Newspaper Page Text
Trial of the Aniasoo Itoja Charged
With the Harder of John
£• ft. Imhi hutiKCMI lo Two Voaro In
lb, Ponll.ntlnrjr for Involcmlmrjr
, JIVo niton (lifer •— Tom Allen
Will Be Tried Today.
In the miperior court yesterday the
cue of the otate vs. Andrew A mason
and K. B. Araaaon, charged with the
murder of John Sander* ou July 21 of
the present year, was taken up.
'Messrs. Canvbrell A Nlsbct, attorneys
for the defendants entered a plea of
guilty of Involuntary manslaughter for
IS. B. STmason, and aoentenea of two
years In the penitentiary wu Imposed
by Judge nrlgga, and Andrew Am:]-
inn was aoquitted.
The termination ot the ease In such
a maimer waa a great surprise to eWry
one In tht court room, and- those on
the outside who are familiar with Mia
case, and U a hist feather In the Caps
of tha two young attorneys who rep*
refltentod "the defendants.
The public la familiar with the facts
In the case concerning the killing,
which took place on July 23 at a store
on the corner of Kim ftnd Telfair
streets. The Amadous and SandSrs had
been engaged In a game of Chance,
■which ended In a quarrel, during whjoh
IS. H. Amaaon struck Bander* on tns
temple with a closed knife. The How
was a turd one and thd Made end or
eye of the knife entered the tomple,
oausltfg death' eome days later. The
AmaaoiM fled, but were captured a
few weeks Inter In Alabama. TOhy
Were brought back to Macon and pnt
in jail, Where they remained until yes
terday. 1
The case of the state vs. Tom Allen
was culled In the superior court yes
terday, but on motion of the attorney*
for the defendant a continuation was
granted sintH this morning, when the
ease will be taken up. The basis <jf
the motion for -adjournment wus the
nbsence of a witness who saw the kill
ing, but as it was afterwards learned
rhat the witness was here the oaae
arlll go oh this morning.
The oaae* will probably lost three or
four days, ns the volume of evidence
will be great on both side*. In many
respecta the cose will be one ot the
most Interesting over tried In Bibb
superior court and a bard fight will be
made to save Allen's neck. The killing
nt the time was regarded as one of the
most cold-blooded ever committed In
this community, and the verdict of the
coroner's Jury was cold-blooded mur
der. It Is not yet known what line of
defense Aden's attorneys will pursue,
but they feel sanguine of at least sav
ing his neck. ,
Alien killed Charlie Cert In Cassidy’s
svlnon about the middle of summer.
Carr had only recently moved to Ma
con and bad only a few days heforo
the killing bought up Interest In Caa-
vitTV's bar.
The case will he taken up the llrst
Thing this morning.
TJio Eminent Boston rSiyn’rtau, Will
Visit Tills Section ut Au E«rty Drt'e.
Dr. It. C. Flower of Bouton, who had
bo long enjoyed such nn extend nl prac
tice llnvniiiliout the Soiiili, will visit
prof cent oually Hie followiug places In
(RvtYia: Anaigton hotel, Augusta,
Thursday sad Friday. DniMulH* Id
and 14; Desoto hotel, Savununli, Sat-
mdjy, December lh; Lather hou4, Ma-
oon, Monday. Docwuilpr 17; Itankln
house. Columbia, Tuesday and
WYdnowhiy, Doeemlh-r 18 and 1U:
KumtaU house, Atlanta, rtmrsday and
Friday, Doecimlieir W and ill l.awl,
luttuo. Dsitnm, SaitunLiy, Dewmlier £!.
Dr. B. 0. Flower's name lius long been
a lbswebnld word. Ilia remnrknble
etttvs and Vs ntirveamu irothod of
dlasnnrtng dlsmso nvtk's him V tight
nflir, and the more serious and corn-
pUioted the enaea tho more hi* sefv‘;cea
. are In demand. .While thoro ore oiher
Dr. Flowers, IMc Is but one Dr. It. 0.
Flower, whom onr loaders know *o
well. ^
A Fins Bcsnle Production In the Hsndl
of Oood People.
Th* not v*nr tar** audience which
'Th* Enitcn" nt th* Acadtmy
of Music last nl«ht was anythin* but
evidence of tho pt&Mc's knowledge ot
good thing* In n theatric*! way.
“Tho w.\« nomothln* more
thm n strong acontc production, for It
wu* promoted by a company of artists,
fend tht Irodlng Yoles were taken by aomc
cf the atronr^'M paoflta ever *«*en In .Ma
con otftatd* of star attraction*. ..Notable
among them was Mr. James Urophy,
who played “Tho Rnalgn of tho United
States steamship San Jacinto, .^tt,
Itrophy gav* n perfect .preaontatfon ol
the part and Is phyalrnlly fitted for th«
heroic work demanded <ST It. The leading
roVe Is in good hands, but In making
such a splendid reputation for hlnuelt
the Knelgn thx's not overshadow the other
clever people in the east, among them
Miss Kther Lyon and Miss Florence 8to-
ver. who as mveetheart and mother do
exceptionally strong emotional work.
The scenic effec-ta are entirely new and
original and with n much weaker cast
would moke the play a success.
Two Decrees Issued Against tha Central
Railroad. _
In the United 8tMt.*a 'court ucstarday
Judge Speer. In the caa* of the lnv-\,n.
tlon of F. K. Brooking v*. *Jontr%l Rail
road ami Dank bn; Company, mil u d*
crce for t30l for lumber soi l the road, and
tor weilch payment was vrlthlndJ.
In th* case of tho Intervention of th*
C>Mnm*-ixlal Dank of Cedartown aRnnst
the asm* company the court Issue a de-
creel for LU2 for tit 4 * used on ?H* Chatta
nooga, Home and Columbus division. This
Ttoperty Is located In the northern part
of th* state. ^
Her. *13/ B. Carroll. D‘ t>.,’ tlio t^o-
quent piator of tho Vtnerili
chuMi. «tt prwicli for Dr. J. C. Solo-
mon at th.* South Mto»n- Dipt st
church lottlRtf.
A. scries of prayer uunx’ms* are l*-
in* MM w week at th«v South Macon
Biprtpt rtnavh. wWdi have been large
ly attoodnl and ,n wlrca tli-w* U a
growing 'gtcrc«i nuu*f-Ht.\l. Tlte sts^
rices begin promptly at ,7 o'clock, and
a oxxI'aI invlmtlon Is extended the
puld c to stlfM.
Consult tht California doctors.
A Serious Shooting Scrape Takes Place
on Poplar Sireet Yesterday
ChArll* Tnrnvr, is belt (toy at Cha Park
fUt«l, ihe Victim of a fleipfufllclcd f* Said to Do Likely
That lla Will 9ot Live.
Chart'e Tucu'.t, an 18-y«ir-oW nagro
employed at the Dark hotel os lull boy,
sbot and probably family wounded
ldinseU n raw minutes bet'oro 10 oV-loek
yens onlay mo rang, *Ji«r first attempt-
lug to kill Harry Bon-nua, auodu-r
negto. The shooing oesurnd In Hint-
dong's tnpnnm on Poplar »treat, where
Hjwtnan is cuiploj’ed as a heir tender.
The Lwo men had always buu Ihe
beat of frtcads. Turner bejig a frequent
visitor at the BrnUrug saloon.
Xesterduy,- alter Imv'ug Ihe liohd,
Tumor trail U> Uie bar add begin
dr.nlctig and [drying pool wllb several
other negroiw. Tb s w<mt oil for some
time and fWnfiy wound d|i lu a free
fight, In wbob Turner fared ra’sher
badly, being, held dowu by two men,
uidio a tUrd administered a severe Alter Ibe light bad been
atupped Turner aeeiued dliposed to
Iftirno Ilowawn for the inanuer in
wlveh be had been bandied and told
Mm that he (Tomer) was gang afno
What They Do and What They Say
at the Registrars’ Office
’ to Voters.
go Man Can H»c*pe th* Croat Fir* ol
Qatitlooi Hurled at Him From a
Dotfiit Different People.
How It fttanUi,
There Is now only one more day left
in which th. voters of Macon may
register for the approaching alderman-
Ic election. That day Is tomorrow, and
sverybody who wants a voloe In the
.lection of aldermen on December S
should go up and register between the
hours of 7 a. m. and g p. m.
When the books closed last nlgbt
Just even 1,523 people hod registered.
Of this number 1.122 wore whites and
401 colored.
Jura for the fun of the thing a Tele
graph reporter sojourned around the
registrar's office yesterday for a wlill-
to see bow tho registration was con
ducted, or, rather, to sec how the peo
ple whb registered conducted them
selves, and he saw some funnv things:
t least, they Impressed the reporter
on being funny, and made him forget
II about the funny sights he saw on
the Midway at the Dixie fair. Bight
here It might be well to otate that any
body who w;ims to hove several bar
rels of fun without having to pay one
cent should gb the registrar's office to
morrow and see the. strange things
•»“ » “»% £ wT. Z £££»”£
those who register,
Turner left the saloon but retumitl
la a ftov inlntMen and, without saying
a word, fired paint blank at Uowmau,
ntio dropped btftind the bar to avoid
a seooud atud. Tumor, seeiug Bow
man hill and tbinkftig be bud I; lied
The reporter's observations may bo
taken as a criterion for the average
run of a day, making allowance, of
course, for slight variations.
First comes along a young man who
Is a clerk. He Is well known to the
registrars, but that doesn’t make auy
him, turned the weapon upon hlmselt (difference. Then, besides, there are
otul Infifatcd wbut. will probably prove «bout nine others around the table
wl:U pads and pencils, ull of whom
lire a few questions ut him before he
a flatJil wound. The tall entered the
stomach :it«xrt an hull anil a half to
Um left of tho mm4 and ranged
down, protaMy (altering the abdomliiat
mrlty and finally Jodg ng over tho hip
Dr. MiVttila, one of the attending pny-
aloUne, was aaffiod ou at a late hour
last trig!ft, but would express m> opin
ion os to the result of the wound fur
ther ltai> to say that lb was very se
rious. Tho [ftysCoans arc uwutttng
(lovelopmeuts before i»erformtng nn
opeaiMnn, which will be neoeawry it
the tall 's found to litivo entered the
nbdomlmil oavWy. 17io boy HU tiered
Inbntno pa'n all lint ntgltt and had fre
quent tits of vomiting blood, and this
the phyeVUins regtinl ns nn unfortu-
ntvte symplwm.
Tanner tan niwuys tamo n good rep-
ubaHiei, anil tho sau affiiir has proven
quite n mirphse bo his employers and
all who know U7m.
'l-ho wwvjion used belonged .it the
hotel wtw-rc he wvis employed, and
was retunned to Its owners by the etiiot
of police after Ihe dhooKng.
COUNCIL mbetino.
Unusual Interest Manifested In Tonight's
Tha eouncll chamber at Ihe city hall
will. In all probability, bo crowded to
night by a curious piddle who will ex
pect a repetition of last Tuesday night's
stormy meeting, and they may get It.
One of the principal features ot tns
meeting will bo the report of the Free
man Investigation committee. The' com-
mlttoo held n meeting yesterday after
noon. but trill glvo out no Intimation ol
ivhat their report wtl| be.
There an a number of other Impor
tant maUf-ra to ramo up before the meet
ing. however, and It may bo that eome.
thing Will be said and perhaps some
nctlon taken concerning Borne or tho re
cent disclosures In regard to the police
(leiMrtnii'iil. mid the many tilings said
about that branch of the city govern
It may also come to pass that counct.
will bo saked to revoke one or more
whisky licenses, and It nuch Is tho ease,
more fire-works may bo exploded. II
Is probable, however, that no action wll
be taken on these questions until the
parties against whom the grand jury
has made Indletfenta have been tried
IT found guilty then their licences will
be revoked under tho law. but council
may hold that nn Indictment by the
grand Jury la not sufficient evidence ot
guilt to warrant them In revoking a 11-
Dr. II. W. Walker, dentist, S6t Second
street (over Solombn's jewelry etore),
Macon. Ga.
Mrs. WJl Wilson of Afhotu and
"tiny Holcu" are tsi the ally for tho
wlniter, nt Mm. Uuthrlo’s, their uunt,
710 Huai stnvt.
M«u T. F. Dougherty and her three
children, who tavo been on a pro-
1 t-aoto-i visit in Mrs. Dougherty'*
inoWior, Mm. S. A. Boatwright, in East
Macon, left for their future home In
Florida ystfentey.
Invltat ons ptv out for the nnniver-
s.iry hop whUit will be given by the
Mnoin Ifglit Infantry Thursday even
ing. November 'JO. The niosnbers ot
tli .s organHsa-tion have corned au en-
vltilde repisMtion ns ontcrta ni-m, and
tb:W tills MMKoa trill sustain tint
tvpnr.uion without (Ujlng wht-o
It Iw kn-uvn tint Sergeant Sm'iii, Cbm
p.iral Groce and Friwilc Hays havo
the affair In charge. Those who at
tend cannot fall to unjoy a pleasant
The OaUfornta doctors open their
office und consultation rooma ill No.
£17 Fourth afreet, opposite the old
Catholic church, this morning This lo
cation was selected on account of all
tho rooms bclrc on tho t'.rat or ground
floor, miking thorn easy of acccKrTo
fcob> and -aid l-hlk-nts.
These specialists invito nil who are
affilctcd. no matter what their disease,
to call and hive ,1 consultation. Their
varied experience nnd long year* of
practice makes theiv opinion valuable.
They reserve the right to select those
cases that come under their specral-
Res. hut to chose that they decline to
treat w-itt be glveu advice that wilt
be worth more than mcdfeiue. In view
of the fact that consultations are free,
until further notice, this Is an ex
ceptional opportunity.
Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Wes M’« Pair Hlaheet Medal and DiplosM,
gets away. The young roan gives his
name ma James R. Harris, and then
the fun starts, One of the registrars
asks Mr. Harris where he lives, his
ugo, occupation, how lqng he has been
In the city, county and state, It he ha/
paid all taxes, etc. The young man
answers all complacently, and CapL
Masaenburg puts his name In the book,
while Mr. Ben Smith makes a row
notes on a pid, nnd Mr. W. L. John
son make an entry n£ some kind n
aothcr book. The nine other gentlemen
with pads nnd pencils Jot down some
thing, and then Mr. Harris t to go.
but before he makes a step Mr. Sml
stops'him by saying, ‘‘Are you mar
ried, Mr. Harris?” Mr. Harris answers
la the negative, and starts on, but be-
fore he can reach the door every, man
a the room has asked him a question
nd hs finds It necessary to glvo his
family history, together with the color
of his eyes and hair, and one young
lan with a pad wants -to know the
complexion of his sweetheart. Mr. Har
rla finally gets out. and each one In
the room makes some comment. Next
comes a big negro, full six feet two
Inches high, and says ho wants to
"What Is your name?” asks one of
the registrars.
"Sol Johnson,” Is the reply.
"Where do you live. Sol?"
"I lives In East Macon.’'
“Whereabouts In East Macon?"
”1 dunno ther name er der street,
but hit am Jes’ back er Mr. Tharne’s.”
How far tack of Mr. Th.iroe’s?’’ "
“Jes d’rectly back er ’lm; not moen
frum here tor BUI Johnson’s."
"How long have you been In the
city, Sol?"
"l’se bo’on here. I wua."
"How old are you?”
"Who. me?" 1,
"Yes, you: how old are you?" *'
"Iso gwl‘ne on 22 years eld."
"When will you be Ztr'
"In de Ohrljraui. 1 ’
"What do you mean by in the Christ
"Chrlsmus time, boss.”
"Where do you work?"
yard " 0rks ,or Wr ' Ruan at de brick
"DM von vote In the bet clt> elec
tion?" 1
"Who. mo?" 1
"Yes. you," 'i , 'v | f i-
“No, sar I ain’t never vote.”
Then follows the cross-fire from the
nine men with tabs, but 80! gets
on tho outside.
Next comes 0 young man whose
dress Shows him to be n bread winner.
In fact, his pole face and a tow plecea
of lint cotton convince those in the
room that ho Is a factory operative.
"What la your name?” he is asked,
but the sight of so many people looking
steadfastly at him with drawn pencils
ombarass hint no that he Is unable to
speak for a moment. At last, however,
he almoet stammers, ”J. B. Fleck;”
"Where do you live, Mr. Fleck?”
Mr. Smith neks.
“East Macon.” i« the nnawer.
"What part of East Macon?"
"Hvdrola street," ' -
"How old are you, Mr. Fleck?" • '
"Nearlv 22."
"When will you be 527’
“On the 8th dav of next January."
•■Are you wining to awear to what
you have said?" . h, .
-Yes, air.’
"Take the Blbfe," saya Mr. Smith,
nnd then Mr. Fleck swears that he
Is 21 yeare cf age, a resident of the
city of Macon three months, the county
elx month* nnd the state twelve
months, and has paid all tho taxes re
quired of him.
Next comes an oM negro who shows
that he Is on the superannuated list.
He gives hla name as Green Harde-
amn and hla residence as Bridge Row
und oa.vo he Is 72 years of age. He Is
required to take the oath, however, and
Is later arrested for false swearing.
The next .nun to annenr Is another
negro Juqt half wav between 21 and 22
years of age. according to hla state
ment, and has been in the city seven
months end the state thirteen. He Is
also sworn and his name entered on
the books. •
It K surprising to see the large num
ber cf negroes who have been In Macon
seven months and the state thirteen
months, and It all of them are to be
believed the colored male population of
Macon eight months -ago must have
been decidedly small, the only one*
being here at that t|—« being those
over 45 and those near 21 years ot age.
Toro negroes. Green Hardeman and
Henry WHJiams. were arrested yester
day on the charge of false swearing
and committed to Jill.
Tea rome mighty funny things hap
pen almost hourly at tht registrar’s
The presence of an alderman who Is
s llou .r dealer ts a marked feature of
office at the city hall,
the registration proceedings. He baa
been there for several days and Is said
to have been unusually active among
the negro voters Ills activity is said
to account for the unusual number ot
tax receipts 8r**ed to ne~ voters.
Some of the registrations are mid to
come ratber high.
They Would Not Be Laughed Ont of Their
Parpoee and Achieved Success.
Thirty years ago two Irish Immigrant*
employed as porters in Xc’.r York ware
booses undertook to study lavs'. After
working from morning until night pack
ing goods, loading drays and making de
liveries they sat up until 12 o'clock in
their rooms in n boarding house reading
lawbooks and dJscugsing principles and
cases. Tho ambitious young men were so
deeply Interested In their night work that
they frequently argued points of law dur
ing leisuro moments nt tho etoro nnd nat
urally exposed themselves to chaffing and
ridicule. With Irish wit they parried
every thrust and never lost their tempers.
Their companions nicknamed them
Judgo nnd Lawyer John and asked them
mockingly whether they thought that
merchants would consult them os lawyers
after employing them us porters.
“They nmy do it," answered Judge,
“after wo have worked up a fine criminal
practice in keeping out of tho penitentlury
night brawlers iiko yourselves who ought
to be in their beds ond ( asleep."
“Instead of loading your drays," said
an Intemperate clerk, "you stand there
.Wiling whether nn injunction could not
bo brought against the firm for obstructing
the sidewalk. You are your own lawyers,
and yon bare fools for clients."
"Judgment mny bo affirmed," said
Lawyer John, "but not with cost.-*. w«
havo borrowed our lawbooks, and wo save
monoy by keeping out of tho saloons. It
costs us less to fuddle our brains with law
than with drink. A debauch over Black-
•tono leaves a better taste in the mouth
than a night spent in carousing."
80 the laugh in tho end turned Against
tho intompernto clerk. Tho young porters
know how to take and return a joke. By
their good humor they amused everybody
in tho store, nnd it was not long boforo
members of tho firm helped thorn to get
clerkships in law offices.
Ono of them is today on tho bench, nnd
tho other is o lawyer with nlucrativo prac
tice. They made their way rapidly, and
neither criticism nor ridicule kept thorn
back.—Youth’s Companion.
Symbols of tbe “Cloud Fire."
Nearly all of tho ancient nations cnllod
lightning by names signifying “cloud
fire," and tho major portion of them em
ployed some symbol to represent tho flash
of tho "forked fury" darting from the
thunderclouds. Tho early Chaldeans
symbolizod U with a trident, and the
Babylonians, learned in mystio loro, em
ployed a human hand for tlio same pur
pose. The bas-reliefs of tho towers of
Nlmrud and Mnlthla, which aro tho work
of the later nnd moro refined Assyrian art
ists, show tho trldont doubled or trans
formed into what is known as a “trifld
fascicle." This triumph of the classic art
secured for thoanclont Mesopotamian sym
bol the advantage over all other represen
tations of tho thunderbolt. The Greeks
represented tho "storm flro’ with tho feath
ers of a bird of prey. Later on, when they
had begun to incorporate tho Asiatic form
of tho symbol with-their own, thoy put it
in tho olawsof nn cnglo nnd made it tho
scepter of Zeus. Gaul received tho symbol
from Italy, but soon altered it to tho fa
miliar two headed hammer so common on
Gallo-Roman monui non ts. Thofinmo sym
bol is seen on amulets found In Germany,
Scandinavia, England and Franco.—St.
Louis Republic.
Ills Working Clothe**
Lord EHonborough ouco reprovod a
bricklayer for coming to bo sworn in his
usual habiliments. "When you havo to
appear before this court, it Is yutir bound-
cn duty to be clean and decent In your ap
pearance." “Upon ray life, if it comes to
that," said tho bricklayer, “I’m every bit
ns well dressed as your lordship.” “How
do you mean, slrf" exclaimed tho chief
justlco angrily. "Well, it’s just this—you
como hero in your working clothes, and I
come in mine." It was very seldom, how
ever, that anybody got tho better of Lord
EHonborough. A witness, dressed In a
fantastical manner nnd who had glvon dis
creditable evidence, was asked in oross ex
amination what ho was. "I omploy my
self," ho said, “os a surgeon." “But does
any ono else," Inquired the chief justice,
"employ you as a surgeonf"—Yankoo
Consult the California doctors.
Highest Honors—World’s Fair.
A pur* Grape Cream of TartarPowdw. foe
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adidtoint
558 & 560 Cherry Street,
Having just bought fbr spot cash their entire
stock, conpisting of Chamber 8uUa, Parlor
Bolts. Carpet*. Rugs, Matting*. Oil Clotb*.
etc., aro prepared to sell to tli« ir customers
and the public in general this immense stock
cheaper than can be bought In any house in
the Bute.
Rag Pirlop Saits, Tarj file, $20.
Antique Clumber Sail, 3 pieces, $10.
. Large-Arm Rattan Rocker, $1.75.
Thee* goods can’t be matched in America
for tho price. Remember, all po.vLi pi
chafed here, not proving aatiafectory, wifi
HAYE : YOU t A : BOY ?
1 ow ls time to bring him to our store, at 515 Cherry
street. U e can dress him up stylish, we can fit him to
perlecnotj at specially low prices. The selection will be
easy the assortment being large, embracing latest designs
for this season’s wear. 43 6
Ihe plain fact of the matter is, our extensive stock of
.y® il ” d Childrens’ Suits must be reduced if Low Prices
will do it. Hence, we have introduced for this week
sweeping reductions throughout our entire line. Don't
W^This 1 ' 1 ’ tlllJS '' SI,CI ’ iiil ol,1 -'rings--a great lot of genuine
nAn” ^ little Boys and Girls our store is
accowlcdged Headquarters.
N^vest Ideas. Lowest Prices.
^or the Children
lira way of Toys. Games, Book#, etc., are being dally received and von
bexpb’ rowld for crtUng before tbe rust, for the holidays ?
jrythlns at Hard Times Cash Prices. . , , j
lurfie Book and Stationery Company.
1 .Bj
Wlesale Dealers in Liouors, Wines and Cigars
Sflarvelous Curas
Pimples, Blotches
and Old Sores _
Catarrh. Malaria : =§
and Kidney Troubles ^
g) Blood Poison
gnd Scrofula
Aro entirely removed by P.P.P*
--Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas*
eartSi 1110 groate8C blood purifier oa
* --^srressK'A'j2i, mol.
(, U.. UUiy J.1,1831.
Ksaaits Lipfman Bnos., eavnnnsh.
® a * 8 £^ , i. SlR8 “ I bought a bottle ol
“ “ ring*,Ark..and
E* tho blood, builds up \
mp weals' and debilitated, fldveji v.
•ength to weakened nerves, *xpeln - 4
BSeanos.ulvinir tha .
your P.P. P. at Hot Spnnas,Ark.,and .
done me moro wood than three
months’ treatment at the Hot springs. *
bend three bottles O. 6. D. .
Respectfully yours, - •
Aberdeen^Brown OouatJ, b.^
CapL J. D. Johnston. _
MW»i expels . To all whom U may concernt I here* ■" ^
_»?ni^?i? 1 Yi»l ,c 5» op . at . ,oatI,oa,tb ail( l by testify to the wonderful properties Ftjf
—^RPnS^H W .5!fS-Ji c U n ® 88 ’ Kloomy ®* F-P- for eruptions of Che akin. I
ill ng * nnfl ^* 98 l® n tio first prevslled. sufierod for several years with an un-
jWWii ii i—Mu ■—— sightly anddisagreeable eruption on
^pforprlmary.seoondary and tertiary ?P y . fac ?* \ trled ev^ry known remo-
. for olood poisoning, mercu* but fa vain.until p. p. p. was used. •
b^n^xSE: ' ^ ® ar * nn,1I ' Ga '
Atema-wo may say, without fear ol * kIn Cancer Cared.
^bt!*purl fleWn the world* and^nkea Mayor of Stqtiiti,Te&
g. t 1 1 ;s;r ed ™ dp ° rm “ n °° t ^ .tfflgftSfoftaggteggi,
SSlSr"* irftco'n.fh
flP. dur-to irt-natruru lrrei;ularltl«8. fltaniltns, and foond areat pallSYTa |
ssasssSasas? si sras'
^mxarraxD. Mu'c. i«n, 199" «8(SfiSSamSH iriSto’ffi™
medlolne from my own persons! trouble*. Yours truly, “
•Soffit, bGan CAPT. W. it. RUST.
^^*•1 pleurisy sad rheumatism kor Attnnutv t««* -
i^nus, was treated by the verybesh
^IcUnh ana spent hundreds of doh
remedy with-
ri’llf-I. I bare oalj Uken
mBSB?• p " eei 0.5
•l _j MRg. M. M. YEAST.
^ppringfleld. Green County, Mo,
. Book cn Blooil Disecsss Mailed fret
UplSOM’S Block,teTMtluA, G.
Uf oou uoacty. MO. Xdpsm«m’» Block,,.....—<0
—Want a Cook,—
-Want a Situation,-
-■ Want a Salesman,—
—' Want a Servant
an t to Hire any Help,——
■Want to Rent a Store,——
■Want an Agent or Partner,——.
j—'Want to Buy or Sell a Farm,
>-Want to Buy or Sell a House,
'Want to Hire or Rent a House
1 ant to S et a Good Boarding House,—
jmt to Buy or Sell a Horse or Mull,—
it to Trade or Exchange Anything,-
1 t0 Find Anything You Have Lost,.
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Buy or Sell Cattle of Any Description,—.
—' Accomplish Anything Under the Sun,
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