The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 01, 1904, Image 2

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THE MACON TELEGRAPHs THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER i, 1904. ~ l\ A Christmas Sentiment has begun to oxort itself once more, and our advice to every one is to buy their Holiday Presents early and avoid the usual rush and dis satisfaction of having to take something that’s been looked over time aud again, or more likely the special articlo you may have pre- ferod baa ’’just been sold." Buy now—have your Presents wrapped nicely and lav them away. Start today, take your time in making your selections and you’ll derive as much pleasure in tho buying as in the giving. Keep watch on this space daily and learn of the many useful articles we’ll suggest for friendly gifts. J/xc.(iC?sd}y?hz 'one price to everyoody. SPECIAL NOTICES SUITS FOR BUSINESS. To rat busy, yon need them In your but. Suits so rlic,ip you don’t fMl that you are paying for them. Ooetto, The Tailor, tnnken them at a price from 133.50 to |&»ftO. Artlatli-iilly dcMlfncd and made In the latest fad.. Trouaer* alwaye a ape- clalty, from 15 Oft up to 113.00. 123 Cotton Ave.. name old atand. ‘Phone M4—atUI In the ring. FIELD SEEDS Texas R. P. Oats. I Tennessee Rye, Tennessee Burt Ooats, Sen. Oa. Rye, Tennessee Barley. | North Oa. Rye. North t _ . I Cow Peas. For Sale by F. C. Illea. Guy Armstrong. RIE8 & ARMSTRONG, Jewelers 315 Third Street. Phone *34. Eyes tested free. Fine Repairing. Reliable goods only. IROSENK ENGINES B latlonory, Portable, lartne, for Lighting. HE Pumping nml Hoisting Outnts. all kinds of ina- ■ ehlnery. Launches and lloais. Send for cata logue and prteoa. International Power Vahl- S le Co . *10 Third St., lacon. Oa. BOYS’ BAND CLEARED $1,400 FOR HOME- Georgia Industrial Homo Gains This Amount Through Three Week** Travel—-Boys Returned Yesterday in Fine Spirits. The boy** hand of the Georgia Indus trial Home returned to the ett/ yes terday after an absence of three weeks on a tour of the state in the Interests of the home. As a result of the trip the net proceeds have been $1,400. All expenses. Including those of bandmas- tre Gooding, have been paid above this amount and It comes into the treasury a clear fund. This has been one of the most pro fitable trips made by the band. Mr. Gooding stated yesterday that the peo ple of the state hsd been very kind fo the boys and had provided homes for them In nearly all towns where they went to fill engagements. Tho boye returned In fine spirits des pite th«* fuct that they hove been on the road for a longer period thnn at any previous time. They have been busily enguged on the trip and filled engagements as fast as possible. Dur ing their absence the lw>ys have been in a number of the largest cities In the state. Their first Appointment was In Augusta, when they left on the trip and the last was in Kundersvllle.. A rest at home will he taken before the hand will be off again. It Is not known when another trip will be tak en but arrangements will be mude at on early date for future work. The addition of funds gathered by the band have aided the home very considerably since the death of tho founder. Rev. Mr. Mumford. Those who have b«?en In charge of the trips made by the bard have expressed themselves as deeply grateful to the people who were very much Interested In the success of the trips at the sev eral points visited. AFTER ADAMS’ SCALP. Colorado Republicans Hop* to Yet Prevent His Aoessaion. DENVER. Col., Nov. $0.—Tho su preme court today hoard arguments on a motion which has nn Important bearing upon the result of tho election of governor and members of the leg islature In this state. Attorneys rep resenting the Republican party hsvo asked the supreme court, which hns assumed original Jurisdiction In the local election cases, to order the Den ver election commlsslson to throw out the entire vote of a prevlnrt In which It In alleged the court's order relating tp wabnors was violated without an Investigation to determine the number of legal votes cast and without open ing the ballot box. Should the court order the vote of this prednet thrown out the attorneys for the Itepubllcsns will demand sim ilar action In respect to about fifty preclncta In which It Is charged that the court's orders were violated. All these prectnta gave majorities for Alva A'lams for governor, and by throwing out the returns the Republican mnn- ogera hope to overcome Adams' ma jority of about 11.000 In the atato and continue Governor Peabody In office. The control of the atate senate also appears to hinge upon the decision on this mntter. LOANS. On lmprov«d firm land, or ally prop erty negotiated at market rated. Du.lneee of fifteen year.' .tending. Fa.ilili.. un.urp.MMl- HOWARO M. SMITH. 114 Sacond St- Mao.n, Ga. CITY OR FARM LOANS. City reel ealete leene placed at from ( to »H per cent. according to oecorlty. Farm loan, at 1 par cant Security Lean and Abetrait Cc. Commercial Bank UulMIng. L 11. BIRCHARD, FUNERAL DIRECTOR *53“>55 Cotton Avenue. WHITE PATRONAGE EXCLUSIVELY JESSE B. HAHT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, oA Mulberry street. Personal attention Riven to oil business. Lady sMtetsi.t. Office 'Phone 4*7. _ Night ’Phone 7S0. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. CLAY’S COFFIN STORE Telegraph and Telephone Orders promptly filled. Llrenaed • eiabalmero. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The Coal HrarMg- WASHINGTON. Nov. Sft. •tVhrn coal hearing was rrsumiMl today before the loterotat* commerce «*«•• Mission. Bhearn of aonnn#l fi*r Mr. M«*amt. < tlnu*1 hi* rr*H. Mr. niau- velt. comt*tri*IUr *‘f «' *• I’:!- • 4ilro«i1. and tu shorn tint the llitl»tit» Iron Company did ms pay the tariff rate to the Sort*. The witness staled that the rate wsa paid. ffn«ml tdher witrt* were heard. Doctors Could Not Help Hor. "I hsd kidney trouble for yenrs," writes Mrs. Raymond Gonner of Hhel- ton, Wnsh.. “nml the doctora could not help me. I tried Foley’a Kidney Cure, nnd the very first dose gave me re lief nnd I nin now rfiirod. I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure.” It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate the pnlnnitN from the blood, t’nless they do this, good health la Impossible. Bold by II. J. laumnr A Co., druggists. Harvard Students Against Rleh Boys. CAMimiDGK. Nov. 1ft.—For the first time In Harvard's history a class has elected for Its president a student who Is neither a rich man. nor n society man. nor s grent athlete. The man In question Is W. H. Keeling, of Hloux City, Iowa, who was chosen chief offi cer of the sophomore class nl Its elec I loti thin full. Keeling In working hln way through college. Last year he waited on tnbl< In Rnndnlt llnll, the large eating estnh. Ilshment fvhere student help Is em ployed. nnd there, ns a menial, served ninny of bln clnssnmtes, who now have ejected hint their chief. He wns member of bin freshman debating team, and thin year In prenldent of his Hophotftore Debating Club. Keeling was elected, not so much through Ms own personal magnetism or popularity, nn through the unwill ingness of the "ordinary men" at Har vard longer lo knuckle down to the mv defies nnd dubs. As It now nttindn, there tire new elec tions every year. The rich men don't run these —indeed, there la auch atrong antipathy toward the “upper classes** that the mere fact that a man Is rich prejudices the large man voters a gainst him. The “democracy" Is radical, and there Is a touch of spite In whnt It does that Is making things lively at Harvard. December Term. The city court begins the work of the December term tm next Monday. The criminal docket Will be handled at «!»!■ J 1 ** /HI next Saturday cases will toe set for the civil branch of this court for the .IHcember term. Work Is to begin on this docket un Monday Roth branches of the grout deal of work December, ltth. court will furnish u ... for the Dorember term. Min Imm It. terror If you'vo a hottl. Of Dr. Thomas' Electric oil m the tmue*. relief In raan of ■cldenta of any burns, cuts, sprains. I Not Too Early £ To Buy Christmas Gifts. P We have something nice for Ladies in Felt S Slipper* for house wear. Also a pretty S line of Fancy Shoes for Children, and a V present of this kind would be useful ft indeed. * The Macon Shoe Co. Ds Quick. Not a minute should bp lost when a hlld shows sypudnmft nf croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given noon an the child becomes hoarse, or even after ths uroupy rough ap pears, will prevent tha attack. It never falls, and In pleansht and safe to take. For salo by all druggists. MR. JOHN W. ROBERT8 Goes to Atlanta to Acoept New Post tlon—Compliment by Employes of Dannenberg Comoany. Mr. John W. Roberts, who for the Inst eight years hss been In charge of the dress goods department of the Dannenberg Company, hns resigned to oceept a fwisltlon with Kiupin. Malone A Co., wholesale dry goods and notions In Atlanta, at a very handsome salary. Mr. Roberts ha* been n cltlsen of Ma con for eighteen years, nml while his multitude of friends appreciate his success, they regret his dr|wtrture. Mr. Roberts Is to go on the road for tho first time. In view of this the em ployes of the company presented him Inst night with tno handsomest suit case In the house. Those who con trlhutcd to the presentation were I^»e Irvine F*. R. Hanford. J. D. MoMar my, Thomas Barfield. W. F. Dannen- herg. M. O, White. M. O. Murray. Ous Collins. E. K. Tlchnor. K. R. Gibson. Levy Taylor. H. Hlinmons, C. K. Rob erts. Thomns Walker. C. II. Hloan, Hum Causey nnd Thomns Handlfer. Tho house In turn declined to accept payment and therefore the compliment wns both that of the house and the em ployes. Mr. E. R. Hanford made the presentation speech, saying that no man more hlvlily esteemed ever left the employ of tho company. Mr. Rob erts In responding expressed his grat itude. He said that other men might consider a suit case a burden, but ns the present wns from loving friends, there would be no d.iy In the year, whether the storm of winter raged or the suns of summer biased, when It would he too heavy for him to carry. Wanted, todav. Advertising Solicit- Applv McEvoy Hook and Sta tionery Company. A BOY'S INVENTION Nsvel Device of Erwin Woodward as «n Elootrie Switch 8hiold. Hon. D. IV Craig hue Just completed s model for tho moulder In the new In vention of Erwin Woodward, the’ 1ft S *nr old nephew of Deputy Clerk L. M. rwln, which Is n novel device work ing as a shield for electric switches. The Invention will prove a very Import- tsnt one on account of the fact that I: serves as a guard ngslnst shocks from the switches, however strong the vol tage may lie. In thin device provision Is made for sll sites of switches. The electricity can be cut off by any person where the shield l« used on account of Its safety. There Is nothing exposed of the switch except the handle nnd the l*erson working It cannot possible come In contact with the wires of the switch. The current cannot t»e received by even s child who might choose to play with the switch. A rriqhtentd Horse. Running like made down the street, dumping the occupants, or n hundred other iicclilentn. ate every day oefur- rencen. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Halve handy, nnd there's none ns gtwwi as Hucklen'n Arnica Halve. Hums. I'm*. Mores, Ectema and Files disappear quickly under Its soothing effect. 55c. at all drug stores. Ctesad London Offices. LONDON. Nov. *ft. The London and Paris exchange, which did a Urge bus mean In stocks, dosed Its offbes In London today. The failure had no affect on the market. The exchange dealt Isrgelv In the provinces, where small Investors utilised Its numerous bra nob offices. AftSr a meeting of the creditors this afternoon •* "na announced that of. forts were being made looking to ttd- * e 4>Vfr the difficult ten. A statement ll|^>e Issued tomorrow. •f the Uie Jos, the rhleago poli.-e .|e- ,n ,lu * ronlten- r today Daniel Klnlev was convicted nurdtr of Joseph Honk Ins in n qtf*r« ! c-t aver n woi«rv The irsfMv revealed ; ’iforfilns as a **ife Mower In CMcss* nml ported church member In a suburb defendant i»l| endeavor PBRSOSAL. Mr. C. C. Little of Augusta, spent Wednesday at the Brown House. J. E. Wilkes of 8t. Louis Is at tho Hotel Lanier. J. R. Kahn Philadelphia is at the Hotel Lanier, Horaca Keen of New York Is reg istered at the Ifcte] Lanier. Mr. V. M. Fleming, of Virginia, was at tho Brown House yesterday. Mr. J. 8 Oliver of Nashville. Tenn.. wns at the Brown House yesterday. Mr. W. A. McCsIla. of Atlanta, was a guest at the Brown House yesterday. Mr. M. M. Jack, of Nashville, was In Brown House. Jno. 8. Harlerton of Charleston, S. ., won nt the Hotel I^nter yesterday. Jos. Farley of Rochester. N. Y., Is among those st the Hotel I.anter. T. R. Jones of Cartersvllle, Ga. # Is at the Hotel Lanier. W. G. Raoul of Atlanta was In the city yesterday, a guest of ths Hotel Lanier. J. I*. Brown, a prominent citizen of Hawklnsvllle, was in the city yester day, stopping at the Hotel Lanier. W. T. Elder of Ordeie was In the city on business Wednesday, making his headquarters st the Hotel Lanier. Messrs. H. nnd L. Goldschmidt of New York are among those at the Hotel Lanier. ... L. Whitten of Huntsville. Ala., Is In the city, a guest of the Hotel La nier. Mr. A. T. Collins of the Dannenberg Company left for Baltimore last night to spend several weeks with-friends. Miss Tutwyler of Atlanta U the guest of Mrs. Gordon Hardeman in Vlnevllle. Mr. C. Bordant. of New York city, ns in Mncoq yesterday. He was reg Istered nt the Brown House. Among the late arrivals at the Brown House are Mr. Charles M. Moody of Cincinnati, and L. King of Atlanta. Mr. J. C. Little of Louisville, ac- mpanled by Mr. G. Little of the same city, were at the Brown House yes terday. Mr. W. A. Osborne and M. C. Cal laway, well known Atlantans, were guests at the Brown House Wednes day. Mr. Wm. B. Hamilton of Columbus. Miss., but who Is representing one of the leading hardware companies of Ht. Louis, as a special saloman was In the city yesterday as much to greet hls old Mississippi acquaintances as to do business. There was something In the nature of n reunion. Mr. Ham ilton recalls the days of hls boyhood when he lived in the state of the “Father of Waters." nnd though he has had a wide range of experience, he still says. "I would rather hear a hound bark than Adeline Patti sing." Blue Ribbon Vanilla Is pure and highly concentrated; that’s the reason It goes the farthest. Mr. William B. Johnston Dead Mr. William B. Johnston, formerly of this city, but for many yenrs pnst a resident of Atlanta, died In Atlanta at an early hour this morning. whs a son of the late E. J. Johnston, formerly a well-known Jeweler of this city, uml brother of Mr. Walter Johnston of Macon. The remains will be brought to Mncon for interment The Union Dry Goods Co. | The Union Dry Goods Co. We Have Decided to do •.. Something .. , And it is just what you have been waiting for. We shall play havoc with prices in the Ready=to= Wear department, beginning this morning, Dec. ist Ibsen's Illness. N Nov. Ift.—The Dally Tel- Copenhagen correspondent that the Illness of Henrtk Ibsen rtswured the form of a danremu:* J IjNm* and that ho Is unable to or write. riione 74.0. 40S Third St. FATAL FALL OF BEAM. One Men Killed and Several Injured on New York Thoroughfare. NEW YORK. Nov. 30.—One man wns killed and several wore Injured by nn Iron beam which fell from the roof of tlu^Pnrk building thin afternoon Into u throqui-of people passing through Nassau Mreet. The beam, weighing 50ft pounds, wns being hoisted Into place when It slipped from Its fasten ings and fell Into the crowd. The man who wns killed hns not yet been Identified. He was about 65 years old nnd well dressed. Ills hend us crushed. Chsuncey Hold. 55 yenrs old. n printer, wns also atrod: on the hend. lie wns taken to n hospital suffering with concussion of the hrnln. Heveral others received slight InJJurles. The foreman In charge of the iron work on the building nml the foreman of masonry have been arrested. WOODMKN OF THE WORLD. Ths Myrtle Chapter Entertained the Mag- Woodman of the World yesterday. The Myrtle Chapter entertained the Magnolia. After a session nt the lodge room, nn adjournment was made to the Plas.-t cafe. Mr F. \V Go.-tte wna himself the com mitter of Invitation, end a royal feast was spread for thiny pistes. Among the speakers were t>r. II. 8. Gorlin, and Mr. Kemp. The occasion was one of the most loyable In the history of the local lodges. Hospital for Santiago. HAVANA. Nov. 3ft.—At a meeting of the cabinet this evening It wns de cided to set aside a credit of Ilft.ftOO for the erection of a hospital for In fectious diseases nt Hsntlsgo. nnd also to draw temporarily upon bther gov ernment funds for the disinfection of the cohre mines. Punts de 8sl nnd Dai quiri. end for street cleaning at places where It Is considered to be urgent. Today's conference of President Palma with the moderate lenders de veloped the willingness of the latter to provide means for sanltntlon at government expense. President Pnjnm will summon the Nationalist leaders of congress to n conference nnd urge upon them prompt eo-operntlon in the providing of funds for the sanitation of cities. ♦7.70 Macon te Jacksonville. FIs^ and Re turn Via Southern Railway. Account annual meeting Bouthem Educational Association, December 5tth-Slst. 13ft4, the Houthern railway will! sell tickets from sll points wLutn a mdlus of three hundred miles of Jncksopville st rote of one fare plus 25 cents. Tickets on sale December 58th nnd 59th, final limit January 4th. 1*05. Two (51 trains dally, leave Macon 3:15 u. m.. arrive Jacksonville 9 35 a. nv Leave Macon t:05 a. m.. arrive Jacksonville 7:4ft p, m. For further Information apply to JAH. FREEMAN. T. P. A.. ’Phone 434. Macon. Oa. Matthswft Wen Bout. NEW ORLEANS, Nov Jft —Natty Mat thews of PhlUdstpMa defeated William Fsv. local writer wrlght. In ten rounds ti.night before the lYexpected Athletic i*tuh The light was about equal and Went the Itnm. EVERY ONE WHO HAS A DOLLAR TO SPEND SHOULD LET IT GO NOW. THIS IS OUR DECEMBER CUT-PRICE SALE OF READY- TO-WEAR. WE HAVE WAITED UNTIL THE 1ST OF THE MONTH SO EVERYBODY WOULD BE ON AN EQUAL FOOTING. ALL CLASSES HAVE MONEY ON THE 1ST. ON JAN. 1ST WE TAKE STOCK. WE SHALL CLEAN THIS DEPARTMENT OF EVERY GAR MENT THAT A PRICE WILL MOVE. ANY ONE IN THE STATE WHO WANTS A SUIT, FUR, COAT, SKIRT, WRAP, RAIN OR SHINE COAT, SILK WAIST OR WOOL WAIST, PETTICOAT, KIMONA, SWEATER, KNIT SKIRTS, ETC., ETC., SHOULD COME. THOSE WHO CAN SHOULD GET IN LINE EARLY THIS MORNING AND GET A TICKET. THE STORE WILL BE OPENED AT THE REGULAR TIME, BUT NO ONE WILL BE TAKEN TO THIS DEPARTMENT UNTIL 8 O’CLOCK! EACH CUSTOMER WILL BE GIVEN A TICKET WITH NUMBER AS THEY ENTER THE STORE, AND SERVED IN REGULAR ORDER. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, UNTIL THE THOUSAND AND ONE HAVE BEEN WAITED ON. I $5.00 Suits==Worth Up to $12.50 We offer the choice of 50 Ladies’ Tailor Suits, not one in the lot worth less than S10. The Coat or Skirt can be worn separate, cither being worth the price we ask for entire Suit. Ask for your ticket number as you enter the store. So we can tell who is next, ehoise of Art 50 Suits for 2)0-UU $15.00 Tailor Suits For $7.98 This is a rack of Suits that sold for $15.00 and when we say sold for $15.00 we mean $15.00. No doubt many of you know exactly what Suit we refer to, as vou have priced them and perhaps had some of them on. The price then was $15.00. We now offer you the choice of about 35 of these Suits in black, brown, navy and mixture for J)/ .JjfO Coats Go on Sale at Included in this line of Coats are Coats for ladies, misses or children. They are the best value ever offered in this market. Long Coats, medium Coats or short Coats, solid or mixed effect cloths, velvet, etc. Not four or five Coats, but the choice of too for $5.00 Call for your ticket at the door. " 25 Rain or Shine Coats Worth to $15 We put everybody on notice that this is the best and last Rain Coat sale for us this season. Wc offer a lot of 25—they arc truly The first choice of course is the bestir choice—only . Furs, Furs Too many styles and prices to mention, ladies’ or children s Fur Sets, Boa and Muff to match, or single Boa. Every kind ■ of fur that is fine, right and stylish. Such as “The Union” only $25.00 Ladies Suits For $15.00 This means that we will sell you a $25.00 Suit for $15.00—a Suit that vou will lie clnreed kno\v°that we sell the best" Suitin' k V' d <***5*0 Suits that we sell and all Maco2 know that we sell the best Suits to be had ; you can buy these Suits for $15.00 as long as they last, hut you know that our $25.00 Suits priced at $15.00 won* last lone Come carlv fet in \i2 Get your ticket number and take first choice if you can. S kSr "AA rnc - “ $15.00 $37-5<> For Choice of Any Suit in Store By the proposition we offer you our $75.00 Suits, our $65.00 Suits, our $50.00 Suits, choice of iv and aH. I-me Velvet Suits, elegant Cloth Suits, swell Covert Suits, etc? The one w",d gets "yy, w «» 1* proud of her purchase. Wc mean business and we wilfdo ■fore in old 37.50 any first Macon** * h ' S de P art,nent ° £ our 5,or * today—the like of which was never seen before in old Choice of above lot of Suits- for ... Take a Walk Around The Work Room NOW HAVE ON DISPLAY THE GRANDEST STOCK OF FANCY GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS EVER SEEN IN THE SOUTH-EMBRACING EVERY KIND OF WARE-STERLING SILVER ROSE WOOD MAHOGANY, HAND PAINTED CHINA. BURNT WOOD BURNT LEATHER. ETC.. ETC.. ANY KIND AND EVERY KIND OF ARTICLE. ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES—FROM toC. TO $15^0 OUR WINDOW DISPLAY WILL GIVE YOU A SLIGHT SUGGESTION OF MU SEE. AS YOU TAKE A WALK AROUND THE WORK ROOM. v I Special prices will be made on everything or anything in our Ready- to-NVear department. Prices marked and arranged for this Great Sale But no room or space in this ad for discretion When we say Sale we mean to SELL. The goods are yours—come. Get your Ticket, that will admit you to Ready-Alade department. The Union Dry Goods Company. Mm. P***a- MofHrfa. Mm. Prtrr th«* Aliev .ha- k thU mprnNg. a la T.yon*. Ga. ut IVc Dunbar. DUNBAR. Ga.. Nov. SO.—Meoara. F. D. Aultnun and C. D. Hancock visited I Byron Sunday. Mr. J. G. Davit visited Macon Mon- nay. Corfciq'g Report. Mlis Clifford Renfroe la spending Receiver Corbin of the eetate of R. »° m, » t,m * ln Hawklnavtlla. the gutat Plant rated vmterdoy that a re- h * r Mr * H - F. Frederick, rt for tho n>omh of November would ** r - and Mr *- J - Aultman leave in the United 8tatea court on | Wednesday for Ocala, Fla-, where they er ICth. Thl* report will apend oome time. funds on hand and ey received from traua month of November. !■ y ,nn w-»fficr brings danger ti babies. ’ a Kc*(, .1 bottle rr Hall J E»m!—tl.e world'. «t baby medicine— on It i» ,hc »W..»>»nuieM remedy frVS r t»*t! tnd ttoouch troubles. At all rfood dro|( .tor*., 55 rod hy PABT EASE CO., M*eo«, Oa. Mr. J. F. Hammock .pent Sunday In Fort Valley. Mr*. C. B. Holleman of Meeon to vta- ltln« tho family of her father. Mr. J. W. Aultman. A number of our people attended quarterly meetins at fihlloh church Sunday. lira- Mattie Hancock and fhmlly have moved Into the reatdence vacated by Mr. J r. flappey, »nd owned by Mr. C. R Hancock. Bor, Mr. 81,la of Fury, Um uaw paator at Hattie, occupied the Baptlat pulpit at that place Sunday. Mr. H. L. Aultman of Crawford county haa bought out Mr. J. o. Davli. Mr. T. D. Willingham of Rome waa ahaking hand* with Dunbar frltnda Monday. 1 $20.45 Macon to Shraveport, La. via Southern Railway. Account National Cotton Convention December 12-lS, 1M4, the Southern railway wlU fell ticket! from all polnta to Shreveport La., at one fare ptua 1$ cents, for the round trip. Tickets on •ale December 1* and ltth. final limit December 17, 1M4. Schedule. Leave Macon ....1:11 p- m. 7:10 it m. Arrive Atlanta..4:10 p. m. 10:1# p. m. Arrive Birm'ham 10:0S p. m. 4:20 a. m. Arrive Shrovep't 12:43 noon. 10:60 p.m Equally its good schedules returning. JA& FREEMAN. Tiav. Pass Agent Idle Hour Nurseries 109 Cotton ave. Macon, Ga. GROWERS OF CHOICE CUT FLOWERS, ROSES. CARNATIONS, ETC. Wedding bouquets and reception flowers % specialty. Artistic funeral dealgna Prompt attention given to out-of- town order-. Decorative plants rented. TELEPHONE 234. * Another Bombardment LONDON.” Dec. 1—The Datty Tele graph's correepondent at Che Foo, cabling under date of November 2e. eaye that the Japanese began a further heavy bombardment -of Port Arthur at U oc'dock Tuesday night