The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 06, 1904, Image 8

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER <5, 1904. “ Atone but the Best j Don*t Throw Your Money 'IrOUIfl (XL Brother's 1!iffH Art Clothing away’ on something that will not last or will only be of a moment’s pleasure•• Get Him a Silk Muffler Every time he wears It. which will be often, he will not only have pleasant memories hut will Think of You. We have some beautiful quality and nobby designs..$1 to SO s $ pecial ale easonable Tailor Suits PATENT CASE IN FEDERAL COPRT Injunctiou Againsfc Citizen of Sumter County EIGHTS OF OWNERSHIP Notwithstanding the fact yesterday was a rainy, disagreeable day, business was brisk in the Ready-to-Wear Department. The Values we are offering now are sim ply irresistible. Come in today if possi ble, select your suit, you can find the color you want and your size, and Save From 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent.' We ask the trndo to hoar in mind that wo nro heudquartors for all kinds of candies. Our big factory is fully equipped and running ev ery day. Ordor of us and got fresh mado goods. Wo soli only to doal- ors. Exclusively wholesale. RECITAL AT WESLEYAN A BRILLIANT AFFAIR Johnson=King & Company, Manufacturing Confectioners, Macon, Ga. I White Mills Rye I Bottled in bond—Try a bottlo. 5 $1.00 for full quart. PRINGDALE RYE Nothing hotter on tho Market. $2.40 per gallon or $2,75 four full qunrts delivered anywhoro in Georgia. Completo stock of everything pertaining to our line. Particular attention paid to ordors. j SAM WEICHSELBAUM & MACK ♦ 151 Cherry St.—Phono 558—Macon. Ga. t T • ♦ ▼ 4* + +♦♦+++»+•♦++» + »♦♦+♦++♦♦+♦»♦++♦♦+»♦♦♦+++++»♦ + ♦♦♦»++»++ + I ooooooococoooooooococ ooooooooococoocococoooooocooooo Bibb Manufacturing Co., Larne Attendance Waa Charmed at tha Excellence of Mist Rivera, Who Recited a Number of Selection*—She Wat At- aleted by Professor Hesselberg. MACON T. P. A. POST iWILL ELECT OFFICERS Meeting Will bo Held of Members of Post D Saturday Night at tho Brown House—Business of Importance to bo Transacted. Mncon member® of Poat D of tho Travelers’ Protective Association will assemble at the Brown house next Haturday nlirht to elect officers for the following year and make initial ar rangements for the reception of the state division in Macon next spring. The present officers of Poat urgently request a full attendance, i there is a deal of business to be trans acted before the election of new offi cers. It is the Intention of the mem hers of the Macon division of the or ganlzation to give in this city during the early spring an entertainment to the Georgia division. This division consists of the posts at Atlanta. Ati gusta, Athens, Savannah. Columbus and Waycrbss. To ea?h of these posts Invitations will be sent asking the The recital given last night nt Wes leyan by Mies Mabel D. River*, assisted by Professor Edouard He*«e)i*rg, was a splendid success. Tha evening's enter tainment consisted of readings by Miss Rivera and arlertlons by the Mandolin Club and Professor llesselbrrg. ttotli tho readlnga and the music Were of the high est order and portrayed well the compe tence of the performer*. The attendance that was present at tho recital was one of the largest ever assem bled at the Wesleyan Chapel. Long be fore the hour set aside for tho overture the hall was crowded even to the rear door*. Hundreds were forced to stand. The strains of an Italian serenade by Raton, opened the entertainment shortly after H o’clock. In the playing of this piece the Mandolin Club did excellent work. Miss Mabel D. Rivera, who has charge of the department of expression at Wes leyan, then took the stage, her first selec tion being. "Gentlemen, the King,'' by Robert Harr. Those who havo read tho to nid«mKi n author and who possessed the slightest *° ', n Macon, knowledge of the works of his works I reception royal will be given them and were highly delighted. The burst of up. I the work of preparing for the event plause at the conclusion of the selection I w in k« t n i,„ n „ n showed the appreciation of her efforts. I WU '., nr l *** n ** ,n 1 «»™est at tho Twice was Miss Itlvers called buck, and meeting Saturday, night. on the second call rendered "Off Again. — ... + iln. Gone Again. Flnnegnn,'' to the ient of all. . ..en Angry Count One Hundred" wras Miss Rivers' second scheduled selectloq. The piece Is one of those delicately fnh- 3 cod tales of the kind that please. The lence of the maiden until her skillfully, ns well as charmingly placed "One,” at the close and the seal with which the young man of the piece poured forth his pleadings, constituted one of the most lovable selections ever recited In the city. The graceful changes of position and well timed changes of voice, failed not to leave In the minds of the audience any thing but praises and words of commen dation for the render of the evening- in his "Reverie,•' by Vleu.xtemps. Prof, llesselberg rendered a difficult selection with ease that charmed. The tremors and runs In the piece were of the kind that appeals only to tlm»« of the trained car and love for the music of the piano. The program as It was rendered fol lows. Overture-Italian Serenade Mandolin Club. (Raton), Gentlemen, the King (Robert Barr), n. mjry Count One Hundred (E. Miss Rivers. When Am V>ttvn»a|\ M... ...MB Reverie (Vleuxtemps), Edouard Hesse!- Macon, Ga. — Manufacturers of Cotton Yarns, Warps, Twines, Hosiery, Etc. IS atul 20 Thomas St. New York Office. COOOOOCOOOOOOOOCSOCOCOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOCOi J. T. STEWART’S p^s, HAVING DOUBLED HIS FORCE* IS NOW READY FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE. fclNO ALONG YOUR ORDERS NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH. COMPLETE STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN HIS LINE: art>. Miss Rivers. linmlct -Act IV., Scene 3 (dhakes- pea re), Miss Rivers. Head About to Burst From Sevsro Bilious Attack. "I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head wan about to burnt when I got hold or free nample of Chamberlain’s Ktntn ach and Liver Tablets. I took i dose of them after »upper and the next day felt like u new man and have been feeling happy ever since.” snyn Mr. J. \V, Rmith of Jultff. Texas. Cor bilious, neon, stomach troubles and constipa tion these Tablets have no equal. Price 25 cents. For aale by all drug gists. YESTERDAY'S IVBATHRR. Of Interest to Mothers. Thousands of little ones die everv year of croup. Most of them could have bfen saved by a few doses of Foley’s Honey and Tar, and every family with children should keep It In the house. It contains no opiates and la safe and sure. Mrs. George H, Picket. Ban Francisco, Cal., writes: "My baby had a dangerous attack of croup and we thought she would choke to death, hut one dose of Foley Honey nnd Tar relieved her at on< after other remedies had failed. W are never a minute without it in the house.” Bold by H. J. lAinar A Co. druggists. Mr. McMichselY Bill. ATLANTA, Go.. Dec. 5.—Hon. K. H. Mr Michael will introduce a bill nt the next session of the legislature to nbol Ish the fee* of solicitors general nnd put those officers on salaries Eczema. scald head, hives. Itchiness of the skin of nny sort instantly rc lieved, permantly cured. Doan's Olnt ment. At any drug store. WALTER SMITH KILLED BY WALTER FOREACRE Slay.r Hid Out When 8herlff Went Arrest Him, But Frianda Say Ha Will 8urrendar. Couch Brothers and J. J. Eagan Com- ny of Atlanta Seek to Enjoin the Making of a Certain Horee Collar by J. O. Barnett of Amerlcus—Fed eral Court Will Be in Session All the Weekr—Valdosta Courts Open Next Monday. The United States court was In ses sion yesterday and will likely be busy for the remainder of the week. Judge Speer and the officials of the court had Just returned from Savannah where the regular fall work of the courts of that city was completed last week. The business taken up yesterday was of a special character, there being no regular work for this court before the month of January. Judge Speer passed upon a number of bankruptcy cases, granting orders of dismissal. The principal business to follow was the Injunction suit of Couch Bros, and J. J. Eagan Company of Atlanta against J. O. .Barnett of near Amerlcus, Ga. This was a petiton asking that the defendant be restrain ed from further making and selling a certain patented horse collar The petition was filed In the court some time ago and Judge Speer grant- temporary order requiring the defendant to show cause yesterday why the petition should not be made permanent. Barnett Is charged with infringing upon a patent claimed by the plaintiffs as the owners. It Is set out In the suit that Barnett was making and selling the same collar as that sold by the Couch Bros, and J. J. Eagan Company, and both parties are claim ing the right of patent. The plaintiffs set out In their petition that the defendant lost to the owner of their patent, J. J. Couch, In a suit some time ago In the courts of the District of Columbia, and then' continued to sell collars under the patent It Is charged that he still continues the making nnd selling of collars on the grounds that he has a right under his own patent. The suit was taken up In the court yesterday and the plaintiffs are mak ing an effort to secure a permanent In junction against the maker and seller of the horse collar In south Georgia. At the hour for adjournment yester day the evidence had not all been heard and the case will be taken up at the opening this morning. It Is expected that the United States court will be In session all the week. There Is a large amount of important work to be done. Among the cases to be heard Is that of the Central Rail road against the Macon, Dublin and Savannah and the mayor and council e city of Macon. This suit was set for hearing on Dec. 7th when the regular docket for the fall work was arranged. The other work coming before the court during the week will be hear ings on petitions for Injunction which have been set during the pant month. The work of this week will likely end the business of the United States court In Macon for the present year. The burden of the work comes up In January and February and after the present week the remainder of the business will go over until the new year. The United States court will begin ork In Valdosta on next Monday. Judge Speer will be at that point until the work of this court has been finish ed and this will complete the regular work in all the federal courts of Judge Speer’s circuit except Macon. MAKERS A£Wy°RK Correct Clothes for Men Your Dress Suit Should fit perfectly, no matter what the vagaries of your figure. J.t should harmonize in style, fabric, and dignity with the mode. Not even the best produc tions of the most exclusive tailor more fully meet these requiDements than the su perb clothes bearing label under this cut. For sale only by Bensons Moore The Up=to=Date Clothiers LADIES GOLD WATCHES Pay your state, county and poll taxes by December 20th and save costs and Interest. Seaboard’* New Service. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. I>,c. if.—The Reaboard Air Line railway Inaugurat ed r. regular freight train aervlce over Us new extension, between Atlanta and Birmingham today. The passenger service will begin within* a few weeks. logical data furni»htd by the *e of the United Ptatr* depart- agriculture, weather bureau tor mm ending nt 13 (noon) central Thermograph Readings. pm... l*m.. $2 11 pm .SJt 5 am. M U am.. is mn..32! « n m .. 7 i i>m.. pm 4. pm.. i? l nm..Mi l am..Ml 1 pm.. iV. 1 am. '2 * 2 pm.. &!. 3 am..M 9 ..nm*<> 3 pm.. 52' 4 utn..3fStO am..431 4 pm.. A 7rt (I River Report. The Octnulc n». read 2 d fc during the pai •at twentv-four hi The Oconee river at Dublin read 1.1 *«*t. no change during the past twenty. Expr On This. Express Paid on Thi*. $2 0u j 4 Full qls. Old Kdcvmottt Rye.. 2.0* | 1 Gal Jug. Old Eslgemonl Rye. IN IN 4 Full nta. i ........ *—j lCfcL J)lf m 11.60 5*r | f u u qu. 11 Uat Ju*. Iona or more 4 Full qts, mi in Jugs. I 1 Owl Jug. . specialty. 1 Orders fi 1 or refunded. Rye .|400 . 3«0 . 3.00 ..2.TS* .. 3 .00 ^ 2.M Horn Ryu rvest Cam mat Corn imp day VALDOSTA. Ga., Dec. 5.—The re main* of Walter Smith, a prominent naval stores operator at Edith. In Clinch county, were brought through this city .thl* morning by Justice of the Peace l>. C. Register of Edith, and Sheriff Sweat of Homervllle, the body being carried to Baxley. Ga., where Smith formerly lived nnd where his parents now reside, for burial. Mr. Smith was killed last evening by Walter Foreacre, a prominent farmer of the section near Edith. The report of the tragedy us it was told to your correspondent Indicates that it waa unprovoked, though there may have been something behind it which was not learned here. Foreacre. It is said, was brandishing his gun while under the influence of whiskey and Smith tried to get him to quit It. Finally Smith tried to get the gun away from him and a scuffle ensued. Foreacre jerked looae from him and emptied one barrel of the gun Into his stomach, the muxzle being not over 14 Inches from Smith when the gun was discharged. Justice Register empannelled a jury and held an in quest at which these facts wi rought out. The only eye wttto hilling w*a* a negro man. I The tragedy occurred not far from I Baxter, where the Duncan family of . naval stores men had so much trouble | recently with native citizens, several tragedies resulting. There is nothing. I however, to indicate that bad feeling jhad previously rxlated between theae [ Sheriff Sweat went to the scene of j the killing, but Foreacre was hid out. loo no arrest wr a * made. Foreacre’s J friends stated that he would go to | HomeTviiie In a day of so and give I himself up. TV presumption Is that i ana pure v u.Y* to have time to consult hi* I j friend* before surrendering to the au- I Pure blood means health. the: Health rocana hzppiiu -f. i Tit* dead man waa well known In no Substitute. a!! Dr A HAPPY HOME la one w here health abounds. NVIth Impure blood there cannot j J© be good health. W ith a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. Bank Chartar Amended. ATLANTA. Dec. ft—Th# charter of the Royston Rank of Franklin county was amended today rc* ns to allow the directors of the bank to increase tho capital Block from 125.000 to $50,000. Goocl reliable time pieces by first class makers in good gold cases. Not the cheapest but the BEST. If you want something good go to L. O. STEVENS, 366 Second Street. Sensible, Lasting Presents. If you wish to be carecful and economical in your purchases for Christmas presents and at tho same time select from a com plete stock of the very newest and best, you had better start at once for our store. Our latest novelties and choicest bargains will bo the first to go. Don’t Put It Off. Come Now. Will keop your purchases and deliver when wanted. MACON-. GA V S ills revivify the torpid LIVER and restore tU natural action. A healthy UVCR t,Lvv> 1 r _ VSS3 nf Columbus, Ohio, M»y so, 1903. . Six year* ago I bid a severe attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism, I was laid up in bed for six months, and the doctors I had did me no good. They changed med icines every week and nothing they pre scribed seemed to help me. Finally I be gan the use of S.S.S. My knee and elbow Joints were swollen terribly, and at one time my joints were so swollen and pain ful that I could not close them when opened. I was so had that I conld not more knee or foot. I was-gettiag discour aged, you may be sure, when I began S. S. S., but as I saw it was helping me 1 contin ued it, and to-day 1 am a sound well man and have never had a return of the disease. S. S. S. purified my blood and cured me of this severe caw of Rheumatism after everything else hid failed. I have rec- commended it to others with good re sults. R. H. Cuapiuk. 1355 lit. Vernon Ave. « The poisonous acid* that produce the in flammation and pain are absorbed into the blood and Rheumatism can never be con quered till these are neutralized and fil tered out of the blood and system. S.S. S. goes directly into the circulation and at tacks the disease itself. It purifies and re stores the blood to a healthy, vigorous condition. It contains no potash, alkali or other strong min erals, bnt is guar anteed entirely vegetable, iWrite ns and our physi cians will adrise without any drnrge whatever. Our book on Rheu- st free. Willow Dale! Is a pure Rye Whiskey. It has quali ties which are not found in other whis kies. Its softness makes it unique; its lack of harshness tenders it distinctive ly refined ; its delicate bouquet is caus- e*d by being old and pure, and for med icinal purposes its equal is unknown. Owners and controllers and sold by no others. A. &N.M. BLOCK, Distillers, Hacon, Ga. HERTZ COAL CO. Phone <133 Prompt Deliveries on Wood and Coal. CURES CHRONIC CONSTIPATION ALL LIVER ILLS ) | this *e*tt©n and was highly tstcttstJ I , gglits. aij wto knew nmy 1 The Swift Specific Conpuy, AtUflti, Gju j LIKE A SHIPWRECKED SAILOR Is the man overwhelmed by financial storms without a cent In bank to stand him In good stead for Immediate ne cessities. In days of calm prepare for future storms by depositing the over plus of your earnings with us and get ting the benefit of 6 per cent. We pay semi-annually; Compounded, you know. Money deposited now will draw Inter est January L EQUITABLE BANKING A LOAN CO. Geo. A. Smith, Pratt. 370 Second street, Macon. Ga.