Newspaper Page Text
Don’t Yoh Expect to Get THROUGH
present for somebody tills Christmas?
For young; men wo have present,
that can he irlvea a lady friend with
out bain* the least suggestive, but U
you really wish the ring, then we have
s new catalogue which shows beauti
ful designs at low prices.
Young ladlt-3, you certainly will sot
go by without some little memento re-
cognizing the many courtesies that
your "best friend" 1ms shown you dur-
lug the pest year. A
bought from us does sot cost much.
Scud for our catalogue before the rush
of holiday trade commences. Wo have
nice things, too, that a gentleman can
give his wife, or a lady her husband,
Drop us a postal asking for our cata
logue, now; don't delay. It Is sent
J. P. STEVEN’S & BRO., Jewelers
and Wedding .Stationers, 47 Whitehall
St. Atlanta. On.
We hnve too many. We want
to convert them into the cash.
Therefore, we will sell, this
week— •
$10.00 Overcoats. .,...$ 6.85
15.00 Overcoats 11.25
20.00 Overcoats 13.76
We mean business. Call with
the cash and you will get the
Corner Second &,Cherry
How shall X love you? X dream nil day,
Lear, of a tenderer, sweeter way;
Songs that i dag to yuu, word* that
X say.
Prayers that are voiceless on Ups that
would pray;
These may not tel! of tihe love of rny
How uhall 'I love you, my sweetheart,
my wife?
How shall I love you? Love la the
Of life to a woman—the white and the
Of all tire world's roses, the light that
hi Shed
On ull the World's pathways, till life
shall be dead!
The aisrir in the storm and the strength
In the strife:
Hew shall I love you, my sweetheart.
my wife?
burden your htart rnuat
Is there
I shall kneel lowly and lift it, dear!
I» dbere a thorn In tho crown that you
J«t It hide In my heart till a rose Hob-
*om there!
f ’ ur ! ^rief or for glory—for death or for
All Mulberry at., Macon, Uh,
Trlrphonrst OIKcii, IA7| Itoslilonce, 408
Day Telephone
Night Telephone
- 238
- 232
Next to Hotel Lanier.
Pay Telephono 436
Night Telephones.... 435, 178
(TJmberkUce'n Old Stand.)
SIS and 620 Poplar,
Livery Boarding and Sale
Flrnt-clana aoootnunodatlons,
TOM II. HUDSON, Proprietor.
Wednesday, Deo. II.
Amy lx*, tho moat exquhilto of sou-
P>nnk Deane, the singing comedian
r. Aug. Anderson, tho great charac
ter notor.
Aral the original Now York cast!!!
t'roMt° po " x ' rul Jrm| m of Intense In-
_ ’ "PAWN TIKET 110."
&u«ST& m ;> n v , t ! . Nc "
ol 1 " uUon * »
—■Prank L. Stanton, In Indies' Home
Marriage Is certainly the prevailing
epidemic Just now, and fieri da seems
to be the popular place to spend the
honeymoon. Every town In Oeoigla can
Iwawt of more marrluges than Macon;
to It because, all the women have de-
elded to adopt the popular >fad of
•>ai*lUfior nuiidenK," or because the
V, ro to ° d * voted to their bacheCor
Iwe7 However, there are many rumor a
of Jauuaiy wordings, f*/me of which
will greatly surprise aoclety, bo quiet
have they been kept for some months;
while othera have been whispered
tSSSf are ttl fea<ly pretty much
talked about.
A prominent church wadding of much
intewwt Is the one announced In the
following InyH&Uan: .Yl,«. w. K. Me-
Aridit-w Invites you to be present at
the marriage of her daughter, Geral
dine, to Mr. Charles Theodore Alrey
Tuesday morning, Dec. IS, 1804, at 9.30
odoc*. Mulberry Btrtfc-t Mcuhodlst
Church, Macon, Go. At homo after Dec.
25, 217 College stive t.
The marriage’of Miss Lucy4HaxrI*on
Hh,.nv l !VL R<,e i/ re<lerlck ' both »f Mar-
on the evening of
the 12th. It will be a largo dhurch wed-
a&,£T d M1 ,*f e " Conner, Hatcher nnd
Mamgham will go down from Macon
to act us bridesmaid*. Miss Harrison
and Mr. Frederick are two of the most
popular young people In Manballvllle,
and their mawioge will be a notable
event in youth Georgia.
At St. Luke's Episcopal church in
W*5£ to D 0n o the .£ V ?“ 1 "* of lh| - 1515 Miss
Willie Peck will be married to Mr. J
I'rank Meador, both of Atlanta. There
will bo a number of remarkably hand-
who w“l bo a/I tired
In wlhito satin and ohlfton, carrying
American Beauty roses. Mias Peck to
a general lavorlte In Macon, as well
us Atlanta.. She has been here many
»!?£“ <"• ‘to Kuest of Mrs. William Lee
The snake of fichu named after the
unfortunate French Queen is exceed
ingly popntsr Just now. So are flufTy
and frilly itihlngs of all kinds, In every
shape and aitt-rial. Oasoaxlcs of lace
Cnlffon, cdDarettes and yuiots, lace
brimmed vests, plastrons and gulmpes,
oltoux, eaquSIkw, rusmies, Im-e-bowa
—In Short, there Is no limit to tho ex
pansive und uxpenslvo otucterus sold
tluu ure designed to -make dress bo.
diets , ua vtebuiute- aiM Anabatic us
possible. It Is mroly that we see
loast two sizes wnaller. These renal
HST*® cotvvIplsol m acknowledging
informal InvitdtiunH not<te, *ftc.
. 5 to flnd'u cod*
t ty *1n who abe* ifjt rUy&te flier tsrv^re proper
ilm« axul Jtttottfctaa to the gay world, 1
tn'.t** rpjya in a Ihounaswl Untie waya
■toe girl waflifai amMe purse cun do lust
any amount of good, and at the same
«mo not wifu# upon her heavy and per-
dkugrue.ible duties. Out of
tue monthly allow&Mue of a Bla*
cott belle Kxmlea the support of
**■ P0C And worthy family Jiv
tKt ™?* 1t * ere in *he suburbs of the
gtys When one (begin« ’o think that
•the atmGiunrt flhus expended would buy
OJaS *£25 tfloven,laceo, or veils,
you neetduy rea>!»? how Otto it takes
y> fim-* a, rrreat ucuil of pleasure and con-
fort jt° uioee Who scarcely know the
meamnfr of It. No doubt every young
an xiutni» heart 1e toaidhNd by a olteoua
^ ncim aD iyonfi to Mocual need, 'but
H., L ® any system to these ttibm
W1T1 to accomplished. If
you take charge of same family or indl-
JkT 1 “ 0Dn * al<e great Intel-
T,‘? rk ; everlasting
Mranlcu-hi 'Wili always »*. a blessing to
222s any mn «l«r of girls ID At-
tamta whohawe waisds ait tihe hospital to
vthit regularly, or,vrhogive om-Jtaiith of
'adluwance to the dewerting poor.
™E£ a IL" ft ? a whore iSioTSS
J!T. e ntit “'tolcd with actual
1100 mIVill; or, per-
to"! will be found ilke the
** *5* jntfj;* ‘lilar.Vlia,"—in
ihitir troubles. • the “fine laily" waa In
evnekwl*. —d»igt dtoeretlon . or
towe to decide these
ciu^Lknui. Not many month** use > «t
thw loot of Orange strive, a young girl
IV?***** WOT arid4SSMS
P r,vevt y- Not far from
SirtH °f a 103 - 1 ** »«1 gen-
BrfJo? ° n Orbing of shear
rtmt A*!? 1 ^"SSJtoor peojile; saw
riflm h^ 1 were (brought
ftwriWhc ' d 5he
hw i 4toor r »Jf ft , ' ttuTO - **t night
III? e ^T“ n ' 1 Ul, ' r<! flood
a lJtrtUe odogne for ith e HUtora up.”
Whenwoman goes late moHtlcs-
roiS 1u 8 m,,al: ll °- by arid by—
W « "■ “S° lh «r finger, think you
V.nhn ahe Uadis the c^rilg.i Me?
ntehir ,!?Th„ < ?S ) ,' r ,' ,f r. 1 }™ 8 rri'vd last
!,SS5* ? e M?® 5 ’H-alb^her’a pufHt for a
i p £
la marie by laying? glided fishnet over
white satin or silk, or a piece of silvered
netting over paJe rink. Uolh coverings
may be glued or sewed to frame:
pdHleboard or thin pine frames of the
There were such a lot of beautiful wo
men and handsome toilettes en evidence
at Mrs. Lee Ellis' reception last Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. Lewellyn Hlllyer
waa radiantly beautiful in a handsome
pink brocade; MlssrAVise was strikingly
handsome Iri pink satin covered In some
gauzy stuff that gavp a decided "French-
lness" to her gown, her toilette
completed by a large bouquet of
France roses. Miss Hatcher looked unu
sually well In a very handsome white silk
with an Immense bunch of American
Beauties. Mrs. Frank Rogers wore
pretty and becoming gjwn of Nile green
silk artf chiffon.
▼ •••
There will bo an interesting entertain,
ment Jn the Sunday school room of the
Presbyterian church next Thursday even'
Inc;. ,\ n-jinber of pretty Kiris will give
the lantern drill, which is only one of
many novel features.
Gowns worn at afternoon functions. In
fact, all costumes donned before 6 o'clock,
must be cut with a high neck. A stock of
velvet or satin ribbon, a collarette of
ribbon and posies, or the dainty Czarina
gorget, many designs of which have been
described—any of these make a decidedly
pretty finish for <an afternoon govyn of
cloth, silk or chiffon. Velvet Is seldom,
If ever, permissible as an entire costume
or waist for a young girL The only use
to which it can be put this season is as
a double-breasted Eton jacket, with
sleeves of the same material as the skirt
of a walking dress.
clot or net Skirt, with a fancy blouse of
chiffon or silk, is appropriate. These
blouses may be trimmed with lace or rib
bon, but trimmed on odd waists is, to the
writer's thinking, decidedly out of place.
There Is sufficient contrast in wearing a
waist different in material and color from
the skirt Additional garniture makes the
costume look “glnge»*-bready." Excep
tion can be made in favor of theatre
waists. The skirts worn with these are
rarely, if ever, seen, and a single garni
ture Is therefore not undesirable. First
favor must, however, bo given to the un-
trimmed flufTy ohiffoh bodies that seem
particularly. If not exclusively, de
signed for the young girl.
ft* «<!» j.vrsv.V.Tii « * vu,,w wir uincm. she
w an txecipt'ionally (preflty M«*n<h* with
wwmon' frviin Ma?on 'o^Sxt'’
StebsSSTjflH ^1!*“ ®»™* and
D Visit: Missf« ‘vt^,.„° iL n ’^T icu ® 0n I '“e system. Regular size Z5c. per box.
CtojHo Ctmner to MaiSal'wflle®?"? j 80l<lby J ' Lan ” r & S ° n - PruS8lstB
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Clilcaigo, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These pills are easy in action and are
particularly etTeotlve in. the cure oi
Constipation amd Sick Headache. For
Malaria, and Liver Troubles they have
been proved Invaluable. They are guar
anteed to lie perfectly free from every
deleterious substance and to be purely
vegetable. They do not ■Weaken by
their action, but by giving tone to
stomach and bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Regular size 25c. pec box.
®5ory used to be current
ppor_eajtt>rB. It related -to Oho fate prin-
th»lv,mi r . C ’ Wh ° to* 1 <l weakness for
Mie reflnumenta of life. Just after "at
tocaone. ■fashionable one
specirnoas of the old pro-
surprised la re.
^'PrInc^” ° mul 08 foll,>w *--
Will you heed the warning—the sig
nal, perhaps, of the sure approach of
that more terrible disease, consunvtloh?
Ask yourself If you can afford, f.r the
sake of saving 50 cents, ruu the risk
and do nothing for It We know from
experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure
your cough. It never falls. Tills ex
plains why more than a million bottles
were sold the past year. It relieves
croup and whooping cough at once.
Mothers, do not be without It. For
Prlncfc'it unit Mr,, pir'.- p-esent lame back, sldo or chest use Shiloh's
«he r cntotfiments to Pmfeswor T Porous Plasters. Sold by Goodwyn Sc
on,I Ihoon L. —principal and Small Drug Company, corner Cherry
~ street and Cotton avenue.
tiro ^ * - *■■'.*jmi .mu
Mrs. PIrte will be '.at h’oane' on Thurs-
ttay evening nt 8 o'clock.”
someriilng which evidently
reqttlrod an answer, but the recipient
?L 1 L wa ." qul,c cqual lo '* h3 occasion,
we wrote?
S£S att 2 a L'E-7 re,urnfl the oompll-
m » n « # nf Trlru-lpifl and Mrs. Plrle,
Cto, Uy fo!lo,w “ U,u to*- 8 “ n * 1 '"forms tbom fhaH he is very well'
tihe figure, and except where the tutlor- Professor T Is g'-td ,to ST;
gown oames In figures scorn to hlLvel Ihinatroll nml - ,h ?I
Prepared by
Drs. Holmes & Macon, Dentists,
556 Mulberry Street,
It cures bleeding gums, ulcers, sore
mouth, sore throat, cleans the teeth and
For sal* by all
December 14 and 15 and Saturday
Matin co.
Grand Presentatton of Palmer Cox'g
Famous Juvenile Opera,
One hundred bright and pretty Mn
con chtldrtn In the cast. Mnmiitloent
costumer, special soeaegy; most unique
sttRtotlon at tho season,
And prasonted under auspices
King's Daughters,
Prices as usual, |i, ?5, 60 aud 25 cents.
Bents ond sale at Luddcn & Dates’.
i - i • SU OHKliRY 8T»»s4i,
placed in the classified columns of Ths
Veit grot'fi is lure to Uin*j
gone quite out of dalle. Suuh tortur
ing of mulerlad to ptvxluco ovt-r-
■trlmmsd corsages and athletic-looking
Shuuldons Jkis never been seen todoro
In this generation. Skirts, on tffle oon-
■tiury, remain sovcrely pdadu.
In making the newest stock colbrs
for Ithe very dressy uses more than one
material is useal; for example, u folded
collar of black volvet, lined wltlh dlfor-
ry rtitln, wllih largo rosettes at each
side rmulo of Jetted viivc -lined with
tho satin. Again, n fancy bow of pink
satin ribbon arranged In front on a
crush outtar of wine-colored velours.
Tear mows of golden-brown avtln-odgcd
finite ribbon forms a stock collar that
is fintnhe.1 wllih ft rosatrto of argo-nrecn
dhlffon placed caiih Bide near the front.
Annohor protty collu- band is -made of
roso-pink silk, Che wrinkled efTeet pro-
duood by BhlTtrlng ithe silk at both
■edges. Directly in front arc not two
fans of white Lice, held dawn by u
wrinkled cross-piece of the silk. The
■bnautiful bico is wired .to stand out
stiniy about fhc nock, and Chu softly
Hilling fan-ends nearly cover the top
of the bodice,
Tho friends of Mr. Holt In-Macon
ere in receipt of the following Invita
tion: "Mr. »nd Mrs. 19dand B. Young
request your preseneo at (the marriage
of thcilr daughter Annie ,to Mr. CSmrles
Ooinih Holt, Wodncadny evening, Dc-
eombor ISflh, at 7 o'clock, 1S94, First
Methodist o!lurch, Eulttula, IVla."
"Reception from 7:30 to 12 aghkitne.
"At hrtme after December 20th. Vlno-
vlllc. Mita-on, fki."
(Mr. lloit (has the congnxtulatians of
a largo circle of friends on winning
one of JUdMM'l moat diarnihig
young women
The mnrrtalge Of Sir. Catrib D. Massey
of Ocala. Fla., to Mini Moude Cbok of
BarnesvIJIe. is one of mn*)h interest to
Me0(<n peoide, as Utth rurltco nre well
known here. Mr. Mmoicy to a nephew
of Mr. Cllrin DltBlInw, who, with n nutn-
bee of other Mnconttra. will tuttond tho
wilding to Dirncuvillo on Che night of
tho 13th.
The numerous fri.mlls erf the Mimes
Coleman have rtteetvurf the roll owing In-
vlasuon nnd sre hooking fcnwvnrd to thto
rrogrcaslvo euchre puby. MM prom-
»«to be ti wry edevnnt and delightful
At Home.
At Half Cnst Eight O'clock.
Progtvvalve Euchre.
Doetop—Nb; you are not looldwg •rcJI.
Fair PAriens—Well, dodtor, what would
you atlvtoe mo to do? Doetop-CUarry
Mm or hrenk tire uncasamtmt. You
Deed a rest.
This Is the rubveo of an omlnerit phy-
-An of Mhron to n ftrelmtitig and
teauttfril belle, who to trying m her
heart to tVfMde the weighty- quest'on
"Which shall It be?"
WVtnem xto nJwijs IriterenMI in nov-
chirr) in shtrianery. IMipor of a pecuUsr
tosde of violet blue Is all the y»ge. «
Jr called "Bluet Paper." Tlio shent a tue
foMol lri:o oblong envelop.n and are
deooraltfd sritti a whlto und rilver mon
ogram or crest.
With young girls brownie paper of
tyle buff eo(or. stnmpdl with furtr.y 1R.
tie ,bp),\nl<'« at the top of the rhecL u
the favored mode.
Tho uilm-fuahlotaNc contlur.e to
use t*iO HMl&ad htulhor, while for all
esdlnary oxsudons pup- white linen Vel*
lota is oocsridered the mt-st elegant pa-
Moum4n* Matbwry Is nrit ns con-
ilicuoue as of oM. the black otdg hav-
mtr grown much norrow-tr. A lAvtuiml
supply of email dainty nutr paptr is
u*m3*U> misty wed «julpp«l deck.
It HluraM match to ooitor and dniton the
wzWng psewr mod. bug Mould bo at
htom« ....
o'etoek. Professar T-
ait home."
Thurs^y ‘ evening* at
*” wdllaiso be at
The Macon Oleo O'ub, which is one
Sirtn-i m ?? t T * >pular orginlzn-
tllnns in Macon Uhls season, held a
«roi ne 5!Lat the homo of Mrs.
(Hull, on New street, last Tuesday
evenin«. The meetings Iheroalfter will
toto]* 1 J" t" concert hull of the Gear-
Mucno Houw every TuesAvy. The
members of the Glee Club nre most
enttiustotic tmd ere tong the publln
will nave the pVasilfl of attending
same of -the flnewt concerts ever given
In Macon. 'At the load meeting Mr.
Ogden, Miss Wise and Mrs. Thorn-
wn.l rendered seveiul Inatrumentai nnd
local select Ions with wonderful skill
""'l I"? meeting was a rhroughly dc-
•llghtful one for ull present.
t,ii Ir in. a ^f e * V 8urlor hM announced
™ Intention of giving another novel to
the public. In "Trilby" he touches light
ly on the subject of hypnotism, but he
has been heard to remark: "Psychical
subjects are .very fascinating, and In my
next book I want to troat something of
tho kind, blending with It rerfect human
characters, with every-day life for a
background." This naturally mokes us
enger for Mr. du Maurlor’s next work,
which wifi doubtless-be a long time com
ing, but may perhaps be less strange and
moro real than “Poter Ibbetson."
"To bo always young and pretty" is
tho motto of tho French woman's life.
Tho I arlslonno takes phenomenal caro of
herself. When sho gets up in tho morn
ing sho looks out of tho window, looks
in her mirror, puts on a matinee and—
goes to bed again-to eat a roll that Is
all crust and no crumb, and drink a
cup of coffeo that Is little more than
brown boiled milk. She reads tho paper,
has her loiters, receives tho tradespeople
who want to sell her goods or "do" her
hands, feet or hair, and idles, for her
health nnd beautiful youth, until noon.
Then alio takes a bath In the bottles on
her toilet table, and dresses for lunch
and an airing. She will convince you with
hor eloquence and exqulsltcncss that tho
English are crazy and tho Americans
mad "to be acting llko ducks with their
morning splashing." Her jacket l* lamb's
wool, bordered with whlto laco ovor green
or pink ribbon.
I have heard so many lovely compli
ments paid the tea given by Mrs. John
ston and Mrs. Reese last Wednesday af
ternoon, Tho decorations were unusually
artistic, and tho Introduction of music by
tho Mandolin Club at an afternoon re
ception proved to be a delightful and
very entertaining feature.
Mrs. Ross White's many friends are
glad to hear that she is rapidly recover-
lug from her recent Illness and will soon
be out again.
The ouchre pirty given by Mr. ana
Mrs. George Duncan on Thursday even
ing deserves all the charming things that
can be said of It. Mrs. Dunrmn Is tut
adept in the art of entertaining and showa
the most artistic tusto In her table dec
orations at all tlmea This party was
unusually elegant nnd elaborate and the
numbers of tho Cut Glass Euchre Club
scored another great success. There
wore between thirty and forty guests, and
the prise, were won by Mm. tVorthnn
Mrs. McCaw. Mr. James McCaw and Mr.
J. E. P. Stevens.
MaJ. J. F. Hanson* roturtiVd yesterday
from & two weeks' trip to New York.
i to be deceived; it’s an-
, mJ Eoying to have a poor ar
ia tide of shortening. You
w can avoid both by seeinjr
Will Put the Knife Through
We must have mbney. To realize money, we must sell a
big pile of goods. From now until Christmas any Lady in
Macon or surrounding counties, who wants a good dress, will
find it to th$ir advantage to come to the
No fine goods to be carried over this season.
Just a Few Specialties Mentioned-
Flne all-wool serge, the 89c. quality
for 49c. per yard.
Silk mixed covert dress goods, tho 75c
quality for 49c. per yard.
Fine black all-wool serge, the 90c.
quality for 49e. per yard.
Black silk warp Henrietta, the J1.50
quality for |L
All-wool serge In evening shades, the
65c. quality for 29c. per yard.
<B!ack Henrietta, the 35c. quality for
Just a few more pieces left of our
famous 56-Inch flannel for 25c. per yard.
Ladies’ doth, in all shades, the 75c.
quality for 49c. per yard.
The knife will go through the cloak
department. All of our fine ’$10 cloaks
will go for (5.
Just received: A big raft of beautiful
capes for Christmas presents, at low
Suitable presents for housekeepers.
A handsome pair of Chenille Por-
32.69, 33.95 and 34.25 each, worth double
the price. Beautiful Chenille and Ta
pestry table covers. We will sell them
aa low as 31.25 to S2.99-Just half the
former price.
Ladles' 50c. ribbed undershirts for
25c., (the best'In tho market.
Men’s 60c. Merino Undershirts for 25c.
Children’s and Infants' Undershirts
for 25c.
A big lot of men's 50c. unCaundcrcd
white shirts for 25c.
A big 8 line of silk handkerchiefs, hem
stitched and initiate, as low as 26c.;
fine, 121-2c. and 16c. handkerchiefs, for
Be. • - •
Now is your chance to buy flne hose
for a song.
31.50 and 31 hooe to go at 50c. per
Fast black hose for men, women nnd
children, 3 pains for 25c.
22 yards good Canton flunnol for |L
20 yards good Sea Island for 31.
22 yards good check homespun for 31.
?0 yard3 good apron check gingham
for 31.
20 yards good Outirg Cloth for 31.
Boys' lino suits, than sold for 30, will
go now for 32.50.
Boys’ suits, as low as *1.25; worth'
32.50. .
Fine caeslmeros for pants at one-liolf
price. |
Remember the Bee Hive fop bargains,
The Brownies in Fairyland" promises
to be the greatest event of the coming
week, as Ui* preparations for their in.
peoranee are extensive and elaborate. No
on. ahouM miss seeing the little elt-llke
beings who nre carrying the day In all
rile prominent cities.
A pretty white and sold picture framo
that your pail of COTTO-
| LENB hears the trade
• mark—steer’s head int
cotton-plant wreath
| —and be sure of having !
| delicious, healthful food.
| Other manufacturers try i
! to imitate COTTOLENE,
i that’sthehestreason why
I you waut the original
particle. Made only by
Lesser’s Bee Hive.
07 MACON, 0A. "
H. j. JAresr. a«. b. Turpin.
President. VIcPmlduL
J, W. CabulM, Cashier.
We solicit the business ot merchant*
planters and banka, offering thus
courtesy, promptness, safety and liber
ality- The largest capital and surplus
of any bank In Middle Georgia.
H. I. Inmar, President: Oso. B. Tor.
lilr. Vice-President; J. w. Caban lea.
Cashier; D. U. NelUgea, Accountant.
Interest paid oa deposits , per cent,
per annum. Economy 1s the road ts
wealth. Deposit your savings any they
will fee increased by Interest. Com
pounded semi-annually.
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