The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 04, 1904, Image 16

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L 8 THE MACON TELEGRAPH : SLTNDAY MORNING, DHCTOfRKR 4, 1504. N =*8 Brown Unfinished Worsted Overcoats. SILK LINED TO THE EDGE. Concave Shoulders-* the kind that hu£ your dress collar very close $22.50. Hlso the same style--cut with as much ^race-in BLACK $20.00 to $30.00. Brown Felt Hats and Derbies to match $3*00 to $5-00. Look for above label when you get your SUIT OR OVERQOAT. WILL ENTERTAIN WAIFS AT HOME Children of Vineville Sunday School to Give Xmas Tree THE NEWS AT THE HOME Ladies Auxiliary of the Georgia Indus trial Home is Preparing to Give a Large Christmas Dinner to the Chil dren—Books and Plano Are Donated to the Home—Boys’ Band Will Pos ■ibly Make One More Trip Before the 25th. 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ It is .1 tin ran tec of I'lT. QUALITY .inti GOOD WORKMANSHIP. Ify»u jJefa ••HIGH ART" SUIT or OVIZRCOAT and It does not &lvc you satimTmctlott as to Fit. Qusilty and Workmanship bring It back and get another. • The annua] lodge of sorrow of Ma con lodge, No. 230, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, will be held In Masonic Hall this afternoon, begin ning at 3 o’clock. These memorial ex ercises as conducted by tho Klka have always been of the most Impressive character and the‘attendance attesting the capacity of whatever auditorium employed. Following Is the programme for to day, the Elks to attend as a body, In vitations being extended to all other secret orders and the public generally: Programme. Grand March—"Youth and Beanty” (Rolison), orchestra. Prayer—Rector Wm. Bohler Walker. Opening ceremony—(Ode), Lodge and orchestra. "Bless the Lord, O My Soul"—(Will iams), Double quartette and orches tra. Solo—(Selected), Mrs. C. E. Schofield. Solo—'"Grass and Roses*’—(Bartlett) Miss Sarah Antoinette Bailey wljh violin obligato, Miss FI Ice Matthews. Eulogy—"Our Departed Brothers," Bro. W. A. Davis. Solo—“The Land of My Dreams" (Trevelyan), Miss Ketner. Selection—Orchestra. Fear Not, O Israel” (Splcker), Double quartette and orchestra. Solo—(Selected), Bro. M. G. Ogden. Closing ceremony—(Ode) Lodge and rchestrs. Benediction. The audience Is requested to Join in singing the odes. Officers. Wm. E. Martin, Jr., exalted ruler. W. C. Ragin, esteemed leading knight. F. B. West, esteemed loyal knight. W. T. Anderson, esteemed lecturing knight. F. X. Daly, esquire. J. W. Alftrend, treasurer. C. R. Wright, secretary. W. W. Herts, Inner guard. J. J. Chambers, tyler. John P. Ross, chaplain. F. A. Guttenberger. organist. Trustees—C. R. Massenburg, Morris Harris, 1. L. Dunwody. Memorial committee—Morris Harris, F. A. Guttenberger. F. A. Williams, C. R. Wright. Mr. James L. Baker, of the former Arm of Etheridge & Baker, the promi nent hardware men, was known for his geniality and his excellence as a ettt sen. Hon. C.' A. Turner, eminent at the bar not only of this Community but of the state, has been profoundly mourn ed. His profession Inst one of Its high est ornaments when he was called nway. . Eufsula Elks' Memorial. EUFAULA, Ala.. Dec. 3.—Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Eufnuln Lodge No. 911, Benevolent nnd Protective Or der of Elks, will hold their annual me morial service at thefr 4»ome on Ran dolph street. The following program win be rendered: Processional—Mrs. K. T. Long, pia no; Mrs. Louie Dent, violin. Opening ceremonies—Ritual. Quartette—"Calvary,* 1 ’ Mrs. C. I/ocke, Miss Threatt, Mrs. Sklllmnn, Mr. Rchaub, Brother Dantsler. Ritual. Opening ode—Chorus. b Prayer—Dr. M. I). Wharton. Introductory. Polo—“Plains of Peace," Mrs. Oscar Williams. “Thanatopsls,"—Miss Carrie Berry Bolo, “One Sweetly Solemn Thought* Miss Thweatt. Eulogy—Prof. W. W. Mangum. Solo—Miss Mary Toy. Closing exercises. Ritual: doxology and benediction. The Redmond - Massee Fuel Co. Vulcan Black smith Coal. Oppemheim’s Guarantee is worth 100 per cent. I believe there are»pl*nty of people who know pood Iiqnor and want strictly pure,.reliaWe.goods, and* this is the trade I cater to. Nothiug of>ques- tionable quality is.allowed in my house, hence there is no chance of my custom ers being disappointed in anything obtained here. Under no circumstances«do I make tho slightest misrepresentation regarding any article, and those who once deal with mo become Tegular customers because they are confident of getting-the best. I enjoy a large trade among the discriminating buyers of Atlanta, and also do an extensive shipping business. I want more of this trade and am going to make a special inducement to out-of-town buyers in order to get in closer touch with more people who appreciate and want goods • of quality. I therefore offer as listed.below: $6.50 Worth of High-Grade Liquors for $4.95, All Express Charges Prepaid. 1 The assortment Is taken from myo-esnlar price list, and consists of: Quart. Oppcnhoim’B Mistletoe Ityo _■ .. ..41.00 C years old, absolutely pure, good for medicinal purposes. Oppenheim's Puro Old Corn 41.00 Aged by na in onr own warehouse. j • Strictly pure and old. Oppenheim’s Lincoln County Whiskey — ..41.00 Very choice and well agod. Oppenheim's Olorosso Sherry or Extra Superior Port 41.00 These aro Imported goods, line, old and nutty. Oppcnholm’s Superfine Cognac 41.50 Imported, very flno, our own bot tling. Oppenheim's Gold Medal Malt ... .. .41-00 A superior quality, vnluablo-as a tonic and strength-builder. I will ship tho above assortment, all charges pre paid, to any address upon receipt of 44.95, and I guarantee perfect satisfaction. Every article Is of a superior quality and exactly as represented. I am especially anxious to have orders from thoso who have had difficulty In obtaining liquors that wero satisfactory. The abovo assortment, with tho saving In price that I offer, will serve as a good Introduction to my complete stock. The absolute purity of the goods I handle, and the assurance that I guarantee every transaction, should com mend mo strongly to those ordering goods by mall, as I will take particular pains to see that your wants are promptly supplied and to yonr entire sat isfaction. All shipments are made In plain scaled cases, with no marks to Indicate contents. The following taken from my price list will give some Idea of the completenes of my line: BItANDY. Bottlo. BoutlUler, G. Briand & Co., 3 Star 43.00 A very superior Cognac (our own importation). Henncssy, 3 Star . — ... •; 41.75 Martell, 3 Star 41.75 Quart. . -42.60 RYE WHISKEY. --• Oppenheim's No. 23... ... ... Very old and rare. Oppenheim’s Cabinet ..42.00 Very old and exceptionally fine. Oppenheim's No. 14 41.60 Our leader: a smooth, mild, fine fla vored whiskey, an excellent stimulant. BOURBON WHISKEY. Quart. Oppenheim’s Rtpy 41.75 A rich grain, rare old Kentucky Bour bon. CORN WHISKEY. Quart. Oppenheim’s Very Old 41.50 Very fine and exceptionally old; can not be replaced. SCOTCH WHISKEY. Quart. Adam Baird, "Ye Old Abbey” Brand...42.25 This Is very old. fine, smooth blend; without question the finest Scotch Im ported. Old Curio 42.26 More than 20 years old: a blend of choice highland malts. King William 42.00 King Edward "Glenltvet" 41.60' A blend of choice old whiskeys; supe rior to most whiskeys that cost from 25 to 33 per cent more money. RUM. - Bottle. Saint Croix 42.00 London Dock Jamaica 42.00 loth these rums aro Imported and of ac finest quality. —edford (New England) 41.00 Old, smooth and fine: especially good for eggnog. Orders for my special assortment should contain money order or New York exchange for 44.95. Thoso desiring any of the separato articles listed above will be supplied promptly upon receipt of price. I will take pleasure In mailing to anyone, upon request, my complcto price list Address all orders and Inquiries to I. H. OPPENHEI M, 25 East Alabama Street, Atlanta, Georgia. MEMORIAL OF MACON ELKS pressive Exercises W. A. DAVIS EULOGIST HANDSOME LINE OF GENT’S FOBS AND CUFF BUTTONS AT LAZARUS’ JEWELRY STORE. Do you want to get something styl ish for your brother, cousin or sweet- A i<t<nii from on ta for Most 1m- h * art 7 We have a magnificent line Ajiiuigeiiienis 101 mum 1111 ot fobi and cuft buMons ln Kold and silver, or gold-filled. Brushes, scarf pins, fountain pens, or anything you can wish for, at prices that will suit your purse. Lazarus’ Jewelry Store. We give Green Trading Stamps. Fine and Elaborate Programme of Vocal and Instrumental Music—Four Departed Brothers to be Honored- List of the Present Officers of the Lodge—Accommodations for a Vory Large Attendance. An Enterprising Farmer. EITFAULA. Ala., Deo. 3.—E. H. Jones, who lives just above the city and who ownea one of the best farms In this section, brought in a sample of his own make of cigars this morning, which proves that he Is an expert even In cigar making. He raised the tobacco himself and then made the dram, and they are both well flavored and neatly made. He Is the most up to date fanner In this section of the country. He railca everything he needs for home consumption and the beat. He keeps an accurate account of his business and condition of the weather. Miller Carried Bonds. COLQUITT. Qa. Dec. 3.—Miller county carried by two-thirds of her registered voters yesterday bonds to build a twenty thousand dollar court houi RECTOR OF 3T. LUKE'S, Aahbumham, Ontario, Testifies to tho Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A8HBURNHAM. Ont.. April 1943.-—I think It la only right that 1 should teS you what a wonderful ef fect Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I W »® distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost choked by the cough. The same day I received an order from you ror a bottle of your t'ough Remedy. I at once procured a sample bottle, and took about three •loses of the medicine. To my great relief the cough and cold had com pletely disappeared and I was abl preach three time, on Raster Da; know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your Oough Remedy. I make this te.tttrcr.lal without solicita tion. being thankful to have found ouch a God-sent remedy. Respectfully yours. R. A. LANOKEl.DT. M. A. Rector of st. Luke's Church. To ChamberLln Medicine Co. This remedy is for sal. by all drug The children at tho Georgia Indus trial Home are eagerly looking forward to a great Christmas and those con nected with the Institution are as ea ger! ypreparlng for a day of enjoyment for the llttlo wulfs Intrusted to their care. To both sides the day will bring Joy unbounded, the children In receiv ing an dthce management in giving. In the work of planning tor a brilliant time for the little ones many are en gaged. The ladles auxiliary of the Home will give the children their Christmas dinner and-the Christmas tree will give the children thBsiiht tree will be tendered by the members of the Vineville Baptist Sunday school. Upon this tree will be hung suitable presents for each child at the Institu tion. According to the ages of the In mates will be the gifts selected. For the Utile tots plaything! will be given. For those older presents of a more substantial nature will be picked out. No one will be forgotten. The dinner which Is to be served at noon on tho ttth will be replete with every delicacy offered by the season. From the tur key to the salads the table will be fill ed. No time limit wUl he set for the repast The children know what Is In ■tore tor them and (or days the ap proach of Chrlstnua has been watched with care. Trip fer Band, it Is expected that one more trip through a section ot ihe state will be taken by the boys' band of ths Georgia Industrial Home before the opening of the Christmas holidays. With the past grand aucceeses or the young musi cians those In authority at the home haev no doubt but that another tour would prove equally praiseworthy. Should a trip he taken this month the start wlU be In a fe wdays so that aU might be present during the ftstlv. Itlee on Christmas day. A few days ago the advance agent for the band leR the city and Is now engaged In I looking over the field and preparing ; the path. Vldalla. Eastman. McRae, and other cities may be visited and concerts given. it has been partially due to the suc cess of the band In their past tours that the floating debt of the Institution has been liquidated. At present the standing debt of the Institution le in the neighborhood of I too and should the young musk Is ns prove as good at tendance drawer* sc before this turn will be quickly paid. Gifts to Heme. A few days ago the children ef the I to the Home library a large set of In teresting books and magazines. The books have been placed In the library nnd are proving a worthy addition. An excellent piano was presented the Home recently by Prof. F. A. Gutten berger. THE NEWS IN TIFTON AND BERRIEN COUNTY occupied by W. J. Henderson. In some manner a box of fireworks that had been left In the building became Ignited. If the fire had been discovered a few minutes later it would have, gained ■uch headway that It would have been impossible to save the building and perhaps others as well. Turpentine Operators Hold Meeting— Crude Gum Compsny Formed—Nsr* row Escapo From Fire. TIFTON, Oa.. Dec. S.—Pursuant to a call Issued by S. M. Clyatt, chairman of the Subordinate Turpentine Opera tors' Association, a meeting of all the turpentine operators In this district held a meeting at the Valdes hotel at Valdosta yesterday afternoon. The territory embraced lies between Way- cross and Thomasvllle, and the prime object of the meeting was to set a standard price for the cutting of boxes. Heretofore some operators have paid prices for box cutting that were con sidered by others to be a rather high rate, and for the good of all concerned It became necessary to have a uni form price. Other business of Importance was billed to come before the meeting for consideration, and a large attendance was present. Crude Gum Company. H. H. Tift, E. L Vickers. J. W. Spur lock and J. W. Kennedy have applied for Incorporation as the Wire Virgin Gum Company. The purpose of the Incorporators Is to put in operation new and recent patents for the gath ering of crufie gum. the Inventors be ing Messrs. Spurlock and Kennedy. The capital Is 410.004, divided Into shares o: 4100 per share, with the privilege of Increasing the capital stock to 450,004. Another Narrow Escape. Tifton had a narrow escape Thurs day night from another destructive fire in the business section ot the town. About 11 o'clock fire was discovered Issuing from the Sumner building on Third street In a store room recently When you want a pleasant purgative try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take anj produce no nausea, griping or other disagreeable effect. For sale by ull druggists. The Redmond - Hassee Fuel Co. Vulcan Black smith Coal. "Go South, Young Men." Horace Greeley’a famous advice Is being paraphrased by “Independent ex-Farmer" in the East. A writer in the New York Herald vouches for the need of good, willing farm hands In the South and the cer tainty with which every thrifty worker can become a well-to-do land owner. There la no question that the South at this time Is enjoying unprecedented prosperity. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an election for four alderman, one each from the four wards • of the city, namely. First, lour warus m me tuy, u.iinny, nrsi, Second, Third and Fourth Wards, will be held In the city of Mscon on Tuesday, De cember 13th, 1904. at the following pre cincts and with the following mana- Ftrst Ward, Third and Mulberry—-Man* agert “ * BBT p - - Tati’s Pill stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive or*sn« regulate the bowel*, sod are un equaled as an G. L. Reeves, D. W. Beeland, De- Wltt McCrary. Second Ward, Findlay’s Foundry—Man agers: T. A. Cheatham, O. L. Bright, L. W. Hollingsworth. Third Ward. City Hall—Managers: O. L. Peacock, W. C. Singleton, J. 1L L. Fourth Ward. 625 Cotton Avenue- Managers: John Harts, M. M. Driggars, Js 8. Raley. Polls open at t o’clock a. m., and close at 6 o'clock p. m. BRIDGES SMITH, Mayor. Notes ana /Accounts ax monucciio. ui. By virtue of an order of the District Court of the United States for the South ern District of Georgia in the matter of the Hutchtnson Company of Montlcello. Georgia, bankrupt, ln bankruptcy. The undersigned as trustee or said bankrupt will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the store formerly occupied by said bankrupt, ln Montlcello. Georgia, on De cember 14th, 1904, beginning at 12 o clock noon, all of the stock ot goods. sugar coated. First Baptist Sunday school donated [ Take No Substitute. area and merchandise; all the store fixtures and furnitures, all the notes, ac count* and cboe*a in action, and all ether property of «aid estate. I will offer for Rale said merchandise separately In such lots and classes as win bo most attract ive to the purchasers, x wm also offer as a lot the notes, accounts and ckoses In action, and as another tot the fixtures snd furniture. I will then offer for sale the entire stork of merchandise, the fixt- t urea, notes and accounts, the chose* in ’• artfon and all ether property cf Mid es- >• i **t* as a Whole. That method of sals I which shall realise the most, whether by _. _ . I Iota and classes or as a whole, will bo ANTI-BILIOUS MLDICISE, &S In material Jl.trfcti, thetr trrtu-. ere shaft WM-r at ,iid »*>' «- *«*'> recnxnltevl. as thty.poaa^s ^ r t ' d ol°l2?hS Si"KUS thereof Immediately upon confirmation of said file If said sale shall not be con firmed the ten per cent so deposited will be returned to the bidder M. 6. BENTON, Trusts*. peculiar properties In freeing tho i from that poisoo. Elegantly