The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 04, 1904, Image 7

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 4, 1904. 7 W. G. SOLOHON & CO. We offer subject to sale: 10,0©o City M i* n 4 per cent bonds due 1915 to 1934. 10,000 city of Columbus 3% per cent bondr >00 Mi 1929. BANKS. E. Y. MALLARY, J. J. COBB. President. Cashier, W. P. WHEELER, .\»st. Cashier. Commercial and Savings Bank MACON, GA. Bach year In the Bank’s history has shown an Increase In Surplus, Depos its and Cash Resources. Every accommodation granted de positors consistent with conservative banking. J.M. JOHNSTON, n. J. TAYLOR, President. Vice-President. L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. OSCAR E. DOOLY, Asst. Cashier. American National Bank MACON. GEORGIA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital §250,000.00 Stockholders' Liability §250,000.00 Surplus §126.000.00 Undivided Profits $ 30.000.00 _ _ v directors. J. M. Johnston, Stephen Popper, R. J. Taylor, A. K. Chappell, W. M. Johnston, E. J. Willingham, Gen. Robt Ober. St A. Merritt You cannot do better than put your account with the American National £?.nk. Call on, or address L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. COTTON MARKET WENT EAR DOWN Government Report Causes Extraordinary Slump THE BUREAU ESTIMATE Amounted tQ 12,162,000 Bales—Great est* in its History—Market Went to Pieces Instantly as a Consequence- Good Middling Was Quoted In Ma con at 7%—Looking at the Bottom, GOVERNMENT ESTIMATE 12,162,000 LARGEST IN HISTORY. LIVERPOOL spots closed NEW YORK spots closed NEW ORLEANS spots closed.... ..4.68 ..8.60 Exchange Bank * OF MACON, GA. STATE DEPOSITORY. J. W. CABAMSS. President C. M. ORR. Cashier. DIRECTORS: i. W. Cabaniss, S. S. Dunlap, W. R. Rogers, H. J. Lamar, A. L. Adams, N. B. Corbin, A. D. Schofield, J. H. Williams. M. H. Taylor, Sam Mayer, W. D. Lamar. T. C. Burke. We solicit the business of mer chants, planters and banks, offering thorn courtesy, promptness, safety, ar.d liberality. The largest capital and surplus of any banK In Middle Georgia. THE LOCAL MARKET. The Macon cotton market yesterday r< sponded to the slump in the prices In Now York and New Orleans, and for the tlrst time since tho season opened, did the price of good middling fall below 8 cents. The stock on hand slowly increases. Range of Prices. Good Middling ....7% Strict Middling 7 15-16 Middling 7*; Strict Low Middling 7» t Low Middling 7% Good Ordinary .?V> COTTON NEW YORK, Dec. 3.—The agricul tural department estimates this yea cotton crop at 12.162,000 bales. It Is officially stated that this # estimate s not include the production of llnters, which is probably not less than ,000 bales. The figures therefore may be ac cepted as Indicating a minimum of 500,000. and as in the case of record- breaking yields, the department has never failed to underestimate the crop by from 10 per cent, to 15 per cent., is my opinion that for practical pur poses today’s crop estimate may be taken as indicating a commercial crop at least 12,750,000 bales, and possi bly 13,000,000. With such a supply it Is hard to say how low cotton will go. It. indicates a visible surplus at the end of the year of at least 2,000,000 of American cotton, and such a supply has never failed in the past to carry prices considerably below 7 cents and some times as low as 5% cents. I see no reason why his tory should not repeat Itself, and Ad vise holders to sell as promptly as pos sible and before spinners fully appre ciate the tremendous advantage they now occupy In being able to make practically their own prices for such cotton as they may have. THEODORE H. PRICE. Spot Cotton Movement. W Rccts. Bales Stock on Hand. Comparative Receipts In Macon. To Dec. 3. 1904 69.915- To Dec. 3. 1903 43,290 Money fo Lend on Real Estate; Well rated commerical paper and very low rates on Mar ketable securities. Macon Savings Bank, 670 MULBERRY STREET. New York Cotton Letter. NEW YORK, Dec. 3.—The cotton mar ket was very active and excited today. Liverpool, which wns duo to come 16 points higher, was 8 points lower at the hour of the local *"* * * Tho local You Are The Man we want to Interest In our savings bank. No mnttcr what othor banking con nections you have at present, a sav- Union Savings Bank and Trust Co. decline of lnl2 points. Attention was, of course, directed exclusively toward P reparing for the government estimate a ttle after the first hour, and during the early trading prices shot up and down so Irregularly that it was almost impossible to keep track of the range of values. In a general way. however, they averaged between the opening and last night’s close with considerable covering In progress. As the hour of the report approached, the market quieted down somewhat and ruled around last night’s prices. Futures closed barely steady with prices net 62 to 67 points lower. Before the government report was Is sued. prices had worked down again to the low point of the session. The report, when issued, proved n distinct surprise even to' the hears, showing a crop of 12,- 162,000 bales, exclusive of llnters. and prices broke about half a cent a pound Immediately following Its publication re gardless of the big decline that has taken place during the last month. Receipts of cotton at tho ports today were 65,896 hales against 70,859 ‘ * week and 69.127 bales last year. ___■ the week 376.000 bales against 387.467 bales last week and 332.216 hales last year. Today’s receipts at New Orleans were 17,807 halos against 11,946 hales last year, and at Houston 8.852 bales against This Today Today Today wk. last wk. 1903. 1902. 65,896 79,859 69,127 47,963 Receipts and Exports. Consolidated net receipts «,... 65,896 Exports to Great Britain 35.398 Exports to continent 12,121 Stock on hand nil porta £lne# September 1, 1904— Consolidated receipts ... Exports to Great Britain Exports to France...;...OTV9VW Exports to continent 1,212,599 Exports to Japan... 24,412 Exports to Mexico 10,715 ..4.677.362 ..1.616.446 254.2f‘ Price, Receipts, Sales, 8tocks. The Ports: | Price.|Rccts.|SaIcs.| Stck, M. & B. RY Depot Fifth and Pine Street’s. .. Macon .. Sofkeo Sklpperton .... .. Hardys . Lfxcila “ML".:::: 5 40' 1111. Cultodeii *!!!!! 6 65!.... Yates villa .... 6 ©7. .Upson 6 23!.... Thomaston .... 4 431 Crest < 521 Thunder 7ov.... Woodbury .... 1 «::::• ffifta:.;;::. ffl Galveston . . New Orleans Mobile „ . . Savannah . . Charleston .. Wilmington . Baltimore . ! New York .. Boston . . . Philadelphia Pensacola . . Jacksonville. Port Arthur... Brunswick 1* M 17807 1609 12120 Interior Movement. Houston . . Augusta . , Memphis . St. Louis . Cincinnati Louisville . Recta. | Sales. I gtek. opened easy and closed barely steady. Open. High. Low. Close, January .. February . March .... April May June July August ... December 8.80 8.69 8.24 8.69 8.23 8.47 7.80 ; 21 and 32 daily. Ilttona! Train Ser leaves Macon at 6:46 Additional Train Service.—Train No. 51 •Train __ Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. No. 52 arrive* Macon at 3:j0 p. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Voodbury. I 7 03 Ar. W 4 lOLv... Mae Macon .’oodbur, 7 25 Ar..W. Springs g 50 Ar.. Columbus | ;j‘f ..Lvl 6 101 lOegant roadbed quick time, good service. WM. C. SHAW, Vice-President. If-fflSfcSTHfe.. ATLANTIC A BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY Ar. Montexuma. oi u.. u i "vpm Lv. Montezuma, A. A B.: 3 60am 1 10pm ,\r. Vienna, A. A B I 4 38am! 2 00pm Ar. Cordate. A. A B...... 7e5ara; 2 23pm •Ar. Fitzgerald. A.^A B. J 4 80am! 1 Ar Thomaovflle. A. A B. 12 10pm! 7 25pm Ar Waycroo*. A. A II... 11 laanr 4 20pm XT Brunswick, A. A B ...|145pm‘ Sjiot cotton closed quiet. 40 points dine; middling uplands 8.66; middling gulf 8.86; sales Hone. New Orleans Cotton Futurta. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. J.—Cotton . turr-s steady. December 7.78n79; January 7.S4a85; February 7.91a93; March 8.01*02: April 8.07*09; May 8.14al5; June 8.19*21 July 8.26*28. Liverpool Cotton Futures. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 3—Good hualnei. done In spot cotton; prices 9 points tower, American middling 4.6Sd.; low middling 4.66d.; good ordinary 4.42d.; ordinary 4.26d. The sales of the day were 10 600 bales, of which 2.404 bales were for spec ulation and export and Included 9.509 bales American. Receipts were 62,090 bales. Including 41.144 bales American. Futures opened quiet and closed barely steady; American middling Or. O. C.: January-February Febraary-March March-April ... April-May May-June June-July Juty-Aukust August-September Dank Statement. NEW YORK, Dec. 3.—The statement of averages of the clearing-house banka of thl. city for the week « h ow»: (X)" circulation lilfr'inl Local tender* Increase Decrease a.psn.uoo Reservo required 321.949,626 Decrease Surplus R.SSS-dTS Increase ,,151122 *‘x-U. S. deposits Increase 147,560 (X) Circulation same os last week, no Increase or decrease. , All. Coast Lino ..1M> Canadian Pac .,..134)4 Cent, of H Jersey. 1»1 Cbes. A Ohio » Chicago fc Alton .. 43% Chie. fc Alton pM. *0 Chic. ‘ “ ** Chic Chic. Ohio. .... Chic Term. - . OhlcT.fcTrns.pM 24 C..0..C. **t. Louis. M Col.Southern .... Wyi Col. So. 1st. pf<l... MV fv>l. 8o. ;j(l. sftl.. 344. Pol. fcnud*on....lM! Pel.,Look-West .340 conalderahly mixed. New Orleans Cotton Lettsr. NEW ORLEANS. Pec. 3.—There were sales or snot cotton today on which base quotations on. Sales after hours yesterday were 2,600 halos. Including 350 bales to arrive and 250 hales f.o.b. A heavy slump mnrked the announce ment of the bureau report on the cotton exchange today and a wild scene followed around the ring. In anticipation of a day of excitement, tho floor and the gal leries were filled with Indies. The esti mate of 12.162.000 hales was a surprise, marking by dose to a million bales the largest crop yet raised. Prices foil from 48 to 58 points within a few mopicr.ts after reading the report, nnd renros— about $2.50 per bale. Many excited . .. try bankers were.on tho floor. They had been lending money on a basis of 8 cents and above. January broke to 7.88. March to 8c. and May to 8.13. There were slight recoveries from the figures, hut In the battle at the ringside, prices fluct uated so rapidly that long after 11 o’clock tho market was still In a highly troubled state. Only the fact that tho ginners’ eport hud Indicated a bearish report, on bllng the bulls to protect themselves saved the market from a vory much heavier slump. Futures ope >lnts lower than last evening’s finals, anuary was 11 points lower at 8.82, ad dr-"- - ” 2 pob I ■ day. with net losses of 59 to 61 points. Hubbard Bros. A Co.’s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Doc. 3.—Our market r ned with sales of December at 8.34 40. and after selling at 8.47, ruled A i.02 at 12 noon, nnd closed barely steady. The spot market was quiet at 4 points decline; middling 8.60, last year 12.65. scone of wild excitement followed flip ■_ nouncement of tho bureau estimate of the cotton crop, and three-quarters of nn hour after that was left at the tnwest of tho session, the brokers being too busy to consider the after effects of such a crop as 12.162.600 hales. This estimate does not Include llnters, which would In crease the yield some M0,600 hales, so that wo are facing the effect of a govern ment estimate of over 12,250.000, and tho department has never over estimated a crop. The effect of this estimate would be to drive away in any advanneed buy ing until the market reaches a levd which thd public behoves Is at or Mow the cost of producing cotton. 8plnners will lay In a reservo supply before that point Is reached, and there will be covering of short, sales with which to steady prices, after the effect of this estimate Is felt. We do not believe that It hn* been felt since prices recorded at tho close of tho market today. Nor do wo believe the commercial crop this season will reach 12,506,006 bales, ns there will ‘be n large amount of cotton carried over, should the market decline sharply. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS DsnVor-R. Grande S3J4 0enTer-R.O. pfd.. 88 Erie. WM Frlelst pM...>... Erie 9n pfd Ml* IIoekln*7al!ey... W Hooking Val. pfd.. 91% a Osnt 1*% I own Oe at 30 IownCont.pM.... Knns.CitySo..... 90% Kens. City Bo.pfd. Mi* LouUvtUe-Hoshv. 144% Manhattan /• 1G1> Mot. Securities... Motroplln. 8V#f.llh| l! In neap.-St. L cl Southern Pac.... Southern Southern fly. pfd, Texss-Pnrtfle,.... 37 Toledo,St.L-Wsst 35)4 Tol.flt.L.-%'• Hnlon Tno Union Pac. pfd. ,-Westpfd 65 wheohrc-LFrle.. 19% WtscnnntnOsnt... 33*4 Wts.Ocnt.Ptd .... 415; Adorns 240 American 910 United Stews 136 Wells Fargo 240 Am*l gmtd.Oepper Jltt Am.Car Foundry.. 34)4 Arn/nr Fdfy.pfd. 93^4 n Oil ... 33*4 Ait.T4n. Oil pfd... 3x Am. Iiocomotlve,. a 4>« Am. Womot.nMl03 Ara.Smettlngfcufg JW a. Com MACON BROKERAGE CO 6TCCKS, COTTON, GRAIN 418-420 Cherry st. ’Phone 533 L’hi!::li*»r «>r fiunin^rce Building Correspondents of THE O’DELL COMPANY. Incorporated. Capital $200,000.00 Cincinnati, O. Quickest service !n the South- TVe Invite comparison. No interest charged on stockR. All orders placed direct with the O'Dell Company, assuring prompt and careful atetntlon. Reference—Tho American National Bank. Macon, Go. Gandy. Cream mixed candy in palln. !0o. Rtlck Candy, in barrels, 6)4c. Stick enndy In boxes. 6*;c. Fancy broken mix boxes*, 7e. Mixed candy in palls. 6. 7 and So. Ulssoiirl.IL-T.ptd 6M{ Mexican Central. 33 Nat. It.R. of Mss V.ILB.of Mex.ptd, 4l5i tfswYork Cent. ...140 Norfolk-Wes torn. 75% Norfolk-W pfd... 90 Ontario-Western. 44k5 Pennsylrsnle 138)4 Plttab. ,0.0. fcBt.L. 18 Beading.... Rendtnglst Roadtng2d . (Px?k Island tlock Iftl. Oo. pfd. Bt.b-g.rm. 3d pfd Bt.LoulsSo. Wsta. 27 8Ll.He.Wstn.pM. 8»S Bt.T^H.Frn.lstpfd Bonboard com.... 19% Henboard pfd Anaconda Mtu. Col Brooklyn Hap. Tr. 477* Col. Fuel k iron.. Gone oil dated g*s.2l5 Corn Products.... 33<f Corn Prod pfd.... 19K Pistil tors' Becur.. •»){ General KlsatrU..m Internatnl. Paper 30)^ Intrn. Paper pfd.. 17 Intrn. Tump Intrn. Pump pfd. H5 National Lead.... 24»* North Amerloan..l04 Pacific Mall 47K People's Gas 1U« Bi * 1 Oar. 40ti t r pfd 9191 Pullman Pal. Car.33J Republic Htsel.... 11M Republic Steel pfd mi Rubber Goods.... ts ItubborOds. pfd.. M44 Tenn. Goal fclran fa}; 0. H. leather 149^ C. H. leather nM 96)f U.9. Realty fc Imp 81H U. B. W 17. 8. Rubber pfd. 92 U.H. Bteel ........ BS^ U, B. Steal pld 95 Wuetlrighoust El.183)4 - “ - ‘iH Dry Goods—Wholesale. (Corrected by The Wnxelbaum Ca) tefl 9 : | I TICKINGS.—™ . SKA ISLAND.—S to 8o. CHECKS —to 60. BLEACHWOS—to HUNTS.—to 5lie. Hardwnr* (Corrected bv Dunlso Hnruwarn f WET*LRI t CKeT8.—$4 per dozen. HOPR.JMan'la. tdi^c.; Heael, llo.; cot- wntE.-Darb. 3jic. :pound. im.<*w s r*>CKS.—Itarman, 90e.| Far- guson. TtJ* nost. STTOEO.—Horse. $4.SB* mules $4.25. RUCKET8.—Pnlnt. 11.70 do*.; whit# cedar, tore hoops. $3.20. CHAIN ft. —Trace. $4 to JS do*. OUN POWDER.—Per keg. Austin- crark lot. $5: half kegs. 52.<6: quarter kegs, .J.25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, lalf kegs. $11*9; quarter kegs. $5.76; -lb. canisters. $1. less 25 per cent.; Trots- lorf smokeless powder. 1-lb. cans. $1; ana, 90c. lb. enampion ducking, quarter kegs. [foVELB.—$7 to $11 do*. ARDS.—Cotton. $4.60 pe l"\v I'! nlM, |.<-r lb IRON.—IHc. pound base; Swede, 4Mo. pound* AXES.—$7.60 to $9 00 per dozen. LEAD—Bar. 7He. MQSd. NAILS Wlrs, $2 64 burrul; cut, $$.$0 Groceries ut Wbolas-lr. (Comricd by 8. R. Jaques A Tinsley Co.) These prices are at wnolesols and not to consumer" MEATS.—Di Western Union.. Betundtngis res..164 " ooupoa...iat | i U. 8.8s, ret 164 * I) 8.3s, eoupon...l0lH U.S.uowis. reg.. 130)4 D.r. old is. eoa..13i U*H. new4i, res..105»< O.S. newts, oou.104)4 Atchison, gon. 4s. 103)4 A'adlustmeut «s. 94'; Atlantic coast L.. 99*4 flalt. fc O, 4* 103)4 Halt, fc <>. 3)4*.... 96)4 Cen.ot O*. 6s*...111)4 Don. or dt. 1st Imj 90 Oon. of Go. 2d In.. 73 Ohes. fc Ohio 4 it 1,107)4 Ohio.*AIL Side... Ub.U.fc J.ns^r 4s.. lOOVl O.M.fcdLF.gen.41.110)4 CHICAGO. Dec. $.—Offirlal confirma tion of drouth damage in Ohio, ns shown by the state crop report, emphasised strength In wheat here today. At the close the Msy delivery was up %c. Corn Is down Vi»Hc., und oats are off Wc. Provisions on tho closts wore from 2tt to 7 He, lower. Open. High. Low. Clos. 0% 1.0984 0% 1.11% 11 1 8% 1.09% 0% 1.11% Wheat- Dec. . . „ May . . Corn- Dec. . . VSZ :: %:: July . . Mess Pork— Jan. . .12.97*4 12.97% 12.82% 12.8$ .May . .13.22% 13.22% 11.10 1$.1» 7.02% 6.97% 6.97*^ 29% 31 30% 12.8.4 Lard— Jan. . . May . . Short Ribs— Jan. . . 6.62% 6.92% 6.60 6.62% May . . 6.82% 6.86 6.80 6.82% 7.20 7.16 NEW YORK. Dee. I.—Buying in E oods Is temporarily at n standstill k. likely so to remain until the action of sellers In connection with recent break has been decided. It Is only natural to expect revisions on certain linen, hut the statistical position is strong enough to off set considerable talk regarding wcuk- II9ML TTON SEED OIL. IK, Dec. 3.—Cotton seed oil was easy under freer offerings. Prime crude In barrels f.o.b. mills 18%al9; prime summer yellow 2i%a%; off summer yel- U.,ILI.fcI*-» ... 82 a,ILL fcPao. cl 8s 94)4 0.,0.,0.fc:U.L.gon. J 01 Ohloago rerm. a. 84% Don. Tub-4s. m% Col. southern 4s. 89 Col.Fuels* 86!4 Pfc Itlo Orand 4i 101% Erie Prior Lien 4s 162 Erie (ion. 4s 91*; FLW.fcD. City 1st 109% Hocking Va> 4 l*2slll L fc N Unit4*.... M'htan gold 4s *“ Mox.Oons.4s 14% Mot. On.1st Ino.. 34% Mlnn.fcBt.L4a ... 97 U OI HBl. 81$4 gon.s)4«.101% • sen. 6s..l34 , 4 Ifle ta....105*4 4«. 1»54 Norfolk fc Western consol ts. 1 Oregon Short Lin# 4s fc rnrttn W»% Penn. Oon. 9%s...l43 j n#a<ltnffrea'14s..l03 Bt. Louts fc Ir »a Mounfn oon 3s. 116 Bt. L. fc Has tfeui- Cisco 89H Bt.L.fcB. W. lsts. .. 97% Henbord A L4S..,. 66 Standard OH 437 Ts*. a ?oo. lsta. 119)4 TOI.BI.L.& W.4S... Union Fool flu 4S..106«< Ua-Pac.03av.4i ...116% U. 8. Steel. 2d 6s.. 03)4 Va.Car.UU.Uo 43* - pfd..ll3« Wabash 1st*......117' Wabash hob. D... 6s’ Wheel.* Lk.cus.. 93! Wlsooa. Cen. 4s.. O'l; MACON LOCAL MARKET8. Georgia 4% pe, Georgia 4* Georgia 3 Georgia 4 Georgia 3 State of Georgia Donde. 191.V . . 1922. pc.. 1928 to 192$. iom..... I pc.. 1926, % pc.. 191 ..lit 12A j .166 109 ..115 116 i*t».»4Do:::::xi*H imk Local etocKs ana Bonds. Wesleyan Female College, I pc., denomnation Jan’y and July coupons, price owing to date of maturity to: i“j 13'. 96 Hi* NAVAL STORES. CHARLESTON. I>ec. 3.—Spirits tur tine and rosin markets, nothing doing. WII.MINOTON. D.C. §.-#pIrlT, turpm- tlnc m.rlurt -lul.-t at K cent. rcrMi ,4. Koain firm at ,.4S bid; rcclnt, ,.44. Tar Arm at l.N; receipt. 4IC. crude turpen tine Arm at l.tO to S.M; receipt. 111. SAVANNAH, Dec. S--tiptrlt. turpen tine market nrm nt 4T cent*: receipt. 4J»; Mlc. ,dt shipment, 40. Itu.ln llrm; rc- cefpt. t.MJ: ulc. *,81»: shipments. »S«. Clrelnn. quote: A. H. d. ,.|5; D. 1.42H; E.l.U; r. ,.40; (i. ,.*S- H, I. li; K. ,.M: M. 4JW; N. 4.6b; fvindow Olaii. 4.76; Water Whit., ,.t». STOCKS AND BONDS McCaw ManfiCo Moeon Gas A Water consols.. Railroad fttooK*. Southwestern It. It- stock......118 Georgia Rnllrond stock ....264 Atlanta A West Point 11*11 rood stock ....15$ Atlanta A West Point Railroad debentures 107 ugUHta A Savannah Railroad stock 115 Georgia Southern A Florida 1st preferred stock 99 Georgia Southern lull raid id preferred stock 69 Georgia Southern Railroad com mon stock 36 H‘Uihoard, common.... 18 Seaboard. prcferro.J $8 Southern Railroad pref........ 96 Southern Railroad, com 86 Railroad Bonds. Central of Ga. 1st mortgage 6 per cent.. 1943 119 Central of Georgia collateral trust 6 pc., 1937 110 Central of Ga. consolidated....Ill S entral of Ga. 1st Income 99 cntrsl of Ga. 2d Income.*..., 71 Central of Ga. 3d Income 58 Ga. Southern A Florid* let mortgagn, 6 pc.. 1910..114 Georgia Railroad A Banking Co. 6% per cent.. 1910 108 Ooe&r. Stenmnmp Ca. let $ per cent.. 1910 ...........105 Georgia Railroad A Banking Co- t per cent., 1922 117 Georgia A Alabama consols. 6 per cent., 1945., 112% 113% Seaboard, h por cent 108 Southern R. R., 5 pc., 1944 HI City Bonos. Macon 4% pe.. 1926 197 con 5 pc.. 1823 116 Macon 6 t>er cent. .....•••*.*..119 Savannah i pe.. 199V 19$ Augusta, pros as to rate inter est and maturity .196 Atlanta, price ar to rat# inter- caL$&TCT«i:::::::;::lS Lumber Quotations. (Corrected by Males A Felton Lqm. Co.) Common framing, sited. .*.....$13 and up Common boards, rough........ 12 and up Common framing, rough..*,... 12 and pressed and matched flooring. .$11 to Dressed end matched cefttng.... 19 to Square edge weather Lor.Minx: . 1) to Bevel edge weather bonrdin* no to $1$. No. 1 sawed pine shingles....$2.6*) to $3. No. 2 sawed pine shingles.. .$1.50 to 1 No. $ t — First nnd third Tuesdays of each month, Cotton Belt Route sells round trip Homeseekers’ tickets to points West and Southwest at rate of ons fare, plus $2.00, stopovers both ways, 21 days return limit. Two trains dally from Memphis, morning and evening, making ednnee tlons at Texarkana, Shreveport, Greenville, Dalles, Ft. Worth, Corsi cana, Waco, for all ;»olnts In Texas, Parlor cars on day trains, sleepers on night trains, chair cars on nil trains, running through to Texas without change. Write for literature descriptive of the country, map, time table and ruto* to uny point. L. P. 8MITH, T. P. A., Cotton Belt Route, 203 Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga, NEW YORK. tore market was Irragi . .. . sequence of mixed trading for the account of prof*fftf|onal*. Liverpool advlcea were distinctly bearish and reflected a dispo sition among the foreigners to look for * bearish government crop nport. The early market was weak and lower, andL there was a lot of selling by wreak ers. The weather conditions ere rather unfavorable, that there was a great deal of rain In various parts of the heft. The movement was fair, but large exports were still the sutw5mr was still the subject of much favorable comment Tlu» hoi demand was only moderate and offering of spot cotton was moderate. The spinners’ Interest was rather alow In talking hold. The government report wan much greater then expected, indicating a crop of 12,- 1*2.990 baits. On these figures the mar* Vet broke badly and the market showed but llt**e 4ixr r dtton to recover, fn Ike *aUt; part .of tne (Ley there wo* none buytac to Ik* rw«Uon tlt«ory, but Um fnark^t wan .Iron*, but thft .’renfth wa. mrevni nnd a few of the moat prominent ntoek. cloned the day nt fractional de cline. from laM nldhi The nlrennth In the market grew out of condition. In the tradre’ C °* 1- cot>ptT SDd ln>« and nteel . J" * h * droppn affected by there tr»dre three wm .a. proflt-taklnc. u In lAMttavfU* nnd Na.hvtlie. which clored low«- .fur < -taking »« In whl ‘ naetiiallon. Tlu p,rtmaiftnt, rettmnte of n cotton rap of conalderahly ov.r hale. ■Rd thepnwpect thu.afforded to the cot- 1U atilngloi nuu inu rruii*—wn>tic«aia. (Quoted by Reush I r'd x'-s Co.) LEMONB —Per box, 14 6 PEANUTH—North Carolina. 6%a lb. fSnU. 6%c. PRL'NEB.—6 ta $«. P« il57c*^r, *» .«»««»Wrottmi ini !§|KEbSP&B not_thc beirect of conlllctlnit mirmlrc. the lc:htgb cL! '.i^ h N»Tl (( itJcn' cSnMny .ouenra . new hlnh record for the year on account tenance of The lane* '— and Montana, . . jct» and the main fop Men rails, ‘.i. .*!• od dcrLiratlon on Roetoo t snbKliIlary stock. ^ hr ‘/\ r :« '* Amalgamated 01 these quarters of the ■SaSSL*? 1 ®^ a Hat of miscellaneous p 1 * movement wax Irregular. tiSSjm** 1 , ** lM * The tot* $99^06 ate) AI’I’LKH —Per barrel. 97.16. HAIHINK.—New crop, 11.75 box. BANANAS—Bunak. $1.'.o to $1.73. ONIONS-Per bushel, $1.25 TfOBS.—Florida, li M box. IAOF -Virginia, pound. MORS-—Florida, per hex. 14.66. NEW POTATOES.—Per sack, $2.06. SPANISH ONJONS.f—PsPr - rate, $1.73, TITRNlPg.—Per sock, $l.8Q. Ltquore—1«. fl.tO to $1.66; gin. $1.10 to 11.73; North Carolina corn, $1.16 U> $1.60; Georgia corn. $1.60. „ . WINE.—73c. to $6; high port and sherry. 75c. to 11 : r, tr ^, |16 a case; American $16.56 per cose; cordials, $12 p* Utters. $7.56 per das. Baron* sodas, fc. oyax^r era' x»* •odas. CVnO. rnsps, N. V. < r o', star. 7% TUBS.—Paintedfl $5.10; cedar, $2.50 Extra short ribs...' 7% 18-20-lb. rib bellies 8 18-22-lb. rib bellies. 8',, 25.30*lb. rib bellies 8 Any of the aoovo cuts, smokod at lc. advance. HAMS.— Fancy stigar cured..*. 12 Standard sugar cured 12% . . _ Picnic hams 8% LARD.—Fancy tierces 8 66-lb. tubs 8% 80-lb. tubs 8U 3-lb. this 8", 3-lb. tins 9* Flake white tierces c The same addition for other alzcs aa on pure laril. CORN.—Aacknd white 70 No 2 racked mixed 70 special quotations made on carload lots. roof 65 illo clipped 62 1. b white 48 quotations on car lots. HAY.—Choleo timothy ,.93 No. 1 timothy 90 Clover hay 85 Pralrlo nay 70 Georgia hay 75 Npecial quotations on car lot*. BRAN.—Pure wheat Mixed hrai Je rsey a*.« _ JSS. . Rclldole stock food MEAL.—Water ground Juliette... Steam ground 71 FLOUR.—Private stock pastry $fi.26 Royal OWl standard 6.90 No. 1 patent 5. SO One-half patent 5.40 Straights V Low grndo BRT8T8.—lIudnutM. barrels Hudnuts, casks RICE.—Fancy head Choice head Medium ,.... Low grade ...... SUGAR.—Standard granulated $2.0*1 4IH .$1.20 1.10 i<fX , 1.10 Ware & Leland, CHICAGO—NEW YORK Cotton Graii Stocks Coffsa Members— Chbago Hoard of Trade, ; New York Cotton Exchango New York Coffee Exchange Now Orleans Cotton I'lxeharfga St. Loui * Merchants' Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Private Wires to Principal Points New York Office Macon Office 51 Wall st. 415 Fourth at. WRIGHTSVILLE AND TENNILLE RAILROAD COMPANY. / Effective September 11. 1904. 3 | 1 | STATIONS. | 2 | 4 Dry Itlnd I.... Dry Mil; 12 to 13c ~rwm suit, nil weights 8% to 9c ireen salt, not cured 6%< mmagod hides, according to value. oxt skins 10 to $5o 'jeep skins 10 to60o WOOL.. Washed, per lb .....IS to24o JEAT8.—Dry salt ribs... 7% TO SOUTHWEST ow Settlers Rates First and Third Tuesdays BY WAY OF MEMPHIS GEORGIA. FLORIDA A ALABAMA R'Y, 3 | 1 | 8TATION8. | 2 | 4 4 61 n < t LV. 9 'IVIT7*. A - *2 9 *$ !!!!*d $7^ 9 41 ...War 43 9 4$ P MIA MILV/ A 3 381 7 50 Cuthbert ... 4 66 7 •*(..Central Junction 4 17 t 10} Randolph ... 4 *5 8 17 Carnegie ... if I 8 47 T«irm«n 8 58LC. R. U. Crossing. “ * Arlington .... nowena Damascus .... Warren’s Mill. . 9 48 Corea 6 64' 9 5‘*l ColnuJIt 6 631 10 09|.. Nlcholasvflla .. 6 OK to Ilf..... Sfbrock 6 21116 261.... Eldorendo .... « 32110 38 Lynn • naifiY 44 ....White’s Mill.... 6 45110 61 .West UalnbrMgo. ~ ~2 11 00 .... Balnbridgs .... 7 !1 o4 ....Draw Hrlilge.... 11 26 Rower 1* 04 Hinson .... 12 16 ..... Havana .... It 4|| Baxon 1$ Mj.. Taliafcaasea ^ .8^-. IS- 7 24 7 36 . TenpUIe .. . Harrison . Donovan .. Wrlghtsvlllo 8 14 , •8 25 . ]8 40 . ! ...Spring Haven... Tonnllle—With Central of Georgia, Au gusta (Southern und Bandersvllle Rail ways. Brewton—With Central of Georgia Rail way <Oconee Division). Dublin—With Macon, Dublin A Savan nah R. It. and Dublin A Southwestern Railroad. . Empire—With Southern Railway. . Hnwkinsvlllu—With HawklnsvUlc A Florida Southern and Southern Railways. For further Information regarding rates, schedules, etc., writ* or apply to C. C. DALEY, Com. Agt., Hawklns- vllle. Ga. W. J. KESSLER, Cora. Agt., Dublin, Ga. H. V. MAHONEY, Oon. Poos. Agt., Dublin, On. Georgia Southern and Florida Railway. READ DOWN. LOCAL TIME TADLE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 23rd, 1904 6ead UP. Ji* 8TATION8. I 2 1 . , w AM |P M[A Mi A M !i iRKSIHU* «» r ii X 10 Lv Vtenmx Lv 2 22 2 08 9 10 1 46 Lv Cordate Lv| 2 681 l'$$| | 10 .,LvI 1 251 1 8 29 4LVI 1 1Z 1 8 14 Lvl 1 051 1 14 8 07 Lvil2 3o;i2 40) 7 30 Jjvfll O0.It 13' 7 04 ..lA 11 04 12 01 C 52 . Arabl ... Worth ... Ash hum . Tlfton ... . Ixmox .. . 'dparka ,, ... Adel ... Valdosta Valdosta .►..Ar .►..Lv ....Lv ....Ur 11 00)11,05 A M ’ *H CSj o'osl J.V ’8 371.8 <0 Lv S 20 L 8 23 Lv < 7 46l*.7 f»0i A MiP *M| Lv 6 2o| l 4 45 LV Valdi 6 51 5 14 Lv.; I*»ke V 6 08 3 28 Lv Jenu 7 15 e su Lv*. 1211*11111 '.1.1 * ivhit(-'frnrings*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!L\ 7 521 7 00 Lv Lake City U\ 8 45 7 52 Lv Lake Butler L\ 9 291 8 16 Lv..... Hampiion City Li 10 6*1 0 06 Lv..Grundln !’.1lv 10 06 9 10 Lv FI ora home Lv 10 50 0 50 Ar Palutka Lv A M|P M A MIP Ml eon Macon and jacKsotiviiie, ana oarrins ruiir h between Macon and Tlfton, en route between irh Coaehea and Parlor Hleop*;r» be- Pullmnn Buffet Drawing Room ween Jacksonville and Bt. Ixiuis, Mo.. Vice-President. J. II. RAFFTKRY, D. P. A. Jacksonville, Fla. HARRY BURNS, T. P. A., ? MIA M 8 84:11 36 9 16 11 20 8 11 11 10 8 05! 11 04 7 69110 58 7 48(16 46 7 38! 16 24 7 27116 2$ 7 69 10 19 6 67 s 69 6 42 9 47 6 31' 9 41 « 32| 9 34 « 22 6 23 « 121 9 13 6 01 9 00 6 62! 8 54 6 40 8 42 6 241 8 89 6 *7 8 29 5 20| 8 22 f» I61 8 14 “ 1 11 7 3 7 7 r. 7 * . ©viRAL 0 * Georgia. RAILWAY ^EFFECTIVE OCT. 23, 1904. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAIN8, UNION STATION, CORNER OF PLUM AND FOURTH STREETS, MACON, GA. (Standard. 90th Meridian Tims.) 1 3:30am ARRIVE. From Savannah and Augusta... From Savannah, Augusta, Cov Ington and Mlllednevllle ♦ 1:10pm From Eatonton and Mllladgsvllle.t 7:60am From Madison and Athens * 7:15pm From Atlanta and Griffin »12:25am From Atlanta and Griffin * 4:00am Prom Atlanta, Thomaston •11:10am From Atlanta. Thomaston • 7:25pm From Birmingham, Columbus. ..,*l2:35am From Birmingham. Columbus....* 4:15pm From Montgomery, Andalusia, ^ Florola, Albany •12:50am From Montgomery, Andalusia, Hartford. Albany.... • 4:05pm Prom Albany and Amtrlcus * 7:40am DEPART. Por Savannah, Augusta, Dublin.*12:55am For Gordon. Augusta, Savannah. Mllltdgevllle, Eatonton ana Covington *11:15am For MIlTsdgevllls. Eatonton t 7:30pm For Madison and Athens........* 8:10am For Griffin and Atlanta • For Griffin and Atlanta • 1 1 om For Griffin and Atlanta • 4:25pm For Thomaston, Atlanta * 8:GOam For Columbus, Birmingham • 3:45am For Columbus, Montgomery. * 1:13pm Por Albany, Florala, Andalusia and Montgomery • 4 loam Por Albany. Hartford. Andalusia, Montgomery •11:30am For AmerlciJi and Albany • 7:35pm foi; a Between Tallahaesce and Carrabelle. South Bound. North Bound. STATIONS, _ 61 Lv. , 2 60 ... Tallahassee .. 3 2i|....Spring HIU.... ... 1?minrdvtlle ! 2 50 Arran ... ( 1 59 .... Mlllgrove . ‘ “( Ashmore .... "".asam::: !L: I 38 1* 2 m(p m 1 3*)’ 5 09 .& at it* 12 39! 3 68 12 21 3 39 12 221 2 23 12 It! 3 14 IS 66 I M , ldaclntyer ....12 621 2 46 . - „ ..K./XsnoA Ill 45 * U 3 6$ .... Carrabelle ....111 30! 2 00 ~ M|Ar. Lv. A MIP M Nos. 1 and 2, G. F. A A. Ry.. dally f enger: Nos. 37 and 28, mixed, dally eptBuMjgr. J. P. WILLIAMS. President. W. f4. LEGO. General Manager. GEORGIA R. R. AND ATLANTIC COA8T LINE Schedules In Effect No. 1$, '04. K: »: ii^aai nmfi Lv. Augusta Lv. FJorenff Lv. Fsyetllr ar e»ta»;Frg Ar JRIch ond Ar Wadk’taa if IR= II:— MW::::: and Jacksonville. PI*., on trains leaving Macon 4:15 a. m.; arriving Macon 12:25 a. m.. Between Macon and Birmingham on trains leaving Macon > 45 .1 m.. irrlving Macon 12:35 a. m.| between Macon and Albany on trains leaving Macon 4:10 a. m . arriving Macon 12:50 a. m.; from Atlanta on tralna arriving M.icon 4:00 a. m. Par- lor car on train leaving Mscon for Atlanta 1:30 p. rn. and 11:35 .1. m. train for sa vannah. C. A. DEWBERRY, C. T. A„ E. P. BONNER, D. T. A., JOHN W. BLOUNT, T. P. A. Ticket Offices, 352 Second St. and Union Station »§r SOUTHERN SCHEDULES OF TRAINS INTO AND OUT OF MACON, GEORQIA. In Effect October 1st. •Dally, fdundajr only. |Dally except Sunday- . W. C. RAG IN, Sol. Agt. Departures Going North Departures Going South f% ftr A. M.. through train to Clncln* A If") r.atl 'i rryng 4** j.f hr , i „, th* 0u t change) and Pullman sleepsrs. A |r A. M., through train tc Jackson- ' n vl ''*- day coaches with- " oi.t change; a!«o Pullman sleeper. This trim also carries Pullman Sleeper to Brunswick. 0 A. M., local train, Macon to At* A All lin'.a, carrlos nice day coaches and U * V » ;ir.,n f*** /.tlOn COT (SS*t rate to Atlanta 23 cents), to New York via Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia. n A*■ A. M , local train. Maccn to Y.lM E‘ron»wlck. making all the stops, /#vw connects at Jes^p with train for Jacksonville. 1 *”■ P. M„ through train Macon to 1 .1^ Chattanooga, carrying Pu\\m*n slreper» from Macon to St. Loulo. n 4A P. M., local train, Macon to Haw* J*CV klnsvllle, making all stops. 1 4A P. M.. local train from Macon to I.OU Atlanta, carries nice day coaches ELEGANT SOUTHERN RAILWAY DINING CARS, ALL THROUGH TRAINS. 1 • « r !:10utn— N* 14 frum Cl:.- In:.atl. Chattai.-oga and Atlanta. Arrival of ) j- - ■ >i y- ^ ute, KJMUP - m •• Is. Iran, v.vr 1 Tk. A.h-vW" „nd Atlantn r n T • l - l f, l m No S. (rent All.nt'i -i.J HI Ikrato So. Ry. Tr ains \ {, ■ •: sr. vtf z rt . A ,r- 1 I M n '•.'••• 1 f< ’ Ulnr-.r > J. W. JAMISON, city Ticket Agent. Q R PETTIT Oepot Ticket AgenL JAMfcS FREEMAN. Tr«v. Pjm Agent Macon. Gj CITY TICKET AND PASSEN'iEH OFFICE 5<»-' CHERRY STRfcET. 1 . TELEPHONE 42 4.