The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, February 06, 1895, Image 2

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/ THE MACON TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6, 1895. THE BROOKLYN CHARTERS. It is Claimed Tbat tho Action of tho Board or Aldermen is Illegal. THEY MAY OIYE BUT CANT REVOKE. Strikers ■» Waltlag-Oreeit Holonmn Run Iatoa Cantril 1 Icemen Striker* From Holding a Meeting. Brooklyn, Fob. B.-The reswlortlrm passed feyt toe board of Bldnrman yes terday revoking the lictws and fran- obi sea of lbe Brooklyn HrigtMs railroad tod the AHantlc Avenue Rallrood Com pany will reach Ihe mayor (n duo ctmme of businegg Soday. That he will veto It nobody doubts. lie 1* quoted by his friends os expressing -the opinion tbat the notion of the aldermen Is illegal President Lewis of the Brooklyn Heights Company end 8. 6. . White house, bis counsel tnld today that they would pay no attention to tho rosolu tlon, os it did not affect them in She least. Mlnabean Townsend, counsel for dis trict sjMiftmlbly 75, K. of 7-.. said: "Of course no lawyer will hold for a minute that the resolution will stand. I told «be man when they consulted me about It that the resolution would be Illegal, but they wanted it drawn up. Of course .the common council Iws no eight to deprive tlie companies of their franchise* hut atopy can modify It. They osn change the motive jwwor from dec. tricky to horse. They are dolug that all the time. They have It In I’hlhuM phla. But thin resolution won’t hold." This la what 8. S. WWttftouite, coun sel fur alio -Brooklyn Height* Oornpa uy, said: "lit Is impossible for- a body like the common council to revoke a licence or s franchise ou which a corporation has spent millions of doUara. That Is fun. dameatal law. You will ltnd It in tfiie ooMtllutlou of the United Wta.tes that nobody h1k.I1 be deprived of property without due process of law, nail Ihe United siqpreuie court has do oaled that Nine process of liw’ mean:, u Judicial prccoedtns acounMug to Ac connnhwion on tow principles." The mraOhcwi of dUoriot assembly 75 were oat their earn today. They had apparently exliausted all thiy am- munitlou. All tost night nod «u as sault on a nou union intro nor on s oir was reported. No arrcslb waro made aflter 10 p. in. No wires were out. All com are running as usual. Gommlsslonor iMoric In tile tin’ted Slates court today dismissed the com plaint sgalMK dtortlaniln Norton of the . Atlantic Avenue Railroad Company, who was clraugnl with violating tho federal tows to allowing sign* marked "United States (Mall” to'bo placed on Uio cars of bis company that 'do not at all Unuw carry the mall No testimony was produced to Show that.(Sir. Norton bad wilfully violated the United States town In say way, ami In enow of this he could do nothing rise but discharge him from custody. Forty-five non-union men enlled to day on Mayor Schleren nnd naked to be sent Homo. They had como from Chic*so, l'lttsburg and other places to get work on the street cars. The rail road companies, having enough men, could not employ them. They are hav ing a hard time, tnoy say, and sleep In tile street cars. They sold they asked to be sent home bceauso they did not want to become a burden on this city. The mayor told thorn ho could do nothing for them. Brooklyn. Feb. 6.—A trolley car of the Cmsxtown line ran Info a funeral procession at Wythe avenue and Broad way, WllHamsburg, today. Artor tho car had stone through the procession the hearse was found upset and tile comn lying In the gutter. The funeral was that of a J-year-old child. Tho lit tle white coffin waa In a whits hearso, and three carriage* occupied by friends of the mother. The funeral procession was going through Wythe avenue on Us way to Calvary cemetery. Just as ths hearso crowed the tracks at Broad way, Ihe car came along at a lively clip. Motanman Casey lof St. Paul, Minn., ami Conductor Itrllln of Osh kosh, W|e.. both now hands, were In charge. Special Policeman Bunn waa also aboard. In some wny they fallisl to atop the car, and It ran Into tha The hearse was badly dam aged, and all Its glass sides were •mashed. The driver was thrown from ill 1 *. SCSI and badly bruie about tho right aide. Sergt. Hants arrived Just In time to keep the crowd from tackling the motommn and sgnduotor. Aa It way. Casey hud a narrow escape from violence. He was arrested. , The funeral party rescued the cot- carriage with tha parents, a hen the procession moved ?"• JLfvjng.Ute driver of tho Iicim *" sjnbulance surgeon, the* stmt? W<l he * r ’ 1 * ■<»«’llng In Ths tnass nsrotlng. In tiro interest of .Cbyjoyei of tho trolley roads, which hod toon arranged to taka jteUoe* ***"* * th * Presence of the At 3 ft’clck tonight Pottoi Inspector MoKellar had pollcoment stationed In the hall, on the stairs end s the on- trance. About fitly peraons bud tokos seats In tho hall, when H. B. Martin of tho exoeutlve committee of the KrtlgbM Of toolbar stepped upon tho platform and wtM that he ton! been authorised to annvunoo shut the met ing was postponed urttl! such s thne os t mould be held without uniformed pOHce blocking the ontranoe and Inter fering wttCi a peaceful aa*s.rib'«vto of citizen*. The people In the trail then ranted. The strikers then held an Indignation meeting at the labor lyvvitn ami de nounced the addon of the city authori ties In dispersing the mass meeting in front of the city bail yesterday end Interfering with the Akhanain meeting tonight, , Gent’s shoes at your prices at the Star Shoe Store; slightly damaged by water at recent largo fire. Y*f .TITER FORECAST. Washington,Hfsb,to —Tor Georgia: Fait; north wince. 300 pair $4'fine shoes only $1.50 per pairtl sizes 2 1-2, 3, 4, slightly damaged, at Star Shoe Store. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. The treasury haa gained 3603,000 In gold. Inereoalng tha gold reserve at the close of buitaea to lt*,3M.6oe. Smallpox has broken out at Bluefleld, W. Vs. It la rumored that (there are three ante* at a hotel. Capt iBo«utdoa, the famous marks man, II de ad. He passed sway St Aus tell, <?a., Sunday rooming. Nothing has bora hand of the French Hue steamer La. Oaocogync, two and a half day* overdue at New York. The National Formers' Alliance and Induetrial Union la in aeaalon at Raleigh. N. C. The attendance la not large. Colored atevedorea have been engaged to taka tha place of white atevedorea at New Orle&na. Trouble is looked for. The senate haa agreed to a modification of tho Japanese treaty, which allow* either party to abrogate It upon twelvo month* notice. The eecond trial of tooula O. Deeforge*. the New Orleans boodle eldernnn, re nd ted In a conviction. The lury was out twenty minute*. The full penalty la five ycara. iN. B. Johnston, vlce-presldeut of tho Roanoke Board of Trade, left-today for New ‘England Id itfoe inter cat of the movement do induce cotton tniU* to come South. -Near Bluntsvtllc. Ind., sn old bolter need 1>y some men on the farm of Jacob Ot-n»per for sawing -wood ex ploded, killing four men Instantly and seriously Injuring two. The 'Wlnoh«etier BepesllDg Arina Company of New (Haven, Oonn., haa shipped *0 Hong Kong, Chinn, 1,500,000 round* of 4,'kcallbre M ui* c rifle ammu nition. Tho oxtra meeting of the former'* state Alliance of South Carolina hoe been called to dlecuan the condition or South Carolina. 1 farmer*, and devise tome uniform meas ure of self-help. Today five of the nln% tin mill* of the Monongnheln Tin Plate Company. South, at Fifteenth street, Pittsburg, will *tart up. Ity nex wedk all will be running. It Wiu employ * lergo numebor of men. A dispatch from lllo Janeiro any* tbat * conspiracy on She pir.t of the friends If ex-PresId-mt Pelxoto has boen dis covered and that martial taw -will be declared. Karan -Heracbol, lord chancellor of England, stared In the house of com- mon-a that the statomtmit the sought to triuufer Justice Sir tftowtaad Vaughn Williams for Ihe tbcuolH of certain per sons and corporations wis not true. TIm negatl.itlonw looking .to the plac ing of -tile now United Stales Ibonds In toond-m are Hllll jictwllng. There to a Icndonmy -there today to Hike less than It30.noo.noo -worth of -the bond* In con- H -iiu-ric'.’ of a lil'roh In tlhe price*. Tile Soiitthero Associated Pro** has exUendetl Its servlco Into northern Lou- iKlana. a rail -Mississippi, tttdklng In -the Monroe, lot., tDally News, Vicksburg. Ml**., Post anti Jbckscm, -Miss., Daily Nuwa. .Sliocka of eurlhqtiake wore felt at Mold, Aalrsuml -and Burger, in the northenn pant of Norway. It 1* reported that eleven persons -were killed -today by an nvalawbo a# Kvunangen, In iJk> province of Flnroarkot, -Namvtay. Tho depot and express offlee, Castle berry, Ala., was broken open last night nnd robbed et *300. Store* and residence* In tho neighborhood have been robbed fre quently for tho but two years, and It la thought there I* a regular gang with headquarter* In this section. A enrontur's inquest bus commenced at Lowestoft, -England, on uflro body of Frlularlch Erneat, -a pamenger on the t’d-faiUvl 1'Jlhi'. The cononer *tat«l that It 1* hi* lntonftlott to make n> thorough Inquiry into the causo of’-tho loss of Ihe Elbe. ’ The postmasters of Philadelphia and Cincinnati have been denied by thoqxxit- offlco deparment to deliver no mall di rected to linatern Arauranco Company o Philadelphia, which I* engaged In the no-calleil bond Investment buutncoa. The’ buslnua he)ng a lottery cnterprlo. Senator Hurrl* of enneamc and Sanator Mitchell of Oregon had a senatorial apat. The Oregon senator said that the Ten- nonaea senator was "capobls of doing unusual and Undeserved and ungontloman- thlngs." Tho senator from Tennesee rotorted that tho conduct -of the senator from Oregon was "contemptible." The win turnout I* made o.t Chicago on rollabto authority, contlnncd -by now* from .the K«m, that In a few day* tire fuot.orta who have bt-en llguring lu the rim trust nfftuiH well hove sottHed tholr dtirercnc)-* autl a change of managj-. rfnmt satisfactory to all eotsecrhwV, will ho effected. In the home of oomvmonB -Home Bee- rotary Asquith, Mr. John Morley, chief Decretory Par InW.tnd, and Sir WHIlHm Hsteourt, chancellor of ttho exchequer, reoperltlveCy (rove formal notice of the Introduction of the Welsh church dla- eainhlb-hauent laud hill In Iieland and local veto tolls. For Deoembor -the Southern railway reports gross earning'* (If 11,<$3,803; In crease, $1T,SS0; expenses, >1,008,331; In crease, <12,039, vuul ndt, 3*00,17!; In crease, 314,300, and for six months to December n, gross, 33.7411,133; Incrmtsc. 3M0,M3; expenoca. 33.340.S75; decrease, 33,333; out. 33.090,834; Iny.'ase, >533,315. Craig & Co. of -Momphl*. Tcnn.,’ banl- wsro, seed and ugrleultuml Invptnnen!*, made a partial assignment. The asset* are worth *100,000; Mahll-.tlen *08.000. Of thesa *14,000 ore preferml. Tho eradttom uro -mostly Nonthem agricul tural inupUsutrat anaituLaoturer*. The Bedman leaf tobacco -wurehouae st Oneknratl wu crantoetriy destroyed by flee. The In** Is csttnaatm aa 3500.- 000 on tho stock and shout 300,000 on the building. Insurance not given. The origin of trie tiro la not known, bo: la supposed to hove started at she «m41 furnace to -tho oolkn used to keep the water from froextug. -Ral'rratd' coal opera tor* to th* Pitts burg district have been asked to at tend a mooring next Thurvkiy at the roams of two oosl agoaoy In Pitts burg. The object of the mooting Is the discussion of trade conditions, freight rates arid other Important matter*, some of wbloh will have Important bearing upon the wage rate*. Th* Prtnoea* of ■Wntes has returned to London, having been abroad in Hue ala ttral Denmark since s short Mora prior to -the death of Cxsr Alexander in. Her royal hltfinc** ws* tnot at the Charing Crons station by tfw Prince of Wale*. The prince* was heartily cheered by the targe crowd of people wlso 4xad usaemWed s* the SatW. The Htoatnw C.enfugo*. Oapt Smith, of the New York and Cubs line, which railed from New York January 81 for Santiago sod Nassau, •branded shortly before dayWght on February 4 near Haibor Island, forty-dvo mHe* north oust of Nassau. Her pameagers, crew and nutta were safely fended. After s stormy aeaalon the tfarattlco, O., miners’ convention adjourned, to in* decided by a vote of 854 to 583 remain 4n the Unltuf -Mine Workers «r America. ThU to a vote of oonflduovc In the present nankin*1 orgmlratton and ovlOently means th* the -Mitwtlon miner* remain In tbs fold for righting purr*tec* only. They progioae to leave ’to defeat Pennsyl vania and the -whole "McBride machine ticket." This, they tettevo 1* prac- dtcaEy socomplished. J. A. Cmiwford of llHnoia Is nenv a favorite Cor national president. Constantinople says tint ostl-Chrlstlmn outrages of the Armenia type or* being committed at Bldon, Bayroot and Damas cus. Syria. The Christian inhabitants o Damascus declare that the yapprehend i repetition of the massacre of 1830, when thousands of Christian* war* murdered. Republicans of 8puth Carolina will meet today at Columbia for tha purpose of re organizing tha Republican party In South Carolina. Th* purpose of tho reorgani zation la to have the Republican party take an active port In the coming cam paign for the control of the constitution-' convention, which the negroes will dis franchise them forever tn this state. Governor Evans of South Carolina has discovered that nearl yevery county and eub-dlspeneary In the state Is short In hi* account*, some hortage* ranging from P*» to 11,500. Every dispenser who Is short will have to furnish a satisfactory account tor the shortage or be dlumlsse-l and »ults will be commenced on the bond* at once. A dispatch from Toklo says tbat Mar shal Oynrna, In reporting the capture of an island fort In th* vicinity of Wet-Hat- Wei, says tho Japanese forces met with no resistance. The tnorshel stationed a battalion at each fort. The Chinese on February 3, destroyed all their Junki and boata. n the same the two fleets were unceasingly engaged. (Berfln odvloes state tflrvt In oMor to avert a crtals In the presidency of the relchatag the nucaniber* of the Centre propose a apunpntmlse Increasing the power* of President von toevltuow, en abling him to exclude an offending -lep- ty from Who chamber dui-lag the debate. In the course of -which -tlhe member has offended. The standing order ootmmit- tee will adopt the corn-promise. The Frenrih *litimber of deputies pro nounced valid the ellootloo of M. (Jer- atilt-lllchaid and -M. Ernest Carnot, son at the fe.te Prialdent Carnot, to seats in the chainlbur, Gerauit-Uloliard wmh at ihe -tlmo of his election serving term In prison for Insulting President Coalmdr-Perier In on anriclw iwhlished hi a jMper of wtalrih he id Ihe editor. ■ A decisive St-qp bus -been taken by tlie Illinois Steel Comjuuy in rciganl to the Jo-1 let Roiling Mills. Orders have been glv«a -to dlsriharife every man at work except in one -mill «ml blast fur nace. The olllcem say they will start whenever tho men are ready to go to work, and it Is for the men to decide. The difficultly Is because-the forty two tonnage io. ii will not accept the 25 per reduction In the scale. . W. -H. Ooodno of Clc-vetand, O.. de- llber.iitely froze himself to death in Lake View Park. The following letter was found in his pocket: "To Whom It M-.iy C'oooem: I aan W. H. Gomtoo of 255 Ceni wl avenue. Don’t take me home, but drop tno a t your-morgue and let my -wife know. Break M gently to my -wife, and alien drop me in some handy hole so It won’-t -take any ex pense. Oly wife lias no mearo to foot any bills. AV. II. Goodno.” The London Central News »ay« tho fate of tho government depends upon amendment prepared by James Kler Har- dle, a Socialist member of the house of commons expressing a regret that an allslon to the distress prevailing among tho people appears In tho queen's speech, an-1 asking legislation In tho direction of alleviating the Buffering of the poor. The simplicity of form of.,tho amend ment, tho Central Neew nays, will se cure for It the support of tho entire op- nosltlon nnd possibly that of e few Rad ical*. Aiboult 1,500 men and bays at the Prospect, Oak-wood and 'Mlrtvw’c col lieries of tho Lehigh VuKcy O-ul Com pany halve been idle for noune days past awing to a strike of the drivers and runners. A committee of the men vis ited tho company's oflice and -hud o.'Bisutiutlon with the general superin tendent. Tho superintendent stated that tiltore was no Intention -to reduce the wages of the runners and driver bays. The committee went siway satis- fled and work will be resumed tomor row. on stone unturned Shoes for children at half of former prices today at Star Shoo Store-; slightly-damaged at recent fire. FATHER AND SON PERISH. Frod D. Millor And His Boy Burned to Doatli. Pittsburg, P»., Fob. 5.~Frcd P. Millor and hit 6-yoar-old ion wero burned to <tath curly this morning. Millor kopt a storo and resided at No. 3'i<13 Second uronuc. Firo wt« die* covered in the kitchen *t midnight. Miller, liU wife, children ami a hired man ran to tho front of the building. Ou the way Mm. Miller lost tho boy end her husband returned to And him. Mw. Miller, ono child ami the men < a- caf-od by jnmplug into blanket* from .the aec- oud Htory window. After the tiro Miller and tho boy were found lying on the fo >r of the bed room dead. They bad been wufloeated. John Fiunegau’a rcaiuence, No. 32«0, waa alao burned. Fireman Jobu Patteraon waa badly linrt by a fall from an icercoated ladder. Both Cured by Hood’s Dyspepsia, Hosdscho, Etc. Bare, Mauri. "C. I, Hood & Oo,, bowel!, Mass < “For yean I have turn Jysp-psio, grow- lag worse, and became so discounted that I thought ot selling my farm and gorng to California. Added to my misery were tho painful effect* of a tracluie ou tho end ot my backbone, which resulted from a coast. Ing accident when a boy. I happened to read stout Bood'a Sarsaparilla and decid ed to tsko two bottles, and betorodri last ono wot gone, I coaid eat a hearty meal without any distress. The fracture of my baakbom is aba healed and 1 do not havo soy lameness. I can truly say I am now ’ well, sad I beJeve Hood's Sarsaparilla Saved My Life. It has also been a great benett to my wife, who bad distress ta ths stomach and serara headaches. She sold tho first doso Hood’sXGures ot Hood's Barsapartn* seemed to go to tho right spot Now ah* enjoy* good health." Eixjon Burnt, Hex «*, Saco, Maine. Hood's Pius cure i etaaaaa, sod .u aver Ills. SouD. Ul- DUKE Cigarettes 1872. 1®* DR. J. J. BUBERS. Permanently located. In the spe cialties veneral. Lost energy restored. Female irregularities end poison oak. Cure guaranteed. Address In cond. dence, with stamp, 610 Fourth street. Macon, Ga. BURDEN,SMITH SO 11ST THE LEAD. New, right-up-to date fresh Spring Goods being received daily. No smoke. No damage. All goods brought over at youi own figures. Nothing damaged but the price. SILK AND WOOL—38-inch new Spring Suitings 44c yard old tariff price. 60c. BLACK FRENCH SERGE—46-inch all-wool 40c; old price, 65c. NEW WASH SILKS—Dainty styles and fast colors 33 l-3c per yard. NEW BABY CAPS—Full line all leading styles, white and colored. Much less than elsewhere. EMBROIDERED EDGES—4 and 5 inches wide at 10, 12 1-2 and 15c yard, for skirts. TRIMMING JETS—New line Jet Novelties for early Spring use just opened. ENGLISH JACQUARDS—Latest novelties in cotton wash goods. Colors fast. DRESS-MAKING—Mme. Gorham can deliver few more orders promply, before leaving for New York. Burden, Smith. <&. Oo. XlAiND TROUBLE IN WILCOX. Remenjber the ghoe sa’e. Damaged stock opens today at 10 o’clock, at Star Shoe Store, A BOLD TRAIN ROBBERY. Trains Hold Up On the B*nU-Fe Boad And Passenger* Bobbed. Hutchinson, Km., Feb. 5.—Train No. 1 on tho Santa Fc passed west through Hutch n ton last nipht on time. When hylvU, a small sta tion twenty miles west was roacho<l tho train stopped lor coal. Two men era', 1 d into the cab, at the same time covering Engineer Koarney and liis fireman with guns. They robbed the engiueer and fireman of thoir money, about *40,aud ordered them to maren to tho express car and break open tho door. A demand was made upon the messenger, Jesse Ruble, to open the Hafe, but when bo refused the robbers abaiuumd tho idea of robbing tho express car and marched the en gineer and fireman with a sack, into the pass enger coach, and while ouo man held the trainmen tho other covered the passengers and ordered “hands up.” Thus they went through tho train, dumping pocketbooks, watches, knives and revolvers into tho sack. The amount of money secured cannot be esti mated. Ono lady of Hutchinson says she had at leant $J0O when she purchased her ticket, which she was made to donate. The robbers wore very cool and deliberate, taking fully an hour to do their work. When tho robbers en tered tho coach about the first man they cov ered was Conductor McGrath and hl» brake- man, and they too were forced to surrender their valuables. After tho work of robbing tho coaches was over the engineer and fire man Wfte marched back to the engine and or- d*Tod to pull out, which they did. After tho 10 >bers passed through the first coxch the cmductor and brakeinan start”*! to leave tho car and iaiso an alarm in the Hi, but they were discovered by more roboers on tho ground on * a jIi side of the train, who ordered them back. Tho country is aroused and posies are out. trailing tho robbers, who rodo oft' in a south* a >t direction. Officers of tho railroad are couviuced-tho work was dono by amateurs, as Mylvia is a long distance from the territory lino, and as there in unow on the ground it will be an emy matter to follow thorn. All shoes at your prices at Star Shoe Store, next to burned building; shoes slightly dam aged bv water at recent lire. CHANGED HIS SIORY. Brusseau Now Cliirns Mrs. Fopo Killed Her Huibaud. Dotroil, Miob., Fob. 8.—Tho inquest on tho body of Dr. Horaco E. P< p -, who was mur dered Sunday homing, »«. hold todav. The testimony taken »a» that of doctor, d lacrlb- ing the nature of tho dead man’s wouud and a story of the killing by Policeman S. Hicks, who waa snmmonou to tho house aftor tho kiUlug by Brusseau. After thin testimony bad been given tlie coroner instructed tho jury to bring a vordiot that Pope came to his death as the result of violence at tho hands of tYUUain Rru.seau. Tho prosecuting attorney aaya that Mrs. Pope and llruaaeau will bo indicted, ill u..ean, who i. under arrest on auaplciou of Imring con.pirod with Mrs. Nellie Pope to murder.her husband. Dr. Pope, to get 31t,C0d life inaurance, has made a statement going squarely hack ou bl. early story. Ho at lirat said that ho killed the old man with a hatohut iu self defense. He now rays teat Mrs. Pope murdered him with a hafehetjaud that be had uuthtug to do wilh the actual killing, although hu kuow Mrs. Pope intended to murder him, aud alao knew alio had attempted to murder him with eeal gas bolero. Tho police took no atuck in the latest confession, and still think he did tho killing. He says he waa wholly under tho influence of Mrs. Pope, and that she forced him to tell tho story implicating A Petitioner -Alleges That Hto Inter- eats Need the Protection at the Court. De Loss F. Digging, Who claims to be a citizen of Michigan^ and to have purchased 1,257 acres of land in Wilcox county from F, H. Smith of Wiscon sin, has petitioned the United states court for protection through a receiver of tlhe court. (He avers that tils land lies In the flrst district ot the county and Is worth 35,000; that John Parker and James Maloy have been Injuring the value of his said lands by remov ing certain valuable timbers there from without his knowledge or consent. He prays the court's writ of Injunc tion restraining the defendants from cutting, felling amd carrying away any if the timber on the land tn dispute and also -restraining them from remov ing or causing to be removed or sell ing any of the trees or the products of the some. -He also states that the de fendants and their agents are now en gaged actively In cutting and selling, and asks that a receiver -be appointed to take charge of the lumber and trees. He avers that defendants are both residents of Telfair county. A judgment Is also asked for the damages sustained by the several tres pass;*!, and that reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of litigation he -granted. He also requests that defendants bo required to show cause before the oourt. Upon the hearing of the petition the court yesterday granted an order re quiring defendants aforesaid to show cause qt Savannah on the Uth .day of February why an injunction should not be granted and a receiver appoint ed as prayed. The order also requires that until that time the defendants, ifnelr -agentra servants, confederate! and any and all persons -whatsoever acting With or for them with relation to the timber on said lots, or that which has 'been taken therefrom, be and they are temporarily enjoined and restrained' from any dealing, cutting and felling said timbers or any Inter ference whatsoever. J. R. Monroe, of Abbeville, Wilcox county, was appointed temporary re ceiver to take, possession of and guard and care for tho timber mentioned In said bill, and any and all timbers which may have been taken from the land wherever found if with in the jurisdiction erf the United States court of this district. 25c for children’s shoes at Slap Shoe Store. Slightly dainuged at recent fire. MBS. FREEMAN’S FUNERAL. Shoes slightly damaged sold at your, prices, ut the Star Shoe Store, next to burned' building. COMING DOWN SOUTH. Northern Manufacturers Corning South On a Tour of Inspection. Boston, iFcb. 0.—John Patrick, the necrotdry of 4bo Southern Immigration and Indus trial Association, who has made U.s headquarters In Boston'dur ing uhe past fortnight and gone forth daily to intenvleav the cotton mill men of New England, left forNorfolk today. It ts exported that a party of ten Northern munufactuneni and roprosont- atives ot other manufadturing con cerns wia leave here February 12 and w.'jI (inverse the coMon bolt, examin ing mill sites and orator power and gathering data. Tho trip iwill take in Norfolk, Va., CtcutcKte, N. C, Atlanta, Ga., and New Osteins. Tho Southern Immigration and In dustrial Association baa already en tered Into negotiations with various railroads In the South flirt -tho special train miy be hauled free. The trip win extend over two weeks. The ob ject ot tills excursion ts 40 give ihe cot ton manufacturers of New Enjrbtnd a chance to are- ter themselves whether or not cotton doth-ithat Is tho cheaper grades—oao be mare profitably made In the South and enough profit left to In duoo the Investment of Northern capi tal In Southern mills. $1.60 fora S4.00 fine Indies’ sho* sacrificed nt Star Shoe Store; slightly damaged by water at recent fire. Sizes 2 1-2, 3, 4. Or. Price’s Cream Baking PowCe? Woe 14*# Fair Highest .Medal &iul Dtoioms. SPECULATION. HAMMOND & CO„ STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N, Y. Stocks, Bonds and Grain Bought and Sold, or Carried on Margin. P. S. —Send for explanatory circular on speculations; also weekly market letter. (Free.) NORTHEASTERN U.itLRGAD BONDS. Tho Last Sad lutes Over the Remains of a Good Woman. Ths funeral services over tho romaiusof Mrs, M. U. Freeman woro conducted at Mul- borry Street Mothodiat church yesterday afternoon at 8:30 o’clock by Rev. J. E. Wray, pastor of Vinovillo Mothodiat church. The church waa well filled with the friends of Mrs. Freeman and family when the remains arrived. Aa the handsome nowor-ladeu cabinet was borne into tho cbnrcb by tbo pall bearora tbe funeral march aroao in a low mellow volume from the organ, which waa presided over by Mrs. A. L. Wood. As the caeketwaa rcated In front of the chancel rail Mr. Wray arose and road tho bnrial service, which was fuUowcd by the aong, "Asleep iu Jeans," rendered by Mr*. Ea. Schotlcld in a moat pathetic manner. There were few dry eyca in tho congregation when tho last owootly clear note of the •lnger’a voice diod away. Ur. Wray then delivered a brief bnt very appro priate eulogy to tbe dead, after which Sira. 10 loHeld sang with much pathos, "I Would Not Live Always.” Then a prayerwas offered by Mr. Wray and the procowlon proceeded t J Riverside cemetery, where tbe aorvicea were concluded and one of Macon’s nebloat woman, foud- st mothers and moat affecUonato wires was laid to rest. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 5, 1395. To the holders of the bonds of the . Northeastern Railroad Company in dorsed by the state of Georgia in ac cordance w ith the provisions of an act approved October 27, 1870: The governor of Georgia Is author ized and dlreoted by an act ot the gen eral assembly, approved December IS. 1894, to make to tho above named bondholders -the following proposition, to-wlt: “Said bondholders shall de posit their bonds with the treasurer ot this state on or before the first day of . March, 1895, for the purpose of ex changing said bonds for nenv bonds of the state, or receiving the principal and interest thereon In cash, as they may prefer; that so soon as three-fourths of said bonds have been so deposited, lint" treasurer be authorized to exchange at par now bonds of the state of Georgia bearing three and one-half per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually aud running foir twenty yatrs, for the prin cipal of the said Northeastern bonds so Indorsed by tbe state, and to. pay in cask ihe accrued interest due on said bonds nt the time such exchange Is made. Provided, however, fh-ait la case It should appear at the same time when such exchange Is offered that the treas urer cau negotiate and sell the bonds of the state of Georgia, hereinbefore referred to, at a 'sum greater than th9 par value thereof, -thou, and in mat event, he shaU not exchange the same at par, bnt shall soil tho bonds of tho state of Georgia, and from the pro ceeds arising from such silo pay the principal and Interest of all the bonds of the said-Northeastern Railroad Com pany then outstanding beating the in dorsement of tbo state of Georgia cn same. The treasurer of the state shall continue to exchange or to pay such Northeastern bonds indorsed by the state, as herein required, until the en tire amount ot the issue aforesaid has been taken up or paid off In ful'.. The treasurer shall Issue a receipt to tho party depositing the bonds, In the numo of the atuite of Georgia,, for eac.hf bond and coupon so deposited, to be surren dered when the new bonds are re ceived, or tbe money paid for the old.” • AU persons desiring to acceps this proposition are dlreoted to deposit their bonds with Hon. R. 17. Haffdo- man, treasurer of Georgia, In accrrd- anoe with tho above. Vt. Y. Atkinson, Governor of Georgia. $1.50 lor fine $4.00 shoe at Star Shoe Store; slightly dam aged by water at recent large fire. Sizes 2 1-2, 3, 4. FIRE IN VINEVILLE. Holmes’ Grocery Store Completely Consumed By tbo Flamea. Fire broke ont in Holmes' grocery store In Ylnevillo at 12:31) o'clock last night, and aa there waa no moans of exbnguuhing tbe flames tbs store and content* wore entirely contained. Tbs store Is located on tbo pnbllo thorough- fare adjoining tho property of Cob B. M. Davis. Tbo origin of tbe fire ia not known, as Ike store waa air ablaze when the fire wax die • covered. Tbo l nilding belonged to Mr. Cal laway. Shoes slightly damaged at your prices, at Star Shoe Store, next burned building. PERSONALS. Mr. Mannla Jacobs, a popular New York traveling man, la In the city. Miss Alberta Cook, an attractive and popular young lady ot Bullard's. Is vis iting Mias Mary Toole near -the Log Cabin Clug bouse. Mrs. W. R. Hewlett and MIsa Patta Hewlett ot Savannah will be In the city for several days tbe guests of Mrs. H. C. Combs. 81.50 for a $4.00 fine shoe at Star Shoe Store; shoes slight ly damaged by water at recent fire; sizes 2 1-2, 3, 4. dr. j. h. shorter. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Office 533 Cherry Su Macon. Ga. EXECUTOR’S SALE. By' virtue ot on order passed at the February term, 1896, of tho Bibb county court of ordinary, will bo sold before tbe court house door In Macon, Bibb comity. Ga„ between the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday In March, 1893, for cash: Twelevo 02) Shares of the capital stock ot the Central Railroad and Bonk ing Company of Georgia, certificate ot said stock being No. 12150; also 3300 worth of ntd Central Railroad and Bank!-,. Company Indebtedness, known as deben tures In ono certificate and No 14231. Said stock and debentures belonging to the estate of Mm. Estelle West, deceased, and sold by me os her executor, and for tho purpose of paytng the debts of sold estate, and for tho maintenance, support and education of Eatello West, a minor, and solo heir of said estate. JOHN H. 8TOKE8. Executor Estate Mrs. Estelle West, De ceased. R. H. CAMPBELL, M. U. Office, 364 Second street. , Residence, 123 Jefferson street. > Telephone messages received at Mal lory Taylor’s drug store, ana Coneze Hill Pharmacy. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. W. C. Howard and J. J. ‘ * partnership to carry on and tinning In all its . at reasonable prices. Orders promptly attended to. Rear Masonlo Temple. W. C. HOWARD. J. J. PBAVEY tv. u, in formed a plumbing branches, i DR. STAPLER. Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat, 333 Cherry ft., Macon. Go. 400 fine shoes only $1.50 at Star Shoe Store. Shops slight ly damaged by recent fire. Sizes 2 1-2, 3, 4.