The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 31, 1896, Image 4

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T I tTBSDAY MORNING, I) BEE 31, 18SC. 'nroii-lonfs cabinet the pre: . I ered by ihad account*, and if ere could country, or those who tourist I -.(.... „ —-V... «nnit mmvlncc Cl “ry hViftf My Cleveland -tone, were disposed to belit po-r/tment and refer in Mr another of Mr. Clevelruirl't o-a. M r, Oln-.-y had not be, Hfe to a great extant and h fully opprecl jtllenl, pm Che ' tvl Cleveland _ ‘ 1ng. and time hi* l ai be.TOt one of tin 'ix'vn made.—VaMw point; haa ever A vanitri Y ok OPIW plantar of the nays Tuealay and its a. pound on led an "«x- «)« la grown in r y of Mississippi, f. Tc-nncnm-o and In Texan, v-Wcili to oerots a- pound more upland cotton. Tills the liner grades at nual Importation of Igypthm cotton, of nl- , fHi'Ola. competes oerf- , In the domestic market. Inco to nude to the 6ea Is- lie gnoovrf in South the Carolina coast, (hut .we mapposc this taple." Just begtnrtn* to be In the territory, named .by air. it from tho seed of the Sea Jto- ' Wa** eeed cotton. He Is prob- •nlstaken when be says this “ex- staple.” Mlhleh‘Vsnrorth from4 to7 ®t* more than upland,” to the flneat wn, Some of the liner grades of Sea arc I £** “ l4a •“*>“ tar three dent mu< * a «* the upland r P can In a "W. Oral* hhs Com- !*"** * "*<*» w *Ufli -will be mono or of the «'«*Pon»tve among the Sea Island iiy note* I in FJorlda and Caro- I business f" 0 ‘ be « n complaining no r tIon i Mwife aoout ran mmn*fiHnn tka.. i._ Won of confl- *n Francisco a | Man, tlmw -. H ——-f '"“■scuuns no uwie a-bc/ut the oompetltlon they have JJV*** *** tW* Ecyctfan cotton,' and the discontent Hound expression In the Mht congressional campaign In the ElevonMj district. The congrewman- flcsale' grocer In I **””-• }7‘ <*• Brant I y. during bis . 3ur business has I ^S*****!; * d ''«’«ed ta» rnaly since tlio olec-1 i” yJn * a on Egyptian cotton. i» been restored and ' u,at VC >V “any of the ■ for nil wants. I Ihecountry were protect- bright prospects for I ara * while protection was the I rule even under the Wllson-Gomuui bill, there was no reason or Justice why the cotton growers nhould not have _ share In the favors of legislation. !«'■ nnd St. PauTwero'in I , ™° <wantrv *• now upon the evo of r |Y the result of the recent .v" - y< y» ,,f Rcpublfcan rule, Al- ehVtlon?" I though there are Indloailon* that that . I nilltlf Ill-Ill smt <rn Iku . ... the , congressmen »ed tho following: pnl{ the recent bonk fall- Jor taking charge of it. , .mm a pecuniary point , ' '■ as K . .;■• : m pres -'l' ' '1 an.1 -h. ■■ o. .. mould pir*ba,!,ly have the acceptor’s i»lltial pro.-i- ever, It to highly unlikely u.«, -rageonent-siouid have tasted rn “ Jwjtr. In that Interval the ct or clients, of tho firm wontd ■ have aoaulred some very qu hut that is a detail wh Corns the Arm and the cllcnte tfae p^nt (X view of on une nym wnh a living to get and J^AjcuPWrt. the offer had tlonahlo iillurc-m'tits. althou: wltl > 1>rom a.9 <i-timed it. Jt jiohv appears, *‘/” uc h, aleatory schei f®?™ *? h*“ Ibv an aggrieved uprising person who ihad lost oo him In rieaHon .bets, and w posed to recoup t t^ircru occasion of thU damage. In c JJ»n with another enternrlsina tobicourngeous loeer proposed t to iR-t-aTI n,l In S It n\ ni )/e Tvrnemlyef^l the •'nv'rc-:;;! Jwuse of di> tiily ina for tf> Mr. IVyAn Just aft- r i't ofTenyl to «dij -to its oLhi “niontj a law doDartniffitt, ttQ 5?? d*y*ted <-'an'.ikiauf |26.0C gta cormbinatlon. The <m<?rrfi}tnts of 'Atlanta are guilty of hijri trr*a^m in daring to fflve «- pres«ion to rhe tbVchly incendiary nenti that “in union there is *trengtn. —Richmond Time« ♦5 0 /v5 Ir *, lBri ' an aDd ( tee him 11,000 a lecture tor iftfty j oZ a uon-parilsan <jharaoter, rely Ms < reimbur^omont upon ;t 2ff! ? sali5S9«r «•««« «froi aAioDt a mrtlnid that would ormvijicc dea-bratH t&eJi thier couM nek ervdit at any store in the city, our credit de partments wcu&d be tnutiTially chajig- ed.“ la it poeeilrfe that we r^l air:ght? Tt Is only a ft-w -ia.\w ago that the floor- plarmlni, <« Kia Jc-i^flatisre -pru-wed an Iron-elad an ti-trust law. ajid almost borfort* the inic v'»»-rv,-r A tif l<-iRrsn'« «*) iTFl H tU re 1® Indeed, would eectairfy pnS t to th}3 eventful euieot ano»t parti or iptlwxl of changing iL of us would elderly n‘lation«, e^pe» v if feminine, should pri-f^ tbeU lent appearance than dweeud to suclj tUarrolnjf eucriflee of dipnity. Lonic Afore H« Knowed. iiMte ]*lt o* feller—I reinember Btiil— to almost erv for Christmas, like ,V Govern, r -hrn.u.™ to ««>*$«• ? Uki , l^atoV-et^Wt'ofdead-heaw. There nothto’ to It-New Year' !■ mi rvffuvulfMir. /nr .nuTChant Broylts aint a smell! OI * - , for .m<TChant Broyles vv to jay .tha.t the pur- icn’ trust is to prevent m fretting credit—in Hthcr wards. a.7i anti-trust trust. This is k KHeat ou-tra^e, and we feel is no cx/ticeaVfneniL d^>es r.ort hesitate- to nor pose of tho & dcail-beata if: other ward i is A mKui. UUUOI6S, «— •• - -—- ihart. the dead-beats wm lose no time in an farcing’ the mvr law of Geor- unlawfui combination. It Is dntelVjTiblo -why. t>efore the civil war,- senators representing Southern states desired the annexation of Cuba. Its industrial system was the eame os that of tihe South, and tin two or preo states tb9t ooutd have been formed out r .t wmii.i >i-ni> .‘boon valuable «J- ln Cuba. Its abolition ana nn».en.ra»- IS** *xira*geq cron ohisement of the neRTO have created JiiSLSSSf Ia ^ ovcir * wa ,ab »vc t a now act of a>roblems for 'the race dora- iffi* , inanit in tooth countries, rrhe faot that nrW,?5,ti? teinttl * °P ,t there la a oonaCant risk- of varloua 001 Jn * Southern, states falling again under the cx-cindMale re control of IhellUterata colored dement. N as In the reconstruction era, dorolntoes n?SSJ!l 1 .5 avo ^ JK>wn t:iat 'tho the whole oolittoel sltuatton In the South.—Baltimore Sun. ‘ No< having expert Americans who hiss President Cleve- ggaLHL*^.. ■"Msmlo phene, land'a name end hum Weyler In effigy K Ilf 1.1 mo- t- -*• 1 * - MwvimaltfM n tTTtKKit flonl ? aB ? € » land's name nno ; oum vveyier www ^SSS 140 ^fdthe ha( are enjoying themselves a great deal from ■•Otventlot and helping Cuba very ilttle^-Wash- rrom tall aalalCorms'' ion several jngton. Timea. anle crowds In Indiana. Kentucky “ ___ A e o^PQCtgd to «\ without ostentation or noise, the new Py, n y *>*ck un.n henotually-tried Panama canal oompawy which was or- Sre of nrtea Bryan 0 gS&edWthi rutSTthfe Bel^sseps A very promising enterprise, has steadily .puiihed the aU a««i±Sli e JhS l Jn r ? fl' nd , ,t . 1 ? ty J work toward completion during the in JKJSVIS' ."htwln. a “eo-to" auffl past two years. At the recent annual to/tdflll their contract with rtiho Swctln* the directors of the company j2*,S*Ofth«nse ^nouncAl .that 2.000 svorklnranea 'had jifetWe oa lbee n eontlnuoualy employed on the jfagafcgw*-*H asfflSLf^asss ifjs .M.K Jones, ohalrmsn I 5*2? of the fmm raOJo executive commit. I form>r McKinley law, stjll they' ore In tie negative; so d|(J 1 . .4, „, u I ~n»nmed and wedded to’lthe theory of 'fl 'nf. and Represent. °1 “«1 we see. no reason liiorn, Wfalker, Maguire and I w5ly Mr ' Rramly may not oppose the vnator l’tffcr thought It duo I PtunosUton. and yet Insist that •'■sent "vlt-lous monetary sys-1,, ar ® KOlng lo go on protection lark Hanni replied In the nor- l nc9 ' “h 1 his constituents should have id Rryan {mu rather evasive, I lhelr * hart ‘- iHlun of 1IK " ethtorlal OOL | but —BP | woulc#P w >*Md the \opltilon that there b0 no proBpcrJty until free «llver Tlho Pliil.idelDhJa. inecopd“feaya: tSSiw*l5SlSrj? , ^4!!l.‘!.** IBM* ^ the •A* the sesiHOiiH ehnU paM the Tele* ffmplft will very xcolaiMly endcavar to mwko pnlktioM draff I • *-ssvh.o» luiTMi io oe issuea by the ntr r Now York Hejrnld prints a state-1 i 1 " 0 «m° < not l "i!pitor hooper! K^, ;„J , n " ;, 0n tho oltuatlon in the ‘“oro rcmlllv wuntcrfelted."Berte/lrare feat middle West. Mr. Gage Is the I'ffiS, S!5*1 where .the consUto IftdlOf banker of Phlnncm v I £*9? lP^cii lt, and lnnlnt that con^rcas. Arcmost n,»„ or1n. C ^ Si * h « ffP* h "' ,be ^Pon.WU^ Mbn,, ex!SSS Tho Now Vofk SountorMhlp. There is every Indication that th<j‘ Now York ireom) a^acnaMj win b / w loot Thomas C. Platt to Huecaexl DaVjj ]5. inn In tho United Slntes ^ Tho lead In k RepubMcon papers of Ymk city are lit favor of Mr. 4^«ph H. Choate, the omlneni Iawy«^, nnd the Unloti Loflcuo Club and ,»thcr prominent «>r»anl»a|lona, potlti^j nni j othenviHe, an* m1h<» enllitod lujf,| M pup- I>orf. But a otinvana of tho .fnemlwrs . mlily developed the fact that out of flfiy-fdfrr wno tt - cre j n Platt j l ^ . — vuiwi|w, nna tno | v.-r '’° r ^° sl D1 »» of flnanco and business in that seotWa of tho Union, He says Beoord misses tho point entirely. iZ, ,n Pari: “ e HaJ * Theso ohoejes are to be used .to affoni - - POU,d llot In my opinion tho general sltnMlnn h... 15,0 S’ 00 ” 1 ® * more convenient method XfiMStillSE 8 * « transmitting money then toad WUfWhn’iS ras^ or ithe express Of. ffljfiiSa«®r'Wr ' vl111 •ImilirTK n °° nm ottm. They are quite In line i M.S? aow%uto» fS uJ!!° c '' un * r r- w,th 1,10 mLtumJ an d proper funoUoiu ran be expseted to irrlanslv^nfftniast 01 C1 ' 0 lb<vnSls - itako the risk of KatoacGl or Industrial lutcreSf. uf| ^unterfcTtlng. The li.inks of the elly slates that oouw nave u.’wn lenireu of Cuba would have .been valuable al lies In the .fight against tad abolition ists of the North. The acquisition of Texas had given them two more votes In the senate, and the gain of six more senators from Cuba would have se cured In the fjenate the .predominance of views favorable to the elave-holdrng Interests at the South. Ilit-h polities, therefore. In 1S.13 dleUtod the acquisi tion <if Cuba- as a means of providing against .the Inevitable extension at aoo- tway; , v littonlst eentlm-mt In the new atatea of li'ptt os him nnd liked him, same aa 1) the Nortbwewt. But In ISM it to not clear why a policy of annexation should be to .the Interest of .the South. Cir cumstances have changed. Slavery has . been abolished in the South 03 well as Lojforo In Cuba. Its Bliolttlon and the enfran- -i.t s.r rv,w nfurro >vi.vo rroa-ted Atjanto wsi Emoerado and Culebra cuM in 1895, once •whlledurlii.g the current yeor the force wTSrJin 2?® So S ar ® Garden. It hu , uren doubled: and tho further work * ctlv ’- antagontoo advance*, rav the directors, .the more wratSSfnffc?rt < 2K?? t “ n3 i lt 2. ro ?' ocmftdMrt are thev of ultimate success. aild a dos!r The existence of a Dantly finished trana- 2pii»TtoJ , «dkSl'* ai:ldflce 01 th * m(J isthmkm canal and thobrishtoning out- KSd TnTnTr^, • t took Doc the early Completion of the 111- One Wparknw4 was enough for < starred undertaking of Be Xcsseps con- _Ui..i. m ■ iiAil 1 n nTiim'nn tl A (ViR.ltlJlt *f VlI „V^?„ e *?™;iment was enough for starred undertaking at Be Bcsseps con- J. A.bMAS-Offlco 318 Second st. 58 roponte<J to toe olana of the'Nicaragua cana.1 schemers. -1—"— ready convinced that nature did The con"' n ouOTr3S that the truth about JOnNcooi’EIt-Offlcc Exchange haul Intern! Mm to compete with a ptt th^p^mk^l mlght leak out ha* _ba» Macon, Gn. S.*®," 0 ? «nd t doubtless urged the Nicaragua canal K . N.h'ftEMAN-Omce, Masonic Build. “ star ft® *■ foredoon wiflw to the lately renewed efforts to lng, on, Ga. £S5£ J} fls P'-’^ba PERSONS OF PROMINENCE, that b*9 regrets tola Tash rejection of ., .. ave.,)angiuir diock, awroiv on. New Rffl^lng^u^o^h^nd^ Ww&jmm Of nnnllconts for his position have ap* Relndel, being: aoout to reurr, j.uuui ^ - Ma . . ,* ■ of applicants for his position have ap- .— _ , Thero have been tinres when the bar P car0 ' 5 ’ He F** B 537 {or cach cxccutlon T - '• fBAN-Offlce 335 Third st lng methods of Mila city have be ana h, ’ a travellnB c * pena ’ v ’ , much more satisfactory than thoso CornellUB Vanderbilt has always been nOPE .niLL-Offlco 335 Third jitecoi No\v* York. Three yoaps ago the latt the Rood young man of the Vanderbilt • Maco* “WwlthMtaaMuffh'eiJ wealth ■! famUy. A Witty (though Hot g ii. r Jhe aHeged ahiiltv of their managers, h; charitable) Clergyman, who once met to take refuge behind clearing-house cu him at dinner, remarked afterward tifloates. Tills policy may have bet that Cornelius "would doubtless be the agreed on to Motor up some weak si Vanderbilt .family's representative in IT.JSu cone to the wa heaven.” ““f 11 while Bishop Schurltz, of Cologne, to d^r bu*S5toSVS«MLSSL a ?eji2 # »« visiting a school In his diocese rc- loqmng business In certlflcntra, Bb }S’ s rently he held up his signet ring, on a?? &“LS2L*fi2 Which the letters ••I. H. 8." were _cn- orrtsfr h«* nnonnuiy ut'wioncii |jj C «ui of ftfty-fo’fh' *%vlvP ,\t*r ►r-» t «h1, flfiy-thno worv^for iw jEg&3uSbbU?3TOrS^!? It l* reported that Mr. CXevohmd, TJm ». N ' u l L lo b, ‘ 1,1 nny wny nntkii^teS* I 7 OXOil nt thc * strictures to>*\vhJoli he htu *S£^2iXi' h ' i *7 n y°oa |P Hank I *><=«> m»l>Jec*tod by tho mtdbm of the b»tac«. tad tbSTwofiiVcral ecU’s"^! tt HSUS ' WW "5 * m<1 n !, P cclal “•«««« nMml'mrf; ‘» apthlturmorethaa 1 duosUon whl-h R niQ|| J® fallufo of tho tno I wUI not only define mono f».*pnmtoK» ♦»>*» i* ns is notniujf tuoro tlum z\,z * ” wu qucwuon WtUOa whirh V'lonnnA •!«! of . th »° ,no ™ on,y m °ro neeurateiy the the x». nttifudo of the admlalstratlon totvnrd the *»ii.v one for (’lxatc. The reason tUmaVW.Vuk SrlfflSa; n iS»t I tSSS? I at11 Wt*t thoitfinlAlstnitioatawAid the Kt!>»n« with tho work- {!2rri l i ,r «i w,, J ,% 5 I * rr ‘i lt * offec t» only imunini; »*rul I Cnlion BraiMk; bnt will assert, with party la they credit «"*•-. tui»t*o. iuuuetllnteLv inton^t. I verv tmwf vtevn* <Kc» ataIiwIu him with the gcneiulshlp which hns *roaio tho number resuKcst in flic Ri'iuiMh'.tn vlriurliM in Now York of late ycars» and they in* «i8t that he has fairly won tho re ward of a Mfnr.lorship. *Mr. Choate tivaik no part'in tho campaign. He prae- tt^l law wldlo Mr. l’l.ut “fit endurin' of tho tlfrht.” Hence they regiutl Mr. eii in notleratile the olty Of ttfff iJi*j What hn week - tho tloiuil Panl fnl awi, '»iii.v «'nuFiii{; eni-1 uirt tviu assert will feir. Tcry RTFnt '■'eor tbs cxcltwlvo preroga- <! SB the umrr uank. a ‘ : .f ! W , vc ° r ** ircsldeot to reeoguire a for- i.V,’* ,,l,> iMinith'r I Th:s wW! add tto tho gayety ,«*.«■ »* nations who now have* lhelr "iispaMMa »f tho Iiitnow xj! I l ’ 1 * era Kiuwa trained oa Washinglou. [ > the omail fulluri’S and the tin-I — NntlfcSF 1 liquidation I A bill before the house asks con- T. KHMUTWlt E5* “ p P~? rl * te MOLOOO for exper- aint a smell. , er h'unilJiy—circus day—Job all dead in though! at nlsh 1 _ronml and hear old folk* work the story oft about the sledge and deer, “Santy" •‘ho-itin 'round the roof, ••Miniy Hiihiuu - wrapped In fur nnd fuzs— afore I knowed w-lio "Santy Claus” wuz| 1 o wait, and set op late, a week or two i 5?t'hardly keep awake, nor wouldn't 1 fstV’nin' on the flro an' mother settlni I n''soeka and rockin' in the skreeky ioddo' (bran I ^p% and wunder where lt was the jBftStt s frosted heels, and upll] is iiniiii*'iii : Aine a-drafljnln’ sleigh bells when t.h^ rlock ’od whirr and buzz, T [aforo , I knowed who “Santy Claus” wnzl L 11 replace up, and llggcr how “Old ianty” could o to come down tho ehlmbly, Ilkd ley said he would: V that I could hide and see him—wun- • ered what he'd say * E ketchcd a feller layln* fer him that Ti; to pat me on tho back and sayj vook here, my lad, lie my pack—Jes hop’ yourself, like all od boys does!” I knowed who „ “Santy Claus” wuz] Wfthat yarn was true about him, as 1| t eared to be-* Trtnadc out o’ lies llko that un’s good vouch for me! WI; still wis so confidin', I could Jcs' Oy m caii ^ 'Bo I’m inkin' up my stockin’ llko the little In my lap tonight and beggln’ me tell era reindeer, and “Old Santy” tha| lores so well. sorry for this llttlo girl sweetheart his- Lonpre i . ■. . . , She knows who • “Santa flana” isj —James Whitcomb Riley. pure n Cold In Ono Day, Talc xative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All ’« gists refund money If it falls td cure cents. ^ P] SESSIONAL CARDS. Cla d advertisements under this head I led strictly for the professions. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. W. if>TTINGRAM, 200 Second street Mafca. hruSKrJtT.If 00 * prince whlc h the letters. “I. H. S." were en- wm! h duo thra wh lf maved, anfl asked one of thc pupils B % ‘heir . meaning. After _ a. moment. mere not ob’lged to iSSl °.i VjL s ..f t: heir meaning. After a moment's house certiflra^rs Therij 0 wem fl e 'l r ni i bought ono boy responded Tch heasso «l*tere llten. A’I 'of ^hurlto” (my name Is Schurltz.) u/c, noso unu xoroni. uuice aiui berry a >condj»trects, Macon, Oa. Neel (V: Co., Macon. Phone Alt fECTS AND BUILDERS. Chofttc’H onnUItlacy tntr ship thoy hn\ Tnm-'il it «loeu look like the Ue- »f New York WWild be utility ingrratitutle if they shoOkS 1‘Jatt ft) \vhof<o leader- ,f ' 1 V Mst. " V."but*ta*iny"upimon°tiio" of: I P rc " l ? “PProPrlate 560,000 for exper- >f thune liiitikH which have hern cloved I aerial navifMtton. And anoth- IHMI to M In fair condition, nnrf I er onn In tliA k.'tniu nronoe... / i. I»«ve t>een closed —nuyiKairon. Ana an lh«lr un« vl. lit" „!S!r ®? n ‘ ll *i';a. nna I er ono In the senate proposes for J W '" 0ri 73 I government to dig a canalTrom "e a> k"nr cunsented, and give the svaaterMhlp to one who has never ralmsl Ills hand to help the w. ty when It m.-tod oil Its forcM. Whut ’lxa\nt tt. util was nuule u senator hy the Itornwrau It was nn eminently proper reward for unlueun ia>rvloe lit maintaining the Democnitle organisa tion end guiding It to victories. And so with Mr. l*lrtt thc - | —■-*-* *“ “» o raisu irum ' some BW dS&eSelioittw Ii 1 ®fA, It will P° :,lt ' °a tho Mississippi to "some ■■ r r , 5* , SL.“?gl5Si-z ! h0 M,a T Meon ' nhllo tho treasury dcflclt yawns. llu* liquidate cleartug timt'.., the Me JSJJl “j* H*hiS rarh. About *000,000 JJ&P* “ece.rnry, nnd It tuny not bo that klbl the flnnnclnl ntmosplicre Is el lil.tnrtHHl. Sen is eonfldfCre , Ilreli'., and ttlcre Is mi f.-ur whnr. ■ 1^.1^.^ *.h* bank* or the rity Othenvho tlmn lu the best slinpo poi uliry This Is Printed nn an eneouraglng view, and doubt less a, truthful statement of tho comBUotw described; j-et, while wo con- llJently look for tho letter time* fore- simdowed In the Journal Interview^ the l.qutdMloo which set In prior t. the election hns not yet run It* course Ihere trill bo more fnllqros and more hank suspensions. Althnugh recover ng. th.- country has not yet recovered rom the Shock Which followed injudl- legtslntron nnd wild-eyed men- tabllRy of cur curreney Tho Biloxi IVhongdoodle calls tho president n coward. Whereupon tho " lumbla 8Into suggests that he might he called a ho* thief, ttho slayer of his grandmother and the pilferer at hen toosia nnd some people would believe It; hut no ono will agree that he :* a coward. rraM.isy lako ohelter again liehlnd theh'f eighty-two. One of his chc .avor!to clearing-house certificates.—Chi- dlcetlons is of shaking hand*, wm. -o- eago Tribune. * ’nyette. Ho was a schoolboy in an Dlt. ST EU—Specialist. Cherry strer )hlo village when the great French- over I *- ** wfil ’ho observed that tho Georgia nan Pas'® 11 through tho town, f, l l 01 So. tBj!0 l,1< 5 orthodox view of London Truth says that Archbishop sle? of a , tru ?i 05 a toon- Temple lntdnded originally to become a faeatnuhSi ^.'ti. »"• e ? , , llat lt m '«t eaehor. A *1.000 prlnclpalshlp In a 5SJS2* to smash raining school becoming vacant, ha cWn ns anything tpplled for the place, and finding that ri?h£lSStSftSjLfti-?* ,)t ?!l GoGl '-1 clergyman of the Church of England r hold toat a trust j* a ho- jV as wanted, he took orders against K > ro!,.V'g l J u ^L n _ nnd ou Sht tolls own inclinations and obtained the be punished oven if and lowers the cost of living. In fact it joems dear lh*t the .better a trujt’is. the worse it is, In tho rtew of tbe trail destroyer. A retnni to primitive Individ! of ini' loohld l»o the result of this Georgia - j :a.ute, if it were bon. t mu * —- —-- I- evtly nnd strictly enforced. The exce* 1° proposed Journey SOssmss m — The Telegraph sees no reason why It may not report tho suggestion that -m business men in Georgia shimld kc. P onf. eje on the anti-trust law, and (he other on a good lawyer. The speculatora who thought to bar- 25* Bryan's notoriety tor gold l-o-TY 1 !* *«“ sjtnpathy theta the rtUxia Jtviurvr hima^lf. : 11 ,J . lus w*genaerea would ' t p r 15 ? >out - * totum io the principiOH of nssooiation and romhuiatlon which is really ••-attacked when triwtM arc* attacked. Presumably this law, nuraL with so much flourish of IrumpOi?®, will never amount to «ury, r 1!n fi L l practI, ' >e - By t^o way, « strike for hbcher wa^es on tho port of tho em- l».oyes of a mamifacturcrs for instance wvudd lend if sm\ewful, to mlvnu.-o the prieo of the nrt'.eles mnnufticttircU by SJ®! , An *l0 r ? u f unlawful Bcaldert that, it would clearly be unlaw- l coormnrtrirtn nf ttomni.. .nCKnauou* UIIU uuwmiii-u iuc losltlon. Later he gave lt up to bc- ome a government school Inspector. President Faure’s intention to visit tusria next April has aroused conekl- rablc discussion In France as to rhethcr tho chief executive can make re proposed Journey without violating te constitution of the republic. It is rged by many that the departure of aure would leave the state without head and without power to act in xie of an emergency. The kaiser's cousin, the crown prince it Sweden and Norway, has every one )t hls teeth barred. This is to say, a lor of bones runs through the roots of ■cry one of molars, and it 1ms to be - t —■— * v w-siiti* i.i.iiir ik* uni aw- fnl as a cotoblnariou of veriala persons York Sum* 8 of ,lwir *&*.-*1m l l J uill' vl (iiuiuiPi uiiu it uua tu -- ushed before a tooth can be removed, go Is a martyr to toothache, and trend, a considerable portion of hls tjlitence with a handkerchief tied ound his head to relievo the pain, OUULV 1-ltEHS COMMENT. t.„^H?. Tv '* r0(ph bas made won- Jmnrovememts under its new tment.—Jlarneovllle Gaiette. The tJiutujht tow lust atruelc us. what Vavcro'^H? r ^ Up **. «>»«- ■sa.”* ssnuyjE i il ls a fi 5 <1 tommentnry on (ho odmin- Is.ratlou of criminal law in this country when actual suriirlso to expncHed that a murder trial, as Id New Jenwy, shwj ocottpy but. rtx hours, or that ^ Georgia 'v arreated, irii-l, ronvli ted and be i-cirienced to hang, all in a week. hns *° n , rrTc d and encouraged baw-bre-der as the town delay.-- Tba aimo*t ab*ointo assnr- ® a 5*,-ar of court reckoning Jtoatpai-'i term to term “Ptoteu baa ’cooled, or tl,J wltneBie® June bccoore ♦*<> mattered -u? S 22!J! iink of iho chain Of gvidaoca. Is u praottool guarantee of inimualty. Instamv- are many where the pottular Indlgnastoa WTU Mich at the time of the apprehension of ihe criminal It through ihe K'ngile and easy p'ro,'«.scs tooih ^ Z'L !®S? U TS * s «• warning ^ kn.ov SS?tof , e , v^.SSX < S5fSt aL ' : '< i! • ' • an-1 surt-.'y 1m p a j^ to. ut ttl>r to bate a .-ode full Pcnlshtnonto that are never I d apoa the law-brealcr-Howto . A Curious Amphibious Rnlhvaj. A very curious amphibious railway wns opened at Brighton on Saturday— a railroad which rns from Brighton to ItottlngMm (some four and a half nlles) through the water, instead of oier it, pays the London Spectator. Tils Is accomplished by thc rails being laid at low water mark, and by mount ing the car on iron stilts. The result Is at high tide the car runs along wkh Hit water sometimes ten feet de?p on each side—and yet no sea sickness. Thc motive power is elec- trfcity, conveyed by an overhead wire fr*m a dynamo at Rottingoan. What would be the result of running the car in a gale of wtnd and a high sea we do not know, but probably the company which owns the line do**e not care. Since the line is purely a pleasure one, we presume that the cars will not run In had weather. The car, which - is made to look like the deck of a yacht, ha*? a sort of snow-plow in front which cuts through the water. If the rail way 8ucceds, we may, perhaps, sen the whole of BOUth-eoaat towns thread ed on an electric wire. S. j tENCE & SON. Monticello, Ga *aw, estate and cbllectlons. • GHA8. rOOLE—Operative work a sne* cialty flee 472 Second^ st., Macon, Or DENTISTS. E. W. (IK—Office 318 Second st., Mcon, Go. work at reasonable prices. TICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. O* HBSON—Office of late Dr. W. C. G1 Office ’phone, 320. Rcsldenco 'phon IT | • mam DR. AU TUB L. TAYLOR-020% Cherry street con, Go. ’Phono 503. DD. J. ROUTER—Specialist. Diseases, Eye, Nose and Throat. Office Mul. WILLIsTdeNNY—Architect, 608 Mul berry Macon, Ga. 502 Equitable bulldii tlnnta, Ga. <’i»rrexpi W. W. AVEN—Designer nnd Contrac tor. (pal house plans a specialty, co solicited. Macon, Ga. ACCdUNTANTg. \Y. Mcl -Accountant ami expert, 37! Second ct, Macon, Ga. SP1 AL NOTICES. RM FOR SALE. I can s t a bargain an improved farn of 510 acrithln twenty-live miles of At lanta amo miles of railroad station, t village w . population of about C<)0. Ex ( vll,-m f , cli.ircli and i all road faclll ties. Fa1 imnrlsos both upland ami hot toms ant well adapted to stock rnl-dtii nnd fruit wing, ns well as to ordluur farming uses. Titles perfect. For fun particulars apply to HOWARD M. SMITH, 314 Second St., Macou, Ga. NOTICE. The fin Jones, Small & Gantt Is thi by mutual consent. The l»u: day dlaso by mutual consent. Iness will *onducted In the futu undersign BEN L. Dec.: JU<|AKD M. SMITH, 314 Second Street. Loans dinted upon Improved rei estate. Iroved middle Georgia farm for sale <fp* TelephqNo. 144. BEJ ESTATE LOANS On cityr farm property, stralg) Interest. Towers and Investors wi find our llltles unequaled. Securil I»an an Abstract Co., J. J. Cob President'. B. West, Secretary ac Attorney, for Corpulency. From the London Graphic. ExMpt tho common cold, np*.in«t MONION REAIi ESTATE. Long lo -two, three and five y, Amounts 0 and upward quickly cured. For Balearms In all parts of Ga on terms suit any bona fide purchaw Also a fevpuhcs In Macon Ylnevli: The Crgla Loan and Trust <ro.. O. Coleman, Gen. Mgr.', 35C Seco st, Macon, Ga. I J. J. SUBERS. which thotRMnils of yes _ inquiry have in-effivt ive, there is ecarcciy a disease *hich has not its pat- enrt cure. Many invention c<une from Sweden. Where zno-*^a^ eatdblishmeats are mors common than poS>hv! hotise-*, and where there l* hardly an Ill, from head- rerman ly located. Ia the sped; ties vcneul. Lost energy restor. Female 1 roloriUes anj poison Cure gu nteed. Address | n C o fidence. It stamp, £lo Fourth st hi con, Ga. ’ hid) .... . ... - trations of lng machines- ***vt>ntion« of human pub- DR. XRTOK STRANGE, SPECIALIST. worn 401 Seeoi street Dfcoascs or atrlcturea, OTh.aerv.zj, reeul. nnd all chr e diseases. Rest'll tri.Itr use. ■ . !M J „ :a rneiiiclMi pern!.-:.!.; I,; rvuiorii; wltoout pal id.- k, ct.-. Cunsultatp williKT g. long, n. n. s."~ St., Maoon, Ga. «*rfectioa. Reasons