Newspaper Page Text
tilnk that under the exiting law wo
alntuly bore ttx> much silver, It pro-
. circulate freely
PUBLISHED EVERY DAY IN THE'YEAR'I ^ ^^ ^ 1 couat *y I***"*®
the government, while not guaranteeing
Office 569 Mulberry Street.
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free, 60 cents s month; 11.75 {or three
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FHK TELLGKAl'ri—Trl-Weekly, Mon.
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buhhcripti GNU—Payable in advance
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CXIMMimiCATIONS should bs addressed
snd all orders, checks drafts, etc., made
payable to TUB TELEGRAPH,
Macon, Os.
II. 'NwwmHin—Oloalng out sole.
•Munyan—Munyon’s Riimudlsa.
Hammond & Co.—tttockst and zonds.
T. J. Amleraon-Cemietary MM.
.Round PtSAlo Works—itoipural f,ir Bids.
eta«»iifc3ne OhsuWr—Notice to mwn
■Abe I/wscr— Big drtve to dry goods.
Jivmes T. Hodl. revolver—Xnras oallo of
C. <!. Hott’n dUlr;k.
. Ariat/lJc Cicut. time—Ghent routo to
•Now Yodt,
Olty of iMncon—<Nollice to (Merchants.
Ntdom (ticornmn & Co.—Tho Nln
Hand Co.
nu.tusltry Rsvbtga and Idle Iretureinoa
(Vmipsmiy—In.v<wttm«rtt ond innurtuvoc.
tyjty at iMiionn—oVtiWoe owl ,«f fiscal
W. C, Lyons, nsinngcr—Big dry goods
It'ilf Sims & Bro.—tA Footnote, ,
It, F. Srrulfli—X<m»* at Oho iPViIr.
Tile position |u wMoli the tnxinury
Hilda if«« is nlumit this; i t :n roce'.v
lug fttun all sources of revenue tvlddi
liave tieeti pnyrldcd by congress ut lonst
live million dollars li-w ;n‘r tnantli than
It to idillgud to piiy out muter npjiro-
prtatiauti rondo by oongrtws. Mint Ih
to toy, fit in dtmdUy OnilnlMg Ms re
sources to tlib exltout of flvo million
•I'dlarH a month, and theso resources
uro now tvmrn in lively mrkill. This Is
bad eiKwigh, If It were the only disad
vantage under wide* Iho'tntwury to
working, Hut them Is number oveu
more Important. It Is resjamalblo for
the mkmgftlon on demand In gold of
iiluil* five liundn-d ndil'on lU.lhirx of
pwper notes now outstanding. Under
the law. It Is not only compelled to ro
ll rwn Hi mo tiptoe lu gold, but to iirauo-
i II a I el y pay oitt lhe notes again for tbo
ourront exprerus of .13io gorerutnonL
1Jruler too present clmimistatuve, It
uviuM *0 obliged to ilo ttils area if tho
kuw did no* 00m n uuul Unit ft do so.
Tint treasury, therefore, Is under n
doublo dtrnln. Tit Is tbreiUoucd with
hmkruphny bdviuse It Is attending more
dian it moolmw, at tho nuno timo that
It Is compelled tt> take extitiorldlimry
measurai to enuluitlu U10 gold rewervo
und Urns prraerro tlio partly of too
ourronoy. Km posllton Is ufmur-ns bad
ns tltot of ttw treusnry of a grewt na
tion of nlmont IncxhnusKblo rosoaitwa
(valid be. In view of this ftuit. It Is
.hard to Iwllovo ttiat tho law-making
body, nwi*ann*Ut> fur Olio condition in
wtlrloli too tretisury finds Itself, will ro-
fuse to avme to its refltef. Yet wo are
told Hfcvt ttusw Is a likelihood that tt
w'.U so refuse. If so, being eoutrollal
by Mia Drauocratlo party, the pcopdo
will bo oonvuuwl toot too party is en-
tii-oly Incompithuit to inanltgo too af
fairs of Iho country.
A refusal to cams to tlto treasury's
rfllef uni arise from only ono of two
causes. First, that a Tory considerable
rmnfbar, or a majority. In congress not-
ni.lly duolro to tonv tho goronuuent
to toil la Its premdres to redeem tin
notes, and alms bring tba country to
a silver tesla .without I bo oousont of
tho people. Tlio other, that factional
feeling lias risen to suoh-u intat that
neither side is willing to wvo the
country tty making even a tilglri saert-
flec of It* theories.
ComavnBUH'ii may rest nanxrod tliat
tb* pocplo of tills counlry are not go
wedded* to any theory of finance that
they are wltluig to bankrupt too gov
ernment in onlcr to sco It rut In pmo-
tloe. They sres no doubt toalsfied with
tho (EMM ourronoy system. They
^00 that umler It their credit Is being
greatly nl.uaod and the'.r Oct* Increased,
lirtt toough they want ft changed anil
differ among theanMctvea as to what
the change should bo, they will bo sat
isfied with any now sysusn which glees
.toon good tnoiaiy, enough of it, and
at tho same time rdHoTes tho treasury
Trent its present etnbarraashig position.
■Xho atm system' proposed hy Mr.
Curl slo does sot meet too viows of any
faction completely, but In providing
for retirement ths itenared notes of
tho govormusot fretn cinoulatlon by
putthig In tho ttink reseiTos tt
svSoves tho tmsory of too neocstsity
of furnishing gold fcr export, and that
Is a great gain. In prodding that nemo
of too now .notes tonll bo of h«s de-
somlnaUoa dan tea doUsrt, tt makes
room fior a great deal of diver money.
This may be good or bed, es men crete-
tatn ng dllfereM opinions on tbo s'lvcr
(luosttoD leolf at It, bat it oagbt to n<>
someth’-ng to pVvuto tlie ret-enituem
of extreme free silver men, while not
rxoitiQg She an uioslty of those who
them, ydl holds 11 fund tor tholr nv
dump it on. Rustics being wfo ootes,
tmrrenti ovarjTHtiere, they wJU bavo
BanK-tblng of tie “homing” (lutillty
which many think so nocumary.
A regai; rafon bll, such a» that
wldeh ban passed too'lower bouse of
the legislature, is a measure tvldch re
quires eorofuTwiiisIderatkm and full de
bate. It was very natural, therefore,
Ualt tlio *iti3tv, reeelv ng th s Mil at
such a late (lay in toe soadon, should
lay It atiide until nest summer. Tlio
Sfisutora no 'doiflit fc1f that their duty
required them to do more thfcun merrily
approve me work done by the bouse,
but lu faying the ibUl aside, we think,
nevcrttmlcm, they ufade a iidstakc. Tlie
olreumsaincus are pHsfllar. In tlwi
first place, too popular demand for re
form in .this dlreritlon is urgent. It
ought to be satisfied at the eattfett pos
sible moment. In Hie seamd place, the
bill as iKimed by M10 house is (he result
of very careful and earnest work, ex-
tending over a considerable period, by
men whoso ability and honesty cannot
lie questioned. In. too third place, It
1s oenlla'n tlitit, however oxrofully a
law of tills kind may tie drawn, It must
bo perfected after experience has shown
Its defeats. No man or sot of men,
however able and expertouoed, can sit
at ti ttilile and eonstruot a reg.Hi.i-.aiou
faav to lie applied uuITor the (vnidltlons
wliloli ex’lht. txi this mate, which will
bo perfout ' n Its opcrxttoas. Dio sen
ate otrnld do no more, therefore, than
euro Sonin of .the fiefedts which may
exist in too MU, whereas actual expe-
Kendo at nn etcotion will point out
most or all of three defects, which can
then be remedial. ..
There. Is no general election in too
state before too nexlt mioriting of tlie
legislature, but, i t <ls wrill known I tot
in tlie Tenth dlstrtiit an eieoMou of great
Imyprtnnc© will lie Held. It will be Cm
porlamt not only benauso it will bo «
trial of strength tKdiwerin tlie Denim
ciutH ond Foiml.sta hi tho d strict where
too fatter are stToiigitit, but binuiso
It Is an eleotlon bold for the expi-ess
purjioso of getting rhl of too corrupt
pnuutcns of tori fast etoot-ion. There Is
no |s«siu;uty of reaching a SatUsftie-
tory result lu the Tuntb illstr'et In the
abseuco of a regishiutton or election
touv wMch can be used to koeii Illegal
voles out of too tollo! Mix. It is Kkely
tlmt If no suoh 'law U enforced, toe
clootton will tie 110 lit. ire wvti.Mfaotory
lu its rreulta Uuu tlmt of fast month,
and will tic followed by incraised bit
terness and animus'ty between tho 0011-
.tcolBog parties in .tho district. If for
no other reason ilf.ui to secure a clean
eleotiou (u toe TeUtli dlstr'et, the ncu-
ttte slumld jmss tills bill. When it is
oertulu, hi add''I1..11 (<> lluut rreult, tlmt
that rteritior. will offer vtilunlile hints
as to tho manner In .which the new law
should be amended, the attgumeu/t In
fivrer of its pareage all tits sesSloti
Seems to us unanswerable. There is
everything to gain and nothing to lose
by prompt action by toe aonato on tl/is
Tho Mttoon Pirtvtto Llhrary is onritltvl
to «Iik> support of too people of Mtuwn.
It Is a publto 'inrif.tutlon, exists fl>r Itm
benefit of all the iiooiilu of the cOty,
aud Cm lndtsimt-.ibly an inllucnvc for
good. A liberal support will tax very
1'tlle too rreouroes of our people, and
In return too library will gtvo every
eourtrituicor mere limn uo cqulvnleiit.
Through die efforts of its otllecrs, too
llhrary is now almost mitfruly out of
debt, ami wo believe fa on the ovo of
a rapid improvonfent. It certainly Is
if It receives oven a iitho of too sup
port to wKVh It Is vnUtlcd. With
now books aiming fn. In nditltloa to
toe great number alntidy on its Bhdvvs,
It aan offer more for too nnney it asks
for Uh prrt-ilogos than any bimimxu os-
tti'bUshmedt iwh’.cli bays find satis In
Maoni. Wo ask the old mrimbera of
tlie library art 10 luivo fallen away frem
Its supiwrt to renew thrtr nlleg'anoo.
tnaajnartU not only bo providing them-
selvvs avith instrudUoa and entortoiu-
mont la doing so, Unit avlll bo perform
ing a public duty ns well.
Wo leave net Ivxw able to advocate
an appropriation by too teg'shiture for
tlio Atlnnra expos'Uon heretofore, bc-
oauao tvo could not sec how such nn
appropriation could bo lesiUy made.
But ttbo leglHkvtnre fvems now to have
discovered a now wuy, by
ing for drat purpose too direct tax
fund, ft owe fining tout there wUl bo no
further driufands upon it. If this as
sumption Is octree.’, If no chUmants
ocuo forward for this money, we are
free to say that wo do not know tout
It oould bo put to any better use thau
lu making u aisphy of tho state’s re
sources at tho'oxpotfiflen. The Atlanta
pcoplo, by their unity, entousiae«n and
enoegy In 'work tor tfidr city command
tho admlrwion of oveiybody, and wn
do not doubt Out tho cxposlrion avitlvh
they w'Jl provide next full will be
wvrthy of them, of tocCr olty, and of
the state. They do 60 mta* tor them-
selre* tout they are oaatoxl to toe
help of otficr pooifie. In a time of de
pression Use rills. It Is bdpftil to toe
whole state, end to too whole South,
tor toot matter, that they are hopeful
and cnthtafiastlre willing to sik'nd their
money and exhaust their energies In a
pubho work of so much imponhnee.
Tho example fa a good one, and too
plterit on toe people ounfido of Atlanta
will bo wlAv-prewd. CIVo MhuU not be
surprised If tbo Atfantu exposition of
1S03 marks the licginnlng of a revival
of iHwimns and erworprldo fn die South
memorable for ltg strengdi.
The South Oirollnn I(-glKfature, in
ouOlrig down the s.i[ariwi of state off!
oafa fiO per cent, sbbavs d ditqxxdtloa
to carry into practice too economic the
ories on which moat of Its members
were elected, und is therefore com
mentloblo to extent.
But ft may tie seribusly dotfbted
whether, w tii tho state odlciiiW sala
ries ranging from *1,000 to ?-',200,
South Carolina will bo able to secure
the servlets of competent men in her
state house. Men of a high order of
ability ure not opt to outer the publ'c
service ni KHurtos such as these when
their talents can ooamjtind In private
life ,twv> or itbrao times as much re-
mi.ncraij'011. There is such a thing as
“ at too spigot and at
toe bung,” ond Sooth Carolina may
discover this fact before long, though
It is difficult to bril'eve that sho will
get lute lier offices men less lilted to
fill them watt ithnn those she has bad
In them during, toe last three or four
Many Curious .Relics Found In Mary
land—A Proposed Monument.
An Annapedls, MI., d!apatc,ti of No
vember 17 says; A discovery has been
made In too records of Anno Arundel
county Which Is of interest to the
6,000,000 of MefhridlBts In tWs country.
It In In the hind records and Is a deed
bearing the date of April 5, 17S3. It
was -mride by Rtchanl Jones, and tt
conveyed one acre of land in Nicholas
Rldgeley, Grcenbury Ridgeley and
Thomas Ijoims of Anno Arundel coun
ty, 'and Seth HyaJtt, Shadririk Turner,
Benjamin Waters and Thomas Duval
of Prince Goorgo county, as trustees,
for the eonsldorartlon of 5s.
The land is desorlbeid as "lying on
lithe dwc-lllrtg phinitatUm of Richard
Jones,” and “also ttivat .house ’ixtete
erected itihercon for toe use of toe
Methodist re-.-ibher — en-catled — to
gether wltH oil toe iwooda.” The deed
toontlrrues: “NOvertoeless, upon spe
cial trust and confidence, and <0 toe
Anlereyt that they, too said trimtres,
for the time being, do tand Shall per
mit such persons as rihnll be appoint
ed at the yearly conference of the
people commonly call ed Method isle | n
America, end no other persons, to have
and enjoy toe free use and benefit of
raid promises tor too use and mimeses
of predriblng and expounding God’s
holy word, and provided always that
toe said persons pronto no other doc
trine than Is contained In Mr. John
Wesley's notes on tori Now Testament
and four, volumes of sermons.”
Ind-usttoiis touulry has dlseovereid
that this church was known as toe
Mcthod'Isf. tnberntudo. onJ1 was a roomy
log bunding, and the tradition is bond
ed down that on' one rtoeaeton, during a
revival, too prewchor nnnrainced from
the msVndlt tonlt If one soul iwa/j convert
ed that nityht ite iwvsuld I-* made so
bolnrrv thrift he wo«M envoy Mrs. Fhelpo
around the meriting house on htS back
sevon tlrnio. (Mrs. Phelps was toe most
oorpulorit lady of the nrelghborhood, her
wetiriiit bet mg some 300 cntsnds.
hftvnyl-anH has more btstorlc upotn of
WctlhWMm toa/n any State M toe eomn-
try. The old ohutto In which FtriHiury
worked In N.e.v York fa entirely rrnne.
Th» lively lane meettag bouse where
Che ehureh was nnr.ini'lzol In Uhls coun
try. is Wow occupied by toe Mrirchnnit’s
Otub and the stock exohoingn.. of Balti
more. Ruti 1n weritem Mamiland. *n
•vO’-i h knoe-n Snnita creek neigh
borhood, many Itvfccwtipg illhllr.-.-
fourvt. tun,I It was only toe other day
that 250 'Methodists, Including many mb
Wters from tote and other States, wrint
on n iprlgriimnge *0 toe WefitmdnUer.
1 'I; ov faft «ho train nt WfBtmlnslter,
•s 1 ' rnrrlagcs anil drove
*2* ® tone . chapel, which was
butn to 1783; nexlt to toe old Bvnas
hoime, whom John* TOvans. Ithe first eon-
a-ml (tloil; Ithon to Bethel toundh. which
te ^ t ShJ T !^ n 11 *5 ,aBt century, and finally
H wlhere <n. 17*3 Rob-
faT rtSTrJh fth * Mothoil-
1703 ta^?el C " l,rttry - The date
1703 if) woltvitosl here as a crtnlnramlap
Xrre*r of ® h * autooii-
ySSrtt U a 1 ' <t ' T ■*« «omc a
,( "f ™ceting house Is gone
’• foundations have been pVnve.l
aS^irttWM? cffort ' rtl1 l >e mode to p’uee
n * om »nent on this spot, and
wfihithls purpose fa the Intention, If
fawslblo, to awo tho Bums house,
1* iiown tv> u\vq
place to n, new building. In reeom-
«te old h-mse be pra-
A. Wafaon
Bis New System deduces tbe Death
t'romtnent Persons Testify and Ism-
paper. Investigate,
Gen. El L Townsend of 3910 Pop-
far street, Philadelphia, whose distin
guished servicer, in the tnUItan and
civil branches of the United States,
five 'him a world wldo reputation,
says: “For n number of years 1 suf-
fimed from rheumatic pains In my
limbs, which soon took the form of that
nerve-racking disease—sciatica. I tr'ed
all sorts of imecCanes, but conkl not
obtain even .temlwrary relief. Finally
1 procured a botirle of iMunyon's Rbcu-
inat'sm Cure. Af ter taking a few vinla
the Jilin ceased ond I am now entirely
Judge Jacob Ncu at the Brooklyn
city ball Civil court. Is a well-known
citizen, whose popularity hns been wt-
tested by h'e enormous nfajoriues at
the polls, and n gentleman of unlm
peachafale charaoter. Speaking of
Munyoo'a Rheuuihtilsm Cure, bo says:
“It Is ‘‘ - best euro in the world. I
first f j| .vhlle I was out in Clewe-
land. O. I began taking '.t when I was
unable to walk without tbe aid of
crutches, and tn three days I throw
thorn away. Tt Is cetttalnly to my mind
a wonderful and positive ramedy.”
PhMadedpbin Times: “We know that
thousands nf people In our midst have
been cured by iMunyon’s little sugar
Now York Press: “Over 1,800 peo
ple Ifave written us that they 1 have
been'enrol by IMunyon’s Re.raed!es."
Cleveland (Pratts: “tt must be re
membered ittot ithls decrease in tho
death rate (28 per cent in one month)
must bo very largely attributable to
the froo use of Munyon’s Remed'es, in
asmuch ns the death rate in all cities
where Investigations have boon made
In a similar why, ns Is being done by
the Pro*), lias always shown a de
Washington Post: “Munyon’s Beane-
dies reduced Mho deaifh rate In Wash
ington 18 per ccntt In three weeks.”
Professor Muuyon does not put up
a ire remedy and claim that ’.t will euro
nil diseases. He does OlaLni, however,
that hi's Ehoumlaitlsm Cure will cure
rheumatism; that his Dyspepsia Cure
w'fi cure dyspepsia, consSpatlon nml
all forms of ntomato trouble; that Ills
Oatarrii Cure will poa'Mvely cure ca
tarrh; thnt his IGduey Cure will cure
pains In the back, lens or groin, and
nil forms of kffdncy diseases; that his
Cold and Oough Cures wtH cure odds
and coughs and prevent pnenmon'n;
that his Nerve Cure will restore to r
healthy condition otvrworked and over-
stralned nerves. Headache cured in
live minutes. Insomnia, eoustlpat'on,
neuralgia and nil forms of female onm-
plalnlts quickly cured.
If you are ailing step (into the nearest
drug store and get a 2,'wen.t vial of ono
of Munyon’s Cures. No matter what
your disease or how many doctors have
failed *0 cure yon, Munyon’s Remedies
relieve elrmwt immediately and are ab
solutely harmless. Ask ymtr druggist
for Munyon’s “Guide to Health.” With
tilts and 'Munyon’s Remedies every per
son can bo his own doctor.
The invitation extended to the public one week ago to
attend early our money-saving sale of Holiday Dry Goods met
with even a more liberal response than we had anticipated.
The people seem anxious to avoid the rush of ante-Christinas
days and to make selections before assortments are broken.
wua taken toil
inti resting relic, toe rude SttViwbrtdjre
Americnn Mete od fat Historical So-
olety at Itjilrimore. to whom It wits
J 5 ’ 0 ' Rev - Charlea D.
Smith of the Oxford Methodist Enls-
°°P*1 tobreh. This plain structure
00nutated of a low pfatfoitm «ax>ut
tsw feet wide and three long, on which
toe preacher stood, und a board sup-
P-irtct by posts about four feet high,
on which toe Bible lay. It remained
here for more than 100 years, until
discovered as shove stated. There is
00 building now namdlng In toe United
State* therein Methodist sorvee* were
heOd so early ns tots Kvuna bouse.
The Eraiiscs Ms buried in a graveyard
near by.”
Now York Methodists stfiU Ctalm
tost toe first Methodist meeting house
n tots country aw« In that city, but
the Marylanders think Bhht toe log
meeting house antedated the New
York 'building, and when the monu-
cmnt. ft>r toe erection r/ which they
have secured rvrmlselou. Is {dttecd nt
toe bottom rtf toe hill where toe Ijok
meeting hoqse stood, tt will ray that
fa was on that site too first Methodist
church In Amorim sood,
Tbo Now Notary rulfilo Ifad Not Httd
Enough Experience.
Nmet on, Deo. ,8.—(Njvcftil)—Peril
Cklom Is ono of the most accommodat
ing haHlffs 5n tho state. A Mr. Tbmp-
kins of MAirtli county came (nto town
Tbnnalay afternoon, bringing with him
rite beautiful daughter of Mrs. MoVey,
whom lie bint wooed and won, and
oatlod upon ono of tbo morettants who
bud boon appointed notary puI»Uo to
orthaite. Tlxs K'tag bis first couple
to marry and as quite a crowd bad con
gregated near to witnera tbe ceremony,
list mnv note 17 public felt that be
migtvt make sime mistakes, and re-
qu.«t(xl Mr. Odom to Join ritcai to
gether ns nxm nml wife, whi* be did
In a regular prracficr’s Btjle, wishing
them a long Uto of happiness, etc.
Newton, Doc. S.—(Special.)—Scott
I/mrs avho lis-s been mhwlug from the
Ivey settlement, was found dead ta
the wnods Shturvfay morning. .It fa
iieisriit that ho know - a little too much
i.tarat rive ossirainatiou of Mr. Jim , . _
Price V<f AYilUomsburg several years I ARMOUR PACKING CO.,
.uro ami riot t-sim white parties took | ,, ,, _ .
him oat bird hunting and shot him. 1 Kansas Ctty, U. o. A.
“Papa', what Is a fadT’ “A fad, ray
son, Is somebody else’s fancy.”—Tid-
Uncle John—“Amd why do you think
that your brother Cltarlcw Is n groat
writer?” Alice—“Why, because bo is.
He writes more every day than lie can
got Into too paper.”—(Boston Tran-
WynWatn (tnk ng a walk in the coun
try)—"O-c-ctiiv I ftf-And my way
t-tithRMigb these wsvsvwdir Man
aooosted—“Not If it is tree that tho
man who h-h-horittotes Is lost.’’->irar-
lem Life.
(Mr. tvhromo—“I’m so glad you Ilka
tlie iwiiitlug. M ss Ethel." Site—“Oh,
It’s penfnetly lovely! But you must al
low me to return the frame, ns mamma
does not allow me to noctipt valuable
praumtu from gentlemen.”—Life.
“But iwltat am you do, young tnan?
Haven’t you some special talent or
taste—some (bent, tts (they say?" Ap-
pLcant (duliiou-slyl—”No-im, not that I
am rirfnk of—except chat I am a llttto
iModcst youth—“I have only 83,000 n
ydir, sir, but I Uilnk I am support
your daughter on .thsrt." Father (on-
riitKlastCcally)—"Support her, my dear
boy? Why. you can Bupport Iter entire
family on it”—Detroit Free Press.
•Maud—"So you Imtve broken with
Count do FiikerdtH. Who# gave you
tho first inklfng that he was not tbo
real nut’cle?” .Mice—“He wus toying
with my hair ono evening, nod before
ho irtought ho had suggested a elium-
poo.”—IlaiHem Life.
Ofni. JfoSwtitt—“BGliger, 16 doesn’t
seem rlglit tor us to be buying tickets
for a Thanksgiving matinee.” Mr.
McSstoIM—’’Why not?” "Bemon we
ought 60 spend that money for the ben-
citlt of the poor.” "That’s what we’re
going to do. Lobelia. You’ll see some
of tbo poorest actors at that play this
afternoon you ever saw Tn your life.”—
Chicago Tribune.
It may be because every depart
ment In our immense establishment Is
overflowing with goods, sparkling with
the Oateot tlntB of fashion, and at prices
absolutely unapproachable In value.
•Be Uhls as tt may, our store Is crowd
ed ftom morning till night wrih hap
py. satsfled purchasers, and the time Is
one of rejoicing to them as well as
to us.
Come earjy and get the pick.
Coats, Capes, Jackets.
Every express brings to us the lat
est creations in Ladies’ Wnr-i*. Oar
Eastern buyers let nothing new tarspe
* ludtes’ black Bind navy Tailor-made
Capes, fur and braid trlmmol, farmer
prioe $8.50, now .$100
Ladles' TVrilor-imiade Double Capes
of fine ,Melton, Beaver, Cheviot or Cov
ert cloth, former iprfce 513.CO, now $7.
Ladies’flne taWor-onnide tourist Ctepee,
wttih hoods, lined with pMId, glace or
suralh silk, former price $12.60, now $7.
The latest novelties In ladles’ very
fino applique trimmed Tailor-made
Capes, former price $17.60, now $3.98.
Ladles tollor-mnide Jackets that were
$5, $8, $10, $12.60 and $15 respectively,
hteve befrh marked for this sale $3, $5,
$6. $7.60 and $10.
We are showing a lino of Astrakhan
and Black Russian Lynx Capes, a lim
ited number only.
Colored Dress Fabrics.
80-inch Navy Blue Storm Sew and
double-width Tricots, former price 25c,
niaw 12 l-2c
Ohlang-eiaJble (fancies, Wool Diagonals,
Mftong-es, Whip Cords, former prices
25c and 35c, now 15o
40-Hndh Silk and Wool Mixtures, in
garnet, blue, brown and Kray, blend-
ItiK8 of cio’ior, former price ft>c, now 33c.
All-wool Oheviote, Flannels and Gran
ite Cloths, 40 indhes wldo, former price
~~c, now........ ..35c
All codons in 40-in'dh all-wool Frendh
SerKes, former price $5c, now 39c
42-4ndh all-wool Covert Cloths, former
price 65c, now 39c
54-inch adl-wwof Covert ClotJhs, very
fine, former price $1, mow 76c
Black Dress Fabrics.
•We hlave received this week nn ex
ceptionally .bemuttful assortment of fine
Imported Wool Crepons. Haney weaves
and wilde-wale Serges, In black. These
goods were bought far below,real
value and will be sold the same way.
All-wool Frendh’ Serge,. all-wool
rain-proof Storm Serge, .all-wool Hen
riettas, 40 to 46 Inches wide, former
prloe 65c, now 39 0
A variety of styles, cut prices In
fine Imported Oitoa'klngs, such as Mel
ton. Betwer, day Diagonals and Whin
Silks and Velvets.
We are showing all toe new Shades
•in Embossed Silk, « most beautiful
fabric for evening gowns. Ohfflfons,
Silk Crepons and Japanese Ore pee.
24-in<h Japanese Silk, black und od
ors, former price 76c, now. - ...49o
21-luch black Guos Grain, splendid
quality, and 24-inch Black Tafloua, for
mer price $1, now i..75o
(Figured Taffetas In seleot designs,
single color threads, former price $1,
ttowi 75a
Extra-weight Fancy Brocade Taffe
tas, former prices $1.48, now 98o
Pefau de Sole, Faille Frnncatso, Moire
Antique, Satin Royal. Crepe Aumure,
in blaok, farmer price $1.60, all now 98c.
Holiday Linens,
Hemstitched Linen Table Covers.
Genuine Turkey red Table Linen..35a
Creaim Damask Table Linen 35o
iPure White Table Linen, 60 Indhes
wide 60o
An all-linen Huckaback Towel, ex
tra size and hemstitched 12 l-2o
■Pure linen Doylies per dozen 49c.
Blankets and Quilts.
Just at the commencement of
Blanket weather we are going to sell
Blankets at manufactures' prices.
No matter 'how we dot it, it Is suffi
cient for you that you can buy Blan
kets, Eiderdown Quilts and cheap Com
fortables for less money than they
were ever before sold for In this or
any other city.
Holiday Leaders.
Children’s Thibet, Angora and Lynx
OaSadoi Sable, French Seal, 'Water
Mink and Eastern Mink Neck Scarfs,
an 1 mill heads, r
Side Combs.
Jet and Steel Buckles.
Ladles’ Silk Umbrellas, Dresden
China bandies.
NO. 30 Moire Silk Ribbon lOe yard.
Ladles’ white Hemstitched Linen
Handkerchiefs 5c.
Gentlemen’s pure white silk Hem
stitched Handkerchiefs 25c.
•Short lengths Canton Flannel 46
5,003 yards Dress Ginghams 6c.
On account of Its ibsolute purity, wholesomeness, good taste and quality
to aid digestion It .is a most pleasant and refreshing beverage, an article
Incomparably strengthening to toe in valid and convalescent.
This beer Is brewed from the best selected malt and from hops Imported
from Bohemia. It Is brewed after toe new existing method in tho Hof Braue-
rel at Prison, Bohemia. Barbarossa is, a light, palatable beer, unexcelled In
taste and brilliancy, and on account of tts excellent quality fa preferred to
the Imported Pilsner by connoiaours.
For toe dinner table and for a lua ch -there fa nothing bettor than a bo>
t!o of Barbarossa. ULLMANN & WILLIAMS,
Delivered anywhere in toe city. ’Phone 434. Solo Agents.
On December tbo 8th, 3 o’clock n. m.,
KriWirlne Spencer, Infant daughter of
Mr. rind Mrs. Sol Hoge.
From this date until January 1, 1896,
a special reduction of 60 per cent, “will be
made on all first class lots In Riverside
Cemetery. A reasonable reduction will
also be given on smaller lots.
do not always realize that
what their children need is
fat food—something to build
up the tissues.
being a pure, sweet fat,
without butyric acid, is the
most acceptable health food
obtainable. The Silver
Churn on each wrapper is
our guarantee of excellence.
Wholesale "by Armour Packing Co.,
Jfacon. Cm.
Regular meeting on Monday, December
10, at 7:30 o’clock p. m. Sojourning com
panions fraternally invited.
Geo. A. Dure, Secty.
Office of Board of Public Works, Ma
con, Ga., Dec. 8, 1894.—Sealed bids will bo
received by the undersigned until 5
o’clock p. m. December 12, 1894, for ex
cavating and moving and dumping into
fill 8,000 cubic yards of earth, more or
less, an average haul of 750 feet, under
supervision of the city engineer.
This board reserves tho right to reject
any or all bids.
Plans elevations, de tails, printed speci
fications and building superintendence.
Estimates furnished and contracts
promptly executed in any part of tho
Postoffice Box No. 168. OITIco No. 1C2I
Third street. Macon, Ga.
Loans mails on choice real estate and
farming lands In Georgia. Interest 7
per cent. Payable in two, three or five
years. No delay. Commissions very
420 Second Street, Macon. Ga.
Merobfcnts and otJiera having bills
against rite olty of -Mhcon should pre-
stmt ralu'm before moon ot Tuesday, De
cember 11, ns tho fiscal year ends on
tho 10th. BRIDGES SMITH,
Cleric of Council.
Tbe fourth and last installment of ths
city tax Is now due. Taxpayers are re
quired to pay for the year.
Executions will be Issued and expenses
chanted to tbose In default.
A. K. TINSLEY. Treasurer.
November IS, IS94.
Local Representatives Wanted.
Our system affordo an opportunity
to borrow on cl titer personal or real
estafe'securlty. The pkiir Is superior to
building and loan associations. The
amount borrowed may be returned In
monthly payments without bonus, with
Interest at 5 per cenit. per annum: tt
affords absolute security to Investors,
with o reasonable guarantee of an an
nual dividend of from 8 to 10 per cent.
We desire to secure toe services of
energetic, representative men In every
oommunlty to act ns local secretaries.
The poslitloa will be sufficiently re
munerative to amply compensate for
services. If you possess the above
qualtfic-rtlons, write for particulars.
Full information regarding our sys
tem of making loans as well ns Invest
ments and agencies wUt be furnished
by addressing S. S. Robertson, prest
dent, 1122 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
In the Grand. Atlanta. Go.
Complete courses In bookkeeping,
sborthacJ, telegraphy and collateral
branches. Long established. Best ref
erences. Send tor Illustrated catalogue
Seven per cent. Loans negotiated oa
Improved city property and farm*.
16$ Second street, Macon, Go.
On Improved city and farm property
i Bibb and Jones counties tn loans
ranging from $530 up at 7 per cent. ,ini-
pl« Inter eat; time from two to five years.
Promptness and accommodation a ape-
cialty. L. J. ANDERSON A CO..
Jta. XU S*»nd Street. Mecca. Ga,
Permanently located. In the ape-
•fairies venereal. Lost energy re.
stored. Female irregularities and
poison oak. Cure guaranteed.
Address tn confidence, with stamp.
HO Fourth street. Maoon. Ga.
MACON. OA. “ j
Office 641 Cherry St, Xfaooa. Get.
Office and residence, Finn street, near
M. R Freeman. H. O. Griswold.
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Masonic Building, ... Macon, Ga.
Iflfe c£ k BuMU,g ’ 7 and