The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 01, 1895, Image 1

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_ — -—■— MACON, GA., SUN DAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1,1895 a.\i.u av.\vav. I zjM. JrJfzLJ-J. _z 9-X-J- -Z-Z I/- r I.w TvViW .U.\V|VY.YV . U. »• \ l • V4..W i\\a\ViV.WA^. rt.AV.’ ^omoppotD cue begin oup holiday Soles, and fpogi now until December 24 cue will haOe oup Oast store filled n9 aptigle of Aden's CDomen’s op Children’s attire.' Icool^ through oup store and note the stocks and prices, ire either with any one. CUe l^now where the trading will be done»*ppoOided you want to saOe money. CAPES AND CLOAKS. BLACK. SILKS. BLACK. EVERY GARMENT MARKED DOWN ONE-THIRD, SO COME EARLY TO GET THE BEST SELECTIONS. fj 130.00. ONLY BIX LEFT, GENUINE VELOUR CAPES RICHLY. tj TRIMMED WITH THIBET PUR; FIRST OF SEASON SOLD AT ME. fj 310.00—ASTRACIIAN AND BOUCLE WHAT'S A HANDSOMER PRESENT THAN A BLACK SILK DRESS. ’ 31.00 QUALITY REDUCED TO 75c A YARD. 31.25 ARMURES AND DUCHESS SILKS REDUCED TO 31.00 A YARD. 31.60 QUALITY OF NEWST BROCADES. GO AT 31.25. ' 49c A YARD-BROCADE TAFFETA. REDUCED FROM 75c, CAPE, SATIN LINED. EDGED WITH THIBET FUR ON ROLLING COLLAR AND FRONT TRIMMED WITH JET. FULLY WORTH 315.00. FROM 35.00 TO 312.00-LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTH 'AND BOUCLE CAPES, TRIMMED WITH BRAID AND FUR. CHILDREN'S REEFERS AND LONG CLOAKS 32.00 to 37.50. FROM 9 TO 11 A. M. TOMORROW, 29e THE YARD. 1# YARDS FOR 34.95, NO MORE TO ANY ONE PERSON. BLACK GROUND SURAH, SMALL FIGURE, IN ALL GOODS POSITIVELY NEVElJ OFFERED FOR LESS BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. 34.00 BUYS A FAIR OF 30.00 10-4 CALIFORNIA BLANKETS, RICH COLORED DESIGNS. 34.75—OUR REGULAR 37.50 11-4 CALIFORNIA BLAKET. AT 38.75-12-4 LAMB’S WOOL BLANKET, 312.00 GRADE. 39.00-SILK DOWN COMFORTS; MAKES A HANDSOME APPRECIATIVE PRESENT. 34.00—OUR 35.00 SATEEN DOWN COMFORT. 25c—A GOOD COTTON COMFORT. 75c—EXTRA-SIZE COTTON COMFORT, COLORS. THAN 75c A YARD. FEATHER BOAS. AND 31.00 BUYS A VERY FULL AND EXTRA-LONG FEATHER THEM. WILL YOU BE QUICK ENOUGH t ■ SPECIAL SALE TOMORROW 'AFTERNOON 2 TO 5. AT 65c—A PAIR OF 31.00 SMARCHON; 4-BUTTON KID GLOVES, COLORS BLACK BROWN, TA^3 AND WHITE. THE NEWEST—THOSE BUTTER-COLORED KID GLOVES, BLACK STITCH. ONLY 31.60. . . Evening gloves in all colors, CHILDREN’S KID AND WOOL GLOVES, 'ALL SIZES AND STYLES. 85c. PAIR. ' MEN’S KID GLOVES AND DOG SKIN FUR-TOP" GLOVES 31.00 TO 31.50 A PAIR. BOA, ONLY 25 OF GREAT UMBRELLA OFFERING. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. 350 SILK GLORIA UMBRELLAS, 31.00. THOSE MEN’S 8UIT8-37.50, 310.00, 31^.60, 316.00. THOSE CHILDREN’S AND YOUTHS’ BU1TS-32.60 TO iJON’T DELAY SELECTION. • GREAT BARGAIN AT 31.25. 400 SILK SERGE UMBRELLAS, 3116. WOULD* BE CHEAP AT 31.60, SHOES FOR HALF PRICE. FTRST-500 PAIRS MEN’S HAND-SEWED, BALS AND CONGRESS, PROM $2.00 TO $3.OO-WORTH DOUBLE THE PRICE. ,, v t <oND.—800 PAIRS LADIES’ BUTTON, ANY STYLE TOE, FOR $1.26 TO $2.00-WORTH FROM $2.00 TO $3.00. THIRD -ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED PAIRS CHILDREN’S SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY, FROM 76 CENTS UP. S' ROFF SIMS &. mmm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL <D 0 l*nei* and QflfrG01Q hgi)6, (Pfleon, aea^oia AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED LINE OF PHAETONS andbuggIES TJIEO W. ELLIS, 419 POPLAR ST. Between THIRD and FOURTH Streets. Elegant Traps—Light-running, tastefully trimmed and roomy. Light Buggies—Perfect in form, finish and style. Delivery Wagons—Very popular, carriage finish, three spring, drop end gate. Phaetons, Surrys, Farm Wagons and Harness. aarWrite for price list and description. A pleasure to show work. N THEO. W. ELLIS, 419 POPLAR ST. Between Third and Fourth Streets. Agents For OWENSBORO, KY., Wagons. MACHINERY. oooooooooueooooooooooooo a MALLARY BROS. & COMPANY o o Dealers In engines, boilers, raw o 0 mills. a o Bjxxlaities- Watertown Steam o o Engines. Saw Mills. Grist Mills, n o Cotton Gins. o b ai to 23 Cherry Street • WHOLESALE GROCERS. OOOOOOOOOOO 0000000000090 O 8. R. JAQUE8 o A AND TINSLEY CO. o o Office and Salesroom o o Cor. CHERRY and FOURTH 8ts. o c Wholesale Grocers, Grain and o o Provision Dealers. o OOOOOOOOOOO 00ooooooooooo rtkUUi'i KmdUk |Xmm4 Rnuttf. ENNYRQYAL PILLS Lsasas Sutra >w.mM«UAUQi T.k• YF « witnihi- ▼ **i wmI iilMi'lwi. >tDrsfti#i«. w m4I«. at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. We Arc Offering Extraordinary Inducements to Buyers of f! Race Saddles, Horse Boots and a General Line of Tu£f Goods. We manufacture everything in our line. We can and will sell for less than any other house in the South Call and see. GLBEM'D & CQ. ."SfieT 1 FOR CORONER. I respectfully announce myself ah a candidate for Coroner of Bibb county. Respectfully, J. IS. PEYTON, Company I, 61st Ga, Sigitacat. Ail persons holding claims against ihe city will please present same before December 1st. 1895. BRIDGES SMITH, Clerk. NOTICE. A meeting of the regular board of medical examiners for the state of Oeorgla will be held at the capltol In the city of Atlanta on Thursday, Dec. 6. This meeting in for the purpose df examining applicants to practice med icine In Georgia. All applicants must present their diplomas or other legal evidence of qualifications on making application. A. A. Smith. M. D . F. M. Ridley, Chairman. Secretary. 8EALED PROPOSALS Will bo received at the ofTlcu of the architect up to 12 o’clock in. on Wednesday, Dec. A, 1R35. for the erec tion of a store building on the site formerly occupied by the Coleman building on Third street, Ma con, Ga. The plans and specifications can be seen at my office and any In formation obtained in regard to tho work. The right accept or reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. £>. B. WOODRUFF, ‘ Architect.