Newspaper Page Text
If It Is More Than 53,500 Yon Must
Pay a Tax to tho
fUtnrna tn «o Be Jl»4» by ih> Flwtor
ITixtXitth unit tli* Taxi* Faya*
but* Olalrlct Collector#by
tb* Pint of SuUtlTi
Waahlrffton, Deo. JJ.—The secretary
of the treasury approved the Income
tax refutations. Every citizen of the
United State*, whether residing at
home or abroad, and every person re
siding or doing business to the United
dtatea who has an annual income of
more than 13,600 Is required to make
return under oath before tho Unit Mon
day In March eaoh year. The return
is to include nil Income received in the
year 18*4 from Jan. 1 to Dec. 3L Guard
ians, tmistcea, and sit corporations act
ing In any nduclary capacity <1® re
quired to make similar return* tor
lniuors, fur beneficiaries or heirs. For-
am* having tee* than $3,600 annual to-
votna are Slot required to mske re
turns. All income* of Ji.000 and over
ere taxable 3 i-er cent.
The person milking return la required
to make affidavit that he lias Included
la such return aU gains, profit*, and
mama from *very auurce whatever re
ceived by him or to which lie la entitled
for that year, and that he is honestly
entitled to make ail the deductions en
tered on bl* return, and that he baa
truly answered the interrogatories set
forth on a blank form.
Oho gross gains, profits and Income
returned by person* are to include:
times profits of any trade or business
wherever carried on; rent* received or
accrued during the year; profits from
nates of real estate puchased within
two yearn; '-terming operations and
prooeeda; money and value of all per-
m»4l property acquired by gift or In
heritance: premttima on bonds, stocks,
iiotea and coupons; Income from trade
or proxenalon not by slated salary and
U it herotoforo enumerated; from salury
or Mimpeiuaitlon other than tlvuit re
ceived from the United Bales; from
Bakery or compensation p»|d by tho
United tibiteo; undivided gains arid
proltta of any partnerships; Interest
received or accured from all notes,
iamds or otlier seimrilloa; interest on
leinds or ooupona paid of any lorpors-
tlon; dividends from corporations; in
come of wife or minor children or oth
er sources of Income not above enum
The d«Mttellon« allowed on tho return
Four thousand dollara exempt by law:
Intertist due and pnld with.n the >-ear;
national, atnte, couraty and municipal
tuxes paid, not tnrludtng assewmenita
for Mai benefit*; amount oxtonndrtl In
irurahaae and production of live aiock
or produce sold within the year: neces-
ssry ext-cnara ms-clfted by Item* netu-
any Incurred in currying on any busl-
twns or trade: locm-s actually sustained
during the year, *i>ivltMI; actusll lanes
on mb of mil erttote tpurchuaed wHSibi
Itwti years; dehts cowimatndt in <<ho ysssi
salary over 11,000 for wlilifii tho tax of 1
«wr centum bis been withheld by tho
OMbutMng offieors of the United States
government; dividends include 1 tn the
enUmste* of gross cstlmalctf from cor-
poradona on which the 2 per cent, has
bean (did by such corporations.
If any person f«U« to make return or
makes falsa tvtttm, llhe collector la to
make return for iitm from evidence ob-
1 *J***4J*2 summoning the person nnd
. xtemlntng ids hoks and from all other
examining ills book*, and ahnll add 60
I** coni, to tho amount of tax Hand aw*
u* ajiertkKy for nefctant, and 100 pro
°*Bt; for a fraudulent return.
All corpomtlosia, eempontes and nsso-
clsttarax both rraOtaw and foreUm, do-
*? tito United Btnteu.oro r*-
2“3JS ,0 nl " kc ““W* r,| W» Of not
profits <>n a separate btank to cover tlio
calendar ymr llsi
Tho exemption of JtOOO allowed to
’* not extended to corporations,
but tho returnmust coverall net prollin
without exemption. The mimial return
of corporation* must fneUide:
Tim grata proilta from mU kinds of
tHarness; the expense cxeslulvo of in-
fereK annuities or dividends; the net
ptuflt, without allowance for hnoML
nmiuHhw or dividends; tho tnniount paid
«U1 account of Intenut, atmmMtm and
illveksids; the amount paid to salaries
of 11.two or lews to inch utisnloyv; the
amount <uhl in aniartea a! tmoro than
*1.000 to each employe, nmd the inns
*u < l ns 't of enoh of auoh employes.
Tito grass uuvilt uniat luclude:
All pram* of any trade or business;
Interest ou coupons from bonds or oth
er securities of any ourporotio*]; undi
vided iiraflts of uiiy coroprattnn, pre
mium rot bond*.notes or stocks, coimuls-
ulon or pcrocuitflgv; bite rest on govern-
tmnt securities, not exempt by l«w;
interest on other notes, bonds and ee-
outides; profits fram rales or real es
tate, fora ivt'tw and prafite from nil
other Source*. Tho dpccsttatf expenses
mu»t Include Interest i«Jd or ocorucd
wlbhin tho yvur oil bonded or oatu-r in
debtedness i>f euch corporation; losses
actually mistalnod during tho yaar,
.which must bo separately unwed sod
fully described b« tu cause, data and
remount; ell taxes Actually i*dd; ssla-
ries and pay at otttoers und umpoyra
ncutdlly pM during tbo year;; rents
mid Tep.dis; all ether Ixcmary ex-
IK-nucs, ntilah must be tosmlsed nml
fully explained In tbo return. The net
prcflbt arc to Include all amount* paid
to stockholder* or Mharvhdlders; tbo
remount ot undivided profits ourreld lu
autplus or any outer fund; amount ot
net tprotlta uih.I tor COOSI*notion, eu-
Inrgonient or kmpravomemt of plant;
«dl other exptmdfturos or investments
from tho net profits: certain ypretfled
corporations for charitable nnd like
purposes and certain ravings bonks,
mutual Insurance companies nnd build
ing anil loan amocle-ttona are exempt
treat Income tax. In such case*. It I*
held by Che department that *ho Inten
tion ot (he exemption ts to extend Its
tboodfita to the smalt d-qsstttors and
hentfflciariea of auvOi mutual tuid aav-
inga Institutions, and tint the corpora 1
ti'bS •* auoh, and those arho aponilat.’
In the Share*, (dock or tumkx ivro pot
tbo Intended benefldwleti ot the ex-
om|*tcQ. Cancet.)r* are rtquirad to
examine the article* of ln,-**ipormtlon
and tblndnee* method* of cofitoraiflons
c]Ibulng exemption, and whore such
ore trot within the clasa opecltled as
exempt 1o cause nvurn to be made
for taxation as tn She case of other
Tn* tax due from ealxrtM of officer*
and from pay of employra t n the United
1 Btatee Is lo 1>« deducted from the Hr*t
excels payment oxer W.000 by paymas
ter* and dUlairalng oltlcera
It ts provided that so perl of the salary,
tees or entolumenta I<ir any stain, comi
ty or muolclral officer shall be subject
to Income tax, and no return thereof
’ ehn’l be made of tbo alaty or of th*
fees of such officers. The salary receiv
ed by reverament officials In ISM shall
be Included tn the first annual return to
be mads on or before the first Monday
In March. UK.
Appeals tn the first Ixtaaca are to tx
made by dissatisfied tax payer* to the
collector, and If dlualtallcd with hi* de-
i l*len, the appellant may hare the cu-
tlro cause, with all papers and evldenco
relating thereto, tnurtferred to tho com
missioner of Internal revenue for hla de
Severe penalties are Imposed upon all
officers arid other persons who make
known In any manner any diet.or par-
Oculars obtained in or relating to an on-
uual return of any tax payer or any in
formation a* to the sources or amount
of th* income of any such pereon. Col
lector# are strictly directed by the rcgti-
latlons to rightly enforce this provision.
The tax on incomes for tho year 1861
will be due and payable on or before
July 1, next, and It not p&ld at that time
the penalties wilt attach for non-pay
The fun text of the regulations contains
about 75,660 words and will not be print
ed for distribution for a week or more.
Yards at Ellxabotsiport Leased by
Lewis Nixon.
New York, Deo. 1*.—(A representa
tive of rhe shipbuilding firm of Samuel
L. Moore A, Bona of EllssbitUvport, IN.
J., makes the foMowing eisptement:
"Tho p’dblinhKd account ‘of Lewis
Nixon ledalDg -tbo -works of Samuel
L. Moore & Hot* Company for a pe
riod of five yoirl is aUbotanrUally cor
rect, wrth this exception: The business
of Basneul L. Moure & Bonn Is that of
Bhtpbulldlrtg and foundry and machine
work. The foundry end machine shop*
are the older portion of the (guineas.
The HMpbidldlng department was ad
ded about tour year* ago. It repre
sent* ouly one-quarter of our entire
‘btulnews. Mr. Nixon has teased the
shipbuilding department. The lease
was signed today, and covers a period
of five years. Samuel L. Moore A Sons
will continue tfh* foundry and machine
It was not t*hafed Just how soon Mr.
Nixon would assume charge. Lewis
Nixon designed the new battleship of
Phio Indiana class while naval insirnot-
or In <3ie United Btaites nsvy. He re
signed from too navy to become super
intending Instructor of Cramp's ship
yard In Philadelphia, whore he devoted
himself to the oonstruetiom of battle
ship sand liners. It Is understood that
he wm retain his connection with the
Cramps. It is expected that he will
use hi* shipbuilding yards In Ellstl-
bettbport for MVe construction of a spe
cial 'line of vessels, both tor the navy
and for sailing purposes, notably rac
ing yachts.
An Oklahoma Rand Broken Up and
Muob Spurious Coin Secured.
Outhrie, O. T., Dec. 12.—A squad of
Uwpiity United States mtirshals have
discovered a powerful nnd dangerous
band of counterfeiters who have been
operating with confederates In Mis
souri and other ft Intro. A chance word
ultenfd T>y a member of tlie bund while
Intoxicated ted to a raid, and the ar
rest of the following leaders of tlie
band: tiuy Harper, L. Crawford, Jo
seph Tillery, J«sse Llckett and Sam
I.kitett. These r.iea after their nrrest
led the detectives to a cavern a few
mileti east of Perkins, used by the
counterfeiters as si mint nnd general
randoivous. At 2 o'clock Monday morn
ing the officers descended Into the cav
ern, After traversing a Bubtenrancan
iiaseage for a hundred yards, they
curst In a door. Twenty-five men were
tn tlie cavern, but they fled through
hidden- exits. The officers secured three
bucketful* of counterfeit dollars, per
fectly made, and two tubfuls of dimes,
quarters, and nickels, besides a costly
assortment of moulds and other appa
The men had been operating In tho
cave nearly eight months, and much
of the spurious onto was boxed and ox-
pressed to ngonto In Western states.
All tho prisoners are educated and well
dressed. Tillery wns nt one time nn em
ployee In the mint nt Philadelphia.
The LMkefct brothers r«ld«t In Per
kins, where they were considered ex
emplary young men.,
Sir John Thompson's Remains to Be Sent
to Canada.
London, Doc. 13—The body of Sir John
Thompson, tho late premier of Canada,
was placed In a coffin lain Inst evening
und removed to a room In the Clarence
tower, Windsor castle. Thore. at mid
night, a requiem moss was celebrated by
Father Longtnoto, vicar of St, Edward'*
ohunch In Windsor. About eighty person*
wero present, 'Phis morning the queen
went In a whcobehnlr to tho hsll where
tho body Ixy and with her own hand*
placed on Uio coffin u wreath of laurel
and whim flowers bearing tho words:
-A rrark of slncoro regard from Victo
At 13.30 o'clock tho body was plncod on
a special train for conveyance to Lon
don. By tho queon's order tho removal
of tho body to tho station Xvas made with
xomo of tho ceromonlus of state. Tho
nrrangoments us mado nt Windsor wero
that the body should bo taken to I’ad-
dilution station In London, thence to tho
cmhalmor s and ovontunlly to St. James
cliumh lu Spanish place, -w-hero u re-
qulom mass Is to bo celolmitisl tomorrow.
On Saturday, tho undertaker said, tho
body would bo placed on the steamship
Berlin at Southampton sent to
Canada via New Murk. The certlflcatc*
given by l)r, lleld, who was with ttlr
John when he died, and Dr, Traviro, who
had atlondeil film for several week#
agreed lu stating the cause of death a»
syncope, fionco no Inquest will be held.
Ought the United States Interfere in
Corea? Only through tile agencies of
prac*. auoh as Dr. Price's linking Pow
Eleven Thousand Dollars Surplus Olv-
ca to Tillman's Organ.
Columbia, S. C„ Deo, 13.—In tho
noueo ot representatives tonight Mr.
Thomax of Richland exploded a bomb
shell by Offering a resolution asking
why tits state troasuPT had pild out
331.000 for stute printing to the Colum
bia Reg!star. Governor Tillman's op
gua. when only 120.000 had been np-
prqpristsd. Great eonfuaton eusued,
tho Tillman tnajorlly ri-Mditlng the In
quiry, and the rceuiutlon finally went
over until tomorrow.
(New York, Deo, 13.—Th* Loxonv com
mittee today continued its probing in
to the tollca doportinent and lnujdem-
ally touched upon hho social evil and
Tammany Hodl aaoeaicment* uponbuol*
i*e*s men who dealt with the city,
l’oilea Captain Creedon wwu In the
sweat box tor a time. "Mr. Goff on-
dsavored to establish it ns a fact that
Creedon hod purohuao-l hio pramotion
to the captaincy, Orwdcti reelated ati
efforts to worm fram nlm anything
Naples, Deo. IS.—Tho United States
cruiser DwtraSt; with th* vnllcsn
nflta* which wore exhibited nt the
World's Fair at ChhMgo, boo arrived
Londoth Doq. 13.—The Lxncot *pub-
itshes the stutement thnt th* pope is
Buttering fram catarrh and is forbid
den by his doctors tb leave his private
Washington, Dec. IX—Senator Butler of
South Carolina was present* la the eea.
ato today for the first thus this atoelon.
Mayor Horse Will Appoint All Council
Committees Instead of Chair
man Findlay.
Chairman of Council Co Re JSx-Ofllelo
Member of All Standing Committees
—Clerk of Council to Be Clerk of
Public Works CommUelon*
Tho amendments to (he charter o<
Macon have btfcn signed by the govern
or and are In effect. Tlri* co»»ldoraLly
ctiange* the order of ihincH In the or-
gtttflzaJtlon of the new council, as we3
a* in tsrvaral branches of the city gov
(Much has been- said about the amend
ments. and as no one lo (Macon except
Mlaiyor Horne has own file amendment*
all «brt* of rumors as to what they ore
have ibeta afloat. Mayor Horne, how
ever, has enlightened everyone Who has
approached him on the subject, but
even that has not satisfied everybody.
Yesterday afternoon Mayor Horne re
ceived a telegram from Hon. N. E.
Harris saying the amendments had
been signed by the governor, and were
now In effect. The telegfnm also stated
that the amendments went through tho
house exactly ns Introduced in. the sen
ate, and Chat no change whatever had
been made.
A* one of the amendments gives tho
mayor the power to appoint commit
tees. Ohsimiam of Council Findlay was
notified, so thUt be mlUht not proceed
further In che aipolntmeot of conunU-
teee, whiteb, by the way. Were nearly
all made up. This brought matters to
a sttuidslUi for llhe pratent. and will
cause ta change all round.
At 10:23 .Senator Harris came down
from Atlanta with a copy nf the amend
ments in hit. pocket. A Telegraph re
porter found him at his home suffering
*rem a seven, headabhe. which had
caused him to retire, and consequently
too .unwell to Ibe lntorviowwi, but the
reporter secured the copy of ttho ameaxl.
incu ts and managed to get a tow wbrds
with film senator, tthe reporter standing
at the sake id 'the onooWllght and Cob
Harris at a window in the stecond story
etf itfi house.
“We have had a fine session," said
the senator, "and Wave passed scene tin.
portnne bills.
"Those amendments," continued the
snnuitor, "are old right, and if anybody
wants to 'put the blame on anybody
I BUIES .they wtil UUme roe."
Section 1 of the amendments says tho
following words ahnll he added to sec
tion 27 of the chanter approved No
vember 21st, 1893, after the word "chair
man t a
"The permanert or standing commit
tees of council slKill he designated by
the mayor nit the first .regular meet-
in's after the reorganlyitlua of coun
cil in each year. If for any cause the
committees cannot be designated by
the mayor at (the first regular meeting
aforesaid they shall be appointed by
the chairman of council at the regu
lar meeting which follows first after
lire one herein mentioned. Vacancies
In tho committees caiuned by vacan
cies In the cent net!, or, by resignation
of the members of the committees,
shall he filled 'by the .mayor from tthe
council on receiving notice of such
vacancies. Tho chairman of council
shall be by virtue of hid office a mem*
berm nil standing commit too H of coun
cil. etc. ’ff , ,;l , t
flection 2 of th’e nmenilme.n1: changes
section 87 of rthe charter by striking
out the words, "and shall tip entitled
to n clerk to be selected by said hoard,
whose term of office shall be three
years, «ird whose salary shaft'/ be
31.000,” find making the clerk Of coun
cil rx-offielo cletk of tlfftk hoard nt a
salary not to exceed 3300 per annum.
Thta mmendmeots also .provide for
the expulsion of members of council
for neglect of dutty, or conduct unbe
coming n member by ia two-third* vote.
They also make the marshal one of
the oBSsssnrs. The powers at the
mayor end council nnd of the board
of (xtiblta works are clearly prescribed
nnd defined In the amendments .show
ing wiwit wuthorltv each‘4i«s. so that
there will bo Tro further ‘ground* for
No Likelihood of the ’Bank Reeumlng—
Movement to Help Buffcrc-rs.
8b John's. N. F.. Dee. 13.—It 13 now
regarded as impossible tfbr the Union
Bank, whloh It'was announced oeverat
dhys ago had closed temporarltiy, to re
sume operations. Should this be the
case, bbwever, no loss would be suf
fered by the <3opositoiu or Bote-holders.
The property of the Shareholders will
be sucrifleed to assure such n result.
To accomplish tills, the Bank of Nova
ricotia, of Halifax, has sent two repre
sentatives bn ‘the steamer (Barcelona to
render whatever aaslstanoo is possible.
Larg conlxnmenta of specie are.oo the
way here, and it is hoped that this will
help to restore confidence. . .
A public movement will shortly be In
augurated to devise means for supply
ing tood for those Impoverished people
woo are wtbitouit prospect of obtaining
employment tills winter. Newspapers
here dtiiige ex-Pramtc-r Sir William
Whiteway, solloStor of the suspended
Comoserotal Bank. w/Ch trying, to trans
fer Ms shares lei that institution to an
irrnpioWble relative on Hsturday. nnd
say that when the transfer was refused
be draw a certified chock for 35,000 and
deposited the same in a savings bank,
this being done, llhe popera allege, when
the ex-premier rouet ‘have ben awar of
the Commercial Bank's condition.
The new government wfll consist of
the honorable* Joetah Groan, premier
enda/iorray-general-. Augustus Harvey,
colonial secretary: Faitrick Scott, receiv
er-general, and Jalbex Thompson, sur-
w.aiuu: ‘portfolio; tWIKiam Harwood.
veyor-geotera'I. ,
Prominent People Said to Have Aided
Him in Escaping.
Omaha, Nob., Dec. 13.—The trunk of
President Whipple of the broken Craw
ford Banking Company of Crawford,
lms been found at Cheyenne, Wyo. It
Is llmusht to conllrin $1,200 worth of
jewelry lmusllt t»etore ho absconded.
It seems uemu-la that Whipple intended
escaping to Cheyenne, where he lias a
'wtealllthy uuefle, but the officers were
watching Cheyenne too oitmely. The
trunk will be brought bach to Craiw-
fortL Those Woo Save Investigated lino
affairs of the bank say thait thane is a,
sensation In store which will expose
many proanlneut people .in Dawes coun
ty as aiding Wliippio to escskpe,
Socialist* Protested ‘Against Cloture—
The Emperor’s Dignity.
Berlin, Dec. 13.—The discussion of
the budget me resumed in 'the reloh-
etag today by Dr. von Boetthieher, im
perial dnlster of the Interior. Discur
sive speeches were mode by others
and the majority voted to close llhe
Herr Iklbel, Socialist, protested
against cloture, claiming thait it was
resorted to in order to prevent the
Socialists from replying to The attacks
that had been made upon them.
The bunt ness comimltiee of tho rclch-
stag reported its rejection of the pro
posal to Strengthen the powers of the
president of' rhe oh'.vtnber tn the di
rection of protecting tthe dignity of
the emperor.
Action of the Federation of Labor In
Denver Yesterday. ,
Denver, Dec. 18.—The Federation of La
bor today adopted a resolution demand
ing the re-onacbment of the coinage law
of 1837 upon a ratio of 16 to L
It also Indorsed the position of the leg
islative council In tho America Railway
Union strike.
A resolution of T. J. Morgan of Chi-
cago to secure the enforcemot of the
compulsory education law in all the states
was Indorsed. The resolution condemn
ing tho "pluck-me” stores of large cor-
pratlona and the issuance of scrip for
payment of labor was adopted. ,
He twill Prribalhly Re Palled Horoo to
Succeed Sir John Thompson.
Montreal, Ckinada, Deo. 13.—The death
of Sir John TIviMniison, St is generally
noncoibil, nvtU tuuso u ridmU tflxuige
In the pffitlral sllihtijnu here, ivSticii
cannot fail to be hurtful to tho aouu-
try, ns Sir John's noatcrful I mad wns
tho only one which suooessfuily held
togdlhor Un> nuny oifisMlug Inlorcsls
of the twiuscruulve putty. ■ It Is generi
ally Ihonuiii tli.u et:r t'h-irhvt TuiM“'r
will be allied Iwme lo ttiko tho pre-
inlersliip for the present.
Icnly Tlranipson <hd not go to Eng-
land with her hatband, nnif.tbelr tore
daughters arc in lliu cohvpnt in 6tault
Au Reiellot. lady. Thoinpsou vlsIttHl
jxwtenla.v tiio wife of Hon. 4. A. Oul-
nmt, uiinlster ,,f public works, und
eomplnUnd of an umattmU dnprosom
of mind and a fear that sompjjklng wns
wrong with her husband. Mia. Oulmet
hiufinti nt tho Idon, but It scorns Hint
tho unfortunate prcseutlnicnt arts Juati-
Sir John Thompson -loft ‘.Montreal In
exeollcqrt h(tilth October 31 to settle n
number of quititsosns pending bethvivu
tho Ottawa governmem and tho colo
nial offices.
Kearney, Neb., Dec. 13.—The Kear
ney Nations l Bank was closed today,
awlnv to Inability to make collections.
Tho officers refuse to nuke n otatement
as to their liabilities, but claim that
they will be paid In full. The trank had
<U deiMelt 310,004 of county money. Two
otlier banks failed about n month
ago. The Kearney National w-jb
thought to bo perfeutiy sound.
for tho young girl Just entering womanhood.
She Is etpectaUv *on«ltin>, and many nerv
ous trouhke, which conUuue through life,
fcav* their origin at this period. I ( there be
pain, headache, and norroui dlsturtamcce, or
Irregularity of monthly function I>r. Pieroeb
Favorite mearlpttan should be judiciaiady
In catarrhal inflaminailoo, In chronic die*
order* and dimness common to woman
<M HI am BY u muhisb.
Mw Mimi Hrhk, of
frvrUU Bedford Cos
mna,wni» “Wheu
I fourWa jmn
old 1 took a M ooM
And thee* rMuiird to-
ttrnnl troabH«. I wm
ft treat euffirer for
tvwyjMK l had tried
two PhyiU-Una but
naltbcr nra me* any
rvlu?f. After taking
Dr. rhra'i Farortte
Pmcrlption I can't
aay aooucb f or fet. U
cured rw ao I hara DO
more pain*. I am now
■Irwtren yvara ot
OfficJnl Count of the Ballcuts For Gov
ernor of Tennessee.
XatiSivUiie, Dec. 13.-r-The poll list nnd
tiilly 8lie<«j» from Roan erninty wore re-
aekved In at niglilt l>y ithe aoerataty of
•twte, ooirxpk^tin^ <ttre n»tnms of tho
election. Secretary Mortsan glwfl tho
oAictLal vote as foIlDw»: Bvans (Ropuh-
llcun), 105,104; Tuhiey (Deniocrort),
104;i50; Mttus (ropuhst), 20,002; D\’-
ans' plurality, 708. Thore «v1W mo douibt
be a content, Bolfa sidea claim fraud
nnd are *&y»uartng oyidemoe.
proquess of the south.
Baltimore, Dec. 12.—The many now in
dustrial enterprises and the largo rail-
road mileage which responsible companies
have been organized to build are special
features of tho Southern situation this
week. Among these prbjects noted by the
Manufacturers' Record are a (500,000 cot
ton mill, also one of 20,000 spindles and
800 looms; a 120,000 tobacco factory; a
$100,000 lumber and $200,000 ice company;
a $50,000 fertilizer concern and a $20,000
trading company; a large flouring mill;
$75,000 to be ep^nt In cotton mill enlarge
ments; a $100,OC. Irrigation company; two
plants for making tin plates and shops
for railroad rolling stock costructlon, also
round houses, the whole estimated at
$XO,000. Northern lumber buyers . nnd
farmers are coming Into the South, as
shown by two sales of 35.00» acres of
timber land uid 50,000 acres eft farming
lands in North Carolina alone* wjille par
ties are considering the Investment of
$6,fi0i),000 in tlniber land In tho .Mlssislppl
Intelligent consumers infitst tn having
Dr. Prloe’a Bakhi$? Powder und wKl be
content with no other.
Annapolis, Md„ Dec. li—A new order
was promulgated at the Naval Academy
this evening at supper formation. Here-
tofore cadetz of means have been buy
ing expensive uniforms and overcoats
which formed quite a contrast to tho reg
ulation suits. ‘The order prohibits cadets
from buying any clothing except from
tho Naval Academy store, and from hav
ing any but regulation clothing on hand.
Tho order takes effect April 15, 18&.
Alabama taxes increased.
Montgomery, Dec. 13.—Governor Oates
today elgnod tho bill increasing the tax
mte9 of tho state from 5 to Stt mills.
This Insures the making up of tho de-
liclt In running expenses caused by tho
premature reduction some years ago.
The semi-annual Interest on the state's
\ mi Is svldxli fa.',’.* .i iv in January, hud.
however, been provided for before this
step was taken.
Savannah, Gt>., Dec. 13.—The steam
ship EUtott, which arrived hpre today
from lUueflttds, brought no informa
tion of the situation on tho Mosqujtc
rcttcrratioik except that every thlug
wou* qutet when he loft tfcart. Thp Mbs-
quSotos have another chief In place of
Clarence, but h* Is regarded as a tool
In the hands of the Nicaraguans.
Montgomery. Dvc. 13.—News reached
here tonight of the suicide nesr Rock
ford, an interior point fn Coosa, county,
of Warner Chambrelaln. a young white
farmer. He dim bed a sapling, tied a
repo to Its upper portion, put a noose
around bis neck and jumped down. Ills
mind has been unbalance! for some time.
New York Cost—About 50 stylish Novelty Suigpatterns
left, at cost to close. See them at once lor chfice.
At 10 Cents—One case 36-inch Scotch Suitings. New
goods, stylish colorings.
At (85 Cents—Ten pieces 38-inch Two-tone "Wool Suitings,
reduced from 40c.
Ten pieces fancy French Flannels, reduced from 75c.
At 33 1-3 Cents—Fifteen pieces 38-inch all-wool English
Cheviots, reduced from 50 and 60c.
Stylish new Ribbons and Dress Trimmings just received.
Cut prices on Cloaks. From now on we will sell Stylish
Wraps at greatly reduced prices. See us for Ladies’ and
Children’s Wraps.
Beautiful line Art Goods for embroidery; stylish new
Full line celebrated Brainard & Armstrong’s Wash Silks,
Crochet Cottons, &c.
Burden, Smith &. Co.
Rifles’ dance, given in their armory last
evening, vvus a splendta jmcceea and one
of the most enjoyable affairs ever given
by the company. Tho large hall was
filled with tho soldiers and their lady
SUPERIOR COURT.—In tile supe
rior court yesterday Hannah Stroud
was given a first venllot ot divorce
from J&m Stroud. Golden Wilson, Bud
Dennis and Charles Amos were found
apt guilty of burglary.
Gray, a 14-year-old negro boy, was ar
rested for stcnBng $0.60 from Sir. Char
ley Hurst by Officer Mock. Tbo officer
recovered $8 of tho money. Gray in In
deman yesterday passed nn order
granting ta charter to tbo 0. P. & B. E.
Willingham Company. Tito charter
says The company is to bare a capital
?2.->.000, with privilege of inereostng to
$100,000. The company mill. manufac
ture and sell furniture.
OCT ON BOND.—Ed. WaUlisU, the
young imn who killed WlHSnra Davis
on -Monday night, was released from
Jail yesterday on $1,000 bond, Judge
Hardeman lxartug passed an older fix
ing the bond at. that twnoutft. W’al-
thall promptly gaive ‘the bond und Is
now at liberty.
ry Wilkinson, the old blind negro wood
sawyer, twltio ‘has ‘been n familiar figure
In Macon for many years, died at his
home in tho KastOIacon Oats yesterday
morning. He was 70 years of uge and
leaves a wife and son.
Mabel Lodge No.-235, F. A. M*, eleoled
the following officers: R, B. Barron,
Worshipful mimter: II. II. Johnson, sen
ior warden; .T. F. Griswold, Junior war
den; M. .11. Freeman, treasurer; F. A.
Coburn, secretary. Dio officers wIU
serve for the ensuing six months.
Woitemrtan entered suit In tho superior
court yesterday for divorce from her
hudbaud, Eddie Waterman, alleging
cruel treatment, habitual drunkenness
nnd threats tto kill her. The poUtlon
filed alleges tint tho petitioner was
married to Eddie Waterman ou April
23. 1883, null gives Mm a probty hard
Marshals John Kelly nnd W. L. Poore
left tost night for Euitonton to bring to
Macon Silas Thurman nnd John Henry
17Kiirms, who broke open nnd robltcd
the postoffioc nt Huron a few days ngo.
Thurman and Thomas have been orp-
tured and are now in Jail at IOa ton ton,
having been arreatied on stale ivar.ants,
hut die Itiwe uepntlcs twill bring them
to Mnoon for trial fn the United States
GONE to ATLANTA.—Mr. Curran R.
Ellis has gone to Atlanta, where he will
locates os an architect. Mr. Ellis is a
young man of unquestioned talent and
has done pome splendid work hero that
will remain a monument to his genius.
For threo or four years ho has been with
Mr. D. II. Woodruff, hut has decided to
go Into business on his own account. It
Is not necessary to say that the heartiest
■wishes of ail ills friends for his complete
suoccss go with him. He will bo greatly
missed in social and military circles,
igplng a general favorite in both.
HOW ABOUT THIS?—Rumor has it
that tlie Floyd Rifles are soon to elect
a captain and that a gentleman who now
wears shoulder-straps on tho colonel’s
staff will bo tho man. Knowing pcorlo
will readily tako the hint. Capt. Harde.
man has nover tendered his resignation
formally to the company, but there Is
no longer any doubt that he will do so.
It also comes from the Inside that n gen
tleman, now an active member of the
company, who ta as good a* he Is great,
will take a long step from the noncom
missioned staff to the first lieutenancy.
AUCTION RALE—Car Biddle and har
ness horses, nt Hudson's. Timber-
lake's oM stables; Saturday, Dec. 15.
-Berlin. Dec. 13.—Ten more non^cosj:
m'jsrtoned officers from the gunnery
school in the Invalid nt ranee were ar
rested and sent to rthe Magdebunr fort
ress last evening. The court boa con
cluded Its preftlmtnary inquiry into the
cose of the 183 iron-commleeSoned offi
cers connected with the school who
were arrested last September and sent
to iMagdoburg. They were bharged
with being actively connected wth the
Anarchist Socialist propaganda. The
result of the Inquiry has not been
mado pUbHc.
Confirm, Doc. 13 —The Central News’
dispatch from ToUo says a Japanese
twir nmsMtor win go to Port Arthur,
prohaMy to ascertain the basis of per
sistent rumors ih-Vt the Japanese sol
diers kilted clvQhins after the capture
Of the town. Tho Times correspondent
In Den-Tata says tfra FLl Hung Chang's
offiotol position is firmer -than ever, as
the court has found him Inffispenatble.
Over a Thousand of Them Altogether
Columbus, O., Dee. 13.—A very startling
story is told by an officer about tho una
voidable condition of thingB at the Ohio
penitentiary. There are now 2,100 convicts
confined there, only about 1,000 of them
being employed at work, the balance re
maining in the idle house. This condi
tion was brought about by tho warfare
waged against convict-made goods by la
bor organizations. The legislature last
winter passed a law requiring ail prison-
made goods to be labeled as Ach, thus
almost completely shutting them out of
the market. This mado It necessary for
the big contractors to give up convict
labor, and one report Is that more than
half tho prisoners are Idle. While they
were at work tho big prison was more
than self-supporting, but now it Is mi
ning away behind. Besides this, whllo
the convicts were at work many of them
earned considerable money by overwork.
This was either sent to tlieir relatives or
held for them. All this part of tho story
ls confirmed by tho prison officials.
Now, it Is claimed, tho Idleness into
which the prisoners have been forced has
had a bad effect upon their minds nnd
that three or four of them show signs of
insanity nearly every day, and to keep
them from becoming raving maniacs they
are compelled to run and Jnmp and oth
erwise vigorously exercise until they sro
completely tired out. The guards with
whom the correspondent talked declared
this Is absolutely true, whllo their supe.
riors declare they know nothing of such
a state of affairs. Tho conditions v.-hlch
aro not denied, however, tnalte the guards'
story very probable.
Atlanta, Deo. IS.—Mrs. Fred Gar
rett was rescued tonight frem her
home, which was on fire. It it sus
pected that an effort wits roods to
| burn her to death.
Military critics affirm that the stan
dard of the United Sintra nrmy Is con-
saittly Improving. The forces are sup
plied with Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
Charleston, S. C. .Deo. }3.—The A. M.
E. conference In session hero today
adopted a resolution protesting against
the passage by the legislature of tho
"Jim-Crow" car railroad bill and appoint
ed a committee to go to Columbia tomor
row and lay reasons before tho senate.
Washington, Dec. 13.—For Georgia:
Fair; northeast winds.
old stable car Kentucky business
horses; Saturday, Dec. 15.
Pop* Leo’s Epitaph.
The pope ha* already written bis own
epitaph: “Hera Ilea Leo XIII, pope. He la
dust.” On which Tho Franciscan Annals
make* this comment: “A tertiary pontiff,
who baa literally been a glory to Christen
dom and a guide to a distracted world,
could hardly baTO given a better cxamplt
of Franciscan simplicity and holiness.*'—
Detroit Free Frees.
And a Deep Silence Followed.
“Welt, sir,” said the vivacious lady to
the artist who was painting her portrait,
"you haven't finished already, have you!
Or has tho hour expired!”
"Neither, madam,” replied the artist.
“I am waiting for an opportunity of toe
ing bow your chin looks in repose. ”—Chi
cago Tribune. ‘
Tho Oldft-tt Colored Woman in Ameri
ca Lying at Deutb's Door. N
New York, Deo. 13.—Mm. Minnie Jef
ferson, or "Granny'' Jefferson, ns sho
is fhmlltavjy called,, is dying tvt the rc>-
ldeuee of her Kmiidsoii, Charles Davis.
“Granny” Is said to he 109 yearns old.
Sho tvtts horn on the plantation owned
by Dramas Jefferson, third president
of the United States, at SthadweU, Al- •
bomarle county, Va„ on Mureh 20,
1785. She was healthy nnd active up
to four yearn ago, when she Ittiok .to her
hod, which die has not left since. Slie
wus horn u slave, oivented by tthe Jeffer
son family, and married Fetter Jeffer
son. u young colored slave, who had
taken Ills nutne from the .proddent's
father. Site has had nine children,
three of town being alive. They are
77, 05 and 58 yeans old, respectively.
Sire has ftOty-soven gmudchlldreu and
tiwriiity-slx great-grandchildren. Diey
are scattered nil over tthe United States.
She ds totally blind, having been
stricken four years ago. Her husband
died when n young man, and while
still ta member of the Jefferson house
hold. "Granny" Jefferson has been ex
hibited in different parts of the coun
try on several occasions as the oldest
colored woman In ttoe world. She lives
with hor daughter, Who ds 77 years
old, and her grandson, who is 33. Sho
Is wonderhfily iwoll .preserved, and her
skin, bleached almost- white, and her
hair, a wuvy .mass of pure white, is
unusually thick and heavy.
Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 13.—News of
a lynching at Centro Point yesterday %
was brought here today. Monday at •
nooa n negro attempted to assault a
2-yenr-old white girl near Centro Point,
but wno driven off by two women. He
was lodged in Jail at Centre Point. Yes (
terelay a mob took him out and hanged
him to a tree.
Memphis. Tenn., Dec. 13.—The Jury
In the case of Smith nnd Richardson,
charged with murder and conspiracy
lo murder six negroes, received tho
charge this morning, after having for
thirty-six days listened to evidence and
argument . La.te tonight the twiivo
men -hat elected a foreman.