The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, February 08, 1895, Image 2

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THE MAOOH TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MOEFIFG, FEBRUARY 8, 1895. PHEW I WINK. The Evidence Against Them Is Almost Altogether From Atlanta’s Crim- inal Element. COURT OFFICERS FOR THEM. Oiablin l>r Thmt They Heard *lanr Tiling. About the Detective*, but Can Give He reilflr. Teatl* many Agalnet Them. Atlante, Feb. 7.—(8poctalt—The de- ttondvr-A bail their inninta In the police board invest nation oxl.iy. They he- ipa with tlic <>ii"n!n(! of the raoroVn,’ non by Introducing Judga AVestmorc II BLESSING IN HI Arresled lor Vagrancy, Fitspatrick Got a Present of a New Pair of Shoes. TALK OF COLD SATURDAY. Athene* aged CltUene Ilecall feme Very Incidents of the Day—llutl- neu change# in the Ally— Hew Cnmmerela! Club. Athene, Feb. 7,—(Special.)—A case of unusually strange points rwas dis- iweed of In Justice Foster** court yes terday, and It wit* one which shows that "trials" are often toleselnge in disguise. Sunday lent a Weary Will- lend of the city court, Cb-ef of Police . Jaimi 0n)( i be birds of passage of the - .. .. * '* art preservative wua counting crosstlen doira the . Seaboard. Wben near 11c- BTroy station, a few mllea above Ath ena, he waa accosted by two citizens of the* j/.aee, who asked him a number of questions as to who he -was, 'Where he waa from, where he was going, bln profession, previous condition of servitude, etc- The weary pilgrim landed In Athens and sought work In the offices (ft the Evening Now, and Woman's Wt>rk- Tuesday he was mak ing ready to take a berth on a Green Lime sleeper, when Bailiff Gibson ar rested 'him on a WJTTatit charging him iwlth vagrancy. The arrested man, w*ho gave hfs name as James Fitzpat- rtok, was placed In fell and yesterday CotranUy, HilUIT .MoCooncfi of the city oourt and savoral of the grant! jury to esisildlsb their etflclrooy and honesty and to refute the charges of oorruprton ago ;n*t thorn. All them- wltneme,. as well ns Others, gave evidence Hist <wl11 deubtleas iwolg't heavily lit favor of the accused molt when the board goes to make up its ver- vlct. The itiwHmony upon tvnTrh the charges again#! the detectives are sup ported cornea almost entirely from gam- blem and tin* criminal element. Matty of those witnesses would not bo be- , lleved on oath In a oourt of justice, and the police board, while apparently anxious to go to bed rock, will hardly give their testimony great weight. Tin ,whole Inveriugatton has assumed the character of a tight between l he'lawless element stul the police, The gumiblem and ox-hOhos are the men who are act ively at work grating up av.tnesses lo put against tin* dutrelives, and liiueh at the frlvtilotis ret that has town intro duced as evidence ou both aide* seems to be more mi ilielous mud slinging than anything else. Thu light on the detectives is due largely to tile crusades against rbe gam bling o*t.rbl sbmeirtM last spring, ami laut for 'the fact that Atlanta wanted to follow pile lead of .\'t|tv York in her Lorow committee as a fad, the gain- Wera would never have secured a stand ing in ootmt so astto esprww It, Mo far not a- single change of corrup tion, spooliUmlly made has been proven «ga n<t the men on trial. A mtiik'nr or gamblers have got upon the stand -and told wonderful -tide* of what they hid heard, but hollo of them have proven tho charge that 'the detectives took money or anything else for protection. Ou the contrary. «]| the t«ritimonjr Ins been that the three men under Hr-' luvo «lw.tys benn foremast when raids on the gimlilnm were made. Tho fsot is tho Investigation is GDR Massaebnselts Mill Men Talk Before a Legislative Committee at Springfield, WHY THEY PROPOSE TO LEAVE Cheaper Power, Materiel anil Labor are Inducements, While Legislation In the East It Driving Them Pram That lection. Boston. Fs*>. 7,—The committee on meramtlle affairs at the state house today opened lib Investigation as to the removal tto other states of -the tex tile corporations. Hon. William C. Lovering said a great dual of loose talk had been indulged In by newspa per!, and especially In the South, .which would seem to Indicate that there was about to be a •taonpede. There are grave dangers threatening our Indus tries. The nearness of the cotton fields, supply of e°al, equable climate and ahoaper labor turd CO hours against 58 and abundant water power are all In favor of the Mouth as against Massa chusetts. It bas been mid that there Is very little skilled labor In the south. It requires more’ skill for adjusting and less information In machinery than twenty years ago. The real -point is that 'tihero Is so madh restrictive legis lation in Massachusetts. We cannot compete with our neighbors. We have E$ ON Will 001 They Show the Undeveloped Horse- Power of llio Ocmnlgee River at Holton. BOSTON MAN WANTS INFORMATION Umnufactarere Are Arouaed to the Im portance/>f Water Power on Account oflUCbenpnessOver steam ' Power-Jnlletta Power. The Telegraph article the other day in regard to Use damming of the Oc- mulgee struck a poipulur chord and bas 'provoked 'much discussion, ott of which, however.-Is favorable to the proposed dam. ss everybody -recognizee -the great benefits to be derived from it. Yesterday Mr. George Smith, mana ger of the InformalUcn Bureau, received a letter from a Boston capitalist asking about the Qcmulgee and wanting to know If 10,000 horse power could be ^developed near Macon. The writer of the lettter, It seems, Is not a tna-nutfac- ■turer. but he -has 'business foresight enough to see that It Is only a ques tion of a very short while before the /nonufitctortes of all kinds In Nettv England -will move South and' that they ore earning -to the place where -they can get the cheapest motive payor regardless of other Inducements. They have all the money they -want to put In their enterprise, and wCtat they are after is operating the mills at a -profit. reached the danger line and It should was given a trial. Mr. F. M. McEl- j be Bt .a,pped. We should wait until our | For this reason they will hunt Cheap roy, Jr., who was the candidate for n ,. lKh))ura and other countries ca/teh up i -power, and this far-seeing Boston map wants to be ready for them by being able to supply them with cheap mo tive power, out of -Which he also ex pects. as a matter of course, to make ia good profit. His Idea, ias near as can be Judged from the letter, la lo buy the unimproved water power, -which the miX develop and 'then put In a motor which will supply all the power neecs- coldest day." said an old man to a Telegraph man, "that was ever expe rienced In this section. Yes, sir; it was so dovtlUh cold that people who talked on the streets hud their words to freeze and fill to the ground. These , - „ „ , wore picked up tike ,o m-:u.y siKmfbrtlls lot of rot. and the puhllu will be vltu! I and carried homo and 'thniwed out. fills when H Is over with, and the gamblers ! .ho only way a conversation could and hotels are Sot buck where they be- | ' F. ‘ „-- long again. be carried on. Judge Westmoreland, who wua put | tl <*• West & Son of Rome. Go., have today, among other 'things told of «bought of Sheriff Wclr, receiver for W. Baldwin, the entire stock of sheriff on the Populist ticket In the j bof(>re enacting any more laws in the last election, appeared as prosecutor, j ,j- roct ( OI1 ot Sorter hours or twenty he having hd% the warrant issued for | otlbar harassing things like employer's viigr.iiney. Mr. McElroy testified that ] lability, which Is a burden. He dM not he had seen tho accused walking down j ^ lt|) reDeaJ- hut Massachusetts In- Ihe rallrdvl track and thought may be , ( | u9trl( . a aivou'-d not be discriminated he could teli something about a plsto: j bjr her aWn jejjsl.ytlon. Which had been stolen from him. hence j Mr j^ VPr | ni{ sa .ia , be believed thuit he had the Warrant Issued: but Justce j Southernen i ooufid not tend looms euc- „_„ K „ _. ... Foster pnimptly dismissed the ease and | oesEfutly. Ho did not doubt but that j gary to the manufacturers. If this advis'd Mr. JM9W that he saould | h#y# wouf ^ ^ m,bor lesielatlon Imnne- , power .is supplied at $5 per horse power be oireful in such matters. Mr. McEl- ^lately In the South, but there are still phrsro w.ll be an Immense profit In It roy carried the man t<* one ride, apoto- j many advantages In to the Owner, and. at he same time, tire glzed and - presented him with a new ^^SitSy lifiri. city There Is one manufteoturer will get his power at pair of shoes and some change. Bo „ ton noiw . much lees cost tthua it can possibly be This day sixty years ago was, tho Howard Niohols, treasurer of the j )a( j by tbe use 0 ( s t e am, even when famous cnOtl ftiturday, and In Athens I Dwight mSMs at Ohl«>pee, wld li^con- [m| can ^ ^ M alreA p:y aa here in today twany of the of’d clUzens 'have | ^ iire “: ant ^, , lhere> lWh u e to cro Macon. The follotwlng estimate of the been reflating to tho younger generation , wa s too unit rh restrictive leslstadon here p0 ,wer at Hatton, made by Mr. W. some of their experiences. "It was the 'j'ney were obliged to sptod altcgC'thsr R pjwerg> otv u engineer, In 1892, on too much 'time at the statc housefigta- june n wtu Etve wme ldaa ot too hnviny received anonyriMus letters evl- denlly from gnmblots, mousing detect ives and making all Herts of threats boots and rihoos. The stock is one of the largest in this seotlon, and Mr. West snys that he will otmtlnuo the business 'here for ten days and If sai- 1011111 with hl» trade will continue in ogatnat the ufllcers of the law to furca them to desist In their ppumetitlon. Jurors tdn>w«l that the detectives gave that body 'all the In- formation th«y nKninnt lli«* .a jx. blew, and It tvu* rhivvii by them tfut Ihry h«4 proatnted the famoim A-thwia' police iwir. c«me out armyeil Aragon Hotel ffanu*, -with nil who mr- ■ torawrow lit tjh«ir now uniforma, which tiolpated In It, to that body, j are -pronounced the prettiest end most Thin afternoon while Dan Hall wm* i perfect flWing they :h:tve©vw had. They on the stand Mr. Ot\H)ti Dood, a well- i wire imvdo ihy CnArlee -Stern A Co. of known nvorphant, snteundoretood part t thle city. a ‘.r¥ toatlmony. amd lining excitedly *Wte Athtme Cot:nimt»rc4al Club openea ■•JJ 5° . ! tholr club rooma tntfay. While tho Hall returned the lie with profuse ae* ! room* are not entirety furnleheM they mnmMlnioot* and ataned for Mr. af& wwly tor huslneefi. Manager Cop- ooo-a, hut tho ofllcors Interfered!. Xfat- .way put In n -trBephoaiO* Plodimvi and apologia* made . 'The Onrko Rlflew held on entihhafae- vSnJESb ns ^ Uo meeting int night. About tWrty- ni?2f >ar, ,^ 0,,, .^ on * >cr * Cap- I two men wore in line lV>r drill. neeSM^tMlfftad Sff»!5X # 15 , ih th 5r.’^.*" Jolm A, ''« om '' •>>» cldc- l^“ o” af I tTl ° '*>«» "l front of E. H. to W. F. "Fatty" } V iS I> °rso>''» fell from a .pole to tho ground sat e aarajJS*® «s as«B , -»sa..®sr. as ^Kn?bufnevi» V mJ?«MlSy*^5wy ^ °.'5? ock t,,ta hut Sio Z tVV p, - r » 0 -"' 1 friends. 1,OT * '* n rrow ' malrdl W ft t "‘ clt * **"' *''>'• ufter- win coneunto tho large number of wltnmece io Intro duce. A BUILDING FELL. Bfrteue Resalts Foiiotw tho Fall at tho Brand Street BuKdlng. Atlanta. Feb, 7,—(Special,)—Tho is. Ulnlng orall at tho lin^^Stbria^ wtokh <al last Saturday night, asusdd a throe-suaw brick building formerly oc cupied as the headquarters eg the fire department, to eeilupw this afternoon. Th* 'Whole side of the building fell and a number of people who ocoupkM she Rvis*"* n#rrwljr •■«P*d with their A2»ut am otoktak the employee of the Atlanta Kngrooving Company, which concern 'but a fttw days ego morel l's Plant into the second flow, heard the suits cracking and frit the floor beneath them giving away. The alarm swaa given and all the occupants ruihetl down stain and out on Broad street. They had hxrd'.y gotten to the stmt before ».portion of tho wall gave way. tlnued to go ebiwn ecotieo by aroiton un«t almost nothing of the building eras left standing. One of tbc.e In the upstairs J>f the building 'when It Iwcian to fill was MaJ. Charles W. Hubner, the post. He. btiwevec, gee out unhurt with the OttVNTSs « The tower floor was occupied by Demmaok tt WaCtace. orimmledan mer chants. Afiskit 11,500 worth of goods of their stock mem dawn among the dibits. To add to the disaster a muter main under the building burst and largely lietoed 10 undermine the watte. Mr. Hugh I reman It «2te owner of mm c rep ort y. Ills boas will amount to between. 15.000 and >10.00*. ' UAOIXO AT JfEfW OKUBAXS. New Octarns, FiJ>. 7.—Flmt race, firs furtopgs. stilling, 3-yoar-oiK Insomnld won; Froxkuaa sccood, Ttaotor Reed third. Tima. 1*7 31. Second owe. si* furlough soYtvg. Fidget wun; Bthri W. second, Augustin third. Time, 134 i-2. * Third nice, six fnrtonga, bendlcop. ftf tee Oit>p won; Furfotw second. Hob- ert UWa third. Time, 103. iFouutta week mils tod a sixteenth, sell I nr Fulcher O. won; Oleesome sec ond. Odirctl third. Time. 2rtl 14. Kith meek soreo fnrtotqsv selling. Ix'on won; IKve Pifaifer aeoond, Toi- ceata- third. Ttmh 130 3 >. Track heavy. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. In the rnirhetag today llaroua von Htumm- RtlborK and von Mantnutol Introduced re quests to tuu government to tako Imuedlato lueannn a to minimize the ootmrronoe of die- aetcra on the high era. The United Statos Marshal of West ern North Carolina has been empowered to deed several tficwtand acres of land to tho Cherokee lndlaua in Swaync county. Two young men believed to be broth ers from UuathmaU wero found dead In a New York restaurant. Is Is sup posed that one shot the other and then killed hltnsdr. llelhaven Female College at Jackaon, Mlea., Waa burned. Tho tiro started In tho furnace room through tho ongteecr'a eareleaa- noae. Loea, 140,1100! ineufanoo, 110.000. Tho bndgat oomadUne rated the a icond In- atallraeut of the fund for t is Kaluor Wilbslm The announcement la-made that Mim Anns Goun, tho youngest of Jay Gould's daughters. Is engaged to Count de castet-ano of Parka ■Mayor flchleron vetoed the resolution ten on Tuesday re- . srd franchises of railroad companies. and Verdigris Kid of the Cook gang wore killed while attempt ing to rob a store at Catoosa, I. T. The srraekags of a good-sized vessel with three dead bodies bn it has been found at Vineyard Haven, Mess. The now Ofllneso loan has proven a failure. Tbs bonds are already at a discount Missionaries of To! Ho Chang ora fleeing to tha coast for safety. A war ship will take them aboard. The senate confirmed the nomination of Major General John M. Schofield to be lieutenant general.' The Chinese envoys have been em powered to treat fully, and will remain In Japan. Throe foreigners were killed In the storming of Wel-Hal-Wel by tho Jap anese fleet The Miami branch tobacco warehouaa waa reach f lU'.utv. of^lSoI" 1 #t Duront ' was robbed The mcr Scheldt it frozen over at Antwerp. HE OOT HIS VERDICT. Atom*. Feb. !.—fBprdol.)—Louti Heckentorf was given a verdict for H'W **»*Nt? .^ogatnat the • Oonsotl- dated Street Rattway Company today in the dty court. He woe a groen .motor- man. (Imply learning tho business, but "os ordered out with a oar. Ha could not manage It and a collision oooumd. In which ibs bad both legs broken, and several other persons were hurt. The HkOOO verdict was grunted by oensebt. tng letelokittou. His mill would prefer to re mufti here, but was dtozuraged. His mill was then In northern AValbjma. Mr. 'Morlarlt-V of Worcester had a t'ji-t ivl'tli Mr. NlchoH's tho latter culling to nvlpi Mcriarlty's irilegatkms tabat waterpower at that point: Horse power undeveloped, that Is without any dam, 0,090 1»rse power. Velocity, 1 Inch fall to 100 feet. Is 100 feet 40 seconds. Tho last year bsdaSjtot'tttot'tSs chief ad- volume of water. 300 feet broad, av- vuUtawe in going South was to be near cmge depth 6 feet; -100 horse power the Taw material. The three Hem*. , avallaib i e to 1 tout faf-1. The Fiarfc flsh- auraelkim The DwtgW cry shows toll of 1,1-2 feet to 100 feet min was to make coarse goods.,He hud distance; 1.000 feet from Park fishery been in a North Carolina -ml'.l. how- t0 Beaver pam creeki mouth of creek much" Oton’tt.? avorogo'fnThi i *» »*M >»««>• than fishery. North The company asked permission j A subsequent calculation toy Col. B to go’South last year Instead atm- < i\V. Fqgbel. too well known civil engl- Kunizlug under Alabama laws In order | ncori , malteg the UTO t ev «laped horse uo save toe -trade murks. . power 6,000; velocity 76 feet per minute: It expected Its goods brt- I ^ f „ b 88 8 - 0 ^ TOlnu ^ ter -/nade^tliere. bijcaufle t hOrg0 -o iwer uvu'JIable to 1 foot tfaCI; 2 nickop°handB In the* South are negroef. 1e&t fftU fishery now; 6 1-2 Tho wfiUte hunSfl are oil thonwrun* Delmven finery end mouth tain district*. They are far more In* j or t P r rJ K * _ , tel 11 gent than those In Northernfmill*. • M undeveloped horse pofwer is in hto Ohloopee mills, tile help are ' 6.000 anno ©awar «t Hoi km. by tho mostly B^heinMim and French, a far in- ; a cihity stress tho river, whldh furi-ar class to thoso in the iJoutb. ; 300 fwt -wide nit point, the power Ao to climate, IMF. NiclfcoU claimed wouh! be ora-c»M(?aaiy unlimited. Such a tNiut It wum more eciuable In the South- -dum would opat ccwwpuiratlvely little urn mill dtetrlctu than 4n the North, and would virtiw«y «bo a gold mine -to Tho Chicopee mills could not start *ts owners, as at the low price at until 3 o’clock yesterday because or . which ipawur cou-M -be furiH^hed to ov- '“'SISSrH s ss : s^rsarstA £ sssiss S’SiSX uWSi'iJwl %»»i sUfi' 4 “ “» “ - v l i!fre“ beSS'lO per W cen? while "h! Mr-Smith Has written to the Beaton prtacofthe^)0dsltad gone down 60 W'him of (Holton and also of m'r cent The tenHhour time was aho-rt i Juliette, Above Holton nnd -also on toe enough if a man really wanted work. I 2S™ ulKf T' *’1®L lat ^ er P* 8 *® u large A six-hour day" would close nil the grist -mill toss been in operation for mllta in tile state. years, and Mmiply toy bolting a 12x12 It wna n fnot that Gioutwndp of t Inch niece of timber to 4ho rooks 10,000 spindles are going Into tae South that ! Ovorss rotwer 'has been devetoped. Mr. ought to be put Into Massachusetts. John H. Powerat civil engineer, mt ttio Air. Lyman tltought tho tax system instance of a number of interested ouip- of tho state .particularly well devised ttaHsts, to flow at Julietta making cml- to drive people out of tho state. The eul.-itl-ms on the power that can be do- offers from tire South Included cxrmp- i veloped there. tlon from taxation for ten yearn. , *p-o.e mho have given the subject at Edward Hum-wood, siwelal agent to matter power study say that It 1e pot collect atatllUoe on cotton matjufac; necesiary to go lo Hctton, Juliette or Ln M t"h ! °m,Ltfin'ro'Vna^U‘ i ® any other particular point on the oil U\« by toeraanu- I Tlver t0 ^ aM t , h<) pomer wanted. A roTh. b ?rat %^total ttt Bny TC<nt ®' b * c ® Mftc0n - ' *" of navliratioji. can bo made The ,rira of Sll Itower and 2, ara «>'' »« ' the ^wer necessary to run M toe 6 CtahS to^hSItraotJabS? ^ •SfV'fc BURDEN, SMITHXGo ITsT THE LEAD. New, right-up-to date fresh Spring Goods being received daily. No smoke. No damage. All goods brought over at your own figures. Nothing damaged but the price. SILK AND WOOL—38-inch new Spring Suitings 44c yard; old tariff price, GOc. BLACK FRENCH SERGE—46-inch all-wool 40c; old price, 65c. * NEW WASH SILKS—Dainty styles and fast colors 33 l-3c per yard./ ’ ' NEW BABY CAPS—Full line all leading styles, white and colored. Much less than elsewhere. EMBROIDERED EDGES—4 and 5 inches wide at 10, 12 1-2 and 15c yard, for skirts. TRIMMING JETS—New line Jet Novelties for early Spring use just opened. * ENGLISH JACQUARDS—Latest novelties in cotton wash goods. Colors fast. * DRESS-MAKING—Mme. Gorham can deliver few more orders promply, before leaving for New York. Burden, Smith & Co. g P p p Pimples, Blotches ^ P ■ B ° B Li and Old Sores 3 §="WflBBr Catarrh. Malaria 3 Makes Sz Marvelous Curas IS in Blood Poison £ Rheumatism ■and Scrofula and Kidney Troubles ^ Are entirely mwot«* by P.P.P- ^ —Prickly Ash. Poke Boo* and Potas- ^ ■loin, tho greatest blood purifier on l, 1891. ivsnath. bottle of lprln«,Ark :t ana 0-^ Ab use vuu«u<« *“e* J e O? n gee^ months® truatmont st the Hot spring*. fiend three bottles O. O. D. - B °”° caa ?R°Si r ’irawTMT h Aberdeen, Crown County, O. «—« Copt. So D, Johnston* AusnoEEW, O.. MBS0R3 LlFPMAH BEOS. - i—I buuxh nme mitmii a*vii<t Ga. { Dir AX 81X9—1 buuzht u bottle of your P.P P. at Hot Springs, Ark./and It has done me more/mod than tbreo :|ass?i!£sa »*““ • tetter, sc«id bead, bolls, erysipelas. . ecretns-wo msr say. without (ear of contradiction,that P. P. P. lathebesfi • blood purifier In the world,and tnakea . pcsltf re, speedy and permanent cure* in all eases. Akin Cancer Cnrod. Tutimony/romtht Mayer c/Scr-tlnJa. _r»rHjrmtTC; ». .bare taken five or six bottle* Dim fed eonfldenc that another coarse , will effect a cure. It has alao rellorea — - '— indigestion and stomach 1 •ourstvuly. ____ 1 T. w. M. RUST, Attorney at Law, • will effect n 1 SS JSSS. y Bock in Bioos Diseases Ka'.iefl frss. ALL DRUGG1ET3 BELL XT. are longor. The price of cotton to less tiltcro, while the price of labor to lees. Joseph Healy of Fill River said that for six years'no iiod Insist,*d that the south hail the advantage of the North In manufacturing. Title had now been proved. The hearing was then adjourned un til next Wednesday morning. LIEUT, bA.Tn'ltI,KE MARRIED. A Moet Brilliant Ceremony at Columbia Last Night. rK|a;|£.4" eud eliloet itengUter of Bishop Cepers or the Epleooral ct.u vh of South Ceroliui: tn ex- brigadier geuursl of the C. H. A. Surely it wee the bur,tug of ell war memories la the hsppy event which fere the gtllent Fetmeyl- tsdisu s fair end colturcl Ctrolias bride. The Wfddiug took piece almost within the shadow of the spot where tho young soldier did hie lint military duty In lslil, when he S tionod in the Carolina capital. troths toot diet the wiud wee blowing e hurrican’a blast, and tho thermome ter waa Id degrees, the liUtorio old church was packed to lu ntmoat oepacitv with Caro- one. *Blehop U Cepcr» hluualf, aeeliwd by Dm Evua, perfirmetfthe ceremony which made hia chcriebed daughter S Cleveland Wilooxon of tho Qeorgia waa beat man. The hrido'a slater. Iliaa Lottie Capers, waa maid of honor. Lieut, sattertos were UUaraty ttntfcrm and looked every inch the euldier that ho it. Alter tbs wedding there wat a brilliant recep tion st BtaLo.i Cap-re' residence and at a lato uottr the young cotiple left for Florida. TV t.ride ia one oP the moat lovable m-mbertof Carolina society. There van t. n .onnlea In waittng. among them being M.j. F n ak K. cytoww.mUttwtaoretar* t0 th9 go^o, with Mias Kaaaee Ueetmorelacd of Qreeu- viUs. tfiber greontamen were: Mr. B. 1 c-reyM. ante jot Atoen.. aa., Mr. H. F. -test of Atlanta, Liett, Toner Flemtne ot irginla. Mr- A. MoMton of Atlanta and Mr 'em. a r. Mallery m taoBavann.h ud£ tutottn th, two hundred hand.t-me preeenti ore■ aJjsantUhUy eagreved solid tUvsg can r.,»t*e» presented by ti e Macon Htusanan- andeoms aftrar pieces from the Savanna! Volonlemr Guardi, the second lit! .Irion at SPSS&i— 01 talnett, As tunny of theee denns cm too toi(It as peopi'o desire to build, as one dam wBl not interfere nwltth otlhera. The necessary rock for building toe dams llo In the wrmtout otounfleoee both in ton river and along too Maks. D0ATH OF DR. -HARRISON. Columbus, On., Feb. 7.—Rev. W. P. Harrison, D. D., LL. D., died in ttlli dty tonlrbt from catveer. >He was a distinguished Methodist divine, theolo gian and author. Hooves book editor of tho Southern Methodist Publishing House at Naehvl'.le for many years, and was relieved a few nunths ago on ac count of afflictions. Three policemen stood around the fallon man. “I think wo ought to get an ambulance for him," enld oca. "All right,'' sold another. "Lot'i olnb together." And It was done.—Harlem Life. . TerUs by Sea. A.—Fancy, my brother got engaged on hie passage from Bremen to New York! R.—That le only another proof that, In ■pits of all Improvements In our modern sees mere, the dangers ot a sea voyjgo tiro not yet entirely ubvlated.—Lustlgc Blat ter. ' JSSSOBk & ^ ir»«n«sRsa53 n wfKs;i “ diMKM. pliurujr and rheutnxtlii «oj 35yoira. W«I tM«ted by the Teirbeet JHZTZ physiel»ni ana aoent hundreds of dol- •iW* low. tii^d every known remedy with* sapBBBsws-WFJK'ira —r- L! PPM AN BROS, 5= iKSSaBSafejpjfe*® «o«a?0M. ^ sprlogoStobSiaCouS^Mo. Ltppm.n*.Block,,am ^ ^UUPPUUUttUUUUW NOTHING BUT AN CAN DISLODGE THE SECURITIES A Judicial Opinion. A Texas judge recently acquitted a man who was arraigned for swindling s law yer. Ha urguod the man bad probably attempted to get even with the barrister, but. In bl« judicial opinion, he must bora failed.—Adame (Moss.) Freeman. Her Progress. Miss Redbud—I hear you and Miss Calloway are ' Ifp ready learned bow to dovelop a negative. —New York World. SEVEREST EVER KNOWN. Perry. O. T.. Fab. T—The blizzard that set In here yesterday afternoon ta the want storm the territory has ex perienced tn 10 Tears. From 1'o’clock las nldba till 9 <hls morning the ther mometer was 10 belonr. The wind blew a hurricane from the north. No trains have arrived bare .since yesterday. .mss iteuuuu—a near you ana Alls. Uoway are studying photography. Haw s you getting out Mr. Clinker—Very well. She baa al- For they are first mortgages on Improved real esteite and ore deposited wtMi tho Union Savings Batik and Trust Company, na trustee, and conse quently oznnot be hypothecated, but must toe held Intact. - Lord ALmsfleld said,- "the best investments for security nna Income ar<\ first mortgage* on real estate.” _ , , 208 per cent. In first mortgages 1 108 per cent. In insurambe. In these sort of times one wants to know first that Ws money Is invested safely, that it is Invested prdperly, and that toe can get It when he wants it For every .dollar that toe Equitable has 'leaned It has 20S per cent, se curity in first mortgages, widh 108 per cent, ot Insurance on Improvements. Ths EauttaW.e has invested Its fund3 so Judiciously that It hue never bad to make a. foreclosure and hasnev er lost a dollar. — An widverttariment In tlhe Telegraph sold our 8 per cent, stock for Jtrn- ujry and through the same channel we offer only 05,000 worth of the same kina of Stock for February. 8 PER CENT CASH GUARANTEED. tv, the manta of'Investors who require an income from their -money, amlatthe Borne time desire to have their capital available, tails association “ Jins tw. rnwito only Five Thousa.nd Dollara worth of fixed dividend ?«wk «t 8100 per share. This stock guarantees 8 per cent, cash dlvktands, payable sdtal-onuually. and con be drawn any time after six months, with sixty days’ notice. GEO. A. SMITH, Directors—J. W. Cabuniss, R. E. Park, 0. B. Chapman, J. J. Cobb, George A. Smith. Anderson & Anderson, General Counsel. “Doctor, yon haven’t sent in your bill yet r _“No. Your wife told me to wait until yon got stroma