Newspaper Page Text
-:/* <?• <#*•
Pi® Bm Had® a Great Hit la Xjoadan la
a New FLy Called “John-e-dreams."
The aotrees most talked about In Lon
don today la probably Mra. Patriok Camp-
pell, although ah® haa been on the stag®
a comparatively abort time. ’
Her first attempt was aa Boaallnd In
"As You Llko It" at tbo Vaudeville thea
ter, London- The Messrs. Gatti, man
agers of the Adelphl theater, aaw her and
engaged her. She played the part of As-
trea, an adventuress, In "The Trumpet
Call" and scored a hit aa an emotional
nctrosa. She was forced to retire for some
time on account of Illness, but on her ro-
tuts. Patrick Campbell.
eovery was Been In “The White Rose."
Again 111 health caused her retirement for
a time. Her neat venture was aa Clarissa
Burton In “The Blaok Domino."
Mr. Pinero saw her act in this play, in
Which she took the part of an adventuress,
and engaged hor to creato thopurt of Pau
la In “The Second Mra. Tanqueray." In
that character she held the cynical, hard
ened, London audlonces spellbound. Even
those who disapproved tho character of
the play coaid not but npplaud tho ability
of tho actress. Her recognition as a great
actress was Instantaneous and doubtless.
Last season sbo undertook tbo part of Dul-
cio LnrondioIs “Tho Masqueraders” and
again showed hor capabilities In strong
and trying situations.
Mrs. Campbell is now playing a leading
role In a new play by Mr. Haddon Cham
bers oallod “John-a-drcams" at the Hay-
market theater In London, Mr. Beerbobm
Tree appearing in tho title role.. London
critics describe Mra Campbell’s work In
this play as an admirable piece of acting,
displaying splendid skill and high artistic
Mr. • Boorbohm Tree engaged Mrs.
Campbell as his leading lady on his pro
posed American tour, but recont cables
have It that Mra. Campbell will not come,
nnd that Mrs. Tree will bo seen as her
husband’s leading woman.
Mrs. Campbell Is related to tho Howson
family, two members of which—John
and Emma—aro woll remembered by old
flow Thomas Dunn English Wioto the
Famous Song That Trilby Sang.
“That unfortunato early indiscretion of
mlno” is tho way Thomas Dunn English
rotors to his famous song, “Bon Bolt,"
that was sung by Trilby In tho popular
novel of that name and that has been sung
tho world ovor for half a century. Tho were written at tho requost of N.
P. Willis In 1813 and woro what Mr. Eng
lish tonns a “patchwork” of two poems.
Willis was then couductlng Tho New
Mirror In Now York nnd asked English
to wrlto n sea song for tho periodical.
English started a sea song, but could not
finish It acceptably to himself, so ho be
gan work on another poom, which ho
partly oomplotcd also. In despair ho com
bined tho two, signed Ills initials to tho
patchwork and sent tho poem to Willis,
with Instructions to burn tho production
if ha did not dcnlro to publish It.
i Willis was delighted with tho verses
nnd published thorn In The Now Mirror
Sept. 83, 1848, under thotltlo‘'Bon Bolt."
Tho English papers stole tho poom and
reprinted It, and It took England by
Oh, don'tyou remember sweat Alice, Ben Bolt,
Bwcct Alice, whose hair wa» so brown?
was on ovary tongue, and the poom was
parodied and replied to nnd generally con
sidered an English production. Mr. Eng-
Ilsh then wrote muila to go with the
words, but his version never achieved the
popularity of that adapted from a German
*ong by a strolling stager nr,doctor named
JVIlson Enema.
The song made an Immense hit in thla
country and England, and on American
publisher who changed tho lino "Where
children went in to swim” to “Where we
gathered the flowers as they grew” be
came he thought the former lmmml
gold ovor 80,000 ooples.
Dr. English was horn in Philadelphia
dune SO, 1810, and resides in Newark, N.
S. Ho has won considerable lame as poet,
novelist, dramatist, physician, lawyer and
politician and at present is one of New
jersey's representatives in congress.
“When I was elected to congrats three
hears ago,” says Dr. English, “tho neW»-
papers mentioned tho fact that I was She
author of 'Ben Bolt,’and the soAgwaa
revived In popularity. It than aank into
Obscurity again, but now a gentleman
named Du Maurler, whom I never harmed
in my life, revives it In ’Trilby.’ ”
Caterer ever established In Macon,
5s ready for Christmas work. Anythin*
that in choice and dainty. Cake baking
a specialty. Always tho ’
I, "Wc aro headquarter* for
j Toys in aMortal casts, at .0 ] a
2i ...A WORD...
Taken for less than fifteen
TO ■CONTESTANTS: The sentence
given tihls wwk : contort ns fourteen-
wards. Two words are inserted in the
“dhetup columns" en-dh day. The flr»t
two laippeotred Saturday and -the last
two •Witt appear Friday morning. Tiie
prize this week 1s $5 for first correct
answer; $2 for second, and %% Dor first
answer sent in by an out-of-town con-
OegtADt. <Nb answer will <bo reqdved
earlier than 7:30 o'clock Friday moru-
4rJ£, vm ti/Al answers except tfcnse
from otttOMBWP contestants will bo
opened at 9 o’dlock Friday night. Ttoe
latter wife’, be opened at 10 o'clock Sat
urday -night.
WANTED—Good agent to handle the
Deusmore Typewriter, in Mncon;
terms liberal. Address J. E. Mlnter.
WANTED—Second-hand road cant. Ap
ply T. M. Donnelly, No. 1161 Ogle
thorpe street. •
SOLD by T. M., Donnelly, Vogel’s best
llama and shoulders, and Jaques &
Tinsley, beat flour.
W1ANTBD—At 714 Third street: young
men boarders, also table boarders.
Good fare, comfortable rooms.
WANTED—Boarders for one room, at
576 College street, near St. Paul's
WANTED—Good saddle, dhenp for
cash at once. Address B. F. C., care
WANTED—Address of J. H. Gay, for-
nveriy of Lumber City, Ga. Business
of Importance. J. F. Gay, P. O. West
Atlanta, Ga.
WANTED—To buy a bouse with, large
Dot. Address W. A. G., 620 Fourth
ment in special notice coltumn.
WANTED—Reliable party having
knowledge of music to represent us
In this locality. Good pay to right
party. Nln Hand Co., 226 Wabash
avenue, Chicago.
rooms dnld good '111 He. 656 Pine street.
WANTED—Boarders. Miat-dlasa board
' onlly ,18 at iMus. Aiwitrey’s, 758 Oherry
WANTED.—a position ns stenographer
and tyipawriter by young woman who
can spell and punctuate correctly.
Can furnish machine. Addiess B, this
office.' ’
WANTED—A Catholic man of good
Character to work in his own county:
,18 per week. F. H. Kelly, 66 Fifth
avenue, Chicago, Ill.
WANTED—A smalH farm near Macon,
or on lino railroad leading to Macon;
give size of farm, soiling and renting
price.. Address M. N., care Tele
ENERGETIC young man from tho
North would like position as en
graver, or would take almost any
thing, at small salary. Address M.
A. Gorham, care Burden, Smith &
WANTED—Every housekeepr In Ma
con to send 'their second-hand furni
ture, carpets, cook stoves and (house
hold goads and goose feathers to
WflVlanri & Roble. They pay cash for
nil kinds of household goods. 404
■Ftrsit street, Volunteers’ Armory.
ROOMS TO RENT—Two nice rooms,
first floor, College street. Address
Y. Z„ care Telegraph.,
FOR RENT.—No. 286 Oramlge street; a
desirable looaitlon: ,22.60. O, A. Wise,
358 Second street.
FOR (RENT—763 Plum street; ten
roams, modern conveniences. A. T.
Holt, 305 Second street.
TO RENT—Nicely furnished front
room, next door to nice boarding
Uoubo. Apply at 7G3 Poplar street.
VERY DESIRABLE house forwent near
business centre, only ,22.60 per month.
A. V. Toole.
FOR WENT—Nino dollars will rent three
rooms suitable for light housekeeping.
106 Second street.
FOR RENT—Basement In tho Volun
teers’ armory, fronting Poplar street.
R, S. ColUna & Co., agents.
FOR RENT.—Desirable cottages on
•Band, Orange, Now and High etreats;
,20 to $22.60; modern tmpronnament.
Call ton B. A. Wise. 358 Second (greet.
TO RENT—Dwelling 4n Byron, Ga.:
four rooms, line well of .water, good,
atalblea and outhouses. Apply to
M. D. Hood, Byron, Ga.
FOR RENT—Residence comer Geor
gia avenue and College street, nt
present occupied by Rev. W. B. Jen-
ntnge. Apply to W. R. Cox.
FOR RENT.—1-room house, ,8. Apply
to B. A. Wise, 358 Second; Btreet.
FOB BENT.—Office and geatlemen’fl
sleeping rooms. Apply at Macon Hav
ings Bank.
TO RENT.—One furnished room In de
sirable tagntyi close In; to one or
two gentflemcai : with or without
board. Address S. E. F„ care Tele
FOR RENT by B. (A. Wise: 223 Wash
ington avenue, 6 rooms, 320; 236 High
street, 6 roams. ,20: 208 Washington
uvonu*. 7 Teams, ,25; 306 New street,
7 roams. ,22.60 ; 286 Orange sirsst, 7
rooms, ,22.60; 255 Bond Street, 6 rooms,
A BEAUTIFULLY furnished front
room to gentleman: rent cheap to de
sirable pan'.y. Address Y Y Y.
FOR RENT.-No.. 665 Oak street;
roams; comparatively mow bouse; near
corner First; 322.65. !B. A. Wise, 358
Second Street.
FOR RENT—Two front room*, ready
furnished, in central portion of city.
Apply (or 8., care Telegraph.
FOR RENT—Two delightful rooms for
gentlemen or couple; close In. Ad-
dr eha B., care Telegraph.
FOR RENT—A desirable dwelling; seven
rooms. Orange street. Apply 644 Cot
ton avenue. _ .
FOR RENT—Rear of eeoond floor, ait at
third floor and basement of American
National Bank building. Constructed
especially for printing office; after Oc
tober 6. R. E. Park.
nue. Also warehouse on sidetrack,
street, and stable with U stalls. Ap
ply to Jenkins at Guernsey’s shop.
TO RENT—Store No. 269 Second street,
next Plerpont house, nnd three rooms
above; gas end water, will change to
suit tenant. R. E. Park.
FOR RENT—’A nice residence with
large garden, corner of College and
Chestnut streets. Apply 644 Cotton
FOR RENT—330 por m&ntb. seven-
aroom (house, 852 Orange; newly paint
ed iiwfide and out; •water; oar
line. W. B. Biroh.
200,000 AVERAGES BRICK for salo at
J3 per thousand at J. B. Williams'
. place In Vineville.
FOR SALE—Four room dwelling house
in close proximity to three street car
lines; good neighborhood; terms liberal.
Apply 618 Cherry street.
FOR SALE—Magio lamteroe, tool
eheeits, games and picture books, at
- Brunners Drug and Book Store.
■FOR SALE—D»U carriages, dolls, tea
sets and scrap albums, at Brunner's
Drug and Book Store.
FOR SALE—Toy pianos, mechanical
toys, fancy cups and saucers, toilet
sets, etc., at Brunner’s Drug nnd
Book Store.
for~sale‘or EXCHANGE—A de-
jjftraltfUi (form of 200 acres, near Smm-
merfield, Sevan miles from city; will
©all cheap *or exchange for city prop-
. orty. tAipply -to Jcfhn M. lam'd Legiare
Walker, 461 Second street.
FISH AND OYSTEItS-AU kinds recelvod
every morning and afternoon. Dopson,
Clarke & Daniel.
RINGS. RIKGS-A large lot In solid gold
at reduced prices at Lazarus' Jewelry
PLANT RYE and barley for a winter
pasture and buy the seed from Daniel
Drug and Seed Company.
YOU would be surprised at the price of
a boy’s velocipede. See Garden, tho
furniture man. ,
TO LOAN—,1,000 left wl'th us to loan
quick om real es>thte, at straight 8
pet cent. Interest. Apply to Jno. M.
& Degarc WaCikcr, No. 461 Second ot.
goods? Then eay so ’where id he people
iwtll sec Jt. Talk to titoom .through the
DC you.wln a ipalt of pants on 'Clio elec-
Idon? Order them from Goette.
I MAKE blacksmlthtag a specialty; call
and see. 620 Fourth street, C. ,F. Stro-
blankets, cloaks and heavy woolens,
itlhls week. See display ad. import
ant. (Burden, Smith & Co.
ARE YOU economical? If so, buv all
your Jewelry at Lazarus’ and save
money. All goods warranted.
GENTLEMEN can got flrst-catea board
with or without lodging, at 718 Cher
ry street; convenient to business.
BUSINESS men can save money by
addressing Georgia Employment Bu
reau when In need ot bookkeeper,
office help, stenographers or salesmen.
CANES—6,000 beautiful assorted walk
ing canes, at 10c.; worth from 25c.
to 60c. Old Curiosity Shop.
up, till? Why not spend a few dolAws
anti turn something up. A few ads In
'this column tlhls week will do the
BRING your carriage and wagon work
to me. I will continue doing first-
class work as cheap as anybody. C.
F. Stroberg, 620 Fourth street.
WHO ever (hewrd of It?—* itaMor-made
emit. Iherit mcriomundbDp tor ,25. Thait's
MY frames haven’t any blue ribbons
on ithem, but they got thero Just tho
same. Lamnr Williams.
93 OENTfl for our little advinlaoicvnt
clock. It is a beauty, at Lazarus’.
BICYCLES reduced In price at S. S.
Parnmlee’s. Come nine and see what
a tow price.
CUT PRICES on cloaks and Gicavy
Wootens Uhl© week. See display ad
in another column. Important. Bur
den, Smith & Co.
BOOKS, BOOKS—16,000 'cloth-bound
books to oloee out, at 6 and 10 cents.
Unheard-of bargains. Old Curioelty
WE guarantee tho best coal In the mar-
ket ,4.25 per ton. Roush & Boa.
ONLY a low left of those 50 cents solid
gold baby rings at Lazarus’.
WHY not have that picture put In Q
stylish nnd appropriate frame? See
Lamar Wllllama’ stock, 416 Second
METAL nnkl plush pin trays lOo end
up at Fair Store.
YOU had to buy ,8 worth of frami-e to
get au easel last week. This week
you buy only ,6 worth, nnd a hand
some easel costs you nothing. Lamar
FINEST Western outer beef, neletot
tniuWbn. spare rtb«, veal. Georgia
packing Co.
—265 dozen to close ouit at from 25c.
•to 60c.; worUh double. Old Curlovlty
wait. Milner docs this.
EVERYBODY Is talking about those
beautiful easels which Lamar Will
iams is giving away.
BEST. Coal nt ,4.25 per ton. Bough &
Son’s. Telephone 368.
AT LAZARUS’ Jewelry Palace, Jewelry,
watches, clocks, silverware at low
BUCK'S stoves and ranges aro the best.
Garden, the furniture man.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells
ALL arnlk mintage, not surpatweri In
In tlhs city. Try uhom. Georgia Pack
ing Co.
IT'S too Oheap; but we will do it. A
Mait buamttw ouit for ,25. p,
Beautiful oarbon prints on porcelain
plaques. Milner the first to Introduce
them, os usual- ^,s.,
KOME-&flA!DE lard, dlftgaolt corned
toaef. Gocxrgib. Packing Co.
$1,000 TO LOAN—Three yeans, 8 per
ceAt. Add/res© "Jay,” Hihla ortlce.
DOES he jjeed ’em? Then order a half
doaen custom-made shirts from Mil
ton Be Smith for a Xmas present tot
your Husband, 617 Poplar street.
BABIES jcepQiyr 'booties 10c cut Fulr
WHAJT*® THE USE of paying regular
price for books, stationery land art
«^oods when you can buy them «wldh
profit off. Burke's receiver's sale.
HOLIDAY GOODS—We have hhe larg
est and boat selected stock of h«3-
dtuy goods In Ihe diy. Do not tmlt
uqitll too Ijte to eeteot your Xmua
present ,but ootne to Henry J. Da-
eru\r & Seme, Oherry street, rx>w, be
fore the stock is broken.
26 CENTS for solid silver ihlmolus only
at Lazarus’. A few left.
CHINA SETS, composed of butter
>ciish, sugar dish, croaim pltdier aud
^poon holder, $i and $1.60 set at
0?\jir Stjore.
Xmas ""Goods, books, etc.—The
Old Curiosity Shop lias itlie largest
Bind flueat Btock to be found In Mo*
con. To close out at half price. Como
before Uhe rush.
METAL pin and hair pin .trays lOo up
at Fair Store.
LARGE stand mirrors 25a alt the Fair
BUY now. Entire stock bf F. W. Goe’te
cut cost IXustt be sold within two
weeks. Big lino of Dntglis/h troustff-
rtngu and suil tim&s.
,5 REWARD—For a fine dark blue
Chinchilla Overcoat, black velvet cot-
lur; small black and white plaid lin
ing: stolen from Reeves 'House. G.
L. Reeves.
NO IDEA elf making a proflt-Only
thing ds to sell at Burke’s receiver’s
er than (three of the kind you huy
from the store. Have Milton E. Smith
make Uhom.
'HARDWARE SALE—Nalls, 2 pounds
5c.: 'ear load Socks, hinges, etc., a't
half price. Old Curiosity' Shop.
IMPORTANT to drummers or traveling
salesmen who travel in North and
South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama or
Tennessee. Wo have an excellent, prof
itable and pleasant side line. No trouble.
Write immediately for terms. Lyle &
Co., Bartow, Fla.
LOOK ovor toe Christmas books ad re
ceiver’s eule at Burke's.
A. L..BUTTS’ MoutevaMo Is tho finest
coal And cheapest In the long run.
REMEMBER Lazarus, the leading Jew
eler, for fine Jewelry and low prices.
DOESi your Husband wear shirts? Or
der six from MUtott B. Smith, and
give them to him for au Xmas pres-
eot, ,
PAINTS ait half price—Stains and floor
paints, big bargain. OCd Curiosity
REMEMBER, no one newer and never
cm beaut the Fair Store.
DON’T you want a watch, solid gold,
flllod or silver? If eo, Lainras con
please you In prices and styles.
1b supplied with pure, fresh drugs and
all proscriptions are filled with accu
racy and dispatch. Daniel Drug and
Seed. Company.
BUY a blacking case for husband,brother
or sweetheart. Nice Xmas present.
Garden, the furniture man.
goods? Then say eo 'wihiei^ Uhe people
•wi&l soo it. Talk Mo ithem -through tho
A. tiSBUTTS’ Mlentev&llo is the finest
coall and ohoapest In tihe long run.
GOODS at one-i!hird regular prtoo at
Bunko & Co. recedver’e milo.
ONLY 60 cents for a solid gold baiy ring;
only few left, at Lazarus'.
A. L. BUTTS’ Woodbridge-Jellloo Is
next to MorvtevM'llo.
gives satisfaction. Retails 25a, lb.
VIiAVl can be obtained from Mrs. J. B.
'Steven®, 659 Oak atreet. Agents
wanted. Liberal terms.
YOU WILL PAY ,5 for a picture that
you cum buy for ,2 ax Burke's re
ceiver's sale.
1A. L. BUTTS' WoodbrMga-JelUco ts
next to iMontowalllo.
(ENGRAVINGS 'from 25 cenin up; mffitlh
$2 to $25; ait BurtcCa rocedvor's aalo.
A. L. BUTTS sells Oils coal from $4
•ton up. Hand picked and forked.
NO man cam bo absolutely happy un
less his shirt fits. Have Milton K.
Smith make you a half dozen. They'll
wear longer then throe of UhOBe you
buy from store®.
GO TO a. 8. l’nrmaleo'H and ®ee what
a reduction In bicycle®; best makes.
DISFIGURED In prico, but ns bland-
some an ovor—tlhoBo beautiful pas
tels ait Burke’* receiver's rrado.
WE ARE headquarters for fireworks,
toys In assorted cases, at wholesale
only. WInn-Johnson Go.
A. L. BUTTS selss his coal from ,4
ton up. Hand picked and forked,.
■up, eh? Why not spend a few dollars
and turn Sumetlhing up. A few ads In
this column this week -will da the
FOR RENT—Uesldeswo No. 815 Second
street. Apply ut R. S. Collin® & Co.’s,
real estate agents.
LOCK BRACELETS In silver end gold at
THE NUT arid Slack wftMhi comes
from A. L. Butts' Montorallo Is
equal to mont of the prime lump coal
sold In tlhte markot. Prices normal-
very low.
BOOKS that sold for ,1.60 now selling
fie- 65 cents at Burke's receiver's
»alc. ’* H‘ ri : i
FOR RBNTt-Mlss Troutman’s house
In Vineville, 7 room®; a nice place.
A. T. Holt, 365 second street, real
estate agent.
ONB DOLLAR for a solid gold misses’
ring at Lazarus' Jewelry Palace.
MAKE *10 go as Air sls 125 by buying
your Xmua presents at Burke's re
ceiver'® sale.
THE NUT and slack which comes
from A. L Butts’ MontevtMo Is
equal to most of flhe prime lump
coals sold in this market. Prices nor
mal—very low.
YARD-WIDE Fruit of tho Loom
blcachipR, C3-4c. at Newman’s.
Bismarck Herring. ,
Salt Anchovies.
Srrooked Halifax Salmon. -
Smoked Nova Scotia salmon. ' E
Philadelphia Cream Cheese. »
Rockford De Brie and Swiss, *
Nsw DU Pickles. .. ”
Cross tc Blackwell’s Chow. L
Bivins’ Extra Dessert Raisins j
Ford’s Extra Fancy Dates,
Royal Pulled Fig®. ’ ■
Stuffed Prunes. r
Nice for Xmaa Eating. °
F. E. Kupferman, 412 Third street;
'Phone 215. ^
BEAUTIFUL bouquet lamps wltn hand-
aome shodea at Lazarus'. j
SCRAP BOOK and one card decorating
pictures for lOo at FUlr Store.
Octtst Line—Shortest routo to New
York. ,
BELDING’S loo-yard spool ellk, 7c. ^
spool at Newman's.
SIlAlMiP FHOTXDS—100 tor }1; mtnotto **
Hlze. 2 dozen tor |l; gnmmsj an tuck
stole u® pmlW|» fltssmiBS, Copied, from
any pihou>. HainUe IMxarton, 319 Wal- ft
nut street, city.
money for an ordinary Xma® pres
ent ‘buy au elegant one for the ■
same 'money at Burke’s receiver’s
GET IN THE TUSH—If you Want r
yiour ad well read put It where <lils
one is.
BUY OCTAL frdm the orlglmtora ot t
low prude®; Jellleo or Corona, good
<ais tfse hesC, 24 to 34.25 per 2,505
pound®. Curl ton, Jenklna & Ben-y,
comer Sixth nnd Oherry streets.
•Phone 134.
A. L. BUTTS’ long experience has
naught him Which cool® aro ,tho best.
•Send your orders to 'him and get oho
beat. Weight and qualify guran- "
toed. 1
FRUIT of tha Loom, yard-wide bleach-
lug, 0 3-lo. per yurd at Newman's.
GUITARS, Mandolins, Violins, Banjos ^
and musical mercUondlse; very latest
sheet in music. F. A. Guttcnborger &
FINE H<utln «laaB <t\aakcts .vuiaes, etc., ’ r
o»t FaJr Store.
GIVE eubstcmtl.Vl presents—Wihimt fs
,-batter than a nice rocker, table, rug „
nnd oarpet for t'he loved one's Christ
mas. 'Pnyno & Willingham have t'he
prettiest stock ever shown In Macon.
7 CENTS a spool for Beldlng'a 105-yard '
spool silk at Newman's.
A. L. BUTTS’ long experience Hus
'taught him which coals arc .tihe best. r
Send your order® to him and get
the best. Weights and quality guar-
11 CENTS for 15o. Silesia, at New-
ARE you going to Ne&r York? Take We
Georgia Railroad and Atlantic Ooaflt
BEST Silesia, lie., at Newman's.
corner chill re, rattan rookers, ladles’
desks tor Christmas at piaiyno’ Sc
NUMBER of second-hand! square
pianos, from 325 to 375, In good or
der. F. A. Gutitenberger & Co.
GET UN THE PUSH—If you want
yiour ad, well read put dt where this
one hi. i
HOLIDAY GOODS—Call lait Henry J.
lLamar & Son’s, Cherry afreet, land
seio tlhetr largo stock of Xmaa gooda.
♦12.60-JUBT THINK, for that print you
can have a diamond ring at IAzarus'
Jowolry *alacc.
SPECIAL night clnsaen in any course
of business truiTnlng at Gdorgln, Bual- I
nets College at price® In roaoh of
the poorest,
CHILDREN’S silver-plated knlfo, fork
ami si"ion sets aft Fair Store.
HOLMES & COUTT’S oelehrated extra
toast crackers retail at the low price
of ISo. a pound.
BROUATELLE parlor suits, oak end
Walnut. MilrtKiin sutta, cobbler sc-ait
rockera, hatnaoks, itoungea, accretlu-
rlcs, ladloa’ desks, In tlho -moat beau-
'Ulful designs ever seen In Macon, at
fftiyno Sc Willlnghaim'B.
HATS, HATS—Knox and Millet's fler-
by®, from 31 to 31.50; worth from 33
•to 35. Old Curiosity Shop, comer ;
Flnst and Cherry.
SHORTEST routo to New York—Geor- •
gin Railroad: nnd Atlantic Const p
LAZARUS’ PRICES aro the lowest for
lint Jowelry.
beat made. Have you tried It?
FINE china T seta 7S cent* at Fair
JAPANESE napkins 15 oent* a hun
dred ait Four Store.
BHIRT studs in solid silver only 75 cents
at Lazarus'.
WHEN In need of any kind of garden
or (lower seed cull at 414 Second atreet.
Daniel Drug and Seed Company, ]
HAVE YOU a girl? Haa aha a tricy
cle? They’re dirt cheap. Bco Garden,
the furniture man.
Goods? Then ray so where Otto poo.
pie will «ee It. Talk to them through
the Telegraph.
CHEAP COLUMN advertisements are
th« bualiwrs new* of the day boiled
down for quiok reading.
NUMBER of aecond-hnnd upright
piano,, good ns new, at a bargain,
Call at once. F. A. Guttcnborger &
SEE ttw CbrintmriB goods in furniture
at fhe largest furniture and oarpet
store South. Payno & Willingham.
912.50 FOR a beautiful diamond ring at
Lazarus' Jewelry Pakice. (
FIRST-CLASS iuguf-curcd bsma at 1
10 1-2 cent*. S, Jones & Co., 215
Third strtot.
WE guarantee the txjet coat In the
market; 34.25 per ton. Roush & Bon.
Old Curiosity Shop has tlie largest
and finest .lock to b. found In Ma
con. To close out at half price. Come
before tho rush.
ROGERS’ knives, forks and «roons at
low price* at Lazarui' Jewelry ) ulnro.
W. L. HENRY’S all-pork si,isage are
better known than 43in names of half
the meat sol lor* In Mncon.
FINE Are®* ahtrta; 100 dozen, with col
lar® nnd cults, a: 65c.; worth 31.50. |
OM Curioaity Shop.
TO NEW YORK, Washington and
Richmond use the Georgia road and
Atlantic Coast Line, k
sugar for ,1 cash at B. Jones Co.’s,
319 Third street.
wju—a jit? c cnorq
uias <ahe name and tfign. of square on
W. L. Henry’s all-pork sausage, but
this is Just «to remind you rtuuat hi
Btdll (has them.
your grocmr for thwn.
only at Lazarus'.
sun.VJl.JiTU UVekJha (IIWJUDiy VI1»P
Xmas »t Bayne & Willingham's,
made leaf lard is worth two pound,
of the kind you ordinarily buy.
25 cents at Fair Store.
well ns New York 1» the Georgia
road nnd Atlantic Coast Line.
WU.VHO o„ru rviarvjun—-icrrey aim
Wade & Butcher's finest razors, 60c.
and Ji; worth ,2.60 to ,3.50. Pocket
knives at 23c., worth from 60c. to
,1.50. Old Curiosity Shop.
solid silver, only at Lazarus’
(hlitB" When we say wo Sell flrat-clnsi
coall from ,4 to ,4.25 ton. Carlton,
Jonklns Sc Borry. 'Phone 134.
wlint bargains In second-hand wheolB’;
boys’ bicycles from ,1,
Try Henry’s home-made leaf lard
once and your bread will ml ways bf
ads. 7 Because they are newsy.
Jewelry Palace.
(Welland & Roble, 404 Firs
(time to make such lard os that jus 1
, .turned tout by W. L. Henry.
white metal cases, 75c. each, with
cluln. Nice present for the bay*. OC4
Curiosity Shop.
Sewell Bros.’ Try a box, nnd you will
bo perfectly willing to pay tho dip
ferenco In price.
preparation made. Try 1L
Cherry atreet grooery. Your patron,
ago respectfully solicited. Chargei
styles at Lazarus’ Jewelry I’.da.-e,
r wjiuiwi. supply or uower, puidb ana
pansy seed for ealo cheap. Daniel Drug
and Seed Company.
Sons. Toktphone 358.
eadh; sugar dishes, 6c.; largo butte!
dishes, 10c.; largo glass pitchers, 16c,
wontli 60c. Old Curiosity Shop.
household goods oaCI on W<<Ubnd d
Itoble and bivo money. 464 Fine
ipooket of 003(81*’. punts.
adn.7 Because they nro newsy.
"campromlue tlokcit," and you will
frames, in wood, metnl, plush aud
Miner, cabinet size; dholco for 25c.
Old Curiosity Bhop.
cents dozen nit Fair Stloro.
UBBON.—The Judges swarded
us the first premium for our Rohrer’s
Bread Raising, pronouncing Rohrer’s
better than Horafonl’s after a thor
ough test. W. C. Turpin Sc Co.
CLOCKS—Boautlful lino at Lazarus’ ,
my rent, (list. Consult emo boforo rent-
eigne, new and stylish, at Lazarus’.
up. *-ti? Why not, «|kn<1 u. fi-w dollnrs
tiHd turn Bounetihlng up. A few ads In
•Oils column this week will do Cm
ton, Jonklns & Berry. IPhone 134.
Tho Pioneer Confocltonor and Tog
/ 622 Cherry Street.
Dolls from 6c. to ,5;
Drums, from 25e. >0 ,1.2!. > , j .
Toy trains, from 25o. to 13. rl'Ul
Rocker Hors™, from M to $7. i II
Toy ffuns, from 26e. up.
Toy pi.-.;..!*, from 6e. to 10c. 1 : ’,
Doll carriages, from 25e. to ,6. '
Wooden Wagons, from 15e. to ,5. ’
And every variety of toys too nu
merous to mention. Come nnd see at
Santa Chaus' Headquarters.
A man of good ehnractcr, who has
XXX, Ibis offica.