The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 04, 1904, Image 15

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CIVIL DOCKET ■ IN CITY COURT December Work in This Branch Arranged CRIMINAL WORK BEGINS Both City and Superior Courts Will be Busy With Criminal Dockets This Week—Indications Point to a Busy Week in the Courts of Macon—A Light Civil Docket for City Court. . The clvl docket of the city court of Macon for the December term was ar ranged yesterday and the work begins in this branch on Monday, Dec. 12th. The arangement as made yesterday reveals no very heavy work ahead for the court on this branch. The docket contains 27 cases set for six days beginning with Monday. Thero are no very Important cases ' aranged on this docket and it is thought that the court will be able to dispose of this business within the time specified , in the docket. . Work begins tomorrow morning in the city court on the criminal docket. This docket, as printed some time ago, shows heavy work for the court and both city and superior courts • will be busy next week on criminal work. Everything is in readiness for the opening of the December work in the city^oourt Next week will be de voted to the criminal branch. The civil docket as arranged yester day is as follows: Monday, Dec. 12th,-1904. 4022—A. J. Ryals vs. Oscar Wilder. 4030—Ida Smith et. al. vs. Dooly Lum ber Co. 4032—E. L. Sherling vs. J. BTXong. Tuesday, Dec. 13th, 1904. 4035-t-E. G. Holland vs. Jas. T. Croom et. al/ 4037—Dan Lucas vs. J. W. Harvey. 4039—Mrs. Mattie E. Roberts vs. L. W. Hlnsley et. al. 4042—Willingham & Cone vs. Frank Gunn. Wednesday, Deo. 14th, 1904. .40^9—J. L. Ethridge vs. A. B. Moore. 4045—Edward Thompson & Co. vs. C. N. Sellers. '4047—French & American Imp. Co. vs. H, J. Lamar & Co. .4053—W. L. Timmerman vs. G. W. H. Stanley. 4055— j. f. Hanson et. al. vs. Mayor ft Council of City of Macon. 4056— D. D. Adams vs. J. V. Haigler et. al. Thursday, Dec. 15th, 1904. '4057—Thomas Falrcloth vs. Mayor & Council of City of Macon. 4058— Mary Davis vs. Central of Geor gia Ry. Co. 4059— D. S. Davis vs. Mrs. Lilia Mc- Cowen. 4060— R. C. Morgan vs. Corrlnne Mor ris et. al. 4062— P. K. Dederlck vs. Corrlnno Morris. Monday, Dec. 19th, 1904. 4063— -Walter T. Hood vs. Mayor ft Council of City of Macon. 4065— Mrs. Susie M. .Cherry vs. Cen tral of Georgia 'Ry. Co. 4066— Ed Welchselbaum vs. R. W. Jones et al. 4072—Gray Lumber Co. vs. E. G. Har ris et. al. 4078— II. J. Lamar et. al. vs. Lamar, Taylor, Riley Drug Co. 4079— H. H. Walls vs. Manchester Mfg. Co. Tuesday, Dec. 20th, 1904. 4081—J. C. Sheppard vs. James M. Cagle. 4086—Fearless Dishwasher Co. vs. J. A. Newcomb. Pay your state, county and poll taxeg by December 20th and save costs and Interest. See the grand window display at "The Union,” then go inside. The story is told in full as you walk around the "wald round.” Repairs at Payne Mill. The repairs whlc hhave been In pro gress at the Payne mill are nearing completion, and In a few days the mill will be ready for operation. From present Indications the machinery will start Thursday morning. The operatives’ houses are rapidly filling, and by the time the machinery Is started It is probable that a full force of hands will report for work. However,, there are stil a few very de sirable houses unoccupied, which may be reserved If application is made at once. A great many of the former em- have returned. . This mill has always proven very popular with mill opera tives in general, and it is expected that its usual high grade of type of work men will be maintained under the new management * Walk with me around the "Walk Round”. Tis a great show. The Union is the place. MACON BARTENDERS. Will Hold the Second Anniversary of Their Union Today. Thla morning at 11 o'clock the Ma con Bartendera Union will hold their second annual session. The meeting will be held at the Fidelity Hall on Cotton avenue between Cherry and First streets. Speeches will be made and officers for the following year will be elected. Arrangements have been completed for an excellent barbecue which is to be served during the session. An Extraordinary Offer J. J. Mercer, the well known Mulber ry street Jeweler, has Just Inaugurated a scheme hy which his customers will have an opportunity of obtaining a $40 ladles* gold watch free of cost. Every customer that spends one dollar will be entitled to a ticket for each dollar expended. This ebaptiful time piece will be drawn for on January 1. A com plete stock, of Jewelry and holiday goods, optician specialties. None but the goods and most skilful work manship* J. J. MERCER. 41$ Mulberry street. THE MACON TELEGRAPH : SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1904. Will Deliver the Annual Memorial Ad- Dress Before the Rome Lodge Today. Prof. E. L. Martin left for Rome last evening where he makes the memorial address before the Elks Lodge this Af ternoon. Professor Martin’s services ore al ways In demand on these annual occa sions, and this year he was honored with no less than five Invitations from as many Southern cities to deliver the address before their respective lodges. MACONITE IS HIGHLY HONORED The Redmond - Hassee Fuel Co. Coal. Phone 223. SMALL VOTE CAST IN THE ELECTION Hardly 300 Votes Cast In Bibb County Yesterday Whon the Justices of the Peaco Were Selected—New Terms of Office Begin January 1st. Bibb county’s vote polled In the elec tion of justices of the peace yesterday was exceedingly light, scarcely 300 votes being cast throughout the en tire county. The lack of Interest shown In the election was occasioned by the want of opposition. Not one of the candidates for ro-etection had a rival. In the city the voting was the heaviest Stokes receiving 84 votes and James Motes 15. Stokes and Motes were the candidates for the offices of justice At the peace and constable respective ly. In all nine justices were elected and the names and districts of those se lected are as follows: D. H. Adams, district 514. A. W. Stokes, district 564. J. P. Mayfield, district 716. G. W. Hendricks, district 481. J. H. Brown, district 1,085. R* A. Johnson, district 520. W. L. Wynn, district 482. N. D. Ousley, district 483. J. T. D. McPherson, district 519. In the Godfrey district the election cost the county Just $7.56. At the vot ing precinct there were but 12 men voted, at a cost of 63 cents apiece to Bibb. The only new face among the Jus tices when they go into office Jan. 1st. 1906, Will be that of Mr. D. H. Adams, In the 614th district. Mr. Adams suc ceeds Mr. J. B. Andrews, resigned. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble In your system Is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regu late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough ef fectiveness. Electric Bitters Is only 50c.. and that Is returned If It don’t give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by all druggists. The Redmond - Massee Fuel Co, Coal. Phone 223 8CHNESSLLER-CAIN. Quiet Wedding of Well-Known Young People. M. S. Bchneseler and Mine Nettle Cain were quietly married Monday nt the residence of the bride'n mother. Mrs. Annie E. Cain. No. 1415 Second street. Rev. J. 13. Phillips oftlelatlnr Only a few close friends were present. There were no attendants. Mr. Schnessler Is superintendent of the Georgia Cotton oil Company, and the bride Is a vsry charming young wo. man. »♦♦♦■» -M-+4 >-T-8 ALL RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN'S. MM- LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Christmas Presents. New Popular Books, Fountain Pens, Christy Pictures, Christy Calendars. Fischer Calendars, Gibson Calendars, Gift Books, Books for old and young. Mail orders have our prompt and care ful attention.. The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. 310—820 Second Street. IT’S ALL RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN’S.»♦♦+♦»f »■ FOR RENT—Three or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping: upstairs, all conveniences: host locality In city. X. Y. Z., care Telegraph. GENUINE OXFORD Teachers Bible From 50c to $15* 00 The Oxford Teachers* Bible, complete with notes, is considered tho finest published. It Is wonderful what large, olear type is found in the small light books. Tho Oxford India paper is the thinnest opaque paper made in the world, the process only being known to three men. Tho use of this paper enables them to produce a large type in the smallest book possiblo. We earry a large t. Mall line. ail orders solicited. McEvoy Book & Stationery Company. Wanted :—Five compotent salespeople. None bm those having experience in the dry goods trade need apply. At once. W. A. DOODY CO. T. R. HATCHER FINED AT POLICE COURT HI. Story of Being a Veteran W11 Dl«. credited and Aiked to Pey W—Couldn't Produce Money and I, at Station Houie. | One Cent a Word | Advertisements under the heads of Wanted, For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Personal, Miscellaneous, Etc., inserted In this department for 1o per word for each issue.. No notice will be inserted for less than 15 cents. Remit tances of $1 and less may be made in postage stamps. WANTED. WANTED—Boarders ut S68 Spring at. WANTED—Table boarders at 768 Mulber ry st.. close in. WANTED—A few table boarders with rooms; convenient. ’Phone 2057. WANTED—To sell half Interest in gen eral agency of old line life insurance company. Address Opportunity, care Tel egraph. WANTED—One or two unfurnished rooms, with privnto bath and board, by couple without children; must be conven ient to car line. State terms and ad dress M. R. C.f care Telegraph. WANTED—To buy or lease sand proper ties. containing coarse sand, located on Southern Railway, between Atlanta, Ma con or Fort Valley. Address and send samples to 11. G. Fleming. Chattanooga, Tenn. POSITION by young lady stenographer at once. Address “Stenographer,” 264 Rose st. NEWMAN MILLINERY CO.’S big cut price on ready-to-wear hats; BOY. ago about fourteen years, with bicycle; mui*t upell well and write good hand. Apply Room 2. 318 Second st. $20.00 AND EXPENSES paid each week to ladles as district managers to distrib ute goods and mnke collections; experi ence not necessary; addressed envelope for reply. Woman’s Dept., 62 Dearborn, Chicago. # WANTED—Largo or small Job to paint, knlsomlne, plastico, or decorate; can furnish good reference*. Homy c. Wal ton. Shop 461 Poplar, ’Phone 2595. LADIES earn $2(> per hundred writing short letters; send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, PERSON TO CALL on retail trade; es tablished business; $26 and expenses paid weekly; expanse money ndvnnced; position permanent; previous experience not essential. Address Trade Manager, 321 Dearborn, Chicago. WANTED—Board or nicely furnished room by young marrlefl couple who can glvo good reference; cloeo In; state price. N., care Telegraph. WANTED—Rooms for light housekeeping hy permanently located small family. “Permanent,” car* General Dellvary. WANTED—Five good negro boys, about 15 or 16 years old. Apply at 9 o’clock Mo’clock Monday morning at Boling Al leys. Ill Cotton ave. WANTED—Five competent salespeople; none but those having experience In the dry goods trade need apply. At once, W. A. Doody Co. • T. R. Hatcher, tho man with the roee*. who wan FrlJiy afternoon for peddlnc roee graftlnga without a II- renae. waa aaaeaaed <3 In police court ynterday by Acting Recorder Smith. To- day Hatcher la In ihh police barrack* and h** etnch-ln-trade la wlthutlr.q Ju.t nut- tlrte the etatlon houae door. {Should any rnllceman wlah to teat lh- Hatenwnt of Hatcher that the cuttlnga were of tha beat brand., he may do an by tranaferrlng the wilting planta to hi* home rerden. No^Jfflcor declred to make tha teat Sat- One' of the officer* or the elation houae lumteated that the little bundle of cut ting! be planted In the rear of lira head- jy.rtere. hut the Bremen wouldn't think °f It- Othera atated that they might blovoom and bloom ahould they be planted In one of the city perka. hut thla plan waa, loat when n perron atated that It would hardly be right for the city to make uae of article! which led to a mane arreet and eubaequent fine and Imprlaonment. still the dowera are there and the queetlon of dlrpoelng of them remain! to be aolred. Out In the weat fide there Is a patch of Bermuda grass from which they wera dug. In case no 2.1®. ,or *?' n b 'be ground from which they were dug might he willing to take them back. If not then fta a case of back to the traah pile or the creamatory. A very Pltaaant Surprlee Party. E'-aunt...urprtw party. ... WANTED— Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work In Georgia, repre T.‘Jy*l | WANTED—Couple without children or two young men to board In private fam ily nt 240 Washington, 'Phona 3672. after cooking. J. D. Dozier. Superin tendent Methodist Conference Home. Ma con. Gn. mRk VI In person to the Schofield Knitting ills. Vlnevllle Station. WANTED—Occupants for two large rooms; can nerve tabie boarders with meals. ’Phone 3514. WANTED—A first-class blacksmith who esn do some wood-work also. Jno. R, Barfield, Emerleh. Oa. WANTED—A $3,000 loan on renl estate valued nt $8,000.00. Address Invest ment, rare Telegraph. WANTED—A borrower for, $ for three or five years to he secured by Improved real estate. Address Personal enre Telegraph. -xc HELP WANTED. ANY CASE of pllea can ho cured with out tho knife;: no cutting, no rcrnnlng. every case cured without pain In ten days’ time from flrat application; every case guaranteed. Dr. R. M. Carlisle, office in Wnxelhaum building, with II. D. Adams Co., Third st., Macon, Ga. WANTED—SALESMEN. CIGAR SALE8MEN WANTED—Experl- ence unnecessary,t good pay. Emnnuol Co.. Station ”J," New York city. J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, Philadel phia. have agraeoble. desirable, and profitable vacancies for salesmen of ref ence works; first-clans references abso lutely necessary. WANTED—Experienced drug salesman to travel Southwest Georgia, beginning January 1st.; fine salary to right man; none but experienced uhpllcanta will !>o considered. Address Columbia Drug Company, Traveling Department, 'Savnn nah, Ga. HELP WANTED—MALE. , »■» •iibiiivuik viu.uiain, hut. iiiauar. tnck signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. DETRCTIVISR—FiveiV locality, good aa|. _ ary, experience unnecessary. Intcr- Btate Detectivo Agency, Milwaukee. Wis. charge of a profitable and rapidly in creasing business; $500 capital required to cover necessary stock of samples; this Is a legitimate business proposition and does not refer to books, insurance or other schemes; It Is u nice clean business that can be started while engaged In other occupation; a gentleman of ability can earn ftO a week and ileal, with an estab lished concern capitalized at $500,000. Ad dress M., care thla paper. large manufacturing company; salary $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. 11. Moore, Macon, Ga. esaary; steady work and good salary to right man. Address Courier-Dispatch, Dublin, Ga. WANTED—Old coins and stamps; $5.76 paid for 1833 quarters; large amounts for others; full particulars free. Address A. M. Zeno Supply Co., Joplin, Mo. WANTED—A couple < _ or two gentlemen to cupy a comfortable room on first floor; terms reasonable. ’Phono 2238, 606 Walnut at., Mrs. 8. T. Stewart. EXPERIENCED salesman In general mer cantile business wants work nt once. Address Salesman, care Telegraph. venlent location; excellent mtala. Tho ne WANTED—Four or fire unfurnished rooms, or small house. Address M. E. P., care Telegraph. EXPERIENCED stenographer, familiar with office work, also graduate In book- keeping, desires position; best references. WANTED—Few nice table boarders with ^jood reference. 869 Walnut st., ’Phone Answer, cere this office. Walter. B„ care Telegraph. WANTED—A tenant for two or three tuZTS.nk'B'^SL'" ,h -®-*jj|g^ n 2a care Telegraph. Address “Tenant/ street Saturday evening by the boys of the Western Electric Company o# New York. A very pleasant evening was passed. Games, singing and dancing were the order of the evening. Prises were awarded to the three best players, as fol lows: First prise, to Miss P. Dana; sec ond. to Mr. W. Chilton; third to AUsr A. Henry. After the games, there was a supper of salads, fruits, cakes and Ice cream waa served, after which fresh light S (inches were taken. The guests were: Jr* •**«**" A. Henry, Mm P. Dana. Ml** A. Garfield Miss II. TubervlUe. Miss U Henryt Mr b. Burnett. Mr. H. Dor- ¥ r of Macon. Miss Lee of ^odwin. Gl; Miss K. Godwin of Valdoeta. Os. The representatives of the Western Electric Company were; Meeern. W. Chil ton. W. Botlwlnkel, J. Gll’man. M. 0. Brush. L Parisian. yA N T SD EVERYWHERE-POTPl. to at hum. .par* time. anil ralalu tu **- aood pay, a«nt iffteasana c °" **■»«• ,<5 - Young man, with references'. famished room, ** ° T * r » » r ?cLi T .Industrious young man v 4n?h^ .jydttoi as overseer on r * f * re »'* with experience of fifteen years, by sober sr.d Industrious Georgia. dd K * m Third **» Kocon. WANTED. EVERYWHERE—men willing to riletrlhiit* samples, tack signs, etc., at $3.00 dally; permanent; no canvassing. Continental Distributing Service, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED—Energetic agent as branch office managers to handle agents; sl*o soap crew managers for road; 8200. Par ker Chemical Co., Chicago. ALL. PELT DRESS SHAPES at half prlco. Newman Millinery Co. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, flrat floor. Apply 248 Washington ave. FOR RKNT—Peur-room houm. Church at.. South Macon, nln, dollar,. Apply at 604 Oak at. FOR RENT— 1 Three rooms on first floor. every convenience; Coll ai 614 Ocmul- gee st., or ’Phone 2584. FOR RKNT—Furnished front room, one block from courthouse. 823 Walnut st. FOR RKNT—Nicely furnished room, with hot and cold bath. Ilf First st. FOR. RKNT—Two gentlemen can get nice furnished room st 135 Park Place. FOR RENT—One large unfurnished room upstairs, very desirable. 125 Park Place. FOR RENT—Brick store In Vlnevllle. Apply to Mrs. C. B. Callaway. Ft/R RENT—Furnished room to gentle man. 718 Mulberry at. READT-TO-WEAR HATS at twenty-fire per cent. off. Newman Millinery Co, FOR RENT—A convenient houae. *11 Second at. Apply *07 Second. NICE furnished room to rent to young men and board. If deelred. $81 Walnut street. keeplr 714 Pirn FOR RENT-Ons large un on first floor, with or wit Spring st.; also one small suitable for two furnished room bout board. 288 furnished room FOR RENT—Two nicely f to gentlemen or couple; c cere Tefegreph. fence*. Apply Mrs. .\. m FOR RENT—fUM of ho unfurnished; dose in graph, FOR RENT—A 8-room rer University. Appl Ml Cherry su 70R RENT—One furnished room nt 771 New SL FOR SALE. FOR SALE— 1 Thirty Warhorpe nnd Shawl. neck cock*, tiyo years old, for sale; good walks: come them. Wm. F. White, Round Oak, Ga. NEWMAN MILLINERY CO. are reduc ing stock fast at 25 per cent. off. FOR RALE. CHEAr FOR CASH—One aet Encyclopedia Brlttanlca, half Morocco binding. ‘Phone 859. “WITHOUT A PEER," the Southern Dyo , * Clfanlng Works. 154 Cotton ave., ’Phone 548. FOR SALE—Eight shares Exchange Bank stock. Address P. O. Box 262, Ma con, Ga. 15c. FOR A STERLING SILVER thimble at Lasarus*. DOLL8, DOLLS, DOLLS of all kinds at John Harts. MARE FOR SALE—Fine buggy animal. perfectly gentle, cheap for cash. "Har ris,” this office. FOR 8ALE—One second-hand wagon, ono second-hand truck, two nets second hand harness. Apply Immediately Swift FOR SALE—Gas range, good as new; cheap. Apply 246 Washington avo. FOR SALE—Six-room house nnd two -•room houses; good Investments, or will mnke good home For further infor mation. ’Phono No. 904, J. F. Wester. FOR BALE—9x9 and 14x14 tents with flys. Jacob IBrsch, 610 Fourth st FOR SALE—One good slxe Herring aafe. Jucob Hlrsch. 610 Fourth st. FOR SALE—One 4-horse boiler, ono 4-norso engine, In good condition; one rip saw, table oak top'.one nowor drill press; one Iron latho. Jacob Hlrsch. FOR SALE—One-horse wagon, throe Jer sey heifers. 1.000 pounds fodder, 1,000 pounds cow pens, ono ton' cotton seed. Harrington, near Outing Club. FOR BALE—T,ot on Duncan nvo., $225; « Roa( ** Huguanln Heights, $450. Lot, caro Telegraph. FOR SALE—Dwelling. $300 CAsh, balance five years, 7 per cent. Dwelling, caro Telegraph. FOR SALE—Small farm, 17 acres; easy terras; out four miles. Farm, caro Telegraph. FOR BALE—City property renting $1,200 for $1,500 year, flvo years. Owner enro Telegraph. FOR SALE—Modern suburban cottage home with anme Innd; Vlnevllle side of town. Address Opportunity, care Tele graph. FOR SALE—Two one hundred-egg Prai rie State Incubaton; cheap for cash. “IlarrlH,” thla office. FOR SALE—Cow with young calf cheap, for aale. Oscar Dunn. 152f Fourth st. COW WITH YOUNG CALF for or .wap for dry ono; cheap, quick aale. Telephone 2024. FOR SALE. QUICK FOR CABH-Small business In good section; party desires to leave Macon at once. “Retail,” care Telegraph. MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS. MUSIC TEACHING-Violin an.1 Mando lin. Apply to Mlua Matthew*, 666 Wal. nut at. PERSONAL. HONORABLE, kind and wealthy bachr- lor. milieu, an, want at nnca ulncoro, homc-lovin* wtf,. Addrraa Mr. John. 4oi O*don. Chfcaitn. INTELLIGENT American widow, hard- aotqe nnd worth $60.0(H). wants good, honest husband. Address Aetna, Oneonta Bldg., Chicago. III. EVERYBODY COME nnd get handsome hats for little money. Newman Millin ery Co. LADIES—Dr. Strickland’s monthly rem edy relloves in five hours: safe nnd sure; hex free; send stamp for particu lars. Crown Chemical Co., Box 93 Mil waukee Wig. IT'ESH WSH and oy.t.ra all the time. O. K Clarke A Co, TOYK to ault everybody and novoliioa too numerou, to mention at John llnrla. 15c. FOR A STERLING SILVER thimble at Ijsxarus’. all NEW SHAPES in ROBES Just opened. Newman Millinery Co. MOURNING orders completed on short notice. Southern Dye ft Cleaning Works, 164 Cotton ave.. 7 Pho£J 64* * ur-TO-nATE houae mover. John Chnuta, 501 Flrot at., Foot Macon. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . .. 100 LOT# FREE. Applicant. Hendlnit atanip will renolva deed of lot, Kiri 25x100 fret, luburb. Now York. 20th Century Realty Co., 6 Wall Street, New York. NOW IH Tins TIME to buy 64.00 hat, for H!Ii ##; N , . 5 wL„ h t.T,l,n. , yk h * t0 ' Wf for mile. Addreiw box A, Carrollton. PHOTOGRAPHS nnd life size work both made In our gullerly. L. 8. Hill ft Co. MEDICAL. ATTENTION LADIKM—Nokemo positive- ly prevents, cures loiicorrhea and other discharges; safe and pleasant; month's treatment prepaid, one dollar; booklet free. Moreland Chemical Co., Ill East 28th st.. New York. N. Y. DRUG AND LIQUOR IIABITS—A pain less, permanent cure; the Mcond sani tarium of Its kind In America; the only humane method In the world; writs for particulars. Addreas Sanitarium, 201 Cap itol avt., Atlanta Ga. MORPHINE, laudanum, opium, cocalnt habit; tnyxelf cured; will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. 7 LADIES—When In need send for free trial of our never-falling remedy; relief quick and safe. Parts Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WIs. “IB THAT BALD SPOT GETTING BIG- ger?’’ Have you a good poaltlonT Hava you the ambition and experience to fill up a better one? Then send for the cat alogue of America's Cheapest Hair Com pany. Savannah, Oa.; mall orders for toupees and other hslr goods promptly filled; write today. MISCELLANEOUS. ■ MACON LODOE NO. 5. F. A A. ^ /V . M —Regular communication V V on Monday night. 7:30 o’clock; m#»nher* ulster lodge* and qual- 9 ^ ’ tiled visitors fraternally Invited; work. P. II. GambreU, W. M.; George A. Dure, Booty. DRESSED TURKEYS, hens, fries, broil ers; also fresh oysters, fish, gam*, cele ry, fruits and vegetables. Rainey ft Cal- lagtian. DON’T WAIT, but come and see ray stock of dolls, carriages and tops at John Harts. 16c. FOR A STERLING SILVER thimble at lAsarun’. THE VERT BEST STYLE and colors In roses at Newman MUUnery Co. DRY AND ffTKAM rt»xnln*; th, only thoroughly *qulppM oaUMIahmant South. Southom Dya Jc Cleonln* Worka, 154 Cotton ave.. 'Phono 641. 6 ^?* College st.. white and liver pointer bitch, 8 months old; Tolly. Return to H. Merkle, for reward. STRAYED—Medium-sized red speckled MW fTrail In mill* .... B W?o PRICB SALE ‘ Nowmcn M »- GIN8ENO—Fortune In little gardens; . easily grown everywhoro; I will pay front $6.00 to $10.00 per pound for your crop; cost to grow less than $1.00; room your yard to grow thousands of dollars ...trth; comnicto Information free; wrlto today. Arthur C. Thompson, Dept. 50, Thompson nidg., fecranton, Pa. IScTfoR A 8TERLINO SILVER thimble nt Lasarus. WOULD YOU ME SATISFIED by having It proved to you conclusively that we earn «nd pay. large monthly profits to big and small Investors, without risk of Particulars free by writing w. HVLatimor. 411 Walnut st., Phlladol- phin. Pa. Our Special Prices Finest Cream Cheese, a lb ....15 New Gn. Cane Syrup, n gal 35 Apple Vinegar, n gal 20 Beet Head Rice, n Tb 06 Octagon Soap, 6 for 26 Hand Sspollo, a cake 074 Sugar Cured Ham. a lb 1114 Sugar Cured Shoulder, a lh 03 Breakfast Strips (best quality), a lb. 13ft Nuts, all kinds, mixed, a tb 12U Florida Oranges, n do* 20 Baldwin Apples, a pk 35 Dried Figs, l-lb, bricks, a lb 11 Seeded Halslns, a pkg 08 1-2 Specially Cleaned Currants, a pkg..08 1-3 Best Clear American Citron, n lh....l7H Beet Quality Prunes, a lb... 07V? California Evaporated Peaches, c. lb.. 10 Best Three Crown Raisins a |b 10 Van Camp's Soups (nil kin<ls), a can..09 Van Camp's Pork nnd Beans, a can..09 Van Camp s Pure Cronm, a can 00 Royal Salad Dressing, u bottlo 20 Irish Potutocs, a pk 25 ’Phone ..Money to Loan.. Do you wish a quick loan on Real Estate? We can make it WILLINGHAM & CONE, LOST AND FOUND. BUSINESS CHANCES. J. R. Odom. Rainey & Callaghan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FRESH FISH. OYSTERS. PRODUCE, POULTRY, FRUIT, VE0ETABLE8, ; ' KALAMAZOO CELERY, EO08. — ICE. 8PECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT-OF- TOWN ORDERS. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN Thon-a 211 and Ut 4St Flrat 8L J. B. Hills, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Telephone 407 129 Cotton < MACON, GA. $1,300.00 TO LOAN RIGHT QUICK. On improved City Property. Three or five years. GEORGIA LAND & TITLE CO. 370 Second Street. For Sale Can sell a brand new house in Vlne- vlllo on good street and community, $1,850.00 This place Is built of flrat class ma terial and is up to date. Can make easy terms with a reasonable cash payment. Vacant Lots They are getting scarce now and es pecially In good neighborhoods on long time. I hn,vo one 50 by 160 for $275, payable $75 down and $10 per month. I have another 74 by 160 for $825— payable $100 in cosh and balance to suit purchaser. Just so It la paid for In two years. These lots are In a grow ing part of town and are enhancing every day. Frank B. West, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, American National Bank Bldg. For Sale Close in Second street lot li.offfl Close In six-room cottage — ■ ■ 2,500 8-room 2-story residence, Spring street, near Mulberry 4.000 Two lots each 50 feet frontage, Spring near Mulberry streeL " v H. Horae, Reale Estate, Insurance and Loans. 563 Mulberry Street. Phone 451. $20.45 Macon to Shrevoport, La., via Southern Railway. Account National Cotton Convention December 12-15, 1904, the Southern railway will sell tickets from all points to Shreveport, La., ut one fare plus 25 cents, for the round trip. Tickets on sate December 10 nnd 11th, final limit December 17, 1904. Schedule. I,eave Mscon ....1:35 p. m. 7:20 p. m. Arrive Atlanta. .4:10 p. m. 10:30 p, m. Arrive Ulrm'hsm 10:05 p. m. 5:20 n. n». Arrive Shrevep’t 12:45 noon, 10:50 p. m Kqually ns good schedules returning. JAH. 1 ft K KM AN, Tntv. Pass. Agent, Macon, Gu. For Rent. 915 Walnut street, 8 rooms $ 917 Wnlnut streeL 8 rooms 20.00 157 llnzcl street, 3 rooms fi.oo 5-room cottago Ash street,,..,. 15.00 EA81 MACON. 303 Fort Hill street, 6 rooms... ,$15.00 5- room cottage Arlington.. .... 12.50 6- room cottage, Emerald 12.50 SOUTH MACON. 614 Tclnfir street, 4 rooms $7.00 640 Pebblo street, 4 rooms .7.00 2177 Second street, 3 rooms .600 2162 Second street, 3 rooms .6.00 B. A. WISE & CO. Exouralan Rat,, to Shrav.port. La., and Roturn, Account National Cotton Convantion, December 12-15, 1904. On account of thla occaalon lh. Cen tral of Onor,lii Hallway will aril tick- •ta at rat. of on. far. plua IS cent, for lh. round-trip. Half ratta for children of ftv, and under 12 year, of age. Ticket! on aale December 10th and 11th: final limit December 17th, 1,04. For further Information call on or addreaa Jno. W. Blount, Traveling Paieenger Agent, 152 Second etreet, Macon, Ga. Geo. B. Turpin Sons, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS, No. 363 Third St. Telephone No. 77. DWELLINGS FOR RENT. No. 272 College 8t., 7 rooms....$45.00 No. 131 High St, 7 rooms 65.00 TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS To loan on Improved city property. Money In the bank—no delay. 52nd rail Is now due and payable at thc drug store of King ft OlIphsnL Geo. 8. lurch, secretary and treasurer. Dec. 3, FOR SALE. Six acres land for $109 per .v*r»* It plated Into lot*, a snap for yo i: r, u .‘r. < with ntor* and dwilling, for $1,000 ; 5 acre* land, close to city. It.t.d; 110-scru ddlry farm, in 30 oiIhuUm drive of city, $2$ per acre; vacant lot. dose In, for fill; nice lot. Artopc Heights, $11#; 18 letk near car line for $eS0; nice home la Bcllcvi* for $750; 2-* a err* land, with >ugb wood on It to puy for It L« ETHRIDGE, rlardemert blda. $1,600.00 Will buy a n!<:o homo In Huguonin Heights, cotixluting of a good two sto ry, nlx-rooin dwelling Oil denlrat>> lot. Terms, $300 ca«b, balam • on long time yearly payments and reasonable Int-r- est. A fine opportunity for a person of moderate means. lfou»» is now rented st $16 p- r month .end would make a good investment. $1,500.00 Will buy a star nnd 4-room dwell ing combined, on corner of Third and Arch streets; all In good condition; close In, convenient to buslne*.', u good stand, and a coiner that will lncieoae In value. Georgia Loan & Trust Co., For Sale The Searcy mill place land, twelve miles from water power with 15 fe story grist and flour m foundation* to fim flo< mill with 5.000 ffet dally 1 >■>. l-.v g pn-iis, e!**v:j on scales. thr •1th 12 acres Macon Fine fill; three- I with stone s and wag- proMperoua /idling* :.t house,, iprln* fcv ata- very- barf&in ncns for sell- r life. For price 1 or address Duncan Real Estate Exchange