The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 28, 1894, Image 2

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1894. lbs Mikado TleniiwS With the Recent Fighting and Is Anxious for Some More. JAPANESE MOVING ON TALIEN-ffAN Troops Withdrawn Sid Msvir| to tit* tMrUThs Chlstss Prim Mlni.ter fa Ksodp to Otfst Sons# Trams of Psoos. ffjBafion, Not. 27.—Th* Central New* oorroopondant InTokio telegraph*: The eteamer L*.j\m\ form or !y Chine**, hit arrived at Kobe, flying the German fit*. Bhe brings among her piMengers Mr. Detrlng end several other Chineao eOmli. Mr. i Dewing be* already ap plied tiwwugfc tit* governor of HWgo for an offlcttl Interview with Count Ito, the Japanese prime minister, pro- vumably for tii* purpose of discussing terms of peace. He brings with him a loner from LI Hung Chang. The Westminster Gazette publishes a dispatch from Shanghai eaytng that Vloeroy Li Hung Chang haa been de prived by the emperor of all hi* hon or*. He Is permuted, however, to re tain his public functions. iA. dispatch to U>* Morning Pool from Tokohome say* that Mikado has sent tb* following message to Count Oya- tm's army: "Port Arihur, the gateway of the Gulf of Pe-CheeU, was regarded by the enemy aa the barrier of their eoun- ary, but you captured ft with no effort. 1 highly approve your service*. As the cold Is Increasing, and aa tb* end la »Uill far off, keep yourselves In good bdaJth that you may continue your exsr.Mns." A similar meanage ha* been sent to the Japanese naval force at Port. Ar- fhu. ft is said lust vrii. von tiaane- ken tvs* first designated (o assist Port Atfiur and 'that the Chinese plan woe altered to enable him to organize the defenses of RVin-KM-lCwan. This Is an Immensely Important position, Inai- onuun its It la une point of depirtu.c from the coast of thu nigh road to Pe king. It 1* believed that his lalbur* have made the o..y i opregAssile. HOME FORCES WITHDRAWN. 8!Mta£l*l, Nov. 17 A portion of the Japanese force 'hi* been wn from Port Arihur, probably to take part In a movement on Tallen-Wan. Tint British worship Daphne nee left the fleet at Caee-r'io for Tien-Tsin, taking with tier a guard of fifty 'ma rines. A dispatch to tn* Shanghai Mercury from Tlcn-Tain eaya that LI nun* Ohong Ms departed for Pao-Ttng-Poo, where ne Win lrrendor the vlceroy- Shlp to Llu-Kun-Tl. Merchants of New-Owing, tearing looters ar* Mantas.... u A dle 'o Shanghai. Chinese troop* ar* dliem- barking at Naw-Onang from a foreign vessel. It la believed In Chee-Foo that Weldltl-Wel .will be captured e&rlyi In December. Refugees from Port Arthur are arriving here. It 1* anted In Chee-Foo that <00 Jip- anese were killed at Port Arthur and that the victors found the mutilated corpse* of a number of fellow coun trymen who bad been captured. NOT DECISIVE. London. Nov. 37;—The Standard's Berlin correspondent learn* from a Chines* source that the celestials do not regard the capture of Port Amur ns decisive. They rely upon the winter id tffitrir any further advance* of oh* Japanese until the end of March. PRINCESS BISMARCK DEAD. She Passed Away Peacefully tn the Arms ' of Her Husband. (Berlin. Nov. *7.—Princess Bismarck, wU* of 'the great Herman Ofianowlor. dlvd at Vurzm ut 5 o'clock tm* morn- eider son. Count Herbert Biu- murco, arrlvea at Vurslu ywieruay evsuing. tn ohed.enc* to a summon*, nn»i in* otho memucra of the taintty are on uie way there. , l r.iloo Bismarck is oomple.oly brok en down ny the u'eath \>i nle wltc, ul- though her death was not auo(itart lUri. pooled. In view of her rocent re- peuurJ tu.utt it* of fainting Ilia. A iow week* oso wusn tn* prlncccv conuiuon wa» growtna stetos. Prince Xfltmiuiv* said to nut tad butler, whose wife was also dangerously iU: "My friend. I ihare your grief htaruly. 1 uni In the some terrible po sition a* yourself. Everybody is pues- lng utvay before ourwlvea." , The prtnoeaa died In the anwt of her hcsbalid, who had been watching her throughout Uic night. She was fully conscious fifteen minutes before her death. Site died of dropsy. Pr.uce Ulbmarck 1ms for some time post hud n premonition of a caiaatroplio to him self or Ills wife before they should leave Variln, and haa recently sold repeated.y that If Princess Ulamarck oootd only go to Priedsrlohsruhs la tolerably fair condition all would be •wall. He now ha* tears 'that ho hlmtelf may not mako the Journey In safety. Prince Bismarck this morning sent n telegram to {ha emperor apprising his majetty of the "denth of the princess. In reply to which the kaiser wired the sx-c-hancelloc a long message of sym pathy. The funeral wtit probably take place St Schortihouwa. The princes* was a daughter of the noble Pomeranian house of Von Putt* karner. Throughout life she preserved all the simplicity of her youth, slie waa a perfect specimen la the beet sense "of the word of the German hxusefrau (house wife). Sho was very quiet, bore her honors as th* moot natural thing In the world, held fiset by the wirller friend* of humbler days, and had but on* great object In life—to make her WOMEN IN SOCIETY —often need tbs strengthening eup|xw» of a ger-r*l tonic and nemna Are you weak, nervous, ar ailing I Then Hr. PI tree's Favorite Prescription brluga you tpwsnj help For delicate womsu. for all tbs, disorders, and 'll* mm of the sex. It IcesisDes pain and re- abwrloianqss, hackaohs end bearing, down wnsatious. Tbs curcsas of " Favorite Prescription'' In curing all the functional dsrangeuiMits, painful disorder*, and chronic weaknesM of women, warrant Its makers in puanustering lb Tour money Is re turned If no benefit la received. Miss I,isail M. Bisd- aasos.or yiinimarld. 5. Dakota., writec'* l can* uot ear enough for your hr. nsnvV Favorite description. For yrate I sugared from trregu- latuy end ulenne Ue- s bility. but now l feel aa 1 well as l ever did In -my life. Thanks to you - for your'Favorite Pns- kitt HswoattoK. scriptlon. “ PSERCE^; CURE. IFnu A, Sooth Indiana, Pa Saved My Life &G Worth of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Oaaa of Nlcotlnn Poisoning. * C. L Hood * Co., Lowell, Mass.: "I writ* these fine* to certify that Hood'* Sarsaparilla has cured me of a most painful disrate from which I have •offered four years. It appeared In the form of eruptions on my neck snd face, spreading over my body, so pslnlul that 1 move juit a little. It his sensation, and Blood Would Start from the eruption* on my legs and body. 1 had to wear bandages all the time. My eyes were swollen, toy back In terrible condition. One physician said 11 was weed polsco, another eczema, and another Nlcotlno Poisoning, and Hint I would have to go to a special 1st. (I omitted to say that I am a cigar maker by trade.) But Hood’s Sarsaparilla had been recomraeiv would try It, and am t I did. leant— parffia based A Perfect Cure. 1 am tree from sores, havs a good appe tite, no dull feelings, and that continual lick headochu Is gone. This wonderful cur* has only coat me Is. This small amount of money has rid me of all my Hood’s p-" Cures sufferings. I am still taking Hood’s fiarsa- Hood’s Pills are band made, and per fect In proportion and appearance- Mo. companleff h*r husband wherever he wa* ixi)j*d by hi* duties and oreated for him the homel Ife which the man of blood and Iron loved eo well, and In which he found repoe* and refresh ment from his labs in. She cared for her husband and children la a peace ful. motherly way, and her serenity and patience, which have always se cured for Bismarck a quiet home cer tainly contributed to hi* (success through lllfie. “She It la,” he once said to a friend, who hag made m* what I am." NO FORCE "iHLL Repub! ciins Pay T«iey Will Not Inter fere EicwKon Law*. - Bsltiroorn, Nov. 27—The Maonfao* timer*' Ilucmtl will print this week re- pf.t» from several leading Republicans wbo ware asked If the recent vetory of the.r party would result .n any at- rcnyjkt to revive lie Force b.ll or any other meusuro. t&vt uouH, with or with out reukon, ba rojuriled as lulm.col to the South. Tho vetd ot oi the writers e ttoat there w.U be u > furiln-r attempt at Irmorflepcnoe with elwlnns anjwvhere by tho P.titoaUI goyemuiont. Oongmtainan J. H. Walker of Mas- sabhnsfiMB. ihe sonlor Republican mem ber of the oommUitee oa banking and ourwooy, «y»: "I da m ibeca Is no HepubLcau In ocmstrtoa wto knows any mono thor oughly thnu I do the sentiment of the Ibopublwi.n party In this country upon this kuhjoot. There will not bo three meat in the fUty-AxnNh tsingress, and l don't b«C «vo clrem will be one. wii> wiU any nooutir propose to enact any kind of a national do-boo law than they would propose ro put -he national boors at the points In the bontiutrn siwes from triMoh they was removwt by Prwldent IPtyos In 1877. The feel- 'ns "t tho North Is preolsely the same 4* Htvt ivi'.nlf.l hv tfto loathug new*, papers on tho quesfon of etc-'lions, vlx., ithat cbottlng e* the pfRl* by any pnny mtHt nnd noav and forever, but ’t mint ho ae.'«rmllebctt by tb■> local an- tihftrtCW. Fnritw>rmoro, tiie determln- oition among N<fthem Renubllenns '» sa «tron« os among the honest Demo crats of the South In favor of absolute home ride In all mint era whatsoever, ex-rytnVnc those nli n'v dei'gn'lt'kl 'n 'G* ecacwlvrion as requ'r'ng nation'll W«lt.Pon. No further atiomnf wTll>* ■Ms by mbms tit s gaaentfon or the new b» re-eoacr any national law whatever." PIRE IN ALABAMA. The Business Psrt of Athens Almost Completely Destroyed. Athens, Ala.. Nov. 17—The business part of this town was almost destroyed by fire PMe morning. One side of the public square la In ruins. The loss la about 1150,000; the insurance ts prob ably three-fifths. THE 8CN-S COTTON REVIEW. New York. Nov .t7.—Tb* Sun's cotton review says: Cotton advanced S to 9 points, lost this and declined I to 4 points, ctoetng easy. Boles. 177.000 bales New Orleans advanced » points, but lost this and declined S to t points. One hundred and thirty-one mvm- •r th,- New. Task Oottoa Exchange guessed at th* crop. The highest guess waa 10.3W.000 and th* lowest A40X000, th* average bring S.S49.&S bales. Liverpool advanced 1-ltd on the spot and (>4 to ( prints on future*, closing steady with spot sales of I0.0C* bales. In Msnobcwter yarns were dearer, but buyers refused to go on. Cloths were Steady. Exports fnm Uis ports or- to Britain and 3).U3 to ths continent. Spot cotton here was quiet and unchang ed. with no tales. Port receipts, K.MJ. •gainst 03.«d this day last week, and 53,. ifg last year. Thus far this week, 131.SM against 1SS.ST0 for the rants time tost week. Near Orleans expects tornorrow 13,000 to H.tXW lailea ssgtnst 16,030 on the some day last week and 10.310 last year. The esrly advance waa due to a decld. edly bullish dispatch froru Liverpool aa weal aa local and continental buying. But •ter on there waa conaldarmbi* realizing and price* gave way. Delivery notlcee w ill be laaued December 3$ on December contract*. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Woihingten. Nov. r.—For Oeorgla: Fair; cooler tn the Interior; northwest MM, I or mi I?.| E WILL OPEN UP TODAY two dozen new Zailorpnuido Dresses at $8.50 per Suit that could not be bought fop less than $13.00 one month ago at any house in New York. Mr. Juhan secured those among a big purchase of Wraps in New York last week, and the ladies of Macon will he given an opportunity of securing an elegant Suit, ready for wear, at just about the amount of dressmaker’s bill, to say nothing of material, etc. JIT of our recent purchases in Ladies’ Wraps nl/lj will bo opened today and Tuesday. You arc fortunate if you’ve postponed buying your Wrap or Dress. NOW IS THE TINE in JUHAN’S IS THE PLACE. JXJHA-N’fS,' 606 CHERRY TOMORROW OH THE GRIDIROIj llig Fiotball Game Will lie Played at Central City Park Tomorrow Afternoon. ATTENDANCE WILL BE VERY LARGE Macon Vs. Unresr—Tlis stalwart llacan Turn-Sains of Sfarcar’s Kleiners— Will He on Close Game, Most Likely—Mercer's Sponsors. The case of the state va. Tom Allen, charged with the murder of Charlie Oarr. lest October, in Oassldy'e bar- corner Fourth and Mulberry street*, was called In the superior court yester day. The court room was crowded with frlenua of the murdered mar., Allcn'e friends and a large number of curious apectsitors when tho oast' waa called, and when the prisoner, standing full six feet In height arid weighing 225 pounds, waa escorted Into the court room all eyes were turned on him. Later a brother of the murdered man and lady relative entered and took their seats behind Solicitor Felton and Mr. John R. Cooper, who are the pros ecutor* in the oust. Alien took his sea* behind Mr. Wal ter Grace. Col. Pres.on and Mr. J. H. Blount, Jr., who are his attorneys, and seemed interested on the drawing of a Jury which waa begun. It did not take long tb get a Jury, only forty-six names being called be fore twelve were qualified. They are aa IBllows: James M. Earp, John Hen ry Kitchen*. L. W. Tinsley, J. C. Green, R. L. Merritt. J. if Uunnleutt, R. C. Poatell W. A. Johnson. A. G. Allen, T. E. Wood, A. Bhepherd, James Green. The (.rat witness on thf a,tend for tho stats wvaa Dr. Sullivan, who testi fied as to the nature of the wound, etc., and was followed by . Policemen Mack and Edwards. Who arrested Al len Immediately after he fired the fa tal shot and who were looking at him when he fired. The next witness waa George Goodwin, who was present Just before me .mooting. The** were alt the witnesses Introduced by the state. The defense' .n-r aacsd Dr. K. P. Moore, Tony WlUtame, who wis be hind a screen when the shooting oc curred, and several other witneeaee. one of whom waa a young man named Walker, who had known ‘Alten for a number of year*. HI* testimony was for the purpose of establishing .the good oriaracter of Alien. While Walker was on the stand court adjourned until 9 o'clock this morning. _ Judge Griggs Is presiding Th the cate, which promises to last all day. and MUl perhaps, eo on Friday, as tomorrow beinff Thanksgiving cay there wIE ibe no court. Allen la a fine-lookingjnan find «tm« to take the situation coaly. iHl* face s "V i b*d «no hy any means and he does mot took Uke a man Who would comm.1 such a cold-blooded murder. Just 200 football tickets to be given away with merchan dise today. Phillips. ORDERS ISSUED. Chief Burner Instructs HI* Men How to Act in Future. As the noon relief change was being made yesterday Chief Butrer gave or ders to 'his men concerning women tot the unfortunate class and their es corts. As the men were drawn up in line. Chief Butncr spoke as follows; "In future look out and watch the carriage* for men and women riding In carriage* or on the streets, at night or day, drunk, and arrest all lewd wo men found on the street day cr night drunk. Make a case against every wo man eo found, and If a man is with her m.tke a case against the man also. You all know what I men. This business must ba stopped. AH men and women going to private rooms and restaurants drunk must ba stopped." Chief Burner my* under the ordi nance* governing the morality of the city he ts only carrying out the law. Th* order which the chief intended for the good of the city seems to hava created a great stir, not so much among the else* of women mentioned aa among others, who claim that the chief haa assumed too much authority. Alderman Collins called the attention of council bq the order last nighi, and Mayor Horne will hare a consultation with th# chief and city attorney in regard to it this morning at & o'clock. MURDERED BY A BOY. CbBtancoKU. Nov. 2£.—John Ball’O- gor. arid 14. was murdered In void' blond lids evering by a ooauanien of the same age, Ned Jackson. BilLvi/cr was stubbed to tho heart with a knife. Bxit are ootored. MR. DUY HAS FAILED. Mr. Herbert Brown la Now in Charge of the Hotel Lanier. Mr. G. B. Duy, proprietor of the .Ho tel Lanier, made an assignment yes terday afternoon to Mr) Herbert B Brown, one of the owners of the hotel building. Mr. Duy’s assets, consisting of stock on band in storeroom and bar and account*, amount to about tc.000. The liabilities are said to br about *9.900, exclusive of rent due th< owners of the building. Under the terms of the aasignmen* Mr. Brown is allowed thirty days in which to wind .up the affairs. He is au- thorled to employ help and conduct the hoteC until the end of that time. Mr. Brown wishes It known that th, hotel will not close, but that he wfli beep the standard of excellence of the house up to the highest and malntair Its reputation as being ono of thf leading hotels in the South. Ho ha» employed Mr. Duy to remain tempora illy and aaaist In the management c4 the house in order that nothing ma- go wrong for the lack of an 1 expe rienced hotel man in charge. Many people in Macon and numbers bwdcwho trawl w lr. hear with tycrpt of Sir. Duv’r embarrassment He has been tt well-known figure In the hotel business in Georgia for a number of years. He conducted! vert successfully the Rankin House at Co lumbus before taking the Lanier tw< vears ago. and for a time ran both house*. He sold tile Columbu* house to his brother eome months ago. how ever. and has since devoted himself evriioslvely to the management of the Lfinler. He has ran the houeo In the befit of style, and made of it a mo.sti Brifitetlve hostelry, -but b—d time* I hove come with eoecial hardship upo' him and made the assignment a n« cesatty. INTERESTING QUOTATIONS. Fifty fine French Suits, no two alike, on front counter; prices cut half in two; some at cost, some less. Ten pieces 32-inch fine printed French Flannels at 3oc, to close; worth 75c. Ten pieceB 38-inch all-wool Mixed Cheviots jiist received; old price 50c, now 33 l-3c. Twenty pieces 36-inch 17001 Serges, navy and black, at 15c ; good value for 29c. Superb values in all the new weaves in Dress Silks. The only complete line of carrect styles Dress Trimmings in the city. Two hundred children’s wool and cotton undervests, drawers and union suits; prices, 15,- 20 and 25c each, to close out; many of them worth three times the price asked. See them at once. Ladies’ fleece-lined, silk-finished vest and pants, $1 a suit. Stuttgarter’s non-shrinking ladies’ merino union and two- piece suits. ' Big drives in Hosiery and'Canton Flannels this week. Full line Brainard and Armstrong’s celebrated Wash Silks, Tinted Table Covers, Laundry and Slipper Bags, Art Squares, Honiton Lace effects, Fringes, Felt, Drapery Silks, etc. Bargains in every department. Store always crowded, BURDEI, SMITH & CO. ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING, FIFTEEN WORDS OR MORE, TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD, TAKEN FOR LESS THAN FIFTEEN CENTS. XM4S SW1KE. Your husband or young gentleman friend couldn't appreciate anything •more than a pretty PIPE OR BOX OF CIGARS. Meercbaums, with amber mouthpiece, gold and sliver mounted; or in cigars, eay something like E. H. Gato & Co.'s famous Key West goods; or, if sorne- t'hlnlg cheaper is wanted, you can get my well known private brand, "The Minna." A HANDSOME CANE ■Wouldn’t be had, and ,1 have a large stock of all the newest styles to select from at prices that none oof us have .evor heard of before. In either event. If you aro loolcng for a" present wlh!cfh any gentleman would appreciate and compliment your good mate tn buying, you will find the perfection of it at H. P. Loh’s Cigar Store, 512 Mulberry Street. Football ticket to each cus- tomer'fop $1.50 tie today. Phillips. ii is i iT That w* are celling our lnstru* Print* here cheaper than you can buy them In New York, and we pay the freight Because we contract for ao many thousands every year for our egenta and consequently get the very lowest price. Because we buy 100 where they buy one, and of course can buy ‘beeper. Because we pay cosh and fib* punt the market and handle cnly the beet goods sold over our guar* tntee wlthexchange privilege. We do not advertise to give away goods. We cannot affo*d to do It. as good goods cost money. But we con and do give you more Tor your money than any other house In the business Writ* us for catalogues and 11- tuatratlona and ace. Do not forget we Import out small goods direct and can save you money that -ray. LUDDEN : 5 : BATES Southern Music House, R. J. ANDERSON & SON Managers Itcon Brandi Boise, MACON, GEORGIA. AN... ADVERTISEMENT d In the cJaesli fr&Ph ts sure U RESULTS WANTED. WANTED—To eell you a < '91 model Denemor* typewriter, beat machine in the world. J. E. Mlnter. agent. 'Phone No. 2S3. A BOOKKEEPER wants a position; will work>. Address Harman, 128 Academy street, Macon, Ga. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—*24 Orange street; seven rooms, gas and water, car line. Apply to J. N. Bin*. FOR RENT— J A nice residence with Large garden, comer of College and Chestmit streets. Apply 644 Cotton avenue. F'OR RENT.—Rooms furnished or un furnished. Close in. Apply to 651 1-2 Poplar street. FOR SALE, FOR SALE—Six heavy working cattle, euitable for logging. Will sell cheap Call on D.vight Gibbs, Penla, Ga. FOR SALE—Seven-room house; large lot; ItOti Seoond street. Good terms. Supply Kof.lfleM. this office. FOR SALE.—One of the beet residence building lots on the Mil, on Orange street, opposite Tower Park. Enquire of A G. Butts or A. L. Butts. FOR SALE—That beautiful home No. 759 Flrot street: all conveniences; double parlors, handsome mantels; part cash or will take other Improved property in payment. lE'JhU S. Mc Lean. MISCELLANEOUS. FISH AND OYSTERS—AU kinds received every morning and afternoon. Dopson, Clarke & Daniel. HOLMES & COUTT’S celebrated ertra toaat orackera retail at the low price of 10c. a pound. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER Is the beet made. Have you tried It? CHEAP MONEY—Money to loan at 6 per cent Charles R. Nlsbet, 356 Third •treet. PERSONS owing taxes tm wild land* must pay up to save oost and land. I cannot advance it. A. G. Butte, Ga. Land Agency. rs IT DULL? Then send that dull razor to Mike Loh. He will sharpen it and guarantee satisfaction. TURKEYS for Thanksgiving, fresh: killed eit stone: no cold storage or sour once: aim taking orders; don't get loft tike you did inert year: come 'to Gieodouarten, for everything new and nice. Jno. C. Mofcnes A Co. 30 CBN7M buys a pound' of the best Jeraey butter at'Keen Grocery Co. 500 POITNDS fresh epnessee butter for eaio by ’Kholocude order*. Jonea A Merritt "IT IS all the same." Mike Loh don’t charge any more for shaving n wor shipful master than a master Ma son. All be brethren. GO TO Keen Grocery Oo. for your fruit cake ingredients. They /will aeTl you cheaper than you can buy else- ’wfrere. DON’T FORGET to buy your dinner from u*. Grace Grocery Company. UNDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Re mils 29c. lb. USE only tiie beet—Conqueror flour is the beat. 8old by Keeo Grocery Co. MY PRICES on groceries are reasonable and I keep nothing but the beet. Otvo me a trial E. B. Kin man. FRESH poultry every day. Leave your order tviih us for a ThajikagHVina: tur key. Telephone 317. Newton & Jones. NEW -nuts, raisins, currants, citron, theHed almonds mincemeats and figs cheaper than ekew'here at Keen Gro cery Corn piny'8. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES and needles for all machines. ‘ John R. Bur nett, 617 Poplar Btreet. FOUND—That the best place to get • nice, clean above in at Mike Loh’s shop. Hotel Lanier. SARATOGA CHIPS are all t&e rage* a*k your grocer for them. THE cutting of children's hair is made an especial atudy and care at Mike Loh's barber shop. Hotel Lanier. NEW sauer kraut arid dill plcWes at Keen Grocery Company’s, only lfl cents a quart. LINDEN BAKING 'POWDER always gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells APPLES, oranges, bananas, Mala ga grapes, new nuts and raisins at oaSh grocery. Mlddlebrooks. THANKSGIVING day wll come next 'Thursday, and you will want good 'bread and cakes. So in order to have them you must uqe the celebrated Oonquerer flour sold by Keen Gro cery Company, 621 Poplar street. CALL EARLY and get one of my flm dressed turkeys for Thanksgiving, W. G. Mlddlebrooks. BLUE RIBBON TURKEYS.—Have yoi seen bur beautiful turkeys? Hav you given us an order for one? W will dreas them Che day bate-. Thanksgiving arid insure you a nlc, sound, fresh turkey, dressed or live Come 'to headquarters for everythin; rilos and cheap. Jno C. Holmes & Co FINE flat turkey, choice celery and cranberries for Thanksgiving at W. G. Mlddlebrooke, Volunteers' Arm ory. "CUTTING CAPERS" ie a pastime, but hair cutting Is an artistic busi ness at Mike Loh’s barber shop. Ho tel Lanier. APALACDtHaOLA OYSTERS tm Shel iMJbile plants, Norfolk oysters. Sa vannah oysters, at Dopson, Clark db Camlel's. BEST COAL *1.25. Roush & Son. Te phone 35S. FOR SALE—Two mlich cows with VOL calves, J15 and l». J. Winn. 821 C Btreet. A SPECIAL TO THE PUBLIC.-Do i fall to carry your old clothes to 1 lings. I am an expert cleaner a preaser. I do not dread anyone In i state or out of the state. Repair! also done. Don’t fall to give me trial. I am satisfied that I can give a satisfaction. Ring 'phone No. 436. ] pedal attention will be paid to 'ph< orders. Nathan Billings, Cotton a 1 nue. MONEY TO LEND.—No commission champed.—Persona desiring to borrow money tn amounts of 3500 mod up wards upon improved real estate In itihe city or eubuhbe. interest payable quumtxrly alt eight per cent., loan to run from one to three years, may bo accommodated by addressing P. o. box 663. Deandbe the real eornite of- feired as eeourity, and state amount of insurance o.i the improvonieiKa. Bor rower will be at no expense except fee for examining title. > AN... ADVERTISEMENT placed In th© classified columns' of Telegraph Is sure to bring: RESULTS EVERYBODY SHOULD READ THIS. -THE- 558 Sc 560 Cherry Street, * MACON, GA., Haring just bought for spot csali their entire stock, consisting of Chamber Suita, Parlor Baits. Cirpets, Rags, Matting-, Oil Cloths, etc., are prepared to sell to their customers snd the public in general this immense stock cheaper then can be bought in any house in the SUte. Rug Parlor Suits, tery tine, Antique Chamber Suit, 3 pieces, HO. Large-Arm Rattan Rocker, $1,75. These goods can't be matched in America lor the price. Remember, all goods pur chased here, not proring satisfactory, will be exchanged. THE WCOD-PEAYY FURNITOhE COMPLY. SOUTHERN SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY In the Grand, Atlanta, Ga. Complete course* in bookkeepim iuddu,..-,*, zuogca swarded uomprere course* tn bookkwi us the first premium for our Rohrer’# aflorihand, telegraphy and collet F r f*" rJD? n 5' pronouncing Rohrer’* i branokes. Long established. Beet ^ 1 Stoa for «tal, free.