Newspaper Page Text
His Head Hit the Herd l’ino Floor
' and Concussion of the
Brain Followed,
Lftvfg** »*d th* iMondi of Both lldu
Pat Volw Bond to Aarvror to tho
ClMrgo of Jfartfoiwf«q«»ot
Or#r tho ftomntno*
• New Orletn*, Doc. is.—And; Bowen,
■who «u dafnateij ta the arena of die
Auditorium OMb last ufrftt by ''Sid"
Livigno ot Saginaw, Mteta., died at
7:15 lids morning friim dm effects of
punishment roocfival.
' ITlio end came whllo Fa/thor Ddhoejr
was praying over tho Injured pugilist's
taammtaito foran. Ho nerer regained
ooniKlousnou from tho time the blow
m landed sod was convoyed from bis
dressing room sit the dub to his red
dendo On Thalia street, near Magazine.
Batftverti 3 and 7 o'clock this morning
faithful wviteluTS stood by the dying
pugilist's Hi gang that his eyes
would give some sign of intelligence.
Medical science racked Its Ittoto In
searth of ft remuly, however violent,
limit mould quicken die pulse and sot
the brain to working.
Ail 3 o'oSnok Dr. Finney fltougUt that
Itoneti tail Improved, nml at that hour
bo did not. drink 15 at (he light would
have a total 4<mn»timUrK-n, and In reply
to n nqiMt from dip chiefs office. Dr.,
Finney sen® a oertllloito saying that
Bowen wtas bottler.
It was » message of relief to Iaavtgne
nnrt Duffy and the seconds ot Invigne,
,wll*> liad boon when Bowen's
condition Inxtune alarming oml who
wore w.iCtvug to near flint die uncon-
scAnis pugilist Innl come track to life.
The V**tore remsliw-d, wltb Heaven to
tho end. ami with his srtfo nlrto stand
ing by his bedside. Just an the hands
of tho dock wire orwrvSn* around to 7.
him. Bowen leaned over the bed and
nalil: "Ob. Andy, say w/metihtnir to mo."
and her cans wni ntnitned lo catch the
Andy rthlverod and groaned, Ms
frame Kleek, and then, without ever
having mm, bank to (MnwSmnness af
ter Lnvlgiro Into hnM, ho breathed bin
last, and (he rooortl of a tragedy wan
When the men faced each other for
the «krht«ss*Ji Tound. II was wmxirem
Mint the end of the light was near.
Bowen bad received mettuty hard right
handers over the heart What ho was
weakened anil gtliggy when he left Ilia
corner. Ho wan Kiwrro. however, tvnd
walked mertsurtcally toward h1a strong
youhlg ndvnrnary.
tstv-lgne opened wllth a left Jab on the
wink and although (the Mow wu» not a
ptunVularly hnril one, It brought a look
of anguish In the face of tlho Uibroughly
beaten little man.
With wonderful sameness, he would
not flinch from the shower of bows
mined on Mm. Bowen win' staggered
to the raps by an uunlaught t>f hla now-
orful foe.
While there 4a s hshflem condition
and trying to olktnh, I-ovlgue (turn'd
Inn lett over the heart uhd crossing sav
agely with hln right, land'd n terrific
blow on the angle of the Jaw.
Btnven fell back like a felled tree,
and his bead struck Che floor heavily.
Lavlgue walked 10 (the comer, while
Duffy counted Inn seconds. Thv beaten
msn was pickl'd tip limb nnd. io all'ap
pearances, It trims, by his handlers and
carried to his dressing room.
As soon as Bowen had died, a tottftl-
kerdhlef was tied geinlly about Ids face
and n imessage was sent to the police
stslnlon over the nearent lelnphouo. no
tifying Hint office of the death of the
pugilist. The police ntntlon In iurn
jqutakty sent word Ito the coroner.
Tho news of ltowwn's death was made
known to Iruvlgnc and Iris party short-
Cy after It toot been communicated by
telephone to life Ooctroi Slat tan. lot-
ytgue tost been detained at eh. station
with hln seoonds and a'ten lints nil
might and ho Hind slept but little, be
ing unxlou severy mranvlit to get (Id-
Inga fror.1 the bedside of the wounded
l.avtgne wan tnctepresslbly shocked
when he heard me news of Bowen's
death. In answer toaqiKotton, he said he did not. feel that liar VIad t>rcn
the direct cause of Uho death of tho
piistllnt—or, tn other words. (hut Uio
blow which We bad delivered on
Bowen's Jjw had been sufficiently force
ful to have carried with it final con
sequences. He ogld that be believed
when Bowen fell his head bad struck
the pins flooring, land Coat the concus
sion had tbsen the immediate cause of
his death.
At C o'clock lovlgne and his party
wero totd lo "prepare themsC ves to be
taken to-the third practnot station.
An affidlu-tt for murder against ail
concerned will be made during the day
In the second recorder’s count.
Capt. Frank Williamson of the Audi
torium was very cast down over the
accident. When asked If It would Inter
fere with' tonight's affair be said that
it ‘certainly would. That tho club did
not Intend to violate any law. and un
til the unfortunate result of last night's
encounter wa* fully Investigated it
would go no further 'with glove con-
Andy Bowen was bora In this city
In February, 18C8. There were no inci
dents of special Importance In his early
Hfe, but from tils earliest youth he
had always shown a predilection for
athletic Sports. Including baseball end
fighting, and it was his ambition to
become a fighter of note.
H<v commenced hi* career a* a pugil
ist when be was but 10 yearn old.
Among those'he bits defeated ate: Mike
Murphy, John Wilson, Frank Perder,
James Bole, Jimmie Oliver, Chicago, In
nine rounds; Charlie Wilson in three
rounds, Tommy Ryan flight! In three
rounds; Charlie Johnson, a thirty-nine
round draw; Bill Myer, twenty-eight
rounds; and a second decision on a
foul; beaten by Jimmy Carroll; beaten
by Austin Gibbons; defeated Georgo
Fielded; a draw with Jack Burke, 108
rounds; defeated Jock J-ivertihardt In
eighty rounds; Stanton Abbott, a ten-
round draw. His lost encounter result
ed in a twenty-five round draw with
Jimmy Carroll.
Prfro fighter Lavlgne was released on
810.000 Bond today, and the-seconds of
both fighters and Itefcres Duffy, who are
charged ns accessories, wero released on
I5.W0 bond.
Tho hearing of tho case will eomo off
January 2 before Judge Aucoln of this
Tho coroner, assisted by Drs. E. Dene,
gre Martin and John Lawrence and Jury,,
bold an autopsy and Inquest on'Bowen's
body at X o'clock. The verdict was that
deafb reaultod from concuaalon of the
Coroner Lawrsraon after the Inquest
said that the death of Bowen was prob
ably caused by his head striking (he hard
floor, for If It was caused by tho blow
bis neck would have been broken.
“Billy" Layton, one at Bowen's seconds,
when arroated said ha hod complained
about the ring bocuuso It had no felt
under the canvas, but that Bowen re
plied It was all right and ba would fight
any way.
The attorney general today notified the
Auditorium Club management that the
proposod fight tortght between Dempsey
and Ityan could not lake place and that
If necessary ho would get out an Injunc
tion to prevent It. Ho also notified the
Olympic nnd Auditorium Clubs that no
more fights shall take pl«o6 here until
tho esse pending In court has finally been
disposed of. Tho management of tho two
clubs notified tho attorney general that
they would acqulosco In bis demands.
Vleibr Woycto for ante cheap. Oal1 on
or address James T. Holt, ftlacon. Cla.
» pi
long enough. Georgia Music House
for easy terms.
Hs Knows All About tho Tribute
Money and Where It Went.
New York, Dec. 15.—Policeman Au
gust E. Thome, formerly of cx-Cnp-
tain Htetflimison'a Leonard street
squad. Iras confessed. He was held In
87,600 ball yesterday for perjury and
kept In the Tombs nil night. This
morning he expressed a dartre to sec
AwslHkmt District Attorney Lindsay.
Ta MM be made is full confession of
tUdMHfctraw about the police bribery.
The revcDTlaiis made by Theme «re
of an nstourfrtlng character. The In
dicted ihflbvmon has made n clean
breast of the Stephenson story. In ad
dition to this, he gave a compOelc state
ment regard In i: blackmail and corrup
tion in the police department. lie told
of tile system that 1ms hern In vogue
of making collections from every
source where tribute has been levied,
nnd will, ns fur aa he known .toll where
the money has gone. Thome has been
on Bis force for six years.
Boneon, City, 8. C.. Dec. 15.—F. M.
Busier, J. J. Dobbins, J. *L. Snipes
and B. D. Arnold of Anderson were
convicted today m trial Justice court
of attempting to secure live Uirrcls of
lager beer from the eustody of a mate
eonrttrtble In September last. They
were flne,l 8100 each or sentenced to
thirty days’ Imprisonment In the
county fall.
Brownlee nnd Fa'rl w Agt'O Seen by
Mortal Eyes
As whispered by tile Telegraph, the
Brownie and Fairy band were yester
day twice surprised In the midst of
their antics! In the afternoon by a very
large audh-noe, and at nhchl: by one a
lit tie slimmer.
- On the three performances rhe King's
Daughters hoas to realize a clear profit I
of about *150—not bo , very bad, when
expense* are conoid erdd.
To stogie out fa lira and brownies for
special commendation would appear In-
vldlbus. Toyray. for InnUnoe. that Felix
Gcvtsrwood (tots la his brownie name)
was a famous prtlutsnan. would be lo
axy something that goes without saying.
To say that ‘‘Irvine Oertflme” (so called
because he adopts that name to screen
his identity -his real name Is "Cholly
Boutonniere") had un excellent voice
avid rendered hin part with effeouwould
be rarely repeating what was said by
Ihe Telegraph yesterday.
To nventAm how well Ralph Altmayer
did thv Italian organ grinder and
Roosovadt Walker, HIS assist amt bear,
wviuld be merely rcpertUng old rftorlea
to those who saw the performance.
The brownies and. fairies all did well,
thanku to ilr. Drown, the magician who
was In control of the aerial appliances.
Miss Paullile Stowart, aa “Axwthetl-
ca,” boro so great a part In making the
operetta a wocess that the other fairies
and brownies who have not been men-
tlontsi by name will not be Jealous If
she Is specially commended. They
know, everyone of them, that she was
eopecialy deserving of pralke. On her
shoulders more Shan an those of any
one of the performers mated the miocees
ot ithe performance, and .the perfonuwice
was oi success.
Id title (MUu Fannie wjnPhlp waa sin
gled out yesterday for especial covn-
mendaitlon. If ahe was not worthy to
8x»e as “Queen of Flowom," no rosebud
ever waa Her periodical lUxflaraitlons
oooceraring the atate of her affections
was une dkignosia into the merits of
which the public found dlffidty In en-
Mr. brown, who came here only about
a week ago to train the children, has
won from the King's Daughters the
highest praise for his efficient work. He
gOos from Macon to Atlanra. where the
orowatew and fab-ha will hold forth tor
three days at Mw Grand Opera House.
Ills itask is not atrensy one, but In Ma
con he surmounted all obstacles, and In
the shortest. ImagtnaJblo spaou of time
managed to nummoir the Uttle folk
from their unknown, kingdom where
they rttsMu and make them, appear as
natural as though they ware mill flesh
and Wood, it is not every magician
who can do this In a twinkling.
The King’s Daughter Instruct the Td-
egmitph to nmirn especial thanks to Mrs.
PowHI. Miss Taylor,. Mll-s Badger and
Miss Waxelbaum for i.helr Valuable as-
slsiiutoo in coaching the perfomiem,
end the president of the association.
Ring, Thumbs, offers her especial thunks
to tho fairies and brownies who took
part and to their parents.
Robert Nelson's Skull Fractured by u
Madman, j'
Milledgevllle. Go.. Dec. 15.—Robert
Nelson -was brained tonight abouF dark
by a phi lent named Alien ot the In
sane asylum. Neitan was taking him
out for a walk and wias returning to
the asylum and passed a house which
was being erected. Nelttdn had his
Uiolt Iturned when 1he patient picked
up a hatchet and struck hikn acroa* Che
side and back of his hood, literally
pplittlng ttpen the skull nnd expoalng
his brain to view. iNotoon'still lives,
but there is IlMehope Of hia recovery.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 15,-rF. R. Alb
(nan Was rum over by are engine at
Wayoross today nnd died frqm h1s tn-
Jurtes. Ho hlad been married, recently.
Worthington, Deo. 15.—For Georgia:
Incrcuslng cloudinesa .ahowera tn north
pontlcm Sunday.
—over to Rood health and the 'System ren
dered Impervious to disease when tho blood
la pure anil the liver active. For tbs liver
Is the sentinel which p.'rmits or forbids the
germs of disease to filter the circulation of
the blood. To a oongosted, torpid and dis
eased liver can be traced many dangerous
diseases affecting various organs.
I wm Ukon elck with
ooDKi'etlon ot tbe liver
and tho doctors could
give uio no relief, but
utter using flvo bottles
of "Discovery." I re-
ffalned my health and X
am now a well man.
1 weighed 183 pounds
before taken sick, and I
was roduood to ISO
pounds io sixty days
time. For any one suf-
forint with liver
trouble oa I was, 1 would
xadrko them fo uso tho
w "Golden Medical Dis
covery " at once, before
Kb. J, Bsmtly. it lo too Ut«._
Randolph, Cattaraugus Cb n N, r.
Queer Pranks of a Freight Car on the
Louisville and Nashville.
Mobile, Dec. 15.—A broken truck caused
a car of eastbound freight train No. 76
of tho LojI-vllle mi Nashville railroad
to jump the track on the West Pascou-
g*\A bridge, two miles west of Scranton,
Miss., at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The
west end span of th*- bridge In « ntlr« Tv Me-
mollshed and passengers will be trans
ferred atTtbe scene of the accident. Tbe
wrecking crew are at work repairing the
bridge and through traffic will be resumed
on Monday. No one was hurt.
Saved Our Boy
|A Clergyman’s Statement
Constitutional Scrofula Entirely
"C. L Ilood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
“Gentlemen: Wishing to toll what
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for ns, I will
say that 8 years ago we had a beautiful
hoy bom to ns. When about six months
old ho took a sore mouth. I had two doc
tors but all to no benefit. At the age of It
months he breathed his last Thus wo laid
Our Darling Child
In tho grave. On Acg. 4,1801, another boy
was born unto us. At the age of two
months ho became afflicted with tho same
disease. I believed tho.boy’s trouble was
constitutional, and not common sore
mouth. I procured a bottle of Hood's Sar
saparilla and commenced to glvo It regu
larly to both mother and baby, and ouca-
slonly washed his mouth with a syrup of
buck brush root Improvement began at
once. Wo havo succeeded In eradicating
tho scrofulous blood froml tho system and
today wo are blessed with a nice fat baby
boy, eighteen months old. He is the very
Picture of Health,
all llfo and lull of mischief—thanks to
Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I am a minister in
the Methodist Protestant chnrch. I am
here to back what I say and I am In noway
Interested In any profit In tho matter, ox-
Hood’s X Cures
cept It affords mo much pleasuro to re
commend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to all as a
safe, sure remedy. Even my wife, after
taking Hood's became healthy and fleshy ^
and has tho bloom of girlhood again."
Hev. J. M. Pate, Brookline Station, Mo.
Hood's Pills act harmoniously with
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, 20c. per box*
WHY spend your good money for old-
time planoa -when the Everett can be
bought Just as aheap the man
dolin and harp atiitiebmomts. Georgia
-Music House. Ter me easy.
SWEETEST of all pianos h the
Weber. Only at Georgia Music
80S (Miflbsrry street.
For Dolls,
Tea Softs.
Christmas Toys.
Japanese Trays,
Japanese Wares.
China Too. Setts.
Japanese Screens.
Japanese) Vases.
An tomwmse shxk tor Chriatmae.
Oome ito oc« us before buylntr.
F. 6. GATIJR. Btnnairer.
THREE uprhrht qrtanos, but little
udeld. barsJliw, «.t Gcarsila Muslo
House, Mulberry street.
Great values this week for the Holidays. We have given
some extraordinary values this season in several lines of
goods, but this week will eclipse them all,
Chenille and brocatolle PorUwres,
oholoest designs of the season and larse
variety ot shades and ootora, ranging
in prices from $1.03 to $10, which are
ertra largo size.
Qne-dollar Lace Curtains tins week
>!3c.; 11.50 Laco Curtains tor DSe: ?2
Laco Certains tor $1.33; $2.50 Lteoe
Curtains for $1.75; $3.50 Luco Curtains
tor $2.48.
Special values khls week tor the holi
Five hundred rugs in ’Wiltons, SIo-
quottes, Smyrna* land hair rugs. Spe
cial prices on. these goods tor the holi
There Is nothing snore desirable or
more suitable for a Christmas present
limn a nice Binssoln or Wool Oarpot
or a handsome Ant Square or rich Hug.
Wo have them in all grades and qual-
ities and tun save you money in all
purchases you may contemplate mak
ing In this line.
AT $1.25—Will put on sale Monday
one hundred Jadlcs’ Worsted Dresses,
about eight yards in each dress, in a
grout varlotiy of weaves and colorings,
ta b>th plain and fancy. They are
double width, 38 to 40 Inches wide.
They are worth from $2 to $2.30, and
mako a deeimblo Christmas pnsont.
AT 75e.—One liuudrod anil fifty line
English Satines in a groat ooanbluation
of rich dtwigns and Colorings, and the
best quality of Novelty Ginghams.
Ton yards in ouch pattern. They are
worth all the nvuy from $1.25 to $1.50
each. Make a nice present for little
One hundred dozen silk Hanker-
ohlt'Cs, l-iohly embroidered, at 10, 15,
20 and 23c. Five hundred dozen ladies’
eoloral bonier ami white llnoin hem-
srtftclieil ■IL'indkerchiefs at 2, 5, 8 and
10 cents.
Afr 48c.—.Twenty41 vc dozen gentle
men's white sulk Handkerchiefs, estra
lino quality, hemstitched, w4do and
narrow bonier. Never sohl for less
Minn 75c.
AT die.—Extra large size gcuftlamen’s
White Uomstltohad Handkenhlefa; usu
ally sold at $1.
AT 15c.—Onu) Lot gentleman's 6llk
Soar Is tn a tandsrame assortment of
p.MIterns and odors. Sotd prior to this
from 25 to 40c.
AT 25c.—All mu' 50 and G3c. gentle
men's silk Scarfs, ito be closed oat to
give everyone a ch&noo ho bey a nice
Scarf for ISttle money.
Gentlemen’s silk and cashmere Scarfs,
very desirable Ohristmns present, 30,
40, ’75 and 08c. Graait bargains.
AT 7.V.—Twenty-li n- dozen, best
quality Kid Gloves, in tans and grays,
with targe buttons. They are tho $1.25
AT 23o.—One lofi children’s Union
Suits, assorted sizes. They were 50 and
75c. prior t» Khls sale.
AT 15c.—(Another lot of those child
ren's wood Undemests, worth 25 to 40c.
The way they hare been going laitely
shows how the trade appreciates bar
gains. This week greater values than
ever. A splendid chance to secure a
suit or overcoat for ithe boy cheap for
a nice present
We are making a special sale on
these goods for this week. Bureau
Scarfs 15, 25, 33 and 48c. and up.
Splashers at 0, 10, 15 and 25c. Tray
Covers 10, 25. 35 and 40o. All much
below value.
Another offering chenille Table Cov
ers ta a torse aseortmeort of new designs
nnd patterns, with knotted hand-made
fringo In 4-4, 6-4, 8-4 nnd 10-4 at 49, 68,
08c., $1.50, $2 and $3.50.
Special closing out sale of these
goods. Children's sets at 75c., 9SC.,
$1.25, $1.50 and $2, in hair, lynx and
Angorta. Make a desirable present for
the child or grown ones,
In White mnd red. Tills is a rare
chance to got a shoa't length for the ta
ble tor very little money. They are in
lengths from two to three yards.
'How they went the past week. No
wonder at the price they were sold nt.
We ha,ve some more left. This week
win close them all out.
How they btive sold. No wonder, nft
It takes only n very little money to get
a dress for the grown or young ones.
Great bargains In every department
through the house this week.
Direct all communications ontmreitod
with this business to W. C. Lyons.
553 Cherry Street.
We are prepared to offer to the farmers all kinds ot the purest and best ferti
lisers, Including complete guanos, acid phosphates. German kalnlt, cotton seed
meal, pure animal bone, muriate of potash, etc. .etc.
This Is probably tho best and most favorably known brand complete fertiliser
sold In Georgia. Thousands of farmers c an attest Its excellent results on all crops.
For years this acid phosphate has ana lysed above alt other brands.
Mr. A. M. Rogers, who Is connected w tth this company, has been in the fertl-
User business for sixteen years and is gl vlng hla personal attention In tbe selec
tion and manipulation ot all our fertilizers. Mr. Rodgers was formerly of the
firm of Messrs. Rodgers. Worsham & Co., and moo recontly connected with the
Formers' Supply Company.
We cordially Invito all farmers to call to see us or writo for prices.
Agents wanted In different sections. ’) 'j... i
Will catch the crowds this week. You can’t afford to stay away. Cut prices in many depart-
ments-bargains in all. Read our quotations carefully, then come to
Out in Woolens.
r Ton pteoet SS-Inoh nil wool Prmcy
t3u2ttaca S3 l-3o, cut tram (0 and 60c.
25 Cents.
Fifteen ptoce* SO-tavh bvro-tone Wool
Ton vteces 56-Inch Poplins raid Ar-
tnur* IVewvea, in stylish colors, cut
trekn JJo and 46c.
49 Cents.
< Six pieces Wftrecib all-wool, French
Serge, navy arid black; cut from 75c.
50 Cents.
I Tine Franoh Pulls, urtooa cut tees
Bma New York cost; ohcaper xMin way-
body’s piece gvHxlti <ai4 cnucti finer.
One Hundred
Sieran&nta fine black and colored Drews
Goods aa our front counter, 15o on $1
and dess. Beat baivatn ot the season.
Dress Trimmings.
Only lino now Jot trimmings in Ma-
oon. Jet bunds. Jet (/Olnts, jet loco; all
new and stylish.
Narrow «Uk Gimps 75c and $1 dozen
Silk Velvets,
Now shade*, corease. bluet and staple
colors, 81 do 85 yat\l. Only complete lino
In too rtty.
Now aiyttsh Coals null Ctapee, sulctly
cost. Last season’s Kftrir.ents 15e on $1.,
good styles.
ChHdlrcns Ootto nml Reefers, new,
stylish goods. Name your price, ttssy
eix* yours.
Special dxvrgulns In Linen Table
Damaak. Toil pieces wldte and cream
ot 45c, cut teom 60c. All 51.SI mm Dam
ask cut to 89c; nupklim to era tea.
Frilled and hemsUWhod Table
Cloths, napkins to match.; worth 10
to 515; your oholco at 86.60; eeo them.
You'll jvcvAI thorn from now on. Our
$5.50 kind now 85.50. Our 84 kind now
55. Our 55 kind cut to 84 and so on.
Down Comforts.
Good prwnfc* dfrcfeper than any*
body’s. French Satina. $3 kind, now
$4: 46.50 kiiAi norar IS. Our China Silk,
410 kind, now 44. Glvo eotnetoody one.
99 Cents.
100 Silk Gloria. $1.25 Umbrellas nt
90a vttoh.
Bad Gloves.
•Splendid dne ladles’ and childrens',
hook or button, 41 and up, all guaran
teed. Gents’ ansi boys’ plain and fleece-
lined Gloves $?5c and $1 pair.
Ready-made, ixnay holders, for to
dies, 35c each.
55 per cent, off all our heavy -wool
Vests. Special barsofna In our ladles'
two-pleccd suit at 81. See our ladles’
fleece-toed Vest at S5c each.
Two Hundred.
Children's wool and cotton Vests and
Drawers, <fcM Oot on oenftre coutKcr, 15c,
20c and 25c at oh. Don’t miss this bar
Fifty dozen Radies’ 35c Hose reduced
bo 25o pair. Fifty dozen ladies’ three
pafrs far 41 reduced from 50c. Fifty
dozen children's linen fceel and foe,
double knee, at 25c; old price 40c pair.
New Linen. Goods.
New linen Squares, lace effects;
Laundry Bags. Slipper Bags. Pillow
Covers, etc. Embroidery Silks.
Silks, Silks.
Don't buy Silks IfU you see our ele-
gant Taffetas Fa notes o,t 75c and $1
yard. Most reliable line of Black Silks
In the town. Aa new weaves constant
ly 'em band.
Plain and plaited, many new tihiattes
Hot shown elsewhere In dhtcon.
AM kinds nnd sizes. See our ladled
silk lnitkti, 25c codh, cut from 60c.
•See our gents' silk Initials at 65c, cut
from 41.
Unites’ scaffloped embroidered nea*t
styles, 10c each.
■Ladles’ hemstitched plain -white 50c
Domestic Bargains.
Sixteen yards of 80 Canton KHhnel
for 81. Twenty yards tvpron Sc Ging
hams 81. Twenty yards So flue Sea
Island 81. Fourteen yards 10c yard
wide Bleach for 51. Twenty pieces 36-
lnch ifaney mixed Suitings 30e yard.
AM best Callooca 5c yard. Gold-eyed
Needles .throe papers for 10O .Good Sl
iest! 13 l-3c. Good Canvas l5o yard.
Coats' Catron four spools for 15c.
Grass <3ott> just In.