Newspaper Page Text
Three United States Deputy Marshals
Forced to Surrender a
Btn.idonal Ofr.rr.ic. la DedgeCeaatjr
lud*, AlUraMN la Wlr Ich laa.
or loci, sta'i Ufflc.r. W.n
O.I,doOflc.n Ar. flam.
The eenm.Uon.1 rumor whMi woo
IwblsJWM*. oa tho streets yesterday nf-
u-ruoon. about tho rescue of a prls-
oncr in ban Jo of United Stated, Dep
uty Mnndmto l>y a number of armed
(non In Dodge county, craitod quite a
stir amorigr the few who hopidnul to
find out any of the particular*.
A Telegraph reporter, on hearing the
rumor, went at onoo to tho United
Stall'd marshal'* otllce, but failed to
llnd the marshal "ot bonne.” Sovcral
dcputlc* wero In, however, nnd the re
porter lintmtdkMely made' known tho
object of hi* vlilt, rafting If It wen,
true tint a body of men hail waylaid
deputy mnrriiol* having In custody a
prleoner of th« United Sttiws court,
ur*l hud at the muzzle* of shotgun*
forded the deputies to rcliuee their prt*.
oarr and leave the country. One of
the deputhw who happened to ho sit
ting at tho desk uaiinlly oceuphrvl by
Oipt. Harrell when In, *>nl|cd Badly tuid
remarked, _ "1 have heard nothing
of It."
Ail effort* to make the deputy give
the particular* wen, unavailing. "Wo
don't Intend Of Jet -tin p»j*ra on to
the niuttt-r Juot yet," *apl he. "You
ore, It wouldn't bo right. It would bo
ugaint't u»i If Oipt. Harrell will tell
yoe anything It will be Ull right. 1
haven’t heard a wietl nbout It."
"I»ld you have the prisoner- In cus
tody whies you were stopped by the
nub, nnd didn't they order you lo-"on-
tic" him tlinn and there.
'"Well, we ilktn'-t ,urn him l/ioe* he-
o.««e wt wore ordered »>, Inn heeaiwe
wo were roynnil by twelve or Ilf icon
hf«ler*! bint you'll have to see the
tn-tindzul. 1 won'it itatk."
tkrpi. H«rrr-a wsi i n"en; but eounie-
ously dcclhu.l -a> talk on the subject;
Inlt fee,, a K,-rrii|OTiMn who fltuyn about
I. oru 1 dhe govornineuli
buBdVlJ* W was t.-ninuxt Chief Du-p-
uty Mtimbal Ayern. wlih two other
ww,kl '? >**100 county Ratur-
il.iy waimimia for Uin urrerit of sev-
**1'* wjua.lhw. They begin Sunday
III look UP I'lio pui-tle* tor niiiom they
“ l jV‘ * ti'iiinl.o .1.0.1 by Hum lay nfier-
fioon trill one nf iMic-m hi custody, and
wi -on invoylii/ blm -c, the MaUon ru
I'Hng hhn -to 31'acon, when, ist it lonely
Pam of -tho iv-i I. lV dozen men rose up
££*< **•« t'nb'k nnlenhruith on the
rondPtile and coveml them WMli Win-
chop,nr rrtl-a I'hc d< |'I!||liedo -1 ,v m i
"""-'•'I'l l>v tho loader „f ilhe mob i>,
unlJo that enu-n nnd nvik*' youiwelfH
“-bout here, for cf <«
we'll iihood .vor im Hull , T holm ns e r
Tile «lni>i»t1e» ( in «, niomtirl, whw t»ha*t
t’v ou.'liitta h ill Lis*"ovV iviiii otrocluA*
el tlimt dtscraUon wa» the belitcr part
of valor, amt th« prti.ym.-r w m reli-nxed.
; , '“ r ''ho <jtH' i i< «hv Kover'lmnirt
' < ™ allowi.t to ko -Jholh way, the rus-
I."o ,UI fi'K'mh, wtio Ini-
и. i-.llaloty.h-fil In an WUuMte dirflollon.
Wihalt ban lieon done t\in*iot ho fold,
but « oaome diet will l H - Immodtatelv
J-ikon to lirfn* nil the I'lrtsv imoreelcd
In the -iffoU* to the bar of Justice a
*fP my-Hiery M-evmlm the inanition,
Otil.r, rni.l-v.-ry"H»ly affotM the govern-
ment bull-line nre as dumb ne Sho iirn-
virblol oyster, mul mans- will b»*io
ITln'-il that Hhla tuu-.di of the truih
him leaked out.
To pair.* the Idly or «rlM refined gold
wiaiH r.K be more mumrfhKmB than to
ttlompl on lugH-octcr.. itit. on Dr: I'ltee'a
Crttun it ah lug J'oaMcr. J-iioh h> p*
wuy In i-otfeot,
J. Jl. Ulmor or Ahgunta, 1* In tho
J. H. Hodeouhb of Darltdioro la Cu tlio
J. B .McMIlUtn of Aupustla. 1* ire tho
I'Jr’.l P, JijftnaVn of AViiyoroas I* in
tlie- dty.
J. B. Bailee of CTVirfeAttm, 8.0., spent
ymtontey in Mlioon,
Mr. J. nioefi of AtlAiltn spent yester
day ,n Maoon.
Oiwbo dl. nopo of CCihMeeton, 8. C.,
1* In ,1m nlty butty.
W. L. tMdimn of Atlantai spent ye»-
tnrdUy In the dty.
Mr. -Simon ltiil of 'Wkiycrose 1* re«-
islcn.1 nt Until Tnnliir.
hits* Otrrio Harris has returned from
n visit to Atlanta.
II. n. Omiufool of I tuts. Tei;., |* rog.
Istcrnl at Hto Iktiwn lumiso,
Hon. iMnrtrit V. Calvin of Augusta
к, to tho dty on legal business.
W. W. Aililutrn, a pr.siUis-nt tumln-r-
tmn -if Rsdanem, Is ut th»> Ib\nvn house
Cbi. AV, H. Mllhe-, a w41-Uuo»-n nt-
horary of Atunw.n, is In rim city tmlny,
Mr. R. noblw. u popubr raided of
All tiny. Re.. Hirnot yiwtrnfny n Macon.
J. H. ffatronllo. D. P, t\s>glo ntul
Until Oook of Oghldtorpo are In rim
Hon. (M. P. CmtoH of 'Anguata wn*
n Vet*.niru 1 -si—l vMlur to Macon yvs-
AUtoraey J. E. StbMtllan of Augusta
was unusig Hits iMacon friends yentcr-
Dr. H. W. Walker, dentist, Ui Second
■treet (over Solombn's jewelry atoreL
Macon. Oa.
Oaph flava* W. 'Ai’.crrm. elltor d the
OvaionSw iteewnnger. sun In the cky
lion. -.1. G. MwMiUtu. a lcniUng law-
y-T of AumssRtt, is n Mhcon oa prafen-
if dial lnwitms-i.
James D. Omumltaei a prominent at
torney of -Aiunntm, (a in Maoon atteod-
Ing 1,'uflnl sui-ttw
lion. Pay kin Wrlgt.t of Aneurta
hivuit yesvnkvy in 'Macon on huslntM,
(n the ITn tvd S .-as court.
Mr. W. O. Wllklun, a preanlnewt mar-
clisilt of Wsiv-rOie, era amonft Me-
Awn'* big Joiibcin, jvutvrvhty.
MSs* Nannie ©mlth of Rrokhvllte and
bltaa Florence lAdoms of A Jama i-urk
•were In the city yevi ee l iy. ou their way
bo BartKin iae to sfttxiid die glUhn of
Miss Cook.
-Menans. Chart<w ilott and Ooorge Hurt
left last nlgtw for Eulnii. Ala., where
Mr. Holt -»wl rad Miss Annie Young
t»f that c*jr on Wolm>»iAy eveafac.
O.-aer Pnok of Mr. HoU will leave to-
nliha for Kutuuhu
euperkreundnlt a C. Eppmaon and
T. Ji. cSIkaSo at tiio bou.ViTOrtern
railroi-i are In <MJvufaem*ry on
-Mr. Wat DW-- nrtivci In the city
grwterday sdironyi. Mr. untie l» trav*
♦ (nsn Mbctttoa tt> Mllledgeitlls
In a buezy. sod any* he I* hoy tug a i|y
larriufiu ndo,
They Come to 'Academy For Friday and
rrhs *'j} rawn i M --
hove oome to she dry.
fHhelc quaint pleturo,
nre in all the store
wtrtdorwu and they
ChurnIves will be In
evidence at the Acad
emy of Music on Fri
day evening and
ivgalti ot a- matinee on
Ba'i.urdjy afternoon
end will moke siielr
favowetl bow ro the
yumn puttllc on Sat
urday ever I trig. -'The
HrmnUerf' ore en
gaged In u lalbor of
love. Their nature
Is to do good. They
will disport them
selves on oho Academy wtage for the
iK-nclia of tho Macow public hospltul
and hope to Have crowded house* to
greet the min their merry antics.
T.!K*e quaint, «ny*tJc character* have
bi-oamo hoinchol-l fzvorltea Udrougtiout
tlio world—translations --f their won-
dcrous doings halving Chadmod rcAlCrs
ot CemuD, I-’riinoh, I bill on and other
teOguuigcs—J»1 lit I* Warily proba
ble to over-esWmate 'the kln-lly feeltntt*
Lott ovcrj’S'lere exist for theas lhaippy
cnutkms of -Palmer Cox. -MWions of
lllitlfl one* wait Pmglngly for each now
exploit of the Brownie Ttvrtd; and their
intcnBe tntoroit In thetie funny adven
turer* ib libcra'.ly shared by the grown
lin the cimstntetlon of this production
die author hie mtluiully introduced
nil the web-know ftuvwrUW. but their
enptrionea*. bright saying* and ac
tion* tire entirely new, nfloot Wspplly
presenting the peculiar WdlvUdusWUes
of iu«h, and ghe "Brownlm In Fairy-
kind" will odd now lufltr- to the lltcffl-
ry fame of ttidr orlglre-ifor. The In-
wodunlt-m of -the Fairy Quenn snr.l Wild
In anotlher nf Mr. Cox'* dlevnr Ideas,
and he has given these litre olios mosl
chiarmlng lines nnd songs. *
Tlio 'bright, mitdhy 'music was canc
el illy cixnposnd by -Mr. iMoScolm Doug-
IK-. every nUmiber -befog melodious:
••ltd the off cot of the njhoruse*, rcn-Jcrc-1
by uho -half bundired o-r more children’s
volciw. Is boautffiit -beyond dc»cripllon.
Careful attoretton hi* hoan given the
olfwitlve oostum-IPg of the KVrge east of
olvmieters. tu, -woll an to tine lnstruc-
ti-ins in "imulke up" and action.
The tromendouw bunlnoM -that has
olvirwctorin-d tltse nntontain'ment from
the en*rt. and. -more enpoorslly. 1.he In-
vurlulili' Imcniaee of paworage «t with
succeeding repettUoti of -the entertaln-
motst, shows llhat th» uolWiI efforts of
tho tiiitfhor, oompoaer, costtimor nnd
minvpi-M to make ahe "Rrownten hi
FVtlrytand" u noteworthy production,
hcvvo not) been in vrrtn. Experience In
the pwt -w’.irrtails Hr* suggestion -that
noils for the coming im-gagonient In this
city ho Hocmvld eit uho «irll«iti opportu-
tnly. '
-Till* Oatfipimt'v MiiVwInter Exhmslllon
wtia a dar.zllng wurree.-o. Dr. Price's
Cream Diking reorder 'look the Wgheat
prise fir purity, <tirenM3h anil oxeoile-m*'.
A Young Man Raised in the Lap of
Luxury to Recome a Factory Opera
tive. - , Hu;
On the flrst day of Jauuary, 1895, Mr.
Ren Willingham, son of Old. R. D.
Wlltlwgliain, will don a pair of overalls
and begin work In the Manchester Cot
ton Mills as an upprentlco In the pick
er roar,', at SO - rnla a day.
Mr. Wllllngliain now holds a good
position nt u flue salary with hio fattier
utul brother nit Willingham's ivnrc-
houae. but ho wants to learn the cutton
factory bustuesn, and In order to do
so will begin a t tile bottom it ml learn
It nil. lie goes to work on an equal
footing with thu other apprentices In
tile picker room, and will work the
same number of hours nnd perform
the same duties us the mast huinblo
cmnloyeo of the department, nnd take
tils ehnnrcs of promotion ,-> the higher
and better pay,rug deimrtments. After
learning nil there Is to learn lit tho
Mouichiwter mills Mr. Willingham will
tipplj for a position In one of tho large
cotton mills of Fall River, Mans., unit
remote there until he tuts learned tho
buslnrs* thoroughly. After that he will
return to Mnrcm nnd entabllnh one of
the Divest nnd must complete cotton
faetorles In Oeorgln.
tt to doubtful If thcro I* another
young mnn in Georgia nltualed nn Is
Mr. WllUnghmii, who w-iutd have the
pluck nnd courage to lak-- the stop ho
wilt toko with Uic beginning of tho
new year. He la a member of u family
with no social superiors, nnd whoso ag
gregated wealth will exceed that of
any family In tho state. Reared with
every luxury at hie command, nnd with
every assurance of wealth nnd -use tho
remainder of hla Ufo, whether ho work*
or not, he goes into cotton fnctory to
work for 60 cents per day; then to ho
constantly associated with peoplo who
aro la the main his Inferiors, both In
Intelligence »ud in a socUl wny. True,
his brj'ln-r. Mr. C. B. WUtlnghdm, Ins
promised to put 1,1m nt the head of
one of the largest cotton factories In
tlie South when lie completea hla trade,
but oven such nn Inducement na tills
would tempt few young men to spend
-tl" bent part of their lives among
spindles, Hut cotton, griviee, otc„ but It
U of just such material that the whole
Wllllngltmn family U made, and that
has made them a family famous
throughout the st-lto na business men
and good citizens. Mr. Ren Wllllngliam
Is llui youngest of the family, but he
has shown tlint he, too, was every Inch
a Willingham.
R, R. Drown, nK.-dgnoe for O. D.
Duy*. Has nt, ad. In the dhe.vp eidifmn,
offering u number ot Hu-galns fur sale.
Be sure to tvad It.
A New Grand Jury fiworn In to Finish
Up tho Work of me
A tlnmber of Criminal Cases Disposed Of
ends Tola! Divorce Granted Mrs-'
Hickman—Mr. Moreook Is n
Votary Public,
Bibb superior quart convened yeeter-
day for the purpose of swearing In n
new grand jury and taking up the
criminal docket.
The first business -was the selection
of ths grand Jury, which, when com
pleted, was a* follow*: W. H. Ross,
forem*o; C. C. Wilder, R. V, Burden,
F. H. WcGehle, C. C. Balkcom, Geo.
W. Yales, George B. Jewett, ff. L.
Mussenburg, J. T. Grace, C. W. How
ard, A, F. l'arrott, H. McKervey, I.
II. Johnson, S. M. Brown, J. Batmen-
berg, M. M. Mlncbew, J. S. McGTliee,
J. J. Jelks, W. H. Mansflrtd.
Judge Hardeman gave instructions
to the Jury and they retired to the
grand Jury room, where, after electing
Mr. W. ’ll. Boss foreman, they ad
Traverse juries wore formed after
the grand Jury retired, and court pro
ceeded to 'tho hearing of cases. The
first case taken up was that of the
state v*. Joe Tharpe, charged with
mt-sdcmeimor, who entered n plea, of
guilty, raid was sentenced to six
months In tho chain gang, or to pay a
fin* of |35. i
The roext case was the state vs. Joe
Evans, who was Indicted with Frank
Jtmtzen for burglary, Jantxcu was sent
to 'the peoitwttktpy for two years ut
the last term of court but Evans fared
much better, as his cose was nolle
proas ed.
in the case of tho State vs. Eugenia
Johnson and .Scott Holt, both charged
with larceny from tine pennon, Holt was
aentenoed to eight months ott the
dialoguing or to pay a fine of 555; and
Eugenia Jotwwon was sentenced to
dve months in jatl or to pay a fine of
Mrs. Addin A. Hickman was granted
a second verdict in a suit fra- divorce
from 8. J., and Judgment mis
rendered removing all disabilities from
both parties at issue.
L. -H. Gambler entx-fed a plt-n. of
guilty to ganrbllng, and was sentenced
to six monthB in jail or to pay it
fine of 560.
Getorge Hickman, charged with as
sault with Intent to rape, was-put on
trial late yesterday afternoon. The evi
dence was finished; and the ease given
to line Jury ut 5 o'clock, but up to a
late hour last night a verdict hud uot
been reapbld.
J. C. Moreoek was commissioned a
notary public.
The criminal docket will bo contin
ued today, nnd kept up until nil caseu
now on the calendar have been dis
posed of.
Judging from her lakwrt piu.lfligrai*is,
Mrs. Grover Cleveland Is mure attnac.-
Ivs tliulm ever. Like oilier good house
keeper, film CSovelmvi rejoices to uhe
remits nefoievd by Dr. Price's Cream
Balt ling Powder.
LICENSE TSSUER.—Ordinary Wiley
yeoterdiay Issued a license for the mar
riage of Thomas Fitzgerald Cook to
Miss Julia Lee -Nottdngh'am,
LOTS OF LUCRE.—Yesterday was
pay day at the Central railroad nnd
many thousand dofi-amt were tunned
loose Hn the city. The retail trade
of the city -always brightens up when
the Central pays oft aa-5 mt»; It/-arts
beside* three of the employees of the
road are cnade glud.
A NEW CITIZEN—Dr. H. A. Brown,
one of the oldbst and moat successful
physician* of Fort Valley, has moved
to M-icon to practice his profession-,
nnd -has token up his residence In East
Macon, corner Chundh sod Lee street*.
Dr. Brown Is aCrc-idy very well known
to many tn JPicon and Is held In high
esteem by everyone.
THE ATHENAEUM—IB deference to
the wishes of many of the lAtfuenaeum
members -who desire to attend the
"Brownies” on Friday evening, it has
been' dittermioed to postpone *ho regu
lar moulting of the Athenaeum until
Friday night of next week, being the
third FrMtuy In the month, Instead of
tlhe Bcoond.
IN AND OUT.—Ten now prisoners
wero -locked up -n Bibb county Ja'.I yes
terday and six others released, making
a nett gain of four prironers for tho
day. Three of Inc pri.sonesu taken out
wore caroled to Rusarian for trail, they
having been in jail here for site-keep
tVtley received a letter from Dr. Pow
ell, superintendent of the State Luna
tic Asylum, yesterday announcing tho
ih-a-Kh of HonrleUtli Perkins, wtiro WJS
winit -tn -fho 'av.ylom from till a county yeans trgo. The tctticr oa.1d dhe
wuuM he given n Christ!’,Ill burial raid
UHkdt Cifs. Wiley to notify (her rela
tives, If any could be found.
—M-r. *Jake Bm-inun], inhc -well posted
manager of Sol 'Woxelbaum & Go.'a
oiofhlnlg depairitmunt, Ih.lo Just returned
from Now York. Clothing, Ihe says, Is
trot chemiihr a» yet all-! will nat bo until
after Jaireuary. “I ad-v'ilse all country
m-enahuntB," 'ho said, “to delay fiheir
spring -purchases as long Us they can.
It will be money In ithrir pockets (f
they do."
seven negro gambli-cs unrestv-d Sunduy
niamltg while i'n the sot of gambling
on IAruitb e,lrtul-, Itvero committed to
the c-lly court on the charge ot gambling
by Recorder -Freeman yeatenlay morn
ing. In defaulg of 'ball -they nvore all
sent to Jail. Ida Ilob'nsou, mtn se
riously cut tSuney Harris iSurubvy af
ternoon, was fined $30 or sixty days on
tlio eUatngang ami eonamlwed ,tb the
city court for ufisault ntul battery.
the cream of Cod-liver Oil, with
Hypophosphites, is for
Boro Throat,
Weak Lungs,
Loss of Flesh,
Weak Babies,
Crowing Children,
Foot Mothers’ Milk,
jn fact, for all conditions call
ing for a quick and effective
HJUritAment. SmJ/cr JVua/I/rf. Fm.
ic«t*foaM,ll. r. MOtsMsts- Ms.Basil.
BSSHBmnil*M rsqabra m skss«e of BM «o
htt b
5$ twsel{Mows! Vwt £lkscSs3
MagraBBMBBHi Um< * Csss—ieet MUSB
The Printing for "Pawn Ticket 210''
. Has Not Yet Arrived. -
One of the beat plays that will visit
M-accu this seaaon will be here to.nt r-
row evening at tho Academy of Much.-,
and ynt It Is not advertised as It ti l,J
be. The printing for this attraction,
"Pawn Ticket 510," haa liven lost seir.c-
where In transit by the expresa t-em-
panj: tliorcfori-, there cannot lie teen
any f.wnllkir ltthograplM ot the per
formance about the street comer*.
Those who wish to see u goo.1 show
need not look for tile show plcturej,
for very often thk> show and tdeturea
aro very different. The following no
tice about the attraction was clipped
from the Philadelphia Inquirer -of Oct.
30, '04, when this same company waa on
Its way South:
Bouquet after bouquet, piece after
piece of choice flowers mid cheer upon
chcor, which fairly shook the houie,
greeted Miss Amy Lee, Frank Deane
and P. Aug. Anderson, three as popu-
air favorite.! as ever appeared at the
Empire Theatre. The audience was
large; In fact, standing room was nt
a premium, nnd many of those In tho
house were old admirers of these clever
nemons, whose efTorts to entertain
have proved highly successful In the
twist. A more charming or more viva
cious little Noubrette than Amy Leo
could not have been fouud to play ti e
rolo of "Mag." Her sweet, inimical
voice, which bIio uses to great advant
age In Uk> singing of a number of
catchy song*; her magin-Uo stage prets,
once, which eeemfl to cast a my of
sunshine and Joy to tho more sombre
portion# ot tho phiy, and her general
lUtractlvenoM nil go to make Miss Leo
a prim# favorite, nnd she fully deserves
the emhuelastto reception tendered her
lust night. Frank Doan Is a clever
comcdkin, with tt splendid voice. Ilia
rendering or Roverdt song* with Miss
Lee being very enjoyable, and Mr. P.
Aug. Anderson wns excellently east tn
the rolo of "Uncle Harris," th# pawn
broker, n character In which ho
iwllloved success with Lotto. Roth
those pktyers were accorded a lair
share or plaudits. lu the cast were
also Meic-rw. J. F. Sherry, Lionel Bl ind,
F. A. Connor, Misses Sara Loro-llcs,
Nellie Dunbar. Mrs. Rose Watkins tind
otli'onq each of whom gave the e i-niars
excelV-nt support In their various
roles. ''Pawn Ticket JW Is too familiar
to Uoenre-Koers to require rehearsing
at this late period. It Ut an old favorite
with tiiu.ti mw, up-to-dato dialogue
nnd taking songs Introduced.—putla-
detphhi Inquirer, Oct. 30, 1534.
An Intcrestlag Exhibit at the Tele
graph Otllce Last Night.
A number of Kullcs nnd gentlemen
were oathered In the Telegraph bust-
m^cs otllce lust nlgtit to view the most
novel thing In the way ot k parlor
hv'Mxvr ever e-t,-n in Metron.
It Is a "t->vo oral yet a Hmp, aod
(t I* coo proivy for either. The most
re.-n.\ rklibte thing ohout the heater is
Ita ctofirexv cve.-j-one who saw it be
ing surprised at too price. The heater
ts the very thing for keeping x bed
nvm H-vtcr tit |.tlgrf-, and ut Ott
same time fumvsh a soft Mgtit. II
Is like ,v.p«v»lly well adapted f m
MSUfi a r wlcr qiik-kV tor the reecp-
ir -it of Eome gucsi\ or It would prove
Vhe snout enjojnabl* thing fougaxible
tn a tci.h room.
Tho h.wtt-r -wns exhibit.-I by Mr. J.
hV. Domiuz'io. toe well-known crock
ery at»t glusowwre dealer, and h# MVR
It Is only one or the nuny pretty end
at the Same time, uv-fut tb'ngs be tsas
on J and tor the holiday tnl.le.
WoshtnsSon. Doe. Itt-FVx- Georgia:
Fair; aovftoweet » aids.
WILL -WED TODAY.—Polite Officer
Stillh Knigiht 'will toddy wed Miss Min
nie Rusk -a I tlhe -residence ot her fahher
on Hole street. The cereimony wHtl
be porfofimdd aft 4 o'ctock ifhla after
noon mid the happy Couple will Lm-
modifatply go to the holme of Mr. Gard
ner Ktmbrow «n Huguealn Helirihts,
wfluere a 'reception will be tem-dere-4
ihe-m. Mr. Knight is one of -t'he -h in-1-
somesti and' moat efficient members of
tlhe -poltoo force, arid iflss Rusk In a
young lady 'greatly admired by all who
know her.
WHO IS IT?—Mayor Horne received
n telegraim from -He**. N. E. TT'Vr-ris
lust rilglhit/ shying: “You tiro needed
here. Parties trying to take aiway
your power to appoint cummlitteos.”
Muyor Home -was very indignant at
the 1 uformi r: contatndd to i'hc ftele-
gralm, and said he had no Idea who
It -was that was trying ,-.o do ou,ah a
tlhlnlg. He said lie felt confident dlhijbt
no member of council would attempt:
suoh tv 'trick, as -tlhey h-ave all e?ri-:T
w-it'h -him to She mmendfmsreta ibefore the
house. -Mayor Horne left on one of
the early -moro'bg trains for AMsrtto
to Investigate the roaitter.
Here is a story in four words. It can’t be beaten for
brevity or truth.
We are ready to submit to the demand of the people.
Our prices stand as ready proof—they stand conformed to
the demand of the stringent times. We have cut them
down lower than ever. Wc are actually showing real
good Suits—Suits stylish up to date—from $8.00 up.
. The excellent quality of our stock, our steady march
with the time of fashion, our business method of fair and
square dealing, need no introduction. A quarter of a
century here in Macon has long since placed our business
reputation first and foremost in the lead.
Your Dali Is Respectfully limited.
Chas, ¥acMel,
515 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga.
Burke Boot and Stationery Company#
Books, Stationery, Bibles, Hymn Books, Fancy Goods,
Artist Materials, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags.
An experience of nearly half a century in tbc Book and Stationery business
enables Mr> J- W. Burke to offer unexcelled facilities in buying and selling.
452 Second Street, . . . Macon, Ga.
Manufacturers of—
“Constant Pressure” Power
Generators, Motors, and Dyna
mos for Incandescent Lighting
and Electro-Plating.
Contractors for—
Electric Liciit
and Power
Wp can run your Elevator, Machine Shop, Printing Press,
Laundry, or Icc Cream Freezer cheaper than you can do it by
steam; or we can furnish you Dynamos to light your Factory
or Store. Write us, or
14 E. Mitchell Street-, Atlanta, Ga,
Rand, McHally & Co/s
A prudent CMcaio houc.lwito, when
tbo creak Btirlko began, ntf.ceil 15 barret*
of flour in her cel lav. She root tt
-wSih -half a iloz-.r oinn of Dr. Price'*
Crown RiMllff Powder.
W. A. Joiner, She m.iu who created
Kitrii a nonunion by rihoob'ng tile pis
tol on n iMucoti and Diddln train a tow
(toys ago, wits fined $5 for shooting In
tlio city, $25 for disorderly conduct and
bound ovi-r ifor curry log concealed
vvivipons -and ponKtig a pistol at an
other. Tin' eivldcnce taiOoire the recor
der wn* ttiut Joiner did nat shoot ut n
mtur numnt I-'tiii pa trick, but after
pointing Ills p'stol nt anveral people, nt-
tetnptcd to shoot Conduolor Huff, nnd
ft* -pistol was dlaohargol wlille sev
eral parties avtvo trying to tttko tho
p'stol from him. _
Tlu> Tivan.v friends in Xltoon of Mr.
El. Van Yhlkeubra-g, wlio Ojniu-i'ly
llvcil here, will vegrat to Icurn of Ills
divcth, avldoli occurred In INashv'llc,
Tcnn., on Saturiltiy. Mr. Van Vulacn-
horg num for a long time n resident of
Maoon nnd an engineer on tho Central
railroad Ivetweon -Macon nnd Atlanta.
After leaving 'Macon Ire rovnt to Nash
ville. wiiere lie litis tieoai crngtigal In
tlve lumber business tor several years.
Ho livtvos tu-o sls'Virs and a brother In
MUcon. Tlii'se -are 3Irs. F. W, McAfco,
Mies v\lloe Van \tilkcnherg and Mr.
Arthur Van Vnlkerfbcrg.
Smith, editor of the Arftbum Advance,
wus In the city yecj'cnhiy and said that
MUcs. or Turner, vvhb wus killed In
Florida, Is finmi Aslebura, nnd tlvat ho
was a dec (votive -wltii u vU* nnd two
children at AfCibuni. -Mfi Smith says
Tunnc left homo six aveeks ngo mid
nvnt t» Duldin, and from thenco to
Florida, dir. Smith came -to Macon to
sco Detent!VO Wood. lie Uad a pleturo
of Mrs. Tumor, which OetenKvo Wood
M--.-: il.-l ns u llk.-n.-ss of tin- one he
mw Tumerhave ■’n Dublin. Mr. Smith
says that Thmer was rnlseil (o Loo
county unil lias a brother who is J. Z.
Turner maiding ut CUttondale, Terrell
Highest rfooers—World's Fair.
A puce Grape Cream of Tartar Powdst. Pm*
tom Ammonia, Alum a any other aAANient
STORY of the
CENSUS of 1890.
Biographies of
Prominent Men.
Portraits of the
Bright Men.
C_J w
52 §
Printed upon fine calend*
cred paper with marbled
Cut out coupon and send it
with TWO DOLLARS, and
we will send you a copy cl
the magnificent work.
Size, 111-2x141-2 inches.
Out of town purchasers to