The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 04, 1894, Image 8

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\ THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1894 E. CL ^ILDEE'S SOUS CO., MACON* GA. Contractors and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. Lumber, rourh and dreeled. ehlnglce, lathi. and dealers !n mixed paints, lead, alls, time, piaster, cement and builders' hardware. 6M TO 621 tl UIHD STREET. THROUGH EYES FEMININE. ' THE WEDDING MARCH. The wedding inarch from Lohengrin the organ - loudly plays, Tho groom aud Ins supporter# greet the gathered public's gaze; The swelling music trembles aa are touched the peUshed keys, But the tremble Isn't In it with the shako In Freddy's knees. Down tbt alale the blushing maids pro ceed with fttmteCy tread. And <uch regret* the day 1* not the day fur her to wed; But there'* a silver lining to the cloud that hovers o'er— They know they never looked’ *o sweet In all thrtr Uvea before. I And now the Organ thunders forth a wexoihe loud and clear, A hundred heads are turned to aee the bluehlng bride appear. Her hither who support# her down the lung and dizzy alale Will supiiort her and her husband, too, In Jui,t a little while. —Truth. Tonight nt the home of Mr*. Sophie Hall on New mreot, the Glee Club wlU hold Us find regular meeting. The membership Includes the lluest tnuslcal talent In the city, end nothing but suo- rcse cou.d come from such an aggre gation of nrtlsts. The members nnd Iwncsury members of the I’hllomathean Society ure In receipt of ihe following Invitation: I'hllom ilh.iin Six'lcty. College par lors, Friday, Dec. 7, 1804; half-past 7 o'clock. The en lentil lumen I* known ns "grand meetings" given by tin* Pllllonxltheans nnd AdelUhlnns of Weetoyun am nt- ways enjoyable affairs, nnd ns the In vitations are always limited they tire highly appreciated^ \ Miss Mamlfl Lee Wlug has Just re in rn-’d from n very pleasant visit to friends In Atlanta^ Miss Mary Cdbb leave* Wednesday for New York to spend <ho holidays with her sister, who Is there nt school. Mrs. Louis fltovens name down from Atlanta yesterday to be the igue*t of Mrs. L. A. Jordan for some time. The Ctrl Ginas Euchre Club wllt--bq ontertalned by Mr. and Mrs. George W.' Duncan on Thunvkiy evening. Miss Willie TlnSley went up to Mino lta Farm yesterday for a week of rest and recuperation. GIVE A III, A CHANCE. IA Subscriber nt HemUrsM, tSa., Is looking For tho I gist Word. The following l«tt«r on mu to tho Tel .'graph from flea-lcMou, Ga., yv.tor- day; •Tlouderaan, G1„ Deo. 3 —To tho I'd- Itnr «f tho Telegraph: 1 see '.n your piper notlro of n »ita«t of tho miss- ins imord or tho word oil* of place. Could you not await making your on •toaoeemeot t il Hnuday s Issue Is out? By so dong this jmii will give Ihoso living remoter off atno to got their au ewers to you In tuo f.m* to Compete with ritliem who got thtl? tu.vl ni.ittei earler. Yount very truly, "It. C. Kendrick, "Per Coleman.” •For tho iKsioflt of Mr. Keudrlck and others, id may bo stated that tho hour rut which b"a answer la malletl will bo MM'ptrd nt tine office t'to same ns If received Imre at that hour. The Tele graph reachiw nil of Its sulwrNiers on the day of piililku-thm nnd (t will ltu poutlldo for n mihvr.lK'r to scan the column* closely nnd form hi* answer bmnedatriy after receiving his paper. If lie .mills live Answer at once tlm iwst- Burk will show the hour nnd ho there- by li.i- nlm-fo an .-< , ti nice. Ili.myli not ipi'.te, with the Telegraph's city subscribers (| ;« neon.tA.iry to reoo'.ve niinwm as early a* 7 o'clook on tho <lay of publication In unler to glte those who arc ipileik n fair chance, or else the slow one* would stand nn equal show ng. Answers will lie received up to 10 o'clock Sunday night, how ever, nnd this will giro Mr, Kendrick nnil the many ether out-oMuwn sub scribers n* nearly nn *qual chance ns It Is pom .tile to smugs it. I THE nitUWNIlM. " Everybody IMcmttcd In Their Per- fbrmaucis in lids City. Bo well has the tram ua of th? child- n«U who n\> to toko part :u the per- fonuioee of tho "Brouuies In Fairy- laud" on Derrmlier 14 ami 1.7 been eon- dui-tnl that idtould tho performane* bo glicn wiih.sii further pt'.iiMio or au- other i\4i.\wm1 it would b‘ pronounced rrcolleu: by the guvsNM cr tic. Tho "lleown i# In Fairyland" lias pleased thou-, unis of pcopic of all age* tu nil part* of the country, nml the performances here will be glveu with nit of die olalioraJcncK. mid mignlll- een: (vwtunilng of the performances lu Che Inver cities. The tlrst performance of the llrown- Ce# will 1m given on Frtdav it ite, De cember H, tho seoouri Sttunlay after- nooo of the IMh ami tho thlnl Satur day night. Thee.' performance* will all be at tbt Academy of Music. Neatly every hoy and girl, nnd man ond vromau, for that tunter. has read Palmer Don’s Jlrownliw in Fdlryluud. and «l 11 has a pleasiug WMtuliNtM of It. but thiise who w.imos tlio play •where 'her will sv the cute little Brown - In mil 1'fe Witt have sonie- ttilixi plou ng to remember for years to c >nv\ 1 HOBUBIjB CANCERS. If tlure s any oue tkMtm that t» more deadly than another to the hu man fimlly. oamvr Is that malady. In over the pti-iKsaraph* of she oantv-rs cured by the California I>ae<fe* on hrMnalstj shudder ateffp* over the behoWiI*. Then the relief that follows by look ing at klie tiholo* of poor Mulcted ther* tils after Hi ay *rj eimd mi It-* one g ve « of relief and ibank on- maker for h * uierey lu airing molM that remove 'hose dmidfut uionsbas. Reyoud a doubt the ClLfeUui Her tors are Experts n this spivlitiy. and we wouM advise i ll wb» are IutvwvisI 40 call ami tavestlgiie. \ Or. Price'* Cream Baking Powdct Most Perfect Made. AT ALEXANDRIA YESTERDAY. Flrat Race—Four nnd a half fur- ingl. Time, 0.55. Fanes. 107; 4 to 5 (Taylor) 1 'ree Press, 107; 8 to 1 (Alford) 2 toil Voyage, 105; 8 to l....(Delh*ney) 3 Second Knee—Six und a quarter fur longs. Time, 1.19 3-4. Jntario, 105; 3 to 1..... (Carter) 1 3llly Boy, 105; 8 to 1 (Cale) 2 ees'yn, 102; 3 to 1 (Taylor) 3 TnlM Race—Oue and one-eighth OJA'S; selling. Time, 1.58. "enaclous, 108; 4 to 5 (Trlbs) 1 hire Devil, 108; 2 to 1 (Tayior) 2 Tno Grande. Ill; 6 to 1 (Fouler) 3 Fourth 'Race—Four and one-half fur- yngs; selling, Time, 0.55. foulter, 98; 2 to l (Ncary) l Villlam Putin, 98; 5 to l...(Houlahan) 2 bye use, 98; 4 to r (Robinson) 3 Fifth Race—Seven-eighths of a mile, ’ime, 1.80. letrolt, 105; 5 to 1 (Neary) 1 temorse, 109; 3 to t (Ham) 2 'allatio, 104; 5 to 1 (Taylor) 2 AT ALEXANDRIA TODAY. First Rnce—Slx and one-quarter fur- >ngu; selkr.g.—The Fop,-105; Lurry K.. 35; flopruno II., 100; Criterion, 105; siugblng Water, 105; Annocan, 1U5; (right Eyes, 105;, Misery, 105; Claus- tan, 105; Ada. Blue, 105. Second Race—One-half mt]e; selling, —Amsterdam, 105; The Sneak, 105; Cre mona, 101; Waywunanda, 102; Irene, 102; Castanet, 102; Cuiaalasm. 102; Mon te Carlo, 102; Bradley, 102; Nota Bene gelding, -103; Bradley, 102; Drtla M., 102; Evelyn Carter filly, 102; W. O’Bri en. 102. Third Race—Six and oi»e-qu3rter fur longs; eelllng.—Bhta Bird, 110; Tedd Gegg, 107; Flushing, 104: Samtiritan, 99; Maggie Beck, 99; Marguerite, 99: Muyur B., 99; Dashing Charlie, 99; Jim Mc Laughlin, 99; Fredericks, 94. Founh Ilacs—Four nml a half fur longs; sailing.—Juek Lovell, 134; Judge Post, 122; Benjamin, 122: Jim Lamb, 122: Need mo re, 122; Semina, lio; Fan ning. 119; My Olrl colt, 117; Gold Dig ger, 116; Lilly Superior, 113; Lake View, 113: Guy All, 113; Ninety-seven, 10S; Gertie, 108; Inter Ooaan, 108. Fifth Rnce—Slx and one-quarter fur longs; siding.—Sweetmeat, 107; Harry IHnkaon, 103; Tiny Tim, 102: MnKeev- or, 99; Eph, 99; Bela, 99; Cadet, 09; May D., 99; Tommy Bmphy, 97; Pottowot- tornle, 94; Repetition, 89. First odds are received In Putzel'p Pavilion nt 12.45 p. m. TO THE LAIDIES. - Tliero urc thousands at ladies througli- oul Bin country whose sj'stem* nro poi soned, auil wbdso blood i* In an Impure omul lion from the nhsorptioii of Im pure matter, duo to mens rual irregu nri- ties. 'This class uru iieeulUirly benefited by the wonderful fon.o nnd blood ckwnslnK proponliett of Prickly Ash, Poke Root nnd I’otaas itm (P. P. I’.). Roses und bouiullng hivilth tiko the jilaco of tlio K ckly look, tin* lost color und the general wreck of the system by (lie use Prickly Ash, Poko Root nud rotasalum, os hosts of females will tes tify. nnd many certificates nro In pos session of tho oompany, iwli eh they ha ve promised not to publish, nml all prove P. l*. P. n blessing to woman kind. ClAPT. J. D. JOHNSTON. To All Whom It May Coneern : I take greait pleasure in lest fymg to the elltacnt qniBtles of the popular nun- nly for oroidlons of tho skin known a* P. P. P. (I’riekly Ash, Toko Root nu.l Potassium). 1 sulToredl several years with nn unsglftly nml disagreunlile eruption <ei my face, nml tried var.mis remedk* to remove it. none of which accomplished the object, unt.l Ih s val uable preparation was rooeted to. Af ter -taking throe bottles, In antardanoo with dlfcatlew, l saw now entirely cured. I. D. Johnson, Of 4bo firm of Johnston & Douglas, ■ Bavannaa. tia. Aneemic Women with pale or sallow complexions, or suffering from skin eruptions or scrofulous blood, will find quick relief in Scott's Emulsion. AU of the stages of Emaciation, and a general decline of health, are speedily cured. Scott’s Emulsion takes away the pale, haggard look that comes with General Debility. It enriches the blood, stimulates the appetite, creates healthy flesh and brings back strength and vitality. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Vlfoak LUM-V pgnjumotion and Wasting Ois- StnJ Jer ear /.iw/iiVr. AtaitsJ FREE. SeQUhUoene, N. Y. All Druggists. 50c.sn4)t. HOW’S YOUR JFIG0RE? Trim? Straight? IVeH-Devet-( oped ? Then don't spoil it with ! ready-made clothes, cut to fit f anybody; wear clothes that fit ] —that were made for you. IHOW’RE OUR [FIGURES? Suits . . $13.35 [ Pants . . $3.00] Topcoats . $10.35 ( iFIne MeltonJ Made to measure—to fit you I perfectly; superior material,, latest styles. ADOOURFICURES/ TO YOUR FICURE* And the result will delight you. ( JLYMOUTHROCK>ants ovcrvOat$ 4 II *utT$UUMrANYl Scoos«!l 9UT0L “Do you suppose that everybody saves lots of money buying Clothes ready-made ?” Oh, no! Most everybody gets better Clothes than he could afford to pay a tailor for. “But what about the folks that are used to the best tailor’s best ? Do you sell better than the tailor’s best ?” That’s so; forgot that. All we do for such men is to 6ave ’qm twenty or thirty dollars a Suit. CZARINA’S. The latest fad, at GEO. T, Street. MACON, GA. 351 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET J J " UUU1 u ! SAW MILLS, Machinery AH Kinds. HIGH PRICES CLOTHING. ■)« r Wo Are Offering Our [Entire Stock of CUSTOM MADFa CLOTHING at Retail. It jnust be closed out within the next THIRTY DAYS. See our line of OVERCOATS. UP TO DATE TAILORING. Artistic! Stylish! CUelimade! (Joppe^tly gut GapQients. McKAY, The Tailor, 503 Cherry Street. M, L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE NO BQU t CAK?K3U •-5. CORDOVAN. rREIiaiitHtMOLECCALr VWFKtMf&lONWtA *3WP0UCE,3SOl£S. BovsscicaSHCEs. M NO FOR CATALOGUE * WL*DOUdLAS % BROCKTON. MASS. Vo« ca» Mtemoiifr fcr purebatUtf W» Im WoucU* shoe*. Because, tie aie tuc U reest uiAnufacturertol advertise A shoe* in the wot Id, end suiTanlee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, vrhlch protect* you against high prices and the middleman’* profits. Oar shoe* equal custom worX In style, easy fitting and Tearing cualiUet. We have them sold every* /here at lower prices for the value given than ■pother make. Take uo substitute. If your *•**•*—• --- * **~n. SoldbT ROCHESTER SHOE CO. 613 COERRY STREET, |leads the world.! iLibbey’s KKi J Iit«th«vt Award World'* t*te. 2 If jou want the* ' " finest quality cut* glass, buy goods| VvV^ras^a*/having this trade| ' marie. S I IKl SOLOMOS, Sole AjeaL | inGH GRADE SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES ACCURATELY FITTED. JOSEPH E. WELLS, 554 MULBERRY STREET. AN... ADVERTISEMENT placed in the claezldod columns of The Telegraph la sure to bring RESULTS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. J. BUBERS. Permanently located. In tbs sp. claltles venereal. Loit energy re stored. Female Irregularities and poleon oak. Cure guaranteed. Address Jn confidence, with stamp, 510 Fourth Btreet. Macon. Ga. DR. C & PEETB, HTHl EAR, NOSH AND THROAT. IN SECOND STREET, MACON, GA SR. t. XL SHORTER, EYE, EAR. NOSE'AND THROAT. Office 588 Cherry St, Macon, as. DR. GILMER’S PRIVATE HOSPITAL. .OfDce anil rcs'.dcnco, First Btanot, near Clierry. M. R Freeman. H. G. Griswold. FREEMAN & GRISWOLD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Maaonlo Building, - - . Macon, Ga. JOHN R. COOPER, Attorney-at-Law. t Exchange Bank Building, Rooms 7 and 8. Macon, Ga. A. T. HOLT. Real Estate Agent. 36 Second street. I have some nice houses yet to rent Como and see me about them. Several forms to rent, and some splendid offer ings for sale. List your property wlUt me and give me a chance to aee what I can da with It. MACON SAYINGS BANK 576 Mulberry Street, Maoon, Ga. Capital and surplus $150,000 Fays 6 per oent. Interest on deposits of 31 and upward. Real estate loans on the monthly Installment plan, and loans on good securities at low rates. Legal depository for trust funds.. Will act ai administrator, executor, guardian, re ceiver and trustee. 1L T. POWELL President II. G. CUTTER......a....Vice-President J. W. CANNON Cashier EXCHANGE BANK, or MACON. GA. H. J. Lamar, G«o. B. Turpin, Fraaldant. Vict-Pra«ldaat, J. W. Cabulu, Cachler. Wa aoliclt tha bualneaa ot march an ta, plantar* and banka, offarinc them courtaay. promptna^, and liber ality. Tha largest capital and aurplua of any bank in Middle Georgia. MACON. GA. B. 9. Mmar, Frealdeat; Geo. », Tur» pit. Ytca-Prwtdeat: J. w. Caban laa Caahler; D. M. Nelltgan. Accountant. CAPITAL. COO.000. SuR^LUS. $3d000 Intereat paid on deposits s per cent per annum. Economy l* the road te wealth. Deposit your saving* any they will be Increased by internal* Com pounded eemi-aunually. , LOOK OUT FOR COLD WAVE! Window Glass, Mantels, Tiles and Grates. Mm Ut the time to buy tha above before the cold weather come*. X have dig tors we*, a took South, with prices lower than evjr. .T. C. BURKE. o. P. & B. E WILLINGHAM, MACON. GA. SASH DOOB3L LUMBER, MOULDING^ PAIHri LIME HUD CEMEE AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. LEADING WHOLESALE HOUSE. L. Cohen & Co., J* X* HACK, Manager. - • • Macon Ga. LIQUORS, CIGARS and TOBACCO, Cheapest house in Macon. Orders promptly filled. A trial solicited. MACOH SASH, DOOH & LUMBER C0„ INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, I j AND MANUF ACTURERS OF . ti . . , Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glas3, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair. BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Etc. THEY WILL BE HERE. BOSTON DOCTORS. DB. J. WHITMAN. DB. B. RENWIOK. For two days only this visit, OCTOBER 24 and 25, WEDNESDAY and THURS DAY. All who call on these eminent physicians the above date will receive all medical services and surgical treatment FREE UNTIL CURED. The object of ibis FREE SERVICE is to become quickly acquainted with the sick; also to demonstrate the superior excellence of their methods of treating all diseases of a chronio or long-standing nature. Tho doctors feel assured that thu grateful endorsements of the irany they relieve and cure will give them, during their future visits, an extended practice that will amply repay for this great outlay of time and money. Although they treat all diseases of a chronic, long-standing, obscure or difficult nature, and cure many so-called incurable diseases, they wish it thoroughly understood that if, after a thorough examination, your case is found to be incurable we frankly tell you so and reserve the right to reject all such cases. MAIN OFFICE 80 WALTON STREEET, ATLANTA, GA. ALL DISEASES AND DEFORMITIES TREATED. CATARRH CURED—Consumption in the incipient stage; Bronchitis, Asthma, Rheumatism, all diseases of the nose, throat, lungs, stomach, liver and kidneys; Scrofula, Sores, Ulcers and all chronic blood troubles; Eczema, Psoriasis, Pimples, Blotches and all skin troubles treated and cured If accepted. NERVOUS DISEASES—Epilepsy positively and permanently cured. Nervous de bility from any cause. Hysteria, Neurathenia, Chorea, St. Vitus’ Dance, etc., posi tively cured by the' London Specific treatment if curable. DISEASES OF WOMEN.—Wd examine ladies without exposure, and treat all diseases peculiar to their sex without the use of rings, pessaries, etc., by a new and painless method. MEN—Weak, Diseased, Despondent—Men suffering from premature decay, ex hausted and enfeebled powers, diseases causing losses, drains, weak or falling mem ory, blotches, pimples, impure blood, falling of h&lr, etc., should visit them at once. By their Anglo-German methods and remedies they guarantee such suffer ers ImmediatA relief and a permanent cure. CANCERS and malignant tumors and growths, all enlargements and glandular swellings removed and cured without the use of a knife. No pain. No matter what disease you are suffering from, or how long standing; no matter how many physl* clans have failed to cure you, call on us. It will cost you nothing and you may profit by it. Oftloe hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. 80 Walton otreeit. Atlanta, Ga. MOERLEIN’S BARBAROSSA (IN BOTTLES ONLY.) On account ot Its 4j»oluta purity, vrttoleaoraeness, good taste and Quality to aid digestion It is a most pleasant and refreshing beverage, an artlcla Incomparably strengthening to tha In valid and convalescent. This beer Is brewed from the best selected malt and from hops Imported from Bohemia. It Is brewed after the new existing method In the Hof Braue- rei at l’ilson, Bohemia. Bsrbaroaoa is a light, palatable beer, unexcelled la taste and brilliancy, and on account of Us excellent quality Is preferred to the Imported Pilsner by oonnolseurs. For tne dinner table and for a lun ch there Is nothing better than a bot tle of Barbarossa. ULLMANN & WILLIAMS, ■ Delivered anywhere In the city. ’Phone 434, Sole Agents. (ESTABLISHED 1881.) ALTMAYER & FLATAU, Wholesale Dealers in Liouors, Wines and Cigars, 457 AND (59 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GEO. 'I Tho best Liquor* for the least money. Send for price list. ■ ' ALTMAYER & FLATAU, Agents. " Burke Book and Stationery Company. Books, Stationery, Bibles, Hymn Books, Fancy Goods, Artist Materials, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags. An experience of nearly half a century in the Book and Stationery business enables Mr. J. W. Burke to offer unexcelled facilities in buying and selling, PRICES LOWEST; STOCK MOST COMPLETE. 452 Second Street, . . . Macon, Ga.' j. M. Johnston. President J. D. Stetson. Vlca President. L. p. Hlllyer. Caihlsr. The American national Bank, MACON, GA. CAPITAL..™ ,, 3250.S90.M SURPLUS.. „ „ „ „ „ ..325.W0.06 Largest capital of any naUoual bank In Central Georgia. Account* ot corporations and lndl/iduata wll 1 recalve careful attention. Gorrcapca. denes Invlud. * ) OF MACON. GA CAPITAL 1SURPLUS, $280,000 R. H. PLANT, PRESIDENT. W. W. WRIGLEY, CASB1EB. I. C. PLANTS SOI, BANKER BACON, GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED tasj Intercs: Banking in all its branches, allowed on Time Deposits. We handle foreign exchange and arran->o travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of Loudon for all European points.