The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, May 22, 1895, Image 7

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THE MACOI? TELEGRAPH: WEEHESEAT MORNING, MAY 22, 1885. T A SUDDEN DEPARTURE. Aftw He Hear* «u» DiMotloM WitbMlf Dete mimed to (to Tee. Time, 6:80 a. m.; piece, 3VLk. Witherby'e boudoir. The oxjnrcasman hna taken the trunk*, the acrrrense hove departed, Mod Mrs. Witherby la saying farewell to her liege lord and numtor pareparotcny to tak ing the 9:80 txnta for the country, where fiho la to visit relatives. Wither?)/—I declare, my dear, if St waa not for business, I would pack tip and go* along with you. Mrs. Wither by—I would just love to have you, but of oourse such a thing Is Im possible. Oh, by the way, the diningroom floor must be dono over while I am away. Will you eoe to it? Wither by—Why, oertaiuly. Ill have a man oorao up tomorrow. Mrs. Witherby—Then those rugs will have to be beaten. Witherby—All right. I'll arrange that. Mrs. Withorby—And, oh, dcarl I had almost forgotten. I want the carpets in the up etairs rooms taken up, cleaned and laid over again. Witherby—Is that all? Mra. Withorby—Let’s see. Ton’ll have a splendid opportunity while I am gone. I want all tho pictures taken down and thor oughly oloaned. Withorby—I’ll see to it. Mrs. Witherby—And the doors done over. Witherby—Very wolL Anything else? Mrs. Witherby—Yes; you’d better hire a woman to come in and clean all tho out glass rind silver. You’ll have to stand over her and soo that sho doesn’t toko or break anything. Withorby—Of course (with a slight touch of sarcasm). Not having much to attend to down town, that will bo tho easiost thing in tho world. Mrs. Withorby (modltatlvoly drawing on hor gloves)—Then tho roof must be mended, and the plumber ought to look at thoso pipes. Then thero is tho kitchon range that must bo fixed. Why, what on earth aro you doing? Witherby (grabbing up anorapty satchel and stuffing a shirt and a hairbrush into it)—I’m going to look up this house and go with you if it costs me $10,000 a week! —Now York World. A Painful Contract In Manners. When I was a Tory little, boy, a Chinese leotorer whom 1 will call Wong Foo Chlng came to the llttlo town whero I lived for the purpose of entertaining and Instruct ing 03 many of the townspeople as desired to pay an admission too with a description of the Celestial Empire and the customs and habits of Its pooplo. I passed the greater part of tho day In the village hall, wondering at the Celestial end his strange garb, watching eagerly the preparations for tho evening’s entertain ment and hoping against hopo that by come lucky acoidont I would bo c mi bled to earn a pass to said entertainment In some of tho usual ways. Late In theaftemoon I was just wonder ing It 1 would be obliged to spend the long, cold evening on tho roof of Deacon Slo cum's In the rear of tho hall, witnessing such portions of the evening’s pleasures as I could catch glimpses of through tho sec ond window behind the stove, which com manded a rather contracted view of the stogo, when Wong Foo Chlng suddenly es pied mo down in the corner of the hall and beckonod me to him. I went with alacrity. “Will you for mo an errand accomplish!" he asked. I Intimated td him that I would If in It thcro was something In the naturo of a pastoboard oourtosy. Ho smiled and-pre sented tho oovoted paBS. “Will you kindly,” he said, “to the Cen tral hotel go, presenting my oompllmonts to Landlord Kollett, and ask him If ho wlil ho so kind as iny small valise to sond which was In tho main ofllco left?” X sped away and arrived quickly at Hit Hollctt'a Central hotel. Tho lordly Kit was behind tho desk. Proud of my dnty, I stepped up In front of the counter and re peated my message as nearly as X could: “Mr. Wong Foo Chlng sonde his oom- pllmonta to Mr. Landlord Rollett, and will Mr. Rollott bo so kind os to sond Mr. Chlng's small valise by me to’ the village haUl" I was considerably awod by the Impor tant commission and somewhat embar rassed for fear that I would be UDablo to remomber tho courtly messago whloh tho ’ genial proprietor of tho loading hostelry of our town would undoubtedly return to the visitor from the other sldo of tho world. Mr. Xlollott surveyed me for a moment In a way that did not tend to pnt mo par ticularly at my oaso, and thon, turning to jiho porter, this is what ho said: “Say, Jim, whero In -— Is that hoathen's gripsack!” Cuabues Newtoh Hood. :—i Tho'Old, Old Story. Lightly tho Ungers of tlmo had touchod tho shapely hood and rounded chock of, Absalom Slabh, tho rising man of Fergus county. Ills form was ercot, his eyo os bright and clear os ever, and though no longor In his youth ho was still In the en joyment of every attribute of manhood In Its oarly prime. Intliopridoof oonaclous strength and the soil poise of a trained Intellect In tho maturity ot Ha powers ho walkod to end fro In tho elegant drawing room, his hands clasped behind him and his oyos wander ing over and anon to tho slender figure of tho young woman soatod at the piano. Presently ho ceased his walk and ap proached her. “That was a beautiful selection, Miss Swackhammer,” ho said, “and you played It faultlessly, but you will pardon mo for saying I scarcely heard it I was thinking of something also.” His voice botrayod strong fooling, and a close observer might havo noticed that the fhagersof tho young woman, as they strayed Idly up and down the keyboard, trembled responsively. “When I have made up my mind on any subject of momentous importance, Miss Swackhammer," ho went on, oloar- log his throat, “I feel It deeply, and I am moved to aay something to you tonight for whloh our previous acquaintance may In a measure have prepared you. May I speak!” On her lovely faoe the oolor corns and went and In a voles scaroely audible she murmured: "You may, Mr. Slabb.” “Then, Miss Swackhammer,” ho re joined with a wild, resistless yearning In his voloe, "I will tell you what I think about this question of the freo coinage of silver.” Y. Knott. In Betwiea. * Manager—One thousand dollars per con cert! Prima Donna—Yes. I have a phenom enally high register. “But have you not a medium register for hard tlmea!” DON’T TOBACCO SPtT OR SMOKE YOUR (LIFE AWAY. Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harrole* guar anteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nlcotfolzed nerves, eliminate, the nicotine liaison. raak-« weak men. gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To- Bac la sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. 'Book free. Addreoe 6terimg Remedy Company, New York or Cht- Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. ONE CENT A WORD ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING, FIFTEEN WORDS OR MORE, TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN FIFTEEN CENTS. FOR SALE. FOR SAfLE—All machinery and fixtures contained in planing mill of the late T. Guernsey. Also all lumber and stock of assorted hardware, three engines,, one safe and several buggies, wagons, rood carts and articles too numerous to men tion. very cheap. Apply on premises af ter 8 o’clock p. m. to C. M. Jenkins, cor ner Sixth andi Cherry streets. 8A’L,E ot ralusad freight—title Macon and Northern Railway Company will sell for freight and charges at public outcry, at their depot, foot of Clierry street, at 10 o'clock a. m., Thursday, May 23d, 80 sacks flour, branded “Silver Edge,” conelgned to H. G. Hafiblson, Byron, Ga. 'John W. Byroe, agent. FOR SALE—Good mule cheap, $35. Apply to Albert Hatcher, «0 Second street. FOR SALE—A fine Shetland pony, ot mill trade for family horse. Call at 656 Mulberry, up stairs. FOR RENT. B. A. WTSE, REAL ESTATE, Telephone No. 144. Office No. S58 Second Street. I HAVE deslrafble houses on Oak, Or ange, New and Spring streets; also on Georgia avenue and Park Place. The owners are desirous of finding tenants, and aa they do not wish them to remain vacant during the summer, I am authorized to offer ttthem at greatly reduced prices. It ■will be to your interest to see me before renting, as I have the mo©t complete rent list in the city, and can also offer the inducement of low rents. FOR RENT—Elegant house in vine- vlllo; five acres of land; on car line. The very place for your children, this summer. Will rent until next October 011 $18 per month. FOR RENT—rOne seven-room house on Orange street. No. 288, near Bond street. Apply Payne & Willingham. $H.OO PE ItiMONTH will renit nice seven-room dwelling, 255 Ortaige street. .Ajpply at Payne & "WUllng- kam’s. FOR RENT—The entire second floor of the budding corner Cherry and Second, ooeupled by J. H. Hertz. A splendid lodge room or ball of any kind or will divide Into offloes. Jo- aeph Cllsby. MISCELLANEOUS. GO TO W. O. EDWARDS for bar gains In groceries. OHODCtE Spanish Mackerel, Black Fish, Pompano, Red Snapper, Base and Trout. Oopeon, Clarko & Daniel. RE/MIEWBER before placing your or der 'for groceries to go and’get Keen Grocery Co.’e prices. They are head quarters (for groceries and leaders in itbelr line and will save you money. JUST ARRIVED—One lot hams, breakfast bacon, shoulders, lard, but ter, molasses, tea and coffee. Re member that Holmes Grocery Com pany are leaders In low prices. Cash gets the Inside. LARGE fat Bloater Matokerel Just re ceived cut C. F. Collier & (Bro.’s. AGENTS make $5 datly. Marvelous inventlou; Retails 25 cents. Two to six sold In a house. Sample freo. Foreheo & McOJakln, Cincinnati O. USE Conquerer .brand-Rour. It la the beet patent flour on earth. Sold ,by Keen Grocery oo., 621 Poplar street. I BUY hay, com and oats tn car load lets and will compete rwiith any re tail house doing a legitimate busi ness. W, C. Edwards. KEEN GROCERY CO. ‘iwlll sell you groceries retail at wholesale prices. Don’t take our word, but go and see 'for younsoH. All goods delivered free and promptly. DR. BENTON STRANGE, specialist. Dlaeases of women, strictures, ner vous, private and chronic diseases. Dtrlotirres dissolved out in three to ten minute* by a smooth, eany cur rent end galvanism without pain or detention from business. Gleet, catarrh, piles, hydrocele, neu ralgia, rheumatism, etc., done as easily. Will (bo ait Hotel Lanier May 17th to 24th inclusive. FINEST coffee, tea and canned goods tor the least money at TV. C Ed wards'. 25 CENTS buys one pound best Jersey butter at Keen Grocery Co.'s, 621 Poplar. . . ling* the following prices: Oak $3 per cord; pine 12. Deliver in all parts cRy ond stibunbs. Will be pleased to have you order. Ben Stewart & Co. COOKED' CORN ‘BEEF, our own make; ready for table use; nothing better for supper. Georgia Packing Company, ABEL PACKING CO. Western and Georgia Beef. Spring Lambs, Mutton and Veal. Hand-made Lard and Cured Hams. Fresh stock Fish daily. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—E. R. Price, et. al. having filed anpHoatloo to4hlaoffice for totters of administra tion to Issue to James L. Anderson on the estate of Zack Smith, Sr., this is to notify all concerned to file objections, if any they have, on or before the $r*t Monday in Jupe, 1895. C. M. yrjLiEY, Ordinary* , OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO NEW YORK, PnilADHLFHLk AND BOSTON. { f» Pamgs From Savannah < TO NBW. SOBS* Cabin, (30; Excursion, *32; Steers** *10.00. t TO BOSTON t Cabin, $22; Excursion, *38; Steers** , I1LT&. u TO PHILADELPHIA, I VIA NBW YORK. Cabin, *28.30; Excursion, *38; Steer- a**. *12.50, Tfca magnums. .tcantsblp. of tb«ca nnw art appointed to aaU as follows, standard tlmoi SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. Central (80th Meridian) Time—as Bolow. Kansas City Frl.,May24, 5:00 am Tallahasseo Sun., May 26, 630 am City ot Blrmlngfcm.TuM., May 26, 7:S0 pm Nacoocihee Frt, May 31,11:00 am Kansas City Sun.. Juno 2. ls:w n’n Tallahassee Tuoa., June 4,awupm City of Birmingham.Frt.. June ’/, S’30«m Nacoochso Sun-, Juno s*. v.l»«n Kansas City Tuoa., Juno U. '(UOpm Tallahassee Frl., Juno 14,10:00 am City of BinmlnBhm.Sun., Juno 16.11® n’n Naaoocheo Tucs., Juno ix. 2STJ pm Kanaas CHty Frl.. June 21, l»pm City of Augusta ....Sun.. JunofJ, 5:ooam City of Blruqnghm.Tues.i June A, 'em pm Nacoochee Frl., Juno 28, 10:00 am Kansas City Sun-. June so, vsm n’n SAVANNAH TO BOSTON. Central (SOth Meridian) Time—as Below. CRy ot Macon Thur., May 23, 4:30 pm Gate City Thur., May 30, 10:00 am City of Macon ....Thur., Juno 6. moo pm Gate City Thur, June 13.103X1 am City of Macon ....Thur., June30, 3:30 pm Gate city Thur., Junew, nan SAVANNAH TO PHILADKl ftilA. Central (90th Meridian) Time—aa below. (These Ships do not carry passengers.) EUhu Thomson ....Wed., May22, 3:30pm Dessoug DessouT ... Dessoug , Wed., May 29, 9:90 am Wed. June !>, 4.90 pm , Wed., June 12, ihlioam Wed., June IS, 230 pm Wed., Juno 2C, 8:00 am W. E. ARNOLD, O. T. P. A, WALTER HAWKINS, F. P. A., W. J. FARRELL, Sod. Agt., Jacksonville,Fla. J. P. BECKWITH, G. F. & P. Act., Pter 36, North River, Now fork. C. G. ANDERSON, Agt., Savannah, U3. MACON AND NEW YORE SHORT LINE GEORGIA RAILROAD —AND— ATLANTIC COAST LINK. Scfhcdulo in Effect {May 8, 189b. N Y|D’lyl Trn. AM 9 00 10 00 1010 1128 PM 100 225 4 51 G €6 715 9 20 AM 2 42 3 40 700 820 10 45 PM «x. 1 Son.) P Ml 4 OOlLv 5 flTLv 6 59/Lv Lv Mrioon .... , .(Mllledigervllto Sparta .... Camak Augusta .. ....Augusta .. ...Orangeburg ... Sumter .... .. Florence .. Fayetteville . Peteraburg . . Richmond . Washington . Baltimore . Philadelphia . New York * |ftgt|i>'ly j ex. j ex. j tain. |PM|PM * it) 2 10 lOOOt 4 00 11 02| 6 98 AMI •Eastern time. Trains arrive from Augusta and points on main line an follows: 6:39 a. in., 11 a. m, and 6:45 p. m. UiUly except Sun day. Arrive Sunday only: 6:30 a. cn, 11 a. cn.. 4:45 p. m. Night express carries through sleeper Macon to Augusta. 9:00 a. m. and 8:15 p. m, trains connect Union depot. Augusta, for Charleston’, Co lumbia, S. C.. and Savannah. Thomas K. Scott, General Manager. A. G. Jackson, G. P. A. Joo W. White, T. P. A., Augusta, Oa. W. W. ttsiMwlck, P. A., Macon, Ga. General offices, Augusta, Ga. MACON AND NORTHERN. M. Jb N. AND S. 3L. C*. SEABOARD AIR LINE. fHiort Una to Central Carolina* and Vir ginia. February 10* 1880. READ DOWN.* READ UP. 406 ) STATIONS. I 401 8 30 a m|Lv„ 10 45 a nu • U 35 a ml ., 3 03 p mf .. 4 55 p ml 5 23 p ml 7 83 p nr 8 56 p ml 126 a m 465 a m f 40 a m 10 45 a m 12 Of m 2 89 p ml .. 4 58 p m| .. .... Macon ... Maoheu ... ... to ad Iron ... ... Athens ..... .. Abbeville .. • Greenwood , i.m Chester ... ... Monroe ... Raleigh ... ... Weldon .... .. Richmond .. Washington . • Baltimore .. Philadelphia , .. New York .. • Lv f 00 p ra 442pm 3 52 p m 3 *0 p m 112 p m 12 48 p m 10 51am • 87 a m 5 17 a m (aa am 12 33 nt 115pm 7 81 p m »1« j> 10 oo p m Passenger trains will stop at Ocmul«e street crossing to take on and let off passengers. Car on electric railway will connect with No. 403 at 7.W p. m. from the North at Ocmulffe* street. Connections with Georgia Southern and Florida railroad. Southern and Central railroads for all points la Florida ua southwest Georgia. No. 402 leaving Macon at 628 a. m. makes close connection with Middle aJm, a»*ss.““ u# ,or Wttb ooltd train for Wartlngton ana &l°. r w5B*K , H. BURNS, Ticket AnnL A. SHAW. Traffic ManagteT Tick.! and general office. Grand Lodra Building. 122 Mulberry #t««L AN ADVERTISEMENT placed In tho classW\»d columns fit (Ths Telegraph is sure to Mag „ ^ RESULTS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. US. its* DR. J. J, BUBER3. Porman.nUy located. la tk< *fV cloltloa venaraL Lo.t energy re.torM, Female Irregularities and poison oat. Cure guaranteed. Ad drew In cone, fianco, with stars* lid Fourth street. Macon, Ga. DR. J. h. HEFLIN. BHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours 9 to 11 a. rn., and 4 to 6 p, in* Office over King’s Drug store. All calls promptly answered. DK. J. L. SHORTER. BYE. BAR, NO3J0 AND THROAT. Over Sol Hoge'a Drug Store. Corner Mulberry and Second street*, WALTER K. M.ARONE, Attomey-at-Laiw. Clinton, Ga P. O. Haddock Station, Ga. Collec tion attended to promptly. THE GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GUA/F railroad. The Shortest and Quickest Route BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND ATLAri <A Schedule la Effect April 28, 1895. N orth Bound. No. 61. No U. 1 No. 1 Lv Columbus.... 7 01 am A id pni| A 10 pm Waverly Hall.... Oak Mountain... 7 62 am 4 27 pmi 4 40 pin 803 am 4 50 pmj 4 04 pin Warm Springs.... 8 3S ana 6 01 pm b 02 pm Woodbury . . . . 868 6 21 pm| 6 bO pm Concord. . * . . 9 26 air. 5 49 Pm 751 pm Williamson. . . . 9 45 am « 11 pm pm Ar Griffin. . . . 10 03 am 630 Pmj 860 pm Macon, C R. R. .| 7 35 pm|l0 23 pm| Atlanta, C R R . .|ll 30 am| 8 06 pm| Lv. Griffin . . .Ill 00 ami 6 39 pml 9 10 pm At McDonough .ju 50 am] 7 20 pmjlO 10 pm Train No. 51, dally Train, No. 11, passenger, Saturday and Sunday only. Train No. 1 accommodation Monday, Wednesday and Friday. SOUTH BOUND. | N. 68. |N0.10 .| NO. 2. Lv. McDonough .( 4 10 pml 8 20 ami 6 00 am Ar Griffin . . .] 5 00 pm| 8 58 am) t U0 am Lv Macon, CRR .( 1 4 06 am| Lv Atlanta, CRR| 4 00 frtn| 7 30 am| Lv Griffin . . Williamson . . . Concord . . . Woodbury . . . Warm Springs . Oak Mountain Waverly Hall. Ar Columfeus.. 5 28 pm 5 46 pm 6 09 pic . 6 03 pm '.|7 13 pm ( 7 47 pm ,|7 57 pm ) 8 00 pm 9'OGam 9 22 am 9 43 am 10U am 7 25 am 1 el am 8 30 am 9 i-'ntn 19 31 am 10 24 am I 03 am|U 22 am II 13 amjll 42 am 12 05 pmj 1 00 pm Train N-o. 50 passenger, dally. Train No. 10, passenger, Sunday and Monday only. Train No. 2, accommodation, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only. MACON AND COLUMBUS VIA WOOD- BERRY AND M. ANR B. R. It. EA6T BOUND. <;ii * | No. 1. | N. 2. | N. 8. Lv Columbus . . 7 80 am] 8 80 pm| 7 00 am At Woodbury . .) 868 am 6 21 pm) 9 02 am Lv Woodbury . .| 9 05 amj 7 24 pmj 9 02 am Ar Macon . . .| 3 30 pm|12 06 am|12 00 m Train No. 1 ,'dally except Sunday. Train No. 2. Saturday only. Train No. 8, Saturday only. WEST BOUND. Ar. CMumbue. Lv WovdWry... Ar W00K.Sury . Lv Macon. . .. | No. 1. | No. 8. | 8 50 pm 8 98 pm 6 38 pm 3 30 pm 8 50 pm] 8 83 pm] 2 05 pmj 7 45 am Train No 1, Saturday only. Train No. 3. dally except Sunday. Trains 51 and 80 do not run between McDonough and Griffin on Sundays. Trains 1 and 2 arrive ami depnrt O. M. and Q- depot, comer 6th avenue and 6th street, Columbue} and G. JQ1. and <2. freight depot, Griffin. All other trains arrive and depart at union fiepots at Columbus and Orlffin. Ask tor tickets and see that they read via the Georgia Midland and Gulf Rail road. Tickets on sale at Union Depot and at general office over Third Na tional Bank. CLIFTON JONES, General Pass. Agent. C. W. CHBAR8, General Manager, Columbus, Ga. KAOONt DUBLIN AND SAVANNAS MAII.m.Af ft Fima Table M* a Taking .<W*ot Sunday •WOMtl* ' Bead ton. 1MM Uft Sun.1 | 1 l*u* N<j.i]No.l| STATION* |N..1|N#A r MJP M| 4 801 8 89f Macon ....M. Jb N. JunctSea,, 8 15 ewtft Creek .... 8 19 Diy Brush „„ 3 10 kike* Peak .... I id ••••••# Frtxpartsk. 180 ID I 49 ill l U Jeffersonville 0*11! more DaovUle ...... Allmtou lfontrore Dudley Htwwi Moore DuhUa AM^AM UM|Uu u sot it n UUI9N »H it, •* iU l« IN IN •« • W »U IN l« IU IN IN IN U lt( IN IN 11* 111 iH IN Midtllt Burgii ltd itlutio Riflroii ■ffectlv* ftNWNMt O’clock, A. U, KMd wn IM O* UN PI 9 “|Lv. AuguM. Oo. R.K. |IN|L». Uocoa ..Ar.j |<«, »o. l«]No.lN| At M It* • U • w 111 uu IN iu Lv l N IN li IN (**■ |N..lN|No.lN _ If. mja. m. Marrvai Aifi ini i w BatO'Noa Ar.l 7 « I 111, KataaUa Lrj INIUMn Eaton to. Ari I N 111 4| Xuaata Xtv.l 1 Mp| I * . M>ooa Lv.) I Ual Atnm 4iV.|S«*( BrcughtoaviU. kuotla* point too Inui Hoc. 111 aal IN. Covtsgtoa JuaoUea aawtla* pettt Ml trots. Mool i« on! IN, IT. a OMOMX* ImmI AN... ADVERTISEMENT placed to the classified columns of | Telegraph is sore to hrlsff / RESULTS Leave Macon 12:10 am 11:80 am Arrive Cochran Arrive Hawklnevlllo .... 1:43 am 1:10 pm 3:00 pm Arrive Jesup 6:20 am 6:60 pro Arrive Everett fv.00 am 6:40 pm Arrive Brunswick 7:00 am 7:45 pm Arrive Savannah 12:28 pm 10:00 pm Arrive Jacksonville ..... 9:56 am 9:20 pm Northbound. | No. 13. Mb 7. | No 9. WESTERN Scbodulo in Effect SYSTEM. Sunday, May 13. SOUTHBOUND. | No. 14. \ No, 8. Lv. Macon. Ar. Atlanta. Ar. Rome. 2:25 5:45 am 10:20 am Ar. Dalton. . . . fl:30 am Ar. Chattan’ga Ar. Knoxville. Ar. Bristol. . . . 6:10 pm 8:45 am 8:30 pm 11:46 am 3:00 am 5:52 am 6:35 am 12:50 pm 4.t£ pm 4'.3> pm 6:46 pm 7:10 pm 10:00 pm 4:50 am Leave Chattanooga ] 9:20 am] 7:20 pm Arrive Cincinnati ( 7:20 pmj 7:10 am THROUGH OAR ARRANGEMENTS. Southbound. No. 14.—Solid vestlbulod train to Jack sonville, with Pullman buffet drawing room cars attached for Jacksonville and Brunswick. No. 8.—Solid train for Brunswick, with through coach for Jacksonville. Northbound. No. 13.—Solid vestlbulod train. Including Pullman sleeping care, to Cincinnati, con necting with local train for Chattanooga and way otatlons. Carries Pullman sleepers between Macon and St. Louis via Atlanta and Birmingham. No. 9.—For Atlanta. Rome. Dalton and Chattanooga, connecting? with solid vcstl. bule train for Cincinnati, with Pullman sleeping cars attached. Connections at Chattanooga with fast trains in all di rections. * For full information os to routes, rates, etc., apply to JIM W. CARR, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Macon, Ga. W. H. Green, General Superintendent, Washington, D. O. W. A. Turk. Goneral Passenger Agont, Washington. D. C. C. A. Benscotor. Assistant General Pas senger Agont, Knoxville, Tonn. G. B. Wells, Traveling Passenger Agt., Macon, Ga CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA- H, M. Comer and R. S. Hayes, Receivers. Schedule In Effect May -19, 1896, Stand ard Time, 90th Meridian. Between Macon, Columbus, Birmingham . Montgomery and Albany. Read Down. STATIONS. Read Up. |A M|Lv. Ar 7 051... Macon .. *r. lv. Ft Valley Columbus BJrm’ham P m 7 20 635 3 16 AM 856 PM \2 2l Lv. Ar. Macon... Ar. Lv. Ft. V alloy Am'ericua . .. Albany . . Dawson Ft Galnos . Eufauta. .. Ozark Union Spgu | 9 161 ... Troy ....( 7 ic( Montgmry | 7 45] S 05 136 AM .ftl 601 400 .j\0 4v* Between Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Mtlledgevlfie, Augusta and Savannah. A MJP MIA MjLv. Ar.lP MjP MIA M 4 15) 4 25] 7 651... Macon ... 7 15|10 23 11 00 6 12| 6 Z2\ 9 47|.. Griffin ...» 6 8 251 8 68 v 40J 8 06|11 301.. Atlanta 4 00| 7 00) 7 M P ff[A MTP Ml A M|P M|A M 115] 1 00| C M Chat’nooga j 7 2Q| 1 S0| 2 20 P M1P MIA W U 0011115 11 46112 00 A M]P.M ! 3 06 6 n 6 5 40 ;9 20| 5 66| C |t9 20| Macon .. .. Gordon • MiU'ge’vlle ... Mlllon .. .. Augusta.. . Savannah Jacksnvllle P M|A MIA M 4 00| 8 5bl f SO 3 ft! 8 l‘J| .1 I « *> A M|P M| 12 05jll 581 7 C6| 8 40| | 9 30j 9 00| | 8 30| Solid trains are run to end from Macon and Montgomery via Eufaula, Savannah and Atlanta via Macon, Macon and Al bany via Smlthvtlle, Macon and Birming ham via Columbus. Sleeping cars on night tnjlns between Savannah and Macon, Savannah* and At lanta. Parior cars between Macon and At* Unto. Passengers for Thomaston take 7:56 a. m. or 4:26 r>- m. train. I’am«onK'*rH for Carrollton and Cedartown take 4:15 a. m. train. Passengers for Perry toko 11:16 a. m. train: Fort Gaines, Buena Vis ta, Blrtcely and Clayton should take 11:16 train. Passengers for Sylvanla. Wrlghtaville and Sandoraville take 11:20 a. m. train. Train for Mllledgcvillo doea not run Sundays. For further Information and for sched ules for points beyond our line apply to W. F. Shellm&n, Traffic Manager. J. C. Haile, General Paewonger Agenl. W. P. Dawson, Passenger Agent. L. J. Harris, Ticket Agent, Maroix. SAVANNAH, AMEIUCU8 AND MONT GOMERY RAILWAY. 8. H. Hawkins, T. Edward Hambloton, Receivers. Schedule in Effect February 10, 1896. East Bad. STATIONS. West Bnd. T 18} Eastern Division. |T17 AMI PM 10 40|Lv Macon, O. SI? ....... 4 20 1 ajAr....OordeIe, O. 8. A F....LV 3 18 1 25 Lv....OordeIe, B. A.Sc M....LV 1 % 1 mAx Puts Lv 13 64 .... Rochele .... .... Kromer .... ... Abbovtlle .. 2 081, 2 17 Helena . Alley . . Lyons . 13 43 13 25 12 35 (AM .111 'M .(lOW .110 05 West Bnd Western Dlvalon. East Bad PM| 1 XlLv.. )$E « 8 00| .. Richland •• Lumpkin •* .. Pittsboro .. . llurtaboro Montgomery (PM ,.Lvl 1 00 ..Lv|l2 a (AM .....IU 04 ......110 45 .....( 9 41 | b to I 7 15 ,8olma, via L. & N., Mobile Now Orleans .... Birmingham ..... ... Louisville ........ .Lv| 4 85 | A M ....IU W 1*0 3 5S PM 9 15 Close connection at Montgomery to or from aM pofrvts invest and Northwest. Also at New Orleans for all points in Texas. Nos. 17 and 18 run ootid between Mont- 8Wnery and Savannafc. A. POPE. CECIL OABBBTT, Gen. Pass. Agt. . . General Manager. Axooricus, Ga. . Leave Montgomery.,....,.| 9 M pm| 8 18 a Arrive toko*...... ,|U 1* pm|U 15 a itlaoti and New Orleans Short Una; ATLANTA and WEST POINT R. R. Quicken and Best Routes. Montgomery, Selma, MobUe. New Q«w leans, Texas and Southwest Southbound. No. 25. No. 37. No. 88 Lv. Macon | 1 10 am| 7 55 am| 7 56 Lv, Atlanta j 5 S5 am Ar. BfieBtgomery.jU (6 am Ar. Pensacola...[ 6 56 pro Ar. Mobile I 6 20 pm Ar. New Orl's.,;.]l9 26 pm Ar. Houston..,..|.. 4 20 p*n • 20 pen 5 SO am 3 06 am 7 85 aa 10 60 pm 180 ma 880 pm 6 88 am 181 am 7 8$ am lowpm TO SELMA. Train 87 carries Pullman vestlbuls sleeper New York to New Orleans, aad dining car to Montgomery. Train It carries Pullman vestibule deeper New Or leans to New York and dining car to At* lanta. Trains 84 and 81 Pullman Buffet Sleep* tog Cars between Atlanta and Moot* gomery, . GluO. C. SMITH, Pres, and Oeiu Mgs, , JOHN A. GETS, Gen. Pass. Agt I GEO. W. ALLEN, T. h A» Atlanto | Gonoral Offices, Topnlllo, Ga. April 26, Rfc*. Central Time. These Trains Run Doily Only. READ DOWN. ,P MJA M|P M] jP M|A M|A M 8 001 230) 8 35| 2 56| 7 65| Harrison 6 55| 7 30) 6 55)L Atlanta A| 8 06| 7 45| 7 48 8 40j 7 ffi| 8 401.. Avirusta ..I 7 461 6 201 C 20 U 00)11 20111 00 ... hlacon ...| 4 00) 3 Ml 8 W 9 001 0 SO 9 00). Savannah ,| 5 401 5 46| 6 « A MJP MIA M JA M|P M|P Ml o ^ ^ 7 30].. Tennlllo ..IU 60) 7 06) 510 1 ‘ - 1 “* |11 *>i 6 40J 4 » " "* 6 30 4 10 020 356 007 8 80 5 67 3 00 552 240 546 230 5 34 2 10 5 20 lit Donovan 8io) Wrigtavttle Meadowa Lovett ...10 40 Donaldson ... Bruton ,.o Condor Ar Dublin LvjlOOO ... Empire ...| Hawkloevlo | | 3 10 These Trains Run Sunday Only. A MJP Ml |P M) A Ml | 7 30) 6 0T»|Tj Atlanta A| 8 0C| 7 46| I 6 00| 8 40).. Augusta ..111 101 0 201 ]U 20)11 00 ... Macon ... 4 00 3 56 9 30 * 00 Savusnah [ 5 40] 5 4GJ |P MJA Ml |A M|P M| I 2 80) & 00)L Tennir.e AJU 69) 6 20) I 2 651 8 26] Harrison 111 8G| 0 &G| | 3 0W 8 35|. Donovan .111 251 5 431 | 3 15 8 V. Wrlfftnvllto 111 1GJ 5 3T>1 3 30 0 00] Meadows ju 001 5 22| | 8 331 9 08|.. Lovett ...110 50| 6 121 I 8 44| 9 15| Donaldson 110 411 6 071 | 3 601 9 23|... Bruton ...110 38| 5 Oil | 4 06] 9 85).. Condor ..;io 211 4 491 ] 4 20| 9 G0|Ar Dublin Lv]iQ 10| 4 36| Direct connections and quick time to uiid from lf.i\vUlnnvlllr\ Empire, Southern railway stations, north or south, stations on the Oconee and western railroad, and from Dublin and stations on tho Wrights- vlllo and Tennlllo railroad with tho Cen tral railroad of Georgia, via Tennllle for all points north, south, east ntid west. »Tickets sold and baggage checked to and from all principal points. O. W. Perkins. Pres, ond SupL F. H. Roboraon, Gon. F. and P. Agt. THE OOLUMBUB . SOUTHERN RAIL WAY COMPANY. Time Table No. 34. Effective April 14, 189G. SOUTHBOUND. 1 I |Fassngr IPassngrlPassnffrfNo 5 d'y | No. 1 | No. 7 |ex. ’ius- JBundnylTu'edayjdoy and f Only ) Only jaunday Lv. Columbus 7:00 ami 3:30 pmj 2:45 pi Ar. Richland ...| 8:47 amj 5:15 pmj 4:4o pi Ar. Apierlcus ...{12:00 m | |........ Ar Dawson 10:08 nml 7:35 pm| b:w pi Ar. Albany (11:03 am) 9:30 pm) 8:fo p Ar. ThomasvJlle ) 6:40 pmjll^) nmjU:uu a- Ar. Brunswick .( 8:10 pm( 6^0 am| 6:w a; Ar Jncksonvlllo \ 7:30 pmj 7:20 amj 7:20 ai NORTHBOUND. |l’;iKwKr| | INo 6 d’ylPaBanSriBal.nxr V. Mex. Tua-l No. 8 | No. 1 (day and |Tu'sday|Hunday [Sunrl»y| Only | Only Ar Columbus • Lv RIoH and ... •Lv Americas . Lv Dawson ..... Lv Albany Lv Thofiiaavllle Lv Brunswick . Lv Jacksonville 11:30 am 9:30 am 7:00 am 7^5 am 41:00 am 250 pm 8:60 pm 6’^0 pm 2:30 ; 13 JO ] 7:OOi 10:35 i 9:00 i 3:20: 6:60; 6:50 ] Trains Nos. 2 and 5 dally except bunday \ between Albany and Thomasville. Trains arrive and .linlrn depots at Albany and Columbus. • H. C. HILL, Superintendent. OCONEE AND WESTERN RAILROAD. In Connection With Wrightsvllie and TcnnlUe Railroad. Taking Effect Wednesday. April 10, 1335. Daily Except Sunday. Read Down. Read Up. No 3|No 1| |No 2|No e P M A M 8 10 6 00 7 3&I/V Tennlllo v w 9l0jAr..... Dublin Lv 5 30 3 15 Lv Dublin Ar 5 46 9 30 Hutchings 9 45 .... Spring Haven 9 65 ........ Dexter 10 16 AlcornS ........ Chester 10 85.. Yonkers 1116 Ar Empire ......... 7 09)13 00jLv.%... Empire Ar t seises 7 16 12 161 Cypress PMIPMT 7 30 12 80| Ar. Hawklnaviiie .Lv |A M|P fii *Ar|U Ml 7 Ml ’ “IW WlJ 6 » S 00) 6 W 8 46 4 85 8 30) 4 40 8 Mj 4 18 8 Ml 4 38 7 40} IU 7 Ml'4 SO Trains on Southern railway pass Em pire as follows: Going south 11 to am Going north 8 40 pu J. W. HIGHTOWER. O. M. M. V. MAHONEY. O. F. and P. JL tfMMiitml jft Tho Pullman Car LJn*. DBTWKBN LOTUBVILLR. CINCINNATI or inbianopoub wit CHICAGO and tb. NOBnWUC, The Pullman VwtlbuU mttIm oa Mi*M Train* Parlor, Ofaalr and Mnla* Cara oa Da* Train* . | THH MONON TRAIN a. | Winter Cities and UumJfcfir It*- oorts ot the North.rat. W. H. MoDoel, Vic PtmUtoI and Go- era] Manager. Frank J. Reed, O. P. A., OhW*o. For further Information addrra* B, JV. ChUADlNO. Ocjuna Acrat. > TbomaavlUe, Cwrxia,