The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, February 19, 1897, Image 3

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3. THE MACON TELEGKAPE: FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1897. SEA ISLAND COTTON MEN GROWERS TO MEET IN CONVENTION ON TIIE S4T1I INSTANT. TROUBLE FOR JUDGE HINES. HE IS DEFENDANT IN A SENSATION AL INJUNCTION SUIT. An Effort on Foot to Curtail Production Mrs. E. E. Salter of Atlanta Charges the and Ask Congress fo Protect Amerl* Judge with Swindling Her Out of can Producers by Placing High Valuable Landed Estates and Vnr- TarifT on Egyptian Cotton. ious Sums of Money. Valdosta, Ga., Feb. 18.-A convention of the sea Island cotton growers has bren called to meet here next Wednesday, the 24tb Instant, to discus* all questions that affect the sea Island cotton industry. No tices of the couventiou have been sent to every section of the sea Island cotton bolt, and It Is very probable that a represrtrita- tlrs delegation will bo here. The object of the convention Is to discuss the subject of curtailing the crop; to fake step* toward Improving the seed aud to send a delega tion to Washington to go before the ways and meant committee to ask for a rcvfcnno raising tartff on/tho Egyptian staple. It Is believed that the convention Will ac complish mtidh fop* the chief Industry Of tl is section. Gen. James Longstreet boarded the pas senger train ou the Plaut system at l»u- pont yesterday and went to Thouiasvllle, where-lie will take another tralu for At lanta. Gen. Lougstreet has been down lu Florida and has conic up to I>upout, where be was forced to tpeml a night and a half a day watting for his train. The day train yesterday was tilled with passengers, tfhero being a large nnmber of Northern people pn board. As soon as It became known that Gen. Longstreet, one of the heroes of the Confederacy, was on board, all of tho passengers were anxious to pay their re spects to him, and a steady stream of’peo ple poured from the passenger coaches and sleeners into the smoking car to shake his hand. The Northern people were especially anxious to see Hie old general, nud tho ladles In the cars were as eager to meet him as any others on board. The general was compelled to nse nis car trumpet to hear what was being said to him, as ho Is very deaf. Tho prohibitionists have called their elec tion for March ‘.M, and the battle Is pretty well on now. Both sides are doing all they can to liavo voter* to register, but the cam paign has not reached the point of excite ment yet. The heavy rains in thUs section during the past week have caused the water conr.sen to rise higher than they bavo ever been known to rise before. Tbe river west county bridge at the place has been swept away, though the water is so high that tno bridge disappeared from view several days ago. Other bridges in the county are under water and the exact results of the freshet will not be known until the waters subside. All of the bridges In this county are new and they may stand the high waters all right. Mr. Lowndes Shaw of this city has bought two building lots In the eastern parts of the city and has let out the con tract for a beautiful residence. Col. W. 8. West will begin the erection of his elegant homo In a Jfow days. Mr. 8. 8. Flutes- bury of Stockton has bought a lot on Pat terson street and will commence the erec tion of a handsome residence at once. There are a large number of residences under course of construction here, and the building movement, which*nturted Movers! years ago, goes on with Increased Impetus. A number of real estate deals aro' made dally and everything Indicates that Val dosta is In the front of the proccsslou ou progress and prosperity. Home t ‘ are gotoi stapfe M rt staple cotton thin year to tent and wait for a more propitious season to begin tbo aea Island culture again. Val dosta at ono time received about 10,000 bales of short staple cotton, but tbe soil here proved so well adapted to tbe growth of long staple that no short staple cotton baa been raised In snveral years. Tbo sea Island receipts last season were nearly •7,000, while of short staplo cotton they were lesa than B00. ...... Tbe nnthorltlca here received definite In- -..formation this morning as to the where abouts of Ulbbs, the man whom Congo says killed Jordon Sumner III Colquitt county. The chief-of police will send man after Gibbs and It Is probable that t will bo In the tolla In tbe next two days. BANDKKSVILH! SOCIETY. The Young 1’coplo entertained by a Charming Young llontcsa. 8anderavllle,.Ga., 'Fob. 18.—Last night (Miss IiolUe G. Gilmore favored o, se lect party of friends with a most de lightful at home. The spacious old mansion, a relic of ante bellum stateli ness and grandeur, (brilliantly illumina ted and artistically decorated, was thrown open to the guests, affording room for delightful tete-a-teto-and va rious enjoyments, A decidedly novel content was engaged In, which afforded miroh enjoyment, consisting in endeav oring to decipher some "teas" that were hopelessly crossed. As there was no poverty of ingenuity exhibited, the oc casion, in aplte of Its perplexities, was ono of great hilarity. Plllow-dcx engaged in, much to the amueentent of the participants and on-lookers. . At a late hour elegant refreshments were served, consisting of dainty en trees, ice cream, cakes and candy. In the tea-guessing contest the ladlea’ prizes were won Iby Olissoi Anna Jones and (Florence Cohen; the gentlemen's prixe by Col. Hugh Chambers, which were awarded In appropriate manner by IMr. A. W. Evans. The guests were received 'by (Miss Lo'.Ilo Gilmore, one of Bandersvlile's most charming debut antes, with exquisite grace, assisted by her stately and handsome slater. Miss Mildred Gilmore. The affair was ele gant In all of its appointments and an occasion likely to .bo remembered (by those present. Among those present were: Miss Florence Cohen and John Lovett, Miss (Mario Allen of Warrenton and Ed Co- ben, Miss Anna Jones and (Hugh Cham bers, Miss Alice Evans and 'Armstead Watkins. (Miss Annie Wicker and O. (Summerlin, Miss Kato Jones of Warrenton and Walter Uallahef, Miss Sadie Tatfbutton and James Johnson, (Miss Ollie Harris and Edward Sullivan. 'Miss Mary Joyhor and Miller Evans; ■H. D. Adams of Macon, Bowman Ben nett, Maurice Cohen, Tom Wicker, Jno. Veal and Newman Wood. A Burglary at T.umber City, Lumber City, Ga., Feb. 18.—A burglar entered the residence of J. A. Doater, a prominent merchant of this place, this morning about 3 o'clock and succeeded in getting away with ISO, a bunch of store keys and some clothing. The en trance was made through a window without disturbing anyone in the room, until In the act of leaving, the thief waa discovered. He was chased to the. woods, where the olothlng, keys and 375 were found, Tbe money and keys, which were concealed In the pockets of tho clothing, were evidently not found by the t.Mef, as only 35 In silver was taken. Cancer CURED BY Mrs. A. n, Crausby, of 158 Kerr St., Memphis, Tenn., paid noattention to a small lump in her breast, but itsoon developed into a cancer of the most malig nant type. The best physicians In New York treated her, and fin ally declared her case hopeless. As a last resort, 8. S. S. was given, and an immediate improvement re sulted; a few bot tles cured her completely, and noficn oftbedis- ease bss return ed for ten years. sss WENT BACK ON IIISWOlfl)S. TIIE TALBOT COUNTY MOONSHIN ERS WERE SET FREE. Tho Five Men Arrested for Interfering With Revenue Ofllcera Sometime Ago Were Arraigned Yesterdajnnd tho Witness Retracted Statement. THE NEW HAVEN SHOE CO ’S Atlanta, Feb. IS.—Judge James K. Hines, the promtent lawyer and Popu list leader, Is the defendant In a sensa tional injunction suit signed by Judge John S. Candler today. There arc other defendants or parties' to the action besides Judge Hines, including the Planter!,' Loan and Savings bank of Augusta, Ellas Daniels, J. B. Dan iels and W. O. Wadley of Burke county, but the sensational charges all relate to him. J ' Mrs. E. E. Salter of this city, formerly of Bufke county, is the plaintiff. She recites a number of damaging charges against Judge Hines, who was her trustee In the management of certain property .In Burke and Newton coun ties. She claims that Judge Hines as such trustee, has in effect swindled her out of her whole estate, having secured loans and Induced her to sign away property by fraudulent misrepresenta tions and conspiracy. Mrs. Salter al leges that Judge Hines Is Insolvent and the only way she can hope to undo the wrong he has dune Is to have the deeds made through his misrepresentations set aside and the property returned to her snbjcot to her .original Incum brances. * At the time of plaoing her property in tho hands of Jmlgo Hines for man agement, her affairs having been prior to that time In the hands of J. C. Kim ball. deceased, of this city, Mrs. Salter alleges that she had a valuable farm in Burke county and another In New ton county, as well as a life estate In a second farm in Burke county left by her mother. All her property was Vented to W. O. Wadley, first on a lease for one year at 3600 and then on a five- year lease, dated In 1893, at 3400 per year. In consideration of the lease, Wadley gave her notes, one for 3600 and five for 3400 each, due annually in liquidation of the rents. These papers she turned over to Judge Hines. The Augusta bank had a claim for 34,000 on the Burke county farm and was to reconvey title to her when the claim was paid. Not only has she never received any proceeds as rents from the property, ail of which was paid into the hands of Judge Hines, the pe titioner claims, but under claim that the money was to he used to pay off her debts Judge Hines got her to sign two notes in blank which should have been made out for tho total sum of 31,600, but Instead he filled them out for 31,000 each and sold them to a man named Tyson. It Is further alleged by Mrs. Salter that Judge Hines, under misrepresenta tions, Induced her to sign away her title to the property In question, ho saying that ;he could sell It for about 33,000, when, as a matter of act, he had already made arrangement* with Ellas Daniels to sell tt to him for 34.500. Af ter she had signed this document, which left her stripped of property, it Is al leged that the property was again transferred to J. B. Daniels of Burke county, but that he was not an’ inno cent purchaser, as ho had notice of her interests and claims. Jt ia alleged that the teal value of the property was 37.- 000, and that Ellas 'Daniels himself had offered her 35,000 for It. Mrs. Salter claims that by reason of bis actions in regard to her property. Judge Hines now ewes her 36,000, and ah6 wants the courts to sot aside the deeds to the Daniels and leave her the property subject to the claim of the Auguata bank. Judge Candler granted the Injunction restraining Daniels and all parties from further proceedings in the premises until a permanent settle ment of the claims of Mrs. Salter. The bill is a long one, «nd makes numer ous detailed allegations against Judge Hines of a sensational character on ac count of his .alleged wrecking of the widow's fortune. A Young Man Charged With Ilobbery Atlanta, Feb. 18.—W. A. Saunders, a yqung man employed as a clerk by the •Draper'Moore Dry Goods company, was placed under arrest this morning-hy city detectives. Joe Strong, a negro Saunders, who is a nice-looking young man and of good family.- is charged with toeing engaged in a syste matic rdbbery of his employers. A large amount of goods taken from tho atore were recovered by the detectives from Strong's possession, he having carried them to hi* home. The negro wa« at first supposed to be the solo cul prit. but he claimed that the goods had been given him by the clerk, and In'thls way Saunders was implicated. It 4s not known as yet what the total amount of the losa to the house Is, hut a thorough Investigation ha* been commenced atneo the discovery that the drayman waa not alono responsible for the oteal- clerk. ' bUt a ''5 >onfc ' tler * to of ' lhc Reward for Murderers. 'Atlanta, Feb. 18.—Governor Atkinson today offered a Toward of 3150 each for the capture of Taylor and Linton Find ley, who recently escaped from Clarke county Jail. The Flndleya are under indictment for tho murder of Julius 'Hardy, in Oglethorpe county. Mllledgevllto Musical Organization. Mllledgevnie, Ga., Feb. 18,-The St. Cecliian Musical Club wilt giro a mush rai at tbe Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College tomorrow (Friday) night for tbe benefit of tho college anil the Elm City Garden Club. Jt is com posed of some flue musician* anil vocal- Us, and a large crowd will no doubt show their appreciation by their pres ence. Mrs. H. W. Compton has returned from a visit to friends in Atlanta. Professor D. I,. Earnest is again in the city after a visit to Athens. -Mr*. Frauds IJerlz of Athens 1* vis iting Mrs. n. W. Roberts on the Hill. Mrs. David Woodruff of 'Macon is vis iting her daughter for a few days. ««r.. J- M- Johnson lectured at the 'Middle Georgia Jililtary and Agricul tural College Tuesday night to a large and approdatlro audience on Bunyan’s Pilgrim's Progress. Columbus, Ga., Feb. 18.—The Tele graph tfld of the arrest a short time ago of a number of well-known citizens of Taylor couuty on the charge of conspir acy, It being alleged thut they were among the mob who surrounded a liouso in which l lit To were a number of reve nue officers aud made- them give * up rouie moonshine whisky that they had captured. The arrests created a sensa tion at the lime The preliminary Inves tigation of the eases against the parties came off in this city this afternoou. One sensational feature was the falling through of tho eases made out,against the partlles, the principal witness go ing squarely back on previous state ment* that lie had wade, aud thus caus ing the dropping of the .eases. When tho eases were first made, a sensation was sprung by tho arrest of one of the witnesses, Hou. J. J. McCnnts, a promi nent citizen and politician of Taylor county, and who represented the couuty in the legislature several times. This af ternoon the case wguluet Mr. McCnnts was dropped without being tried. From tbo Investigation Hint had been made, tbe officers say that no case existed against this gentieuiau, and be was, therefore, honorably diaeharged without being tried. The parties arraigned today were Messrs. Will J. R. Arthur. Charles Biek- ley, Jeuks and Jauk and Pat Downs. The principal witness was Joseph Whit tle, who had turned stale's evidence and on whose previous statements tbe au thorities based their hopes of convicting tlie defendants. To the surprise of every body, however. Whittle went squarely back on his previous statements, and, this heln/lhe case, tho eases were neces sarily discharged. Whittle was arrested for perjury, for which ho will be tried. Ail of the conspiracy eases were dis missed. Whittle intimated that lm had been threatened by some of tbe parties in tho case. A liouso Party at Blltch. Sanderavllle. Ga.. Feb. 18.—A small crowd of Bandersvlllc young people will leave Saturday at noon for Blltch. Ga„ where they will attend a house party given by Misses Mildred and Annie Laura Blltch at their hospitable home. No doubt this will prove a pleasant trip. Tho** composing the party from here arc Mlsecs Sadie Tarbutton. Nora Hopkins, Anna Jones and Bella Brown; Messrs. T. A. Wicker, A. W. Evans, Newman Wood, J. B. Johnson and Walter D. Gallaher. Miss Mamie Sparks is visiting Mlsa Naomi Pipkin in Tcnnllle. Mss E. Shelly Colley Is visiting friends and relative* in North Carolina. Miss Kate Jojies of Warrenton, who has been the charming guest of Miss Annie Wicker for the past few weeks, wtij leave Monday for a visit to Ala- con and then home. While here Mis* Jones has won many friends and ad- mlrers. who will mils her very much. Metro Assaulted a Little Girt, Louisville, rjrt., Feb. IS.—John War ren waa arrested yesterday for attempt. Ing to rape the 5-yaar-old daughter of Mr. George 8. Farmer, a prominent planter and leading Populist, living near SleUavllle. a village fifteen or mi- teen miles from tiers. Warren Is about 16 year* old. He was brought to town -1 and placed in Jail loot evening. Bnllwny Kliops nt lllon nidge. Jasper, Ga,, Feb. 18.—Tho A. K. and N. railroad will cneot shops at Blue Ridge, above here. The oltlzena of Blue Ridge have given tho railroad company 31.200 and ten acres of land and releas ed them from city 'taxes during the first ten years, as an inducement to locate the shops there. Mias Motouc, aieharmlng young lady To Care a Cold in One Dnv Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money If It falls to cure. 33 cents. u , _ u; _ Dental Notice. Come to my dental parlors. No. 121 ' '—‘ le, and have your teeth Kfensr ,o work, pin tea. . guaranteed. A. 8. MOOR1 OASTOHIA. * Lome 10 ray neuin Washington avenue, i examined free, flavin prepared to do work 1 Grown and bridge 1 guaranteed. ora YOU Who are In need of strictly scientlfio and expert medical treatment should certainly invcstlgato tho reputation of tho physician you employ. Dr. Hatha way* Co. have undoubtedly the best of professional and financial references and are reeognlzr-d as THE MOST SUCCESSFUL, THE MOST PROGRESSIVE, THE MOST EXPERIENCED, THE MOST SKILLFUL, THE MOST POPULAR Physicians and specialists in the successful treat ment of dellcato diseases peculiar to man or woman kind. SPECIALTIES: Specific blood poisoning, ner vous debility,kid- ncy and urinary difficulties, strictures, varicocele, hydrocele, pimples, piles, rheumatism, skin and blood diseases of all forms, catarrh and diseases of women. Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO„ 32% 8. Broad St, - - ATLANTA OA Mail treatment given by sending for Symptom Blank, No. 1 for men. No. 3 for women, No. 8 for skin diseases. No. 4 for catarrh. For Planting*. Tho handling of Peanuts has boon a special foaturo of our business for tho past five yoars or more. Special atten tion given to tho selection of Peanuts for “seed.” \yiim-Jolmson Co, hfanufacturers of Candies and Cracker*, Macon, Ga. D. A. KEATING, LADHItTAU.HU. AMD UHUALUMt UbiopIc Unllillng, 623 BJicili*rry M., Macon, Ga. Tel*pli«nc«i Ofllco. 40T« lUtldanc* 481 BROWN HOUSE. Macon,. Ga. , T. C. Parker, Proprietor. Opposite Union Depot The beat the most centrally located and convenient hotel in Macon, elcctrlo cars pass tho door. Improved in all departments, with everything clean, bright and cheerful, tho Famous IJrown House solicits your patronage, tree transportation to all depots. Well lighted sample rooms. Table absolutely unsurpassed. SPRING NOVELTIES Foil line „f latent and most wool. m lot spring .oltlags Just received. Best vrortmaasklp! losrs.t price.; fit gun Fred W. Goettc, -ENTIRE STOCK OF. LADIES' SHOES HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY OUR BUYER AT Rift CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Read below the prices they were made to sell for and then the price we offer them to you. Special attention to mail orders Men’s Calf and Cordovan Bals, Hand Sewed, all sizes and widths, made for $5.00, our price $ 2.99 Men’s Calf aud Cordovan Bals, hand sewed, Razor Toes, all sizes and widths, made for :5.00, oiir price 2.99 Men’s Calf and Cordovan Bals, hand sewed, Opera, all sizes, made for 5.00, our price 2.99 Men’s Calf and Cordovan Bals, hand sewed, Full Toe, all sizes and widths, made for 400, our price 2.49 Men’s Calf Congress hand sowed, Full Toe, all sizes and widths, made for 400, our price 2.49 Men’s Calf and Cordovan Bals, hand sewed. Razor, all sizes and widths, made for 400, our price 2,19 Men’s Calf and Cordovan Bal, hand sewed, Needle, all sizes . and widths, made tor ‘ % 400, our price 2.49 Men’s Calf Bal, Extra Good, Razor, all sizes and widths, made for 2.50, our price 1.49 Men’s Calf Bal, Extra Good, Opera, all sizes and widths, made for 2.50, our price 1.49 LADIES’ SHOES & SLIPPERS Ladies’.French Kid,lace, A,B,C, D and E,made for $4, our price $2.00 Ladies’ Frc’h kid, button hoot, A, B, C, D and E, made for...... $400, our price 2.00 Ladies’ French Kid, Oxford, A, B, C, D and E, made for $9.00, our price 1.85 Ladies’ French Kid, Oxford, Patent Leather, trimmed, made for. $8.00; our price 1.85 Ladies’ Yici Lace, pat. tip, all sizes, made for. $2.00, our price 1 425 Ladies’ Vici Button, Pat. Tip, all sizes, made for $2.00, onr price 1.25 BOYS’ SHOES Boy’s Calf Bals, worth $2.50, for $1.50 Boy’s Calf Bals, worth 2.00, for 1.00 Youth’s Calf Bals, worth 2.35, for 1.35 Youth’s Calf Bals, worth 450, for 1.00 R0FF SIMS & CO M 123 Cotton avenue. CORNER THIRD STREET, AND BARGAIN LANE, MACON, GEORGIA.