Newspaper Page Text
liberals are frightened.
.* *
Eccent Conservative Victories Have
Had a Very Demoralizing
flatfoar Will Demand a Statement of
tlae Government’! Pool lion—Reform,
Not Abelitlon, the Proboble Policy
—Albert Edward’s Diplomacy*
Pax 8.—The defeat of the
liberal party's ooadJdsto'n tho rye eloe-
Uoo In Forfbmhin, (toil the Bring or
I/.rxtsny drisoai of Lincolnshire
bis struck * eb'.tl to the hearts of tho
liberals. Hie OJJnouitMmout of tlio
result* to the BV** dietr.ot fell a
jmU upon too crown assembled to the
Nut&aaaJ Liberal Club. Thaw Liberal
ScftaMs are hdl<l to prove Uiat toe oru-
nado of too party against the house of
fouls nnd to favor of too deefttabHrii-
snent of toe church to Wale*, arc fall-
In* of effect sgaiDst tlu. martian to
ward* too unVmlst policy, eepectolly
to rejgud to too iwrfal r■forma toltlhled
by Mr. Joseph OtontoiwSatn. Tho oon-
servnit'.vo orttah.zers attribute too suc-
ccm of their lorty’a ea mil (lores to too
uoniblnoil ojMtxtious of numerous Ul-
sta- delegates* who arc now paid to not
m aanvnswm to every part of the
KngJMt oounIHuehcy. The opinion
partUla to L liural circle* rhaft the cab-
loot must recoil*‘hr Its position.
A mwvoinent wn* dUirteil today by
ilie Nathmul IJlieral Club, wh cto Ih
Btoomfly nupportcd by tho party gen
erally, tlonximliiiR ttwfc the (xtolnot
summon a. general media* of too Lib
eral members of too liouso of com
mons 11* tlic pun*»o of aacoctu.nto*
tJi« txmH wimIWoci of nualrH.
icjjy, tfio covernjmi'nt tvrtsiluH a major-
UV of flfttvn to the house, bat too ee-
(iWdon of Mr. Homy Ibhourhcttto nod
Wr Ottarttw Dike Is I lire.Plum'd unless
«iey are mttlHlW.1 iWmt the album's
meiiMirc ft* the rettirtitow of the house
of lonto bn* tlio Adherence of at lcaftt
twelve mdhvils. The Uwhnon toB de-
ohm' their intention to vote w.ut tho
iralen wih If the artU-lord* ros'lut.-m ob-
mine the proortlewe of the l««ue ml®
in'tisure to too eat<;demtU«i of the
front**. Tho (jovenimeut obviously w.ll
Hill utiVee tin' mfflefll* he placated,
oral, to any event, w H bo to continual
peril of tho tormatam of a oMltoon be
tween the uulon'et* and L’anueUlloi.
WlthUv the cabinet discord undoubt
edly pvtatx u* to tho treatment of the
house of lueds matter, from! Rosebery,
ILord and the lOarr of Kimber
ly. with Mr. Gladstone In tho baek-
around. are tn favor of reforming the
peer*; while Mr. OimpbrU-Itann- rman,
Mr. Aaqulto. Mr. Morley arol Blr Will
iam Vernon Horcourt advocate tho abo
lition of the tipper hoiuw. Bo far have
th.eo ministers’ view* advanced that
*hey claim tt would be fori Hell and mls-
ohtevmia to mnlntaln a nepood ehnm-
1..* Whether hrrdltary or elective, mid
ittMli If any 4w allowed to exist It must
not be vested with power to override
the legislation adopted by tho first.
It M Pivhahle that <hv ministers will
mwi the party with prop-nils relntive
<o the houae of lord*, which will se
cure to© adhesion of the radicals.
Mr. Daltonr will te*t tin* strength
of the government at the eoniHlg soft-
slon by moving an amendment tn tho
nddreiw In reply to the apeech from the
throne, lunWtlng upon the Immediate
neceaeny for the pmduotlon of tile antl-
jordiV propoeaie. The opposition will
have a very rtrong c»»o. a* raxonllne
to every proecdont of the house of com
mons, when *ny great ixmatltutlonal
chanse la announced ft shall bo dealt
with without delay. If the government
“h ill prove to have n Imre majority
dtaeolutlon win be Imperative.
The Prince of Wnltw has taken heart
ily to Hi* dhdomsitle mime. Inotead of
resting overnight In Lon.kin, his royal
bighareH liiudetwnl to Windsor, whero
CVaunt Tomlelll-nrusaal do Versuno. the
reining Italian ambaosador to Great
Britain, who U to eiioceed Raron dc
Muroohnftl ns Itnlluu iimMseadnr at
Mt. ivierslimv. wa« lielng cnterlnliHil.
JatiI Rosidwry raid tho Karl of Kim
berly were iiIbo nt Wlndnor. Betoro
tho retiring nnibnoandor left toe csislle,
lie had on Interview with Lonl Kim
berly nod milwciiuently tile nueen
granted nn oudteneo to Ulo mince,
the cornu and the two mltilateru. Tho
Snfemico genemlly drawn from their
Interview la that tho Anglo-Russian
rapprochement Is not Intended to ntfeet
In any way tho relations betweun tho
ipnermneiitn of Oreat Urftaln and
, Tho dmul'.oncoua preeenco of four
general*, represented by the queen, rho
Prince of W:il«-s, the Duke of York
and too utter’s at Windsor Is a
fact unique in She hia'jory of. toe Ett-
g.lsh monarchy.'
The comunleatlr/ns fro mtlhe Porto
to the British foreign omce indicate
tout the line of defense td be pursued'
r.-xrirUlng ohe Armenian atrocities will
be that the Armetitun* and Kurds, were
eng.igv.1 In dvfl war t«nH toot out
rages were oonsmitted by both skies.
Turkis brewulsxs were called u;»u to
suppress the foul], and 11 reflag toe
Armenian* ctttrcnohBf oaJlof upon
thorn to surrender. Tti • Armenian* re-
fUH<-d to comply with toe demand and
were toereujton uittlsckeU by this troops,
who were ah Unit repulsed. It M ad
mitted that n number of Armenian*
who «urrender»1 upnn' being ottered
pardon for itocir Shore In toe disturb
ances were executed, but the stories
that forty-*!* villages were stormed by
too droops tttat they mlgWt murder
toe mtile Irthcilblthnfa end outrage toe
wr/mui hrr deidtsl. Bekl Pasha, wiki
wui« in command of the forces Chat are
said to hove committed toe oulrttges,
duiused ddiks wvxnen win*, were lu'ken
prlsonoiu by the Turkish troops to be
elnsely guarded. The ton, 1t la said.
Is desirous limit sev-ro punttotnent
shall be mctrtl out to Ibbse guilty of
consmittflig the outrage*.
The Speaker, spooking of toe sub
ject, irvya toait if toe pr/rle Khali do
no'IMug In toe matter, toe only alter
native will be a European occupation
of 'Armenia. '.V preeendent for this
slbp, the paper says, will be found In
toe pyendh occupation of Syria, subse
quent to toe nwissaore of toe Mvursilte*
and Ohrlsrtann at Ikrmascus 1n 1RG0.
The Yachting World, 1n spnaklng of
toe ynohl to be built for lord Dun-
nxven »ir too purpose of o-OtostlnK
for too Amertra cup, shy* It will prob
ably combine too good points of toe
Vigilant; and Brlfhanty. Hh« will be a
keel, not ccntro-hoaaM, osd will have
more beam and a hMlower floor tinan
too Brtttwnta. has.
Lord Dunnaven will shortly bring
nctlhn against Mr. A. D. Clarke,
owner of toe ■Satonitti, for damngos
In too a hiking of bis lordship's yacht
Valkyrie last summer.
•Mr. Gladstone will go to toe Riviera
to January.
iDoniilUann Bros., too Glasgow SMp
owners, deny too recently rlrvtfatf'1
rum'or' that) they are tthout to trains!.
for too Almork'Ufl fenmltliis of Ithelr
lino from Montreal to Boston.
Oh.Vn.Go W.ll Tlay TojipoVv* 'n tho
Ynns-'Ike-KIsng River.
Unodfrn, Dm. H.—ll'tio (vrrri'aj»»mlint
of too (-until N.ivvh at S!t:utgii:i' tele-
rmiflis theiit too newly nipp'lu'iil Nan
kin viceroy will miiko mmiy Nihnges
among Mm oflle nls under 1C* cwntrol.
It le also «ihl Mint ho Intends to !n-
or.ilse too mnnlMir of forts on the
Ymig-’l'stsiatmg river mul to platv.
more. loriCxloes In that, with
tho InitOBSOn of rendering Its navlwi-
tkin umro illtUoult uiul Unugerous for
fbinilgn vessels.
A now mlinlral lias lteen niipointed
to tlio ooinunuitil of tho Nan-Ynng, or
senMieni squadron of Olitnn.
TOio Ufllef !s general among tho Oil -
mso flint tlio JjapancHe fleet will visit
toe Yattg-'lVio-Klnng river during the
Tltoraton IVkinteil to ILrib Summerlin
of Ills Money.
Althntn, Deu S.^IlucR Thorimm nnd
twtt ncMompHws wont to W. T. Sum-
meltin'* house hi nuitil.em osinty Inst
night to immler h'.m ninil to got his
rnornty. Thornton otttoanl tho hmuse
and shot SiumninTu. 'Kio Unitor giiip-
plol wlrtli Tltorurton and stuldsxl lCm.
WhlK. liley were flgliUnc; Summerlin's
Klstortnd uv thmilnl h m a gtui and
Sunitmirfln rikit Thotnitoti. The latter
fell n t!h« jnnl and d ol In Ixilf nn
hour. Up to Uuut thuo It sniqswi'il
tlxvt lie was a nuiro. Ills mwiuplav*
wmi(kv1. Smumorlln will ille.
Rev. Conrad Ilaney Was Lovable,
Though Unattractive, i
Chicago. Dec. 8.—Rev. Conrad Haney,
who bad been pastor of the Lake Ave
nue Evangelical Church la the aristo
cratic part of the city called K on wood,
slneo he 0rgan.l7.ed lu 1890,
eloped lust night whh the wife of
fitr>rge W. Brandt, manager of tho
PrhSj Baking I’owder Comiuny, with
whom he bad been Intimate for sable
time. Tlie elopement was different from
the oonvoirtlonel kind,, as it came af
ter the exposure of their retaUona by
the proprietor of tho Sherman House
earlier In the day. Mr. Brandi was the
central figure In a stormy scene, and
hi* warning to die minister to gdi out
of the city within twelve hour* was
bended ahead at time,, the guilty wo
man accompanying him,
Haney left a wife In almost destitute
circumstances, besides bdlng heartbroken
over the dtcxrace. Four 'children are also
left to be token ear's of. :,The pastor took
with him everything In the way of money
and valuables that he cop Id | a y Ms hands
on. He Is S5 years old and unattractive,
while Mrs. Brandt Is very attractive. He
left a letter confessing Ms sin and ask-
lng the prayers of his friends. Recently
ut the request of Landlord Merce, a
member of tho late Professor Swing's
congregation, Haney preached tn Central
Music Hall and there was talk of calling
him to the vacant pulpit. He graduated
from the Northweatom University as-ft
Methodist, and after being pastor at
Sherman, Tex., came to Illinois, where
he had several charges.
Tho Murderer Carried to Altlanta. for
Atlanta. Dec. 8.—Jo© Dean', tho negro
mrho kHM A. IB. <U4gh im, CfUTV^ell
courtly 1a*t fititourday. wm amwicnl ut
TnfUapoc** tonkfht. A few mlnuteu af
ter bis arrest he was put on a tram
and brought to Ailunta fur avfe-kecp-
Inz. He would ceanalm3y have been
lvwdhed If taken, to Campbell county. He
says he wanted to get the old man’s
monev. Ho states that he would huve
killed tin.' daugrbler (had It not been for
1lhe resistance of : M1so Sallie LHffh, wiho
selxed n ehr*tgun Bind; flretl at him. Dean
was hiding In a *iie@ro'S hbuse when
caught. III« Ititonded to leave tonight
for Alabama. -
Waterworks Bond* Defeated—'Plenty of
Vcfto Buying.
Oolumbus, Chi.. Dec. 8.—Columbus to
day bad an eleotion for eight aldermen
nnd to detemrtne toe Issue of i350,ttM>
of bonds for toe purchase at u site nnd
oM'rtMoti of watawurtts. The Columbus
Wttlterworks CumumoHy. nc»w suisplylng
toe city, made a strong light against
toe bonds, and considerable money was
used. It ivus a great day for negroes,
who were bought openly by both sides.
Bonds were defeated, wit secuMing Kh»
itiWO-OMlds of toe res'lstered vote re
quired by law. It to stated toot atMttier
t'leoUot* for bonds will be held u tter the
oxipiiirajtwn of «lxty clays. Alt midnlprht
the counit! 4s noH finished, nnd tho exact
vote cannot toe gilven.
AT THB Y. M. C. A.
Detective Wood Gives a Plausible Theory
Of the Case.
In yesterday morning’s Telegraph a
special was published telling of the find
ing of the body of a man twenty miles
from CItra, Fla., with six bullet holes In
bis breast and head. The special further
stated that the man wore a detective's
badge and had a card In his pocket cer
tifying that ho was a detective of an In
dianapolis detective agency and that the
name of T. J. Miles, South Macon. Ga.,
was found on his person; also the name
Turner with the initials so badly blurred
as to be illegible.
Miles was eupposed to be Thomas J.
Miles of South Macon, who Is a moulder,
but Inquiry reveals the fact that ho Is
at Dublin, alive and doing well. No other
T. J. Miles or Toro Miles is known in
South Macon.
Now cornea Detective Wood’s story,
which either makes the affair still more
mysterious or solves the whole mystery.
Detective Wood says he was down at
Dublin three weeks ago and while there
stopped at ttoa ssmf hotel oa a man
named Miles, or at least who waa passln
under the name of Tom Mile* He was
thrown with Miles several times and on
one occasion remarked thar ho was a
detective and showed his badge. When
he did so Miles also showed a^badge and
said he. too, was a detective and that his
name was not Miles, but Turner. The
two detectives talked and finally Miles
told Detective Wood that ho had only as
sumed the na/me of Miles in order to con
ceal his identity and that he was about
to start to Florida to capture a man
named Nou, who was wanted in Laurens
county for the murder of a woman. Tur
ner said ho had received information
from a woman that Neu was at a certain
point In Florida and that ho was going
after him. He insisted on Detective
Wood going with him, saying that Neu
was a desperate character and ho would
need help, but Detective Wood had busi
ness in Macon that demanded his atten
tion and did not go* The detective says
that the description given In the special
from Cltra fits Turner and ho feels cer
tain that he Is the murdered man
“Towo-mw is my husband's birth
day, and I wamlt to nrmuvsco some pleas
ant IItitle minpiiteo for him.” Fr’.end—
“Why ndt lot h’m Inure the larit word
onoe?”—<Chicago Inter Ocean.
-the greet, griping,
nauseating pilL
Iu this enlightened
*gv you hero Dr.
Pierce’s Pleasant Poi
nts — better becauso
.they’re the smallest.
eeaiMit to take and
easiest in their action;
better bocauso they do
(usft'np good.
Thoy nave a tonio
effect on the lining
mombranet, and per
manently curs Consti
pation, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Hick or Biliotis Headaches,
NervousixM, and every deraugemeut of the
Uver, stomach, and bowels.
Cedar Rapid*. Jouxi.
Da. n. V. Planes: fkAtr Sir- Hr whole
system scorns to have undergone a change—
since taking' 1 Pleasant Pellets.” My nerves are
wonderfully improved and I no longer have at
tacks of “ the blues.” It is wonderful, tho good
the “Pellets” have done my Uver oomphunfe.
Rev. H. P. Reese Will Cowducft toe
Mew's Meeting.
Rev. H. P. Reese Will Hdfttrets toe
ytwuur men’s meeting Mils wRernoon ait
8:?.0 o'clock. Subject: "Ctitottiron Union."
Mr. Ret«e Is a moat IntaresISmg noil ln-
Htruitivo speaker, and a lange atitetid-
onoe is desired.
The Ladles' Auxiliary Society will
bold tts monlthty meeting tomorrow rf-
iternoon <vt 3:S0 In toe Y. M. C. A. hall.
Among other things arnuiKcenenls will
be made fbr a Now YrtuBs recopIMon to
be ffivon tn t'ho inerribcrs of toe associa
tion. The ladles of itlio city mho ore not
members «t Mile auxiliary, and who de
sire 10 aM ttv ntaklnw to® nesodadon
more eltttneetlve Ito toe young men, are
cordially .nvdtcd to be pnesent at the
mcdtlnw itamonrow. The association la
guawlmg In iiVtatcut uikI ninmlier* every
daiy. -Mr. O. A. Park, u member of the
mombetslhlp coinmJtitee, secured idx new
immlbera ycSUirday to leas than nn
hour's wtork.
The Bible clnss brut a moSt pletisanlt
surpitlse loslt rttehlt. Alt toe dose of toe
lesson, a* tlhe younlg mein begun to dl«-
pei'se. they were willed buck, too books
were rdmowed from tlhe uuble, and a
»tv«st iWtoiius outlay of fruits were
ilproad fry a mouther of “he olasa It
to meltloro 10 ray tlhait the surprise was
na plearurtt no if was unexpected.
Dr. H. IV. Walker, dentist, SM Secerd
street (ovor Solomhn’s Jewelry store),
Macon, Ga.
Miss Florrio Johnun of West Point,
Ga, Is visiting her sister, Mrs, p.
Dennis, on Tattnall Square.
Limit. Lindsay of the United States
army. Ninth eavalry, stationed nt Fort
Roberson, Neb., Is In tho city visiting
Sirs. A. E. Seifert and family, who
have been spending tho summer In New
York, vrtll arrive In tho city today and
take up their residence, at tlio Hotel
JBev. O. IF. Clavham
A highly esteemed clergyman of tho 31. E,
church, pastor ot the Church Creek
clrcultln DorohesterCo.,Marylan(l,wrltesi
“C. I. Rood & Co., Lowell, Mats.:
“I feel lta duty to tlio piddle to send this
certlOcate. I saw In n Philadelphia paper
a letter from n man who liad suffered from
Muscular Rheumatism
and had been restored by the use of Rood’s
Sarsaparilla. I had tlio grip In the winter
ol ’01 and ’02 so severely that It deprived
roe ot Uie use of my arms so that my wllo
Imd to dress and undress me, and when
nwny from homo I had to aleep In ray
clothes. 1 tried Oto doctors and not ono
accomplished anything. Then I saw the
letter alluded to nnd determined to try
Hood’s. Ilcture I had taken one bottlo I
had tho uso ol my arms, thank God.
These are facts and can he verified by
many persons hero. J. 31. Colston,Church
Crock, supplied tne with Rood’s. 1 am
pastor of tho 31. K. church here.” 0. w.
t’LAi'HAU, Churoli Creek, Maryland.
Hood’s Pills ore prompt andeffldont,
yet easy In action. Sold by all druggists.
Thousands of new goods added do
Lyons’ stock far Che holiday trade,
■Which our buyers, wtoo are now In the
Northern unarketa, (have been sending
us to the past week, picked up at half
their -value.
Ait 12 l-2o—600 yards heavy gray
dcbue-avidtlh Wool Suitings.
At 12 l-So—750 yards Wool Btoon
Serge ,1n navy, black and brown mix
tures; worth double.
At 250—250 yards adlswool Ladies'
Cloth, In gray mixtures, navy, black
and brown, the same quality goods
sold at 50o the first part of the season;
they are 38 inches wide.
At 33c—Fine (Imported French Serges,
In different shades. Including navy and
block; they ere 10 inches wide: they
were tlhe 60c quality the drat part of
the season.
At 15c—10-Indh wool plaid Dress
Goods, in rich oombtaajtlon of color
ings, usually sold ait 35c and 25c.
At 6c—One case Heavy Suitings, ’ In
stripes and plaids, for children's and
women's dresses.
At 330—350 yards Wool Tbrtan
I’lalde, In very rich cotarings, for com
bining purposes, reduced from 50c.
At 81.25—Ninety-five Wool Novelty
Suits, eight yards 1n too patterns; they
are 38 Inches wide, including English
Tweeds, Serges, 1 Burettes and; Hen
riettas; they are worth double wWat
we ask for them, and make a desira
ble present for the holidays.
At 75c—Elghty-flva handsome SaRne
Dresses, in a great assortment, rich
stylish pnttemn hen yards In the pat
tern; they are the same goods that le
retailed off the piece for 15c nnd 12 l-2c.
'At 4o—One case lnldlgo blue turkey
red Dress Prints to put on Mile tomor
row as long as they last.
Great closing out sale of -Splashers,
Tray Cove-ra and Bureau Covers ait
prices never approadhed before.
One tot Uwa Stamped Splashers to
be closed at 5c, worth 15c.
One lot linen damask Bureau Sotrfs
with omdlrKil and blue-colored borders,
to be closed «t 15c; value 35c.
Handsome Tray Owens, in a variety
df patterns, to be closed at 19c; usually
sold alt 35c and 40o
X/aTge vartety of Bureau Soarfs at
prices never naimed before.
'Bpeclnl eaJIe o fllheso goods Mils week
at prices never equalled (heretofore.
Drummers’ Samples, big role. iat ono-
thtrd Khelr original value, In <uTl sizes
nod grades. Now Is a good chance for
housekeepers to save money in mak
ing their purchases.
At 15o—(Will put on sale half case
Utica Bleached Bed Sheetlnc, that so
TOlny of our customers hfrvo been
wanting patiently for: usually sold at
25 cents.
Remnants Table Datmnsk, In both
white and turkey red, from 1 1-2 yards
to”3 yards; will bo Closed mudh below
Old and young men, see CaOlfornfu
doctors. Fourth street, opposite old
ttuholtc church.
130 & 132 Pearl Street,
Stocks, Bonis and Grain Bought-and Sold
or Carried on Margin.
P. S.—Send for explanatory
circular on speculations; also
weekly market letter. (Free.)
Closing out dhUMrecv’s and ladles’ Knit
Goods at lesi than hMf what toey cost.
At 19c.. one lot chltiren’a wuol l:nlt
hoate; wtjttth 2Sc.
Alt 23c.. orJo lot ChlWran’s wool and
silk (hoods: formerly sold for from 50
to 75c.
At 25c.. one Id children’s underveets.
assorted, sizes: uraally sold at 50 to 75c.
Ax 15c„ one lol children-’* wool under-
veelfl, tansorted sizes; sold' prior to'ihwi
Kile at 35 and to.'.
At GO c.. one lot ladles’ knit Shoulder
capes: formerly tiold, nit 81 amSl 81.25.
Ait 89c.. about 50 tadloa’ urjtarsiiite,
vests and panda; reduced front 81-25.
At 23c.. ladies’ ihetavy plain arid rlbbel
undervestls: reduced from 35c.
At 13c.. ladles’ ■wood ribbed under-
voars: reduced from 75c.
50 pairs odd sets lace criptailne to be
closed out from 25c. to 50c.; no pair in
the lot tlbalt to not worth from 31 to 32.
This Is a gobd chance ito get a pair vf
curtains for a mere trifle.
Anofh'er week of bargains in lh>ae
>attcnllle table covers, rarSSh ball knot
ted fringes, ait 19c., 680., 08c. and 81.25
for extra large size.
O1.0 lot ladles’ rat’d children's water
proof gossamuera lobe dosed out at 60c.;
formerly slid alt 31 omd 31.25.
Big odd lot broken sizes In bath black
aWd colons. ebSMrem’s base, full regular
made, to toe dosed out nt 10c.; usual
price 25 to 40o
Carpets, Rugs raid Maltitdngs and Art
Wo <loiibt If you will have sucih an
other chance of’buying any of the above
named goods at prices fflta* we are now
ctoatos thorn.
60 pieces fancy China and Japanese
matting, edtrattmivy wefeHts, Ito -be
closed out Ht 12 l-2und 15c. This Is itlio
At 18c.. 25 rolls Inlaid Japanese mot
tling, 'the 35c. quality.
At 23e.. 20 rolls Mnem warp famey and
n«w defllcrw Japanese matting; usually
sold at 40 to 50c.
50 Wilton and Brussels rugs, large
size, to toe ctxsed cult alt 98c.; value SI.60
to 82.
Mojlbo the boy wants a su’Jt. Notv la
your chance. Wo are c.loekng cult nice
suits far 75c.. 98c., 31.25. 31.43, 31.75 and
32 -for am odd -suit. We oan save you
frig money these brand times.
Tl.oy a»v> broken lota it’s only a queo-
tkon to get one to fit you. They ore
worth double rand ‘triple whole wo ask
for fthom.
25 dozen, anon's and boys' four-in-hamd
ties, good fall patterns, tlo be closed out
nit 5c.
You can pick up lots of goods fjr very
Utile money, it you tooke ’through our
htook. ias wo rare dtaslng thousanda of
goods cut alt half 'their arjglml cos’.
All oammiuniimlSlons dtrvat
W. C. Lyons, 613 Cherry street. Wolff
(z 'Hnpp.
Wolff & Htpp, 553 fcrj St, i C. Lyons & Co.’s Old Stand.
Would be less annoyance than a shoe that don’t tit.
No. 513 Cherry St., Macon, Ga.,
that fit and last, and by making your purchases of this firm you may in somo
• future day save up the above amount. WE STILL LEAD IN LOW i’RICES
and for the next twenty days in order to reduce our extensive stock we will Rive
a reduction of 15 per cent, on all Roods In our house.
Remember only th# BEST OF SHOES aro handled by us and everything acid is
cuaranteed to be first class by tho
We will not ask you to wait until after Christmas for Bargains. Come right along and reap
the benefit of the cut prices we are now offering in many departments. Surely from the list of arti
cles quoted below you can find something to suit some of your people. No mother, whether for
Christmas presents or for every day use
Is Strictly i tt"
‘In It”
50 Suits
I Uacttcff TroncU ritvtt. IXtrat fttyto.
IAT <*• have J««t, A3 KrScUy Notr York
cost, tlfioatlft# ofenitrtf fttal
33 l-3c.
1 IS Ptocto 38-lnoh sB wool Rngtlsli
Dhavtaa. roiucul Rom <0 wntl 60o.
10 tflooes 38 tori, WrrsBoo* weal Soil-
rfttuo«l from «oc.
30 ptoOM tfuicy Fronted, FJsbwls, fast
col hr*. roOuatM. from 13c.
Bos out JOOnwSi EcoteK tJuDtfcags. Now
gootlft SCyOlstt oriorlrigs.
100 Silk Qlaria. 31.23 Umbrella* at 00c.
Oum k tfw Block of Macon ©any.
FVnoy Ttofitauui 75a to %L
black Doithc** Rha Uit-Tvir*, Moirea, anil
Attnunt tat pkins nn .Vsk to
ct'e our Drui»«ry iMk» on bargain count*
Larce utssretmeflit. Near cctoinyre.
lowest prfcx** b\>r fooucy. virork, etc.
Jiu/L la.
Dress Trimmings.
Now styta Jot frortlB, JA Sacra, Jot
l'•'lilts. Largo osaortmcnc colored uril
black gimra at 75c. to- 31 duo. Bilk
velvets 31 to 33 p«r jurel, any color,
Children’s Mittens.
Apron Goods.
White lace-rarifrcfl Apron Lawns 12 1-3
and 13a lord.
Now CtuK-k hluallna 5. 8. 10c. >-»nl,
for Christmas aprons.
Kid Gloves.
AS color, roses' and children's hook
or button. 31 ami up. Lvvry pair guar-
Gents' fleOX-Hned anl plain Kids
Art Goods.
Ttrtted Table Covers. Idnen Art
Squares In lace effects, fringes, fancy
(Snr co\-era, felax laundly bugs, cot-
ored crochet ooaion, otc.
New lot Evening FaJia just in. Make
nice presertta.
i2 l-2c.
Bent Sthtsla In town for the juice.
Special itttnroitjHi In httlfce* twoi>icced
mill at $1. Bi*r nxiuoLfcvn tn ohDdren’e
vmis, partts coxi wrappers. Gee our odd
ldt ‘Utodeinvear on center counter, 25c.
and Si.
Brat aasosdmerit. Will sett our IS.50
qualisy at 3130. Our 53 quality at 34.
Our 33.50 quality alt 35. And guarantee
them cheaper than anybody's. All fancy
cotton Comforts at cost
Cheap Cantons.
8a. quairty 31-Sc.; 10c. quality 8c.;
12 l-3e. quality 10c. Xhe prices talk.
Come and see.
Gets good Skirt Canvas
Immense stock ladles’ and children’^
50c. <toz. up. La»Mra’ all-ltoan heorv
studied 10c. Gents’ silk lnhlal 76c.
Horidkerohiofs at 60c. each. ElegnnS
Hue tadle*' fancy embroidered goods,
for Christmas.
Table Damask.
10 pieces extra bleached and unbleach
ed at 49c. I'aml; marked down from 50
and 60c. Our 3t25 Damask at 31, with
Napkins to match.
At coot. 20 yards Sc. Sea Island 31;
14 yards 10c.. yard-wide bleahlng for
31: 20 yards 8c. apron Ginghams for 31;
all SndJgo and Turkey-red Calicoes 6c.
i-ntd. Goal Chocked Homespun 6c,