae h'o a hurt Iff ftdorxis all over the Male. The oeeashm w(U be made Idguilt In ail.of Its dctniia A tv elver nKvrrVige of great importance Wit vxxair on the manilixg of DetverbeT At ibis time 'Mir. T. G. Greene will w«t Miss Ktitle Smith of H.tu-f.i, G«.. nt SpsCta, Tula couple wall join Mr. and Mra S. E. Duserlbury rci their Florida trig • jlr. Greene i» a member of the nivo of Hmroe A Greene, and one of the mevlthlmt nieci ht ithl" erty. Ho ta nf -oh. itlrvaat.irs of the Maille Gig* Rank. MVw Smfrh is nit utxtutCeivc Ja.1y, nnd belong* to line of the bed .vniSUes In (he mute. She Is gifted with Issasrty. No card* will be tasuetl for liher c\*ut. THE MACOIC TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 26, 1894 HOW MUCH USE HOLMES’ MOUTIl WASH. Yttvmx<(r& by Dr*. Holirrtn A Udw>n, DfotlitZ 654 Mulberry Street. It cure# bitting sums. u!o*ra, #or« mouth, aor# throat, cleans the i««m And t*uria«« th# breeth. For sa.1# by all drussUis. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder WwW'.F.Ir Hlatait Mctaim.a OqkM In raiment are you accustomed to? Not more than ■we can show you in our swagger Overcoats. Swell styles in '' , KPRSEYS, BEAVERS, MELTONS, CHEVIOTS. You see how the coat looks on you—no uncertainly about the shape or fit—nor quality of trimming either. Pure silk or satin linings—slips on without an effort —no two inches of under coot collar allowing. You are the. judge all the way through. CZARINA 5 The latest fad, at GEO. T. EEELAND’S. Jeweler, 320 Second Street. MACON, QcJL. 351 10 353 - - - CHERRY STREET Engines, Boilers, Gins SAW MILLS, Machinery All Kinds. CTS. The Most Wonderful ; ? Offer Yet ... v 180 C MAGNIFICENT^ FI! If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did not it is the next best thing to a visit. Come and see it. When will, you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely bound for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out the following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SNAP SHOTS OF THE World's Fair -ES£srat n ~ / v-* raMMWVMiHiiMnixa SALE. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—By vir tue of a resolution of city council of Mn- con, will bo sold to the highest bidder befoeta the court houae door in staid county, on Wednesday, the 28th tnot., between Che hours of 10 a. in. and i p. m.. tha( part oflotonc( 1) in block thirty-one (fl) S. W. C., in city of Ma con. euid state and county, bounded on one side by Seoond street, on another by Hawthorne street, on another 1 by lot of Mrs. Martha Cheevcs, and on an other by a thirty foot alley, said prop erty bavins beetn purchased by the city of Maoon under sale for-taxes due by Jno. W. Tracy. C. H. HALL. JR., City Marchal. A. T. HOLT. Real Estate Agent, 36 Second street. I have some nice houses yet to rent. Como and see me about them. Several farms to rent, and some splendid offer ings for sale. List your property with me and give me a chance to seo what I can do with It. PARKER'S _ HAIR BALSAM CltURKs anil beaming* the hair. Promote* * JtmuUnt growth. Hover Palls to Pcatore Gray U»!r to Its Youthful Color, scalp <):«*♦<■» ft hail falling, ft" nad #».<«•-♦ * Curc*_» mM&KM&zMgssm . M- Park B (>tru:i r 7 ! < n 1 •- Ji oir, ( : >■ *■ fviiiti,. Weak Lung*. JYebiliiy, Isdlgevtlon, I’sifi.Tsk* In tune.50 cu professional card*. DR. J. J. SUBER3. Permanently located. In tbs ip» etaltles venoreal. Lost anergy re stored. Female Irregularities and poison oak. Cure guaranteed. Address in confidence, with stamp, 510 Fourth street. Macon, Gs. -- DR. a H. PEETB, KYU EAR. N08B AND THROAT. .. M SECOND STREET, MACON. QA. DR. J. H. SHORTER. EYE, EAR, NOSB AND THROAT. Office 5(8 Cherry at. Macon, Gs. DR. GILMER'S . PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Office and reeidenoe. First street, near cnerry. MACON SAVINGS BANK «« Mulberry Street. Macon, Ga. Capital and surplus $150,000 Kn 5 per cent Interest on deposits ^ *ml upward. Real estate loans on the monthly Installment plan, and loana on good securities at law rates. Legal depository for trust funds. Will set ss administrator, executor, guardian, re- celver and trustee. H. T. POWELL.. H. Q. CUTTER... J. W. CANNON.. .......President .Vice-President Cashier EXCHANGE BANK OF BACON, 04. Cea. R. Turpin. Vie*-PrMldwt. H. J. Lamar, President. J. W. Cxbxnlee, Cashiv' W# solicit the business of mwohanu. planters and brake, offering then oourtemr. prirtWIseoe rad gust- 0*4ty* CtaplUU #ui*d1ui of any bank In Jtfl4dl# GeorcU. THE UNION SAVIHGS BANT A TRUSf CG MACON, GA. H. J. Lemar. Preeldeat; Oeo. B. Tu-. ptr. Vlce-PresWeat; J. w. Osbralee Cesbler; D. M. Neiilgra. Accountrat. CAPITAL WOO*. SURPLUS, (30.0)0 Interest paid ea deposits s per cent. 9#r Miaiim. Economy la Umi roU ti w#*lth. Deposit your mrlncs #ay tbty wUl b# Incrotaital by taur##u Com- pounded Mi&UtnBUAUje LOOK OUT FOR COLD WAVE! Window Glass, Mantels, Tiles and Grates, Ntow I* the time to buy the above before the cold weather comes. I have Shs large*: stock Booth, with prLvs lower tin cvn-. T. C. llUfilKJS. O. P. & B. E WILLINGHAM, MACON. GA. SASH. QQQBSL LUMBER. MOHLOHIjI PJUffl ME USD CEMEHT. AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. L. Cohen & Co., J» Le 3TACK, Alana*#*, • • • ITacnn Ga. LIQUOltS, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Cheapest hooao in Macon. Orders promptly filled. A trial solicited. MACQK SASH, DOOR L LUMBER CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL, 560,000. CONTRACTORS and BTJILDERS, -AND MANUK ACTURERS OF- Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in-Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair. BUILDERS’- HARDWAE. Etc. 401) to 415 Poplar Streets MOERLEIN’S BARBAROSSA (IN BOTTLES ONLY.) . On account of Its i isolute purity, wholesomencss, good taste and quality to aid digestion it Is a most pleasant and refreshing beverage, an article Incomparably strengthening to the in valid and convalescent. This beer Is brewed from the best selected malt and from hops Imported from Bohemia. It is brewed after the new existing method In the Hof Braue- rel at Pilson, Bohemia. Barbarossa 1s a light, palatable beer, unexcelled In taste and brilliancy, and on account of Its excellent quality is preferred to the Imported Pilsner by connolseurs. For tne dinner table and for a lunch there is nothing better than a bot tle of Barbarossa. ULLMANN & WILLIAMS, Delivered anywhere in tho city. 'Phone 434. Sole Agents. Rand, Mclally & Co/s ATLAS OF THE WORLD NEW EIHETY-TWO MANY ENTIRELY Theo Ethno Chrono Antlxropo BOOK, MAPS. FEATURES, logical Bio Geo Topo Hydro ET inSTORY-bf the WORLD’S PEOPLE. .. CENSUS of 1890. Biographies of Prominent Men. Portraits of the World’s Bright Men. Historic Praotio Systematic Statistic Folitio Patriotic Education. Economic Emblematio STATISTICAL CHARTS and DIAGRAMS GAZETTEER and ATLASL AL, a o p-< o a ca 35 a. -a! cc o hi —l W t-i K O t_J «a5 a I! Three hundred and forty-fiv* pages. Bound in finest quality English cloth. Printed upon fine calend* ered paper • with marbled edges. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE, $7.50. Cut out coupon and send il with TWO DOLLARS, and we will send you a copy'txf the magnificent work. Size, 111-2 x 141-2 inche*. ' Out of town purchaser* t* pay carriage 3. M. Johnston. President J. D. Stetson. Vice President tx p. Hlllyer. Oashlar. The American national Bank, MACON, GA. CAPITAL..—. „ „ „ ,,2250,000.0b 6URPLU3., „ .. „ .. . mmom Largest capital of any national bank In Central Omi3, V latUrtdusIs wUl receive carefuPStratiou- ^wpo^ OF MACON. GA, CAP1TAL1SURPLUS, 5260,000 B. H. PLANT, PRESIDENT. W. W. WRIGLEY, CASHIER. L G. PLAITS SOI, BANKER ■ AC0IV GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED 1883 Banking in all its branchea. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. e handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers ,credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London for all European points. vC (.v\