The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, February 20, 1903, Image 6

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imajp THE MAOOW TBLBGRAPfl i FRIDAY ttORfflSQ, FEBRUARY 20, » 03 Onnp attacks a child without warning and needs immediate nttcntIc n ptiou*, even fatal. If you notice any sympfcoms of croup, give baby Dr.BuiTs Cough Syrup! i It will relievo ft instantly and | cure it in a night. >’o danger ' from choking after you have _ _ giver* l*al*y ono or two ilcoes. Every mother shoflld luep n bottle of Dr. Bull's Coot’ll Hyrup In the house to bo pre pared for sudden attacks of croup. “ ONE BOTTLE CURED HER BOY. Mrs. Mary Olsron, of WJ Clinton 8tr*»ct, Brooklyn, K. V., writes; “My little Ixiy. throe years old, caught tho cronp au«l I concluded to try Vr. Dell’s Cough Byrup, a* 1 hnvor.ioro faith fn It than in doctor*. He was soon relieved after a few donee only, and entirely cured of the croup and bronchial trouble after having taken one bottlo of Dr. Bull’s Couch Hyrup. When 1 have this old reliable remedy in the house I feel safe, and nlnc« itenrM him I always keep a l*ottlo in tho house.’’ AVOID SUBSTITUTES. Do not nceept some ch^ap imitation that contains harmful drugs. Insist on getting DR. DULL’H.” i’rico J&o, Bee that tho “BULL'S JiKAD" is on tho package. MONDAY NIGHT, FKH. 13. MISS GERTRUDE COGHLAN Nnpiinrlrlf l»y n superb nuuiinn). ALICE OF 01,D VINCENNES A dramatisation of Maurice Thompson 1 * famous novel ami pronounced the most beautiful of all romantic plays. Price* Ground floor. II .<w and $1.60; bal- Manager Newcomb beg* to announce that on FRIDAY EVK.UMi, HFHHIAHY 30, at the ACADEMY OF HUSIC MRMnil. fioonilt V. AMD KKLLOGO 'Will present, for the second time In Ma- on, their f’oinpany «>f F«irdcul Favor* Ites. including Mil. .MM. F. MACDONALD In Willis Maxwell Goodhue's Joyful Oddity, HELLO BILL America’s best light comedy company In Miss Henrietta Davis •Phono 2M2. Commercial Bnnk Bldg MACON, GA. Hair Dressing. Undulation. Hsdr Col- orlng. Shampooing. Scalp Treatment. Fa cial Massage, Manicuring, Hair Goods. Shell Ornamen's. Toilet Articles, Chiro pody SPECIAL NOTICES Notice. The annual meeting of the stork, holders of the Maeon, Dublin and Savannah Itallrond Company wilt be held at the home office In Macon. «*n.. Wednesday . March 111 Is, itMl.i, 11 A. M. C. G. SMITH, Secretary. Ml SIC At, CARL IIOPFMAN, Mas. D.. Plano, Organ, Harmony. MRS. CARL HOFFMAN, Voice. Musical Kindergarten. •lest Indorsements. .Modern Methods 421 Orange st. Phono 2151. HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES $6, $12.50, $15. S. s. PARHELEE, Vehicles, Harness, Bicycles, Car. Second and Poplar 8t*. 1SHE WCRAtKC^MTE? ' B ’ rv*iu> S< hntulc Effective Fob. 8. 1903. SI | J7 ' M. & B Ky. | 38 ! 3J M A M Lv. Ar P M P M «• II Ma.on ' 1 :s. 10 if. IT 11 f:» Llsclla 12 46: 9 2« ENGINEER WASNER UNDERGOES OPERATION Parts of Sknll Taken Out—Wounded Mnu's Condition Still Serious— Showed Mkhn of Improvement# MACON CASES IN SUPREME COURT The Central fir Perk Matter will Tot be Reached Until best Mon day. ATLANTA. Feb. 19.-The injunction case from Hlbb, involving the authority of the city council of Macon to lease out Central City park for farming pur poses, was not reached today, and will not he called before Wednesday next. In order to complete the bearing of injunction cases, th" court held an af ternoon session today, and may do the same thing tomorrow. Thin morning the court heard argu ment In the casco of McGolrlcK vs. the Ma^on mayoj and council, and Wright vs. the mayor and council of Macon. Ah both erjs#.g Involved similar points they were argued as one rase. Oiin J. Wimberly, Washington Dessnu, Felton Hatcher and Minter Wimberly appeared in the cases an attorneys. At the afternoon tegs'.on the case of the Equitable Loan and Security Com pany v*. Warring ot al. was taken up. Argument was not concluded ut the hour of adjouriinv nt. AMERICAN BANKERS AND CURRENCY LAW The Whole duration to be Consid ered by a Committee Named hy President Hardy of the Assocln- f Ion. Engineer Sid Warner at on early h> this morning was holding his own at city hospital. Ills chances for recovery are about evenly divided Ills condition on the whole Is somewhat better than It was at the same hour yesterday morning, and the physicians express more hope of his recovery. The surgeons admit Mr. Wnsner's case Is a very grave one. An operation was performed on Mr. Warner yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Portions of the skull were /removed and the pressure on tho broln relieved. Tho operation was a delicate piece of surgery, requiring several hours to perform it Th** skull »o* fractured and prersed in on the brain from lust above the center of the forehead to somo distaste back on the head. Aft* t lli<- operation the plllfllt P-g-lilli'd consciousness and showed signs of lin-' and the physicians would not permit him to talk but little. The nutenim* of Mm* accident to Mr Wasne* In awaited with much anxiety him! Interest by his numerous friends In NEW YORK, Feb. 10.—The president of the American Bankers’ association* Caldwell Hardy of Norfolk, Vu., In pur suance to resolution adopted by th* association, has appointed n committee to consider the entire subject of pro* posed changes in the currency system of the country. The committee Is com posed of the following: II. C. Fahnes tock, vice-president of the First Ns* tionar bank. New York < Ity; C. B. Fairchild, ’president New York Security and Trukt Company, New York city, Myron T. Herrick, president Society for Savings, Cleveland; II. S. King, pres ident Wells. Fargo Ar Co. hank. San Finnclaeo; c. B. Kountze, president Colorado National bank, Denver. Colo.; J. J. Mitchell, president Illinois Trust 1 Havings hunk, Chicago, III.; George A NOVEL SALE NOW ON IN MACON A Clothing M»-reli nut's Heart to Heart Talk with the I’uliHe Ttirousti the Trle«rn\ilvcrtln- Inu Columns Is Mnkluu Tlilnit** Lively. Whltn bank, New Orl*i The commit!*; chairman. Tin* >evolution expr a. Li w 111 Whitney National elect Ua 6 fo I 311. Culloden It's il well known fuct that the firm «*f Benson, Walker & Moore carry the best, of everything that'a mndo for men’H wear, and there* la not a man !•* Macon but would hank on anything they edvertlse being Just us It's repre sented. Any suit or overcoat *ln their stock goes at their determination wile fcit- urday beginning at 8 o’clock, for $10.00. They have two reasons for offering high grade gnoda at this price -one N they are determined to carry over no more goods than they can help. An other reason, the firm wants to see Just what a special cal.-, well adwrtlH' •!. will amount to. One member of tne firm said to drTclograph reporter yes terday that although the "ml" on th** last page of Tho Telegraph had ap peared onfe time only, that they had had fully fifty people nt their store begging that they hi- allowed to pick out .1 suit or overcoat to be laid aside until Sit- urdny, and they are confident this will he the greatest sale In the history of Macon. MULATTO INFANT FOUND. A tiny Infant mulatto boy was found In a bafkot on the front porch of I.eUra Htewart. colored, 22il Calhoun street, lust night nt 7:30. In the basket was a sugar rng and a puckar* of catnip. The infant wore no varments. It Is suppo'M'd to have been 11 few hours old. How long ho had occu pied -he basket and wh * phie.-d hi*it on the veranda ora mysteries that will prob ably never be known. Fern* II.1 Bowers, colored, wanted the '• bn by, and it was given to her. She will loot the child. Officer Pat Pie -ted by the nssacl- luallfted approval "of tiie enactment of n law Imparting greater degree of elasticity to our rrency system, in order to make u ponslvo to the business Interests of ■* country." YESTERDAY’S WEATHER Meteorologies) dnt.i furnished by th" local office of thw Dulled States depart ment of Rgrlrt'lture, weather bureau, for th.* twenty-four hours ending at 4 p. m.. central ilnw; r. pm ...47111 rm....3»J> (> Jim . 2«*!n am :7 6 pm.. .46:12 pm # 0 am .. 21 12 in ...10 7 pm. .44 1 arp. ..3$ 7 am .fi| 1 pm .42 k pm.. 44i 2 sm ...95 Sain.. 29 ( 2 pm...41 P I m... 43 i um. 34. ? am.. :tt. 3 1 m 17 lb pm....4<i* 4 am- '*‘1* t‘ am :r> 4 pm...11 Maximum tsmnerature thli dnte last year. Mi , degrees*, minimum tern|H*r.«ture his dnts last year, 24 degrees. River Report. The height of the Ocmtilgee river at Macon at 7 a in. was II 1 pet. .. fall of 2 t fu t iiurlnc the past twenty-four hour*, being 15.1 f*et gbove low wat*r »uark of i v, 8. The Oeome river at Dublin wus lf> I feet, a fall of 16 feet. HKTTF.ft THAN CiOI.11. "I ««■ trTitled :or several je*rs wit’i chronic Imdgestlon and nervous debil ity," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N H. ' No remedy helped m< until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines 1 ever used. They have also k* pt my wife In excellent health for years. Sh • says Electric Bitters are Just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and Jnvlgorntor for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take Its place In our family." Try them. Only 60c. Satlsfacticn guaranteed by all druggists. * Southern Hallway. IA Ml ,r... \V Sprlris. ... V.v| 1 JO C *1 Columbus 6 3o| .10 \V« ll.i Central Hy. Oreanvlile . . Greenville . Z A n Hy. vllle 9 51 5 30Ar...' 20 :;i « 1 !»!.*.*llll 11 40! 7 G6 Ar... A M PM |A M P M .... Auburn .... .... Chehaw ... .. Montgomery . Seims I. Sc S l\ U 6 3*> l 05 \ M P .V '^13 lib id ... s :j 7 2 39 6 46 l 04 Chicago and Florida Spe cial Via Southern Ry. Leaves Macon— North daily ex. Sun 3 55 p m South d:\ily ox Mon 1.00 p.m This is a solid vostibuled train, carrying Pullman sleepers, diners, gontlomon’^ club car, observation and ono of the Southern’s highest class vostibuled day coaches. No oxtra fare to use this train. JAS. FREEMAN, Trav. Pass. Agent, 567 Cherrv St, Macon, On. t- Birmingham L\ PM; S No;*. 27 and SS. ’ Montgomery Limited." Make clone connection ;»t LaOrance with the Atlanta and West r.'im trains t,» and I Ir.*T-.\ Montgomery. Mobil**. Orleans , T**x.»s. Vrifon.4 M.-xic, and *'diforn!» 1 Also. lMrmiugham. Memphis. Chicago and | Interchangeable mileage tickets of A A I NV. P R It \\ rf Ala and S A I. ; also 6f>a mile books |«*wcd by M !> A- S It U accepted b. tween Macon and t.a- Grange Trains arrive and depart from depot, corner Pine and Fifth streets nt Macon Elegant roadbed; qulek tlirte. good serv let-. Parlor car »>n trains SI and SS. For further Information apply to T1IOS II. FREEMAN C T. A . Ho- ti-l Lanier. R H KID WELL, 8. P. A R J MYERS Porn Ar: J. A 8TREYER Gen Agt. J. R. I.ANE Gen Man. Macon. Ga R F. HIGHTOWER. O A.. Thomas- CLAY’S COFFIN STORE. El Mo (I 4 V. Manager 8e|enilfle I'luhnlmlsg. Tel«*arM|»li *••1 Telephone- order* prsuipii) «(- L H. Borskard J. Fabian Minion L.H. Barghard&Co. Funeral Directors •Sd-iSS Cotton ave. JESSE B. HART, Funeral Director. My cuatnmera are my reference*. Mr». Hurl bum full charge of laile* and children. 559 Mulberry St. Ne\t to Hotel Lanier. Offer *|»tinnc 407. Rrnidenre *|«linne 4437, D.U AND MUUT* NKW ORLK4NN It A CBS. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 19-0:d Hutch ;*n 1 Sweet Allre were tin* winning fa vorites tidtav. Summary: llrst race, six furlongs—Orpheum (2*‘ ’n l> won. Uurkelmorc (27 to i) second; Jove (C, to 1) third. Time. 1:15 4-0. Scrnrd race, helling one mile and on n - slxtcei ih- Hedge t7 to 1) won; Stratton ll (5 to :» second; N«ttlc Regent til t«» G> third. Time. 1:45 3-5. Third race. s«-Illnt:. six furlongs— Ben llullum m to m w«»n: Uttl* Chico 120 to ll second; Han Af cr t3 to 1) third. Time. 1:16 2-5. Fourth rite*, handicap, one mile—Old Hutch (3 to 21 won; Carat (12 to 1> second; Tho Conqueror II. (7 to 2) third Tf"»«. 1:42 Fifth nice, five and one-half furlongs -Sweet Alice G to 2i won; Birrhbroom (14 to 1) second; Musical Slipper (16 to ll NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. (Special wire ip Macon Turf Exchange ) Firs- race, puree one mile—Rough Rl l- er. Mr Williams. Great American. Henry of Franstamar. ICS: Balm of Gilead, l>e Reszkc liuzzah U6; Albert F. Dewey, b*; Mynheer. 101 • Navarlno, John A. Clark Ray. 100. S« con.l race, selling one mile and one- eighth-Joe Dough-*:ty. Thurles. 104; Ra- diant Heat. Right H>w.r Socapa. 1"1; Intp Novell!. Locust Blosx >m. 9*'; Money Hack. Aline Abbott. Annie I^aur«tta« 94; Lady In Black. S3. Thir'l race puree, six furlongs—Imp. Albula 112; Jim Clark. Sadducee. St. Gu h- bert. (’apt Gaston. b'L Wealth. Allvar. IL; Bengal. 101; Showman. Right and * rue. :•*>. Decoration. 93; John Coulter. 90. Fourth race, handicap, s. yen furlongs— Old Hutch. Ill: Roaster. 103; Wit full. 100; Stratton ll,. 9S; Tioga, pondage, 94; Bum- Fifth race, selling, one mile and one- clghth- Veauvla, 1111 Zsze 1 , b*5; Inspector Sb. a. PM; Alfred !••’; Chick.i.Ve. 101; Sue Johnson. 91; Leenja. 91. six l race, selling, six furlongs—Carl lvahh'r ;12; Playlike, ill; Srtatmn II . 1*9: Andes. Censor. 1**7; t)ur Je«s|e. 104; Malster Renmnra. 1*3. Alpaca b*2 Mis* H«unn. 101; Vlcievnnce. :•?; Miss Au- Sky track fast. No Extra Charge to Ride on Chicago & Florida Special Via Southern Railway.- Best train to Florida. Leaves Macon .... l.pO p.m. Arrives Jacksonv. .8 00 p.m Quickest and best train to Atlanta. Leaves Macon 3 65 p.m. Arrives Atlanta. . .«>. 10 p.m Through ours to all impor tant cities. JAS. FREEMAN. Trav. Fuss. Agent. ‘r ’ IF YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM Don't experiment with uncertain compounds, but use Uricsol, the Great California Remedy. It is recognized- and endorsed bv physicians, druggists and grateful patients as the only sure cure for this disease. Drug gists sell it at $1.00 per bottle. 4 H*m* ******* ♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ Send stamp for book of particulars and certificates of wonderful cures. ADDRESS:^* URICSOL CHEMICAL CO. LOS ANGELES, CAL. ATLANTA, GA. THE LAMAR-RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta. Ga , Wholesale Distributors. ATLANTA ANXIOUS AS TO BOND ISSUE Drrlalnn* of Mupr«*mp Coarl Awsll- rd With Great Interest—Water Works Involved. ATLANTA Feb. )!>.- The action of tho apreme court In the one* Involving bond sue* Is awaited with much Inter*st in lanta. due to the tact that the ptopit of this city dexira t<* vote upon one Dsue of “X), the* money to b«* us*-*l in Improv ing the water works system of Atlanta nnd In extending th** sewers. Should the (lecithin tie that • be-lntereit not n part of th** principal, thus al lowing Atlanta to issu*- the bonds, th* jui --tlnn will have 1«> b* drclrte*! t>y th* op!**. Should the people vote against he bond Issue. It means, thinks 8up**rin- ttndent Woodward nnd many others ac quainted with th** situation, tost tin alter- i.stive is left but to raise the tux as sessment. In discussing th** value of the water works system of Atlanta, ffliperlntsndent l’ark WoodwaSd said today: ••l can sell the city water w«rka for nt any time the city wants to make h. tri te nnd the corporstlon that makes the purchase will make big money on tho deal. •’The Idea seems to have gotten out that the waterworks are a drain on the city, that we nro asking for more mom v front fhe city, and hat the water works are not a paying proposition. The truth Is. the people don't Know what they I o-se-v If the water department were given nil the money which It ’urned Into the city treasury, there woul 1 be no knot ty questions about Issuing bonds, raisins; ■ f the tax rate and he like f »r purj of Increasing the waterworks facilities. "During the v*- ir Just cb»sed the water works paid Into th*' city In actual cash S 156.621.99 nnd $147,114 76 In service, wtplch the city would have had to pay out had i not owned the waterworks, only it would have paid very much more than this lr addition t" this the department paid Its running expense*, amounting to J75 ATTt2 The pea;,, do not realize tho value of the waterworks to* the city, else (here would l>e less complaint." I'RRHIDKNT DIAS Will Not be Able Attend the i ventlon. MEXICO CITY. F-b. 19 - President Diaz cannot, on account of pressure ot government business, attend the an nual convention of the national manu facturers of the I'nlted States, to as semble In New Orleans In April. Con gress will be In session at that time. Arthur Cunningham Grant Duff, the newly appointed secretary of the Rrir- lah legation here, hn* arrived. He has been In the diplomatic service since 1SS5. Mr. Grunt Duff wljl soon assume charge. TENDENCY OF THE TIME* The tendency of medical science I* toward preventive measure*. The best thought of the world Is being given to the subject. It 1* easier and better to prevent than to cure. It has been fully demonstrated that pne umonla, one of the most dangerous dip* ares that medi cal men have to contend with, ci\n be prevented by the use of Chomberialn's Cough remedy. Pneumonia Qlways re- Ult* from a cold or from an attack of Influenza <grip>. nnd it has been ob serve t that this remedy counteracts any tendency of these disease* toward Pneumonia. This ha* been fully proven in many thou*ands of cases In which this remedy has been used during the great prevalence of colds and grip In recent years, nnd can be relied upon with Implicit confidence. Pneumonia of ten results from a slight cold when no danger Is apprehended until It Is sud denly discovered that there I* fever and difficulty in breathing and pains In the chest, then It Is announced that the patient has pneumonlu. Be on the safe side and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the cold Is contracted. It always cures. For sale by all druggists. "WEEKLY COTTON STATISTIC*. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 19.—Following are the weekly cotton statistics: Total sales of nil kinds. 67.000 balsa; total sales American. 61.(W>; English spinners' takings. 99.000; totaf export. 6,000; Imports of all kinds. 70,000; im ports. American. 46,000; stock of all kinds. 61S.000; stock American, 542,000; quantity afloat all kinds. 237,000; quan tity afloat American 204.000: total sales on speculation, 3,100; total sales to ex porters, 500. A JOCKEY DEM). NASHVILLE. Tenn . Feb. 19.—"Link' Jones.the one-time noted colored Jockey died here this morning, aged 42'yeats. Jones began hi* career In the saddle in the 70 s. and piloted Mary Anderson. Malvern, Kennesaw, Lord Murphy. Bergamot, Freeland. Ixwig Light. Jim Gore. One Dime nnd other well known horses of his day in most of their turt victories. HIGH-GRADE WHISKEY! Realizing the n.MMlty of kMPInR tho hlah. at grade brands of Whiskies, I have secured the agenele. for the celebrated “GOLDEN GRAIN,” -NEWPORT” and “GEO. W. HOGAN” NELSON COUNTY whiskies, $1.00, $1,25 / $1,50 Quart. Good Whiskey being nn essential o? medicine. .1 can safely guarantee the above brands to be chemically pure, and those needing a stimulant or tonic, will find same to have no superior. MALLORY H. TAYLOR, Pharmacist, COR. SECOND ASD OIIKIlRir STREETS. You’ll Enjoy Looking at the things wo show you hero. You’ll profit in buying if you want that which has real quali ty and in which you can take real pleasure. The secret of beauty is in having tho best you can find. We furnish the best for you and it is not necessarily more expensive than goods which some dealers solect without ex ercising the proper taste. J. H. & W. W. Williams, 553 Cherry Street, - Macon, Qa. THE BEST, ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. Bach world renowned mokes of Plnnos ns Stelnwnr* Weber, Bohni<*r St Co., Kronlch St Back, Ivers A Pond nnd Le*t~r. A new anpply of these celebrnted mnke* of plnn«>* on tmnd nnd Arriving for fall trade. Bold nt tho very lowest price* and on easy terms. Plnnos nnd Ors* u * tnned nnd repaired. Satisfaction naaranteed. F. A. GUTTENBERGER & CO. FINE OLD KENTUCKY WHISKIES JUG TRADE A SPECIALTY. J. T. STEWART’S PRICE LIST. EXPRESS PREPAID. 4 qt*. Clermont Rye $ 6.00 8 U.00 2 “ *■ “ 15.00 4 •' Dunn’s Monogram Rye those so*. 3 gal. jog Rose Valley Rye.. * qta. Hone Shoe Rye 6 “ “ •• “ 5.00 12 “ “ “ “ 9.50 l gal. jug Horse Shoe Rye... 12.60 2 4.00 3 - “ •• ... 7.50 4 qts. Anchor Gin 10.00 8 “ •• *> 4.00 12 “ >• •• 7.60 1 gal. jug Anchor Gin ...... 10.00 2 “ “ •• “ 3.75 3 •• « ■* •*, “ “ “ •• 7.00 4 qts, American Malt We pay expense of all express and money orders. qaalltjr, Price and Preaiptme.e Gear aeteed. •410 POPLAR STREET, MACOS, Woodford Co. Rye.... Rose Valley Rye... 1 gal. jng Rose Valley Rye.. | 9.50 3.00 6.50 7.60 2.75 5.00 7.00 3.00 5.50 7.00 2.75 . 6 00 7.00 , 4.00 GA. Fsmoua * *4 Ky*...... &.0Q 13 “ Famous l4wt# 84 Ky# hn 4 “ Y*11ow*Umi« Rye J 00 13 " Yslkmstflo* R«. UM 4 “ Murray 1IU1 Club By# ».oo It ** M*mty Hill Club Ry« 1X04 4 - Wtln>n R>a #00 * - btulj*#** Rjr* 4.00 4 “ Mill Cmk Cabinet Rv* 40O 12 “ Mill Cmk < '«Md*i R\c .... 10 00 1 fallon Ju# Mill Crwk Cabinet Itra . . 3 00 4quaru Kentooky Bteod Ry* ...... 400 12 Kcntacky Bland Ry* 1000 4 Old Barb** straight Hv« .. . 4® 1 gallon Jug Old Harm* wratcht Rya . ) io 4 quarts Jpff Clark Ry* go# 1 sa'ion Jug Jeff Hark Rye ' *75 AH Beat Brnnd* Beer Kept In Stock. X gallon jug Pure Maryland P. Brandy .*9100 1 Jug Pura N. C Apple Brandy . 400 i quarts Old Harvest Corn I« 1 gallon jug Old Harvest Corn 4 quarta Corn Malt 400 1 gallon Jug Corn Malt l*‘ 1 “ New England Rum. !to 1- • *■<* (Express eksrget pafd nn Tw# ■nllontf or more.) 1 gallon log lit proof N. Carolina Corn.-91 00 1 Jag IS proof N. Carolina Corn. . 1-75 1 M lag OWV. A. Brown By*. Va.1. 100 1 “ Jug Old V. a. Brown Bye No.l I.W 1 •* Jug Hew England Rum, No. 2. ■ 1 “ Jug Holland O in 2.00 J. T. STEWART. SATASSAI IS WAKIXG VP. i BABY EASE 8 A CIHE5 RtRY'S ILLS. g JJ F«r »l, I., all Drucllti J Tfc* AhI»< cur I. Thlnklnc of Hnrlns n Chamber ot Commerce. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb 19.—There has long been talk of a chamber of commerce for Savannah. This erystalluM at a meet- Ing of business men tonight, when a com mittee of ten was appointed to form and carry out plans for such an Organization. The promotion of the city'.- •<«mrnerclai Interests, the enlargemen of her manu facturing and Industrial activity. an<J the securing of such rate* *« mould render Savannah a tourist point, will he th,. je,-ts sought by the cnambtr of com- merctts CHARLOTTE. N. C.. Feb. 19.—The arguments In the Bishop cose were con cluded tonight. The first speech of the day was made by Mr. T. C. Outhn\ fbr the defense, concluded his argu ment begun yesterday. Mr. Guthrie was followed by Col. H. C. Jones, f"? the defense, who spoke three hour; 4 , and was followed by Mr. E. T. Cans'*;, who In making the closing argument fof the prosecution, spoke throe and a h ’ ' hours. Judge Neal delivered the charge and instructed the Jury to re turn at 10 o’clock tomorrow morniu-f. when It i* expected t verdict will tA 1 ^xendeced, „