The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 17, 1894, Image 8
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 17, 1894 THROUGH EYES FEMININE. Wlihough' iho modem “woman love* to Imrtalc a roanl In appeoraiKe and Mmrior and In war way alio ono. , , 6ho appropriate* Ms styles of ure*. hln mrinnw. and oil that. B\rt »ho doesn't tip tSw ■wull'w*, and jCie doesn't tip her hat. ' It hi certainly wonderful how much nan he doi» with chMren sa young M many of those who took part in the **Brownie" perfornriiw*. The entire cutw excellent, but; a few of «u*n wpeefal notice. Utile Mira Fannie tVImthlp was the nefWXhflcuilon of grace and lowliness, Her gnat scorned no natural an If she were a quren every day, nnd Indeed, her invert, gracious manner, was not art. tmt natural. ... . (Mm Oertrude Freeman a dancing In highly complimented on •« rides, “J* the little tot deaervea the highest TOulee. She dlaoountli many a darn- reuse of fame and 1* oertalny an ex pert in tla- TeriaVehorean art. MhM Pauline Stewart ws* oteo good. Fhe (draws a thorough (knowfnlge of her jxwt, Uid executed 1t with rom.irK- ttbte eielf-pnawesslon. dfoMer IrvttM Ocrdlne, as Cbolly Boutnonlere,” was fine and Ms aong was one «f the (greaiteat attraojlona of the oviailng. die han a Hplrtldid voice nrtl a dude walk thale la inlmitobl*. The nulloemon, Felix Greenwood, did more ncilve duty than trainy of the ejiy offleera do eft) the yolr round. He wleMod Win mom moth club no auceeaa* fully tiftait everything ended m perfect rev,ee and Warrmny. nolph AIM mayor wKW hln bear Irpouglit dram the house. ••He non* hh» Hn*-n with nuch a grace. The Ftrownlen pardoned all except that (lice, that facie!" There were many more pniwunr nfetm. nnVl. in f.ud, nil of them dewwven much praise. for Ihe perrormance wan a great mourns. | f , Minn Frankie Rdd of Eatonton will npetid the hrtiduyn “with Minn Mamin Wiley «n Collew* at reel. Mira Meld In a great favorite In Macon and nhe wIB dootrtVwn he «he recmletU of muny dclWHful. social attention* during her may. On JVrturdtiy (afternoon Mlan l.yvrn coirniUmmrtn of Minnen Oman and Min nie Coehraw of Chaitkdte wlth an ele- gant luncheon. These youirrfcdlenhttve lind a number of very dcOWlrttUl affairs •riven In their honor during their visit to Mrs. A. J. Off-,,, ■I have heard or ewervl nmall din ner* Mid cord WatMen to be given Minn Oaenp tMa weefe, Mten Gump la a hello ■wherever she vhrtln. and the Macon pmplr have shown themnelvn* capcdul- ty uppreetaitlvo of her cfhnrmn. ■An evena of great tntereet Ithla week In the merriago iff'Minn MciAndrew nnd Mr. Airy at the Metlhodiat church to morrow afternoon (it 6:30. They wit! leave dmmivlWely for oft exile naive four through Florida. 'Tliriwnle" toques are the rago for the children. The rone nnd roartta shack*. uecd nep- atralely or In comhlnntlotl. have lont none of lihelr popularity. On the con- enirv. “they api*xir to gain In favor ^"•wMlonrlentcd nklrta In Mlk, lib erty mun. chiffon, nml net are *1111 very d.inhlonnlile. Homo of 'there show two or thriw roiwn of rather wide moliv rfltlion carried In nnd out Iho nrvihcn a* ti bonier. Home Kmurt-looklng tsllor-mnde walk ing wxitH A.rmol of dork ml'tlarydiluo cloSh ore hrimmeil wtih n single tow of flat gold tmnld, nnd fnMcnrd with bund- mm* buttons of wold nnd blue outlined. Jackdta In paler shallot df JiluOt-tiVue cVith one finished with alorm collar nnd rev era of brown fur. ThrtfrMwe Baw nails of dhtumolfl-ccfloml clohh, braided nvIWi brown *Hk warlnche, ftm fiiatencat nvtlh buttotia of old bronae. HlhaT linald put on In Vlmdyko points In m iti«l upon 1 Keen oh coat* of Orleans tilua wtlh vials of fawn-coflored moth Wtripod iwttH the silver gimp. 1.1 ce nnd embmldeml chiffon are prodteully used for decorating tlie hod* les of evening itonelte* of every dcs* crtptlon. b\>r young girls wtsase’col- feirhones nre too emadi cm evidence, avhen nliey dohVmln* upon wiurlng a low-ncekwl conrtge. a dainty Block mllsr of velvet or silk, edged with ktcc. Is a alccMel ImprovcmentJ. Ccdkiratlcs and half capco of lace nnd velvet rib bon In immvbcp'osa uilblue nnd irictur- c.ailiio slKiixK, can now 4>o purohanid that are designed to ault every fneo and figure. iDreasy house Jockrila of nlmonil-col- oivil or Homan-nod oamel's hair, bor derer with Iridescent hands In finely ■wroujrh palm nnd nnibesquo designs, are Imported. These are undo to ap pear loose, yet are on a fitted lining avlth dnrls and stdo forma cU i jointly rlsflshl f° the figure. ALL FOR CHRISTMAS. and Ffretch tho cloth over the iop, se w ing it fast in place with long ntitchr-8 taken through and through with an up* holittcrcr'H i)fx.-dlo and flno hull a>rrL Turn tho »too\ over nnd cover tho bot tom with heavy BilcFla, again let ting tho edgo oztend over that of the stool, and stretch tho band round, so an to make all noat Select somo suitable tobacco roTTcn. battonfl, and by meauH of thorn docorato tho rim and make it gccuro. Thread thorn, and bow from sido to sldo with a long ncedlo, which can bo bought at the nearest Imrdwnro shop. Tho stool whon finished is really handsome and service- ablo, in addition to bolng, in truth, tho product of tho givor’s hands. A I'reUjr MatcliMfe# A mntchsafo that Is really very pretty can bu cmbroMyerl cr pulntcil, as proforrcil. Thu model is rondo of gold colored satin, painted in lirowus, but it might equally woll bo doooratorl in any other Buttablo manner. The front la for ornamont alone. Tho receptacle is at tached at tho hack. First cat a disk of stlfT cardboard from 0 to 0>^ lnchoa in diamoter, then “B bit of lino linen or silk largo enough to cover it, and in tills mako all tho doaorntion. White linen painted in tho blao of real Delft ware and after souo of thoqnnint Dutch scones, 1b excellent, or colored linen embroidered in whito silk is good. Whatever is solcotod, tho process Is tho same. Cover tho disk neatly anil panto tho odges of tho cloth firmly npen tho undorsldo. Thou cut a circular pioco of sandpaper tho exact sizo and pasto it fast as a covering for tho undorsldo nnd n convenient spot on which to sarntch tho match. Cut strips. of tho sandpaper of a size to make a small box when gluod together and pasto that in tho contor of tho baok. Attach ribbons at clthor stile, whtah finish with amplo bows, nnd fill tho box with matches. A buttonhook box made of fino old rod lltion is a pretty gift. For its foun dation cat all tho nocossary pieces of stiff cardboard and nmko the propor tions long nnd narrow, as boflts a hook. Cut a pleco of liuon and a ptooo of whito India silk for cnch part nnd ovon it noatly with tho silk ns lining and a lay er of perfumed wadding bctwcon it and tho brnld. OnthotoDDainttho lettering with water color gold and tho buttons With brouza of dllToring tones. On buttons I'm bsnt, anil, though only a crook, For buttons I'm willing to nerve ns n hook. On tho sides placo tho conventional design In gold and bronze. Whon all tho parts nro ready, overhand tho bottom and sides noatly and firmly togethor and tho bnck along ono side, or, hotter still, catoh tho lattor firmly at oach corner and In tho center. Something Useful. Tho rnedlcino chest as given here Is of rod chamois skin ou tho outsido nnd linon in tho iusldo. To make ono liko it out a plooa of each of tho two mate- [Special OorrMpondeaeo.! - Eostom, Dee. IS.—That tho new only moans tho old, or at least the familiar, iu a fresh gulso Is never more sure to bo recognised than when searching for gifts with which to greot the merry Christ nmstide. Year by yoar wo start out to flud something fresh only to loaiu that uovoUlo* aro tow, that good things must sufiioo, and that fresh applications of already known materials aro all wo can hopo to find, whilo that, It among all tho display there are a few objects never before soon, there is causa for con. gratulatlon and rojoiolug. A ToUcw I'ouoh, The very first question that l« apt to lionet a woman's mind It what to maks for a man. A gilt to be n»Uy accepta ble must combine use with beauty. Therefore, If he smokos, let H be a pouch. He may prafor a box of hta own choosing and look upon your offering with kindly condescension in his heart. But liururthelaas it will win Ita way. It speaka of the beloved pipo. It tella of your oonnlvauce with his Joy. It carries u message of good will and fellowship when many more elaborate objects fail. To make It, cut threo long triangular pieces of tau colored suede, with slight ly curved aidua, and ou ono embroider tho quotation with fine gold thread. Then warn all three together and outline each seam with tiny overlapping span- glea. Line with oil silk and faoe with silk, running gold oorda through the easing. Tho pouch Is really oriental In its etfeot, and It Is qui to easy and simple to make. If your friond la not a smoker, the difficulty Is increased. If lie is elderly .ir luxurious, deolde upon an embroidered hassock. Select some good sturdy broadcloth of a rich dark green shade. Then stuff a good sized circular foundation with hair or with excelsior and cut ono piece of the cloth large enough to tover the top and a second into a strip wide enough to form the edge, On the top either draw ur have stamped some big tolling pat tern, which embroider with crewels in ■hades of deep warm Indian red and oliya gram. Frees the work with oar* For Monday, Way and BW jrii'liitE Get in the Procession There is a rousing Overcoat push at this store. Whatever the garment you pitch upon, the price story is sure to be very little. There’s economy, great econ omy, in buying now, even if the Overcoat want does not materialize for lour weeks. UiniCIKX CASK, Halt in the shape aliown, but large euough to allow of using four of the ordinary square druggists’ bottlea about three ounoo site. Lay the two pieces together and baste into each of tho four sides a pooket of tho linen; thon bind all tho edges firmly with rod sllkbralib Select strong r«l silk elastio an iurh wide and mako with it the cases tor tho bottles by sewing it firmly to (he linen at the proper places. It tho deooration is painted, dip the brush in black and write the words oonrt plaster, lint, pow der, one on each of tho three pockets, and outlino the lettering with a lino of gold. Leave tho fourth pooket unmark ed tor anything the owner may choose. On the outside of tho case use any dec oration and sew strings of thotllk braid firmly ono at oach cud. Ct-IRK BUNCX. Kip+rt Llvmjr o« America* Hackney*, Mr. n&TTjr LWtwy, tho Kngli&h hnokney experl who judged at the horao ahow in NVw York, save that tho trouble with Americana It that they treat tho haokney m a toy rather than a useful work horse •ultahlo to bo put to almost all acrvlceo whero high eiitHxl Is not tho first require menu Mr. lsivrcey thlnka that tho com ing horao In thU country will Im a half bred hacknoy, tho pnxluoo of high class hackney stallions and trotting mares of approved action. ANSWER THIS QUESTION. •Why do so many people wo around us seem to prefer to suffer and be tmide miserable by Indigestion, con stipation, dtzxiuess. Uvna ot appetite, coming up of the food, yellow skin, when for 7k cents we will sell them Biiiloh’s VlUUier .fusramced to cure tfeemt bold by Goodwyti A Boill Drug Company, corner Cherry Cotton n\*enue. SANTA CLAUS May feel poor this year, hat here he cm hay lots for little money. See if it isn't so. GEO. T. BEELAND Jeweler.' 320 Second Street. MACON, GA. 351 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET J, JJUI1U1U, SAW MILLS, Machinery AH Kinds. WA5|$& £QR Kl'QIGS' TQ EM 'IWL g- \mz% j qJen Boors myw tm: mmmsm UP TTOtJ ‘WANT BEST Buy the CHARTER OAK, ■witla. tlio WERS Over. 3Door«u All of these 5to0es below ^ost. 5^0 epal othep standapd brands of 6to0es and Ranges. Vou will aeOep haOg su^h a Qhan^e to bd9 again. H. C. TINDALL, Receiver 1 GUANO SEASON 1895. We are prepared to offer to the 1 axxne rs oil kinds of the purest and best ferti lisers, Including compu te guanos, acid ph osphates. German katnlt, cotton seed meal, puro animal bone, murlato of pota sh, etc. .etc. PLOWBOY BRAND GUANO. Thla is probably the best and most favorably known bmnd complete fertilizer eold In Georgia. Thousandi of farmers can attest Its excellent results on all crops. BLACK BOCK DISSOLVED BONE. For years this acid pho»phate has ana lysed abovo all other brands. Mr. A. M. Rogers, who Is connected w Uh thl« company, has been In the fertl- lUor business for sixteen years and Is gl vlng his personal attention In the selec tion and manipulation of all our fertilize rs. Mr. Rodgers wtu formerly of the firm of Measrn. Rodgers. Worsham & Co., and moo recently connected with tho IXvrmend Supply Company. Wo eordUUy Invite aU farmers to call to see us or write for prices, \ Agents wanted In different sections. f.*ljw AMERICAN FERTILIZER COMPANY, OFFICE UNDER EXCHANGE BANK. MACON. GEORGIA. " CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Brass Fire Setts, Brass Coal Vases, Brass Fenders, Brass Andirons. Make your wife happy by giving- her somethin" useful and ornamental. Full line at X. €/• BUItK.K , S« O- P. & B. E WILLINGHAM, MACON. GA. SASH. 00083, LUMBER, MOULDINGS. PAINTS. LIME Mill GEME8T, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. ' LEADING WHOLESALE HOUSE. L. Cohen Sc Co., 3. V HACK. Manager. LIQUORS, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Cheapest house in Macon. Orders promptly filled. A trial sollolted. MACOH SASH, DOOR & LUMBER CO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, I ,!i. ,6; AND MANUF ACTOR Ella OF | a * » ^ Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair; BUILDERS’ HARDWAE. Etc.. I MOERLEIN’S BARBAROSSA (IH BOTTLES ONLY.) On account ot Its , imlutfi purity, wholesomeness, good taate and quality to aid digestion it is a most pleasant and refreshing beverage, an article incomparably strengthening to the in valid and convalescent. This beer is brewed from the best selected malt and from hop* Imported from Bohemia. It Is brewed after the new existing method in the Hof Braue- rel at Filson. Bohemia. Birinarossa la a light, palatable beer, unexcelled in taste and brilliancy, and on account of its excellent quality Is preferred to the imported Pilsner by connoiseurs. For tne dinner table and for a lunch there Is nothing better than a bot tle of Barbarossa. ULLltANN & WILLIAMS, Delivered anywhere In the city. Theme 434, sole Agents. HIGH GRADE SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES ACCURATELY FITTED. A. T. HOLT, Heat Estate Agent. 36 Second street. I have some nice houses yet to rent. COme and see me about them. Several farms to rent, anil some splendid offer ings for sale. List your property with me and give me a chance to see what I can ds with It. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1 ' JOSEPH E. WELLS, P'ti 654 MULBERRY STREET. SPECULATION. HAMMOND & CO., STOGK AND BOND BROKERS, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, HEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Stocks, Bonds and Grain Bongbt and Sold, or Carried on Margin. P. S.—Send for explanatory circular on speculations; also weekly market letter. (Free.) W. G. SOLOMON & CO. Maocm, Ga. STOCK AND BOND BROKERS. We offer for Bale: 6,000 Macon 6s, 1910. 6,000 Georgia. 41-2s, 191a. 5,000 Georgia 31-as, 1930. 20 share* Union Savings Bank slock. 50 shares Exchange Bank stock. We want Southwestern railway stock. The Fair SIGN on WINDOW. SQUARE on WINDOW. CHRISTMAS GOODS. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! China! China! China! Cutlery—Children's Knife, Pork and Spoon sets. ClUna—Sugar dishes and cream pitch ers. G0c. pair. China butter dlshee, cream pltohers, sugar dlphcs and spoonholders, sets |1, Finer. $1.60. Turkey dishea Bohemian vrino sets, 60c. and 75c. set. R. F. SMITH, Sole Proprietor. AN..., ADVERTISEMENT placed In the classified columns ot The Telegraph la sure to bring 1 RESULTS DR. J. J. BUBERS. Ptnnanently located. In <b# spe cialties venereal. Lost energy re stored. Female IrregularlUes and poison oak. Cure guaranteed. Address In confidence, with stamp, R{ Fourth street. Macon. Gl. DR. C. H. PEETB, | STB, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, j 306 SECOND STREET, . j MACON. O A. | DR. t. H. SHORTER, EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Office 663 Cherry St, Maooa, Ga. DR. GILMER’S PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Ofilce and residence. First Btcoei, nesi Cherry. .H. A. BROWN. 61. D„ Residence corner Church and Lea strees. East MacSxn. Calls In the dtiy for the present will bo answered from McCreary drug olor« Telephone 196. M. R Freeman. H. G. Griswold, FREEMAN & GRISWOLD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Masonic Building, - . . 5Iacon, Ga. JOHN R. COOPER, Attomey-at-Law, HOPE POLHILL, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 335 Third Street. • 1 LADIES DO YOU KNOW DM. f *UX UK BRUM'S STEEL 0MB PENNYROYAL FILLS original and only FRENCH, udonad brow on th«* market. l*rico#l. u ; scat L tfeciuin* *'M only by % QOODWYkrf DRUG STORBL OF MACON. QA. CAP1TAL1SURPLUS, $260,000 \\ EXCHANGE BANK ■ OP MACON, a A, ’ l^ ra>r ' B. Turpin. President. Vice-President, J. W. Cabaalra, Cashier. We solicit the buslaera of mirchaata. plaaMre and banks, ottsnng than Courtney, promptness, safety and Mber- silty. The largest capital and surplus of say bank in Middle Georgia. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO MACON, GA. H. J. Inmar. President; Geo. B. Tur. pie. Vlee-Preeldrat; j. w . Cashier; 17. M. NsUlgsa. Accountant, capital mm. surplus, moon. Interest paid on deposits ■ pw cent, per aasnne Economy is the read ts sesaMh. Deposit your savings say the* trill b* Increased by Interest. Com. pounded semiannually. MACON SA.VINGS BANK 570 Mulberry Street, Macon. Ga. 1 Capital and surplus $150,000 Pay* 5 per omit, interest on deposits sC <1 and upward. Real estate loans on tha monthly installment plan, and loans on good securities at low rates. Legs] depository for trust funds, will act as administrator, executor, guardian, re. celver end trustee. H. T. POWELL....— President H. G. CUTTER -Vtoe-Pre^ent J. W. CANNON..... —...Cash]el 7. St Johnston. PrtridsnL 7. D. atstson. Vies Fresldsnt L P. Hlllyee. Cashier. The American national Bank, MACON, GA. CAPITAL..w w «v vs as ..ISto.OOO OS SURPLUS.. „ n V a *is* Largest capita] of any national bank in Central Georgia. Aooounts ed 1r** w corporations and lndlvtouala wtl l motive careful stienUoa. Oorrespora dence invited. ,} L C. PLANT'S SOU, BAISTEUER