The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 21, 1904, Image 2

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH : MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1904. Fine Clothes For Little Chaps The little man’* Russian Military Suits—age* 2J4 to 5 years—$5 to $7.50. The Broadway Russian Suit*—ages 2'/ t to 5 years—$5 to $7.50. The Double-Breasted Norfolk*—age* 5 to 10 years—$6 and $7.50. The Single and Double-Breasted Norfolks-rage* 6 to 14 years—$4 to $7.50. The Double and Sinble-Breasted Eton Blouse, new coat effect-ages 5 to 10 year*—$4 to $7.50. The Double-Breasted Reefer Coat*—age* 3 to 8 years—$5 and $6. The Military Overcoats—ages M/i to 7 years— $5 to $9. The Russian Overcoat—ages 4 to 12 years— $6 to $10. r air.vt ONE PRlCe TO EVERYBODY, ZEMSTVO AGITATION IN RUSSIA INCREASES SPECIAL NOTICES FUNERAL NOTICE. •ervtco iraraSRr s? MOil NINO *1 in SO Invited. ’ ' COCKRELL UNDECIDED. STILL IN TIIE RING Artistic. stylish full suit* for 925 and $3f) Brut workmanship guaranteed. Tmwr* -y«u can get , thu lowest. 1 taller. Prices ~gults finished on very short notice. The largrsl stock «.f woolen* to select from; 'latest patterns. FIELD SEEDS Tax*. R. P. 0««i, I Ttiwiaaao* Ry#. T.nn.nre Hurt Out., Sou. Oa. Ry#, Tennffi... Barl.y, North Oa. Ry*. 6rrd Wheat. I Cow Rial. For Sale by O. T. DAILEY, St* Poplar SL 'Phono »1». Macon. < 5. S. Parmelee VEHICLES, HARNES8, BICYCLES Aim Urge stock accessories, eurh m Up robe*, earring* heaters, homo blanket*, whip*, brunhfi, etc. Com- l plfte linn go-cart*. be"*’ wngons. vt- . loclped**. tricycle* *n<1 doll carriages. Corner Second and Poplar 8U^ MACON, OA. Cannot Soy Yot Whether Ho Will Ac eept Position Offered Him. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 20.—8p«akln» with the Aasoclated Press over the long dletance telephone from hie homo at Warreneburg thla evening, Senator Francis M. Cockrell declined to say whether or not he hnd been offered the Uthmlan cnnnl cotnmlsslonershlp by President'Roosevelt, or whether would accept auch an appointment If tendered him. He would not, he nald. In any event, take any action until he reached Washington on November 28. "I hnve already aald all 1 care to ut thla time upon this subject," aald Sen ator Cockrell. Henator Cockrell declined to aay whether or not tho Uthmlan canal roinmlaelonerahlp would bo un agree able appointment. Yeaterday In an In terview with the Associated Preea Henator Cockrell aald: "If tendered any position by the president I should treat It with the greatest consideration and do whatever might be beat In the prtnuaee." ST. PETERBBURG, Nov. 20.—The Zemstvo representatives In a meeting today adopted the remainder of The memorial almost literally as cabled to the Aasoclated Press yaaterday, and besides considered several supplemen tary articles providing for practical co operation of the Zemstvos In the Red Cross workers for extenalon of school facilities. The vote on the question of the adoption of the memorial stood 88 to 10. The meeting probably will be continued several days. The memo rial and minutes of the meeting will be sent to Prince Bvlatopolk-Mirsky for transmission to the emperor. What the result will he Is a matter of specu lation; but the men who have partici pated In this meeting are In moat cases the most Influential and able men in their respective provinces, and are re solved to press the movement every where with the greatest vigor. Zemstvo Banquet. A Zemstvo banquet will be arranged for December 4, the fortieth anniver sary of the emancipation proclamation Issued by Alexander If, and on this oc casion speeches along the line of the memorial will be made. Later the Zemstvos, who are to meet on Decem ber 14, will be urged to Adopt resolu tions embodying a similar program of agitation. The government's attitude Is await ed with breathless Interest. The mere fact that a meeting with such a pro gram was permitted, although official auspices were denied It, Is unprece dented; but the vigorous character of the memorial adopted and the resolu tion to push the agitation must com pel the government to act. A parting of the ways Is again at hand, and the autocracy. It would aeem, must once more choose whether the people shall be allowed a voice in tho government, bb t b ~b bb b bb b b 'b b'b^b'b 'b'b b^b b ] MACON. DUBLIN & SAVANNAH R. Effective Sunday, Sept. 18. 1904. STATIONS, Ar.|A M(P M 1 I 4 O'- 3 20’ Macon Ill 09' 5 43 } 6 lo 3 3::.,..Swift Creek.... 110 48 6 SO 3 42 ....Dry Branch.... 10 3S i ; u; 3 43 Pikas Peak 10 31 flf- 7 0.’ 3 39!.... Fitxpatrick ... .110 21 7 19 4 02 Ripley •f* 7 231 4 17 .. Jeffersonville .. I 7 85 1 29*.... Oallemore .... “ 7 of. 4 38 Danville lAilenfn pas'g track J 13 02 4 43!.... Allentown .. fr* | 8 251 4 55 Montrose ... * ’ 8 45’ 5 051 Dudley .... 9 05! 5 14!.... Shewmake .. 9 13, 5 19 Moore .... (Coal Chute.) 9 35 5 34 Dublin *... A M ( 5 39(M. D. A S. June. 5 43 M. D. & S. June. 5 52! Catllnr . 6 021 Minter 6 121.... Rockledge 6 19 Orland . 6 331 Soperton 4 <51.... Tarrytown 6 52! Stanley 7 101 VJdalia “ M Ar. Films Developed Free. Bring your Aims to Coleman's Book Htore between 2 end 6 p. m. today, nnd have them developed free by an expert LOANS. On Improv.d firm InmJ, or alt/ prop erty n.gotiat.d at low„t mark.t rate*. Uustnax* ol ytara* standing. Facilities un.urpasi.d- HOWARD M. SMITH. 114 b.comi 8L. Macon, Q>. v. c. rim. R1E8 Guy Armstrnnr . ARMSTRONG, J.wol.r, 315 Third 8tr.«L flume **«. Kyat leatofl free. Kina Repairing. Reliable good* only. CITY OR FARM LOANO. City real eatat. Inane placed ut from ( to poreaoL. accor.ling lo aocurlty. r.rm lou L. at » par cant. Security Loan and Abstract Cc. Commercial Dank Oulldlng. L II. OURliHAKD, funeral director 153-155 Cotton Avenue. WHITE PATRONAGE EXCLUSIVELY JESSE B. HART, FUNCHAL DIRECTOR. 6M Mulberry urert. Perronal attention stven to all business. Lady assistant. Office 'Phone 487. Night 'Phew* 74b. OPEN OAV AND NtCHT. le Inconceivable that It can allow agitation for a convocatlve elective body to decide whether the time ban not come, in the language of the me morial, “for a special'.’/ elected body to participate” without the Intention of yielding. Reactionaries, of course, are horrified at the mere suggestion of anything ap proaching a parliament or a constitu tion. All their power and Influence al ready are In the scale; but no matter which way the balance swings the de cision fs bound to mark an epoch In Russian history. In Deadly Earnest. The actual participants In the meet ing here are far from hopeful; but they sincerely believe the salvation of the country depends upon the solution they have to offer, and have the satis faction of knowing that, aa represen tatives of the most authoritative pro vincial Institutions of the empire, they have for once spoken out their views and have taken measures to have them spread before the world as well a» the government which is addressed. For one result It is sure to give a tremendous impetus to the liberal movement. With the country In the throes of a great and hitherto unsuc cessful foreign war and disturbed condition at home, the measure which is aimed to rouse united action might overrule other considerations. The Associated Press has heard that recently the emperor has spoken much * f of M. Witte's famous memorandum. I We are The finishers of Men! Wliat the high-class decorator 5s to a house, vte are to man—we put on the artistic touches that make him look as if somebody cared for him. Our busi ness is to haberdash men. We believe we know the business, and invite you to hear the argument and pass jugdment. Tic Andrew & Taylor Hatters, Sockers, Shirters, Tiers, Coiiarers, Cuffers, Et Ceteras. v 8 08 8 01 7 47 1 35 7 Sr 7 U A M 4 17 3 45 8 25 3 18 2 58 I 4 1 Nos. 19 and 20. flrtt-class daily with elegant conches. Vrti 51 nn.I 39 street near entrance to Centi Macon. J. A. STREYER. G. 1 city Park, Macon, Ga. BRONSON, Com. Agt., Macon. Ga. THOS. H. FREEMAN, City Ticket Agt., Macon, Ga. X Low Rates Shortest Route. written Just before hl« foil, of the ad vlsabllity of yielding the people a voice In the government. One thing which must commend it self strongly to the emperor Is the fact that the memorial represents the view of able and moderate men who have no sympathy with revolution. They,have tnken particular pin ns to discourage the student demonstrations which were planned for Saturday and Sunday In front of the Kazan cathedral and none occurred. THE POPE OF ROME IS IN FAVOR OF BICYCLES World’s Fair, St. Louis, ROME, Nov. 20.—The pope today received n committee from Lucca. Learning that two of Its members came to Rome on bicycles he congratulated them, nddlng: “I forbade prlets to ride the bicycle; but were 1 young aguln I would glad ly use the bicycle, aa, when l was a boy for four years I walked dally twelve miles in all kinds of weather, sun or rain, to go to school. If I had had a | bicycle I would have saved time and f * strength." One of the members of the commit tee having expressed a wish to kiss his foot, the pope said: "No; It Is ill." GREAT BATTLE IS IMMINENT Increasing Activity Along Slmklie River EX-GOV. THOMPSON DEAD. lo End C*m« L**t Night at Now York City. NKW YORK, Nov. JO.—Hu(h Thompaon, former Oovernor of Houth Carolina, dlrd at hi* realdance hare to night. He wa* born In Charleston, 8. C.. In IIS*. In recant ycara ho waa comp troller of lha Now York Life Inauranco Company. Tho body of tho former governor will b« taken aa aoon aa poaatble to hla former homo In Columbia, South Caro lina. No funeral aorvloaa over tha body of Mr. Thompaon will ba held In thla city. Tho body will ha lakan South from hare at 1:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. No arrangement* for aervlcea In Co lumbia have yot been made except that tho Intorment will take place on Wed- needay afternoon FLINTS OF RUSSIANS Ing has proved excellent for the pur pose. Evidently Attempting to Draw Attsek From Japanese, But are Uniformly Repulsed—Army Engaged in Be- sieging Port Arthur Reports in a Dispatch to Tokio. Attack Resumed. CHE FOO, Nov. 21. 11 n. m.—Tho general attack on Port Arthur waa re sumed November 18 or 19, according to the report of persons arriving here today from Dalny. They say that tho Japanese are so secretive that It In dif ficult In Dalny to learn the true facts. Even, the officers detniled to work at the hase do not know what their com rades at the front are doing. November 10 n peculiarly heavy explosion shook every ship lying at Dalny. The explo sion was ascribed to the blowing up of land mines or a magazine. CLAY’S COFFIN STORE Telegraph and Telephone Orders i rotapily filled. Licensed smtatmsra. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. \ IVhat He Would Like For Christinas Winter Weather Is Capricious Come No\\ Milner’s Studio. j6i Cotton AVc, l’Lo#c , li NORTH SEA AFFAIR. Ratification* of Convention to bo E*. changed at 8t, Pataraburg. ItT. PKTERRM1RO, Nov. JO, 4 a. m.—Ratification* of tho Angto-Rus- al*n Dnggor Dank convention will bo exchanged here between foreign Mln- later laimadnrf and Amhanador llar- dlngr. The principal modification of the HrltUh text of tho convention aa finally accepted by both will cnnalat In clearly Impoalng upon Iho rnmmtuton the took of locating tho blame. Irreopecllvn of pernono nr na tionality. hath the American and the French government* have been In formally apprlaod th*i they an ex ported to eelect member* of the ram- mtoalon. and wtwn the formal Joint Invitation am laoued they will be ex ported promptly lo announce the ee- lertlnn. In nnler to obviate delay Km- peror Premia Jooeph ha* bean .elected lo name the fifth member of the ram- mloalon In oaao tho four ohould bo un able Id agree. An officer of tho tranaport Kam chatka ora* detarhed at Ttakar and will proceed to Parte aa a fifth Rurnlan wltneaa. Much Interact la dlaplayed here tn the report that a Hrittah warship fired on the Canon lino *tearner Orange off the coast of Brat land, as showing that mistakes at ee* an not confined to tho Ruaalan army. An Arkansas Fir*. LITTLE ROCK. Art. Nov. 10—A ■portal to th* Oarnttr from Ractor Ton business house* have already burned and the fire la still rag- The whole business part of the la threatened and at 10:45 p. in. •* no end of the fire, i Hartford nru* Company, John Id and ITnterberger Moline Hard- rnmpante* are among the looera. TOKIO. Nov. 10.—1 p. m.—lncreaa- Ing activity along the Bhakhe river Mama to Indicate tho Imminence of an- other great battl*. Tho Ruaelan felnto. evidently Intend ed to draw a Japanese attack, ar* uni formly ropulard. Army headquarters yeaterday receiv ed tho following report from Field Marshal Oyama's report dated Novom her II. • “At dawn today a datachment of th* enemy made an ntlack near llalng lungtun. They were roplused by us. "Hlnre this morning th* enemy In the vicinity of Knakho have Indirectly bombarded our poalllona with mortara and field places. They have effected no damage. "A body of the enemy'* Infantry wero discovered at llslamla and Hsiao yanuu. We shelled them nnd they fled In confusion to n neighboring vltage. “The entmy have burnt Huanglaaho- tiu and village* to th* aouthooat on th* right bank of the river Hun.” Choice of Routes via Atlanta and Nashville, Or via Birmingham and Memphis. Via Atlanta—Leave Macon.4:15 am Arrive St. Louis.7:0s am Via Atlanta—Leave Macon. 1130 pm Arrive St. Louis. 1135 pm Via Atlanta—Leavn Macon. 4:25 pm Arrive St. Louis 5:40 pm Via Birmingham—Leave Macon, 3:45am Arrive St. Louis 7:08am Through Sleeping Cars On trains loaving Macon 4:15 a. m. and 4:25 p. m. Parlor car on 1:30 p. m. train, making close connection at Atlanta with through sleeper. QUICKEST AND BEST THROUGH SERVICE. From Macon—60 Day Tickets $28.40 ' 15 Day Tickets $23 35 Coach Excursion Tickets on Sale every Tuesday and Thursday in November, Limited 10 Days$16 Proportionately Low Rates from other points. l ? or full particulars, World’s Fair literature, etc., call on or •write. JOHN W. BLOUNT. T.P. A.. C. A. DEWBERRY, C. T, & P.'A 332 Second Street, Macon, Ga. Quickest Time. Five Trains Daily. VVRIGHTSVILLE AND TENNILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. Effective September 11, 1934. STATIONS. 7 24 7 B 7 4C 7 f.2 I 04 8 14 •8 25 18 49 8 51 9 02 9 08 IB | SB 9 36 4 281 9 48 4 341 9 54 4 55110 15 P MIA M A MIP M 5 80 6 18 Condor Dublin Dublin ..... ... .. ..Spring Haven. Dexter .... .... Alcorns ... .... Chester ... .... Yonkers ... .... Empire ... ...Baileys Park.. .. Hawkinsvllle . in nj 0 51 9 40 9 30 9 12 l 40 4 3’i 4 22 3 32 .1 20 3 13 2 47 2 36 2 30 From Port Arthur. TOKIO. Nov. 2#.—• p. m.—A dis patch from the army beselglnir Port Arthur dated November It says: "During the bombardment thla after noon a ahel from a Japanese naval gun exploded a Russian magaslna near the arsenal. "Our operations against all forts sre proceeding as prearranged from Man churian headquarters. "At noon today we shelled the Rus sian Infantry engaged In entrenching east or Reluchlangtun. and algo In fantry In the rear of the villages, causing them to flee tn confusion. "In other directions there Is no change of note." Russian Defenses. MUKDEN. Nov. 20.—The Japanese attack on PoutllofT Hill has demon strated the efficacy of tho Russian defensive works. Two battnlions en gaged In the attack occupied the first lins of tho Russian trenches, hut at the second line were caught in pits nnd entanglements and exposed to a gull* Ing Are. A, Russian bayonet attack completed their demoralisation. There are many rumors of Japaness activity on both flanks, hut there la nothing tending to show that a general engagement la more Imminent thun heretofore. ^ Suspense Continues. BT. PETERSBURG. Nov. 21. 4. m.— The nuapense engendered hy the Jap anese uttack on Poutltoff Illll contin ues. This movement has proved un successful. It aimed merely to capture a Russian position but whether It waa Intended to mask activity* at some oth er point along the front has not yet developed. Some correspondents not# what they consider significant Japan ese movements on the Rusalan right, and others that a Japanese column Is moving fifty or sixty miles eastward; but the opinion In military circles seems to be that no great movement Is likely to transpire before the fats of Port Arthur Is decided. At the same time It 1s recalled here that General Kuropatkln’s great aggressive move ment of lost month was In full awing a week before the outside world real ised what was occurring. ODD FELLOWSHIP SAVED MUCH TROUBLE Mob Wanted to Lynch Negro Demon strators of Roosoveltlsm Who Had Had Run Amuck. INTER NATION AL KEROSENE ENGINES stationery, Portable, and •—Arrive. ]—Leave. CONNECTIONS. With Centml of Georgia, Au- hern and Sandersvlllo Rail- . Ifrewton—With Central ot Georgia Hail ey (Oconee Division). Dublin—With Macon. Dublin A Savan nah R. R- and Dublin A Southwestern Rnllrond. « Empire—With Southern Railway. Hawkinsvllle—With Ilawklr.HVlPe A Florida Southern and Southern Rallwavs. For further information regarding rates, schedules, etc., write or apply to C. C. DALEY, Com. Agt., Hawkins vllle. Go. W. J. KESSLER. Com. Agt., Dublin, Ga. H. V. MAHONEY. G<sn. Pass. Agt.. Dublin. Ga. STILLMORE AIR LINE RAILWAY Effective July (, 1303. Read Down. Road Up. 5 | 3 | 1 t STATIONB. | 2 | 4 | 6 P MIP M!A MILv. Ar.|A M P M« 3 151 2 401 6 CO... Wndley 00| 9 «o* 1 i» 3 301 2 m 5 101. Oreenwny .III <91 9 3M2 SR 8 48 8 021 R 221.. Blundal# . .|11 87j 9 17112 “ 4 0«| 3 14! 4 881 2 83 5 CM 1 55 6 301 4 25 am! 7 30| 6 00 7 42! 0 > 0GI12 25 Dell wood ..111 23' 9 5 4*1. Swalnsboro .111 10| 8 f»0|12 10 6 041... McLeod ...|l0 47 ! 8 Will 30 6 »!.. fltlllmore ..110 22i 8 (6111 06 !lv. SI I I «45!.. Stnimoro ..lib 171 7 4:;ift Rft . - - 8 W!.. Hurryhlll ..110 07| 7 «!1ft 44 7 601 G 241 7 071... Corsica ...| 9 Mi 7 Jflll) K 8 801 5 36! 7 17l. Cobbtown .! 9 48! 7 18I1C OS f 3W 5 4C 7 23! Bectlonvtlle II 87 7 07I 9 43 I 4f,l 6 OOl 7 33'A r Co1!ln« Lvf * 25 6 E5! 9 31 j I iSenbo’rd A. L.| I , I 8 SCllft Oo|. Savannah .f 7 00 4 Sft| 7 (4 # Marias, Pumping Outfits, all kinds of ma chlnery. Launches and Boats. Bend for cata logue and prices. International Power Vehi cle CO.. 350 Third 8t.. Macon. Qa. YOW TBAKKS6IVIN6 DINNtX Jell-0 ilsr deowrt. which nurd. Gold Medal on. Ar. artistic ta. also pleases tha Films Developed Free. Bring your Aims to Coleman's Book Rtore between 2 and 4 p. m.* today, and have them developed free by an expert. 'Patkln Reports. BT. PETERSBURG. Nov. *6.—Gen eral Kuropatkln telegraphs that there waa no fighting the night of November It and It. Another Step Kr Japs. TOKIO. Nov. 20.—Nootv—tt Is re ported that the Japanese, after suc cessfully mlqing. occult u* counter scarp on Sungohu mountain last Fri day. Fate of Torpedo Boats. LONDON. Sox. 21.—A special dls patch from Rhanghal toys that the steamer Llenshtng. from Che Foo. re ports that three other Russian tor pedo boat destroyers left Port Arthur with the destroyer Ravtoropny. The Japanese stopped two of them and the fate of the third Is unknown. Finng Occasionally. Field Headquarters of tho Second Japaneoe Amy. Nov. If. 4 p. m.. vta Pusan. Nov. If.—The pool few days have been unusually quiet along the Bhakhe river. The front of Gen. Oku'o army and the Russtana have been fir ing only occasional shots. Tho armies have been lying entrenched and prac tically in touch for over u month, hut there hav» been only cavalry and small Infantry skirmish**. Tho Japanese are virtually living 4n tho trenches end tho army is standing tho first cold i weather very woU. Tho winter Excited Over Incondiarism. ZANESVILLE. O., Nov. SO.—Three alleged Incendiary Area have occurred In the village of Roseville during the last twelve hours. The money loss la amnll. but the excitement of the resi dents reached a crisis tonight when a crowd of men gathered In the renter of the town Intent upon doing violence to two men. Kid Wilson, colored, and Charles Kamos, white, who had been arrested on suspicion. Rev. Luther J. Fmlth. the Methodist minister of the town, mounted a box and dissuaded the crowd from doing any unlawful act. The authorities believe they know who the flrebug Is but deem it unsafe to take him Into custody now. foaring violence of an extreme char acter. and they will wait until the ex citement o\>r today's happenings has sed away before making any mors LEXINGTON. Ky.. Nov. JO.—'Wil liam Moore, a Inborln* man, was killed tonight by three negroea who attacked him In n ealoon. Th# three negroes. Jamea Garfield. John Taylor and Ed ward Taylor, came In the saloon, nnd with the word* "We will clean out all you white doge.” began firing. Moore (ell dead without a word. Edward Taylor and Onrfleld were caught and lodged In Jail. At midnight a crowd gathered on the outahtrt* of the city with the Intention of attacking the Jail to aecure the negroes. A riot alarm called all the policemen from their beat* and they were atatloned In and around the Jail. The mob, 80# otrong. finally moved on th* Jail. When within two hundred yard* of the prleon a police picket named Longaton hailed the leader with the salutation. “I* there an Odd fel low In this crowd?” Tho crowd halted and a man stepped from the front rank*. In a hurried converaatlon the policeman told him that forty ofilcera were In and around th* Jail, that It wo* a atone and eteel structure, and that an attack meant wholesale bloodshed. The leader re turned to hla fellow*, who were armed with fire arm* of all descriptions, and counseled abandonment of the under taking. Within five minute, th* mob had disappeared, and the authorities are confident that th# Jail will not J bo attacked. Best Sewing - Machine Needles Moore FQR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES ONLY 5 CENTS Per Package. Postage one cent for 1 to 20 package. Sond Coin or Stsmpa. State kinds wanted. Address THE SINGER MANFG. Co, 503 Cherry St., MACON, GA. A $35,000,000 DSftL CHICAGO. Nov. 80.—The Record- Herald tomorrow will say: Thirty-six Ion dollars Is to be paid for the Chicago city iutlway Company by _n syndicate heided by Marshall Field A. Valentine and John J. Mitehell of Chicago end J. Pterpont Morgan the Thomas Ryan syndicate and their as sociates of new York city. Mr. Mor. gsn’s Wall street firm and on# ©the trust mnpany not yet named will un demrlte the deal. Rests at Cork. CORK. Nov. 2t.—O'Donovan Rosa wo* given a rousing recaption hara to day. He received numerous ovations and waa tendered a banquet tocicht. Two Killed in Collision. WASHINGTON, Pa., Nov. 20.—In a collision between two cattle trains on tho Baltimore and Ohio road at Wy- land station tonight. 8. E. Wilson, a drover of New Concord. O., was burned to death, and Frank McCoy, a drover from the same place, was crushed to death. Both trains were eastboand. and the accident happened at the wa ter tank where the first section had •topped to take water Wilson wai burned to a crisp In the fire that Im mediately followed the collision and McCoy was pinioned between the ca boose and the car ahead. The train men were compelled to cut off bis leg to save him. from being burned to death, but he died soon after being re leased. Grief Caused Suieids. DETROIT. Nov. 20.—A Free Press special from East Jordan, Michigan, •ays: Merritt Moore, a farmer, aged 84, shot and kilted himself today after a runaway tn which a 15-yea daughter of Robert Duchane wai Wiled. Moore hod allowed the girl and her slater to ride on hla wagon. When the team ran away one ot the girls Jumped hut the other was crushed when the wagon upset Films Devslcped Free. Bring your films to Cowman's Book Store between 2 end t p. m. today, and have them developed free by expert. Nos. 6 nnd fl. daily except Sunday. No*, l. ?. 8 and 4. dally. Train Sr. 1 connects at ftttllmors with Centre of Georgia Ry. for all points east end with MI1i*n A Southwestern Ry. fnt MllWn. nt Collins with Scahonrd Air 7«ns Ry. east tn Savannah nnd Intermediate points, west to Montgomery and nil points wert. and with Collins ft RetdsvIlU for RekJrvllte. Tnln No. ? connects st Btlllmnre wllh Mlllcn A Southwestern Ry. for Mlllen and Aucustn. st Wedlcv with Central of Geor gia railway for Macon. Atlanta and all alnte w*«t: with ihs Louisville A Wndley __y. for LouisvllU. 1 , nnd with Wadlvy A Mt. Vemnn Ry. Trsln No. 3 connects at Collins with Sea board Air Lin#- railway for fiavsnnnh nnd points eaet, end for Holena and Interme diate points west. Train No. 4 connset* at Wndley with 'cntral of Georgia railway for Macon, At* Inntn and points west. Train Nr*. 5 connects at Ceilln* with Sea- boad for Montgomery and point* we«t, F. 8. BATTLE. Supt. ft T. U. G. M. BRINSON, PrealdenL NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 10..—Secretary of War Taft put Jn another busy day. He and his wero taken to Reserve .Is ... . Plantation for a glimpse of the sugar In- durtry of Louisiana. Tonight he Is the guest at a dinner given by Archbishop CbapeUe. The party will leave Monday morning on the Dolphin, In order to ob tain a daylight view of the river mouth and the jetties. Since seeing the Im mense ships In the harbor decretory Taft expressed regret that the Columbia had not be* - —9 — “ direct. been sent here to go Panama Football Caused Death. BETHLEHEM. Pa.. Nov. 20.—8am uel Hess, a senior at Lehigh Univer sity. son of former State Senator J. 8. Hess, died last night of concussion of the brain superinduced by being thrown in a flying tackle In a football game at Hellertown Saturday afternoon. Will Visit Texas. WASHINGTON Nov. 8ft—President Roosevelt, according to his present In tentions. will visit Fort Worth. Texas, tn the spring on the occasion of ths reunion ■* ihe first vwnleer (Rough Riders). has given hie assurance that unless rom*thing unforseen happens be will make the trip. With the possible excep tion of an address to his comrades. It ts stated the president win make speeches either going or returning. Dining Car on Night Train to Jackson ville. Via Southern Railway. Effective to day train leaving Moron 8.15 a. m. will carry dining car between Jesup and Jacksonville, serving breakfast before arrival at Jacksonville. For further information apply to JAR. FREEMAN. T. P. A^ Phone 424. Macon. Go. Coach Excursion Ticket! Vis Southern Railway. Macon to St. Urals and return, on s.'ile each Tuesday and Thursday dur log month of November. |11W trip, limited ten days from da sale. Elegant coach accommodations between Macon and EL Loots. JAS. FREEMAN. T. P 'Phone 424. Macon, GEORGIA. FLORIDA A ALABAMA R’Y. Effective 12:01 A. M.. Sunday. Oct 30. Traire run on (»0th Meridian) Standard South Bound. North Bound. Sill STATIONS. 1 2 ] 4 p MIA MILv. Ar.JP MIA M 3 fil 7 50l . .. CuthVrt I * Mill 4 lift 7 521..Central Junction..! 8 8ft*n r») 4 17! R 101 Randolph I 8 11(11 to 4 25! R 17* Omegle * Oi l! 04 4 31| R 281 Move ? 59110 5: 4 41! « 94! Edison 7 44I1P «6 4 r.l| 8 47! Turman I 7 3RI1ft 34 5 All S 5RI.C. R. R- Crossing.I 7 87110 23 5 10; 9 10 5 70 9 2ft 3 81! 9 83 5 37! 9 41 8 43! 9 48 R Ml 9 69 Arlington .... Rnwomv ... Damascus .... ..Warren's Mill... Corea ^ ^ Cnlnultt f 03! 10 0%!.. Nlcho’aavUle .. 6 ORItn 11 Babcock 8 2111ft 21 .... Eldorendo .... ft 1211ft ** Lynn ....... 9 lair* 44!....White’s Mill.... C 4111a Ml..West Pslnhrldge. 9 62(11 001.... Balnbrtdga .... ft 57-H d< ....Pr.-w Bridge.., 7 17111 26! Tower 7 SOill 87 .... Attapulgus 7 34 11 431..... I 7 48111 5ftI 7 56112 04}.. 8 01118 8 18119 8 8SIU 81 ...lake Jackson... 8 33'12 42-..... • Saxon .. 1 8 45112 65!... Tallahassee P M|P MlAr. (liag Hinson Lv. 7 C6I10 1ft 6 571 .- 'ft ft 43! 9 47 5 4ft! R 42 8 34! R Rft 6 271 8 25 6 20 8 22 5 •31 S . 4 32| 7 58 4 40 7 44 4 32I 7 S» 4 19 7 27 4 121 7 80 4 071 7 tt I 17 7 OS 3 44 « 66 3 871 4 4ft e’SU'U Between Tallahassee and Cambells. STATIONS. 1 8 } 88 Ar. P MIP M “ — 1 801 6 Oft 1 03 4 24 Tallahassee t J* 5 »| -..Arran a M’ 2 SSI. • HIM,... _ , tu ? Mtllxror* A M'P M Ar. Lv.lA M'P M No*. 1 *nfi J. O. r. * A. RT;. dally I*JI- aenser: No*. I? and IS, mixed, dally ex- cept Sunday. J. P. WILLIAMS. President. W. M. LEGO. General Manager. ATLANTIC A BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY Time Table. Ar. Montezuma. C. of O.. 5 Wim 1 0<>pra Lr. Mnntesum*. A. ft B. 5 Maml 1 l-'pm Ar. Vienna, A. ft B { 4 Stem! Iran Ar. C#»rdete. A. ft B J 7 aiarr 2 2 *pm Ar. FUxewnld, A. ft B. .1 R fftsm 3 44pm Ar. Ttfton ft. ft B.T..J tths,! Koib Ar. Moultrie. A. ft B...NT14 4C*m! 4 21pra Ar. Thomseville. A- ft B. 12 lftpm 7 Xlpni Ar. Waycmoa, A. ft B-..!ll Moom 4 3Jpm Ar Brunswick. A. A B ...!149p*ni H. C. McFAODEN. Oan. r*M. AgX.~ I Woycrisa. Go.