The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 24, 1901, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1901 5 MACON DRIVING CLUB TO INVITE -MISS ROSA JONES TO COME DOWN • FROM ATLANTA TO TRY WITH IJECOV, FOX AND BESSIE WILKES. HORSE TALK. MRS. J. B. TURNER DIED LAST NIGHT P Many Week* ol SnflvrlnK She ■■eel Awny nt the llo*i»lt#iI-— acral Will Occur Today. SUPREME COURT SAYS IIE MUST RETURN TO JAIL AND STAY’ THERE UNTIL JUDGE CANDLER FEELS SATISFIED—WILL ltaVE TO SURRENDER WITHIN ABOUT TEN DAY'S. ACTION WAS TAKEN LAST NIGHT RELIEVING HIM OF THIS CONDI TION IN THE CHERRY STREET ENCROACHMENT GRANT—Milo. ES TES WILL PIIORARLY IIE AL- LOWED THE SAME. The Macon Driving Club will meet tonight at S o’clock in Dr. Lanier’* parlors. All members are requested to be present, as matters of much import ance will come before the meeting, lias been said on good authority that a match race between the fast pacer, Miss Kosa Jones, of Atlanta, and three of Macon’s crack pacers will be arranged in a few day**, and the race will come oft within the next thirty 1 days. A member of the Macon Driving Club said laat night that this would surpass any previous race held in the state, as the Atlanta horse has developed great speed in the past few weeks. The Ma con horses that will be put up against thfe Atlanta horse will be De Coy, Fox and Bessie Wilkes. It is claimed that •either of these three.horses lias a faster speed than Muequetodn, but they were never put up against the champion trotter, for they are all pacers. Since Miss Rosa Jones won the race in Atlanta it is thought that the At lanta eports will put a few cents on her, but the Macon sports doubt it. Mr. Reeves, who has been training Miss Rosa Jones for her owner in Ala bama, tuys he Is willing to. match the mare against Macon’s three pacers for the championship of the state. The owner of De Coy says he will put his horse Into training within the next week, and he thinks De Coy will be able to “win In a walk.’’ The owner of Fox claims that horse Is the fastest pacer in the state, and that he purchased him for the ex press purpose of defeating De Coy, and that when the race comes off he thinks that his horse will be pronounced the winner. The owners of MIap Rosa Jones have turned her over to Mr. Reeves, and have given him permission to enter her In any race against any horse for the championship of the state. The Macon sports eay that the At lanta horse will meet with the'same defeat that Charlie H. did. The Macon horsemen say that when the race comes off they will pay the railroad fare of every Atlanta man who will bring a dollar to place on their horse. They further say that they will treat the Atlanta horsemen well an will give them complimentary tickets to the race, furnish them fee water free nnd give them free score cards, ray the expenses of their horse, and after the race spread a banquet In tholr honor. Berwle Wilkes came In from Savan nah yestetday morning and was quar tered at Davis* stable, where a great many admirem of fine horp's rmv her. Flu* was pronounced one of the most perfectly* formed and handsomest horses ever seen here. As scon as the supreme court’s remitti tur Is received Mr. Harry C. Tindall will have to go before tho sheriff and surren der. and he will be again sent to Jail to sene until Judge Candler says “enough." The supreme court yesterday decided that Mr. Tindall is wrong in all of his contentions of law. and that Judge Cand ler is right; that Mr. Tindall must return to jail and stay there until the court Is satisfied that he cannot pay back the money that he spent for himself while ho was receiver for the Macon Hardware Company, and until the court feels that he has fully purged himself of contempt. It is probable that Mr. Tindall will have only about a week or ten days of liberty under the bond which enabled him to get out of Jail recently. His bond la for $5,000. and was signed by Dr. James T. Uo?s and Mr. Tindall’s slater. It guar antees that when the court calls for him ho will be on hand. Tho amount of his shortage is about JG.OOO. MACON BEATS THE WORLD Council last night repealed the resolu tion requiring a bond from Mr. Theodoro W. Ellis for his encroachment on Cherry street. Tho following resolution was Introduced by Alderman Mnasee, chairman of the en croachment committee, during the council matter of encroachment <f\ Cherry street, between First street and Cotton avenue, be, and the same Is hereby repealed. The adoption of tho ve»olutfon was voted for by all the aldermen with the exception cf Aldermen Hill and Pearson. It la the Impression among some of the aldermen thnt Mrs. Claude Estes will now be allowed to enjoy her encroachment without giving bond. PETITION SIGNED BY SEVERAL HUNDRED WAS PRESENTED TO THE COUNCIL I.AST NIGHT AND WAS REFERRED TO THE COM- SUTTEE ON ORDINANCES—WHAT PETITION ALLEGES, SEWER TO MISS SYNAGOGUE Connell Does Not With to Ilitvo tl»o Work of Construction Interfered With. IteritT Kenton, of Forsyth Soya He Likes the City’s Looks. Sheriff George \V .Newton of Monroe county was In the city yesterday. Mr. Newton expressed himself ns being well pleased with the condition of tho prisoners, whom he left with .Taller Ste phan some time ago, and says It Is always a pleasure for him to come to Macon, as he thinks it Is one of the prettiest places In the world. The city council, at its meeting last night, authorised the commissioner of public works to change the courso of the Magnolia street sewer, so tnat It will not interfere with the building of the Jewish synagogue. The expenso of build ing the sewer will be paid by the congre gation Ofteth. Israel. DUBLIN TO SAVANNAH. • Central YESTEHDAY'»S WEATHER. The Thermometer Readied Only to SS Durluxc the Dny. data furnished by the local office of the United States depart ment of agriculture, weather bureau, for July 22- 7 p. m.... 8 p. m 80 Op. 79 10 p. 11 p. m 12 midnight July 23— 1 a. m 2 a. m 3 a. m....; 4 a. m 5 a. Maximum year degrees. 75 75 74 nf Gcorjcln Rnllvrny I Through Trnln Service nvniinnh nnd Dtihlln, Gn., '.(Tret Sunday, July 21, 6 A. m 7 a. m 75] 8 a. m 7d 9 a. m..... 77 10 a. 83 11 a .m .84 12 noon 80 1 p. m ...87 2 p. m 87 3 p. m 88 4 y. m 87 5 p. m 87 0 p. m 8G ...... temperature this dote last degrees; minimum temperature 70 River Report. Tho h**febt of the Oemutaco river nt 7 a. m.. central time, was 4.0 feet, a fall of 1.5 feet during the past twenty-four hours, being 3.0 feet above low water of 1893. Repcrts from Macon Atlanta . .. Mobile Montgom’y 861 Lt J MRS. SHINH0LSER IS RETURNING Orleans Galveston . Palestine . C. Chrlttl . Tampa .... Dew point at 3 p. m„ 75 degrees; rela- , ™ humidity, 60 ptrgnt; Official In Charge. Will Take the Ktr.t Amorlran • nni.T for New York, A cablegram baa been received from Mra. W. T. Shlnholeer elating that she would take the first American steamer for New York from Southampton, ar riving In New York about next Satur day. Mrs. Shlnholser wits In London when she received the news of her husband’* death, and Immediately departed for Southampton, as that was the place from which tho first steamer will tall. Mr. McManus has gone to Now York nnd will meet her and accompany her to Macon. THE WALDEN NEGRO IS CAPTURED nnt Ills Pnrauers Have Como to tho Conclusion Thnt lie is n Crnsy » Who Ought to llavo neon lied Up Some Time Ago. * Mr. Walter Herrington Is milt* ll at his father’s home on Huxuroln Heights. St Is thought he has appenalcttts. The negro man who Insulted ft farmer’s wjfo near Walden, In the Rutland dis trict, Sunday ot last week, has at last been captured, after steady and untiring search on the part of the white men In the community. But after he was’ capt ured. It was round that he Is Insane and not rcponslble for what he says or docs. He was caught at 1’oworsvllle, and will be tried for lunncy. He was Identified by a number of people. PAHTICIUIU OIVK.Y Women are Like FlniA/ArQ Healthy and strong I iUW«I 3* they blossom and bloom. Sickly, they wither and d;e. Every woman ought to look well and feel well. It’s her right and duty, but ahe might ax well try to put out a fire with oil as to be healthy and at tractive with dlseaae corroding the organs that make her a woman, upon their health depends her health. If there is inflammation or weakening drains or suffering at tho monthly period, attend to it at once. Don t delay. You're one step nearer the grave every day you put It off. Women can stand a great deal, but they cannot live forever with disease Staffing at the most delicate and vital organa in their body. You may have been deceived in so-called cures. Wo don't tee bow you could hofgft^ 781 821 Lt \ 82 90 n lOf. uugnrat Between Taking: 1001. Central of Georgia railway trains, Nos. 9 and 10 dally, except Sunday, and Nos. 52 nnd 53. Sunday only, will, on and after Sunday, July 2lst. run through between Savannah and Dublin, Ga., using tho tracks of the Wnghtsvlll* nnd Tennllle railroad between Bruton and Dublin, on following schedule: No. 52, Sunday only, leave Dublin 5 «. m., arrive Savannah 10:25 a. m. Returning. No. 53 loaves Sa vannah 6:30 p. m.. arrives Dublin 11:58 p. m. No. 10. dally except Sunday, leaves Dublin 5:45 a. iv... arrive Savannah 11:30 a. m. Returning. No. D leaves Savannah 3 p. m. t arrive Dublin 8:45 n. m. Central of Georgia Railway will sell Its own tick ets frem Dublin nnd Intermediate points on WrlgMsvllle and Tennllle to Rruton to any point on Its system, nnd vise versa. This arrangement will afford Dublin and points on Wrights villa and Tennllle rail road, between Dublin nnd Bruton, excel lent schedule? to and from Savannah, and all points on tho Central of Qeorgla. which will no doubt be welcomed by the people of Dublin nnd thnt section, ns It will enable them to go to S.tvnnnnh and spend the day utul return homo that night, also to visit Tybco on Sundny at very low rates. MR. BARTLETT TO GET THE MONEY Judge Felton Decides Tlmt tlie Overplus In the County’s Funds Should be Distributed Through tlie Treasurer. Judge Felton has ordered the solicitor- general to deposit with tho county treas urer' tho excess of money In -his hands from the fines Imposed upon gamblers nt the last term of court. Congressman Bartlett has brought ii rule against Mr. Brunson, the •oUcUor-general, calling upon him to pay claims that he had against the county for services rendered when he was solicitor-general. After hearing argument on both sides, Tho petition signed by several hun dred people asking council to Intercede for better service on the Metropolitan street car line, was presented at the meeting last night and after being read by the clerk, was referred to the com mittee on ordinances. The petition Is follows To the Honorable Mayor and Council of tho City of Macon: Gentlemen:—We, the undersigned residents of the city of Macon and su burbs, and patrons of the Metropolitan Street Railway, respectfully represent to your honorable body as follows, to wit: let. The Metropolitan Street Railway Company have established between Log Cabin and Bellevue, on the line of Its road, a park, which Is devoted exchi slvely to tho use of negroes ns a pleas ure ground. During the summer months this park Is frequently used by the no groes for the holding of picnics and other festivities which are attended by them In great numbers. The conduct of the negroes, In going to nnd from this park, ,on such occasions is generally boisterous nnd sometimes dangerous to the lives of those who live along the line of said road; thlri Is especially true when their return from the Raid park is late at n’ght, when they generally Indulge In l-oud and indecent songs nnd conversation and fire off pistols in careless nnd Indiscriminate ntanner. 2d. The supply of electricity used In running the cars on said lino Is at be' Inadequate for ordinary purposes, and whenever the line Is used for the pur* pose of conveying large number of n groes to nnd from the said park the entire electrical power Is needed nn used for the sole purpose of running the cars used for that purpose and tho regular schedule cars are dlscontlnu or put aside until the cars coming from said park have pasted through. Often time? this dircontlnuance of the regular schedule cars continues for hours, an< In the meantime the regular patron of said line are unable to obtain tTan sit over said road, causing them great Inconvenience and Injury. 3d. The services rendered by the road is exceedingly poor nnd wl dlsproporUoned to tho amount of pat ronoge; v the rolling stock Is Inferior quality and not kept In proper repair such a thing as an open car during th summer months, for tho benefit of tho regular patrons, is absolutely unkfim In addition to this tho roadbed Is very bad condition and renders th*» travel rough and unpleasant. We call especial attention to the crossing tho Interaction of Progress and For ■yth streets, where the Indian Spring lino crosses the Metropolitan lln this point the pannage Is so rought that tho cars seem in •Inngor of being do railed whenever they pass over It. 4th. On Saturdays and Sundays, n other Umes when tho travel Is largo, the service la inadequate nnd unfit the prefer accommodation of respecta blo pnmengera, especially ladles, to at such times, particularly after night fall, tho cars are generally crowd ed with negroes of the lower cla WHAT’S YOUR FACE WORTH f Sometimes a fortune, but never, If you have a sallow complexion, a Jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches the skin, all sign* of liver trouble. Hut Dr. King’s New Lire Pills glvo clear skin, rosy checks, rich complex ion. Only 25 cents at nil druggists. ,.j>arlni the Judge held that the mo: treasury, u to get It. that the rule would not lie. should be turned Into tho (Bartlett could go thoro IN SUBSTITUTE FEEDING for Infants, physicians agree that cow** milk is the basis for all beginnings. What is required then. Is tho best poa- plbie milk product. Borden’s Engle Brand Confirmed Milk iv Ideal, pure, sterile and guarded against cqjitarnl- natlon. Personals For Sale. Mrs. James B. Turner, nee Ida Webb, died at the city hospital last evening 6:20 o’clock after several weeks of iufferlng, during which her life many times despaired of. A few days ago she was carried to the city hospl- for an operation, it being thought that was her only chance. But tho physicians decided that she could not possibly undergo the operation, and days she has been lingering be- een life and death, with no hopeful mptom of Improvement. Hour by hour her devoted husband sat by her and watched the struggle. The remnins will be taken to Mc Donough this morning, where in tho church of her girlhood the funeral ser- iccs will be conducted, and the Inter ment will bo in tho family burying ground not far away. Mrs. Turner was consistent and active member of the Methodist church and wielded a great Influence for good. Her pall bearovs 111 be. Messrs. W. II. Pope, W. H. Bloon, V. A. Menard, George Hatcher, C. Moore and Malcolm D. Jones. Mrs. Turner was 41 years old. She leaves no children. Six rooms, (wo Htorl In. Gooil condition. Cost X Will sell for *.'1,0(10.00. Yon l»«y nil cash cither. Mm quick though. or I'll rent lt can't buy it for a year. very clone t *-1,200.00. Frank B.West, Real Estate and Insurance, EXCHANGE BANK BUILDING. HORNE & TURPIN CO, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. 353 THIRD STREET. Dwellings For Rent. 210 First street, 7 room T10 Second street, 7 rooms, house In yard aO.OO 553 Second street, H rooms... 30.00 714 Third street, 0 rooms. Rill Oruuwo street, 10 roouii street, 7 street, 7 rc MISS n. E. riASON Having severed her connection with Wesleyan Female College, will bo found hereafter at her private studio, 132 For syth street. Lessons In charcoal, crayon, pen nnd Ink, perspective, china, water color, pastel nnd oil. Por traiture it specialty. Miniatures on Ivory. 302 folic 200 Colics sto College street, n rooms.. 1021 College street, 0 rooms, % 703 Cherry street, 7 rooms.. 457 New street, H rooms.,.,. Pine street, 14 rooms.... Ill Mnqnulta street, 5 rooms.. iprlng street, (I rooms. •• 013 Walnut street, lO rooms.. 17 Walnut street, 10 rooms 074 Walnut street, K rooms.. 1071 YValnut street, tl rooms.. 101 Elm street* U rooms.... 750 Mulberry troet, 10 room.. Hill Park, « rooms duo llnrdeiunii's Vlnevllle 12 17.50 42.00 40.00 30,00 WANTS-ONE CENT A WORD WANTED WANTED -FIv.. mm • • :■ -fill ill" In ui;inc- solicitors for district manners in south rn Georgia and Florida. Call on or ad dress Lester Sr McRee, Managers, offlcs over Mnx Morris’ Drug Store. ___________ four conncctln* «lth conveniences, or will ren part of house with party. Box 581. eparo pupil* for nnj hoots beginning August 25th. Mrs.' Z. T. King, 720 College street, WANTED—A pnlr of mules; will pay $*’* per week and hoard. J. G. Shlnholser, 409 Third street. FOR RENT I RENT -Three ...a hall room; all crencea exchanged. H., nectlng roon iventences; r -o Telegraph. Cherry street, to suit tenant; all conVen- *- sk_ \\ G Hoiomon. ____ FOR RENT Half of coring*. thr*0 FOR RENT—Seven-room house, Forayt street. Vlnevllle; apply 610 Wnshlnglu avenue, ’phono 3013. J. H. Tltnberliiko. For RE.VI It. • Id- n< •• on High (tr. et. , present occupied by D. L. McRsni poi session October 1st. Apply J. N. Birch, FOR SALE FOR HALE. OR EXJOHANGE-WHI or exchnnce for improved city property, an excellent farm In Rutland district nc if Walden. Oa.; about 276 nrrrs t with dwell VI n vlllc street, Vlnevllle To Property Owners! ntc n ud llufllCtO! FRANK GUNN, 504 Mulberry sir ARRIVAL AND I>UFAHTUU1Q OF ALU TRAINS ARRIVING IN MACON. Geortflu Itnllrond. For AugiMt.i ..I :• ftfcil » 15,-| :. J 3 U.Z Frm Augusta . 1 10 Kalt » 2&P From Cumak .It 2 46pjt 6 4«p] I .V Florida Ry. Con Georgia's Soho On Saturday nights these negroen fill the car*, with barketa of lll-*melllng vegetables, etc., besides bundles and packages of every description. Then* arc deposited on the seotn, platforms, and *in the aisles to such an extent that the occupation of raid enr* by respectable passengers 1s rendered ex- ttemcly unpleasant, If not dangerous. Humors have been circulated, from tlmo to time, of protnlnon to improve the service and correct the evils com plained of, but nothing material has ever been done to that end. 6th. Tn view of tho facta hereinbe fore stated, your petitioner* respect fully ask that tho authority of* the Honorable Mayor and Council bo exer cised to require improved service and accommodation on said line, and ns far as possible to correct the evils herein complained of. OR BALE-Improved, reliable Incubator. — one hundred and forty-four-*gg capact /; brooder attached; In good twelve dollars. Tampa Flan on Of th of TecliiioloKy In Atli The elaborate catalogue of the school gives full details of the high grade courses In mechanical, electrical, civil and textile engineering and In engineer ing chemlatrv. * An Inatitutlon offering such courses In this territory and at such nominal I Ing'hands with friends'In the city yester 'iv. Miss Ersle Witch of Tlfton was smong C. H. Ii. Jackson ot Forsyth spent yes terday In the city. Mrs. A. M. Retd and children are spend ing the summer near <Monttcello. Mr. Andrew W. Lane returned yester day from a business trip to Jackson. Judge J. 'll. Williamson of Forsyth was In tho city on business yesterday. P. W. Page of Columbus was transact' Ing business in the city yesterday. Miss Annie Laurie Shaw of Bavannsh Is a guest of Mrs. Jud S. Hill this week. Miss Julia Frankenstein of Bavannsh Is a guest of Mr>. J. R. Fried on Osk street, W. A. Hawkins of Sycamore was shsk- THIS WILL INTEREST MANY. Botanic Blood Balm (U. II. B.) the famous Southern blood purifier, quickly cures cancer, blood poison, pimples, boll* scrofula, eczema, aching bones, Joints or back, rheumatism, catarrh, and all blood and skin trouble**. H. H. Ii. heals every sore and makes the blood pure and rich. It. I). B., the finest blood purifier made. Druggists, 81. Trial treatment free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Go. FOR BALE—Rubber tire Columbi gy In ftrMt-class condition; price 171,00. Address *_Ttugfy.” caro Telegr.i, 'OR BALK—Registered four-year Ken tucky more, fast trotter; needs exix rl- iced handling. L. H. Robinson, Lump kin. Ga. fOR BALE-fl5,000.00 stock of general merchandise at Moultrie, Ga.*, growing town nnd flrst-claas stand; bids to be re ceived up to August 1st, W. C. Vereen, Receiver. Moultrie. Oa. . MANTEI.B For all kinds Incandescent gnu lamp*. Including Welnchback, Bun- light. Newby, etc.. 26 cents put on. 8. O. Bonis, 111 Cotton avenue. FOR BALE-A desirable residence on ■Forsyth street; large lot, ov«r feet deep; easy terms. The Georgia Loan St Trust Co.. MS Mulberry street. FOR BALK. CHEAP—At one**, 446 Wash ington avenue, Guild Upright Plano, hat rack, dining table, sideboard, r*frlg- erstor and other useful household eff»ctw. cost will be one of the most potent factors In the enrichment of the sec tion and the nation.' All department* aro well equipped and the textile school la said to contain the best equipment of cotton manufac turing machinery In the world. Address Lyman Hall, president, Atlanta, Go. NEGRO. M , v , _ well known.and respected young colored Mg .died yes DEATH OF W. B. C. Moore. Idesri of his father. Primus Moore. 123 •funeral will take place this morn ing from the Washington Avenue Pres byterian church, and will be largely nt- tended by the m^mb^rs of his race Moore Vras an Industrious and honest young r.egro and had a *7eol inawr among both tho white and colo son* of Macon. young r .rlends ored Atl- the attractive guesta of the Brown House yesterday. B. T. Alexander and wife of Reids vllle were among the visitors to the city yesterday. Miss Mayme Cooper passed through the city yesterday en route for her home In Cooperville. Mlaa Maude Weaver of Cuthbert, Ga., Is visiting Mrs. W. W. BUIlngelea on Fourth avenue. Wanted-A gentle family horse and phaeton: couple rig for sale cheap. Apply at f'lav 1 . BtahU THE CITY WON IN DANNENBERG CASE The Soprei Its Decision Ye One of Mach I NORTHEN WILL WORK FOR DUD HUGHES He Says the Tfvlgg* * Will be Presented to turat Society’s Nest C« at Clay’s Stable. Mrs. I. W. Lowe and children Utft last night for Columbia. H. C\, where they will spend about six weeks. D. B. Durden of Graymonte and E. Dur den of Parish were among the arrivals in the city yesterday. Mr. W. B, Iligers, a prominent cotton merchant at Dublin, was smong the visitors to the city yesterday. Mrs. J. T. Wilson returned last night from Newberry. H. C.. when several weeks with relatives. J. W. Blgham. W. C. Parker, Charles Herns. J. A. White and W. C. Potter .came down from Atlanta yesterday, 1 Mrs. W. C. Byrd left yesterday sfter>i I noon for Barneevllle. where she will spend I several day* visiting friends nnd rela- Nome lives. Mrs. W. M. Weaver and daughter, Mia Annie Kate, of Cuthbert. are registered at the Hotel Lanier, They will spe * wo weeks at Indian Spring.- The supreme court yesterday handed down H* decision In the cose of Dar berg vs. ths City of Maeon, and sustalne< the city In nearly all of its contei Th* h< »d notes are printed elsswh Tlie Telegraph. The case was consM-red one of Importance, because It Involved tlon that might oft* tuie. CoL Dudley M. Hughes of Danville Is being encouraged and urged to run for the presidency of the State Agricultural Society to succeed Hon. Pope Brown, who ‘xpects to retire In time to run for gr»v- •rnor. Msj. Ryat* nf Savannah bsa an »ye on the place, and has been quote* is saying that it was the ambition of his life to be president of th* society. Hon W. J. Norther* yesterday wrote to » friend In Maron saying that \| r . Hughes' name would certainly be pr*» *#nttd to the next convention of the ro oty. and. If possible, h*. w .u’a ^ elected. JOB * Ol I.UVl HAVE STOOD IT If b*Fd hu 1 Itching pH***. They're tor ribly annoy in* but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve will cure the worst caae of pile on earth. It has cured thousands, Fc injuries, pains or bodily eruption* It* the best salve Jn tho world. Price 2! * box. Eure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. SALVATION ARMY, A special meeting. led by Staff Captal and Mrs. Bonnett of Atlanta at Ri ration Arniv hall, KH Third street, wl e Court lln iterdny-The Case 1 ften arise In the t IIIS FATHER DIED. I.. It. Vi i tilt That News Night From In bout It Cart Mr. L. B. Vandiver • v. the city last night th*t er had Just died at W where he has been in f«-« ble health for some time. Mr. Vnndivere I* commer cial agent of the Central railroad Macon. He wo* summoned to hi* fatb bedside several days ago, and the death was It FORK A » degree t dd Fellow II* Fit 1 Tl# IN noon a* * v r,w * work in the futur randMatea In vle- Lod after- tr their several # apt. WH. Th- many fr til b~ gl*d to -nterUla >vety. *c*ne bop* for hi* ft rgiii Southern nnd Florida railways: i Fron ■’cnlcnt to Walden and Avondale; fine Iture; well watered, nastures, etc.; ft For All I 3rr. il 8 20ij la’.pl 7 10p|t 8 20p rgnln. Call on or address Robert A. From A| R 30i[fl2 MbI 2 2'-p 7 00p! 13 Mn rder. Macon. Oa.. offlci* over Max Mor- For linn 12 or.n) 2 :*>p) 1 wuil J i* Drug Htore, corner Cherry street nnd j From Ri| 8 OOsf 1 OOpf 8 16p| I pair, at From Atlanta . co Co. For Savannah . • j Vm. gavannanj Georgia lluttwny. 1 | K 11 4 L ’pl 11 20a] 7 9>p 13 2vj| 11 3Sa| 12 50a j | Arrive from 8 20a|Athens . tMllledgevllls 1 lip F.aiontofi . 7 30p St Kstunton.. 7 45* Colrn. St II.... 11 (tfiuflllrm A 0*1*1.. 4 0;P Colrn. a. !»....• 3 l3s|Blrm A Culm..*12 40a Alby Sc llont., 11 351 Mont. St Alby. » 5^P Alby A Doth.. 3 12 •! AM-y Sr Doth.. 12 401 Albany 7 4Op Albany »X III r... I mw tit ay only.) j 1) U Ii 11II A ! HEIRS 7 10 Trains marked •- ley to and from An tnmtry and Alban., day. t-tiunduy c Monday. All otne. dally. ... * \ one young Durham bull; prices fifty t eighty dollnre. Address Central Oa. Land St Lumber Co.. Sibley, On. FOR HALE. AT A BARGAIN—Saw mill. with two years' run of timber, located ..n O. H. & F.: dally capacity 12.90) fret. Further particular*, address Box 54, Tlf ton. Ga. LOST—Small *Ue black Gordon setter. Return to II. D. Johnson, 1406 Ash reel, and get reward. OfiT^-One larg«Tblack pointer dog; whtio spotted feet. Return to Thomna It. Ireer, Southern Express Co., and recelv* reward. Wltn.HUVM.I.E A TK.NNILLK Rl». Effective Hunday, May 28, 1801. 3 l l r* stations.' I 2 'l 4 J «~ ArlP M P MIP U ~TT I'M I* M \ Mil. 1*0011 Wf 44*177 2 2X .1 05 7 2' 3 til 4 15 « 3’ 4 f,F 5 I- D >f T. Weigh . D * nllto ..’ Id "’lie blit) .11 : I 13 4 S) P Ml I'M'A M 'HosTi end LvIA M I* M 1* U id 2 dally; Non. 3 and 4 d lay: No*. 5 nnd 6 Sunday o LLOMAN, Supt. and Ci. P. PERSONAL* TRY a pound of J. T. Dennis' Jersey butter; It can't b* equalled anywhere. Oscar Bradley. PRIIBC-NAL— 1 The first JM customers will «>• presented with $1.00 worth of stamp* snd book free, that enters our Diamond Stamp premium Association. W. O. Mid* " brooks Co. H LLN ISO US RING ’PHONE 253 snd have vour old hat cl.annt anX r»blocked br Kidd, th, hat' teri atrswg this week only 35c.! Panamas, 54)c.; ladles’ Leghorn hats, 33c.; hat* railed for and deliver^ any part of city free. | 2U Second street. - 1 ROGERS' celebrated silverware and gen uine French fldbUand Oilna free by us ing Diamond Trading Stamps, w. G, Middle brook* Co., 'phone 323. BEST plumbing st the lowest price. B. O. Bowls. 171 Colton avenue. STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING—Ths an nual meeting of the shareholders of th* Taylor 4k Peek Drug Co. for the election of director*, and any other business that may come before the meeting, will be held at th* - ffi'« of aid company at 4 o'clock p rn . on the 38th day of July, inn. R. J Taylor. President. VANNA11 R. fl. IA M A \f IV. ft»m J a liiil-iii J W Dry Branch I 9 2..I 9 6ft 4 0I)| Pike's peak 9 1- 9 0) 4 lo Fttspatrick 8 «* * 4» Ripley ........ 4 4^>j Jeffersonville .... 4 60 Oalllmo— I 25 » 15 Dsnvllls 5 . 5 3*> 6 2.'. ...... Allentown I 7 4 i 40( a 451 Montrose I 7 3 | tol 8 8i|.,....... Dudley 17 1 8 02 8 C Moor* 8 t • 13| 8 ttjAr Dublin Lv| ( i “ Nos. 1 and 2, nilxed. dally except day. No*. % and 4. t^rs, H in /. T. Wright, Gen. Man . M.i'-m. IS ■PM* cy Jn riStf by u Lu l. y. fig I.S4AW UK LINK. ; Perlodcal Tick-; » unk J. Re**, (j. P. D. A. U^avk, Leu. A