The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, May 16, 1897, Image 8

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THE MACON TELEGEAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1897. Xnt* re.tlin Sole* orM»eon'* SoeUl Teo- plo—Mention of Thoeo Who Como and Co-Promletd Social Brente-Othcr Mention. •• Min DuBoae of Athene will arrive tomorrow to bo the Btieet of Miae Julia Iltifurnln. ••The Outlns Cltfb had an old-faoh- loncil plcnfe at their new club quarter", at .McCall'* pond. Trls Ideal reeort 1« destined to become the fa»hlon In tne ■ummer day* near at hand. •• Mlta Stacy Erncet and Mia* Lll- Hail Slmmona of Atlanta are the |U» « of Mr*. John Bold, on Forayth atwet. •* Mia* Burrow* of Augusta I* the guest of Miaa Julia Huguenln. .•Mis* Mtwaon Pavl* will entertain vlaltlnc member* of • the Weolcyan alumnae. •• A german at the Cherokee la one of the promised social event* of the near future. That It will bo a thor oughly enjoyable affair need* no argu- wm for those who know how the Cherok.o entertains. ••Mlta Ilona Taylor will entertain visiting mrmbera of the Wesleyan alumnae. •• Mr*. J- M. Cutter entertained a party of eighteen liat night cpmpl • m^ntary to h<*r brother, 'Mr. Itlcturn Bril of Atlanta. •• ller many friend* will regret to learn of the lllncsa of Mrs. If. O. Judd of Vlnevlllc. •• Miss O. W. Hick* entertained at lords yesterday tflernnon. It was a most enjoyable affair. *• Nest Thursday night Mr. and Mr*. Mallory Taylor will lender a reception With such a host and no charming a to th? Pharmaceutical Association, hostess It goes without tha saying that It tylll be a delightful event. •• The Current Topics Club will meet tomorrow 1 afternoon at tho residence of Mr*. It. E. Park, it la on Important meeting. Member* are requested to bring their jluea. Mrs. T. O. Cheatney and Mr*. Walter Douglaa Lamar have charge of the programme, which In sure* that It will ba an entertaining one. Tho subject will be the Oraeco- Turklsh Imbroglio. Profeasor Parks of Weaieyan has kindly consented lo fa vor the club wltit a talk on this sub ject. •• The German and barbecue to be given by tho Elks at Ocmulgec Park next Wednesday afternoon and night promises to be a rare entertainment. The Elk* propoae to sustain their reputation a* entertainer*—no more n?eil be said. ••Mr*. George W. Faulk, nee Mlsa Ida Halkcom, and Mlsa Maud McCoy of Jeffersonvlllo were guests of Mr. ond Mrs. C. C. Halkcom last week. •• Mrs. J. N. Tolley will give a re ception nest Thursday, complimentary to Mrs. Furman and Mis* Furman of Mllledgevllle. ••(Mr*. J. W. Mean* and mother left yesterday for Marietta. Ga., Where they will apend a month. •• Mra. Jamea .It. Voorhers of Mor ristown. N. J.. Is the guest, of Mr. Charles K. Campbell, on her annual visit to her old home. ••Those who ride on the Georgia Bout hern and Florida know genial Rob ert B. Young, and It will Intereat them and hit hosts of friends In Macon lo read a dcialled account of his recent marlage at Crescent City. Fla. "Amid palm* and flowers Miss Alice Irene Harp was weeded atGrovcsdalo church thl* afternoon to Mr. Robert R. Young nf Macon, Ga., a popular young railroad man and a member of on* of South Carolina'* proudest fam ilies. Tho church waa filled to overflow ing by the friends or tho lmppy pair and was beautifully decorated with palms, evergreens, water llllc*. roses and other flower*, while an arch of evergreen* nnd flower* held the bridal •bell of white flower* Juat In front uf tho attar. • • . ‘The bridal party entered the phurch to the strain* of (MendPlaaohn’a inarch, auperbly rendered by Mra. D. Gautier, aailsted by Mra. J. W, Miller and Mr, r, C. arable, and, passing through floral Rates, were met under the hell by the paator. the Rev. John . race, who most Impressively performed ceremony. ■The bride waa mbit exquisitely gowned In white brocaded satin, trimmed with motteaellne dc sole and pearl passementerie and carrying * bouquet of bride's rose*.. The maid of honor, Mlsa Mary Allen or miltl.ind. FIs., ond the bridesmaid. Mb«s Marga ret Ward, wore gowns of while or gandy. trimmed with lace and ribbons, and csrrltsl bouquets of Duchess ID llrabsnt roses. The flower girls, little UtaaM Undo and Miriam Payaon, ear 1 rled baskets of row*. •The host man was Mr. Clay llolst of Macon, and the ushers were Mr. \V. B. .Campbell and Mr. C. A. Maull of title city and Dr. .Peterson of Tlften. Ga. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal patty were driven to the r.-- l.-oc* of the bride's parents, where s abort reception was held. "The bride Is the third daughter 'of Ton. and Mrs. J. H. Harp and was e lo sited at Wesleyan College. Macon, sal 1 ^it!ronge College. toiGr.ingc.Ga., Bh. Is hUthU accomplished and a great so favorite, pooe-ealng a charm of manner and sweetness of disposition that endears Iter to all who meet her. •‘The numerous ond handsome bridal gifts testified to the esteem and affrS. ti nt In which the yoang people ore held. The happy couple took the t 6'ctock train, ant hi a shower of Heo and good wishes, for a trip to the Nashville exposition and nth. r western points, on their return they will make their home In Mac,.n. where Mr. Young has many friends who con gratulate him on winning so fair a bride and wleh them all happiness." ••The engagement of Miss Zetta Goldberg, formerly of this city, now of Columbus, to Mr. Ben Gerson hee been announced. •• The engagement or Mr. Dave Gold berg to Mlsa Lyleh Browne of Colum bus baa been announced. •‘Miss Bertha Willingham returned last night from Atlanta. She was the excipient nf many social attentions while In the Gate City.. " The latest guests regtelerrd at the Cherokee Club arc Mr. Jim Carr of Tampa. Fla- Mr. Dave Hall Of Atlanta, blissCortnne Moseley of Columbus, Mr. . T. H. Wans maker of New York. Mis* 1 matter. Minnie Jervis of ft. Augustine. FIs Mr. J. M. W1I.It of New York en Mr. It. C. Mt.U'cton of Alabama. . wer# guests were greeted with aweet strain* from an orchestra hidden by a screen or palms. The house was brilliantly Illu minate.!; beautiful lamps, deliciously shaded, added their grace and color to the scene. The hall In its Immense proportions, wttb sumptuous furniture. Its magnificent celling and mantal of old oak. (a sufficiently lmprealaveJn Its everyday attire, but rose* and palm* in lavish profusion made It most Inviting and ktxurloui. Deep mawea of exotics and foliage were used In the salon, acccntuallng It* pale tint* and exquisite furnishing. This room la dec orated after the Louln VI and I Inst Empire period. The wall hanging* and window rtraperle* are of palegreen. the mantel is Ivory and gold tinted, and the chandelier* of French gilt, a feat ure of the room which were taken from the Kirkman house of ante-bellum d *The dining room, which is this with sliding doocs, was especially attraotiTe. The rich, hlxjdy pouhed ttble had a rontre piece of *K*e»e ia« over pink satin. A handsome ornament held s mass of «mnv balls and mreamer" of pink and satin rlblonwcre use^The library which open* with wide doora at the end of 1h« hath waa ilKed with tow- ering latms, under whose branches tele n te.tee were enjoyed. A dellcloua punch wm asrred there and the air waa laden with the perfume of many flowers. •1M1*. V*n Deer Kirkman looked su premely beautiful as alie stood In the hand came *al<* to rewire 1kt euPet*. Her gown wae of white satin. The skirt had trimmings of laee down the aides. Aeross "he front of the decollete bodice was embroidered sn ostrich feothcr In gre.*n traeery studded In brilliants. The baek of the bodice showed a slmjlar de sign iu smaller figures. Bunches of pink rises wore oil the shoulders. She wore her Mara of diamond stare and around iter neck, faKIng to the waist, a string of diamond* and iiearl*. Hie* carried ■Si limed? of American Mciuty ram*. "By her stood iMns. Joseph Thompson of Atlanta ond a peorlcaa jualeh <die was, ROW I in while satin, Willi carnage em broidered In pearl* nnd Irhmucd In rare lace. At the shoulder and around lbo waist was enough green lo glre a touoli of color and make more striking the ex- qiiliite costume. AimOt her threat were live Strlnpsof pearls «t tight with <1 clasp of tUsmond*. A diamond dagger gleamed on hr* eorsage. He hair was combed It Pompadour, end In it she. wore white plume. The flashing lights falling on. the ga laxy of beautiful women In tho perfec- .Hon of cosily surrounding*, are what on* remenfliera of Oik Hill hospitality, hut man/ of the older gueats recalled other scenes when the sound of war re. eound.Hl where revelry and music were heard last night. Oak Hill crowttd tho battlefield of Nashville. Its modern perfection In no woy suggest* that grlm-vlaaged war once swept the beau tiful green hill* on which It rests, hut ihe lights flashing from the wlndowa and doors fell on cannon* and cannon balls In front of tho bouse, which, al though wreathed In vinca and pointed over flowery ground*, told of different scene* of other day*. •In the Confederate corner of this mansion, under the "Bonnie Blue. Flag." hang plstola carried by a boy aoldter, tho ho»t of laat evenin'*, And In the picture of Buchanan'* cabinet la that of Hon. Jacob Thompson, grandfather of the hoatess, who later took such a prominent part In the Confederacy." MEN’S KI'ITOME. A Mills Gentlrinsn Tipping tho Seales stSIxsnd a Half Bounds. Gen. Tom Thumb, if alive, would seem like a giant- beside the diminu tive little man the Itanium aitil Halley shows art) exhibiting line y ir. lie 1* »o light In weight!a* to permit his be ing carried like a doll by almost any ordlnary-slsed child. IA gentleman's high hat almost ns completely hides him as a pair of old-fashioned sniffers tho flame of n candle—In fact, he is so small that he can not be compared to any other human being. When It Is re membered that nn ordinary child ot birth weigh! In tha neighborhood t«f ten pnunda. nnd that Pater the Small, with his clothes on, tip* the scale at six and a half pounds, nearly four pounds less,.one can get sonic Idea of the mlcroacoplo proportions of this real midget. The little gentleman la nearly of full legal age. has a fairly gnud education, a linguist, conversing with ladles, children nnd others lit Russian, English and French, and has besides many rriualcal and other no- compllahnienta. Ho Is a most charming little gentleman, with whom all tho children are delighted, and Is pelted nnd ndmlred by nil the lndlea visiting the show. As a living human curiosity It Is safe to say he baa never had hla equal,, for being so much smaller than all others ever exhibited, possessed of n bright, cheerful disposition, with a form nnd fljure n» perfect as any, and nearly oa. much Intellectually, he ex. cites enthusiasm and wonder at hi! else, while fascinating everybody with hts manner and Intelligence. Great Pe ter the Small, by which name ho known, is without doubt ono of the liv ing marvels nnd prodigies ot Ihe age, nnd fir ir..uv amazing ns n human be ing than any nlhera ever knew the Mtm* tarn with him la Miss kiu Ew ing, .the American giant, on enormous ly Urge woman, one of whose hands will completely voter tho whole of her little companion In the same man nor ns a child would close her hniul on a peanut. There are also exhibited here the famous Orissa twins, pretty young ladle*, who are bound to gether side by side. In the same way that the Blame*" twins were'only In stead »f the bond being a ligature only It ta bone and sinew. All three! or four) of these living human curiosities are more than remarkable, and pre sent the greatest human wonders ever dlaeoverrd—that it why they are ex- hlhted with the Itanium A Halley greatest tthow nn Earth, which has presented nearly all Ihe human living curiosities discovered In fifty yenrt past,’ and now claim these to be the greatest. Three rings, three stagy*, k rare track and serial conclave are nec essary to show the wonderful perform, stsec*. which comprise too nets. 'Bc- sie* there are the menageries, a 70 horse act In qne ring, 11 elephant* In three rings, a magical entertainment, a N boras team In the parade and iiumbsijca* other feature*, sit nf which will be hero on Tuesday, May II. MUNCH HAH 1IKKX RELEASED, Ills Board Hill Vtld, the case Against Him Dropped. C. T. Bunch wit discharged from th Ja'.l yesterday inmaan after ha\ been Imprisoned exactly one week :t charge of ehn.vting on 1 .'.uml.nig He res arrested May 7 on a charge preferred by Mr. T. C. IMrker. pro prietor of site thown. House for t»?n payment of his board bill. Mr. Fatter received his money ye terdxy arsi the charge was withdrawn. Bunch will return to Atlauti l,slay t w ill be on ham! May « to testify at th trial of Charley Retd for the klllin !.. W. Halstead. Mr. Marlon Harris, who reprerei Hunch, secured h'a tvl.n-e after Ktund Jury returned n > hid in the c The annum du ■ Mr. Barker, , Ijn, Bunch rays he would liave paid had time been given him. I have ten been ireat.-d rlsht in th ta? continued. "I was atre-t. uerers I knwv anything was wrong ar given no opportunity to got the mono 1 am certainly glad 1 am out. I wou mm aland in that jail tint We Want . . . Your Patroiiage Don’t let this advertisement impress you as a general announcement by .an indifferent writer to a careless public. Consider it prepared and planned especially for you. Yes; we want your patronage, and are doing all that genius and courage can do to win it. This business can’t thrive without the active co-operation of a vast number of customers. The scope and range of the store are constantly extend ing, and that is why the number of its clients must increase. Shrewd buyers are daily attracted here. When they come once it follows naturally that they re- poat tho visit. R. C. WILDER’S SONS CO., Are the people to get fly screen* tr om. Send in your orders. 614 to 622 Third Street, Macon, Gcu, BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS MANUFACTURERS OF SASH. DOORS. BLINDS, MOULDINGS AND BRACKETS. AT LOWE8T MARKET PRICES. LUMBER YARDS ON FIFTH AND THIRD STREETO. A Truthful Fact About the Eye. Th© eye I* a camera and la subject to the same physical laws as an op tical Instrument. The correction of its refractive errors are purely mechan ical. Therefore It la well for you to bear In mind when you go to get glasses that the value of them depend" altogether upon the eklll of the one who fits them. The 'Atlanta Optical parlor. No. 314 Second atret, Is the only place In the city where you can have your eyes scientifically examined and teated'by a graduated optician, E. Friedman, M. O.. free of charge. You can have ateel nlckle plated spectacles fitted to your eyes for 31.00; gold-rlmmed spectacles 33.SO. Satisfaction guaranteed. For the Questionable Methods Nht expected nor tolerated here. You don’t 00k for double dealing and yon don’t find it. We want your trade, and yon can come with the fall assurance of honest and liberal ;reatment. ' ' BENSON & TODD, Up to Date Clothiers. . , Wo have on sale 500 Ladies’ fine untrimmed Hats in Chip, Panama, Lace and Leghorn Straw. All the late up- to-date shapes and colors, bought from one of the largest millinery houses in the United States, at half price to close out lots, that we are offoring at 5Uc on the dollar. Ribbons and Flowers to match at half price. Be your own Milliner, and your Hat will cost you Next to Nothing*... - The largest line of Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ STRAW HATS in the city. Como and examine these lines. It is a pleas ure for us to show them; THE “DIXIE” SHOE AND CLOTHING CO.. Cor. Third and Cherry Sts. Moftvli | time o hid «>thlng.” ou$ GEO. W. DUNCAN. GUS M’AFEE. GEORGE W. DUNCAN & CO. « ' We have for *mle a few special ba rgalns to be "offered in the next ten days. Investors have their opportunity to make a “spec.’* Houses for rent in every location. Safety deposit vaults. LEGARE WALKER, Exchange Bank Building, Real Estate, Renting, Loans and Insurance. GORDON & BUDD, Real Estate and‘Insurance Agency 320 Second Street. We have for sale some Spocial Bargains in Store and Residence Property. • '* Stores, Offices and Dwellings for rent. Elegant Offices in Exchange Bank Building, Special Rates to Oct 1. Inducements for yearly contracts. Firo and Accident Insurance placed in Liberal and Re sponsible Companies. We Solicit a Share of your patronage 11. HORNE'S*®. General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Agcnoy. Largest sale list of any Agency in tho city, amongst which aro some Spocial Bargains in ’every class of prop erty. Tenants seokiug homes will have Special attention paid to their wants. Property ownors are solicited to list their offerings with ! mo, for sale or ront. Satisfaction guaranteed. Can placo loans for investors to their ad vantngo and at profitable ratos, representing tho PhiladOl phia Underwriters, with combined assets of $16,000,000 can oiler inducements to insurers. WUI. In siwsk'.nic ' IT ttnvd fr*«* lia Y*i of Uic Uwy I turtfttMd. amd brtdf* work, pi I. plat.niltuc. t*cc . a. MOOUB. DD.S. It’s a Noyel Display’—*' Of Summer Suits we are making this season. We consider it tho best we’ve made in years. The more wo think over it the prouder we feel. Our display of Summer Suits is novel in its com pleteness, make, stylishness of fit and materials, as well as in superiority in quality of goods,anil advan tago in low prices over other Clothing stores. Wo have Suits here that are bound to pleaso in wear and appearance, from $S.50 up to the very best grade Call nnd see us. Wo will take pleasure in showing you. Charles WaohtePs Son. 515 Cherry Strest, Macon, Ga. C. HUHN. lil 520 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Sporting 1 goods, mechanic*’ tools, hardware specialties. Bicycles from $2f to 1X00. AJao rent wheels. FISHING PARTIES Need “Snake Bite” Medicine. Nothing is better than WILSON’S PURE RYE WHISKY. It leaves no headaches and keeps off malaria. For sale in bottles or jugs by j •: - BEDINGFIELD BROS., Sole Agents, 515 Poplar Street. REYNOLDS PLUMBING CO. SANITARY PLUMBING In All Its Branches. House Sewer Connections a Specialty. Office 211 Cotton ave. Office phone 217. MACON, GA. RE YN0LDS PLUMBING CO. Proprietors ol REYNOLDS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. Mill Machinery and Castings. Foundry corner Fifth and Haw thorne Btrsts. MACON. GA. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Do you want a strictly first-claw Plano or Organ at.a bargain. If so, call and see The Matchless Ivers & Pond, The Celebrated Sohmer & Co., The Reliable Bush & Gerts. The world-renowned Burdett Organ, the Waterloo Organ. F. A. GUTTENBERGER & CO., 422 Second St. ’ ‘ ...Frank B. Coates S63 CH;H:K,ia"3Z* STREET, - Fashionable Ymloring. *■■■ MA003ST, G-.A.. Fine Tailoring Can only he produced where the BEST MATERIALS, cut and made by the mbst Artistic and Skillful work men, are used. “ Ther.e are others,” hut we don’t have them. H. 24J MoKAY, 360 Second Street* PHONE 509. J. B. HAMMER. J. B. HAMMER & CO., , Wholesale Fruit and Produce Dealers. KnerialHeq • J Potatoes, Apples, Onions, Cabbage, specialties. { Melons and 5 ra ng es i B Car Lots. 125 East Front Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Southern Agents—Bedingfield Bros., Macon, Ga. TRUNKS : REPAIRED. No drayage charged. Fine line of Prices reasonable. ’Phone 185. RIDING LEGGINGS Just received. Gr. BERND & CO. 450 to 458 CHERRY STREET, MACON, Ga. In Season-Bead’s Odorless Befrigerators. White Mountain, Arctic and Peerless Freezers. Porce lain-lined and galvanized water coolers. Sliding hammer ice picks, milk shakes, ice cream and berry dishes and saucers, water and lemonade sets, water bottles, hammocks jardinieres and jardinier pedestals, feather dusters (finest to commonest), wool dusters of many kinds very pretty, sprinkling pots all sizes, baby bathtubs, brooms, whisks, shoe brushes, scrubbing brushes, wall brushes’, clothes brushes, and a \vorld~of things too numerous to mention. H« C* TINDALL & CO.) Macon, Ga.