The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 03, 1895, Image 8

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER B, 189F. limt IBB CHI SHORT. Hiscellaneons City Items So Condensed That He Who Rons Might Read. ILL THE HEWS 1H A HDTSHELL Jkportoriil PieklopFrom the Highways and Byways and Throughout tha City and Cousty-Fnagent Paragraph! Well Worth the Beading. WOOl. GLOVES Me and 75c. Miller (White. _____ OVERCOATS—Melton overcoat*, ex tra value (or $10, (12 and 515. The Dan- nenberg Co. CARRIAGES, wagon* and liuggica. fine styles ami price* before buying. Th«i. W. Kill*, 419 Poplar etreet. FOR BALE—Just arrived 100 head choice young broke Kentucky mule*. Call and «oe them. Bolivar H. Ray. Poplar direct. _____ ALL ot'R 510 overcoat* In medium weight* reduced to 55.50. The Danncn- berg Co. Do not miss the sale of centrally lo cated store property before the court tioueo alt It o'clock today. B. A. Wise, Real Estate Agent. FOR PICTURE FRAMES, new pic tures, new crepe paper. “Hurd's" sta tionery, engraving, toys, dolls, games, staple stationery and blank books, see McEvoy-Sanders Co. . . . 8. H. PARMELEE.—Carriage Re pository. I/>ok through our new stock of boys' wagons, baby tarclagcs. ve locipede* and tricycles. Also, see our elegant buggies and traps.. AH styles and prices low. IF you HAVE GOT plbs or hem* crrholds. send, with stamp, for Inform ation as to a certain cure to rilca Cure Co.. P. O. Bog 432, Macop, Ga. W. McKay, manager. Office .372 Second atreet. HOT SODA WATER, hot .chocolate and beef tea at the Bijou. Also a beau tiful line of Christmas tree decora tions and wedding cuke souvenir boxes. Jxiwney's World's Fair premium choc olate In one-pound boxes. DOUBLY ACQUITTED. — Thomas Fallen,lore was put on trial In the city court yeatenluy charged will, carrying concealed weapons: he was acquitted. Bio wsa next tried for assault und bat tery: he wits acquitted. COTILLION CLUB—An Important meeting of the Ladles’ Cotillion Club lias been called for Thursday morning at 10:50 o'clock at the residence of Col. Marshall j- Hatdhcr on Georgia ave nue. TOvery member'Is requested to be present- INTERESTING PROGRAMME. — There will be an Interesting meeting of she hterary society of the Synagogue this evening at ft o'clock, for which an Inlerestlng programme has been pre pared. All of the members are urged to be present. THE WEATHER—The root snap yes- 4erday caused a number of people to go to see Choir unde. It did not last leng. however, and by midnight It was almost as warm ah It had been for' the past few days. The weather la a flirtatious enqueue for which there Is no accounting. ■ KING'S DAUGHTERS.—Owing to some misunderstanding concerning the mettlng of the King's Daughters last Tuesday, a special meeting has been called for this morning at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. The president requests a full attendance at the meeting this morn ing. as business of Importance Is to he transacted. She also requests all members to bring their dues. A WASTE OF DOLLARS—It ts sim ply a waste of dollars to allow the magnificent truck and reel of the fire department to stand out 1n the weath er. These costly apparatus have been standing in the ntjoet park In front of the engine house for several weeks, exposed to rain and aun. und In a ahort while they will only be lit for the scrap pile—then, besides. It looks had to have them there. j AND THEY STILL COME—Judging from the number of paasengers to At lanta on the Southern train yesterday afternoon, tt appears that all of the IHople In eouthwesl Georgia have not seen the expoaltlon yet, although they have been pawing through at the rate of several hundred dally for the paat month or more. Other trotna may come UED1CAU One ThinA' Certain] There is no better cure | in existence forCramps, I Cholera Morbus and all I Summer Complaints, m than Pain-Killer. Good Mi for all pains, aches and Ml soreness, internal or ex- II teniaL One goM trial H will convince you that H painkiller' Kills Pain You can get it anywhere at 35c a bottle (double the former quantity). See that the bottle bears the name Perry Davis & Son* No other is genuine. In almost empty, but the Southeweetern run b* counte4 on for a full load every day. Thin train ttl*o continue*! to keep up He reputation a* the “pretty ipirl train/' us K never falls to have among ita par*enger» a whole batch of prize beauties. THREE MONTHS—George Ham was convicted of larceny yesterday In the city court, nn«l *©ut to the guns; for three month*. TWO YEARS.—Henry Johnson was arraigned in the superior court yeater- day charged with atealing from a rail road car. He pleaded guilty and got two year* in the penitentiary. POHTPONED.—The charge* sgainst J. J. Mercer. John HoIqk* and Ira Watt*, for gambling, were not answered yesterday in the city court because of the absence of an important witness for the state. The trial will be had later. TWELVE MONTHS.—John Simmons waa sent to the chaingang for twelve month* by Judge Hardeman in the aiipe* rior court yesterday. He had been ar raigned charged with larceny after trust, he wuh allowed to plead guilty to aim- pie larceny. He waa given a commu tation flue of |50. STOLE A HORAE.—Joe Brown waa sent to the penitentiary for four year* nit a result of hi* trial in the Hiiperior nrt yesterday, charged with atealing n horse from Mr. Murray Whittle. Brown i* a young negro, and four yearn waa the light(>Mt nentence the judge could ini|M>Kc. BOND FORFEITED.—Lee Kitchen* WUH under *100 Imiid to uppear before the city court yesterday and anawer the charge of triiuple larceny. He failed to e, nlid hi* twud waa declare*! forfeit ed. Mr. Ben L. Jones of East Mncoti In the bondrtninn. FOR WORKING.—John Coleman wa* arrested and brought to Macon yea* terduy by Deputy Marshal George White, charged with working in un illicit din- tlllcry in Monroe comity. United Minte* Commissioner L. M. Erwin I>oiiii<1 Cole man over in the sum of $i00. HOW ABOUT UNDERWEAR? See our $2 suit*. Miller White. STRUCK A POPUDAR CHORD. The Chrlrtmaa Half Dollar Club Fund Growing Rapidly. Macon might be a little bit in the rear of the band wagon in aomo thing*, but when H come* to charity—gold, old Simon-pure, openhearted charity, ahe lead* the entire procewdon by several length*—there is nothing stingy about Macon. No better illustration of Macon'* gen erosity could be had than the manner In which the people arc Joining tha Christmas Half Dollar Club—It has struck a popular chord ami the people are impending with a liberality that already warrant* the assertion that the poor of Macon will be more amply enred for than the poor of any other city In the United State*. Nobody will be hungry tin Macon Christmas, and this fact alone will make It the merriest, happiest and most appropri ate Christmas ever known. Every roan,''Woman and child In Ma con who can spare, one, two or a dozen or more half dollars should hand in their names for membership In the club. It Is the best plan yet for pro viding for the poor, and almost every body can spare a half dollar or more. The following Is 'the amount raised by the dub up to last night: Previously acknolwedged, 40: a phy sician. 10; Misses Annie and Lizzie Horne, 10; Col. C. Til. Wiley, 0; Hebrew Young Ladies' Aid Society, 4; Miss Jen nie and Louis Wilcox, 2;R. A. Nlsbet, I; Mrs. R. A. Nlabet. I; Henry Nlsbet, 1: I*. W. Grace. 2; D. R. Malone. 2; T. W. Frecuian. 2; George P. Clarke, 1; total. 03. Attend ladles' auction of millinery Wednesday rooming at Mrs. Mallory's. THE BALDWINS LAST NIGHT. A Good Performance Given by the Mys tify Ing White Mahatmas. Mr. Baldwin gave an entirely new programme last night Jo n rather small number of people, and nil of his trick* were fully explained ho that no ono could say thirl he claimed them to be the work of spirits. Ho did many very clever things, and nonplussed the com mittee selected to detect his sllght-of- hand performance. But «he showed the audience Just how easily they could be done, and doubtless many Macon boya- can do all of his tricks. But as to Mrs. Baldwin .there seemed to be no deception practiced In what she said and did. The most difficult testa of mlnd-rcadlng or clairvoyance were had and in every Instance she proved herself the mistress of this oc- cuk science. With her back to the audience, blindfolded and under a thick curtain, she read figures and names written on cards, sealed in envelopes. It waa a wonderful performance, and many skeptical persons were forced to admit there waa no trickery In It. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin deserve good houses wrttever they go, tor there la much amusement as w*ell as instruction in their performance*. THE SCHOOLS OPENED. Many of the Pupila Attended the Expo sition. The vacation granted the teachers and children of the public schools by the tuonrd of education ended yesterday morning. Many of the teachers and scholars attended the expoaltlon during vaca tion, but yesterday morning when the studies was renewed all were ready for hard study until the Christmas hoi Maya, when the next vacation will be had. The children, as a rule, appre ciate the action of the board in giv ing them an opportunity to see the ex position, and have already started out to show It by cfoser application to study. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Mis* Mamie Hodgkin* has returned from a several day*' rl*lt to the deposi tion. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Wilbur 8. Cherry, after several day*’ severe illness, I* considerably Improved. Mr. and Mr*. D. W. Rittenberry left this morning for the exposition, where they will remain several day*. MaJ. W. F. Shellman. traffic man ager, and Mr. J. C. Hatle. general pas senger agent of the Central, were at the Brown House yesterday. Mr. Jake Emanuel will chaperone a pleasant party to the expoaltlon to- morrow. Miss Mattie 1 Mia mi of Madison Is ris king Mr*. C. JL Turner In YlnevUle. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. R. C. WILDER'S SOUS CO., MACON, GA. Contractors and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. Lumber, rough and dressed, shingles. Laths, and dealers In mixed paints, lead, olla, lime, planter, cement and bulldera’ hardware. (14 TO 633 THIRD STREET. WE ARE GOING TO HELP The Old Man fill his bag. Warm Slippers for the Ladies. I-’elt Slippers for the Children. Boys’ Slippers, too. Gents’ Slippers, $1.00 to $2.60, fleece soles. And then he expects Shoes for some of his little friends. See our Zero Boots for the Babies. CLISBY & McKAY. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Schedule in Effect Nov. 24, ’95 No. 13 | No. 7 | No. 9 | No. "31 I Stations | No. 8 | No. 10 | No. 22 | No. 14 ! 1 : . I i i i i 1 -j j | 2 20 am| 4 45 pmi 8 45 am| 7 00 am!lv Mcon arill 30 am| 710 pm! 0 30 pmi 1 25 am 5 00 am{ 7 46 pm(ll 45 amj 0 35 am ar Atl'ta Iv[ 8 00 am| 4 10 pm| 7 00 pm{10 60 pm 5 10 amill 16 pm| 4 30 pm| jlv Atlnta ar| 6 40 am!l2 10 pm| 110 40 pm 7 20 amj 2 00 amj 6 45pm| |lv ’Rome ari 3 23 amj 9 57 pm] 8 30 pm 9 55 amj 4 45 amj 9 15 pm] !ar Chtga !v!12 10 ami 7 20 amj | 6 00 pm 7 35 pm| | 7 30 am| jar Cin'ati lv| 8 00 am| 9 15 pm| | 8 00 am 7 25 pm! |7 00am| |ar Lolsv 'lv| 7 55 amj 9 35 pmj j'7 55 am 111 15 pml 4 00 pm|12 00 m [Iv Atlnta ar| 6 20 am!l0 20 am! 3 55 pm| | 9 40 pm|ll 45 am| 6 42ar*iar Wa*hn !v|ll15am| 4 39 pm|10 43 pm| jl! 25 pmf 1 20 pm| 8 05 nmfar Balfo lvj 9 42 ami 3 15 pml 9 20 pmj | 3 00 am[ 3 47 pmjlO 25 amjar Phllad lvj 7 20 amj 112 pmj 6 55 pmj | 6 20am| 8 23 pmjl2 53pm!ar NewY lvjl2 15 amjll 00 amj 4 30 pmj No. 8. |No. 10. |No. 14. | -I- No. 9. | No. 7. |No. 13. | 11130 am! 7 30 pm| 130am|lv Mac'n ar| S 25 ami 4 40 pm| 215 am) | 6 03 pmjl2 30 amj 5 41 amlar Jesup lvj 3 23 am!10 45 am!10 10 pmj | 6 55 pm! |6 15am!ar Eyret lvj |10 00 am! 9 35 pm| JrflOpmj | 7J5an>! ar Brnsk lvj j 9 00 amj 8 25 pmj I 9 35 pm I* 7 45 amj 8 20 am ar Jaxnvl lvjll 00 pm| 7 30am| 7 00pmi No*. 9 and 10 carry through Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Clnnati. \ No*. 13 and 14 carry through Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Kansas City, Jacksonville and St. Louis, Jacksonville and Cincinnati and Atlanta and Brunswick. Through Pullman cars on all above trains between Atlanta and New York. W. H. GREEN, Gen. Supt., W. A. TURK. Q. P. A.. DEVRIES DAVIS. Tkt. Agt.. Macon. J. M. CULP. Traf. Man. S. H. HARDWICK. Asst. Gen. P. A. E. B. WELLS, T. P. A., Macon, Ga. PRAISE FOR BIBB S ROADS. The Best lu tVo Country, So Travelers Say. It lins been conceded for n Ions time Hint Bibb county lias tin* be*t country roads of nny county in Georgia, but It is nol generally known that immigrant* who travel ovor land all the way from lnrliauu say Bibb's rends are the best on the route. An Indiana immigrant passed here yesterday on hi* way to Fitzgerald. He met Chairman Davis of the board of commissioners, and stated positivity that he had found no better roads in {ill his long journey, and none to equal those in this county, except nu occasional turn pike. The two Michigan bicyclists who were in Macon u few days ago also t«n»k occa sion 4o say Hint the roads of Bibb were the host they hnd found anywhere ex- •pt, perhaps, in a few sections of Ken tucky. MRS. NOBLES IS COLD. The Condemned Woman Says Her Chil dren Will Not Bring Her Clothes. Some time ngo the Telegraph published nu interview with Mrs. Nobles, the con demned murderess in Bibb’s jnU, In which she complained of not having suf ficient clothes to keep her warm. She told the reporter that she had an abun dance of clothes nt her home in Twiggs county, but that her children would not bring them to her. Yesterday some Indies visited the jail and were moved to pity when they saw how thinly clad the old woman is. They called nt the Telegraph office immedi ately afterward ami asked for nn appeal to the public to send the old woman some clothe*. The condemned woman tpendaher time sitting on a cot in the corner of the cell, hugging a blanket around her shoulder* with both arm*, and feeding on the regu lation snuff-dipper * stick toothbrush. IT WA8 A MISTAKE. How the State’s Witnesses Helped the Defendant. In the city court yeatonlay Will Smith wa* tried for carrying concealed wrap- ©u*. The prosecutor swore to suit the state's case, as 1* usual, but lawyers, court and audience were surprised when every witness put up by the prosecution swore that so fnr as they knew Smith never did own or have a pistol In his possession. All four of the state's witnesses testi fied to this effect, and the defense need ed no witnesses to acquit Smith. FACIAL HUMOURS Prevented by Cuticura Soap. ASUAnCO TO BE SEEN bocaasooldisftg- n uriog facial tmmocn D the condition of tboujaods-to lira la tgnonnea of tbo Let that In CtmctxjL U to bo found tt# 1-uteM, ijKCtct, and mosteffecUn sklu port, f.rudbcintifrrlnthowocld. For pimples, blockhead,. ml ud oUy skis, red, react bands with thaprieu, thin, and fsB- ln$ hair. It Is woederfut r r£SS B.lkA. WHOLESALE LIQUORS. OOOOOOOOMOcoooooooooooo o L. COHEN o o & CO. o J. L. MACK, Manager. o Wholesale Liquors, Cigars and o Tobacco. Distillers' Kcnncsaw o Mountain Corn Whisky. o 408 Fourth Street. o BANKS. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. GA. H. J. Lamar, Geo. E. Turpin, President. Vico President. J. W. Cabanlss, Cashier. We solicit tho business of merchants, planters and banks, offering them cour tesy. promptness, safety and liberality. The largest capital and surplus ot any bank In Middle Georgia. THE UHIOH SWINGS BUNK & TRUST CO MACON. GA. H. J. Lamar, President; Geo. B. Tur pin, Vico President; J. W. Cabanlss, Cashier; D. M. Nclllgan, Accountant. CAPITAL (200,000. SURPLUS. (50,000. Interest paid on deposits 6 per cent, per annum. Economy Is the road to wealth. Deposit your savings and they will be Increased by Interest. Com pounded semi-annually. MACON SAVINGS BANK, 670 Mulberry Street. Macon. Ga. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. (150,000. Pays 5 per cent, on deposits of (1 and upward. Real estate loans on tho monthly Installment plan and loans on good securities at low rates. Legal de pository for trust funds. Will act as administrator, executor, guardian, re ceiver and trustee. g* T. POWELL President J. W. CANNON T.Cashier J. M. Johnston. J. D. Stetson Vice President L. P. Hlllyer. Cashier. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. Corner Third and Cherry Streets, Macon, Oa. Capital and surplus over 1500.000. Aoounts of Arms, corporations and Individual, will receive liberal treat- Free: Information regarding mining stocks and properties. Write the Me- chem Investment Co., member, Colo rado Mining Stock Exchange. Denv Cot BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. Window Ulass, Grates, Mantels, Brass Fire Setts, Fenders and Coal Vases. Fix up your WINDOWS and FIRE PLACES before cold weather. Telephone or leave order, and I will attend to same promptly. T. C. BURKES. WILLINGHAM SASH & DOOR CO. MACON, GA. M, Doors, Lumber, Mouldings, Paints, Lime and Cement AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. T. C. HENDRIX, President. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS and MANUFACTURERS OP Sash, Doors, Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. A full line of Builders’ Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Cement. Putty, Lime, Plaster, and Hair. Office and Salesroom: 409 to 415 Poplar St., Macon, Ga. TELEPHONES S Fa gigi$; RAILROAD SCHEDULES. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. ‘SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA” Is the only direct line to Waycrosc. Ga. Jacksonville, Fla. Palatka, Fla. St. Augustine, Fla. Tampa, Fla. Ocala, Fla. Gainesville, Fla. And all other South Georgia and Florida points. -Dixie | -Quick | Flyer." | Step." | SCHE DULE. I "Dixie 1 Flyer.” “Quick Step.” 10:43pm|ll:10 amILeave ....Macon (Union Depot) ....Arrlvel 4 40 pm| 3:35 am 2:32 am| 3:05 pmlArrive Tlfton Lcave|12:50 li’n|ll:3S pm 4:45 am; 6:35 pmfArrlve Waycross Leave|10:40 am| 9:00 pm 7:30 ami 8:00 pm|Arrive Jacksonville T — 1 '• n '> 1 - 7:30 amjll:00 pmlArrive Brunswick Leave| 8:00 amj 6:20 pm Leavel 8:00 am| 6:10 pm 10:15 am| Arrive St. Augustine Leave| i 6:05 pro 4:03 am| 4:55 pmlArrive Valdosta Le,avel0:58 am|10:00 pro 6:07 ami 3:00 pm|Arrlve Jasper Leavel 9:50 am! 8:53 pm 6:50 ami 6:35 pmlArrive White Springs I,eave| 9:15 amj 8:16 pm 6:15 am7 |:00 pmlArrive Lake City .. Leavel 8:36 sm, 1 7:50 pm 7:58 am| 8:59 pmlArrive HdmPflon Leavel 7:11 amj 6:12 pm » 9:20 am!10:00 pmlArrive Palatka Leave] 5:60 am! 4:50 r>n * Pullman bullet sleeping ears are operated °n "Dixie Flyer," leaving Mr.- con 10:33 p. m. for Jacksonville and palatka, also elegant coaches through without change, making close coneetlon In Jacksonville for all points South. The only line operating douhle dally trains between Macon, Ga., and Fa- latka, Fla., with sleepers on night tral ns. In going to any Interior points south of Palatka, see that your ticket reals via the-NEW FLORIDA SHORT LINE," which la Georgia Southern aid Florida railway to Palatka. thence any Florida line to destination. Close coneetlon made in Union dep ot, Palatka, with all lines for points South. * , ! For sleeping car resrvatlons to Jac ksonvllle or Palatka call on or address, BURR BROWN, L. J. HARRIS. City Ticket Agent. Depot Ticket Agent. G. A. MACDONALD. Ge neral Passenger Agent. CENTRAL OP GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. In Effect Nov. 31, 1895, Standard Time. 90th Meridian. Between Macon, Co’umbus, Birmingham. Montgomery and Albany. ; READ DOWN. STATIONS. A. INo.l dTyl jNo.2 d’lyl I 7 03 am|Lv. | I 8 04 am|Ar. j..... jlO 33 am{Ar. | -|12 25 pm|Ar ., Macon .... , Fort Valley Columbus .... Opelika 6 10"pm|Ar... Blrip gham . .Ar! 7 16 pm . • I.vl 6 14 pin . ,Lv| 3 45 pm . • I.vj 2 26 pm . • Lv] 8 55 am . |No.7 d'ly|No.S d'ly| |No.6 dTy|No.S d’ly| I 7 50 pm|ll 15 am|Lv. .2 21 am|Ar. 1 52 pat Ar. a as um Ar. 8 bu pm 10 11 pm 11 15 pm .......... 3 05 pnvAr. 5 30 pmlAr. 4 40 prnjAr. 9 30 pmiAr, 6 15 pmiAr. 7 20 proAr. 7 35 pmiAr. Maon .... ... Fort Valley ., Amerlcus ... ..... Albany ... .... Dawson ... , Fort Gaines . ..... EufaJIa .t Oaark .. Union Springs .... Troy Montgomery ..Ari 4 10 pm 3 05 pm ..I,v| 1 35 pm ..Lvjll 50 am ..Lv 12 17 am ..Lv 9 30 am ..Lv 10 40 am ..Lv 6 15 ala ..Lv 9 15 am ..Lv 7 65 am ...Lv 7 45 am| 7 15 am . 6 13 am . 4 63 i 3 56 am . Between Macon. Chattanooga, MWedgevlUe. Augusta and Savannah. These trains are dally. No. 13 | No. 3 | No. I I No. 11 amjlv I No. 12 | No. 3 | No. 4 | No. 14 7 25 ami 415 ami 4 25 pmj 6 04am|[v Ugion ar| 3 00am!ll00am 8 58 am| 616 ami 6 30 pm| 7 65 amlar Gtffn lvj 104 am| 8 68 am 10 00ami 745ami 805pm| 9(0amlar AUata lv|1130pm 7 30am 2 61 pm| 118 pml 100 am| 2 61 pm|ar Ck .ga lv| 12 45 ami 10 63pm| 7 40 pm 8 55 amj 6 04 pm 7 20 pmi 5 00 pm 2 45 am| 1 SO pm]ll 56 am |No.l d'ly|No.3 d'lylNo.5 d'ly | lex.Sun’y No.6 d-ly|No.4 d'ly|No.2 d’ly| ex.Sun"y| I I ( , 7 50 pm|ll 10 pmlll 15 am!Lv Macon Ar| 4 00 pmj 3 55 am 7 20 am S 25 pmlll 52 pm|U 54 pm|Ar Gordon ......Lv| 3 19 pm| 3 10 am 6 45 am ?...| 3 02 ami 3 14 pm|Ar MlUen LvIU 46 pm|ll 58 pm). I 8 30 am| 7 45 pmiAr AugMta Lv 7 05 am| 8 40 pm| | & 45 am| 6 00 proUr.... Savannah -..Lvl 9 00 am 9 00 pm |jo 30 am|. ....|Ar... JaekeoP^o j » Pm) Solid trains are run to and from M* con and Montgomeir via Eufaula, Savannah and Atlanta via Macon. Maoon and Albany via Smlthville. Ma- 00,1 Elegan^'el'eeep^ng Vnra on'Trains Nos. 3 and 4 helween Macon and Savan- " ’ r . r- Qlasnars Ravannoh rnarlv ivmii. and H%“7.ra »N°A 7 and 8 between Macon and AlW Sea passeiigera for Thomaston take,train No-13. 7:25 a. m., or train No. L 4-5S n m ^Passengers for Carrollton and Cederatown take train No. 3. 4:15 i m' "paxsenrers for Perry take train No. 5. 11:16 a. m. For Fort Gaines. vista. Blakely andClayton .should * take 11:15 a. m. train. No. 5, p«“g^ra°for Bylvanla, WrighlavlUe and Sandersvllle take 11:15 a m. train. No t Train for MllledgevllU does nbt run on Sundays. K For further Information and schedules to points beyond our lines, address W. P. DAWSON. Passenger Agt. L. J. HARRIS. Ticket Agt, Macon, w. F. SHELLMAN. Traffic Mgr. J. V- HAILE, Gen. Passenger Agt FIRST NATION AL BANK OF MACON. GcA, CAFITAL1S0BPL0S, $250,000 Prompt, liberal, Safe. R- H. PLANT, GEO. H. PLANT, President Vice-Presidant W. W. WRIGLEY, Cashier, c. PLANT’S SON, BANKER, - Micoj, Bj, . • J * - * - Established 1868 Banking in all its branches. Interest allowed on Time Deposit* We handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London for all European points.