The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 26, 1894, Image 6

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6 THE MACON TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 26, 1894. FURNITURE AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Upholstered Rockers in Oak, Upholstered Rockers in Curly Birch, Upholstered Rockers in Mahogany. We are going to close out these goods on Monday, and the price is no object. They -will be sold and somebody will get a Bargain. $5.00 Rockers at $3.00 and ■"■NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED ■■■■■ 1.50; $4.00 Rockers $8.50; $3.50 Rockers $8.85. THEY MAKE SENSIBLE AND LASTING PRESENTS. THE WOOD-PEAYY FURNITURE COMPANY, 558 AND 560 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. IT TO I BERRY CHRISTMAS llow Macon People Celebrated the Day of All Days in - the fear. SOME PEW CASUALTIES. Good Order Preserved Bjr Ihe Police, and Not One Fntol Injury Re. ported—Distribution vf the Clmrlly Fund, Christmas has come and «onj and while llhe day wia» one ot much re joicing and happlnoM to many people there are few, perhaps. who are no'ry .that It l» till over. ]( waa a gvfod Cbrlatmaa. There wan no one who did not enjoy H to a greater or leas extend in with manner, but Slow that It in nil over neuwy every body, It not everybody, to gUd. Tho Ary throughout waa celebrated In about the usual wtiy. Tho rcllglbusly inclined attended services wt the churches, Mt t» jxild social visile to trlcuda und relatives, others apont the •toy nuieCy In thelt homos with tliclr <n mllles, whip* others paraded the streets, shooting fireworks atol pistols and mil a few spent tho uw hi bac- chiinualtan revelry. All day long the oxiCoofon of llroworks could b> seen and heard, while pistol* and suns from Ihe little (heap Katurdny tight pop gun to the old army muiket were press d Juio service. Old anil young, mule and female, grave and gay, catered into tho fcstlvllies und ull seemed bent on gulling the best of fun thero wus to bo had. At night bonfires Illumina ted every part of the city while Uio air wus filled with pyrotechnics. The Blgh't was unusually itork und sp.-cllnl- ly fitted for fireworks to bo Men to their best advantage. But by IS o'clock last night all Unit whs left of tho bon- flrco were a number of piles of embers und ably nn occasional rocket oouM bo seen slioodng up towards tho heav ens. Keen the nerve deairoyuiK tin horn WWW stilled, and It la to be ll.rptd broken, while Us tiffed blower, htld eklfs-r fallen by ulio wayside or hidden his head In shame bennith tho covering or hto own ilulo bed. A Taw purttoff ex- l.loahwis of cannon crackers reminded one of the Chinese efforts to hold Port Arthur, while the occasional hissing, tho Utile whistling "do-rumilcn" wore not nlloge.hiT unlike Uio wluxxlng of Jaianeso bullets. Slier lay after mid night ull was Still except now and then tho husky "whoopee" of some min ted reveler energetlaiJly w-ndlng his slT-xsg way homeward, could bo lleui'd. This morning many people will aris> w-Uhttdnrk brown tame In their mouths Hint a blue Monday foeUtig generally. Olut Chrtolmns comes only once u year land tbs mantle of charily will be thrown over all that Ins been (lone, in 11 will soon be forgotten. Many a woman's darling l>oy, who tussled with bis nuildca J-jk, will simply be told not to do so -agalii, and the busy work-n il l y t>f tho pT.rpIe will bo resumed. One nemrknblc- fdittum of .the tiros- ent Ohrlsttma* was Its fracvlo.u from f.iitii'l loonaia rot ive orourin'K fa the city tliroug.ioitt the day. Govern] poo- Ida SVStS injured, but stone duivgvrouuly nnl few senlnusly. Dr. Hope, who 1-»ok,il nfuvr thto urn «f city rJud- clan GiUllvim's office yesterday. Hind n right liia«y time (luring Iblio forenoon im,I a guilt of Ihe nlkemoon, but he ■ids nirty called on *fo dress tight iwonBda, tnvo of whleli uvre mod* eey- el’.ul days sc i. Jiwik Noteji, u ynuaig no. gro, wse shot in tho thigh toy another mtgro atb goo* by the nanre of Blue Nancy, hut She wound fa not serious. The sha 'ttng was lmcnilomu, srtl oo curred on llniwihotia street. Jisse Odoni, living aa Sill tAsh street, woo rl-ii In .the thigh by some unknown partis while he eras In the swamp ke'iff ihe ipowdcr tn.tgnxliH'. llnU.o QtmMgr was out by I.KNlc Smith, wh'o ■trial a r.ireir. aliislilng le i- In i-lie eye ami on th* wrtot. Tito light vv-ua owe it ilotlfo ot whisky. Ano'.hr neara .woman, -whoa Mm win not lenrnivf Maa out oo Uie lln and two teeth kn.vked out. Another unknown negro Mas bcuiien over the heml nttli a pistol. n:»l a smsM hoy wns td»>t in the eye on Cherry streoi. IDntm. with a few minor flglk'.s ami ruodHia constitute 'the tto.vs injuries. The iuiJMicr In vWilcto the notice i!M thc.r duty to dcaorvfng of praise. Cant. Jlutner hn«l Ms in an in band till day, nnd had than amder MHclal In- (gruotlons. He only had hto n-guiiw foree. but Ua-y kopt down all disturb ances and serious dlffienliles. Oipl. I minor sras hlmnolf on (he go «H .lay. ■rich' Llwftvnnnm Carnes and Murphy MW that his Inadmctlon* were eairlct out. Taken all logeflhae, H was the mtw* orderly over known In II soon. The poor find well during fir" jay. thanks so a itatratg paMte At 10 oVfor-k tin' four sanitary Inn;. \Son*. us- slttvd by other svutknc hands, f'. vrte.l Ul the rounds with omrts nnd wag'mn Iceled with prorl«loctt. tnuhs. K">s, clogttng stal even dstttaolra for ■The poor. 'Many c--(ributtons were trort lit jow.erdsy morning, aiet (here waa an afcundarem for each of the mere than roO funftiv cm the list. The good cheer the Inepsmors canted to the toms nr the tvKT will never be known. but the grab iot took* and profuse nod. Si-evrv shanks of many of the people w ere ,va- Mnehw tWVleiKsa of she grnumle .hi-y Throughout the tlay liusititro trne go* Bntp BunpresM. with the Mtpeptt wr of tfte psanu wvikh deal to dry and liquid II re works. CHEAP TUCKETS ON SAI.B Via Axil hem rallivsy to West Paint Jlc.Vh. Florida, account opening Itoyal vl'Jod.lna Hotel. Tickets no sale Decem ber t* and 57th, with return limit ten days frem dale of sale. |u for the round trip. Avail yourself of this o(e |ior(unity to vtsft tho East Coast, Double dally tralna, leave Marvin at K itjiera (K. T.. *V. dc G.) detiot at 7,50 p. in. and 3.90 s. m WHAT COUNCIL WILL DO. The Mayor’s Message is ExitccLcd to Bo Fall of Interest to Everyone. THE CITY’S FINANCES. IsfasiM* mmd Taz Ordinance—Appr«prla- tloac for kha Kerning Y*ar— KUcilon of Chairman of Board of Public H'orkit The regular weekly meeting of city council will be held tonight, having been deferred from laxt night, which Is the regular meeting night. The meeting will be of the utmost In. terest* ua there are several Important matters to come up. Among them will be tho mayor’s message, which Is expect* ed to be something In the nature of a surprise. Then, too, the adoption of the license and tax ordinance for the ensuing year Is a part of the programme of the meeting. This ordinance Is of great In terest to every business man In the city, os It fixes the rate of taxation and also the bualneas license for 1S96. Another Im portant question will be tho appropila- tlons for tho coming year. This Is a ques- tlon of much Interest to all, and It ts whispered that there will bo some sweep ing reductions In tho amount allowed sev eral branches of tho city government. The election of a chairman of the Pub lic Works Commission will bo one of the most Important matters beforo the meet ing. Ex-Alderman T- J. Carling and Mr. Miller Gordon are both being spoken of for tho place, hut It ts understood that both gentlemen have said they did not want It. Their friends, however, are earn estly trying to got them to allow their names to go before the meeting. The mayor's mcrssge, It Is understood, will deal largely with tho city,’* finances, which Is a question the pooplo Just now nro deeply Interested In, Inasmuch as much 1ms been said on this line In auch a manner as to lead to tho general belief that the city’s finances nro In bod shape. What will bo done with salaries Is not yet known, but Bomo of tho aldermen have been heard to say that they would not consent to n reduction In tho salary of any one, ua thero waa not a city offi cial getting a salary too large for the du ties roqulred of him. There ore other Important matters to como up at tho meeting tonight and It Is probnblo that something further will bo beard from tho sewers. POINTS ABOUT TBOPUE. Or. Price’s Cream (taking Powder vtwtr. Fair nialMM Mc4at aaS IWwa AN INCIPIENT RIOT. Infuriated Negroes Rescue a Law Breaker by Overpowering a Foliceinan, MADE CONSIDERABLE EXCITEMENT. An Armed 8<iu«d of Policeman Go to Pollcoman Davis* Assistance and Captors Nine of tbs Mob Without Bloodshed# P. IIaiII of Griffin is In Hro city. W. B. 'Reeves of Griffin Is henv* today, d. J. BttU of TVilbatiton is in the city. 0. D. Knight cmne down from Atlan ta yctftcnlay. J, C. Heodlqr of llawkliMvillo Is nt the Iin tv! or Irmso. Jolui P. Phillips of West Lake Is nt Iho lander. Johu P. MoGoy of Tnlbotiton is In tho cliy. Capt. nnd Mm. T. Lung of West Taint spcvnit tho day here yafterfey. G. W. Junta n. Jr., of hongstreot Is nt 1ho Hotel Lanier, titepban D. ‘Mchlov. Btq., ernrao down from Forajith ymtewhy. •Mr. A. E. BaBocwm, n prosperous youm; farmer of Jones county, nms In the oily oin hinlnens Monday. Ool. F. K. Wynne of Coliawhuii waa aiming (hose who opeat Chnlddmas In Mncon. Mr, Eric Gambrel liss goos down to MnrrtiallvlUe io hunt iwltTi Col. Wllllnm D. Felton. Mr. Frank L. Btllin^er, editor of the Jackson (Miss.) Daily News, is spend* ltd (tio Ohrtstimns holidays In Macon, the tricot of rroKwir E. L Martin. Mr. BMfogsr is a youotf torn of excep- tiounl ability and edUs on of tho brjfhlcKt tdicsit* tu tho groat state of Mississippi. DRANK A TOAST. KnlfehU Tempkir Observe mn Unwrit ten Law. A pro'tty hhnrvifl by tho Knight* Templar wherever the order Is knorana and one t'h;v( adds tnuoh to the sootehnity of this papukr branch of Masonry, is to meet Oil each Chrh*> m.m 'and drink a hcaOTh to the grand oommander. The KniglMs Tecnpkvr of Macon a»- eemMctl in their hall y»»crday at 11 •Vokjck end each Knight Templar jvx'evlift ditink O hiolth to Che grand ouiDfiHfhlfir At exaoily tlie same ttm who Knlgids Templar t*>rv>ugh»>ut the United -Sates were doing the same rhVng and drinking the aune bnst. The grand comnvhider, too, respond* •al ib <he toast, nnd whlk he wae sop* eratixl by hundreds and In some *n- etsncte tlblouaanda of miles tr*vt\ major of tNno who drank to hte twuKi, they all knew that Ore was with them in spirit. The fevlal (Adwtlg of ths tsMn- m.uhtery wus public and many of eijo mcMnbers Invited uholr friends to Join them In chc flowing bowl. ROYAL PONCIANA. Grand opening of the palace hotel Mm'mg the tropics of Florida’s coast. Take ft in, by all means, and be sure your ticket read* via Southern railway. You will see more for your nn>ncy than you ever did In your life. Tickets on eale Dec. 2* and 2»th. good for ten GO) days from date of *«Ue, at the oxtJVrtHly I-w price v*f fifteen ($15) U-'llani for the round trip. ITnmiWo dally trains through, via the sK*rt rvHite (S^mthern) without change of can* Macon to Jacksonville. lxHtve Ma«x>n at 2.30 a. m. and p. m. For elr-cptng car bertha oud furth- r particulars ses Jim Carr, iKinaeager agent. What came near being a sanguinary race riot occurred in Tybee yesterday morning over the arest of a negro by Policeman John Davis. The negro was durnk and acting disor derly when Policeman Davis placed him under, arrest. The negro restated, but Policeman Davis was the better man of the two and was taking him along to the station when a mob numbering fully fifty negroes, most of whom were drunk, gath ered and began threatening the police man, but a braver or more determined man than John Davis never wore a uni form, and he held to his prisoner. The negroes then swarmed around him, und before ho could pull his pistol or even use his club they pounced upon him, and al though he fought bravely and struggled tho best he oould, ho was soon overpow ered and the prisoner taken sway. The negroes then drew their pistols and threat ened to kill the policeman if he attempted to arrest one of them. Knowing the des perate character of the negroes of that locality and that he would stand no chance whatever of his life against such overwhelming odds. Policeman Davis communicated with police headquarters as soon as possible and asked for assist ance. Chief Butner at once Mspatched a squad of police to the scene, each armed with a Winchester rifle, besides pistols and clubs. Tho squad procured hacks and In a few minutes arrived on tho sceno. By this time several hundred ne groes. many of them armed with rifles, shotguns and pistols, had collected and were threatening to kill the first white man who approached them. The squad of police, however. Was composed of men who do not flinch nt tho muzzle of a gun, oven when the gun Is. In tho hands of a desperate negro, nor did they fear the largo number, but charged on Orem with drawn rifles, ready to fire If It became necessary. Seeing tho determined manner of the police, tho negroes soon besan to scamper away, nnd as tho police had no desire to shed blood unless it becamq, necessary, all but nine of‘them escaped. The nine were quickly surrounded and their arms taken from them. .They submitted to ar rest quietly, knowing that further resist- un<’t* would u» u.wrlfHH, nnd wore toon on their way to tho police station, where they were locked up and the charges of rioting nnd carrying concealed weapons placed against them. The .police nre confident Unit had Po liceman Davis drawn his pistol whllo sur rounded by tho infuriated mob he would have been shot and clubbed to pieces, and lmd tho squad not gone heavily armed with the long range rifles the negroes would have fired on them. But tho Win chesters Intimidated and frightened them anil they knew that their only means of avoiding arrest was In flight. They will have n hearing beforo Recorder Freeman this morning. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. A Negfo Boy's Costly Look Donvn a Rlflo Barrel. A 12-ycar-old n?gro boy who works for Mr. Louis Burghurd. was acciden tally shot yesterday noraiog by the 7-ycar*old son of Mr. Henry Spoor. The ’accident was du* to the same oki cauec—tho email boy’s curtoahy to gaze down the barrel of A loaded gun, and may cost the victim his life. Yung Speer wt\B walking nlon-g th» street with ht* air gun thrown his shoulder when the negro* who knew Speer well, playfuWy rau up behind and grasping the gun by the muzzle, looked down Ulio barrel “Just to nee if he oould s’O the ball"—ho afterwurds Ka'd, The youthful owner of the cud was at the time figuring with tlie trig ger. and us that 111 luck that haums small boys In Christmas time would have it, the gun waa discharged. Th> dlselwirge of the gun wns Just In time for the ball to take ‘the negro above the right eye, and witli a shriek of pain ho Muggoivd back uud almost fell upon -the tddewtllk. As soon «s possible Dr. Stapler was summoned to the relief of the wound- ed boy and found (tut the ball had entered just above the right eye and penetrating the head, had lodged at tll> bau of the brain. He bad nothestt-jney in pronouncing the wound n probably fatal one. though he thinks that If .the bay’s condition thus morning will al low him to r-tnnv the eye bn Ik'the bullet may be extracted nnd his life yet saved. «. Then' seems to ho no posalbV* ground for charge of Intentional shooting, ns the negro himself Riid he had Liot spoken to or had anything to do with the white boy before ho run up to Ills Vac* nnd begun (Sx>ling with the gun. OIL WHAT A COUGH! Will you hoed the warning—the sig nal, perhaps, of the sure approach ot that more terrible disease, couaumtlon? A«k yourself if you can afford, for the sake of saving 60 cents, run tho risk and do nothing for It \Ye know from expertence that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This ex plains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year, it relieves croup nud whooping rough st once. Mothers, do not be without it. FVw lasae back, old* «r chest, u*e Shiloh's Porous Plaster#. Sold by Goodwym A Small Drug Company, corner Cherry •lrest and Cotton SOME CHRISTMAS DINNERS. Including a Brief Account of the Carving Knife and Tnrkey Gobbler’s Fate. SOME EPICUREAN SPREADS. The Brown, Lanier, Park nnd Other Hotel* In 91 a eon Entertain Their Guests Right Royally—Some Vary Tempting Menus. LESS TALK Of Hard Tlm«*s and *t MORE ADVERTISING Wit P\fl Most Concern* OUT OF THE HOLE. The carving kutfe laid tere (the bones of many a fins? v’Obnlcr yesterday and many nre file depleted flocks of tur keys throughout -tire Ootid on acoounk thereof. From ffhc "ntehest to the low- eeft, all toad, turkey yesterday—ttoe turhey M»t <*mrV,Suites so mucto to Hhe onjoyftient oX ihe festival occasion. It 1, hardly probabBe tMt the hotels of (Macon 'have ever opreid such fine Cliristmos dinners before Whelr guests os oo yesterday. Every tootea man seemed lo vie tviitto some other com petitor in preparing Christmas dinner, nnd the result Idas itholt, after reading their respective menus, one found it a great 'task *> decide who offered the best dinner. But •there were plenty of people hun gry for Christmas rturkey to fill tho ample dlndng rooms at all tho leu'ling hotels. It was not sufflctenlt that ttoe (hotel men should prepare dinner for the regular Mounters and ttoe 'transient visitors, but whole families of «ho city, (having dismissed ‘tlhelr servamts, en gaged folMles n't ittoe iBrown, the Ennier, tho Park arid either hotels, relying upon the well established reputations of ttoe holds at these houses Ito satisfy ,their appetites, sharply whetted by the tempttntf Show- wiridows of the meat dressers exhibited for ttho past tweek. Proprietor Sparry, who has the double du-y of two hotels on hte hands —ttoe Brown and Lanier—ectiultitod himself most admlmtoly on toils Christ mas dry. Ho had u, targe patronag, too, nnd divided this a'teretibn between the Itwo ravels through the dljy. The Brown 'house menu was no betrer than lit l»:ie ntl wiiys been under Mr, Sperry’s management; ftnprovcmorJt on Xlr. Sperry's Christmas dinners from year <o year would be Impossible. The menu was as follows BROitVN HOUSE. Oysters. Salted Almonds. Consomme a la Princess. Green Sea Turtle tau Quenelles. Cavltir on Toast. Broiled IVlute Shad, n la Matrc dc Hotel. IMldhlgain Celery. SUeed Cucumbers. Leg of Southdown 'Mutton, French Cuipors. Prime Ribs of 'Wenlurn Becff, St. Jultonne Potatoes. Suolcdng Pig, AVnlnut Dressing. Wnd Turkey, trard-d with Truffles. . Egg NotJg. BraCsed Pin TalU Duck. Pitted Olives. Tucked Quail a(IX Champignons. Haunch of Von: ’ , raspberry Jam. Chocolate Souffle, Varillta Sauce. Chicken Shhad. Sherry. PcItU'toes "Whipped In Cream. Flrled Egg Plant. Oyster Bay Aonnraigus, Drawn Butter. New String Bonos. English Pens. Steanved OanllHi Rice. English Hum Pudding. I?ird and English Since. Charloetee Russe Game. Blackberry Pfe. Pumpkin Pie. French Croam Tirtelmcs. Black Fruit Ctike. Boston Cream Puffs. Assorted Fhncy Oake. Macmroon lee Cream Merimju*. Confectionery. Assort ed Frails. , Mlx.M N'tm and ^talslna. Oh - "HO a r.-i Crackers. Coffee. At tire IHd'.el Im'ix Mr. E. H. Ra cine wus In (ttarge. He saw to It chat hto gues a were povnipriy and ar.ten- tvely card ifor. nnd the number of guests at thto hotel, while no*, quite large ns at the Brown house, nearly tilled tbe dining room. Tbelr menu was arranged as f-dl-r.vp: TtlAiNTER (HOUSE. Oyatera. Almonds. Consomme, a ii Reim?.. Calf's Head, u«u Duchosse. -Russian Caviar cn Tcast. PtaoM WtfltefllBd MontpNItr Butter. ■MlcthJfpm Cetery. SCftc*d Cucumbers. 'J>iin>bon Wfep+ffoiilcKmc. IPrttne Rrbs of N. Y. Beef. Bvpksnolo. ’Suckling P.’ff Btu(Text qvttto Apples. Wiki Turkey with Brazil Nut Dressinjr. Salmi trf Pintail Duck, au Jardiniere. Brairad Loin of Vuniirni, Gema Sjn:cc. Pradrio Cnieken S’ur'fod with S.Lg-e and O&lonit. Belgiwt SXmflle, dace au Rum. Sardine m Bellevue. Duchesae Potatoes. Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Pair. oa * CREAM BAKING PfflWB MOST PERFECT MAOB, A pure Crap* Cra*m of Tartar Wwdn. tom Ammonia, Alum or any other •*# 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, ®! NECESSITY Hi KNOWS NO LAW. This fits our case. We must clear our stock of Clothing and Underwear. No milder term than MUST will describe the situation. We have accepted the inevitable. During the remaining days of 1894 we propose to extend unprecedented opportunities to Bar gain Seekers. We expect to show our appre ciation of the people’s patronage by making it a mutual benefit now at the close of the year. You must buy now, to secure your share. BUY NOW. See our stylish $3.00 Derby Hats, reduced ‘ to $1.85. • Clias. Wachtsl, 515 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. Asparagus in Crtxvm. Frleld Egg Plant. Green Peas. Stewed Tomatoes. * (Stanmed Carolina. Rice. English Plum Pudding, Hard and Brandy Sauce. Ohmrfotte Russe Garne. iBkuckborry PI®. ' Pumpkin Pic. French Cream Tadtelettes. Boston Cream PuffB. Black Fruit Cake. Assented Fancy Cake. Mafcaffoon Ice Crcaim Meringue. Oonfeotl ornery. Assorted Fruits. ■Mixed Nuts and Raisins. Ohqose Vend Crackers. Coffee. AT THE PARH. Alt .the Park hotel Manager Jack Ctancey more than sustained bis repu- taitfon as an Incomparable hotel man amd gave tots gucats a moitt elegant dinner. "Wlhlle the menu, which will be found below. Is not very plentotvifa In veh'bla«e, it careles with ft a wonderful story of Christmas good eaitkng. - CHRlSTMAiS DINNER. Mobile Selects. Green Turtle Soup, IWyhfll Style. Broiled She'd, Tartar Sauce. Sliioestrlng Potatoes. / Capon, Egg Sauce. Sailmon Salad. Celenr. Cold Slaw. New York Beef, a.u Jus. Now York Turkey, Stuffed with Oydters, Cranberry Sauce. Rnibblit Pot Pie with Dumplings. Ekcalloped Oyslors. French Pan Oakes. Mashed Potatoes. Sutaar Corn. StcwVd Tomaifoes. Beaked Sweet Potaltoes. Steamed Rice. Asparagus on Toast. English Fr.ult dike. Mince Pte. Lemon Meringue Pie. •Sliced Jelly Oake. Oranges. ©acianas. Apples. Lady Flr^ors. . Ohooolfilte Ice Oiwam. Crackers and Ch<sese. Tea fUKT Coffee. The TdVrra’P'h fh®d a* peep In upon same mlghor olalrioraite private dinners too. but.-of course, fho enterprising housewlfes who prepared' 'them wouldn't want any romolon of highly siMOcessful efforts in print. "city notes. THANKS FROM THE KING'S DAUGHTERS—The Kink’s Daughters request the Telegraph to return (thanks to the Hebrew Willing Workers for a handsome cash contribution to their fund for the poor. WRONG DATE.—The marriage of Sir. George F. White to Sliss I-watsora Qutterbergor will take plao? on the 27th inrfi. Instead ot the 28th ns heretofore announced. BARRACKS FUEL.—East night tho cAty barracks were running over with prtooners. atl of whom were charged with violating the city ordlna''«“; Most of the lnmokes of the JW?* 1 2H* onarged with drunkennc-oi mad shoot ing pistols and fireworks la the city. BACK HOME.—Messrs. R. C. Haale- huTst. Curren Ellis and Ross White ure back home from the Christmas holiday* Mr.' Haxlehurst Is engaged for the s-a- son a* cotton buyer for Inman & Co. of Atlanta, with headquirtem at New- nan. Mr. Ellis has recently established an architect’s office n Atlanta. Mr. Robert Curd ts Ulro back from the Uni versity of Vinghrla for the Christmas holidays. BY THE WAYSIDE—A drunken man got down Jn the Tattnall Square pick last n&bt, and ot hist accounts was wallowing around In the ploughed ground there where flfe public work* convnWN'-ncru bad been at work car rying out •the plann of Improv^mon/^ Nearly all of the walks have been pkyichrd up nnd the man—whoever he is—came sln^g'rrmr QloOg early in the night and e8 hW feet tnmned up with the unturned snnd. and ’’fell by the waya’do.” Hki belpl'As condition wus report;.*d to^ tBe police and they saw to It tfiat his frien^ls had him removed to hi* home out on the Columbia* rood. CHARGED WITH ARSON. Jack Hardeman Arrested and Locked Up on A Serious Charge Last Night PIKE WOliKS WEBB ABLAZE. .Fire D«pArtm«nt Called Out to Protect Prank Powers* Stork of Goods— Msda a Grand Display— People Wsrs Scatferod* FOR SALE. Farm containing 41$ acre a Monroe county; four-horse farm open; SC acres in fruit, principally peaches; a bargain; easy terms. Also farm containing 400 acres, fourteen miles from Macon; price 110 per acre. For particulars cal! jt office of E. A. Home, 454 Cherry flnet. Jack. Hardeman, one of the best known yvning men dn tlie city, was confined in tlie city prison last night with tit* serious charge bf arson hang ing over him. • ’The charge against young Hardemuii was preferred by Frank H. Powers, the old book store man and deafer In fireworks, and who claims that lie has strongs evidence against The young man. •People Iti the vicinity of - Cherry street, between Cotton avenue and Finn street, were startled at the heavy d\>- cha-rge of fireworks in Iron of Powers' store lu -the Guernsey tfrctic at 0:30 o’cflock last evening, and during the re peated explosions to hi?ar cries of fire and police. People who looked in the direction of the erica and nods?i3 wi-*re greeted" with one of the grandest pyro technic dtepluys evitt* aeon in tills city, tne Last Days of Pompeit not excepted, and tlrosc who ran to the scene found Powers arid Hardeman struggXng on the ground. Powers’ cries reached the ears of the firemen ut the engine house near by, and also attracted the po lice, and In a few moments engln* com pany Nn, 2 and several police officers were hurrying to the seen*. The fire men did a(V. they could to ntop the blaz ing firework* and the police took young Hardeman from Powers, who told them that he had set fire to his fireworks. Hard*emun waa carried to police Head quarters and locked up, nnd lat-r Pow- *rs" went before Justice Brown and had a warrant issued, charging hum with ar son. When a Telctgmph reporter asked Fowem to relate whLut had occurred he wojww he «wus selling some- Roman qaindfes to a gentleman, who wt&s ae- com % t«ii.ed l>y a lady, .wihen Hardeman « m ^ u P HgCveff a Roman oaikUe. He did not pay particular tfitentton to * him until he asw him endeavoring to set fire no his sLKxrk of fireworks, and ! he wM him not to do ir. The fire works Mb, but Hardeman was drunk and did not know it and u>?jau lig’taed his Roman candle. He^rabbed at It, but before he oould oahch it Har- donxun Ucf.fberaitely ci v uck me Roman candle, which had commenced to shoot, a-mong the pile of fireworks tutd in a moment .they began to explode. Hard«?t man ritlll held the Roman candle uud oaime near shboting the lady cu-o omer in Che face w?th It. He grabbed Harde man as he dttcead to run atway, o.nd fhey fell on the sidewalk among the blazing candles and rockets, which by this -rime were shooting In every dirro- tlon and causing the people tb scat ter. His cwt> Oally clerks tod presence ■of mind e.nL-mgh to close tfho store door, and tfra they ran screaming to th^ Be had between $300 and $400 worth of fireworks on Che sidewalk and j nearly all of iCbe s’oek beciime Ignited. Near by was a flbow case In wtbtch was some money, and both rfhow and money were destroyed, or If the money wtts not viastnoyed or relen It wan lost. Powers further says th«U when he cau^jhc Hardeman he toMhlm to *take *h3m to his flither in VlnwvKle wnd he nbifid pay for whatever dasn- tbge he hiad done, ci-nd that he did not deny seating fire to th firo«^>rks or say tha.- it was accidental. says he can prove ttuft ILardemtan pur- p<we\y set the fire. The explosion Of the fireworks wns heard for some conBlderabl rtiwanow and Che sigh* presented was a beautiful one. CONUNDRUM TEX.—This nov*n en tertainment will be given tomorrow by tM Indies of the Ta?:nrjtl Square Bap tist church for rhe bem-rit • > t tne new obtirch building fund. It will be given a,t the home of Mr. .Tutien S. Rodgers, oo Cofemaii av*>nue, Huguenin Heights.