The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 31, 1896, Image 8

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: THURSDA Y MORNING, "1 ' , DECEMBER 31,1896, IN THE RAILROAD WORLD. 1 nacy ai Th ” !*** imkt- n-llJJUMU ” -'iMJK. i uj, his luteww th, around | that *by Jet;imz indiv'^lv il pri»*et/*Wti JSUFW wx XHK okfic-b. root- i «v™ 1 It IIO A III) AMO SmIl. i wnn/Miyx cost. The 't.nik<tm«n, amM- The Mobile and Oblo Will Come Into Alabama's Capital—Northern Linen Foci ciooiH Competition—The f^tinta rial Note#. } in d;:<,air. Certainly there , ! (?‘*rn w ho de-Hi re I vent Haded: and in twHri toft w of tthe fact th x* sheen for y<* < rythlnfp reanor Fe Winn J. H. flf orena, the popular and efficient! traveJjnfT repr*•*<snlatire of the Phint Hy*- tem, was In the city >*H.<-r.lny, There is j no man in tin* mil way -world • count more friend a nnd who in nerving of them. traveling freight ind Atlantic, toJUmr My pr< ! irnprarvecnerrt of nr.-.-jont cor.-drtions. it 1 Iz not tfurprfrtng that ‘they do not com plain. ft mxv fairly l»e that i»hey rw-oaririze the difficult nature of the pro Mem. nnd are patiently waiting : for fui*tlKT kramn-oiru-nt. It Is not fair U> a-.wm- *. an h'• m-i to have •>< r-n done i iiy the«“ Rostvwt TMlrrvi mm, that be* c^uac Um»«k* re , .i97nai1>Ie people keep sl- '•ivt, GTWfbody except -the Inventors Geo rtf o R. PoiTWiler, traveling freight j* with v 'nditions nn th<-y are. agent of tiif: W*»tern nnd AU.intfcC van : Oar venttfaftloa Is p -euHarly a -matter it* . the city yesterday Malm; up thin^a | In whVh the party or person respOnat- for a new titfcrt after Jannary 1st. » Memwt pursue an Indepontteot cours i If Hva cr'.rtc'lrms of pa?*er.g -rs at The Ohio southern nnh* has been in* j afked there jniv be forty different definitely postponed, which means no opinions In eatoh oar. oree to each win- «a>. It it* sakl that the Lima Northern flaw. If the Ideal i» unattain-a-bh*, the but* bought up enough trust claims and b'*.*t powYnle comoromim must be made other Indehtodmns to tflve tt control of | the tftar.d irJ jjhatttiqa: and to do this it the road. miy •• m ayarv to fastfji all tiv' wln- u i daws down, thus aJbdfcftntoly denying The Ohio Vnltey rerja# extending from ^ atiipaeeengws the privilege of advls- Evnnotfllc, Ind., fto Hopkinsville, Kj., is Jw-ga.3 to whin and u> what extent ml- to be soi<b n decree to that effect hav- por ctfiansros in tfte quantity of fresh Ing tjf-eii issued. The upset price i« j air sh&ll toe made when the train is In $1,600,000. I oration. This will certainly <be neoes- •——• j rary tt we ever attempt sotert title ventl* A charter ha* ben (sued to the Tennis* Jrtfen In mild or hot weather. And in see Northern Ilnilway Company. It will wirtter the openrings in ithe door -of pas- run from a point on Abe Knoxville and mm are pubjdot toithe name Jn- Ohio to JeJIieo. The road will i»e about I perferenco from vumanfatw that win- 100 miles in iength. down nre in summer. If we nre ever . — ,, to have wise ventlhution In the comrqon Mr. K. R. We..s, traveling passenger I day car. tome one wtss penm must agent of the Southern, with ncidquar- i have ahsolirie control of »the opinions: tora at Macon, Jras been trnn-ferred to go do this all openlngTi must be out — * Cla. Columbus ^ains atul iia- 1 of paraenxen' reach. Deliaa/te wonfen *xm loses. Mr. Weils has aim do hosts »f friends in Macon by bis courteous bu.-fi* urvirt metluwls. They will regret his de- putne, but e-xTend to him best ftisheb In his now field. n-J children, as sensitive as hot-house plant*, are bound to travel, and in win- or is well rr* *u».nmer. W:i«*n one of i -*• sits !u the front s-a: she has a. 1 - 11 to ciOTVPln’n if th * sash in th" ,, . ^ w , , dcor is wide ontan on a cold day; and •Mr. Randall Clifton of the Routhern, j & ,the «m© .thne it may he that ■who succeeds Mr. E. 31. Wells j.t Macon. , Mth'lng less than the ent I re-opening is though a young man, ha* ruble bis-mark ; ruffJc>nt to supply the nir needed by in tlm railroad world. Macon i« forlunale p a srsimgcps in «be middle of the car: in securing so worthy a tticcctffor to Mr. Wollh. ■ Mobile, Ala., Deo. 30.—-The stockholder* of the Middle nnd Ohio railroad held a meeting in this city today and author* iced the iMflMor of $4,ooo,000 boml» for the construction of what Is known ns tJio Montgomery extension from Coium- <biiH, Miss., to Montgomery, Ala., via Tut** cabwHia. Protewts were served on the meeting, nnd ah<*> on J. W. Woolfolk, with whom a conthaet for the building of the road ha* been mude, against the iF«”tj!in‘ , e of the'bonds Inr Fr^-d 8: Ddil of Montgomery, representing certain Ned* York stock holders, who tried to get hold of the Mobile and Ohio in 1892, The pro test was ftgjffrst the Farmers* Loan ami Trust Company, voting 4B,500.i*hareH of stock, which New. Tork parties claimed they had the right to vote. The Mobile and Ohio has had a bard fight to secure mi'trance into Montgom ery# Ala. It npponrs that the city coun cil favor the M. find O. The principal &b* position asm* from the Plant System people. A compromise 1ms lioen agreed ini»on, bow over, and the M. mu.l O. will bo built into tiin* A'lnbama capital. The L. ami N. did rfot make much of a fight, at hsnwt no ©pen figiit. The M. and O. hud secured valuable terminal property, but the fight was to Notice to City Subscribers. The Telegraph Ih delivered In the city at 00 cents a month, pnyuble In advance; but city collectors are not authorized to collect nr ri'< oipt for longer than one month in advance. The Macon Telegraph Publishing Co. prevent from ireaWdng it. Judge Myers If ns bn mini down a dc- clsdoti in favor of the Snn-tn Ft* In the famous litigation betnveen It nnd the state of Kaunas. The judge declares that the id ten hind law uuuor which appointed u myivor doeo not apply to rnilroadf. Ot*N'r points, want not pnsKod upon,-us Judge Myers held it hut the case hinged tijwm the quest ion whether the alien land law nffooted railroads. The ease will be appealed to the Hiipreme court. It is Kild that Northern tr.uncontlnenf- nt linen nro feeling the competition of the New York, V.'nshlngtou nnd New Orion ns Sunset. Limited, operated by tho fioutbern, Atlanta and Wwt Point, L. and N. nnd Southern IMxjtficv There iv reason for It; there nro no hlizznrdis, snow baulks or snow sheds on tbo "Sun set Route." The •THE PJSKTinCK MUSICAL HOCIETY Hold tin Interestim; Session—A* Fine Prograinmo Perfectly Rendered. Owing to the lateness of the hour at which the news of the meeting s of *thc Derthick Musical Society was Pent In, a notice of the meeting could 1 not be prepared yesterday. Tho programme was by cutnmon consent pronounced to be the best that had ever been given ill Macon. The meeting wa<*held in ‘the ele gant home of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Dnnuen- berjr, and notwithstanding the fact of several other {important social functions In tho city and auftmrlxs', there- was a large nnd appreciative audience pres ent. Tire prognumno was a work of art from beginning t<» end. K.w-h miiih1«t was nn exquXsRe gem fitting In ‘like a block of mosaic,** ns Mrs. Everett wild in her introductory remarks, "perfecting the beautiful etrooture of the anion of po etry and music," accordlnc to the sub ject of tho progr.iimme. It is not permit ted to particularize, bnt meat ion must bo nude o( the /beautiful rendition of 1ho song, "Through Eternity" by the guest of honor, Mira Griswold of Rome, Ga. Miss GrUwoM's voice is rich nnd to&n- tlful, her execution unrurpam*ed and her interpretation' of the highest order. Too much praise cannot be given tbo readers upon this occasion, both lathes and gentleman. The analytical and de scriptive pupera were finely rendered, and evinced study and ability. The >%x*il selections wero given most charmingly, Indeed, "The Angel’s Sere nade" was entrancing, and othors were equally delight fit!, i The dear Wtle men and women came up ndhty with their part of the pro gramme. from the little gallants who «o gracefully distrllnited Programmes at tho door to tho* who afterward portrayed so vividly **Tho Wrecked Ship" and "Tlio Widdlng under the Sen." ^ Mrs. Everett, in the name of the Dor- thick Musical Club tenders her sincere thanks to Mrs. Dannenhcrg for her cor diality and hospitality, and to the brill War-» oMcctiopR from Beethoven: jand the pro- ren-! gamine wil begin promptly at-*§ *>»o!oek, mat ..Itli'a Jew fcuutti olle-T.J eiittnn, Inelu^l. I’rfeij^ourairt.t), rtj Tnke l^ixsflro. Broraa jQb ■All drmrcUU eur« »•. ..A™ .npronie court ot Ohio 1ms ju.t rciulrml n docWon in ■ Iho velallmi , , .— iH'livren Hie Pennsj-lvnnici ComtAny otnl 1 ' u,t nn< ' avprwlatlve nmllcneo who lt« rni|>loycs, when tto Intnr ore Diem-! evinced their deo|> Interest to tho cloro Ivors of tho votmitarr relief dmhrtsienl ' of _ n nllll '' r '>nvth.v proeraocne. I. elesrly defined. It wns In the ense of I T1l< ' nost of the —xdety will the PlttabatS, Clnelmmti, Clvi neo nnd ! l>0 011 ">0 S 6, l> of Jununry In Wesleynn fit. bulls Knllnny Ot*ni«Oy vs. Chart,, parlor*. The erentatr will be devoid to O. t'nx, error 'to tile oirenkeonrt ren county, Ohio. The irapremo court ivu-.vr..^. - - . B. . derwl n vhvlshm to the effivl tlml tlio I e5 Vfl i V ?r , n L a hiw intended totxir relief departments of * rallrondjl from opcratln/: In the state does not affect 'the operation of such de partment,. The decision !s .is follows; An employe of n railroad company vol untarily nnd with full knowledge of tlie character nnd rffeet of tho contract lie was nssttntinr npp’.Ied for admission to nn nssoelntlon eomnosed of the compa ny soil a |H>riiou or its employes, rollvsl the "voluntary relief department," nnd t>elii« ndmlttisl, vsuitrnetisl that the com pany mlsht deduct from hts ivnres the sum of 75 cents per month for tho pur- nose of forintnc, wilh other like eoutrl-’ nnthm by oth.'r employe members, nnd tsmtrlbtitlo.H n-hi.'h by the eontrnet the company was efclleisl to innke u relief fund for the hettePt of In ease of eiekmvs. noddeitt or death; snd tsvntraetn!. f mi her. that in o.ia,, of u.- ehlent the nrocvtutu'e by him thereafter of relief from the is lief ftntd so o. eu- should lwve the elteet to relttkw the e mpnity from llnlvilWy for daumirCs. field: (It Sttelt t'oatieet ie utvt inter. vltetiNi bv (tie act of April 2, IMlft 87 O. * ■- - ■ptwtn-tlim anl relief For the Boys. There are styles hero for Boys that can’t be found elsewhere. Nov elties that reflect the taste and grace of swell makers. In Suits, Overcoats and Eeefer Jackets we have im.mense varie ties for you to choose from, and prices are de cidedly lower than you would imagine, after an examination of quality, of workmanship and of finish, m . . . . . GUAM) SEASON' 1897. “Plovrboy’s Brand Guano.” The oldest brand highest grade; for all crops. ‘‘Black Rock Dissolved Bone.” The purest and strongest acid''phosphate. • . Importers pure Geripan Kainit; dealers in Cotton Se Meal, Muriate of-Potash, Truck Farmers’ Fertilizers, etc. If there is no agent in your town for our High Grade Fertilizers, then write to AMERICAN FERTILIZER CO. «<»“. P»pl" St. WE ARE THE MANUFACTURERS, WE ARE THE LEADERS In Style, Price and Quality. Beautiful, Elegant Harness Saddles, Robes'-Whips and Horse Blankets. Or. BERND & CO 450 to 468 CHEtlRY STREET, MACON, Ga. Eight Per Gent. Cash Dividends. This is is what the (Fixed Dividend Stock of Equitable nets its investors. All stock is secured by first mortgages on improved roat ostate, in moro than double the amount. Dividends commence with date of Certificate! No de ductions for taxes! Always available! No membership foe! Absolutely safe 1 - ’ 4 GEORGE A. SMITH, General Manager. Equitable Building arid Loan Association; Macon, Ga. 401 Third at, opposite tho Danuenberg Co. 4 MKURY C^Ivett m th *' • \Vnrkrr ) esUrt Afr.jOie HVown II<r Mr*. JL\ O ' , r«''TklRl«Ml undJjfTfiqK- riiildreft. Thftjiart.v ih»*» JM>Inl ft*»1 xft.Mi UrftWjift tiiutw trahro^H pojrtd ®kj|Murv In tbo I Th<* WBl!**1?«|lvi* *WUf'lV> gmimqed hJpipim*** .mq iper ivlmes than atutW’ tireivb merry langhltr. The little ones eon*, weiv Sarah Belle Munklvjr - i well, Harry Bonm«Ulee ^ j \V' rallr.vaj ivnployes," ete. (2) The COfitnu-iJS! !« not A’«>ntrary t«> nuUIif o .’it v CD i*atinii b-nwra,* .fjrwniie i guvtrn.-t ,1.,,'rt fiyk 1“ bn mm I it|>.»n a v ,11.1 ..p -t tho oipcult court rcvcrouAi*: '■"r'i.’ 1 ';""' 1 '' ''“>™ m,,l that of (ho common pica, .■(rirm.ab k£ utw , l , l ' i 1 If the governor of iMK'htem ahnuAd : S. 1 **% JT" -".ff o.vjolo tiho loinalntuiw Into pasalng nn Ai 1 ,.".'* 1 act rrtiuoing obtain cot I « ga'rw« tbo or «nen*UTe. The provithm thru ' passing an g’i*r rare* to 2 csjuta ceul-1 i:nme<Uttt,qy feral the courts ‘veurnt of mi«h a ■hlgan ron^tbutton , .gr in* Pblh!U.- jr »iw BYr^n Gld^Tr. !W»a Akixo* *lee$ away below anyjolher house in the city, a splendid 6tock of norel- of.ail kind* t(j'choose from, fellvcrware, fine Imported porcelain p' entie^ goW’p^s, diamonds, rings, watches and clocks, includ- C0d’. Rayrjpq?1 piovcmonts, an^l a complete stock of optical ,^ioo,iA 10$ omftiuo to gtu|J|tyy perfect latlufaolhm oa all repairs. ;r • DA v 11)S0X > Jeweler, F0urtri Street, Opposite Cox & Chappel. ’ 'tSfemfetu’m A ■ for the AnunsportatAon of , U ,.,SX x\ v °£2l n t2££!' * rl , U "r auO fretalv -v dllttront .• ui’vul, May ?*!*? Bww »' P 1 ® 3 ?* 1 Hi this Mate." The, cent* .mib- |* ' n A; . "<-* A*mv. Goorgo Derry, 11. a roAsorKibJe maximum rat «i maxtimwn *»f .7 <m*l 4 oemts a mile ! ©he ML-Vcvui AraJlt^y* ,uv gon*->rally K1 untnrofllrabie. *s\\ 1 awcral nf them ar*» Insolvent. If .lower ra»tos were forced \vxrn them thvv w«ra4«l have ti> de«'iva*w the ooa.* ar.vl eharactvr of bhelr rcrvK-e. nnd the nubile woulft suffer. Hut the «»url* 4uvo e«tabUsht*1 the prlnelpie thait m.t* s. t.> <N* r»MSv>nabie. must ,'U- «ow a fufp return <vn the im-’s;- and wouM n\s^t dlffieuX ro vinee ant <»tir: <h»t 2 «vnts a anile !a A!le'd*ran would not p*v tho " “ *sent messenger service. a iw»-third3 vrtf in - : Fanaff* Uiil. vJSoV Cbutdia Boss. |fcH»o4 OwldU.^ rion King.'* Rot**. Bell. Glover. ' Jtordkfcv Harris. Hazel Hhrrla, T.^C. Itfiffer, Jrv/ hUH ’—tatley Parker^Tirat- H.irroM Rutli Parker, *4* I*? .wouki Mtdhlput to V05.* sivh a la »r>t a-’ *U likely ;bat twv-t J'tgis^aturs* \\ 111 fav.*r sir>h . J*.r-ttce snd foUv n* the g. -Oireohtos* IKicovcrj for ConSum^tfon. ThlM Is the l>c«t inetlK'lm* in the wofM Au lt forms of cOnchs, colds nnd for coLMlut\»- on. Lvtiy bottle Is guarnntet .1. It will nre and not disappoint. It ha« nt>\eqnnt .r whooping cough, asthma, hay fever, nenflumin. bronchitis. La Grippe, cold In io head nnd for consumption. It Is safe »r all ages, pleasant to take, and above II. a sure cure. It i* nlwavs ell to trtko I»r. King’s New l.lfo puts In with Dr. Klng-a Nbw DIs- k -* * *one the s psrtivt satisfaction free L M »tt!«‘M «t II. ‘ drug store. Regular size a ted by MAsaaoh> of <h* etts Th'* been ■ fogs « ^ rill rend cc*nm!i«Ioncrs at Boston, but rilie rv?uVt of nh-e heav^n^. regar«i* i th* amount of r.e-;v and useful kno-.vU e^lgo v'vo.Vi• 1. !s jHwnsaly t.hc same as ; th.»: of all other Imiuirlesan th»* isubj^'f <1ur:n»c ®n*» mat ik'xt-n yesrswiil. The • Gl vencilati^n '.s rWfnberrAtrr* and I The hy»t praoph.>il v^ntilstioct t fiependo liiMt the <*?rc o' intrvRiirrnt* at- I tepo.rxus ri *b sn an^hlr-g eb*s*». and i th nvv-f -t «:isralanta that we I fl *l in r it ’;fe f,u ,,f the bcvt l*r^. Jy Ijiix uorii tho igooraiw or ©b>U- Chstp Holiday Railroad Ticket*. Oa December 22d. 23d. 24th and *»Vh id SOth nn.l January lat the Ceniral allway will Ml rro.un-.l-tr:;> tloketa at 1 P'lnro for diatnn«a of three hundred it;.., at rote of 2 cult, per mile eMh ay. limited to January (!h, r»turning, ludenta of Khoola and e>>!l:-sea mn Deotmter nth to be- Pi*ank B. Coates, 563 Cherry Street. UP-TO-DATE 3IERCHANT TAILOR, f from .J23'up. Pante from 53 up. A perfect lit guaranteed. None ' titllors employed. This Is the place for Holiday Clothing. YEAR GIFTS. i Cheapest and Handsomest Line of DIMMER AND CHAMBER SETS . ■ I ... French, and ^ottjrlo.n China, porcelain and ironstone. ' ported them o’lt.elv’cs and that accounts for the low prices we are offer- R. J. TAYLOR, Pres. CEO. B. JEWETT^V-Pres. E. N. JELKS. Treas. CASH CAPITAL ANI) f/lJRPLUS, $145,000. Manufacturers of ACID |H0SPHATE and HIGH GBADS EEKTILIZEBSl >e.'7lx You hxv .cat, y<\ will tCi diuiuk-room now while you can do it at llttlo expenae. _ .kd^«uuh*a4 opportunity before. If you have but little to relish itraV the more when you have one of our exquisite dinner Hlfoapt given, to you« You never »aw such fine goods for so low a .xuri^. If you oom* with tMouh we will make you open your eyes. If you have not the bojno &n>’\cay. Husbands, this Is a good chance to make your wife happy. Bjfcs, your good mothers will appreciate a beautiful dinner set .a? a pn-a#«it. TINDALL, PEEK & CO., Macon, Ga. ember 25th. W. P. Dawson, T. P, A. UuoMeii V Arnip In the The be? brulne*. iore.H, ul;vr». h: eon-u. tetter, ehapjn*! iu t*irn* nml all Mkln « rtiptloi Hires i'll***, or no pay tv.|u nntr<st to give pe.feet in.ou v refuiitlcd t'rif't* A'» For sale by 11. J. l^mat Do Yon Understand That fractions count up into a large amount when com piled ? Now, here is a chance to put arithmetic to good use for your own benefit: $10 bo Suits and Overcoats now.... ....$6 75 12 00 Suits and Overcoats now.... .... 8 00 15 00 .Suits and Overcoats uoav .... .... 10 00 ia 00 Suits ami Overcoats now.... .... 12 00 20 00 Suits and Overcoats now.... .... 13 75 25 00 Suits and Overcoats now.... .... 18 50 Win these Reductions, you ask? Because our stock must he reduced if such cut rates can accomplish it; but the better truth is, we need funds. Come help us, and be benefited yourself. CIIA llL ES W AC 11T EL, 515 Cherry St. __... ..> *a» i| ~S4t* - tX df- Jgg * ,T? e ,i? r f? st ,^ a ““f tomplete factory in the Sonlh. The mnchlnery is , of tne l'Ttort stylo, which equips us for a large output. i — “J? «« only factoiz in Macon that munufaetures High Grade FerfciilzerJ We nse nothing but th* highest and best grades of material. ' buying goods fronius you deal directly with the manufacturer nnd commlssiqiw of middlemen. Fertilizers furnished to cash customers at a libera! discount. Correspondence suited frpm. dealers and consumers * MACON, GfllKKftlA. The Dixie Shoe and Closing Companj Will Sell, This Week, Their Entire Stock Gentlemen’s Underwear at 40c \n the-Dollar j All-wool Shirts and Drawers at 50c suit; ujrth ,Pi?o. All-wool Shirts at 69e, worth $1.25, with Drawers to matcl Boys’ Overcoats, 7 to 17 years, at $1.50; worth $4.50. Boys’ Suits, 4 to 14 years, at 75c, .$1.00 and $1.50; worth double the price. ■ ? » New shipments of the celebrated Godman Shoo! '"enables us to fit Children; of .all. ages. Try these Shoes for your Children. They last longer and fit be - than any Shoes made. % The J. B. Lewis Shoes, for Men, beat them all. Ever^ pair guaranteed. THE DIXIE SHOE & CLOTIIINfi C0-, G. A. EDEN, ~~ 159 Cotton Ave. Telephone 47. L. COHEN & CO.; WHOI/ESALE _ ,. ' LIQUOR DEALERS AND DISTILLERS OP THE F. M0US “KENNESAW MOUNTAIN CORN” Respeptfully BoUcit your orders for your Christmas Whiskey, assuring you in ovory instance Absolutely Pure, Reliable Goods at Absolutely Lowest Possible Prices. Special attention paid to Jug Orders. Give us a trial. Once a cus tomer always a oustomor. i>. COHEN & CO. <08 I'ourtti Street (Kc.vt Door to Wolff tnapp). Uacon, Ga. Special Offering to the Excursionists and My Custom era t As I am offering a rebato to the excursionists, I think it just that my customers and the public generally should have some inducements offered them. I will, therefore, make the following offer: From December 15 to Jan uary 1 every customer making a cash purchase of $1.00 and upward will receive a rebate of 10 per cent. Remember, my goods are guaranteed, and comprise the very best and purest of Whiskies, 'Brandies, Imported I Wines, Ale, Porter, eto. Special attention givento Jug orders. M. O’HARA,, ’Phone 407. 226 Cotton Ave. (Hurley’s Old Stanri^ BOLIYKR H. RA: COTTON FACTOR. HUES ■ PH GUANO I —AND— MULES —AT— Wholesale and. Retail I represent three of the largest manu facturers in the South: THE ATLANTA GUANO CO. d THE AMERICUS GUANO CO. 1 TJ! E WALTON (iD A NO CO. " Ammoniated Guano, Acid Phosphate, ' German Kainit, Muriate of-Potash and ^ Cotton Seed Meal.' M. C. BALKCOM, 306-30S THIRD STREET, -DEALER IN- Hardware, Stoves, Cutlery,j Farming Implements, Wooden ware,Tinware and Groceries ng twenty-five yearn* experience, I fed My prices are as safe in saying that I Your patronage La solicited. M. C. BALKCOM, Act. TH E KEEtEY fNiSIttUTE ATIiAHVA, GA. FOR THE CURE OF LIQUOR, OPIUM, MORPHINE, COCAINE, TOBACCO M C'SARETTE HABITS, i Adapted by lbs United States GovemseM. For information sddre&a KeeTey In>titutc, AtlauU, Ga. | New Sanitarium corner Jackson and Pine Sts.