The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 04, 1904, Image 10

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4. 1004: Boys’ Suits Boys’ Overcoats PECULIAR SITUATION EXISTING AT ZEIGLER Nattier Styles Were Never Sold For the boy* from three to a dozen years of ace. Suit* and Overcoat* in tasteful Cloths and super 1 -;, grade* are pre dominant here. Wc strive to make this department the center of attraction to every mother and boy—to render general satisfaction is our highest aim The little man's Russian Military Suit and the Broadway Russian Suit—2Yx to 5 years— $5-00 to $7.50 The double arid single-breasted Norfolk—S to 14 years— $4.00 to $7.50 The Eton Blouse, coat effect—5 to 10 years—$4.00 to $7.50 The double-breasted Reefer, Rus sian and Military Overcoat—2'/t to 12 years—$3.00 to $7.50. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY, SPECIAL NOTICES FUNCRAL NOTICE. TENNES3EE LAUNCHED. jMirm-n, /t., sv ■ BnrnMi and their fnmlll- ... Attend the ftinenil of Mr. Joneuh Itarnen THIS (flunduy) AKTEItNOON nt 3 o’clock. Interment linx# Hill «’#m«tery. FIELD SEEDS Ton R. P. Oats. I Tennessee fly*, Tenneetee Uurt Oiati, J 'iovi. Gn. Rye, Tenneeecc Barley, North Oa. Rye. Seed Wheat I Cow Peat. For Dale toy . T. BAILKf, 4W Poplar At. 'Phono 61*. V. C. Rte». RIE8 Guy Arjnatrong. t ARMSTRONG, Jowoloro 316 Third 8troof Phoirn 836. Kyra tested free. Fine Repairing. Reliable good* only. LOANS. On Irrproved farm Innda or oity prop* arty ne<jOti»U<i at lowest market rate*. Business of fifteen years' standing. Facilities unsurpassed. HOWARD M. SMITH. 114 Second 8U Macon. Qa* CITY OR FARM LOANS. City r«to1 estate Ioann plated ut from S to 5H per cant.. According to socurlty. loa Farm loan# at . par cent. Saeurity Loan and Abstract Cc, Commarciui Bank Building. 5. S. Parmelee VEHICLES, HARNESS, DICYCLES A)»o largo a took accessories, each a* lap roliaa. carriage h Miters, horaa Blanket a, erhlpa, bruxhe*. ate. Com plot# lino go-curt*, boys’ wngona, vc lloclpedea, trlcycliH and doll i at tinge*. Cornar Second and Poplar Sts., MACON, GA. Armored Cruiser Greets Waiting Wave* at Cramp'* Shipyard. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 3.-The ar mored crulaar Tennenaec waa Inundhed today at tho ya C’rnmp & Sons' f log company In tlngulxhed gucat which the- vesuri hrr of navy ntR hrlatenlng part: Frasier, hla ata their daughter, who was sponao almost tho momi ship started dov of sleet and rain during the nctu shone through again becoming tho ship took th Mlaa Frailer c of Amerlcnn Jit waa attached n and an the vein about to take Iti «lor atruck the blow*, nt the m the bnptlsmal u An tho Tenm Delaware river t from the apecti craft In the str mid t>rolonged t tloa. fc Driven by DU QUOJS» HI.. Dec. 3.—After seve ral months of labor trouble at the Let ter mines In the town of Zelgler, dur ing which many reports of active skir mishing have emanated from the rival camp*, the situation there la one of the moat peculiar In the history of recent labor disturbances. It la stated by dis interested persona, living near Zelglcr, that firing ha* been heard nearly every night for several weeks In t$m vicin ity of the stockade surrounding Zelgler and from the pump house, located at some distance from the town. No Marks Found. After a thorough Investigation, how ever. staff correspondents of St. Louis newspspero dev la re that they have been unable to find any marks of bul lets cither on the stockade or at the pump houna. Report* sent out from surrounding towns that miners and strikers have been wounded have proved upon In vestigating to have been incorrect. From the latest authentic reports there nro about twenty-five miners en camped about four miles from Zelg ler. In the town there are about eighty miners, eighty-five militiamen and for ty deputy marshals, including both state and federal officers. Immediately upon the establishment of the union miners' camp, reports of clashes between the union men and the men employed by Letter to take their places begun to emanate from various sources. Several (ruins carrying non union men to the mines were fired upon from ambuscade, but there wad nothing to connect the striking miners directly with the occurrences. Union Official*^ Talk. Although generally termed "strik ers," the officials of the'union author ised to apeak for the men declare that they are not on a strike. They say that Mr. Lei ter offered a wage scale to which they could not agree, and so they left the mines. They also deny all knowledge of the alleged attacks on the town of Zelgler, and while ad mitting that they have attempted to persuade the miners to leave the em ploy’ of Mr. Lelter, they declare that no violence has been used. Henry R. Platt. Mr. Letter's attor ney, sums up th# situation as follows: "Our employes have been reduced to a state of terror by the bushwacklng which iias become a nightly occur rence. Our stocksd<* and our property has been fired repeatedly, and there ha« been one murder which I have no hesitancy in saying was the work of union miners on a strike, and In ac cordance with the plans of the organ ization which holds control over the strikers. On some nights hundred* of shots have been fired from the sur rounding woods. Militia Responded. "The rapid-fire guns have replied whenever the location of the attackers could be found. We appealed to the sheriff of this county for protection and two companies of militia came in response to his request for help. There Is every reason, from tho standpoint of justice and law, (or the bringing of the troops," Representatives of the strikers de clare emphatically lhat this claim made by the Loiter tupporters Is not well grounded. OVER A niiXION FAMILIES RELY UPON PE-RMA To Protect the Home Against the Terrors of Winter. THE W. C. T. U. National Convention Adopts Raeolutiont and Adjourns. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 3.—The Na loupl Woman's Christian Temperance tlougl r Union todoy closed Its annual convention utiMMwHiftaiitfBiailHliiita _ier reaffirming Its faith in the benefi cence of the anti-canteen lsw and piedg- Irijr Itself to defend the measure against efforts to have It repealed. In this connection the following resolution waa adopted: "Wo rejoice In the poelilon of the Fif ty-sixth and Fifty-seventh congreseen i» pimping the aril I-canteen luw and pretext against the continued agitation ill fnvnr of lie appeal. We elso know that the wisdom of this law wld be demonstrated when a fair and impartial test la made of the povt exchange* buildings designed * 7 congreKM for the use of the men In ie ranks." Speaking In HUppnrt of the resolution. Mr*. Margaret Dye Ells of Washington, * leg! ‘ William Inc build- e of dln- stute for id a num- lalu. Tho Governor 4*ler and i Frazier, ft. Up to big war- n drizzle oualy, but f the nun the sky irlly offer itfipl* for the canteen. * This resolution woe alao adopted: "In view of the foot that the w producers ami re; e bouquet to tyblch ia m pa gne. as It was Miss Frit- •esoundlng onounclng lear voice. Into- the Teat cheer ip various limy shrill heir whis- leaat wind, ing down. Uir rlvdr waa i e nnd th« vcsu.l wns Isunrh.-J immcdl- upon th. arrival of th. I'hri.t.n In* party, ten minutes before 11 o'clock, th. hour scheduled. Imme diately after the launching, luncheon «U served In the Mould loft. The Tenneuee delegation left for the South tonight. Killed Three Negro... HUNT1NOTO Th. breaking o Itlver mine, nt today, dnehnd rneka 700 feet 1 luatuntly. A ae later, found thi tnungled beyat L. H. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 153-155 Cotton Avenue. WHITE PATRONAGE EXCLUSIVELY JESSE I*. IIAltT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 499 Mulberry street. 'v«i attention given to *11 business. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. CLAY’S COFFIN STORE Telegraph and Telephone Orders promptly filled. Licensed etnbaltaer*. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. rocks nt the b< The dead are: John Wlnterg Henry Clay, rol The accident tlon of work In employed refux th* burial of th crlntendent cai breaking of th* Doc. 33.— : the Loop ear Welch, trs on the g them nil y, nn hour uehrd it nd Ion on the i precipice. Iborno nnd lernl cessa- he 300 men until after • mine sup nt for the The Redmond - Massee Fuel Co. Rcdseo Coal the best. INCENDIARISM SUSPENDED. natlor.ul legislative 8U|>»rlnt**n«1ent. charg ed that army officers are pre-empting the tiding* erected for poat vxchehg accommodni/oii of the enlleted men for their exclusive use and thus robbing tho private* of what wue dr»lK»cd m it nub- HA8 $5,000,000. Belioved That World’s Fair Fire Was Work of Vandals. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 3.—A further In vestigation by the police and the Jef ferson guards strengthen their belief that the fire on the pike which towily destroyed the "Street* of Rome" and "Quo Vadls" and partly destroyed "Fair Japan" on the bowery and "Old St. Louis," was of Incendiary origin. One suKpert has been arrested, Ar thur V. Iwnn. 2< years old. who gives his occupation as a waiter. Dunn iraa arrested in "Hereafter." an attraction Immediately opposite the burning buildings. The guards' attention was attracted to "Hereafter" some time af ter the fire In the "Streets of Rome" wax discovered by n bright light whi-.h proved, on Investigation, to be a p’le of burning newspapers and at*aw. Dunn told the Jefferson guards that he had entered the building to cx- fire, but could not explain why he waa locked in the concesklon. When searched 11 pocket-books were found In Dunn's posxeRxlon. pE-RU-NA is ii safeguard to the home. It is a wall of secu rity. it guards the health " and happiness of many ^ a family. Tho winter’s sudden changes in tempera ture, the inevitable exposure of man, woman and dhild, makes colds, coughs, bronchitis and pneu monia, acute catarrh and chronic catarrh inevitable in this country. Peruna should always be kept in the house. A bottle of Perana stands as a silent guardian of tho health of the household. Millions of households have already re alized the benefit of Pernna. Millions of other households still neg lect this valuable precaution. A few doses of Peruna at the right time work wonders. It’s value as a prevention is far greater than the wonderful cures it is constantly making. From a Colorado Home 8esms That Mra, Chadwick la Not Yot Pcnnileaa. CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 3.—In tho prococdingii brought about by the nuit of Mr. Newton against Mrs. Chadwick to recover u large loan, frequent fre quent mention has been made of an attest for $5,000,000. Today n copy of the alleged attest was printed. It wax written on a letter hend of the Wale-Park Banking Company. The following Is a copy of It: Cleveland. O.. May 23, 1902. TO WHOM IT MAAY CONCERN. I hereby certify that 1 have in my poimesKlon tillvo million dollars ($5.* 000,000) In securities belonging to Cua- ale L. Chadwick and that neither roy- •elf nor the Wade-Park Bank nor uny other person hnx uny claim upon the same. IRA REYNOLDS. When asked about the authenticity of this note Mr. Reynolds tonight re fused to either nffalrm or deny Its au thenticity. He raid that he would talk about hla dealings with Mrs. Chadwick only on ths witness stand. HEARST ACTIVE. NEW YORK. Dec. 3.—An in junction was granted today against Mnyor Mr CleUsn. City Comptroller Grout and City Chamberlain Keenan to prevent them from paying city gas b»lls al leged to be axcs.nxlve. Justice Mareau of the supieme cour: granted the writ upen the application of W. R. Hen During 1903 and a part of 1904 vari ous gax compmtM furnished the city with light without a contract. Their bills aggregate 15.000.000 for that light and Mr. Hearst maintains thla la $1,200,000 more thnn should have been charged. Arguments to make the In junction permanent will be heard next Friday. “My.children wore fully restored. The whole family is in perfect health, thanks to Peruna.”—Mrs. Bertha Binkert, 619 N. Wnhsatch Ave., Colorado Springs Col. From a Governor’s Home. “I have had occasion to rise Peruna in my family for colds, and it proved an ex cellent romedy.”—W. M. Lord, Governor of Oregon. From a flassachusetts Home. “Accept my thanks for jmur kind ad vice. Peruna will always be found in my house.”—W. E. Richmond, 40 Cady St. North Adams, Mass. From a Washington Home. “All the members of our family use Peruna when sick with a cold and it keeps our health in good condition”—Harris F. Parks, 609 Sevonth Avo., Seattle, Wash. From an Illinois Home. “I always keep it in the house and it saves me a great many doctor bills,’’-Lida Rowland, 2160Grenshaw, St. Chicago, III. From a Hissouri Home. “Peruna has been my favorite and only household remody for nearly five years.” —Mrs. Carrie King, Darlington, Mo. •TARTLINQ FACTS. For Negro Education. RALEIGH, N. C., Dvr. 3—Tha Lu themn syuodlci will loculi* n ci L\ for the e«1 A site contain bought for this of Grernxboro l ireg building* necessary residences will cool $50.001. will begin In the spring and the college will open for th« fall session. f St. Louts *neboro, N. negro boys. acres was the suburbs > on the col* jether with kcop a hot i In of JI«hy Emu—thi> world’* ^ l>»I'7 medlelno—on hnnd. Iti* » tho ule, tiiro, hsrmlsN roim-djr for *11 ‘ r 1 *tom*ch troubles., »l ^11 |ioa.l it.',,,, 2 j c , nt . Matiiifactur, d l,y HAHY EASE CO.. Mapox, Q a . Disclosures In Trial of Six Denvar Klee tlon Officials. DENVER. Dec. 3. -Startling disclosure!* were made In the supremo court today In the trial of tho six election officials of ward five, precinct nine, who ure charged with contempt. George King, a hand writing expert, said that fifty-seven hal lotx In the box hud been written by ten different pereons. Th* highest number written by one person waa nineteen. Th# lowest was two. Five Republican ballots were written,by one puroon. Th# other fifty-two ballots on which ths expert no. tlccd similarity of handwriting were Dem ocratic. "It t« evident that two kinds of I wer* used In the writing of the ballot*. HOPELESS LOVE. NEW YORK, Dee. 3— Because a woman with whom he had lived at a Lexington avenue hotel for eevarnl week* repeatedly refused his request* that a-marriage cere mony be performed, Edward L. Graham. * civil engineer, shot him.self n ar |y today and died Instantly. The womnn, who gave her name nx Lulu Adamx, had just fled from hla pres ence when th* fntdl qhot won fired. She claims that Graham wns Inxnnely Jealous of another man. nnd when she re fused to marry him. threatened to kill her and himself. She escaped from the room Juat In time to save her life, she MVS. Mlaa Adams told the coroner that tho reason she refused to marry Graham wnx that he did not have money enough for her. What he had he spent freely upon her. she said, hut It waa not enough to satisfy her want*. She made thin per fectly plain to Graham, ahe said. Graham wa^aboqt 39 years of age. Mis* Adams Ask Your Druggist for Free Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1905. ODELL REMINDED. Platt 6ay* Ho Promised to Hands Off in Senatorial Matter. WASHINGTON. Dee. 3.—"I know of only one reason why Gov. Odell should not control the legislature nnd the election of a senator to nucceed Depew and that is that Odell promis ed positively, ten days before the elec tion, to Depew and myself that he would not Interfere." The foregoing statement was made by Senator Platt of New York today. Senator Platt waa naked If any thing new had transpired concerning tho Hcuatorshlp and he replied that there had been nothing of conaequence; that he wax sure Senator Depew would be re-elected. Continuing he said: "I think there nro enough conserva tives in New York to recognise that Depew hna been a model senator and Insist upon hla return. If Odell and hla machinery can defeat Depew at thla tlmo I think It is about time for us to hang up the fiddle.** C0LUMBU8 PRIMARY. aald Mr. King. ''Whether thla H •atoned by two different kinds being fur nished by the election ernnmlMlon. or whether certain iNillots were written out- idde tho booths. I am unable to ear." It Is the general belief among the at torney* who have followed the contempt proceeding* closely that the result of the discoveries made by the court will be to bring the ballot box of every precinct where contempt la charged Into court for examination. QETTINQ SOBER. German Consuming Less Campaign and Fewer Cigars. BOSTON. Dec. fUx millions fewer champaigns were dranc in . ■- ~ of th« V. *na «l*,Mjtt lenrr rinn Ion* Ilk* thl» *nd It I* remarkable Mr*. M.ybriok's Mother’, C*a*. RICHMOND, Va.. D*o. ] In tha city chancery court today Judce Grin- nan overruled the nnawer of D. W. trmxtronc and other, to the demurrer tn their idea of abatement In the ault tiled uminmt them by Mra. Caroline E Koquea, the mother of Mra. Florence V. May brick, to *et aalde conveyance, of certain Unil» In Virginia and Weat Virginia. It I. atated that thla action i".ota not affect the merit* of the case and the taking of testimony will now begin. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. RICH CUT BOWL ONLP $5.00 AT LAZARUS' JEWELRY STORE. Aro you fond of handsome cut be convinced that wo will save you glaax? We have the most gorgeous | 25 per cent, on all your cut glass line ever seen in this city. Our prices 1 bought of us. Lazarus’ Jewelry Store, will suit. Call and get our prices and We give Green Trading Stamps. COTTON PRODUCTION. Preliminary Reports to Department of Agriculture. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.—Prelimina ry returns to the chief of the bureau of statistics, department of agriculture, show a total production of cotton in the United States in the year 1904-*05, of 12,152,000 hales. Round bales havo been included in this estimate nnd re duced to the equivalent In square balea. The estimate does not Include llntera. The estimated production by states will be made public December S at REPORT A SURPRISE. 11 Count of Votes Not Concluded Until After Midnight. COLUMBUS. On., Dec. 3*—The count In yesterday’# white primary for aldermen wns not concluded until long after midnight thla morning. The city Democratic executive committee today declared the following candi date! to have been nominated: Flrat ward—E. P. Dlamuke*. Second ward —J. Albert Klrven. Third ward—M. C. Harlow. Fourth ward—Leo Loewen- 1 secretary then ga evorders for the herx. Fifth ward—A. J. Teague. Sixth I opening of the report. The estimate ward—Robert Reid. Seventh ward— of the crop for the year 1904-1905 waa In the preparation and Issuance of the cotton report Becretary Wilson gave a demonstration of the precau tions taken to avoid advance Informa tion leaking out. Repreeentfttivea Bur gess of Texas and Ranabell of Louisi ana were Invited by the secretary to witness the preparation of the esti mate. The party waa locked In the private office of the statistician and the reports from all the cotton districts were taken into the room. The doors were locked from the outside and the Barnesville Rooters. BARNE8V1LLE. Ga.. Dec. S.— Barnesville sent 100 people to Atlanta today to root for the Gordon Institute football eleven In the Southern Prep, chnmplonshlp game with the Bowen eleven of Nashville; Tenn. The people were oked aa appear* from jE 1 **»« which Finance Minister voa 8irn*»l »uh- nltted to the relehstag today. Th«» wine nnd tobacco revenue* show a falling off £ i-rvaaed, *a from Ih* II.M0.1 .uMtllonal to the revenue* front dlituilna. Continuing. Huron von Bteoaol wld n waa no nse to rlrcumlocuu. Self«!.c»p- what enthualamn ha* been created by tbl* gam*. The boy* go up to win. NV. U. Lawrence. Eighth ward—2. W. Favor*. Mr. Dlamukes' majority waa #*. Mr. Klrven'a 28 nnd Mr. Barlow’* 11. Three were the three clore.t race*. A split ticket was elected, three of the candidate* on the citlsen'* ticket going In and ilz of the commercial duh ticket being elected. Intercut centered In the conteat In tha llrat ward between Meaara. Dtamukee and Murnth. which reaulted In a victory tor the cttlaen’* ticket candidate. the hntteat municipal cam paign held here In yearn. Nice Christmas Present | waa so tt*<* to circumtocute. B*ir-.l*c*p. tlon was dangerous. Looking at the sit uation straight In the face, a loan of (7l.ttfl.MJ must b* raised, of which $!*.- Bares voa Stengel took a gloomy view 1 at the future, saying more revenues were -a nf Indl, ** , needed, but not Indicating their source. FOR LADIES Beth Lea* Cut Off. Is ft pftit of Felt Slippers with Fur tops for house wear. They are both comfortable nnd warm. Wo have them in Black, Brown and Rod. _ traveling salesmen for an At- ! Unt* bouee, luto both of hi* lefx cut ( <-ff today by a freight engine at the West- I ern and Atlantic rail rood. There were no cvw witness 1* to th# accident, hot ts be- • Moved that the boy wae trying to steal rtde on the train pulled by the engine, het he fell nn the track. One of is entirely cut off. while the o badly a rcejunry. ut f<x bis The Macon Shoe Co. Is kune. la.. Dee. 9.—ITra. Rubenw* Btrtcklan.l of DeKalb 4t)i ago. was placed tn the fLANTA. .re.. Culbrtath Oead. %• 0,8 • *•—Hon. James V- Oulhresth of Newberry. 8. C.. one of pvomlnent lawyer# of that state, died this afternoon at a private sanita rium In Atlanta, where he had been brought for treatment. The deceased was born In E.1gctield county, and wax at on# time a 1udge of a circuit court state Hi* remains will be sent in inat state His remains to South Carolina for burial. Japan's war Dudget -.T9JKIO. Dee. 3.—Premier Kataura and Minister of Finance gone addressed the house of r*pr*s«titat\*s today on the oc- caajon of the formal presentation of tha budget and government .... — . 8o»**ald the war budget totalled $390.- tROO.eoo. incl udlne prnvtnloa for the Inter est on outstanding loans. _ was and oedlnsry budget#^ touUcd about $500.- See the grand display at the “Walk Round.” The grand show of Holiday Goods at “The Union.” Phone 710. 108 Third St. I Grady hsMOltsI for the VHPMOTPMi bettered that she was skk v baa beet* found to be Insane. Urt night dortag a to#a\-y rain sh# e***sped from the hospital, gptng out by a side door, and ran some distance down Batter street. Had only la jiff night «lim before she was caught oy some of tee nurse* and brought backi to the hospital, letter shur™ ‘ »'”* rcvArjuresl. *h, wtU bo htM upon »ru of ^total Shooting Affray. COLUMBUS. Qa.. Dec. 3.—A fatal •hooting affray occurred at m hour thla morning between two mill oprretlra In whtdi Jim Howard waa ■hot by Jim Culpepper, tha entire load, of ohot striking Howard in the aide. Howard fell tn a mod hole after being May ba Something Doing. WASHINGTON. Doc. The poat- maater general has made an lnve*tt* gallon of the charge* that tha Rural Letter Carrier*’ association had *t- tempted to defeat certain conavear- men alleged to have opposed the de mands of th* rural carrier* for an In crease of pay- It la Intimated that the Invwllgatton *o far tends to substan tiate the charges made, and that there la likely to he an overhauling of the rural carrier* service. N. L. Heitor*. BTRON. Oa.. Dec. L—Mr. N. L. Heaters died here today after an Hi nes* of two day* with pneumonia He contracted the fatal lllnere on last Sunday night when he lost hi* dwall- tng and content* by (Ire. He leave* four children, the young' t being above five yeir. old. He lost hi* wife *ome year* ago. The heart of this community gne* out tc the little orphan* In this hour of their misfor tune and distress. N*n Patarren Care. NEW TORE. Dee. X.—A special panel of W talesmen from amoag whom n Jury will be chosen for th* second trial of Nan Patterson, c’wrfed with the murder of Ceeaar -Young, ho* been summoned to agpeur in th* au* . ^rtm* court Monday, then prepared and rent out, before any person In the room was permitted to leave or communicate with any person from the outside. "In thl* manner the cotton estimates are Invariably made,” aald Becretary Wilson, "and all human Ingenuity is used to prevent leakage of Information." Approve* American System. PARIS. Dec. S.—Cardinal Perraud, the foremost figure In the French bier, archy and member of the French aca demy. has wr'tten a letter strongly approving of the American system of Independence of church and state. In- dlcatlng that the American system of fere the bail* for a re-organiiatlon of tha French system when the forth coming separation of church aul ata ft In France la accomplished. This <a the prevailing view of the highest cfc-rlcal circles, which have been attracted lo the American tyatem by the Abb* Klein’s recent book dedicated to Pr**'. dent Roosevelt <n which the advant ages of the American system are con- treated with the disadvantages of the French system. L’Unlver*. the prln clpal clerical organ, advocates the In troductlon of a resolution tn the cham- her of deputies providing that th* fu ture relations of church and state shall be the same aa those existing tn the United States. Government Estimate of Crop Caused Sensational Break In Prices. NEW YORK. Dec. 3.—The govern ment estimate of tho cotton crop, placing the yield at 12,162 bales. Issued today, wns a surprise to more people, perhaps, thnn nny government report of recent year*. While a few of the more extreme bear* hnd been talking 12,000,000 bales or over, tho average opinion even in bearish circle* locally wan that the government estimate would bo under that figure. The announcement was followed by another sensational break In prices. The decline that has been in progress now for over a month and carried tho market down from II cent* to 8>,4 centa proved Insufficient In the estima tion of the trade to fully reflect the new condition of affairs and a crop of the size reported. There was undoubt edly a big short Interest In the mar ket, but In spite of covering, prices declined nearly half a cent in less than half nn hour of trading. January, which was sold around 8.66 during the forenoon, was depressed to about 8.10, and other months suffered In like measure. The market was very ex cited, with trading exceedingly active. The official close wan barely steady at a net decline of 52aS7 points, with January, which had closed on yester day at 8.66, quoted at 8 cents, and March at 8.20. The bualneas waa enor- mou*. and In aplte of additional wires secured for the day by some of the houses there were many orders re maining unexecuted after the close of the market when sales put It up about 600,000 hales. Th 1 *, It was said, led to a considerable volume of trading In nn unofficial way after the noon hour. Quotations on these transactions so far aa could he learned, ranged within three - points of the closing figures. March, It was reported, soil around 1.17. Honoring Pierp. ROME, Dec. X.—It Is officially an- nounead that King Victor Emmanuel ha* conferred the Great Cordon of 8ta. Maurice and Laxarua on J. Plerpont Morgan In recognition of Italy's grati tude for the return by Mr. Morgan to th* Italian government of the famous cope which was stolen from the cath edral of Aacoli in 1*02 and subsequent ly purchased by Mr. Morgan. R la as serted tbet the government will have a gold medal struck 1 n -commemoration of the event and wlU present It to Mr. Morgan. The M’Cue Appeal. LYNCHBURG, Va. Dec. L—Th* counsel In th* case of J. Samuel M'- Cue, former mayor of Charlottesville, convicted of wife murder, has receiv ed the transcript of record of the case In order to «»deae«e to appeal to th supreme court for a new tlraL Ths record contains l.*M pages at type written matter, on unusually larira one. and the petition for writ of error will be mare than one hundred pager tn length, tu length being record- breaking. Th* cose may not .he taken to a supreme court Judge for a week v«L - - Mr*. R. L. Farmer. FORT GAINER Ga., Dec. 2.—Mrs Resale L. Farmer, wife of T. L. Farm er. died at her home here Yesterday evening at 7 o’clock. Her remains will be Interred Iq tjie new cemetery at 11 o’clock this morning. Mrs. Farmer has suffered greatly for several years and her death waa not unexpected to her many friends. In Old Kentucky. IJDONGTOV Ky„ Dec. A steady relq today broke the longest drouth In reMnd Kentucky In half a centnrv. though It was not heavy enough to he Hwellvs Th* water works company pub lished a notice to alt farmers that they 5! r r r, t .r at f r fr r* ”t cost at tbs ressr. rc..- u-1 ths dreetk u over, ►