The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 04, 1904, Image 14

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6 THE MACON TELEGRAPH 1 SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1504, !..j. i-j-H- ■■ b-l!-!- ;• > ; >- >■ 1 J_LLL^ ^ !-H4’H- t HE MOST OF THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY.A-t-A. -M- About Coffees. There are three requisite* * for a cup of good Coffee— The Selection, the Roasting, the Making. The selection can be trusted to our judgment and almost half a century of experience in buying, blend ing and selling. Our Roasting Plant is the most complete in the uaqt 33503 3joui jseoj Xpnp »m s* 'sajeig pajtUQ. any other retail house in the world. ’The Making is in your hands, and if properly per formed, using A. & P. GOODS can enjoy the greatest of luxuries— A Cup of Good Coffee. Remember to be always liberal with the pot. Our prices in Coffees range from 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 Cents a Pound. Special discounts in quantities. GRANDMOTHER SPICES, Strictly Pure. Whole or Ground. All our Spices ar guaranteed strictly pure and the best imported, and conform to the pure food laws of the United States. A. & P- EXTRACTS. The Great A. & P. Tea Co.’s Flavoring Extracts are the true flavors of the fruits and spices obtained by our own process after many years of experiment ing. They are warranted strictly pure, full weight, best grade, and conform to the Pure Food Laws of the United States. A. & P. Vanilla. A. & P. Cloves. A & P. Lemon. A. & P. Cinnamon. A. & P. Orange. A. & P. Allspice. A. & P. Strawlierry. A. & P. Pistachio. A. & P. Raspberry. A. & P. Banana. A. & P. Rose. A. & P. Nutmeg. A. & P. Pineapple. A. & P. Coffee. A. & P. Peach. A. & P. Almond. A. & P. Celery. A. & P. Violet. A. & P. Essence Wintergreen. A. & P. Essence Peppermint. A. & P. Jamaica Ginger, very strong, 2r> CENTS A BOTTLE. We have small bottles of Vanilla and Lemon at ioc. EXTRA STAMPS to all purchasers of our cele brated Extracts. WF. HAVE made a thorough study for almost half a century how to cater direct to the people and save them ajl intermediate profits between producer and consumer. We think we can conscientiously state that we have been successful. A. & P. GROCERIES. Don't fail to call at our stores and compare the prices of our Grocery Specialties with those of any other house. We guarantee we can save you from 25 to 40 per cent on them; at the same time you know you are getting them strictly pure and fresh. The stock being renewed very week, they never get stale. All goods that we offer for sale arc in keep ing with the standard quality of our Teas and Coffees, which are celebrated in eevry city, town, village and hamlet in the United States. They have been known for almost half a century. Test our goods and be con vinced. No short weights at A. & P. stores. We wish to call your special attention to our cele brated A. & P. FANCY ELGIN CREAMERY BUTTER We have made ourselves famous all over America on the QUALITY of our BUTTER, and ESTAB LISHED a STANDARD for the same. It comes to you DIRECT from the churn; never touched by human hands. Always fresh, pure and sweet. Always Below Market Price. Finest Imported New Crop Teas. AH Teas sold by us are selected by our own agents from the finest pickings. It follows our stores are stocked with the best grown. Blended in the most scientific manner, they are selected especially for their fine drawing qualities in the cup. , Good mixed, English Breakfast, Congon and Oolong, per pound, 35c 40c and 50c. Excellent mixed, English Breakfast. Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial, Japan, Oolong, Ceylon, Assam, per pound 50c and 60c. Fancy high-grade very best mixed, English Break fast, Formosa, Young Hyson, Oolong, Imperial, Japan, Gunpowder, Assam and Ceylori, per pound 70 and 80c. Fancy Chop Gunpowders, Ceylons, Formosas, Young Hyson and Imperials, per pound, $1.00. (Best Imported.) THEA-NECTAR (Pure Chinese Tea.) 60 cents a pound. EXTRA STAMPS—S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with every pound. If vou like a cup of DELICIOUS COFFEE use A. & P. Coffee and be LIBERAL TO THE POT. EXTRA STAMPS WITH TEAS AND COFFEES. * Remember A1S Kinds of Groceries are Sold by Us at 25 to 40 per cent, cheaper than they can be procured elsewhere. No short weights at A. & P. Stores. No stale goods at A. & P. stores. Think for a moment and take into consideratson the magnitude of our business—250 branches and 5,000 wagons. It is easy to see how we lead ail other stores. NOW IS THE TiriE YOU NEED THESE GOODS. Watch Wise Buyers and Come to This Store. Fancy large Brazil nuts, a lb 12 Fancy large polished Pecans, a lb 12 Fancv large Paper Shell Pecans, a lb 18 Fancy larfe Soft Shell Walnuts, a lb 18 Fancy Sicily Filberts, a lb. 12 Fancy Paper Shell Almonds, a lb 20 Finest Mixed Nuts, 15c a lb., 7 lbs. for ?i .00 Smyrna Figs, a package to Imperial Figs in t-lb. baskets 20 Hallowi Dates, t-lb. package 06. Table Raisins, a pound to Fancy Cluster Raisins, a pound ,t2j4c Dessert Raisins—fancy individual pound pkgs.. .25 Finest Seeded Raisins, a pound 8 1-3C Finest Cleaned Currants, a pound 8 1-3C Sultana Raisins, a pound 12 Finest Citron, a pound .15 Lemon and Orange Peel, a. pound 15 Plum Pudding 10 A. & P. Plum Pudding. 20 Mince Meat, a package 10 Brown Sugar, Spices, Etc. You can not do better—no, not even near so well at any other store. FREE.—Green Trading Stamps with each article advertised. Then come here. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company 608 CHERRY STREET. Satisfaction or Your Money Back. 250 STORES. 5,000 WAGONS. M ( >st of the BEST for THE least money. NEWS NOTES FROM GEORGIA TOWNS HawklntvIHe. HAWKINS YtLLE. Dec. I.— Mis* Luc he MIA? of Macon ia the guest of Mlaa art ha Lamar. Mr. and Mrs. Btappey of Wert Lake visited relative* In the city this week. Mr*. Burrow* haa returned to her home In Tlnleyson. Mttsrs J. M. Matthew* and J. W. Lamar of Macon vlalted In tht city thta week. Mra. R. J. Nottingham of Macon v letted her aon. Mr. R. J. Nottingham, here. !a*t week. Mr, and Mra. C. C, Daley attended th»* Daley .Burch wedding at Wrtghia- vtlie laat week. Prof. A. M. Duggan of Tenleyeon spent Saturday In the city. It. O. Pate haa returned from Ma con. Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Bait* have re turned to their home In Aahburn. af ter a vlalt to Mra. J. C. Herndon. Mra. J. D. Duggan of Cochran la visiting Mra. M. J. Bell. Mt*a Maude Smith haa returned t Cochran, after spending with her parent* here. Hon- J. Pope Brown haa returned from Atlanta. Rev. J. L. Norrell and wife have re- •ned from Kentucky. Mra. Kmlle Roth la vlaltlng her mother. Mra.,Allle Render*. Mr. H. U Norrell, wife and baby, are vialtlng the family of Rev. J. L. Norrell. * - Miaa Ida Guttenherger of Macon la visiting her alater, Mra. Willi*. Miss Jennie Craig, who haa been v tatting friend* here*, haa returned to her home In Macon. Mr. J. B. Beset nun of Aahburn waa In the city Tuesday. Prof. T. O. Polhill went to Valdoata Sunday. Dr. J. O. A. Cook U tn attendance upon the South Georgia Conference at McRae. Mr. J. N. King of Rochelle waa here Tuesday. Judge D. L lfendereon of Vienna waa In the city Wednesday. In Columbu*. Ga. MImc* Dela and Bertha Salter have returned home after a visit to Au gusta. Mr. J. C. Tanner and family, form erly of thta place but for the last sev eral year* of Rwalnaboro. Ga., will re turn to Rnrlow on December 6 and occupy their dwelling on Main street recently purchased of Mra. Mu lone. Messrs. T. G. Smith and O. H. Ratchford have returned from the 8t. Louta Fair. The livery stable of Rhodes A Tan ner, also that of Hmlth Bros. * Co., are nearing completion. Both are commodious. Smith. Dray A Co. received their first carload of mule* today from St. I<outa. ' ' About 1,190 bale* of cotten 'are stored In warehouse* here. A Barnesvilte. % BARNERVILLR. Oa.. Dec I.—Dr. R. A. Hamby of Fargo. On., haa been In the city with a view of locating her Carrollton. CARROLLTON. Ga.. Deo. 8.—At the home of Captain and Mrs. James P. Moore, thla city, on Friday evening at 7 o’clock, their pretty adopted daugh ter, Ml** Lula, waa joined In noly wed lock to Mr. D. Roy Nelktn of Columbia. R. C. The home waa decorated and lighted for the occaalon, chryaanthe- muma and evergreen* prevailing. The bride advanced on the arm of her god mother and appeared very lovely In her wedding suit of cream ellk, Aniaoed In applique of atmllar color. The ceremony waa performed hy Rev. O. H Harris, pastor of the First Baptist church, being marked with simplicity and followed by a moat Im pressive Invocation of divine blessing* on the life of the wedded pair. After congratulations, the party, compoNed of a few of the Intimate friends, waa escorted Into the spacious dining npartments of then* famous hosts, and a repast, abounding In variety and richness, was served. Mr. and Mrs. Nelkln will remain here for some time. He I* a prominent etttaen of hla sec- j Mr. Nelkln le a telephone man and has parlors presented a picture quite aug- | ***** *** * eatabltah llbi yesthre of the coming yule tide will Milledfltvilla. MILLPDOEVILLK. Ga., Dec. I — The meeting of the Hill Club Thurs day afternoon with Mr*. !L B. Mm»rr a delightful affair. The hall and I “ Mir imv „„„ 1 6,1 l* vturt ‘ decoration* of holly and the cards which were used In the "No L" contest were red and green tied with ribbons of the same color: arid perhaps the “thinking caps'* were of th* Mini hues. Poem* quo- tail one, the names of famous men. and difficult word* were given with "No Lfa** In them, and at the close of the contest so many had proven prodetent In the knowledge of L'c that the prtae. tlon and will he given n cordial wel come by the people of this city. Mr*. R. M. Rlnckburn has returned to her home In Atlanta after a pleas ant visit with the family of Mr. J. H. few day, Waekburo. Mr. John A. Stewart of Atlanta, for merly a popular young man of Yatee- vllle. waa u guest of friend* here this week. Mra. II. R. Bradley, of Atlanta apent several day* In the city recently, the gueat of her father. Mr. J. W. Staf ford. ami hla family. Miss Maud Crawford of Thomaston has been spending the week here, the gueat of Mrs. L 8. Field. Miss Luclle Blackburn la In Atlanta on a vlalt with relative* nnd friends, where *he 1* a frequent visitor. Miss Mattie Tea Turner of Macon la here, the guest of the family of her sunt. Mrs. It. M. Turner. She is quite popular among the young people of tho community. Mlaa laa Jordan of Molena ha* been visiting her cousin. Mlaa Hattie Jor dan. Mra. J. Dan Woodall. Jr., of Valdoa ta, haa been on a visit to the family of I Mr. J. P. Woodall. 8r. Mis* Myrtle Freeman of Macon was | recently the .much admired guest of Miss Nettle Matthews. she has re turned to her home. Mr. E. W. Rose |i»ft yesterday for extended trip through Alabama, for some time held a responsible and lucrative position with the Southern Roll Telephone nnd Telegraph Compa ny In Routh Carolina. the guests of relatives In Tenntlle. Miss Louise Golden ha* returned from Perry. Mra. Passmore of 8ylveater is the guest of her alater. Mrs.. Roland Hlley. Mra. 8. R. Goodwin of Marahatlvllle visited her mother. Mrs. W. C. Wins low Wednesday. Misses Ella Gray Carlthers. Lida Hlley and Bennie Watkins spent Wed nesday In Macon. Mrs. Kemp returned to her home In Byron Wednesday otter a visit to her daughter. Mrtf N. H. Culpepper. Rev. E. M. Whiting Is attending Conference at McRae. Miss Luclle Harris. Mrs. J. C. Mc Donald and Misses Joe and Dora Royall apent Friday In Maoon. Mrs. O. M. Houser wag called to Tnl- hotton Friday on account of the Illness of her father. Judge Weeks. •Mr. T. R. Ore** of Rnvannah waa here on business this week. Mrs. William Haddock of Quitman Is the gueat of relatives here. Miss Electrn Weeks of Atlanta la vialtlng Mrs. O. M. Houser. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet Wednesday. Dec. 7, at the home of Mrs. A. W. Murray. ents. i for. agageti Mra. J. M. Reeve* waa a visitor at the Harden-FIckett wedding In For ay th Thursday evening. Mr. Tom Rush of Valdoata has been on a visit to the family of hta brother Mr. M. A. Bush. Miss Pansy Hill and Miss Gertrude Hollis have returned to their home In Forsyth after a delightful visit with Mlaa Grace Porch and Mlaa Leila Col- Mr. R. R Goodwyii ha he engagement of hla d*u ell. to Mr. Harry O. Lo annah* the wedding to or ay. December 14. in thla < louncemcni to their frtei ut the atatc causes mur| The ladles of the Fort Valley. FORT VALLEY. Ga.. Dec. 8.—Mr. M. F. Rnow visited Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. 8. L. Norwood of Perry waa in town Wednesday. Mlaa Maud Jarnegan spent laat Thursday In Macon. Mr. Ramus Kemp left Monday for hla home In Rwalnsbnro. Miss Lillie Brown left Wednesday for a visit to Orlando. Fla. Mr*. Joe Steed of Macon visited Mra. W. A. Wooddall several days recently. Mr. George Rice of Marshnllvllle vlalted Fort Valley last Friday. Hon. Luther Manshlp will lecture here on December 18th. Meanr*. Tom Fagan and O. R. Flour noy visited Macon Wednesday. Mist Kate McGhee of Marshallvllle vlalted Mlaa Nora Rountree several days this week. Miss Carrie Harris of Marshal!vtll# Is th# gueat of Miss Carrie Riley. Mr. Clay Holt of Cuthhert ts visit ing his brother. Mr. D. Bums. I Mr*. O. II. Milter has been on the | sick list for several days, j Mias '*0111* Rushing of Macon Is vlsltlnr -r aunt Mrs. J. F. Rykee. Mies E’hel Williams Is spending the week with Miss Klma Green. I Ml-s Ida Kinney of Bmnwood t« visiting the family of Mr. J. R. Mar shall. Miss Mattie DuPre# of Byron visited I Miss Florrle Conner Sunday. Mr. Partner left Wednesday for hla home In Hawklnavtlle. after a visit to hla daughter. Mrs. W. 8. White. Miss Susie Lee Carter apent Monday In Macon. Mr. A. C. Riley. Jr., of Atlanta, la spending several days with his home- folk* here. Mrs. o. T. Jones was a visitor to Mncon Montlay. known minister and lecturer, was In the city yesterday nnd delivered a lecture last night before the local lodge of Odd " A large crowd of Odd Fellow* the home of Mrs. \V. E. Jenkins to per fect their plans for the lecture which Judge Emory Speer Is to deliver here on the "Life and Times of Robert E. Lee." The lecture will be delivered on the night of the ISth, during the .session of the federal district court. The next lyceum atti action here will be Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson, wno eomes next Thursday night. He Is re garded as one of the best attraction* of the lyceum course and a large crowd will hear him. The music recitals of the music classes of Mr*. Coley and Mis* Willie Pearl Davis began last night, tho first evening being devoted to primary classes. Next Wednes day night will he given to the Interne I ■ finer, ^nne. i Mr*, c. Green Is the gueat at h#r vden or Kt- | daughter. Mr*. T. R. Gross, In Ravan- •ur^ednes- n4h . “ Miss Rennie Watkins of Sylvester ia visiting Mrs. R. P. Hlley. Mr*. A. D. Shell le has been quite III for the past week. Mre. W. o. l/nrtt and little daugh ter. Evelyn, of Atlanta, who have been visiting friends here this week, will Monday for a visit In Marmhatl- sbyte Mrs. tv J. L\a : a good sum for Haddock. HADDOCK. Oa.. Dec. 8.—Mr. and Mra. John Mountain Clark celebrated their silver wedding Saturday, No vember 16. at the'r home, FortvtUe. which la Well adapted for entertain ing. and on thla occasion was very attractive in ita decorations of green and red. The front parlor was decorated with smllax, palms and redcamatlons. The bride and groom greeted their guests In the receiving room standing under a beautiful wedding well. Bouillon was served In the front hall by Misses Clark and Moughon under an archway decorated with smllax. the background being made of pnlma. A live-course luncheon was served In the dining room, which was pretty In Us decorations of «m!lax and autumn leaves. pumpkin, which rested on a grape center piece over green satin. AUed with chryasanthemums and clusters of grapes formed tho central decorations. Red and green ribbons was suspended from the chandeliers, eandtng at each corner with loop* holding bunches of j chrysanthemums and clusters of > grape*. I Nearly two hundred invitations were | Issued. The married friends were en tertained in the afternoon from 8 to 8. The young people In the evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. Many handsome present# were re ceived. Mr. and Mr*. Clark were assisted In receiving by Mrs. James Stewart of | Macon. Mr*. James T. Cook. Misses Minnie Kate Clark. Alice Williams. France* Bragg and Ruth Moughon. | , h VAU **TA. Ga*. 'Tables’’ waa | subject for dUcusslon before th* wymo.Hu*t* ctuh Wednesday afternoon. ***»• In charge of Mis* Ethel Whittington. Tb« program ren- ** Wlows: "The Fable Its History. Mt*a W%it#ra; sons. Mt*a#s Ms- Wljhtnsoa, Claud Davis. Allle May h»U* BHIe Roherte and Margaret Duffy; *The Dlfferenc# Between a Fa- Myth." Mis* Park; "Uf# of Aesap " Mrs. 4. C. Wllaon; "La Fontstae and as Fable Writers," Hrwl>. R Snail. \ large crowd at tended. and the occasion waa an unusu- the women's auditorium. Mrs. N. Blum Clarke of Augusta, though formerly of this city. Is a visitor psrt of this week with •WIT big prlxr* everywhere and broueht from New York the Odell cun for tha An- est display of chickens at the Syracuse state fair. pr/iniAi »-»«».. i#cv. 8.—MIm Claude Bowen entertslned at a linen shower Tuesday afternoon, complimentary to Miss Ethel Perry, a hrlde-eleet of th® coming week, with Its dernrntlons of autumn leaves, shsdlne f-o m crimson to gold, the house was transformed Into an attractive woodland pletur* Twenty guests ware seated In the dining room. »n elegantly appointed luncheon was upon the honoree as she left the table. An amusing feature of the afternoon was a contest tn espea. in which Mlaa Em tile Graves won the prlxe. Miss Ethel Berry. The affair was cele brated at the home of Mr*. Walker, and was characterised by elegance In every detail. Forty guests were entertained by th* hostesses. Rev. and Mr* Lamar, formerly of Au gusta, have purchased a home here and will become permanent residencta of th® town. At present they are the gueeta of visit to relatives vlIK Mrs. J. L Everett and children ally plea . c, ? h M rntMT mains st the women a club r—tiif aad the in- terestm* game of ring,- was played. The Pftxe w»« won hy Mlaa Ethel Whit- Wigton and was % handsome china fern Mr. N. G. BuefcUy of «<0, a well * Mrs. T. J. Cook and Mr*. George Tay lor are visiting friends In Tlfton. Mr*. Park Harper has returned to her home in Eastman after a visit to her moth. Mrs. W. W. Ashburn. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gillespie, who has to make that place their home. Mrs. V. W. Touehton has returned from a visit to her parents at Plant City, The finest display of Christmas goods ever seen in Hacon at The Union Dry Goods Co. Walk around the “walk round.” PERSONAL. RcnMmln Incram r.vvh.1 nnnflunc«4 th* ,nr»n*m,nt ra ri.mchtrr. Stuto PM.rh.l. m Mr. Jnmr, Mndinon Adam, of ntrminirh.m. Ain., thr mnrrinc to ocrur Tumdny. Drrrmhrr 27th 1 !WU at the ttirtut chmeh. tUv. Mr. XCnrahnll. uncle of the bride*to-hc. nfNclattnr Ml*. Fli. rh.l I, » wry pretty and aecompll,hed youttx Indy, who by her mnny noble traltn. hnve won for her hoets of frtendn. Mr the «mom-to-h* wee reared In Taylor county, and u well eon. nected. hrln* related to .ome of the moot prominent oeofde of that .retton of tho rtate. He le now one of the lending hue. tneu men of Btrmlnfham. Ain. that nt Mies Bonn (Hnlel of Boeton nnd Mr. W. M. Holloway of thle piece. The rr.rrl.It. wo* » ..jrart*. to even th. Im mediate fnmUle, The couple left home for n drive, hut wem to Thontaevillc nnd were m.rrleti. The bride le benutlfut nnd jceompilnhed nnd in n .inter of I>r. Kvorette DnnM of Ihl. Dlare. Mr Hol loway I* n prominent hneine.. men of thin piece, nnd he* . hml of friendn here. —.... fthnptra I. «pendln« eome .. -— —. '• c * 9 DuVnil returned thle week from n virtt to relnttvee in Dnogtas Mr. Mrs. Geerce n Cnlttns of Flint were guests « taenfe here Tburs- MT. J. Crawford of Louisville la at the Plasm for a few day*. H. F. Clark of Atlanta la stopping at the Plata. C. Welaserman of New York waa regts. tered at the Ptasa yesterday. E. O. MrLane of New York la one of the latest arrivals at the Plasm. Le# Bohrman, a very popular traveling man of New York la at the Plasm. If W. Butler of Springfield. III., Is at the Plaxa. Mr. M. A. Fhewmake of Augusta was at the Brown House Saturday. Mr R. H. Hall of m.M«. « gueat Saturday at the Hotel Lanier. Mr. \V. D. Denting of Bnvunnah was a guest at the Brown House Saturday. Mr. W. W. Barnes of Chattanooga waa at the Brown House Saturday. Mr. E. B. Watkins of Chattanooga waa registered at the Brown House yes terday. Mr. Floyd Foster of Athena is spending a few days in Macon, and la stopping at the Plata. Mr. J. W. Osborn of the Peter# Car tridge Company of Cincinnati waa at the Plasa yesterday. Mr. L. A. Carter, who travels from Baltimore, ts at the Plaxa for a few Mr. B. O. Oberry and Mrs. Oberry of Wlllaooochee, Oa.. were registered at the Brown House Saturday. Mr. B. E. Campbell of Newport, O., was registered at tn* Brown House yes terday. Among tb® late arrivals at the Brown House yesterday were Mrs. F. H. Dear- ing of Athens. W. L. Stewart of Atlanta and Mr. J. R. Hays of Montezuma. Mr. Jack Browner and Mr. John D. Randall well-known oltlzens of Baltimore, were guests at the Brown House Satur day. No Flavoring Extracts have ever been produced that can quite equal Blue Rib bon Lemon and Vanilla. They are used In the best hotels and by the beat house keepers everywhere. Phone 223. The Red mond - flassee Fuel Co. Coal. Liverpool Cotton Statistics. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 3.—Following are the weekly cotton statistics: Bales. Total sales, of all kinds 52.000 Total saJes of American 49.000 English spinners' takings 102.000 Total export 5,000 Imports of all kinds 178,000 Imports of American 155.000 Stock of all kinds 562,000 Stock of American 508,000 Quantity afloat of all kinds 458,000 Quantity afloat of American 401.000 Total aa'fa on speculation 5.800 Total sales to exporters 1,000 Jacksonville. 6; Charleston. 0. Charleston withdrew within three minutes of time of second half, bo- cause of claim of unfair decision, nnd referee declared score as above. Charleston had made a touchdown In the Arst half. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 6; Tulane, 0. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Meteorological data furnished by the - — 1 A->... j*# ,1 ,v 4»r the twenty-four hours ending at 4 p. m.. central time. Thermograph Reading. Flight Will bo Biti.r, Tho«e Mrho will p*r«l»t in cloaine ih«lr .nr. pgnin.t the continual recom mendation of Dr. Kins’, New Dl«- cov,ry for Conaumptlon, will hnve a Ion* and bitter fight with thelp trouble*. If not ended earlier by fnlnl termination. Read whnt T. Beall of Beall, Mira., ha* to «»y: "L»»t fall my wife had every aymntom of conaumptlon. She took Dr. King'* New Dlacovery nfler everything elae had failed. Improve ment came at once and four bottle* entirely cured her." Guaranteed by all drugglata. Price 60c. end <1.00. Trial bottle* free. Wilcox to Get Birth. WASHINGTON. Dec. J—Senator Platt of New York today announced that Wm. R. Wilcox will be appointed poetmaater at New York. The fol lowing official atnxement wee made at the White Houae regarding Mr. Wll- cox'a appointment. "The prealdent haa decided to ap point William R. Wilcox at New York city, and Mr. Wilcox'a nomination will go into the aenate on Tueadaw next.” To Have Marcontgraphy. NEW YORK. Dec. S.—It was an nounced hy the Mallory Steamship Co. today that the veaaels of their Jlno will be equipped with wlreleaa tele- grap apparatus. The Initial Installa tion will be on the ateamer Denver which aatled from thla port today fop Galveston. By this system the Mallory linera are expected to keep in conatant touch with atatlona to be eatabllahed along the route from New York to Galveston. i pm ..■•I'll pm..Ml * am..St tl am..65 c pm...CM2 mn. A * am..54 II ra ..$0 : pm...*li 1 am..67 7 am..M 1 pm..CO * pm...tlj Z am..55 I am..Si : pm..Co » z am..55 I am..54 1 pm..50 19 pm...69 , am..Mil# am..Ml 4 pm..<9 River Report. The Oemulgee river at Macen at fa. ra. nad 2.4 feet, a rise of 1.1 fret during the past twenty-four hours, being t.t feet The Oconee river at Dublin read *0.1 of a foot, a rtaa of 0.9 of a foot during the peat twenty-four hours. I. O. R. M. Election. GRIFFIN. Ga., Dec. 2—The Im proved Order of Red Sfen held their election of offlcera Thursday night and elected the following: E. H. Griffin, sachem; Smith Turner, senior saga more; Will Connard. junior eag&more; G. V. Turner, prophet; E. L,. Ballard, chief of records: E. P. Williams, keeper of wampum. Judge Lisenby Won. POWERSVILLE Oa. Dec. 5.—Judge J. T. Llirnby defeated C. E. Bateman for Justice of the peace of the Sixth district by 89 to 42 votes. This was m very unique election on account of Bateman registering negroes. Tha hank the wwlc en4 according to Clearing House ling De^mber 3rd. were.