The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, May 24, 1895, Image 5

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B THE MACON TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MOKNTftG, MAY 24, 1895. lilWWtf- - .^.1—.- -.Jw. . — BURDEN, SMITH & COMPANY. THE EMPIRE STORE. THE EMPIRE STORE. We have so many Good Things we can’t wait till Monday. Come today and avoid the Monday morning crush- Below we offer Bargains that many try to imitate, but they can’t give yon the qual ity at the price. EN GLISH PLISSE—Fifty pieces new styles and V colors; 12 yards for $1.00 today. Only 12 yards to a I customer. ) 1 • AT lOc—25 pieces new shear Jaconets, fast colors, 10c a j, yard. Others ask 12 l-2c. ( WASH REMNANTS —200 choice Remnants of desirable Wash Goods, all sorts and kinds, thrown on centre counter at 25c on $1.00. 3 YARDS FOR 19c —20 pieces more of those 36- inch Percales, 12 l-2c quality, to go at above price. Two waists to customer today only. lO YARDS FOR 50c —20 pieces best Toile du Nord 12 l-2c Ginghams, pretty styles and fast colors Only 10 yards to customer today. lO YARDS FOR 35c—Best Shirtings Calicoes, fast colors. Only 10 yards to Customer. SPECIAL* VALUE—20 pieces French Organdies and Swiss Mulls; former price 35 and 40c yard. This lot gees at 10c yard today. Dont miss them. BUTTERMILK SOAP-Best quality. ISoabox, 3 cakes in box; two boxes for 26c. 8 YARDS FOR 5Gc—38-inch de Lain, fast colors- former price 12 l-2c. Only 8 yards to a customer. 5c EACH —60 dozen gents' best 20c Collars, Coon brand, at 5c each to close. 7 PAIRS FOR &1*00—Gents' best 26c Tan Sox, fast colors. Today only. CHILDREN’S HOSE—Full regular-made double heels and toes, Hennsdorf dye, at 12 l-2c pair. Spe cial low price. AT SI DOZEN—Ladies' all-linen white Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. AT 5c YARD —10 yards to a customer—50 pieces Wash Goods, Satines, Satsumas, Lawns, Batistes,’etc. Not a piese in the lot worth less than 10c yard. WASH SILKS —20 pieces 21-inch Colored KikiB, best 35c kind, cut to 26c yard. Call curly. WHITE GOODS—500 yards white Lawn mill rem nants just in. Regular 25o kind, to go at 12 l-2o yard. New Dotted Swiss 20 to 40c yard. White Organdies, 2 yards wide, 40o to $1 yard. 1 case 8c Check Muslin to go at 4 3-4e yard. RIBBONS, RIBBONS—White and colored Satin Ribbons; any width or color. Less than anybody’s. 1.50, PUT UP, is the price of our new Mosquito Nets, 108 inches long. FOR COMMENCEMENT — White Parasols, plain and rufiledj White and colored Hand-Painted Fans, silk Marsalene. BURDEN, SMITH & COMPANY. THE EMPIRE STORE. THE EMPIRE STORE. D. A. KEATING, VNDKItVAKKKi AND EMBALMER, • Sll Mulberry St., Macon, Go. telephone* I Office. 407; Residence, 408 LMcMANUS CO GENERAL I lay Tolophono, ..... 238 fright Telephone, ..... 232 QHBNN ON BDUOA/MON. ick From New York. With a full Uno of now goods ) Almost cpjloslto PostolBco •Japanese how* So and 10c. arxineao luncih baskets. Sc and 10c. oiled clothes baskets 76c, SI. and I1.2G. fWte China eupe, saucers and platen, 'ull line children’s and ladles’ fast ok seamless hose, 10c per pair. Joy’s extra heavy bicycle hose, 20c. )ver 200 kinds embroideries. jiTgc line finishing braids, So and 10c. Sdgings 2c. 3c and So per yard, lood seamless black, tan and cream - ■ks. 10c per pair. apanese toth picks, two boxes for Sc. Gee size china plane. 13c each. .arge china cups and saucers atl2c 3nst and hat hooks, lo each, ce picks, 6c. "icture nails and porcelain knobs, lo ft. afe locks, 10c. Klre dash covers. Sc, 10c. 15c, and 20c. Hater coolers; Ice cream freezer*. I ■p only (be best In English granite. Its impossible to enumerate fho line .Is I carry. In steel enameled B : have the smooth and clean kind. knife aharpner mode. 10c for nd of knife but especially adopted lanes & Chrl.tle knhrea Nickel center draught lamps. All my umbiers except .the vary cheapest ados ate ground glass bottoms. R. F. SMITH, Proprietor, TTBNTION, CONFEDERATE VET- ERANS. __ grand reunion of the national en unpment of United Confederate Vet. ans will be held In Houston. Tex., ay 20th to 24th, 1895. This will b» the rgest gathering of Confederate sol era In the history of the association d Texas Is making great prepara- • .ns to entertain the crowd who will In attendance. rhe AUanta and West Point railroad id the Western Railway of Alabama ie Atlanta and Houston Short Line) ill eel! excursion tickets for this oc- \ston at the unprecedented low rate one cent per mile. Tickets will be Id Stay 17th and 18th. good to return thin ten days from date of sale, ny one contemplating making this wUl do well to noUfy the under- ed that they may be furnished all Information necessary, so. W. Allen. Traveling Passenger at. No. 1! Kimball house, ed D. Bush. D. P. A., L. and N. No. 38 Wall street, bn A. Gee, General Passenger at, Atlanta, Ga. The State School Cornmlaslourr Aroused the People of Coffee County. 'Douglas, May 23.—(SpecMl.)—As pre viously announced. Stole school Commts- Stoner Glean addremeU the citizens o* Coffee county alt Douglas today. Profes sor Tanner, principal at Doug-as Higa School. In a few .well timed and pointed remarks Introduced the honor able speak er, iwho for one hour addressed an * uter es ted audience on the subject of educa tion and tts Improvement. He deeply de plored the present political condition or all the count icy ho 'had visited and said If there existed any worse cause than ig norance It wus politics and Us manoeur- veplng hy po'.ttlctans to estrange JWegn- bora. friends and families, and inis monotpr was occarionaHy showing Itself in the school room. The next subject to be denounced was the craze for money getting. Ho scored the mllUonatre l footed States senate whose seemingly sole pur pose to got there mis not the good or the country ait large, but Co form them selves Into speculative syndicates mH by their own tegtstation enrich themselves, wholly Ignoring the Ooramon Interests ot the masses. Prom a oritlc on a cele brated Brooklyn trial he aprWcd •'the whole trend of modem life to the giving of our wives to the preachers, our dhlldren to the teachers, ourselves to the business of money gutting, and that we wore all drifting to the devt:.’’ In the strongest of language be urged the building at com fortable echoed houses lo each district. That the prosperity ot any county was measured by the school room and tns teacher employed. That the educational platform was broad enough for aH to eland upon undivided and demand auefl legislation as wouM secure better educa tion and the employment of norm hut de vout teachers and those wanes* morals were unauestlloned. His olMress was In terspersed with pathetic and mirth-pro voking anecdotes true to nature and was frequently Juetly applawied. The llood of rain that fell from 3 o’clock on tne morning of the 19th until 11 O'clock yes terday so raised tht stream* that - people could not got here, there newer only about 230 present. At the close or Ms remarks a subscription was started for the erection of a modem echoed build ing at Douglas and within a very few minutes 8900 was raised. D. Peterson heading tho bet with 8330. Fern Cradle, a bekgerent coon from Beech's stal was Jailed her, yesterday for assault with to murder Mr. Allen Beach. Charlie'' Walk son of Sir. D. S. Wall, was killed at Park on la on the Dougns and McDonald railroad on the l»th wnn* trying to lump on a moving train. mMKd Ms footing and feU between tne tender and car. The tender and enWn® ran over him. severing his head from ms body. ClruMe was about 18 year* old, student of Ohs (Douglas High Bdhool and universally beloved by all Who knew nun. a cotton mill for americus. Tbs City Is Boon Oo Hkve a nourishing out for them, but up to a late hour no one had been arrested, but if they are In die city they will bo hauled In, as no thing escapes the Amertous police. Th# s o’clock dosing movement 1» on foot and on June 8 a majority of tne leading 'merchant* will close their Pisces of business and give their clerks an hours’ rest before oWht, ahldh they need after the busy day’s work Is over. Mrs. Dr. W. P. Burt returned yester day from the North, where she spent a week with her son In Annapolis, he being a cadet there. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Beel&itl tett this mornSne for New York, where Mr. Bee- land will have an operation performed. His foot. Which was so badly crushed on the Savannah, Amerlcus and 'Montgomery road several months ago and had to tra aroputeJttd, has given W mso muon trou- blo that a trip to Now York was ren dered necessary- It was learned yesterday that tne grand lctlge of «he Knights of rtyuna* which held their mealing in Atlanta this week decided to hold thetr next annual meeting hi Amerlcus. The people Here ore glad to hoar that Amerieus will be honored with the lodge’s presence next y«r. GRIBTN’S WATERWORKS. AHnericua Stay 23.-<Kperial.>-Chlrta»n Wiliam lOtt of this City la cinoulaCTr** a rutwartptfon DK In the Interest of Amerl cus people and surrounding country to erect a ootton factory, an Institution tna* would help the covin’ry on well OS the city said would give employ ment to a number of people Whose Wages wouil go Into the channels of trade an America. Capt H« has already secured a large number oo tSe Hat and the peo ple of this city have taken bold with a vim. ami in a few months America* can boast at one of the best ootton dims in tbs state. The negro. Aytoh Baker, charged wttn the theft of a pistol several months ago and Just arrested here Tuesday, was re leased yesterday, as Dwwson otneera <kd not seem to want Mm. The merchants of the c*ty reported at police beaSSqtxsfters yemerday that a number of counterfeit doHzrs bad been passed on them by some unknown party, •two poKoe were at once put on tne look. The Water Tower will Soon Be Com- . pietod. Grlffln, May 23.—(Special.)—The iwork on the water tower for Griffin’s waterworks Is now progressing rapidly, after having been a bone of contention for a long while. Tho contractors have a gang of experienced workmen en gaged on it and the city hns nn expert engineer to Inspect every foot of ma terial that goes Into the atructuro. Just when It will bo completed can not be said as yet, but when the plans are fully carried out Griffin will have a water service second to none In the state. Today Conductor Charles E. dears of the E. T., V. and G. Is In the city mingling (With his friends after a long absence Ho was horn and reared here and no one has more firenda than this same genial Charlie Sears, who has risen by degrees to the position he now occupies. As a roof of the fa«t that during the years that have elapsed since he left, as he walked down tho street almost every one gave him a cordial hand shake and expressed re grot that he c«uld only spend one day with them. But as ever with him. It was business before pleasure and he returned to duty tonight. Mr. J. J. Elder, who Is a prominent merchant of this city and a large farmer also, was In tho city yeater- day and roporta that crop* are looking well In spite of the cold weather. Mr. Elder’s wealth has not been good dur ing the past few days, hut his innate energy keeps everything moving around him. Miss Minnie Mothvln, a lovely and hhf.ily acoonvpllahed young lady of Atlanta, Is visiting Miss Nall Dlsmuke In this city. Mias Methvln. has visited here before and hss always been the recipient of marked attention. The amusement loving people of Grif fin are going nightly to the 'Olympia Theatre to attend the performance ot HlUyerr’a Grand Gift Carnival. Tho gifts, while very good, are the lriast feature of the entertainment, for the mind reading of Mine Nora Belmonte is equal to that of the famous Bishop and the spiritualistic manifestations of Mrs. O. Hlllyer are supply lnar- velouvand are something new. niWHAB NivWB. TennSUe. May a. -(Special.)- Ml Maggie WhSteb-sd of Social Orel*, oos at the moat charming and oeeuuitin young tames in the scene, returned home today from a very pleasant visit. Miss Aimn. Mitchell, one of Wesleyan College's most popular atW beautttul young ladle*, returned home today rrom a plea van* v1«U in ber brother, srr. “ Leonard MeteheU of TenMbe. Miss Ju»i Sparks of Macon raturnea home today from a month's visit at tne home of Mies Sallls Smith of our city. Miss Mamie Hyman, one of "Pennine's most gracious and graoeful young ladlea leaves today for Gibson <o visit ner friend, Mies Hawkins. Mr. n. Leonard Mitchell one of .Ma con’* most popular young business men. returned home today after molting our town Ms headquarters for hits insurant's company seiverel week®. Com* ogam, Leonora, we’re always glad to welcome you. M4u Mamie Harman, one of Georgia's most brilliant and accomplished young indie*, will Vler. Macon and north Geor gia soon, visiting friends and relative*. Messrs. Peyton Andaman and Walter Henderson will visit Mr. J. M. Jenkins of our town next Sunday. W* are glad to lnva the Macon hoy* visit our city. Straws. Lawson Pritchard, Horry Ba- SMnskl and ooveral more of our ooy* are down on «i* WrigtitsvlBo ami Pen nine road on a maroon this week nsmng. DONT TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE YOUn (LIFE AWAY. Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the hamdesa guar. nnt, — l tobacco litiblir cure tluu brace* up ntcotfnlzed nerve*, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or flmuwtal risk, aa No-To- Bac l« sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantiee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, New York or Chi cago. ALBANY NOTBU. Albany, May S3.—(8pet*ri,)—Yesterday afternoon at about 2:30 o’clock Willie Chastain, the 18-year-old son of Mr. A. H. Chastain, had a very serious accident. For some time he hss been in she sasn and door department of the Cruger * Pace Variety Work*, and While engaged In Me duties yesterday he nod came to use tho Jointing machine, when hi* nana cam* loo close to 'the kcAfe and it cut an the Angers from hie left hand. He w*g carried to Dr. W. A. Btrothor'* ontco his woundswere promptly dressed and at last xocounU he a-as m«Ung very easy. His many friends hope he will soon os about, but are eorry to learn of Ms mis fortune. Mrs. Z. T. Mayo vra* to give a picnic to her boarder* at Bawls’ pond today. The Episcopalian Bunliuy school ncxi their annual plonks ait the creek yester day. A good crowd was Ih attendance and report a merry time. Mr. J. 9. Dawt* arid Judge W. T. Jones, who lwrve been on a camp Ash at Grave*' tnlH eevt Into the city yesterday a rone Ash'ahat tlbpod the beam at a pounds. Mr. E. It. West wo* wearing a huge smile yesterday on account of the ar rived of a guest at his hous*. it woa a young man and Ira* come to stay. He walghed too potmde. A TRUE HERO I* the Individual who smiles with ap parent Cheerfulneen during an attack of rheumatism. "It such there he" we never met him or her. Art agonized grin la the nearest approach to oheer- ruincm of aspect we ever beheld under vuth dircumstjinoo*. But when Hos tetler's Stomach BWera has repelled— at It certainly will—the earlier attacks of this formidable disease, the quon dam sufferer has good reason not alorm to smite, but to give vent to hearty guffaws Interspersed with frequent chuokle*. To the removal of dynpepate. malarial and kidney complaints, con stipation and disorder of tho liver, the Bitters 5s stwctally adapted. If renew* falling strength and appetite, and coun teract* the Infirmities of age. When debilitating maladies an? succeeded by tardy convalescence with a danger of a relapse. It accelerator a gain In vigor and flesh and 'terak to re-establish health on a lasting basis. Give It a suitable trial. COME AND LOOK. I am receiving now Shoes every week, and will say to my old friends, customers and tho public that I can make it to their interest to look at my goods before buying. Tho newest styles and best makes at the lowest prices. T. J. HUNT, Agent. 362 Second Street. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla. STEM WINDERS! Better Light Than Gras -it a Cost ol One Cent lor Ten Honrs' Light Saving in Oil and Chimneys Will Soon Pay For a Lamp. TRY - IT - AND - BE - CONVINCED. On exhibition and for sale by J.W.DOMINGOES, ESI MULBERRY STREET. MACON, GA. Headquarters for Crockery, China, Glassware, Housekeeper’s Novelties, Belding Refrigerators,, Ice Cream Freezers, Oil Stoves, Bird Cages, Natural Stone Filters for Drinking Water, etc. Call and See My Stock, or Write for Figures. A QUESTION OF GREAT INTEREST TO YOU. That is the Shoe question! which involves many points beyond the mere looks. Perfection of fit, durability and good workmrnship arc essential in their inake-up. Count us in it when it comes to the test. THE MISFORTUNE With soma people I* tEey never look around to see If they can better them selves. To this class we extend a special Invitation to examine our goods and S ices and compare them with others, and wo will convince you that you ve been paying too high prices for your footwear. We Shine FREE the Shoes of Our Customers. , ROCHESTER SHOE C0„ S13 Cherry St BLACK, RED, YELLOW. WHITE shoes: COME AND SEE US. MIX & EVERETT CO.. ESTABLISHED 1840. 107 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga.