The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 06, 1904, Image 7

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V — THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1904. w. G. SOLOHON & CO. Wt offer subject to sale: , J0.OW.euy Macon 1 per cent, bond* due 1925 to 1934. | 10,000 City of Columbuj per cent. bonds, duo 1931. , 10,000 Macon Gas & Water consols, due C0TT0H MARKET WAS IRREGULAR mo. We w,nt S. W. R. R„ Ga. R. R„ .... t - n , . , « bond».' m * l ' lorlrta Btocl “- 8tat ® Ga - Closed Steady at Decline of BANKS. 18 to 29 E. Y. MALLARD, J. J. COBB, President, Cashier. W. P. WHEELER, A,at. Cashier. DAY F0U THE BEARS Commercial and Savings Bank MACON, GA. Reports of Disorganized Southern Spot Markets—Evidence That Those Who Had Been Fighting the Decline Were Dumping Over Their Cottorv— Session of Exohanges Marked by Violent Fluctuations. Each year In the Bank’s history ha8 shown an increase In Surplus, Depos its and Cash Resources. Every accommodation granted de- posltors consistent with conservative I NEW ORLEANS spots closed banking. MACON BROKERAGE CO STOCKS, COTTON, GRAIN 418*420 Cherry st. 'Phone 533 Chamber of Commerce Building Corr*";j i ->f THE O’DELL COMPANY. Incorporated. Capital $200,000.00 Cincinnati. O. Quickest service In the South. We fcovlto comparison. No interest charged on stocks. All orders placed dkect with the O'Dell Company, assuring prompt and careful atotntlon. Reference—Tho American National Bank. Macon, Ga. The shorn d< oJUv wre « Ing under the of cotton bills sal of posslb .1'- of l"» k Srntlment ’ on that nccou in the price of ex- lay and again this morn- irgely augmented supply deflnlto dismls- tV exports from the Ware & Leland, CHICAGO—NEW YORK Cotton Coffee he money 1 surance and contributed to the later rally in ft«cks. The cotton rs proved rather hard ■ the weight of the re alising which was encountered The IJr ldinir movement then became the oen- , ter of Interest. Its rise to noar v 83 was not accounted by any news regarding the property, and there was a disposition to gar«l the movement as Involving a earn- New York Office itgn against an outside line of bucket I 51 Wall st. shops. Some of the pfbeT^eoalers, in both | , Members— Chicago Board of Trade, w York ivttnn F.X' bnnge New York Coffee Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange St Louis Merchants’ Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce. Priv.itc Wires to Prir.cionl Points Macon Office 415 Fourth st. Orocerte* at Wholesale. Theai ! Tinsley Cc.) to t nolusale and MEATS -Dry salt ribs the Anthracite Rltumlnoua group I LIVERPOOL spots closed 4.25 NEW. YORK spots closed 8.10 ...rvi J.M. JOHNSTON, R. J. TAYLOR, President. Vico*PresidenL L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. OSCAR E. DOOLY, Aest. Cashier. THE LOCAL MARKET. The Macon cotton market was wreak | yesterday and there wras diminution of receipts, shipments and sales. American National Bank Range of Prices. MACON, GEORGIA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital $250,000.00 Stockholders’ Liability $250,000.00 Surplus $125,000.00 Undivided Prom*. $ 30,000.00 , „ directors. £• «. Johnston. Stephen Popper, A. K. Chappell, Good Middling 7%a' Strict Middling 7%r Middling 7%a Spot Cotton Movement. Recta. Ship. 307 131 j. Taylor, A. K. Chappell, W. M. Johnston, E. J. Willingham, ~” * MerrltL Stock on Hsnd. account with the American National j Dec! 6, 1903 IBank. Call on, or address I- P. HILLYER, Cashier. Comparative Receipts In Macon. Exchange Bank , __npi To Dec. 5. 1904 I To Dec. 5, 1903 OF MACON, GA, STATE DEPOSITORY. J. W. CABAMS8. President C. M. ORR. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. Cabaniss, 8. 3. Dunlap, V. R. Rogers, A. L. Adams, A. D. Schofield, M. H. Taylor, W. D. Lamar. H. J. i.amar, N. B. Corbin, J. H. Williams. Sam Mayer, T> C. Burke. New York Cotton Letter. . NEW YORK, Dec. 5.—The cotton mar- I ket ruled active and excited during the I entire session, as a result of further read- I justment, growing out of Saturday's gov I ernment estimate of the crop, placing It I about a million bales aboae any previous I production and as much above any years takings on record. The opening — , J0a60 points Tn -- . . I low cables. Liverpool reported a decline ranging from about 33 to 42 points, and spot cotton was 43 points lower. There was a very active demand on the opening Wo solicit tbo business «, - , \ chants, planter* and banks, offering I break locally. This seemed to^come fi™"} thorn courtesy. promDtness. safetv. T« c ?ht heavy sellers, while people who Vh7 n, |£ l "r*t' “^1 h'J bor^.K'Thi droll no of the Sd lurpl*" y if ony &?"!„ SfddU | {*» d c&V "to Georgia. last trade evl- showed gooil uhove the I-.. A — rather indifferently held. Bonds were heavy. .Total sales, par value. .$5,115,000. United States 6* and Atchison.... AtchUen pfd J03 y - - \Llne ..»£% Ml. OB' - BMtlmcre fc C Ware A Leland’s Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Dee. 5.—After the Wash ington estimate, the break of fifty points this morning was not a surprise. In fact, tho general steadiness after the early break was moro of a surprise than the break , itself. As the trade ha* been ' ,lng for some time on the belief that .... crop was about 11,500.000 balm, and the bureau would be about 11,300,000 bales, there Is too much change In the possibility of 12,500,000 bales to permit anything but demoralisation for a while. The. full effect of the surprising yield of cotton cannot he felt all In one day. In tho event of free selling In the South we may have a demoralized market for a week or two. Prices will go an much below whero they Rhould as they went last veer. From 15 cents last year, .... was inflation, and yet it was impos sible to prevent people from buying cotton for higher prices. They lost their heads. Now, we are likely to see the same thing on the other side. Prices will go ns much too low as on w crop of 12,000,000 hales os th^y went too high on a crop of 10,000.000 hales last year. On any further break now, price* in the South will be lower'than for years and when cotton in New York selling for 7 cents, this means a price In the South that will not pay the Cost of glowing. Hubbard Bros. A Co.’b Cotton Letter. NEW YORK. Dee. 5—Here, after tho opening, the presence of largo orders to cover shorts was felt in bringing about Denw-lhO. pfd.. *741 mamr “ mint rather rh* 40% goss?p t of*a coming Increase* in thJ^aM? *«, * K V 76 L Nort . h more and Ohio dividend. A number of corn, $1.10 to $1.50, Georgia MS“the ,to l2SBir*‘"UtUl“wiNE.-no. to 15; w, h wt„„. 51.25; SJgKLftJ tho four'll In V, 5° old 4s advanced % and the new 4s regis tered VL P p ** cent, on call. The total sales of stocki today were 1,673,500 shares. s sham reaction. From this point rather a steadier tone developed, although fluct uations were rapid, there was not the same uneasy feeling.. After such a de advance* have been made above this basis In the South Is not pressel for sale. ~ the theory that It would not be, a L _ amount of cotton has been bought, flpinner buying was not so much confirm the Idea of a crop even nlrger than its present estimate. The last hour showed tne pressure from soattered hold bitters, $7.50 per Cos. Barona sodas. 6c. Southern Pee MW I 8nuth6rn &?..„•• I Southern Ity. pM. 17 Barona menacs. To. Barona oyster crnckera, 6c. N. B. C. sodas, fltAc. Ginger snaps, N. . Excelsior oyster. 7%o. Assorted eases. 8c. Sugar cakes. 8o. Tol.St.T,. .WeetpM »t% Union Pec 114% I Union Pee. pf«l.... M% I chio. fcdt. Wn%.. W chlo*n. w 0t0'» Chle. Mtl.kBt..P..lT4Jt Ohle. M.AB.P. pfd 1J4 OhioT*rm.ATine. It OhtoT.kTms. pM 23 C.,O..O.Hiat.TKiul«. 00 Col.eonthern ...» W Col. Ho. 1st. pfd. Pen v*r-n. Oran de 34 Erie P.rleUt pfd...* Erie 9n pfd M 1 / Hocking Tolley... ff,*- Hoehing Val.pfd.. IlllneU Gent Wi lloweOeat IowaCenLpfd. Kans. City Ho,:... Knn**. City8apfd. M 6«!4 Texss-Paelfle .... 37b ■ ■■ PHMM T1 kO. t$*4 TolM«,8t.L-We*t StH StnadlJnPe«....13^ ' r '" ^ T M Candy. W*hn*h —. . Wnhnsh pfd Wi I Wheel*rg-T..Erl*.. 201 WU.-onsln Cent... 93V% I Win. Cent. Pfd . Adams..... Cream mixed candy In palls. 10a. Stick Candy. In barrels, 6Vfce. Stick candy in boxes, l^c. Fancy broken mix boxe*. 7c. Mixed candy In palls. 6. 7 and 8a. American 2D United *tntes...*.120 Welle Fargo Amnl ffmtd.Cooper 803* Am.Carroundrr.. 3t^ Am.CarTdnr-oM- WH Am. Cotton Oil ... 86'4 Am. Cot. Oil pfd.. *8 American Ice 734 Amerlean Ice pfd. 3314 | Am T in. oil 18 Am. bin. Oil pfd... 41 SHEETINGS.—4-4, 5 to 6^c. DRILLIN08.—«V4ate. TICKINGS —4U to 12c. SEA ISLAND.—-5 to 8o. CHECKS—4H to 6o. BLEACH1NG8.—iK to Ic. PRINTS.—to 5Hc. Am. I/Hvimotlve.. Am. bocomot. nMlOl^ Ara.8meltln(ARf( **’ Am.8mltg.AR.pfdJ Am. sugar Itfg. boui*flllo-Ha*hv.l« Manhattan 16JJ4 Met. Seourlties... Ilvfc Ifetroplln. 8t.Uy.H3fj w _ jnr si . . T elose. with the trader* looking for a. sharp reaction In Liverpool tomorrow. ifIntfeap. ~ftt T-. Mlnn.PLP.Afl.B.av vj M 8. P A8.H. M. pfd. 147 , — •-estimating dently dumping over thetr eotlon. The I general uncertainty was increased by re- „ I ports of disorganized Southern spot mar- Mayiav in T an/I nn R ft,s - ftn<J before the wavo of selling could money 10 Lend OH bo checked, the near months were selling J I about 41 to 60 points net lower, with December quoted at 7.50 nnd January at n . .. , ftn irregular rally at The covering of large blocks by the bears renssureu tho longs I of some extent and New Orleans sent I somo less bearish messages to tho effect Well rated commerinal nflUfif I that some Southern banks would stand * , bUimiiOAioai pupur by | nter j or holders. On every bulge of to Lend on Real Estate: GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Rust Damage In Argentina Caused Ad vance In Price of May Wheat—Corn Oats and Provisions Down. , , by interior holders. On every bulge or and verv low rato^ on J\lar- I to 1 R points, however, the hears seemed , uu ,v, V luw , a uu * LUUl to bo putting out fresh short lines, nnd ketable securities. I further declines would follow. The mar- ket worked up sn Irregular wsy, notwtth- Macon Savings Bank, 670 MULBERRY STREET. standing this until price* were anoui is to 29 points from the lowest, with Decern* her quoted at 7.6R and January at 7.77. This recovery seemed to attract fresh pressure from parties who had been wnit- ■■ bulge to sell short on. and was followed by another decline taking prices back to within a few point of the pre vious low record. Toward the close thero was further covering, and the market was Anally very steady nt net declines of 29 to 36 points. 8ules were estimated at 760.000 bales. Receipts of cotton at tho ports today ..ere ,62934 bales against 62.445 hates ln*t week and 50.559 hales Inst year. For the week 380,000 bales against 387.487 bales last week and 332,216 bales last year. Today’s receipts at New Orleans were 16,274 bales against 15.822 bales hut f ear, and at Houston 12,118 bales against 1.188 last year. The Ports. Missouri P*o 1*8 Missouri, K.-T.... 14' Missouri.K.-T.pfd 01 Mexican Central. 2234 Hat.fl.R. of Mox V.K.R.of Mox.pM. «H May wheat. The market closed nt prac tically the highest point of tho day. Corn is down He., nnd oats ate Ifc to 34c. Provisions on the close were from 2V& to dowTork Cent....Hi) Norfolk-Western. 7#Jj Norfolk-w pM... W Ontnrlo-Wostorn. 44 Pennsylvania 1I9W PltUh.,C.afcSwL. 7S'4 Ronlin; (Wdlnirlst pfd... 91 Loading?*! pfd... 92W Ooek Island Oo... 8434 Rock Isl. Co, pfd. 44 8t.Ir-8.Tro. 2d pfd «8* 9t,f/tuln8a. Wstn. * ' Lt.I,8e.W*tn.pM Open. High. Low. Clos. Wheat- Dee. . May . Corn- Dee. ' Mny Oats— Dec. Mny .0934 1.11% 1.01% 1.1134 1.1334 1.11% 99% 1.0035 99% I I 0 28% 29 38% 28% 30% 31 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 80% Mess Pork— Jan. . .12.83% 13 85 12.75 12.82% Joy . .13.10 13.11% 13.02% 13.05 Jan. . . 6.95 6.97 May . . Short Ribs— Jan. . . 6.67% 0.60 :U wk. last wk. 1903. 1902. Receipts and Exports. Today. Week. Consolidated net receipts.. 62,034 138.830 Exports to Great Britain.. 28.326 68.733 Exports to France 7,400 7.400 ~ ‘ 150 13,148 3,576 Exports to continent. You Are The Man Since September 1, 1904— we want to Interest in our savings financial position stronger. . The only way to accumulate money Is to spend less than you mpko. Do you And that your present methods nnan I Consolidated receipts .....4,740,297 I Exports to Great Britain 1,644,781 I Exports to Frnnce 361.609 I Exports to continent ....1,213,624 I Exports to Japan 37,9X8 I Exports to Mexico 10,715 Price, Receipts, Sales, Stocks. ore improving your financial position each year? rBank your spare dollars here. Your opening deposit may be .... dollar or one thousand, as you like. We pay 4 per cent. Interest. The Ports: | Price.IReets.|Sales.| Btck. Union Savings Bank and Trust Co. Galveston . . | New Orleans? Mobile . . . I Savannah . . I Charleston ... I Wilmington . I Boston . . . I Philadelphia I Pensacola . . 181653 410494 72816 131932 36559 15104 11??. 2341 Interior Movement I Price. I Reets. | Sale*. 1 Stoll »LT% ” rlSilT 4M8f 042317 .16 | 19711 17J8I.MB44 Rl B BY «‘4 " ... D * ^ 1 ISSSISSBI? May C.75 6.80 6.75 6.67% 6.60 6.80 Ware A Leland’s Grain Letter. CHICAGO, Dcfc. 5.—There wax u strong start In wheat, the wet weather In the Southwest being disregarded as senti ment was quite bullish on the Argentine and Australian news, op which commis sion houses bought. Considerable reads- Ing on the early advances, but there wn* enough buying power In the market to absorb the offerings, whllo tho Ar mour Interests were liberal buyers and shorts covered freely. The Increase In the world * visible was smaller than ex pected. although it stands at nearly o.OiVI.OOO bushel* over last year, hut sta tistics syere disregarded, there being moro or less of a buying fever on with tho crowd bullish and the closing strong enough to allow of further advances, un less there Is a material change In tho tortign crop news. Coro—Sample lots were heavy, % to a cent lower, but meeting with a very good demand from shippers, elevntor people and dryers and the glucos« Interests. The crowd wero bearish nnd sold December and May. while It looked as if Eastern holders Were liquidating. Loonl sentiment Is bearish and we are inclined to thing Diet purchases can be made lower down. fd 68% n. on] 1. 89Jf 8t.T.A.Prn.1slpM Ponhosrd corn.... 19*4 Seaboard pfd 99% Hardwsr»»—wholesale. (Corrected bv Dunlnn Hardware Co.) WEI.LTltJCKET8.—$4 per dozen. HOPE..TMan»la. 14%e.t Basel, llc.J cot WinE.—Rarb. 3%e. pound. PIX)W 8TOCKS>-Itnrman, 90c.; For- giison, 80c. Tl)B9.—Painted!! $3.30; cedar. 83.50 WrOEfl.—Home, $4.26; mules $4.28. BUCKETS.—PalnL $1.70 dox.; whtto ■ ■ >• ills. table 2%-lb. packets ...:: CHEESE!—Best full cream. One-pound cuts AnacondalUa. doll8 ■ —jr■—-s - *« to ii dot. I'm! 4 GUN POWDER.—R? ktg, Austin crack iot. $6; half kegs, ;?.76: quarter kegs, .25; Dupont nnd Hazard smokeless, . ilf kegs, $11.86: qunrter keR*. J5.75; 1-lb. canisters, $1, lean 2a per cont.; Trois* dorf smokeless powder, 1-lb. cans, 10-lb. cans. 99c. lb. 11.50; cnainpion ducking, quarter kegs. HIDES. (Corrected by O. Bernd A Uo.) Dry flint 16 to 16c Dry salt 13 to 13%o iWn Products.... 98Vf Corn* Distillers'B« Oeneral KI#otrto..lM' Intornstnl. Paper 2l?< Intm. Paper pfd. imp prfl National Ijsad,.t. . North Amertoaa.,103 Intrn. Pump •?% I barrel. tntrn. Pump pfd. M 1 HHOVEL8.—$7 to $11 dor.. CARDS.—Cotton. $4.60 par dox plow blades. Sc. per lb. IRON.—2%a pound baso: Swede. 4%c. pouna. AXES.—$7.60 to $9.00 per dozen. LEAD.—Bar, 7%c. nound. NAILS.—Wire, $2.60 barrel; cut, $2.50 People's fin*.. Pressed fitoel Oar. 40D Pressed S. flir pM tH$ Pullman Pal. Oar.2TJ Roptlhllo Htsol.... 17 luinoer unotm.,,, Rubber fids. pfd.. M'4 Teno. Goal k Iron 7ftV$ U. 8. fioather 17 U. 8. leather pfd lWlit U. 8. Realty k Imp *1% V. 9. Rubber in U. 8. Rubber pfd. 02V4 U. 8. Steel, nk U.B. Steel pM. Wostlnahnuet Westnra Union GEORGIA R. R. AND ATLANTIC COA8T LINE Schedules In Effect No. 13, '04. • tf'iSsu Lv - Macon..I« 8 86a|« 4 20p|f 6 16n|t 2 55 a Lv. Mlirg'Uef 9 15«I 6 29pf 6 Zr~‘ >n.„ H2 Lv. Cnmaki.l 11 44n| 7 06p| 8 1 reg..l0l% >n...loi% 104% Mez.Osns.4s 76% C.9.8*. coupon...10t'4 0. ts. ror.-UW'i 0.' ! , old t*. con..121 Olitvk. rag..196% U.S.newts, oon.109% AtohIson. gen. is. 102% A’lwUustmoat ta. 9i\i Atlantic coast L.. 99% Unit, k 0. ts 101% unit.a •>.mi Oen.of Ot.4s..,,11l% Met.<•••!».let fno.. 31% Mlnn.A8t.L4s ... ®1'< M.Knn A Tevis... 101% M. Kan k Ts* 3d*. M M. AO.aT.tS 96% I Nat tt. A. of Met. eon. 4s...*. *1% N. T.Ccn. geu.s%*.1015 N. J. Geo.ran. 6s..1H! Nor. PnctAo 4s....10flV Nor Pacino. 7#!, Norfolk It Wsstirn consol 4a........101% •Dally. Cbos. k Ohio 4%sfo7% Chic. * Alt. 3%s... fti'T tb.ti.fc i.aew ts.. 100>< aM.fcdLP.gsa.4«.llO% fdunday only. $ Dally except Sunday. Trains arrive from Augusta nnd points .. . ,.1 main line nt 10:55 n. m., 10:90 p. m. Oregon Short Line I From t’nmak nnd wny stations, 6:16 p. rn, 4e fc Psrtla 106% w. W. HARDWICK, Qcn’l Apt. Redo. Oon, 8%*...101% I W. C. RAGIN, 80I. Aflt. Cbto.fc .SurtUwei^H tern oon. 7s 128% C,,H.I.fcP 10.4* ... 11% C..IU. A Pao. ol Is 94 *' * •' ‘ l.L.gen. ...,101 U.,c.,U*rtt.L «■............... JUI Cbloago firm. ts. 84% Coa.Tob- 4i. flt% Ool. Houthsra ts. 82 Col. Fuel ft* 87 L>* III,><lran.Hi 101% Brio Prior Lien 4s lot % Hie lien. Is 91% Ft.W.fc li. City 1st 108% Rocking Val 4 1.3*111 I.fc N Unit4s... M hian gold 4* \m 1 20p| 8 35p| 9 50u Ar N. Yorl nesillag goa’l is.. 102% 1 >t. Louis fc Iroi Mount'd eon )*. 116 WRIGHT3VILLE AND TENNILLE 8t.L.fcS.W. tsti... Heattord A Lis..,. M Southern Pm. ts.. ft Houtbsrn Hwy 9s..120 RAILROAD COMPANY. Hundord OU 989 Toz. fc Pan. 1st« .HOW Tol.8t.Lli W,4i Union PaolQo 44.. 106 , Un Pac.onaT.*i ...111% I Effective September 11, 1934, i B.ftwLM 66.. 98 TaCw.iM.Oi IPH pu..ll3% Wabash lets 117;, Wlsoon. Oen. 4s.. 92% MACON LOCAL MARKET8. Oat*—Bsmpla lots heavy, with no de- and, while the weakness in corn brought about liquidation, and futures were forced down to low levels. We rather think that country offerings will be larger and country offerings will ba larger and that price# will work lowar. Provisions—The tnidu was surprised that prices of product did not work lower than they did; although there was eom- 3 63 8 04 8 i)3 8 14 8 20 •* 26 18 40 8 32 8 51 HI!! 35 .3111 II i . Donovan ..... Wrlghtsvlhe ... , Memlowa ..... .. Lovett ...... . Drewton ..... .. Condor .. Dublin .. Dublin ...... Hltchlnga 11 State of Georgia Bonds. Georgia 4% pc.. 19)5 114 111 Georgia 4% pc., 1922 119 12< Georgia 3% pc., 1928 to 1935... 10s 101 . I Georgia 4 pc!/ ^926 116 116 4 §4 9 64 Georgia 8% pc.. 1915. $500 103% 194% 4 51110 15 ... Local Stoeoa ana Bonos. p MIA M Ar. Wesleyan Female College, 7 pc., denomnntion Jan’y nnd July coupons, price owing to date cf maturity ..,...*..........103 Macon (hi A Wat«r conKl,... ,3 iiucmnsB .... ...Spring Haven... ... Dexter .. Alcorns .. Chester ronton .. Ernpli Jinllev* Park.... IliiwKlnsvlIle Ia •—Arrive. _ _ NNECTION8. TennHle—With Central of Georgia,^Au mission house soiling, but offset through Cudahy’s buying lard and ribs. We think that product fa being accumulated by r acctrau wealthy ncople, and we would favor pur- receaeions. Local and Through Schedules. Effective October 23. 1904. Depot Fifth and Pine Streets. New York Cotton Futures. . NEW YORK. Dec 5.—Cotton futures opened weak and closod very steady. ( STATIONS, v. _ ::::: S53S5::: ... Skippcrtnn . Hardys ... Llzella ... ... Montpelier . .... Culioden ... Yates villa .... ..... Upeon ... Thomaaton .... 6 43| Crest 6 62 Thunder 7 os*.... Woodbury \ fit::: :::: t 54*.... Robertson P Ml Open. High. market Is held In abeyance, both buyers and sellers refusing to operate until something more definite la determined attitude ‘ it— 7.75 January February I March April 7.63 May 7.80 8.04 | July 7.83 I August I December 7.60 7.76 7.65 7.69 — position will obviate the necessity of revision, while other lines would have been changed, even hod cot ton remained at Its recent level. 8.03 7.69 7.85 7.93 7.60 sr: middling uplands 8.10; middling gulf I 8.85; sales 3.890 bales. New Orleans Cotton Futures. , NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 6—Cotton fu tures tiesdy. December 7.62o63; January 7.G7a5v: February 7.64*66; March 7.73 to 7.74; April 7.79*81; May 7.87aMr * 7.92.194; July 7.95a97. June Noe 31 and 32 dally. Additional Train tervice.—Train ? leaves Macon at 4:4l a. m., Mon VVednesdays and Fridays. No. 52 ai Macon at 3:50 p. ra.. Tuesdays, T and Saturday*. Sprinj,. and Columbus Via ordinary 4.99<L; ordinary l.ttd. Th. Hi,, of the day were 9,000 bates, of which i 600 bales were for speculation and export, and Included 7,900 bales American. Re- *** relpta were 16,090 balsa, fnciadlng 9,860 boles American. Futures opened easy and closed steady; American middling G. O. C.: tHIAr.. Coiuinftu. ..Lrl . » tofiSw Pin, jnd ! O. M. GRADY. Superintendent. - ~ fiaa Poes. A — M, UN*UT, M'HWnni THOS. H. FRKEMAN, C. T. A.. HoUi UnUr. JlAOOB. Ofc ATLANTIC A SIRMINOHAM RAILWAY || '‘iA li**:: ISalfiB ordele. Open. High Low. Clpae Jen.-Feb 4.36 Feb.-March .....4.33 March-April 4.46 April-May 4.48 May-June 4.34 June-July 4.33 July-Aug ,.4.22 Aug.-Kept 4.33 Nov.-Dec 4.17 Dec.-Jan. 4.36 4.20 1:8 4.41 4.36 4.38 4.46 4.33 4.19 4.26 1:8 4.31 4.33 4.34 4.30 4.83 f'tt 4.1f» 4.11 CfimraiHPP, u'(uiniPRi e ih loMIshing a parity betwran ires, today reduced quota- >er pound below lost PH- ion. A. 6 40o<9[ 6 96pm iltrie. A. A B...N I0 C irn 1 <ilr-m l4b,{i|IK0 7 35pm t B-..!ll1inm (Sepm A 47pm M'FADCSN H was called steady. Hsles were 7JO.) Including 6.366 bales to arrive. Th# ton exchange committee, doubtless with the* view of establishing a — spot* and fatun tlons 1 cent ♦lav's finals. influenced , _ ... .... N’»*w York, futures trpened st»idy prices 34 to 47 points lower that f. day’s dnolng figures. In the trading Jon- uary npenM 47 tvdnt# down st 7.37 r _MM up to 7.(0 and fimOy steady to Tjff. The fluctuations were numerous and f*»|r. iy large. T\ie m-irket ckjaed active, bav. I Ijng recovered 1* to 20 points Mm Aft, I opf Ptog. T1k* net least* »*rt 21 l lines Saturday, cent per by declines In Liverpool i Railroad stock*. •douthwestom It. It. stock 115 Georgia Railroad stock 254 Atlanta L West Point Railroad Atlanta V West’Point*RaUroad debentures .....107 Augusta A Savannah Railroad^ Georgia Southern & Florida 1st prnjerrrd stock 99 Georgia Southern Railroad 2d preferred sto'.k 69 Georgia Houthern Railroad oom mon stock 9i Reaboard, common 18 Hcsboard, preferred 88 Southern Railroad pref 95 Southern Railroad, com.. Si COTTON SEED OIL. In.barrels f.o.b. mills 18; prime summer yellow 24%a23%; off summer yellow 24% to. 35%; ^rlme summer white 29; prime winter yellow 29%o36. WILMINGTON, Doc. 5.—Spirits turpen tine market firm at 47% cents; receipts ‘ at 2 45 J 17 casks. Rosin Arm i CHARLESTON. Dec. I.—«plrlta tur. mar K eta - nothing doing. SAVANNAJf. Dec. 6.—Spirits turpen tine market firm from 49 to 86 cents: re ceipts 619; f«4es 6*3; shipments 826. Rosin Railroad Bonas. • Central of Go. In mortgage ■ per cent.. 1945 ...........119 Central of Georgia collateral trust 6 pc., 1937 ....126 Central of Oe. consolidated....Ill g entml of (la. 1st Income 89 entrai of Go. 2d Income 71 Central of Os. 8d Income 68 Ocear. Steamship Co.. 1st S’P®*’ Georgia A Alab jh> •- consols, h per cent., 1945 112% 118% Seaboard, i per r *nt...... 163 104 Southern R. R.. 6 pc., 1944 lit 119 87. Tar flnh at i .70: receipts t». CrtM> turpentine firm at S.SOto 8.60; recetpta ^eipta (1*; M*c« S83; shipments 828. Rosin DTO receipt* 2.666; sales 1,341; shipments 8,919. Closing quote: A, B. C, 2.66; D. STOCKS AND BONDS Dealings In Stocks Expanded and the Level cf Prices Receded—Undisturb ed Tranquility of the Money Market, NEW YORK STOCK LETTER.* YORK. Dec, f. IxwllniC" In atnek, expanded again today and the l*rdri Of tnarkcfl In a number of the stocks In whir boding wan heaviest. H Tb# »»«flnlng power of these marked advances woa *rr* < five during the early “HR™. »«n« t-d umoiiM-mmt 2Ll h r.^* “SB*" I. *V ,h - .Hay ottic* for mwt to Kuropc tomorrow, the market gave way quite genrrsily. ^ne effect of this y** figyrav*'.*! by »h e Information heap kafpilren for rontemsUjed further gr.ipmcm, t ne agents in tola tranaartkin ♦KTV.'i'ffL f^tesnt regarding suppoetd ( trarxartion “« 'leiur.eiillsr'Wtli guita Southern ami 8and«r.vl! "ifrcwion—Wllh C.ntral of 0.or(l* Ball ay (Oconc pivtalon), Dubila—With Macon. Dublin A Ravan ..ah R- It. ami Dublin A UoutliWHt.n Railroad. WnTv^W'WSNta, _ Florida Southern and Southern Hnllwavs. For fiirther Information regarding rates, schedules, etc., write or apply to C. C. DALEY, Com. Aft., IUwklns- W.Y KESSLER. Com- Agt„ Dublin, Go, H. V. MAHONEY, Gen. Pass. Aft., Dublin, Ga. -iwz'XsiEWki.; vnzjiL-jjMmmm Green saltpan weights.——— 8% to K% to 9)4(3 .. salt, not cured 8%o aired '.ildes, according to value. Extra short 18-20-lb. rib bell 18-32-lb. rib belli*** 8>i 25-30-lb.* rib bnnlea s' Any of the above cuts, smoked at !-• : i • J *• .i"'. :ured. 13 w „ cured 12% ■ Picnic hnms 8% LARD.—Fancy tlercea 8 GO-lb. tubs.,..,.... 8% 80-lb. tubs 8% 3-lb. fins 8T4 3-lb. tins * Fluko white tlercea 6 The eamo addition for other sizes as on pure lard. CORN.—nacked white 70 No. 2 sacked mixed 76 Special quotations made on carload lots. ATS—Texas rust proof ....55 White clipped 52 No. i white ,,4g HpeHal quotations on car Iota. HAg.—Choice timothy 05 No. 1 timothy 90 Clover hay se Pralrlo hay 7c Georgia hay 76 Npfcial quotations on car lota. BRAN.—Purr* wheat .....$1.20 Mixed bran 1,10 Jernoy stock feel llellablo stock f*»nd 1.10 MTBAIa—Water ground Juliette..'....72 Steam ground 71 FLOUR.-Private stock pnstry $«.25 Royal.Owl standard 6.'.in No. 1 patent 6,so One-half patent 6.40 Straights 5.85 Low grade 8.60 BRIBT0.—Huunuta. barrels 3.7.> Iludnut*. ciiMka 1.65 Medium . Low grade 3 SUGAR.- Standard grnnulntcd i New Orleans clarified 5' Now York yellow 6 SYRUP.—Georgia cane 1__ New York refined 20 to 80 New Orloans molnuea 14 COFFEE—Green Rio, choice 13 Green Rio. medium It Grcn Rio, low grade 11 ■ Arbuckles’ roasted 18.79 SALT.—100-lb. white sacks... 48 100-lb. Burlap sacks 48 A-...- .11,66 ‘ J3% lb 14 C. B. Willingham, Cotton Factor MACON, GEORGIA. Ship me your cotton and gob the best returns. In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western Division of the Southern District o! Georg's. Robert Shelter Savanna.. _ Equity Bill for Foreclosure of s Mort- above stated that the o enforce ultabh* Hens' tipo.n'and claim ie9i. and to real and personal property ... Southern District of Georgia, and that t: l ■ ■' i ■ ii" -I <I:ip .. . ... to-wlt: The Illinois & Georgia Improve ment Company, Joy Morton, J I*. Hopor, E. Ripley. W. H North. William A. Fuller, William V. Smith, A. T. Ewing Havings 1 JK6 .14 Th« American Truer «. of Chicago, In tho State of Illinois, and The Atlantic Coast Lino Company of Bridgeport, in the 8tato of Connecticut, are not Inhabitants of or found within tho said district, and that they have not voluntarily appeared thereto: It Is there fore ordered that tho said above named defendants appear, plead, answer or demur to the snld bill on or before tho ■liith day of January, 1905. It Is further ordered that n cony of this order shall be served on said »Wr.t de fendants. If practicable, wherever found, and also upon the person or persons In possession or charge of the M <'m. Dublin & Havatinah Railroad and other properties In the district sought to bo subjected by said bfll. opy of week for six consecutive weeks In tho Maoon Tclcgrnph newspaper. Dated at Macon, Gu., this 26th day of November. 1904. EMORY SPEER. U. B. Judge. (entral 01 Georgia railway EFFECTIVE OCT. 23, 1004. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. UNION STATION, CORNER OF PLUM AND FOURTH STREETS, MACON, GA. (Standard. 00th Meridian Time.) ARRIVE. Prom Savannah nnd Augusta....* 3:30am Prom Savannah, Augusta, Cov; Inqton and Mlltodgevllle ■om Eatonton and Mllludj For Griffin and Atlanta. ...» —. JPI— _ ... ItlOpm Covington .,.•11:3' From Eatonton and Mllledgevlllc.t 7:50am FO r Mliredgevllle. Eatonton t 7:3i From MnUlson and Athena • 7:15pm For Madison and Athene * 8:1i From Atlanta and Griffin *12:25am ~ From Atlanta and Orlffln * 4:00am From Atlanta, Thomaeton •11:10am From Atlanta. Thomaston • 7:25pm From Birmingham, Columbus... .*12:35am Prom Birmingham. Columbue... .* 4:15pm Prom Montgomery, Andalusia, Florals. Albany *12:50am From Montgomery, Andalusia, Hartford, Albany • 4:05pm From Albany and Amerlcus • 7:40am DERAM r. For Savannah, Auquata. Dublin.*1Z:55am For Gordon. Augusta. Savannah. Eatonton and For Columbus. Montgomery ■BPtofL-.iy, Fk~ and Montgomei ry • For Albany. Hartford, Andalusia, Montgomery • For Amerlcus and Albany • •Dally. fExcept Sunday. Sleeping cars between Macon and 8svannah on trains leaving Macon 12:55 i \ arriving r “ “ -* * and arriving Macon 3:30 o. m.. between Macon and Atlanta, and Chicago. St. Louie and Jacksonville. Fla., on trains leaving Macon 4il6 a. m.; arrivin<i Macon 12.^5 .1. m.. Detween Macon and Birmingham on trains leaving Macon 3:45 a. m.. arriving Macon 12i35 a. m.j between Macon and Albany on tralne leaving Macon 4:10 a. m arriving Macon 13:60 a. m.| from Atlanta on tralne arriving Macon 4:00 a. m. Par lor car on train leaving Macon for Atlanta 1:30 p. m. and 11:35 a. m. train for Sa vannah. C. A. DEWBERRY, C. T. A„ E. P. BONNER, D. T. A., JOHN W. BLOUNT, T. P. A. Ticket Offices, 352 Second St. and Union Station -§r SOUTHERN SCHEDULES OF TRAINS INTO AND OUT OP MACON, QEORQIA. In Effect October lot. Departures Going North 3.65 A. M„ through train to Cincin nati. carrying day coaches (with- “ '*■ Pi ‘ out change) and Pullman sleepers. 8.30 A. M., local train, Macon to At lanta, carries nice day coaches and Pullman reservation car (teat rate to Atlanta 23 cents), to N York via Washington, Baltimore a 1.35 P. M„ through train Macon to Chattanooga, carrying Pullman ileepera from Macon to 8t. Louie. 7.30 Departures Going Sonth A. M„ through train tc vllle. carrying day con out change; aleo Pullm This train also carrla Sleeper to Brunvwlck. 2.15 0.05 A. M„ local train, Macon to Brunawlck, making all the atope, nnects at Joaup with train far Jacksonville. 7.20 Wb ci rgaNT iOUTHERN RAILWAY DINING CARS, ALL THROUGH rmains. Arrival of So.Ry- TrainsHliS 1 & 1:10am—No. 14 from Cincinnati. Chattanooga and A \ 1:00am—No. 18. from Jarkaonvillo Brunawlck and J ^ I tOnm—No, 7, from llawklnsvllle. w>:»m—No. 16, from Now York. Asheville end Atl ■* “ from Atlanta, Chattanooga —■* °* from New York. Waahlngt , M . from liruntwlrk. Wajrrm** (No. 16 atop* at Macon 20 minute urid Atlanta. for din QEORQIA. FLORIDA A ALABAMA R'Y. Effective 12:01 A. M., Sunday. Oct 30. Trains run on (90th Meridian) Btandsnl South Bound. North Bound. till STATIONS. 13 14 I LV. Ar. Macon 6 pc.. .167 I....!»».. Macon 6 per rent..............110 Savannah 6 pc., 196f.....,..,.103 Augusta, pree *■ to rate inter est and maturity 160 Atlanta, once *f to rate Inter ior and maturity 166 Columbus, 5 pc.. 1142 106 Lumber Quotation*. fCorreeted by Man-v* ec Pniton f.i „ Common framing, sized........813 and up ~ mon boards, rough 12 and up mon framing, rough Hand up med snd matched flooring. .$11 to $1» isod and raa»chM r^iltrr.... 10 to It Hquar# edgs weather boarding 12 *0 14 Bevel edge weatker toardirg 110 to Jlf.66 No. 1 sawed pine shir *>»... .82 im t.» |J (4 No. 8 ifiwed Pint shin^i« »» . .$160 to $2.60 No. X beat cypress ihiugiea. $4.0v Cuthbert ..Central Junction. Randolph .... Carnegie .... .. Moy* . Kdtson Turman .... 68 .a B. R. Croselng. 10.... Arlington . Rowena Damascus .... ...Warren's Mill... 1 ...... Corea .... ..... Colquitt ... Wif^-TSSr.. Btdorendo .. Lynn ... .White’s Mill.,.. .Wn-l Bslnhridge.. .... Balnbridge ... ....Draw 11 ridge... Bower .... Attapulgus ... Lalr.gkat .... Cohn Hinson .... i itlii 1»| H.y«n» .... • 13)12 fi ...... Ottfen • tj;u ndWM... ( >1II 4|...... S»;on .. TilWww M I' MIAr. P M A M 4 ><IU 3S * Milt M $ run 13 7 69 10 84 7 4*110 41 7 38110 34 7 fiftil 2*1 I704R0 JJ 6 671 v 61 < 43; 9 4; 4 381 9 4L ills ipiii Hi 19 09 6 52 8341 6 40 J, W. JAMISON, City Ticket Aaent. • 9 * JAMES FREEMAN Trsv. Pa CITY TICKET AND PABSENOER OFFIC TELEPHONE 42 4. G. H. FLrnr. fj-uot Ticket AgcnL ’ adm Georgia Southern and Florida Railway. READ DOWN LOCAL TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 23cd, 1904. { CO u n 1 1 . 4 « 4 n 4 I! 3 37 P it A M Between Tallahasa— and CarrebeHa, North Bound. Note and Frutta—v/hn;e,ai«. rQuoted in Roush PrMuca Co. LKMON’M - V* r t>ox, |4.«0. PEANUTS—North Carolina. 6% 'feShiB to to. , .r ™ APP/-LSper barrel, $2 : r . BAlflfNR — New rwp, 11.7', bur. DANANA3L—B'lneh, 11.Co to $1.73. ONIONH — Per bti-Vm|. u ORANGE*.—Florida- 1: 'At ho*. CABBAGE.—Virginia. IV pound ORANQEB —Florida, I»r \«.x, $4.6$ NEW PpTATOEFPei **ck. $?.f-' SPANISH ONION - PePr « rate, fl, TURNIPS-—Per aack. $1.56. 16 04 II 11 U 1 A M 11 20 LV 13 10 Lv 13 29 * 1.' 47 3 66 tu 5 V f. V IA Mi mu ( 39 6 10 Lv.,.. 7 14 6 lOllAr.... 7 84 7 13[Lv.... mm 7 snLv.... y 10 Ar.... P Ml -vil S JO.iZ SVL rjSi) ,v|l2 01 li Jjf >64 ...*.I.v 11 B«Jt2 Oil fgS «.... Lv 11 4MU 67{ 4.4« XvUl 06 11 111 . Ar) 1 i *40)t L W6», -tvld 2l/l’> J16|».Vm 8 2w. H 21 ...... Lv 7 4i’^7 961...V 'A M P mi .Fprlr.g Hill lllliurdvllle ... Arran 12 29 3 68 . Mlllgrov* .... 13 31 3 39 ■ PH, - Asemore lit 22 3 33 , 10 28» 3 27).... Maclntyer ....12 02 2 45 A MIP M Ar. A M P M! 4 45 Lr •A M iP M ...Ar id «z|l9 60 ...Lv 10 2V10 2* ...LvflO 6||lf 67 I 83 Lv................... Jasper „..iLq 9 4:1 9 a C Ti LV mu. Springs Lv * 9 fig 7 i)6 Lv L-.L- !•> .!.» 1 » 4| 7 t: Lv Lake M .11-r Lv 7 7 M I If LV.,.. - 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ - - 51 S '• Jk-RST hi 1 i! . I t 10 LT psora homo Ia' *> 32 <> 2 9 10 9 30 Ia viji- I) with Through 11 45 2 N ....111 20 2 60 7-v.fA M!P M b-twren Jerk*. et^’Dra.wlr^ , 1 and 2. G. P. de A. Liquor*—V/r o'-»<.. (Cnn<rUd by Welr r-itauH 1 WHISKY.—Ilya, $1 At to n-3*. : -n(j 2 . 'id I'Alatkfe, nnd < J. II. RAFFTEP.