Newspaper Page Text
Upholstered Rockers in Oak, Upholstered Rockers in Curly Birch, Upholstered Rockers in Mahogany. We are going to close out these goods on Monday, and the price is no object
They will be sold and somebody will get a Bargain.
$5.00 Rockers at $3.00 and $3.50; $4.00 Rockers $3.50; $3.50 Rockers $3.35. THEY MAKE SENSIBLE AND LASTING PRESENTS.
Macon Will Hare tbo First State Organ
ization Formed in llio
Will Dltc«M the K^ablUhna«*l of m IW-
formmiory for Youthful Criminals
—Will Be Entertained by the
Clflftene of Macon.
'me ortfanfljMtlon of a •tote conven
tion of the KlOff'n Daughter* in this
city on January 0 wUU toe -the first state
organiafaiUon ever formed to the South
oird Id expected <to act on example for
other,fiouthem states.
Tho convention tvSH Jbe composed of
oomciihln’g over 100 delegates, repre-
aorvilng every (lection of -the stote, and
wd bo In session two days. The dele
gates wTIl too ontorialned toy tho citi
zens, preparation for which hi already
toeing mods.
Tho object of itho oonvewtlon Is to
form a bUojto sirfitenlzation for tfio pur
pose of gottfin'g every <y>nVmuin?ty In
tho Htuto Interested in ttoo work find
to form branches wherever mono now-
cx4*t. Tho icing's D.iugtliLcrw realize
that Itoeso a ro such imearured of Btkte
impaitiliiDce th«<t can only bo accom-
pllrfhod toy the orgnlzcd effort of too
women of tho stale, ono Of which, and
tho imosc irmpoi^annt of tvtoteto, •,
Is to* establishment of a reformatory
in Georgia wCicre young criminals can
toe kept and toe given moral tmining.
This question will bo given conditions/*
ble MttuMiUlon toy (the convention, os tho
King's Da-ugbtcira wo thoroughly
Aroused on the question end do not
propose to ortieo their effort# in 'this
direction until Budh an tndtlbutkm Is
©•tfibUflhtd. The dOfrt&t of the refortn-
a»’<ory bill In to© fciat loglsH.ittir© hns
hud much to do with' n rousing tho
Kmg*s Daughters Ito renewed met Inn on
thi# question, end they hope toy the
H'lme the next (tagtaAftitufe meotw Hoihftve
th# sM'te such us to Insure mo jkixh-
nge of some m*<h mrowure.
Th© looa.1 King’s DBOgtoftfrii $uimnot
yet determined where too smslonn of
lihe convention wtt too 'held, tout they
will in AM prribalbllJry toe held tflOhnlrft
Hplsoopol ottUoU or 'Mulberry Street
MottooCQSt dhurch'. The King's Daugh
ters uro non-MBUurtan unit Wi» mom*
tiers belnu'g fto all Protestant denomi
Macon exit ends cordftvl 'wKoomo *to
t he .kidsa» wfto ar© timing vus delegates
to the ©oTWemWotk and oasutva tthom of
a p'.e.wnt sttoy In 'the city,
Miss Nellie Boynton Won the Ten Dol
lar© Offered by Mr. Quthiruui.
A few weeks ago Mr. 8. Guthman. the
enterprising proprietor of the Troy Hteam
laundry, offered a plxo of 110 fo the best
nlglnal e»n*y on "A l«num)ry.” Th© con
test created any amount of Interest and
Mr. CKithman’ repaired hundreds of ex
cellent composition* yesterday, when the
contest closed. A commit ten composed
of two prominent gentlemen had hern
selected to awupl the premium mid pass
upon the essays. Tho committed unanl.
mously awarded the prUo to Miss Nellie
Boynton. a bright young lady who makes
at the Park hotel. The prise
ay is
The Troy Hteam I-aunrtry Is unique of Its
As any who patronise ever will and,
In doing of collar*, cuffs, shirts nnd vests
The Troy Steam Laundry ranks ahead
of the best.
jThe Troy Hteam Laundry waa formerly
Alasi for the linen .that must have been
Tut, oh I happy 1* he who lives In this
For the Troy Hteam Laundry haa come
here to stay.
Our land was unknown until 14*1,
And fashion# were young between me
and Yoin
The full «ire»# of a dude, I have It down
Was legglns. some bead# and a Panama
Tut fashions have changed and the dude
follows suit.
.With frllla and his follies and shirt
fronts cute.
Hut the dude of today hod never been
Jt the Troy Hteam Laundry* had never
come to town.
The age Is progressive, but ah. did you
The Troy Hteam Laundry u high In the
front row?
And empire* may rise and empires de-
I —— ... —— — — -- „
Take the Short Lk\© to Atlanta. Three
trains daily, leaving? Mao*n a# follows;
3.10 s. m.l S.4N m.. and 5.30 p. m.
Two trains daily for Jacksonville and
Florida jAdntai. leaving Macon at 7.30
j». tn. and (vestlbuled) at 2.30 a. m.
Pullman’s finest sleeps# on all trains.
No change of cars between Moron twid
Jacksonville. JIM W. CARR,
Paasengcr and Ticket Agent.
A harvWevm* Chrietma* gift. On© of
kbouv* latent dooitgo* An oh heatere at
Dunlap Mutbute Co.
Editor Telegraph: «Row me
*P*c* In your columns to correct an er
ror which appeared in >eeterr1ay*g Even
ing News In reference to my being a party
to the organisation of an evening pnper.
1 am at a loss to understand on whoa*
authority my name was used, as 1 have
neither time. Inclination nor money for
newspaper enterprise. Very truly.
Also, ‘ectchera RiWn, with rxtm.
lArge print, ate offered at specially
owprioes today tat Iiurke s book store.
Col. Clidrlen Jt. Warren of Hawkinf-
vllle is In the dty.
W, K. Green of Atlanta is spending
today in Maoon.
John W. Park* of Atlanta Is regls*
t-red at the Hotel Lanier.
W. W. .Sheprtfird of Atlanta is regis
tered at the Hotel I/inler.
'.Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Jones of Cor-
dele spent yesterday In Macon.
Lieut. WlMiam C. N^aly of the United
Statist army spent yesterday In Macon.
J. It. Caldwell of Eastman, Ga„ was
among (Ms Maoon friends yesterday.
W. F Pearce, a whol >*ouL?d New
York drummer. Is stopping In Macon.
Mrs. J". M. Finn of Dublin spent yefl-
toiVSay in tihc city, making her Chrlet-
nuts purchases.
Minn Corlnne Morris of Atlanta Is the
charming guest of Mrs. Lewis J. Harris
on Tattnall square.
MUb Add!© Walker of Beaufort, 8. C.,
Is tho guest of Miss Williamson on Mad
ison street.
Misses Fay ami Maude Peacock of
Condole, Ga„ upent. yesterday in Macon
making their CbrUtfflA-o purchases.
Ool. Frank L. Bellinger, editor of the
Jaak»»n (’MIsk.) Daily News,.willi spend
the Christ man holidays In tills ci ty ua
the guest of fronds.
Mis# Suaio Pound, ono of 'Mllledge-
vllle’s most popular young Kidles,
arrived in the city y *#terday morning
to vitfk Miss Fannie Huff at Walden.
(BUasos Fanny Huff of Watden nnd
Si rap Wright ’»f Hi!h city have re
turned home after a pleasant visit tP
Mtis Wollons of Perry. Th/ir many
friends are delighted at thoir return.
Miss** Nannie and Hattlo Carter of
Waco, T?x., arrival in she city Friday
from savannali, where they nave been
spending several weeks, nnd will spend
tho holidays wt:!h their cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. J alien RodR irs, on Coteman
avenue, lluguenln 'Heights.
Read my ad.
McKay, The Tailor.
Ttiero are several benevolent hearts
looMw About for an opportunity of do
ing good, hot mm extend to puefli an
opportunity for the aocam!Dll?4htnen.t at
the largcut amount df good commonsu-
rat’fts with tdio outlay,
‘Suppose you mind to tho Public Li
brary a ten dollar bill. This iwtll srlvo
three tncmlha membersUtpilo ten dcuerv-
Ing girls nnd boys who woukl entrom
suoh a Olinlsimas gift above tvcry\!hlnl?
ew? that could bi» given them. They
toMUhl nWver forgot the devnors ns long
»fi they lived. Thus 'ton f.imlKru would
be imde ImMixv for 'three months—just
thirty monuhM of hippltmn for ten dol-
Th© good (would noil end with thin, won-
dnrful devi l qvsnc.ut. The ton dollars
would purohaoo twenty ne>w books, and
time rarw hook.4 wmihl give oktsura
nntd de'igbt to eusarly t wo hundred read
ers n-nd Induce five ipemojwi Ho become
nwmbwB of nhe Library.
Th© result Iheixtforo, would N' fifteen
now member# to hhe Llrary; U*n young
htforUs made happy amUUUd wOt'h gmt-
li'udie, oinI ten i/andlies avould rejoice
for ninety days in 'tho enjoymemt of
such a gift.
If Ihe donors do not dcotre Ho deslg-
«\M*te vhe children, tluv» UbraHiut bn« tho
names of over 'Uwenity children wiho
wmihl bi« ’ wo ruby of suoh a gift. Who
will remember them this week?
W. H. Sweet, Librarian.
We have looked at all the
Htores, but none of tho stocks
are ns good or prices ns low
us at Payne & Willingham’s,
the leading furniture and car
pet house.
On Friday iXKtrnoon the hour!# of the
inm»vuv of .the Applctlon Churvto Home
wctO gladdened by on»* of ttioot' boautj-
ful ami graceful acta with which the
Mason la fraught.
The pupil* o; Miss Findley’s clam <*f
th© Alexander SotoOOl si'll# u ilnay laden
with Khlngs for Chrisitnas chi*©r,
1he of the ipuplki to the nrohnnu.
It w«« In charge of two mainly IKtUo
boys, avh*> executed their ccmmlsslon,
un nepremva,:lvw of their claw, with
bceoiiHror dignity.
HeforiY ith« y had left the door, a sec
ond deleapwkg# arrived, thin time each
pupil bringing- ttoeb* uwu blft. Tliay
repro»Mstod Mis* Margaret Darrah’©
vla*e» from the Whfc:;K* 801100I, but
owing *0 Min# Darrah’* IndiwivxHition
•the class was In charge t* Mw<* Dan-
In behalf of Oho Infrwitre of the Home.
1 l»e* that the •U'uciags and tatpils of
boch dParera <vrlll accept c«>r most grate
ful thanks aia\ heaniy wishes IW a
morry Ohrlefttna# ami UnttV New Year
to each and ull.
Simer Kaiharlne.
As a remedy for all kinds of head*
«el»e Electric Bitters ha# tntoved to be
the very best. It eflfecta a i>*»n.‘
cure, nnd tho most dreaded habitual
sick hmd.wh© yU^ids to Ma Inducnce. W©
urge ©Jl who arc aftolotod to procure a
bottle, soil give thi# remedy a fair trial.
In case of habftual oonstlpn^on, Elec
tric Ftteter© cures by giving the needec
tone to the tooweks, and few casre long
resist the use of this* medicine. Sold
at H. J. Latnor & Son’a drug store.
Como to see our pretty
stock of new style rockers,
tables, secretaries and book
cases, and we’ll give you prices
that will astonish you.
Payne & Willingham.
QuickC time to Washing too, Balti
more, Philadelphia and New York via
the Southern railway. Leav© Mdcon at
S 45 a. 111. arrive Wanhington €.43 rt.
m . Iialtlm\>i> 8.05 « m., I'htladelptoia
10 25 a. m. and New York at 12.45 noon.
Sleeping car apenre reserved in advance.
Andy <0 Jim W. Carr, po#»en^er and
Ws «ay a, b©i'ai»e we know R to t»e
true that wv hwndU- the 6*#t oil hea*««r
ou tho nalicet. Duotap Hardware Ct>.
Contributions Kapidly Coming in to
Do Distributed to the Poor
On Christmas Horning.
OnrTw. Ilundr.d FamllU. nnd Ont
Flv, IlnadrMt P,opl. Aar. In S..d
of ll.Ip In Jdn.on~f.nd In
Yonr (.ontrlbnttona.
TlV! clerk’s olllco at tho city loll is
tJQgmntng to cloacCy rcsoiriblo a general
iiK-rc’j.i ndiso store, noil by Monday nf-
tsmoon It Is fXj'icftort to bo filled wttb
l’estenby a luise mjmber of oontti-
butlons wero nude and marry others
stated 'their Intortion of giving some
thing MariUy. So far, Ujo contribu
tions of meet, such ns bacon, hums,
sUouders, nnd oven frt«fh meats, have
been In tho msnonuy, wtnle n
supply of flour hus been given. The
list up to hist night stood ns
A itoj-siobn. ?3.
h. M. Jones, annual contribution
of |8.
iMrs. II. 15. Troutman, sack of flotvr.
jM. Nemmn, two boxes cmokv'rs.
Mrs. M. Nentonn, big box of toys.
C. H. Hall, Jr., $5.
■Hdbretv Yoiuig Dadics’ Aid Soclal-y,
flvo dollars.
IMra Flnkoon, lirge quantity of toys
and doUKii'g.
Mrs. WlUtom Taylor, flour nnd po
Unknown frtemi, bundlo of clothing.
J. F. Hhnikmj forty sacks of flour.
J. V. Lyon, eight sacks of flour.
Mayor rtinie. cash.
IfiMffl«ej\ Wilcox, iasJi.
J. Dannenbeig, fL'Y.tlO.
'Hie money conitiCbutol by Mr. Dan-
nenlsTg Is the amount the city mas
due Utm >wHiail he mslgncd, and lie con-
tinJmtcd the entire nmaunlt to the poor.
Sanitary Inspectors McKay, Itninner,
Jionkan end Koduvuid lure tuosjglvt In
the mimes of over'aHi Pamtr.os.mlKt
In need of help, ami tubers iStit seen
by the inspirators llvndcd In PhoTr mmes
ye.stcnkty at Ihe city hall. Tills mould
Indicate that over ISOO .peoit'e are to
Ira supplied; and to glut each ono n
Stile W'lU noqulre a largo amount of
provisions, and every merahtMit In -Ma
con olrauld give something. There Is
not one of tWmn. who cannot afford to
give sOTnetthing, and each oontrtbulioo,
no mi tinier trow smuil, wiU help some
hungry ix>rsvn.
‘Monday morning slvauM see a solid
sir,tun of magons going to tivoclty hall
with provisions fur the poor, so that
not one deserving person wlU bp with
out sctmdlh'.ag to oat on Olnilsmus dsiy.
llverylvi ly shuikl take It to tlioinselvea
to rhliik how rhey woukl fool on Olirlst-
mtu dty without food, or perhaps with
out lire or clothing, Tlie excuse that
many people will get hotpot who da
not deservo It is no excuse nit nil. No
poison ever falls so lev u the scale of
iiiinr.inv.ty tbit !hey deserve to (to hun
gry, nnd, besides this, tiro Inspectors
have been careful to take only tho
names of such people ns mv newly.
Same of them may be mitoaists*rt>n) so
ciety, lout they np> ,<il needy and slvould
all be he’,pel. It Is to loe bnjm that
there will be enough provisions cotwirl-
butrd to flU every evty twet ai*l tho tiro
tlepiilmertt wngion when they start on
ttv.V.r rouel.» Tueatiy nvanil’ng.
Oo to New York, PhiSrdWphka, Balti
more, Wae'hington, . Ulonttioad and
Hs.tecn pitnts ads lAtWintlo Coast
Une. Quickest route. Through Pull
man sleeper.
Prioes that fit the time.
Clothes that fit and please.
McKay, Tho Tailor.
Q«qrl-A-Bj‘ \v. y. AtkSnson, Gov
ernor ©f H©1<1 sta44»: AVtoereaa, omd&l
Irtifiwnvari'vn lui# b©©n wwtved m
d©(#irtm©jvt tlmt In th© yttxr lSSS. fn
tto© county s-»f Jonos. Welker Mix>»n
killed J. 'W. RoN'rts, und ahnt th©
cwld Mixon tied from Justice nnd lhaa
nowr been wimrehended for auld crime.
I hdv© tohmijfht pi>tp«r, ithcrefDiv. t»
Issue ttolls my prockanxitlon, to©retoy
ofPcrtnjf <% rvlwsrd of fifty fur
th© apprehension *nd delivery <y{ *4»ld
Walker Mixon t<» tto© sheriff 04 siM
ccrutvty end state. And I do
moreover chart? e wnd require
all crtloers in this suit©, civil to ml
mlbtctry. to be vigilant in endeav
or In#; too kppreheml the tndd Wufker
Mixon Iw order *ttwfttoe may be ton>u#-tot
to trf.vl for th© off©j#n© with which he
sluids eftwnl-
tSh’on under my to<utd ojid -the seal
of th© state this* <h© 22d day c€ De-
tVmbW. 1894.
W. Y. ATKINSON. Governor.
By tto* iROvcmor;
Allen D. Candler,
Seorethry of
Wc liave six fine secretaries
nnd bookcases left. Come and
see them before they go.
Pavne & Willingham’s is the
Oo tn N«V Yctrtt. Philadelphia, BaJtl-
more, WVrahlncton. Richmond stid
b>Ortt©ro c*tieo vU OaontU milrvxid and
-MO&nSc (Vtitt lain©. Quickest n^ut©.
Thivnurh PuRrivin deeper.
-Vr© tho»© by !>%ulso. M. Alcod. of
which a full line may be wvq at
Burke’s book store. Three will b© ctT-
f©r>d as a leader today only wX fl.25
Th© Charmlnff Comedienne to Be Seen
Wednesday Evening.
Pauline Hall, beautiful and delightful
prlmrna donna that she is, will ori next
Wednesday evening be eeen in a new
operatic comedy entitled “Dorcas. This
delightful work, in which Miss H#11 1*
said to be repeating her former successes,
l.s from the pen of that brilliant author,
Ii-arry Paulton, whose name first attract
ed attention by the success he achieved
in writing the book of “Erminie.
“Dorcas” is replete with bright and pret
ty music, lasting and tuneful. In compll-
in this comedy Mr. Paulton takes his sug
gestions from an old German source, but
that alone is tho only thing borrowed.
ns for the completeness and filling out
of th© story he has relied solely upon his
own brilliant Imaginative powers; he has
changed the scenes so as to have them
occur in England.
Miss Hall will during ’he course of the
story told in “Dorcas” be called upon to
appear in as many as three different char
acters, all of which are In direct contrast
each with the other, the first entrance
being made In tho guise of a Jolly, happy
young peddler boy; then again os Dorcas,
the fictitious wife of the village Inn keep
er, and in the last ;i«'l she Is seen In her
own supreme personality and beauty as
Lady Honoria.
The company engaged for the presenta
tion Is a strong and most competent one,
for In addition to Pauline Hall there is
comprised In her support such sterling
and competent artists of both the dramat
ic and operatic stage as Jeanette St. Hen
ry, Kate Davis, William Broderick, J.
Aldrich Ltbbey. Chari** H. Bradshaw,
etc. Sale of seats begins tomorrow.
Farm containing 416 acres, Monroe
county; four-horse farm open; 30 acres In
fruit, principally peaches; a bargain; easy
Also farm containing 400 acres, fourteen
miles from Macon: price 510 per acre.
For particulars call at office of E. A.
Honrs, 454 Cherry street.
and LRS3.
and LRSS.
The Georgia Railroad
Will Sell
To and From All Stations at
On th© following dates: December 22,
2?, 24. 25. 1S94; December ». 30. 31. 1894.
and January 1, 1896. All tickets will ex
pire by limitation January 3, 1895.
TliOS. K. SCOTT, General Manager.
A. G. JACKSON, Gen. Pass. Agent.
JOE W. WHITE, Trav. Pass. Agent.
W. W. HARDWICK. Pass. Agent, Macon.
Mr. Sam Vei
Who Is now In Europe, bo* bought and
forwarded a large Un© of the finest old
Imported Wine*
For the Family Trade
Of M'a-eon and vicinity. His stock is
also complete with th© finest Domestic
Wines. Old Whiskies and Brandies.
Imported Bass’ Ale, Ginger Ales, Por
ters, Imported and Domestic Beers, Cl*
gars and Tobaccos of th© best brands.
Prices are In keeping with the times.
Get the bret good* and best prices
now occupying th© late Capt. John D.
Hudgins' old stand, comer Third and
Foptar street*. Macon, G*.
m you m
O F the display we ire making in Holiday goods. It far
excels all our previous efforts. If anything was
ever calculated to the merriment of a merry, merry
Christmas our stock of pretty Novelties is a sure prize
Beautiful Neckwear, Embroidered Silk Suspenders,
Gloves, Silk Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Walking Canes, Um
brellas and a number of other articles in newest designs
present here a tasty and extensive selection.
The time is limited. Embrace the first opportunity
to pick while choice is yours.
Clias. Wachtel,
515 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga.
Inviting Goods at Inviting Prices. Large
Saving Guaranteed to Economical Cash
Buyers. Special Reductions made
Specially for our Xinas Sale.
Carpets, Mattings, Rugs Chenille Table Covers
and Art Squares.
250 Ruga, consisting of Wittous, Mo-
quets, Smvrna and Hair, in both plfiln
and combination; all ut .especially re
duced prices for our Christmas sale.
125 Art Squares in a large variety of
new daligns and patterns In fill sizes,
specially reduced for our Christmas
150 Rolls Carpets, conslstlmg of. In
grains, three-ply Tapestry and Body
Brussels, specially reduced for our
Christmas sal?.
'Mattings in fancy cotton and linen
warp, and inlaid. Special reductions
made hi every grade for this our
Christmas sale.
250 Hassocks and Ottomans in Brua-
sel8, Velvets and Wiltons, to be closed
at 50 cents on too dollar; 'to be clos'd
out during this special sale.
At 25c., 500 yards good quality Surah
Silk, In. pink, light blue, cardlnad, helio
trope, Nile green and black.
Chenille and Brocatelle portierees
and Lace Curtains. Nothing more de
sirable or more suitable for a service
able Christmas present. W« have
special reduced prices in all this line of
goods during our Christmas .sale.
Superb tine of beautiful buffet scarfs,
splashers, tray covers, In both hem
stitched and drawn work. All specially
reduced for our Christinas sale.
Wool Dress Pat toms, ©very one u bar
gain, In both plain and fancy weaves.
Wo have about 98 of these patterns,
eight yards -to the pattern, 38 to 40
Inches wide. We are ging to seW them
at 31.25 to $L&0 a pattern.
At 98c.—
About fifty Scotch Cheviot Dress Pat
terns, 10 yards to the pattern. They
wire the $1.60 goods.
At 75c.—
125 fine patterns Scotch Novelty Ging
hams and rich. Satin Dresses, tea yards
to toe dross. They were the $1.25 qual
At 49c.—
100 Patterns handsome Satins and
good style dress Ginghams, to be put
on sale Monday morning.
At 49c., one hundred 4-4 Table Covers
with ball fringe; worth 75c. At 68c. 75
6-4 Chenille Table Covers, with deep
knotted fringe, in a large variety pat-
torus: worth $1.25. We are selling 8-4,
10-4 and 12-4 Table Covers at greatly
reduced prices for the holidays.
1.000 doz?n Handkerchiefs for ladies
and gents.
Ladies’ handkerchiefs, white hem-
stltch:d and ooiored border, at 2c., 5c.,
So. and 10c. Swiss embroidered and
scalloped border at 10, 12, 15 and 20c.
25 dozen Ladies’ Irish Cambric hand
embroidered, rich and eCegant designs,
fit 25, 33, 48, 58 and 63c.
15 dozen Silk Mufflers, at 48, 73 and
98c. All especially reduced. 50 dozea
Silk Ebmroadered and Plain handker
chiefs. at 10c., 15c., 23c., 35c„ 40c. and
60c. Every one specially reduced for
this sale.
Fur Sets for Ladies’ and
Children’s Wear.
In Angorla, Thibet, Lynx and Hair,
In both whit© and colors, at 75c., 98c„
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00.
All speckacly reduced for our Christ
inas sale.
At 49c.—
One lot Ladies’ Mufte, in black and
colons, worth $1 to $1.50.
Blankets and Comforts.
Specially reduced for this gale.
We have left a few tine Caltforuti*
and Sanitary blankets that we are go-
tag 'to close out very low during our
Chr&tmas sale.
Table Damasks, Napkins
and Towels.
Spools! Cut Price* Ut this Une of
goods during our holiday gale.
Boys’ and Children’s
Grew* Closing Out Sale of these
gvxxls. No need letting the boy go with
out a sul'f,' as we heave the price so
low a« to place them within tho reach
of all. Suits at 75c., 98c., $1.23, $1.50,
$1.98 and $2.48 each, and every one a
big bargain.
Direct all commuoica'tioaa to W. C,
553 Cherry Street.
Brewer* of FINE BEER Exclusively.
Highest Award Above All Competitors at World's Fair, 1893, for Excel
lence in Absolute Purity, Flavor, Brilllanoy and Importance of Brewery.