The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, June 15, 1895, Image 8

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8 THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE IS, 189S MICHIGAN'S BENEFACTOR- AH OFT REPEATED STORY OF TRUE PHILANTHROPY. WkU Clu- H. Kukkr Km D«u Star WmUHi 9mm d JtmpUU, Mich., JWntaf iViM.) TIm BMt Uwatiftl not is all tki* «Uy is lnMponUr MwoUtid witfa Uti bum of HuUtr. Cba. H. Hukicj bu been fai tka lumber basiaeas kero oontiansavlv tluc* JSM and in that time has ti&M»a a fortano which elves him a rating among the wealthy xoea of tho natiou. Bat with wealth there did aotoonae that tightening of the puree •triage which la generally a marked eaarao* terieUo of wealthy men. It ie no wonder then that the name of Charles II. Kaekley ie known at home and abroad. Hie muiufloenoe to kiuekegon alone represents an outlay of nearly half a million. For the past twenty years ho liao bean a couatan! sufferer from neuralgia end rbeu- lnatism, also numbness of the lower limb*, oo much eo that it has seriously interfered with hispleasure in life. For some time past hie friend* hare noticed that he ha* (wemed to grow young again and to bare reoorered tl*« health which he bad in youth. To a reporter for the Preaa Mr. Ifacklcy explained tha secret of this trauefonnation. " l hart suffered for or* 20 years/’ he Mid "with pains in my lower limb* so sever*!/ that the only relief I could get at night was by putting cold water compresses on my limbs. I was bothered more at night than in tha dar time. Tbenenralgie and rheti* isatic pains iu my tnnbe, which had b«eu growing in Intensity for years, dually be* came chronic. 1 made three trips to the Hot Springs with only partial relief and then fell back to my original state. I couldn’t ait still and my sufferings began to make life look v»ry blue. Two years ego last September 1 noticed an account of Dir. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People and what they had done for others, and some eases so nearly resembled mine that I was interested, so I wrote to nne who had given a testimonial, an eminent profetwor of muslo in Canada. The irrly I received waa even stronger than the printed testimonial and It gave ms faith in the medicine. “ I began taking ths pills and found them to be all that the professot bad told me they would be. It was two or three months be* fore I experienced any peroeptlble better* sntot of my condition. Mr disease was of such long standing that 1 did not expect speedt recovery aud was thankful even to be relieved, i progressed rapidly, however, toward* recovery and for the last six months have felt myself a perfectly well man. I have recommended the pills to many people •ad am only too glad to aeiist others to health through the medium of this wonder* fill medicine. 2 cannot say too much for what It ha* don- for uif.” Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all tha alemeut* necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shuttered atree*. They are for sale by all druggist*, or mar be had by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y, # fog Wo. per box, or aix boxes for $2.50. R. F. SMITH, BOLE : PROPRIETOR, Almost Opposite Postoffice. White china platca 30c, 40c, 60c, 80c tnrt 76c act. White china cup platca !6o for 0. Fine ilccomtcd china cups anil MU' sera 10c, 12c, 13c, 16c, and 26o each. CIiIM'h line chirm cii|i. mincer amt plate, K"l'l »ti|'plc'l, 2cc for pair. Fine lino decorated china platca 10c and 12o. Fancy print, aaaorted decorations, tic. Fine line tumblera and gobleta. Sc nml 10c counter*. Glow night lamps. Fine line photoKraph album*. Fine decorated lampa. R. F. SMITH, Proprietor. FRENCH and SPANISH. Special rate* of $5.00 per month for the Summer. , . ME BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LAH8UAQES 166 Cotton avenue. Stay bottle or "W this great effervescent 'temperance beverage is sparkling,babbling fountain of health—a source of plea* sale, the means of making you feel betternnd do better. You make it yourself right at home. Get tlic genuine. ftitilMioettbet »®*uta. »> OUS. X. MIXES «*.. rUMetpUe. % Who would auppoaa a flnt-r lass pair of shoes for men could bo bought for 92.60? - ~ • •** f Yet here la tho bargain f Lewis' una Calf fihoea aro wonderful sellers bocauso of real merit. >»- -» Where U tho merit ? T Right hero— solid leather, eluant stylo, Goodyear sewed, artbtio \>»'rkmauahlp. Every pair baa Lewis' Cork Filled Sole, which renders them ixnperriootto wet and cold. High grade in everything save—price, Thai'* cheap. Talk with, your dealer who sella these 41 aellera.** DIXIE SHOE CO, Macon. Gw. CAtfkr drr'. » -#luk INmniI BratU. ENNYRGYAL PILLS i fcv'(V.6.m», rv...t /.« - a-~.u UJM .aB oawi (H vtly. iVtn loojww* l , _ GOINGS-ON IN GRIFFIN. Tha Programme for Governor's Day Has Been Arranged and tha Parade WILL BE A BRILLIANT ARRAY. Social lt.wi la Co.aHtloa With tho Clap—ton. Sot.. Shout Some of tho Individual M.mhort at Camp North.n. Griffin, June 14.—(Special.)—Lieut. Morriii Cohn received a tele-' if ram from Sandersvllle yesterday momlnpr stating that his cousin, Mrs. J. B. Hymen, had died. To the regret of all he left at once for home and Camp Northern In Ite entirety, sympa thizes with him In his grief. He Is one of the beet officers In camps, and It'was doubly unfortunate as Capt Tyson was officer of the day and he was In command. The Griffin Rifles are having their fair under the most auspicious circum stances. One of the chief attractions Is tho flower and colonial booth, which Is presided over by Mrs. J. M. Brawncr, Mrs. Julia Pritchard, Mrs. Thomas Nall and Mrs. Aaron Jason Burr, ths charming wife of the cap tain. Sergt. Msrkwalter of the Irwin Guards, is tho dudo of the Blxth regi ment, as he goes to the city with tan shoes, a white vest, a sweet smile, no buttons on tho entire uniform. Private Wynne of the Irwin Gtfards, made the entire camp sick by making tho score of 17 on the rifle range with his eyes closed from the night before. Private “Jinks" Bornwcll, alias 'Rube Burrowe," In speaking of the lire at Washington, walked up to one of the officers yesterday and asked, In all seriousness, ">fr> you r&kon we can tell Washington from Helena when wo start home?" Private B. P. Glenn of the Irwin Guards, Is orderly to Col. W. E. Jones today. Uaj. Bonner of the Oglethrope In fantry, has taken an added honor by the way that he handles an honorary organization known as the “Old Bri gade.” His officers are “Oscar • Pep- drama, “Tries.” The reserve seat sale will be one of the largest on record every one recognizes the fact that there will be talent that cannot be surpassed. Sirs. W. E. Jones of Waynesboro, will arrive In the city tomorrow -ir: 1 will be entertained by friends and at Camp Northern HE WAS INSANE. Amcricus, June 14.—(Special.)—Cer tain dispatches from this city relative to the death of the late chief of police, John B. Lamar, Intimated that he was Induced to take hie own life by financial embarrassment. This view is not warrsntsd by ths facts, as his financial embarrassment was too tri vial, too insignificant, to justify such a conclusion. It Is bcltved, and with good reasons for the belief, by his friends In this city that the act was committed while he was under the In fluence of mental aberration, and that some time previous to his death, his mental condition was unsound His character as a man, his normal temperament, was too well known to justify tho thought that he would commit self-destruction If he bad been in a sane condition of mind. SOUTHERN IRON And All Other Products of the South Are on a Boom. Baltimore, June 14—Special reports to the Manufacturers' Record show that the advance of 31 a ton In pig Iron during the last few weeks will likely be followed by another advance os soon as Southern furnaces are prepared to take orders, most of the furnaces already having orders for some months ahead. The Pennsylvanlt people who cently purchased three furnaces at Sheffield, Ala., and 70,000 acres of min eral lands have have organized a com pany with 31,600,000 capital, the offi cers of which will be men long Identi fied with the Bethlehem Iron Company of Bethlehem, Pa. These furnaces will be put In blast Immediately. Arrangements are being completed for starting up a furnace at Johnson City, Tenn., and negotiations are pend ing for blowing in one at Embreevllle, Tenn. The activity in Iron matters does not lessen the activity In cotton mill Inter ests. During the week a cotton mill company has been organized at Rock HI), S. C„ with a capital stock of 3200,000; a 3160,000 company has been organized at Goldsboro, N. C.; a 376,000 company at Wagner, S. C.: an addition of 4,000 spindles to a Golds boro mill and a new knitting mill at Durham, N. C.; a 3400,000 cotton seed The U. S. Government Tests Show the Absolute Superiority o! Royal Baking Powder. (Data from the latest Official U S. Government Re fort on Baking Powders, Department of Agriculture, Bulletin ej,fage jpp.) 77)0YAL, is placed first of the cream of tartar powders; actual strength, 160.6 cubic inches of leavening gas per ounce of powder. Every other powder tested exhibited a much lower strength than the Royal, the average being 33 per cent. less. j . Every other powder likewise showed the presence of alum or sulphuric acid. The claim that this report shows anjr other powder of superior strength or purity has been denounced as a falsehood by the Government officers who made the tests. 3 ROYAL BAKINS POWDIR 00.,'tM WALL ST., NSW-YORK. ft M UN YON’S HOMoeoaA-Hu. REMEDIES MUNYON’S JZbeamatfora Care never fails to relieve Ju three hours and care la threo days. MUNYON’S Dyspepsia Cure is guar* an teed to correct constipation and cure all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble. MUNYON'S Catarrh Care soothes and heals the afflicted parts and restores them to health. No failure; a dure guaranteed. MUNYON'S Kidney Cure upeedily cures pains in the back, loins or groina and all forms of kidney disease. MUNYON’S NcrvcCuro cures nervous* Dess and builds up the system. MUNYON’S Vitalizer imports new life, restores lost powers to weak aud debilita ted men. a Price $1.00. • No matter what the disease is or how many doctors have failed to cure you, ask S our druggist tor a 25-cent vial of one of lunyon’s Cures, and if you are n filed your monev will bo refunded, • On the steering head of every Col umbia bicycle of this year's make that norae-plato appears. It is unique, handsome, and indicates much—satisfaction and highest en joyment to the rider. No other bicycle has ever equal led a Columbia. No other bicycle ever shall equal a Columbia. The greatest bicycle factory in the world says so. New Pricef)Q HARTFORDS, next best, 380 360. # $50 for boys' and girls' sizes. POPE MVQ. CO. Hartford, Conn. BOWTOJf, CHICAGO, HEW XOEX. BAIT XBAHCIBOO, PBOTDEMCE, BUTJrjAO. An Art Catalogue of these famous wheel* at any Columbia Agency, or will be mailed for two a*ccnt sumps* S. S. PABMALEE, Agent for the Columbia and Hartford Bicycles. Macon, Ga. ThU Famous Remedy cure* quickly end per* manontly all nervous disestss. such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Headaohe,. wake-i fnlneis, I*««t Vitality, nightly emission*, evil dream*, Itupotener and wasting dl*ca**s caused by youthful error* or xre«w«. . Contain* no Lf lutes. I* a nerve tonic und blood ball**- :ikc* the pale ami pnnt strong and plump. KrHH [rrted in rest pocket, ill per box; « for IMS. By ...all prepaid wan a written aunrantee to cumm money refunded. Write u* for -Vee u»«*«l ■ book, sent «ealed In plain wrapjwr. which con tains testimonials and fluanclal references. No charge for con*nltntlona. Btwbre of tmifa* /low*. Sold byour adrertlsed agents, or address NKKVSNKRl) <70., Masonic Temple.Chlcnffo. Bold In Macon by H. J. Lamar & Sons, 662 Cherry street, and at W. T. Mor gan’s two stores. per.' adjutant; Sergt. "Trilby;" Sur geon "Gauao." They only drill In the 'wee sma' hours." The Oglethrope Infantry. Co. D., of the Sixth Georgia regiment, Is one of the beat equipped In camp and has n crowd of young men that are full of fun and frolic and at the same time pay the strictest attention to details of the services. They hnve been pub licly complimented by Lieut. Oscar J, Brown on their proflclency In tho field movements ss well as the manual. Regimental Commissary George H Howard, of the Sixth regiment, says that he Is going to sue the Constitution for putting tn his picture and leaving the spider oft of his head, ns the flies hnve been worrying him slnco. The only consolation Is that they take John Roberta for him. Capt. I,nu!a H. Kenan, assistant quartermaster Georgia Volunteers, Is ono of the hardest worked men In camps, and one of the most popular for there Is no detail that he leaves undone and he Is a thorough dtaclpll- nnrlan. Maj. W. A. Wilkins of Waynesboro, will arrive here tomorrow and will be the distinguished guest of honor dur ing his stay at Camp Northen. SOCIAL NOTES. Miss Mary Wimberly, a lovely young lady of Macon ,1a In Griffin during the encampment as the guest of Miss Mary Brown. Miss Susie Caldwell of Reeks, will also visit Miss ltrown. Col. Frank E. Calloway of the gov ernor's staff, will be In the review of the troops tomorrow, and while here he will, be the guest of Capt. J. H. Smith, who will entertain him ele gantly. Miss Arlle Murphey of BornesvtUe, and Miss Eunice Reid of Cedartown. nre visiting Mrs. W. B. Mathews dur ing the encampment. Miss Maud Smith of Burnesvllle, It the city, the guest of Mrs. Milton W. Smith. Miss Annie Speer, a beautiful and ac complished young lady Is In the city, the guest of Mrs. Aaron Jason Burr, and will be the recipient of many dis tinguished courts. Masters John P. and W. T. Atkinson, Jr., the bright young sons at the gov ernor. will arrive in the city tomor- and be the guests of Masters Scott and Render Anthony, at Dr. E. Anthony's. Mrs. C. W. Leonard of Macon, who remembered better In Griffin as the lovely Miss Eunice Burr, te In the city the guest of Mrs. Aaron J. Burr. The Gem City German Club gave a complimentary gsrman tonight to the ilttng young ladies and the military, is a small affair and was led by Mr. U. Flemlster. Tomorrow night the Griffin Dramatic 'lub wilt pack the Olympic theatre ih a crowd to wttneee the comely oil company In New Orlcahs, and a twenty-ton oil mill In Alabamx Among other enterprises reported for tho week were 310,00C fertilizer works In Alabama:'eloctrlc light plant In Mississippi; 3600,000 gold mining company and a 100-barel flour mill In North Carolina; 320.000 electric compa ny In Georgia; a 325,000 fertilizer com pany and electric light plant In South Carolina; a 320,000 beet sugar factory Is reported as likely to be built In Texas. In the same state a 320,000 brick company has been organized. In Ma ryland 36,000 brick and tile workB, electric plant, contracts let for 37,000 tinware factory and a thlrty- barel flour mill. In Tennessee tin pewter works; 360,000 tnnery and coal mining operations. Lumber plants. Ice factories, canneries, etc., have been organised tn other states. SUN S COTTdN REVIEW. New York, June 14.—The Sun’s Cot ton Review tomorrow will ssy: Cotton fell 6 to 7 points, but recov ered 3 to 4 points of this, and then again receded and dosed quiet, at a net decline of 6 to 6 points of the day. with sales of 131,600 bales. New Orleans declined 6 to 7 points, recov ered all this but one 1 point, weak ened again, and at the close was 2 to 4 points lower than last night. Liv erpool declined l-16d. on the spot, with sales of 8,000 bales; futures dropped 3H to 8 points, closing quiet. South ern spot markets were generally quiet and unchanged. Manchester was dulL Port receipts were 1.058. Spot prices here were weak, but without quotable change. A New Orleans operator of fered to wager 31.000 that the new crop will not reach 7.600,000 bales, and It was accepted. The Moonsoon In In dia Is reported to have broken safely. This Is considered to be a bull point on East India business Interests gen erally. Today's Features—Early In the day there was a decline, owing mainly to lower prices In Liverpool and unfavora ble dispatches from Manchester, to say nothing of more or less local and Southern liquidation. Later on, how ever, prices rattled on account of ratns in Missouri. Alabama, South Carolina and,Ueorg!a. some private re ports of renewed rains In Texas and some buying by room operators, and also for Watt street account. But, sub sequently the tone became weaker, due to liberal selling for English and con tinental advices, os well as some furth er tocol liquidations. The private ad- h from Liverpool were to the effect that some bulls were selling, the trade demand was small and the prices might go a little lower before taking upward turn again. Europe sold foil and winter m j.Ui- here. All things considered, the market here | took the cotton very well Indeed. Big C , . l linn JHHMOUCitJfl lrremedy for Oonorrlia»ft,X, v\VltU*«, 8psrtnatorrhu>a,l 7' *! • v. mmutunil .li-cti.'irRt-sl or any lnilaimnatlou, irma*_ jtlon or altier&Uon of mucous ■membranes. Non-astringent • ■ and guaranteed not to stricture. MOLD »Y DBDtiUlSTN or sent In plain \rrapp*r,,by ■express, prepaid, on receipt of . 00, or S bottle* for $2.75. ■ “VOlrcuUr sent on rcqntat.H Kaaufartared bjr (' ^nelTansratmicalCo. . CINCINNATI,O. , 11.8. A SPECULATION. HAMMOND & OO., STOCK AND BOP BROKERS, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CiTY, N.Y. Stocks, Ronds and Grain Bongnt and Sold, or Carried on Margin. P. S. --Send for explanatory circular on speculations; also weekly market letter. (Free.) EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. QA. H. J. Lamar. . 0«o. B Turpin. President. Vice President J. W. Caban las. Cashier. We solicit the buslnee, or merchant, planters and banks, offering them court*, sy, promptness, safety and llberalliiy The largest capital and aurplua of any henk Ip middle Georgia. mu savings BANmmisr u MACON. GA. H. J. Lamar, President; Geo. B, Turpin Vic* President; J. W. G&b&nlss, Cashier* XX M. Nelllffan, Accountant. CAlTAIt 5200.000. SURPLUS. 530.000l Interest paid 9a deposits 5 per cent. p« r annum. Economy 1* the road to wealth. Deposit your jaavlng* and they’ will be increased by interest. Compounded semi* annually. MACON - SAVINGS BANK IN Mulberry Street, XI aeon, a a. Capital and surplus $150,000 Pay. 6 per cent, on deposits of It and upwaltL Real estate loans on the month, ly Installment plan, and loan, on good ■eourlties at low rates. Legal depository for trust funds. Will act as admlnljtri tor. executor, guardian, receiver and true, tee. H. T. rOWELL. President H. U. CUTTER. Vice President J. W. CANNON CaohSer Paints, Oils, Glass, SASH, DOORS, ETC. Largest stock of Builders’ Hardware in the city. Get thfl best and cheapest at T.C. BURKE’S. O* P. & B. EWILLINGHAM CO. MACON, GA. m 00083, 1DMBEB, MOULDING^ PAINT* IM M EMEU AT LOWEST MAEEET PRICES. ? Escorted Vacation Excursion to Europe, Organized and Accompanied by MISS WILLIE M. ALLEN, of Birmingham, Ala, Sailing by Anchor Line Steamship CIRCASSIA, June 22, 1895. From Now York, vtsiting Glasgow, Edinburgh. Melrcea, Abbotsford, Strat ford-on-Avon. Warwick Castle, Kenil worth Castle. London. Baris. Versailles, with extensions for seven or fourteen days’ rest In London or Edinburgh aud supplementary side trips to Belgium, Germany. Switzerland, the Italian lakes and Italy. Inclusive fares freer 3180 to 3400, sit necessary expenses Included. Full do.’ scrlptlve illustrated programme ready. Apply to Miss Willie 31. Allen, No. 2122 Avenue L Birmingham, Ala., or Henry Gaze & Sons, Ltd., No. Ill Broadway. New York; No. 204 Clark, street Chicago, and all branch offices. -OF- OF MACON, WHOLESALE * AND : RETAIL msuranca. Drugs. Ticket Agency. Tailor Shoes. Bottling Works. Steam Laundry. Job Printing. Photographer. Dentist. Real Estate. Manufacturers' Agent. Hotels. Furniture. Groceries. Music House, Liquors. Wholesale Dry Good* i For advertising rates in this column address the business office. ^ GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS. ) J td ^ Importer and Dealer In Granite and Marble Monument*. Estimates • 1 • JuOlJuP. made on Building* In olther Marble or Granite. Iron Railing a V“ specialty. Prices to suit the times. Write or call. 463 Second street. OaamhaIaa fflUJg.*. (Successors toGeOeW. Case). Designers opd Builders I iPOCJjQkP OC UL/ijILL otMonuments of Foreign and American Marble* ^ , . and Granite*. Fine Carving a specialty. Estimates on all kinds of Marble and Granite work. Agents for Iron Fencing, write or call for designs and prices. Office and works 462, 464.406 Plum street. wholesale: grocers. Wholesale Groo*rs. Grain and Provision S. R. Jaqu@s&Tinsley Co., A. B. Small, Wholesale Grocer. Bills to suit your purse. Provisions, corn, oate. hay. cotton seed meal ana hulls, tobaooo*, cigars, guano and anything else you want. Manufacturers. G O J O fl)- MsnutrLoturers.nd Posters in Hnroeej. Sedaiery. Le»thee riSpfjQ of wf),. aud Sho. Finding*, a, Bernd Patent Rope Ets Sn.p. Vf v 'l <ao. US. 464 and 466 Cherry street, IMPORT ECUS AND WHeLEIUE DKtUOOISTg. K I P. Ialunt'o Compound Maid Extract of Buchn and . .J, JjtQfDQP Ot )OnS. dumper, the great dluretlo modlolue. stlmu. * O* . v . J> IMO. the sppetlt., relieve, nausea and Colli lence, incroaaea the flow of urine, hence la rooommended for gastric debility, dyspepsia coll£ dropsy and diabetes, Especially recommended In gravel and chronic rheumatism. A specific for all troubles resulting from diseases ot tho urinary organs, such as pain In the back and sides. sleeplessness, nervousness, eta r. (Johen % go WHOLESALE LiqVORS. ?*. **• Manager, 4« Cherry etreefc Wholesale Liquors. Cigars and Tobacco Distillers Kennesaw 9 Mountain Corn Whiskey, " furniture: and carpets. AH kinds of Furniture, Carpets, etc CDoocUPeotiy go. Prices ln'touc^irtSTtlSfiSlS we «SfSen5r»ftK5 PRODUCE, FRUIT AND FISH. 0 * nL Ptlllcn. to* *nd Shipper of Fruit* Produo* Freeh Fish and * \» * ^ > Oysters* 8D Fourth street . * A. dlse. 422 Second PIANOS, organs and music. Successors to J. W. Burke k Oo.'a Muslo Store. Dealers in Planoa. *9 Organs and Musical Merchant Guttenbepqep & Go end btreot, Agents lor tCo celobratod Bobma Pianos. Smith & Watson, JON PRINTING. Printers. Printing in all Its tranche*. Story description ot fine Commercial work, 663 Cherry Street. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS. S. S. Parmelee, Dealer In Carriages. Buggies and Wagons, Bicycle* Children's Carriages, Harness, Leather, Eta Corner Second and Poplar Streets, MACHINERY. __ 0 Dealers In Engines. Boilers. Bam Mills, fflauary Bros. & Co., gggift^rss^Bflsfiayjsj BOOKS AND STATIONERY. W D..o«Lyv Job Printers, Dealers In School, Blank and KlirKP LOmnanV. Miscellaneous Books, Bchool and Ofllco Sup. ■ nJWI IW v«UllipailJ j plies. Paper. Envelopes, Paper Bags aadTwlna Tube Paints, Brushes and a Artists* burplie* Ala. ^-l. On, COTTON FACTOR. Galder B. Willingham, we do a prudent buslnee*. and have inoney to loan to Farmers at 8 per cent, per annum. We want new business from Planters of anoueel tinned solvency and are prepared to take care of our old friends. Ship mo your Cotton and gei the beet returns. My reference: My record In the Cotton trade of Macon for twenty yearn. If ^ l* Photographer and Artist, Triangular Block. Special offer: One dozen superfine 1 Pfl I Cabin*! Photographs and ono Ufo-sizo Portrait thereof all and only for ti.00. AACAl Ulj Successor toC. a Holt, Everything in my line, from a locket photograph to largest else portraits, eta* In firat-clsss style at moderate prices. Tour patronage solicited. K FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MACON, GA. CAPITALiSURPLUS, 5250,000 Prompt, Liberal, Safe, R. H. PLANT, . GEO. H. PLANT, President Vice-Presidont W. W. WRIGLEY, Cashier. I, C. PLANT’S SON, BANKER, Macau, Ga* - Established 1868 Banking in all its branches. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. ’ft e handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London for all European points.