The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 11, 1894, Image 3

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THE MACOJtf TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1894. THE WORLD OF TRADE. Reports by Wire From the Great Markets. New York, Dec. 10.—Money on call was easy at Ial% per cent; last loan at 1 and closing offeted at 1 per cent. Prime mer cantile paper, 3ai per cent. Bar silver, €1. Sterling exchange Is strong, with ac tual business in bankers’ bills at 4-87%*% for sixty days and 4.88%a4.99 for demand. Posted rates, 4.89a4.90. Commercial bills, 4.86%a4.87%. Government bonds steady; state bonds dull; railroad bonds firm. Sil. ycr at the board was quiet. ■r " STOCKS AND BONDS. TCt’i RAILROAD STOCKS, week aro estimated at 75,000. The port receipts today were 62,7000, against 62.897 last year, making 109,814 thus far this eek, against 121,5S3 last week. The eek’s receipts are estimated at 340,000, against 296,8&0 last year. The bureau did not issue a report today. St. Louis re ceived 3,a30, againpt 1,697; Houston, 13,831, against 7,727. Spots here were dull and eak at unchanged prices. New Orleans declined 1-16 of a cent on the spot and 9 points on March. New Orleans ex. pectB tomorrow 21,000 to 21,000, against 20,398 last week and 19,617 last year. The exports from the ports today were 41,000 bales. New Orleans sold 4,500 and Mem phis 2,550. Liverpool was weak on the spot, but without change. Futures de clined 1 to 114 points, closing quiet and steady. Here the market closed easy; sales ,131.800 bales. We see nothing to prevent further decline except a material falling off in the crop movement, though rallies are' likely from time to time, as there is considerable short interest. Stevens & Co. Amer. Cot Oil... 27 do nrefd. 70% Am. Bugar’liefin; 90*4 do prefd. 92% Am. Tobacco Co. 93% do prefd. 105 A., T. and S. Fe. 4% Norf. and W. pref ..66% ^ Go 58% mio. 17% on.. 145% Q... 71% Chicago Gab 71% Doi.,L. and W*..148% Die. ana Cattle F 8% E. T.. V. and G do prefd Erie 9% do profd. 23 Gen.Electrio.... 34% Illinois Cen 88% Lake Ene and W 16 prefd. 70% a 134% Bait and Ohio. Canadian Pacifio Chesa. and Ohio, Chi. and Alton.. Chi., B. and LakoShoro 184’ Lou. and Nash... 53% Lou. and N. Alb. G Manhattan Cons.105% Mem. and Char.. 10 Michigan Cen... 99 Missouri Facifio. 28% Mobile and Ohio. 15% STATE BONDS. Alabama class A.103% Teun’see old 6a.. €0 " 44 B.105 • «*% N. f C. and St. L.. 65 U. S. Cordage.... 8% do drefd; 15% New Jersey Cen.. 91% New York Cen... 99 N. Y. and N. E.. 31% Norf. andW. pref 19’i Northern Pacific- 4% do prefd. 17 Northwestern... 97? £ do profd.140 Facifio Mail...... 22 Beading 14% B. and W; Pt.Ter 16% Bock Island 61 Bt. Paul 58% do profd.119 Silver Cerufio’es. 61% Tenn.O. and I... 16 do prefd. 70 Texas Pacifio.... 9% Union Pacifio.... 11% W., St L. and P. 6% do prefd. 14 Western Union.. 88 Wh’l’g and L. E. 10% do prefd. 39 Southern B’y 5s. 89 ” •* con. 11% 44 44 pf,d. 37% LIVERPOOL. Liverpool, Docombor 10.—Spot cotton market demand moderate, prices steadv. American middlings 8%. Sales 10,000 bales, of which 1000 wore for speculation and export, and included 7,000 American. Receipts 8.000 bales, of which 6,600 were American. Futures steady. December. Dec.-Jau........ Jan.-Feb Fob.-March March-Aprii AprilOIay.’ May-June Juuo-July July-August.... Aug.-Sept nowset.JJB. 5s 8s-.., 82 La. stamped 4’s..l00 N. Carolina 5s.. ..101 Virginia 6s nego. 8% “ 4s....124 “ funded debt 60% GOVERNMENT BONDS. U.S. 4sregist’d..iu% | U. S. 4s regular.. 97 U. b. 4s coupons.115% | Ui... COTTON. Macon, December 10. The Macon market for spot cotton is quiet at tbo following quotations- Good Middling 5% Middling .5 Strict Low Middling 4% Low Middling 4% Good Ordinary 4% Ordinary local receipts, S3 3 o t 1 & 1“ £ This Day.. Yesterday 114 388 13 5 321 109 .1 7U9| 153 ' COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1, 1894. 1,400 eceived since Soptember 1,1894 53,300 PORT RECEIPTS. r* r JS | ii* r « g & fig .S3 2 g Saturday. Monday Tuesday Wednesday.... Thursday Friday 47114 62700 479H4 78601 60978 46207 47436 75915 41544 62897 55239 43038 42847 42450 30392 42340 40S62 32955 27688 25914 . Totsl this week 109,814 121,585 107,441 72,732 New York, Dec. 10.—Spot cotton dull; middling gulf 6; middling uplands 5%. Sales 472 bales. The futuro market opened quiet and closed easy. Salco 181,600 bales. | Opened | Closed. January... February.. March April.. May.. June July August Soptember.. October.... Novomber.. December.. RECEIPTS AND EXPORTS. ] To-day. | Consolidated net rocoipts.. •• Exports to G. Britain. •• Experts to Franco.... 44 Exports to continent. Btock on hand at New York 62,7001 18,776 9,066 16,327 1,163.8491 109,814 25,590 14,934 38,892 Total sinco Sept 1—Net receipts.... 4,136,236 44 44 M Exports to G.B. 1,225,740 *• 44 44 Exp. to France. 370,974 '• 44 “ Exp. continen*. 1,047,220 NEW ORLEANS CLOSINO FUTURES. New Orleans, Doc. 10.—Cotton futures closed steady: sales 41,700 bales. January February I July. .. 5 54 August .. 5 59 September... .. 5 64 | October .. 6 70 | December.... .. 5 20 POET QUOTATIONS. Galveston, Dec. 10,-Steady; middling, 5 5-16; net ercelpts, 23,006; stock, 303,674. Norfolk, Dec. 10.—Quiet; middling! 5%; net receipts, 5.790; stock, 83,921. Baltimore, Dec. 10.—Nominal; middling, 6%; net receipts, ; Btock, 31,453. Boston, Dec. 10.—Dull; middling, 6% net receipts, 32. Wilmington, Dec. 10.—Steady; middling, 514; net receipts. 2.C68; stock, 28,092. Philadelphia, Dec. 10.—Quiet; middling, 6; net receipts, 619; stock, lo,445. Savannah, Dec. 10.—Qhlet; middling, 5H net receipts, 5,942; stock, 103,999. New Orleans, Dec. 10.—Quiet; middling, 5 3-16; net receipts, 13.379; stock, 361,697. Mobile, Dec. 10.—Quiet; middling, 6%: net receipts, 3,918; stock, 28,480. Memphis, Dec. 10.—Quiet; mtddllng, 5%i net receipts, 6,648; stock, 117,354. Augusta, Dec. 10.—Steady; ml<2£llng, 6 5-16; net receipts, 1,758; stock, 31,114. Charleston, Dec. 10.—Quiet and steady middling, 6*4; net receipts, 2,324; stock, 71,268. Clnclnati. Dec. 10.—Steady; middling,6*4; net receipts, 3,517; stock, 12,480. Louisville, Dec. 10.—Quiet; middling, 5 7-16. St. Louis, Dec. 10.—Steady; middling,©}* net receipts, 3.330; stock, 55,738. Houston, D«x 10.—Easy; middling, 5 5-16; net receipts, 13,821; stock, 78.889. STEVENS* COTTON LETTER. By Special Wire to Lyon St James. New York, Doc, 10.—One firm sold about 10,000 bales of March this evening, 9 and this together with selling by other houses, put pslcea down 6 to 7 points be low the close of Saturday. Hie trouble today was emphatically too much cot ton. The South was pressing *pot cot ton for sale and the ports and interior \ receipts were heavy. Liverpool was \weak, Manchester discouraging and New V>r}pana quite depressed. Some of the (Jarman element who were formerly bull lsn are now against the market. At Fall Elver about 49.000 bales are being unload ed and tho mills there, we hear, are supplied for many months ahead. Some towns In Mississippi report today that the shipments this week will be heavy. Mississippi was pressing cotton for sale at the lowest prices of the season. St. Louis offered Spots here very freely. Mr. Nell reaffirms his estimate of 10,125,000 teles. Galveston dispatches state that receipts ere likely to continue heavy all this month. Galveston’s receipts this | Opentni. [ 3 3 64a3 2-64 3 5-G4&5 4-64 6-32 3 6-G4a3 7-G4 9-64 3 ll-64a5 10-61 312-64 1-fda'J 2-64 3 1-64*3 2*64 1- 64 a 3 2-64 2- 64u3 3-04 3- 64A3 4-64 3 5-64 3 6*G4a3 7-64 3 8-6-1 310-01 3 ll-64a3 12-61 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, Dec. 10.—Wheat did not have a disastrous break today, but that was no fault of the news. From tho opening to the close everything favored a de- cllne. The bulls tried to cheer prices up, hut their success was not; brilliant. Ev ery European market, both English and continental, was lower. The disinclina tion to j trade arising from uncertainty regarding the government report, thus pemlttlng of support sufficient by “put” holders alone, was, no doubt, the sole reason for the comparative steadiness. May wheat opened from 59*4*0 53%, so id between 59*4 and 59, closing at &9a%—%a% of a cent under Saturday. Cash wheat as easy and about *4 of a cent lower. Corn led wheat up for a while, but In the end gave away to tho -weakness of that grain. May corn opened at 49%, sold between 49%a% and 50a50*&, closing at 49%a%—a shade higher than Saturday. Cash corn was steady to firm. Oats rejected the influence of wheat and attached to that of corn. There was a slightly Improved activity and prices held well all day. May closed with a net gain of % of a cent over Saturday. Cash oats were *4 of a cent higher for mixed, with other grades steady. Provisions—But ittlo of encouragement to holders or buyers could be seen In tho market for product today. At tho open ing prices were slightly lower than Sat urday’s close, because hogs were weaker. Prices continued to fall away until at tho closo January pork was 22*4 cents lower, January lard 12%al5 cents lower and January ribs 15 cents lower than at the end of last week. Much of the de pression was a result of the lack of strnegth In grain. MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 6 per cent, bonds 104 ltt Atlanta bonds, price as to rate of Interest and maturity 109 130 Augusta bonds, price as to rate of Interest and mat urity 100 lit Rome bonds, 8 per cent ,...'.194*4 105 Columbus 6 per cent, lands.....103 104 Macon 6 per cent.,bon<L\ quar terly coupons 112 112*4 RAILROAD BONDS. f Central railroad joint mortgage 7 per cent, bonds, Jan and July coupons .......••••..•••*•.••......119 120 Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1897 102 103 Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bond* Jon. and July coupons, July coupons, due 1900 1C3 106 Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bonds. Jan. and Juiy coupons, due 1922 113 113 Montgomery and Eafaula rail road, 6 pet cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1909....102 104 Ocean Steamship bonds. 5 per due 1920 13 Columbus and Western railroad 6 per cent July coupons 110 111 Columbus and Homo railroad 6 per ceit. bonds, Jan. and July coupons 36 46 Augusta and Knoxville railroad ? per cent, bonds, Jaa. and July coupons, due 1900 M 103 Savannah, Americus and Mont gomery railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons.. 50 61 Georgia Southern and Florida railroad 6 per vent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1972.... 86 87 South Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons ltt Northeastern railroad indorsed 6 per cent, bonds. May and November coupons 103 101 Macon and Northern railroad certificates of bonds, March and September coupons 44 46 Charleston. Columbia and Au gusta railroad 7 per cent bonds 99 101 RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. Central railroad common stock.. 19 17 Central railroad 6 per cent, de- betures 2M 25 Southwestern railroad stock.... G7 69 Georgia railroad stock 150 152 Atlanta and West Point rail road debentures SO 93 Atlanta and West Point railroad stock 93 tit LOCAL BONDS AND STOCICi Macon Gas Light and Water consols. May and November coupons n Wesleyan college 7 per cent. bonds. Jan. 'ind July coupons..190 113 Macon Volunteers’ Armory 7 per cent bonds, Jan. and July cou pons lot Bibb Ma.nutacturlng Company 0 per cent, bonds, April and Oct. coupons..... 1 100 m Progress Loan and Improvement Company 56 *0 Southern Phosphate Company stock 76 80 Acme Brewing Company ...100 FUTURE QUOTATIONS Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: WHEAT— Opnlng. Highst. Lwst Closg. Opnin; 54*4 69*4 46*4 47*4 49% 46% 47*4 49*4 PORK— Tan 11.95 May 12.30 LARD— Jan. • • • • 6.90 May 7.12*4 RIBS— Jan. .... 5.92*4 May 6.15 5.82*4 6.05 CASH QUOTATIONS. Flour was dull and generally steady. Winter grades to arrive were easier. No. 2 spring wheat, 58*4a6L No. 2 red wheat, 54%. No. 2 corn, 49%. No. 2 oats, 29*4a%. Pork, U.75all.87%. Lard, 6.80. Short lib sides, 5.8&a5.90. Dry salted shoulders, 6.l7%a5.25. Short dear sides, 6.2Ga6.37%. Whisky, 1.23. ' NEW YORK PRODUCE. New York, Dec. 10.—Butter: Largo re ceipts, dull, lower; state dairy, 13a22; state creamery, 17a23; Western dairy, 11 to 16; Western creamery, I5a24; Elglns, 24 cents. Tallow—Scarce, firm; olty, 4% bll; coun try, 4*4a5*4. Cotton seed oil—Dull, easy; crude, 24; yellow, 28. Petroleum—Nominal. Rosin—Dull, steady; strained, common to good, 1.30al.35. Turpentine—Quiet and steady at 27% to 28 cents. Rice—Fairly active, steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4*4a6; Japan, 4**a4%. Molasses—Foreign nominal; Now Or leans open kettle, good to choice, 28a38, fair demand, steady. Coffee—Options steady; closed dull, un changed to 5 points down. December, 14.00al4.05; February, 13.45; May, 12.S0al2.90; September, 12.80; October ,12.70al2.75. Spot Rio—Dull, steady; No. 2, 1C. Sugar—Raw: Dull, steady; fair refin ing, 8; reflned active at the decline; off A, 3%a3%; standard A, 3 13-16a4; cut loaf, 4 7-16a%; crushed, 4 7-16a%; granulated, 3 15-16*4%. Freights to Liverpool—Quiet, easier; cotton, 9-64d; granulated, 3d. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR. StC. New Orleans, Dec. 10.—Sugar—Open ket tle: Strictly prime, 2%; common, 2a2*4. Centrifugal: Plantation granulatcd.3%, choice white, 3 5-16a3%; choice yellow, 3 1-16; off yellow, 3%a3*4. Molasses—Open kettle: Choice, 27a28; strictly prime, 20a21; prime, 16al7; com mon, 12. Centrifugal: Strictly prime, 7a8; prime, 5a6; ©w syrup, 13al6. Rice—Quiet; fancy, 5*4a5%; choice, 4%a5, prime. 4%o4%; ordinary, 3%a3%; common. # 2%a3*4; NO. 2. I%a2*4. NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Dec. 10.—Spirits of turpen tine firm at 24*4 cents for regulars; sales. 717 casks; receipts, 719 casks. Rosin—Prices firm; sales, 2,468 barrels. Quote A. B, C, LOO; D, L06; E, LIS; p. L20; G, 1.40; H, 1.70; I, 2.10; K, 2.60; m! 2.70; N. 2.90; window glass, 3.10; water white, 3.25. Charleston, Dec 10.—Turpentine quiet at 25 cents; receipts, 33 tanks. Rosin—Good strained firm at 1.00; re ceipts, 60 5barrels. Wilmington, Dec. 10.—Rosin firm at 96 cents for strained; good strained, 1.00. Spirits of turpentine firm at 24% cents. Tar steady at 95 cents. Crude turpentine firm; hard, L10; soft L50; virgin, 1.70. Peaches. California—11.25. Pig Feed—2 fwuna cans, $3.31 per dozen* Roast Bsef-*1 pound cans, $1.30 per dozen: 4 pound cans. 12 per dbzen. Corn Beef—2 pound cans; $1.85 per dozen. potted Ham—1-4 pound cans, 65 cants per Jozen. i-2 pomvd cans, $1.25 par dozen. Lunch Tongues—i pound cans, $3 par dozen. Tripe—2 pound cans, $1.85 par dozen, MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Corrected Every Saturday »y the S. Jnques & Tinsley Co. Tha following ara strictly utioleaala prices: Fish—Kit. white Ash’, 60o; in half Barrels, $4: mackerel In half barrels, No. ft, $5.71; No. 2 In kits, $5 cents. Flour—Best patent, per barrel, $3.25} second patent, $3.15; straight, $2.75; fam ily, $2.50: Tow grades, $2.25. Sugar—Standard granulated. 4% cents; extra C Now York, 4*4 cents; New Orleans clarified/ 4% cents. liay—‘Wt quote -today No. 1 Timothy at $18 and fancy, $19. Meats—Bui ksldes—7*4 cents. [] Corn-60 cents per bushel. M Oats—Mixed, 45c; white. 48c. . Lard—Tierces 8 cents; cans* 8*4 cents; 10-pound cans, 9 cents. OU—HO. Snuff—Lortllard’s Mdoc&boy snuff, stone jars, 45o per pound; glass jars, 15o per pound; 2-ounce bottles, $9,900 per gross; 2-ounce cans, $3.60 per gross; 1-pound cans, per gross; K&uroaa snuff, 1-ounce glass, 60; 1-ounce tins, $4.25 per gross. Tomato catsup—Pints, 90c; quarts, $1.25. Hominy—P*r barrel, $3.75. Meal—Bolted, 60 cents; plain, 60 cents* Wheat—Bran. 85o. Hams—12 to 13c. ,4. Shoulders—9 l-2c. :E HIDES. -WOOL. ETC. *“ Correoted Every Saturday by G. Bemd & Co. Hide.—Green .alt, 3 cent, per pound; dry flint. 6 cents per pound. Goat skln*-l0 to 20 cent. each. Sheen Skin*—20 to 60 cent. each. Beeswax—10 to 20 cents. Wool—Washed. 1* to 20 cent* per pound; unwashed, U to U cents; burry, 7 to 10 cents. LIQUORS. Correoted Every Saturday by L, Cohen & Co. Whisky—Rye *1.10 to IS.60; corn, 11.# to 11.60; gin. *1.10 to Jl.75; North Carolina corn,*1.10 to 11.60; Georgia com, *1.00. Wines—SO cento to It: high wines, 11.23: port and sherry, It to (3; claret, 36 to *10 case: American champagne, *7.50 to *8.60 per case; cordials, *12 pec dozen; bitters, *8 per dozen. fl- ’I MEATS. ' BANK STOCKS. First National Bank stock IS U0 American National Bank stock.. 8* HO Exchange Bank stock *3 0* Union Savings Bank and Trust Company stock .*..... H US Central Georgia Bank stock >0 Macon Savings Bank stock 10 OS Central City Loan and Trust Company stock TO 7254 DRY GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. Waxet- baum A Son. Prints—Berwick. 8 l-2c; standard 4 1-2 to 6c: turkey red. 4 to 6 l-2c; indigo blue, 4 to 454c.t solids. 4 to 6 cents. Sheetlngs-*-ta*54, Aa4c.; «4>H 6 cents. Tickings—From 6 to 12c. Cheeks—3 1-2 to 6c. Bleoehlngs—Fruit of the Loom, < 2-4 to 7 l-2c. II 1 DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Correoted Every Saturday by Henry J. Lamar 82 Sons. Cinamoo Bark—Per sound, 12 to Uo. Cloves—Per pound, 15 to 25c. Drugs and Chemicals—Gum essatoe- tlda, 35c pound: camphor gum, 66 to 65o pound; gum cplum 12.40 to 82.G0 pound; morphine, l-8s. *2.25 to *2.46 ounce; qui nine (according to size) 38 to 94 cents ounce; sulphur. 4 to 6c pound; salts, Ep som, 2 1-2 to 3a pound; copperas, 2 to 30 pound; Balt petn., -0 ':o 12o pound; bo rax. 15 to 18c sound; bromide potash, 64 to 56c per pound) chlorate, 25 to 30c per pound: carbolic acid. 60c to *1.75 pound: chloroform, 76c to >1.44 pound; calomel, 86a to *1; logwood. 16 to 20c pound; cream tretar, commercial, 26 to 30a. Correoted Every Saturday by W. L. Henrv. Fresh Meats—Western beef, GH to Gc; Georgia beef. 4 1-2 to 6c; dressed hoge, 6M to 7c; Western mutton, ?’A cents; na tive mutton, 6 l-2c; emolced pork sau sage, 8 l-2c; fresh pork sausage, 8o; Bo logna saysege. 6c. - ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to sutler and be made miserable by Indigestion, con stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the food, yellow skin, when for 76 cents wo will sell them Shiloh's Vltailzer .guaranteed to cure them 7 Sold by Goodwyn A Small Drug Company, corner Chetry ciraet end Cotton avenue. ..t FRUITS AND NUTS. Corrected by A. A. Cullen, Fige—Dry. choice. 12 1-2 tt> J6 cents. Peanut*--North Carolina, 1 1-2 cents; Virginia. 4 and b cents. Lemons—3.00a3.64. Nuts—'Tarragon!* almonds, u cents pet pound; Naples walnuts, lb cent*; rrenoa walnuts, 30 cents; pecans, 10 cents. Apples—Sun dried, 4 to 7 cent* per pound. Raisins—New In market, *2 per box; London layers, $2.26 per box; loose Mus catel. *2 per box. Irish rotatoet-12.2* per sack, HARDWARE. MACON BOND AND STOCK REFORT. •TATE OF GEORGIA BONDS. Bid. Ask'd. 7 per cent, bonds, Jan, end July coupons, maturity 1898 106 K-i 4M Per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1315.... lit % 115 414 per cent, bonds, lsn and July coupons, maturity 1922 (l* 117 344 per cent bonds. Jan. and July coupons, maturity long date.. » 109 Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Company, 'Axes—*4 to *7 per doezn. Bar Lead—«c per pound. Buckets—Points, tl.2* per dozen; ce dar, three hoops, *2.25. Cards—Cotton. *4. Chain.—Trace, *3.(4 to *4.0 per dozen. well bnckets—83.25 per dozen. Rope—Manilla, 14c; rise!, 8c; cotton, 126 12 cents. Shoes—Horse. (4; Mule, *6. Shovel*—Ames, lib per dozen. U Shot—Drop. *1.85 per sack. Wire—Barbed. t-Xc per opund. Cora Beet-4 pound can. *2 per doom. NalU—*1.(6 bale, wire cut. *1.26 bug bam, Tubs—Painted, *2.**; cedar, *4.H per nest. Broom.~tl.28 to *6 epr dozen. Hames, Iron bound, *3. Measure*-Per nest, *1. Plow Biadet-4 c«nt* per pound. Iron—Swede, 4 l-2o per pound; refined, 2c basis. Plow ■rock—Halm.n, *1; Ferguson, 940. < . CANNED GOODS. !‘| Corrected Every Saturday by S. Jioues St Tinsley Co. Apples-*-t»und const *us per dem ^ Blackberries—2 pound cans. *1 per dozen; 1 pound cane. *1.45 per dozen. Corn—2 pound cans. 94 cents to *1.64 per dozen string Beans—2 pound cans, 94 cents per dozen. Tomatoes—2 pound cans, per dozen, 94 cents; 3 pound cana, 3L Okra and Tomatoes—2 pound cans, *1.10 pte Ja»B. June re«-S pound cans, *1.2* per dozen. Red Cherries—2 pound cans, *1.64 per dozen. White Cherries—2 pound cans,*L7l per dozen. Lima Beans—*1.26. Peacbea—2 pound cans, *1.60 p.r dozen. Pineapples—1 pound oans. *1.(0 to *12* per dozen: grated. F• * W„ *2.28. Raspberries—2 pound cans, |LSS dozen. . Strawberries—2 pound cons, *1.64 per dozen- peaches, pie—2 pound cans, $l*8 per dozen. Apricots. California—2 pound coos, *2.26 pee dozen. OH. WHAT A COUGH! Will you heed the warning—the sig nal, perhaps, of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, oonsumtloh? Ask yourself If you can afford, for the sake of saving 64 cents, run the risk and do nothing for it We know from expcrlenco that Shiloh’s Curo will cure your cough. It never falls. This ex plains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without It. For lame back, aldo or chest use Shiloh's Porous Plasters. Sold by Goodwyn 4k Small Drug Company, corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. . USE HOLMES' MOUTH WASH. Prepared by Drs. Holmes & Maaon, Dentists, 656 Mulberry Btreeit. It cures bleeding gums, uloers, sore mouth, eore throat, cleans the tettb and purifies the breath. For sale by all druggists. It was ovidenlt rthnlt they woro man and wife and were rciturnilwg from cs- ekUng at 'the wedding of two of their friends. ''Wouldn't u bo awful," nho wan hoard to nay to Trim. "If they were tn live together Iortg enough' to find otft Want the rillver .we *tuvc ifhetm wits plated?"—Mdlamoaxyiln Journal- Many ! Persons! (Cannot touch food prepar- j |td with lard, and yet all j [ such people can eat /w/yl [ of food shortened with, or 1 J cooked (even fried) in! COTTOLENE. For dys-j (peptics, and those with] | delicate digestive powers, I | Collolcne is invaluable. 1 (Having till the good fea-1 j tures of lard, with" none! lof its unhealthfulncss, its] | wonderful success is easily ! 1 explained. The genuine] Iclu-ays has trade mark—] [steer’s head la cotton-> 5 plant wreath—oa every j [pail. Made only by THE It. K- FAKBAKt COMPANY, - ST. LOUIS sad CHICAGO. LAPIE8 DO IOU SHOW on. mix LC MRUN'S STEEL HD FEWYMiriL NUL8 »re tbs original and only FRENCH, tafa and ra* liable core on the market. Prica $1-00; MOt by * %»L Genuine sold only by OOODWTN’8 DRUO 0TORM, See that the Twins Are on each package you buy. « GOLD DUST. Wnyblusi Powder L is the best and cheapest ever made. Its extra ordinary sale has brought out numer ous imitations. Pur- „— chasers, therefore, to protect themselves, should examine the package and see that the Twins are on it • Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, T ) Chicago, St. Louis, New York,’ Bostou, Philadelphia, San Francisco. CURE Sick IleAd&che and relievo nil the troubles inct* dent to a bilious Rtate of tho system, such as I)i/zim*Kg, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after entinir. l'ain In the Bide, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Caster's Little Livkr Pills nro equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing tills annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach* stimulate the liver and regulate tho bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache they would lie almost priceless to those who auffor from this distressing complaint: hut fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try tb«m will find these little pills valuable In bo many ways that they will not be willing to do without them, but after all sick head ACHE (s tho bane of bo many lives that here Is where we make our great boost. Our pills cure It while others do not. Carter's Littlk Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable mid do not gripe or purge, hut by their gentle action K lease all who use them. In viola at *5 cents; vo for $1. Bold everywhere, or sent by mall 0A2TS2 UXD1CIKB C0„ Ntw York. Big C _ .< non-polnonous _ r „ r *insdy for Gonorrhoeal -Whites, Hperruatorrho'a, \ w Gleet, unnatural discharges 1 lor any UittmmmaUon, Writs-1 ... -,i—*u 0 n 0 j muc<MM | Noil-astringent ftlon c. I membranes. I and guaranteed not to stricture. 1 SOLD BT DRIINUIST* or sent fn plain wrapper, br l5*uress, prepaid, on receipt of Iflw. Descriptive Circular ^mailed on request. InifMltrd by ^The Evans Chemical Co.® CINCINNATI, O. u U. S. A. To° Adam’s Clothes Were remarkably simple and in expensive, but they would hardly do for the U. S., A. D. 1894. Our clothes are remarkably inex pensive, also—note these prices: Pants - - • S3.00 Suits ... $ 13,25 Topcoats - SI0.25 And better material for a little more money. We give you fine quality, perfect fit and the latest cut. We Make Suits That Suit. PANTS suits COMPANY 833 Bcoond Btroot. H. P. “Talbott" ateol return tuliulnr holler: one fertilizer mixer; ono revolv ing reel: one set of crushing mile; one 48 ton lunnor Aesop’s stone corn mill complete; one fifty-ton railroad trails scales, wllk 34-foot platform; one four hundred pound platform scaled; ono six hundred pound bale and barrel scabs, and two regulation trucks; also ono oompleio ginnery, consisting of four nlxiy-saw "Eagle" gins, with foedera and condensers: ono Thomas direct-act ing sioam brer?; one eecxl oaiton eleva tor fompleto; ono five-toil wagon scale; also one forty H. P. ‘‘Talbott' station ery engine (ceniter crank), and one fifty H. P. return tubular boiler (Talboll): alee nny other property of said body not hr;,In mentioned, lntturat:o, choses In no'ion, etc. The property Is In first- cIufs order, having boon used hut little. This oroperty belnw ne-tvy and expen sive to n "ve. remains at JoffersonivUle, Git., where tt may be seen at any time. The tet in? of the sale of f.i : * plant (which will he offered as a whole), that wll' .take place without having the prop erly nit the place of sale, are ns follows: One-third cash; one-thlM in sixty days, and lit.'.-vr-e in ono hundred ind tyenty Myi—title to remain in the vendor un til mil title purchase money Is paid; also, the highest bid mads Is subject to the confirmation by the oourt at Eastman, Ga.. on January 8th, 1895, alt which place and time (ho undersigned Is re quired to mako his report. For further information parties interested or part tl/es desiring to buy may call bn any 0! fit® ntockiholdcrs of vne com;»ny or tile attorneys hare at (he narUri In tho mat ter. C. B. COLBERT. , Temporary Receive. Mkioon. Ga., Doe. 1, 1891. LEGAL SALE—COTTON SEED S1ILL AND OINNERY. By virtue of the authority granted by Judge C. C. Smith, In (ho matter of J. C. Shannon ct al. against Ellis Talbott, secretary and treasurer, ct al., pending In Twiggs superior court, tho i-nder- slgntll will sell at public outcry bfeore Ulio court houso door In Macon, Bibb, county. Georgia, during the legal hours of Sheriffs sales on t1to firet Tuesday in January. 1895. according to the term.) hereinafter stated, all tho real and per sonal property of tho Twiggs .ill and Fertilizer Oompi&ny, oonslutlng of all its right. MM and Interest lu and to that real (slate In Jelfersoiwllle.Twlggs county, Ceorvia, deeded to eald corpo ration on the 16rh day of Decomber. 1892, a dscriplion of which tray he found ltt book S, folio 438 lit the clerk's office of Twiggs superior court; also all tho rlgnts title and interest said corpo ration has to the real estate deeded to it on (h 19th day of Beplembr, 1892, es may be found recorded In book B, folios 437 and 438 of (be same office, said last icoperty being In Jeffraonvllle, Twiggs county, Georgti, and being that deeded by (he Macon, Dublin and Savannah Railroad Company. Also, the following p*?mortal property: One hydraulic press with fifteen reel plate box’s; two fifty-two beaters:: 000 set of four-high thirty colerolar crushing rolls; one dl- rect-aotlng steam cake former; one Hall duplex-anting ntx-am pump; one No. 2 "Climax" Ihullcr; two 100-saw ’.Inters, with feCdem and condensers; one hand screen with elevator, etc ; one combina tion reel and Khafcer: one cake breaker; one cake grinding mill, French bunr stones, two six feet by elx feet settling tanks with fixtures: one reclvlng tapk: on boUfng <ank for prnwuro pomp, ■with nil necessary pipe connections; or.e port 1 Me cako table, and all shaftings, pul’c-ya, hangers, bearings, couplings, collars, cturntcr shafts, elevators ami GEORGIA, Bibb County.—Under and by. virtue of the terms of tho decree rendered In tho superior court ol said county of Bibb, In tho case of J. S. MoTigho & Co. ct al. vb. tho Ma con Oonelructlon Company ct al. on w Intervention of tTto Now York Security and Trust Company, trustee for the bondholders forceloumg mortgage against the Macon and Blr- tnIngham Railroad Company, on tho 17th day of November, 1893. and a sup plemental decree rendtred Olio 3L7W day of November, 1894, the under signed n» special commissioner, will eem at public auction to (he highest bidder, In front of tho . court houso door In the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and state of Georgia, between tho luoura o£ 10 o’ctock a. tn. nna 4 o’clock p. m. on cho second Tueuday In January, 1895. tho following prop erty ot said Macon and Birmingham IUUlrond Company, to-wit: All of tlho property and franchises of the eald Mncon and Birmingham Rail road Company, tho soma being a standard gaugo railroad constructed and In actual operation from Sofkee, In said oounty ol Bibb, to tho city of La- Grange, lu the county of Troup. In said state of Georgia, and being ntnetv- eewn and two-tentlm miles In length, mid tivened projected from said city of DaGnangc to Mia Alabama line, pnu thenco to the city of Birmingham In tbo Btnto of Al.ab.vmvt, together with all (he equipment, sldo tracks, etattous and nay nud nil other rights, privileges and appurtenances thereof, n» set out lu said rtccrcte, reference to which Is hereby made according (o tho terms of sold d'ecrote for further particulars, both as to the property to be sold and tho terms of the sile; said property will bo sold ns an entirety mul tor cash. Tho success ful bidder will bo required to nay I2 z- 004 In cash within ono hour after said property Is knocked down to him; nnd *75.040 In cash within twenty-four houra nfter confirmation of Bttld sale; the balance of (he purchase prlco muBt 1)0 pi Id lit six ty days from date of con- rotation, either In oash or outstanding onds, nnd overdue coupons of said all road company. The rolling-stock purchased from the tolled States Rolling-stock Company y tile said Macon and Birmingham RaUroad Company and being about 494 lu number, will bo sold at tho nmo time, and along with tho Macon nnd Birmingham Railroad Company for cabh: which amount of cosh will bo In addition ‘ to any amount of cash hereinbefore referred to-accordlng to tho provisions of said decrees tpcclf- lojlly covering tho solo of said rolllng- etock, rcforeuco to which Is hereby made. Said mile la mado subject to con firmation by tbo court. , Foil CttBWvor gjirttoulara re gaming' tlho property to bo sold and tho terms of sale, all persona aro referred to tbo original decrees now of filo In tho clerk’s olfieo of tho superior court of Bibb oounty, Macon, Ga. Copies of those decree* may bo found at tho offices ot tho Now York Security nnd Trust Company, 40 WflTl street; and Hornblewer, Hyrno & Taylor, 46 Will iam street. New York. ISAAC HARDEMAN, Special Commissioner. OEORGIA, Bibb County. Under nnd by virtue of the powor of sale contained In a deed to secure debt, made, end delivered to tho undersigned by J. H. Owens, dated tho 3d day ot January, 1893, and recorded to tho olerk’s office of Bibb superior court m book (9, folio 402, tho underelgned wilt soil at public outcry for cash before tits courthouse door In Bibb county, Ga., between the legal hours of sa:e on the first Tuesday In January, 1693, the following described real estate, as the property-of said J. H. Owens: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being io said ante and county, situated In Bier. Mncon, being a part of tho one-half acre eA land deeded Henry Mlnms by Mm.^laria Jullen ou March 19. 1875; wild lot fronts forty- six <4() feet on an alley and runs back same width ono hundred and five (106) feet, nnd Is bounded south by said alley, e.iBt by lend of M. II. Cutter, north by land of J. W» Smith and wet by Hind of Eliza Mima. The debt secured by said deed will amount, under tho terme of said dv-ed tn the sum of *226.57, on the day ot sile, which said amount, tog«ther with I the expenses of thin proceeding, will be I pild out of the proceeds of said sale, cir.veyors complet.) for a fifteou-ton < II | MERCHANTS' AND MECHANICS' mill; one sixty H. P. "Talbott'' station-1 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA- ary slde-trank engine, and one eighty * TION, Ryals & Stone, Attorneys,