The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 07, 1904, Image 5

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; f++++4-f++4 ♦♦♦++♦+»♦•*•♦+♦+-*-»+4+4 ♦ THE MACON TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1904. IT'S ALL RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN'S. 4 t *»♦♦♦*♦' LARGE ASSORTMENT! OF l Christmas Presents. t ♦ New Popular Books, Fountain Pens, ♦ Christy Pictures, Christy Calendars. ♦ Fischer Calendars, Gibson Calendars, £ Gift Books, Books for old and young. t Mail orders have our prompt and care- ♦ ful attention. > COLD WEATHER BUT NO HAIR Mercer Students Lose Locks bv Work of Shears The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. 310—320 Second Street. + I IT’S ALL RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN’8. »»♦»»»»»» » All the Latest Pictures All kinds, sizes and prices. We have bought a fixture occupying 13 feet of floor space on which has been hung pictures which would ordinarily All up the entire wall space of a large store. Among these are pastels, water colors, oil paintings, etchings, prints, etc., ranging Ih price from 25c to $25.00. We would be glad to have you inspect them. We frame pictures properly and promptly. McEvoy Book & Staty. Co • Cherry St. ! One Cent a Word I WANTED—500 men to get a hnlr cut and shave at 558 Mulberry sL L. 1* Ste vens, Prop ! • WANTED—To rent two connecting un furnished rooms for light housekeeping; ritrr, bath on same floor. Call 415 New street. WANTED—At once, a young lady cashier at the V x * Third st: i restaurant WANTED—Position shipping clerk or l . . _ strictly reliable man with small family; best of re* -J — — ” Telegraph. PERSONAL. months experience; can give reference; willing to work; am now employed, but deslro to change. Address L. W., Tele graph. Mulberry. WANTED—Two single gentlemen ns ta ble boarders, to occupy one room; hot and cold baths, electric lights and call bells. Address "John Smith," High at., care Telegraph. 58. oranges, bananas ai i fruit. Oscar Bradley. o’TL.Tn care of Telegraph. WANTED—Six boys to begin apprentice ship In my cabinet works at once. Call on Y W. Muecke, 614 New: st. WANTED—Thoroughly competent super intendent, who can control help. sash, door | g ** * g works and ployment to right Co., F u, wnn cun control ncip. mr • and blind factory, with variety 1 planing mill. Permanent em- to right man. Saunders Mill Pensacola, I. A DIES. earn $20 per hundred writing short letters; send stnmped envelope for P articulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Casyopolls, Uch. "WITHOUT A PEER," the Southern Dye & Cleaning Works. 154 Cotton ave., 'Phone 548. NICE BALDWIN ripples only 25c. per peck. Rainey & Callaghan. J. J. MERCER, the Jeweler. Is giving a ticket with each dollar purchase which entitles tho »holdcr to a chanco on the lady’s forty dollar gold watch to be given away on January 1st; see Sunday’s ad vertisement for particulars. NEW YORK cream cheese, the finest In tho city. 15c. per pound. Oscar Bradley. FOR CHRI8TMA8—Bicycles, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Autopedes. Coasters. Boy’s Wagons, Doll Carriages, &ctc., cheap at 8. 8. Parmclee’s. JU8T ARRIVED—Two carloads of Ken tucky and Tennessee mules, all sizes; call and get our prices and save money. Waterman Sc Co. FRESH FISH and oysters all the time. O. P. Clarke & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. ATTENTION. CENTRAL CITY LODGE No. 3, K. of P.—Please attend regular meeting tonight (Wednesday) at 7:30 p. m.; annual election of officers And other business of Importance. By order B. J. Fowler. C. C.v Geo. Schawl. K. of R. Sc 8. 10c. PER POUND for fine gutted Span ish mackerel. Rainey Sc Callaghan. SAUER KRAUT, dill nlcklcs and Holland mllchner herring. Oscar Bradley. DRY AND STEAM cleaning; the only thoroughly equipped establishment South. Squthom L)yo & Cleaning Works, 154 Cotton ave.. ’Phono 648. DRESSED TT7RKEY8. hens, fries, broil- era; also fresh oysters, flah. game, cele ry. fruits and vegetables. Rainoy Sc Cal laghan. LOST AND FOUND. LO8T—White and Liver ticked pointer hitch; liver spot on head and tall. Re turn to Iko Dunwody for liberal reward. LOST—White nnd liver colored pointer femalo. about eighteen months old: has a small lemon spot undnr left eye; liberal reward. Telephone 2113, or B. E. Rough- ton. WANTED—A first-class blacksmith who can do some wood-work also. Jno. K. Barfield, Kmorlch. Oa. WANTED—A $2,000 loan on real estate ‘ — “ Address In vest- nil conveniences; best locality In city. X. T. Z., care Telegraph. *gteak. Oscar Bradley. FOR RENT—Front room. Bond st., ! car line; furnished or unfurnished: noa- session about January 1st. ’Phone 3221 or 215. first floor to gentlemen. $13 Walnut st. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—An established sheet metal business, complete in evenr detail, cheap rent, big building, excellent terri tory and good will of concern working In connection with It. Will sell at a bar gain. good reason for disposal. It will pay you to investigate, answer quickly. Address Box 146, Charlotte, N. C. FOR 8ALE—Eight shares F.xhange Bank stock. Address ••Stock," care Tele graph. I WILL SELL seven Brown Leghorns for $7.00 or trade for homing pigeons. Augustus Bacon 8parks. BUTTEItlNE. better than country butter, and cost you only 20c. per pound. Oscar Bradley. W., Telegrnph. FOR SALE—Four well-trained registered pointer dogs, 2 years, for $50 to $100; every dog guaranteed O. K. J. O. Colie, Montlcello, Oa. FOR SALE—Modem suburban cottage home with acres land; owner leav ing state. Addreas Hurry, care Telegraph. FOR SALE—Gentle mare and buggy toi sale cheap today at Barfleld's stable, Poplar at MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS. MUSIC TEACHING—Violin and Mando lin. Apply to Miss Matthews, 565 Wal nut at LOST—I havsn’t found my Scotch collie puppy yet. but I’m going to And him; if you’ve got him tied Tn your back yard, ’phone mo; It any of your neighbors has him and won’t send him home, 'phone me; he Is half grown; sable (yellow) color, named "Bounce;" white neck and breast; reward. Charlie Mooro, Jr., 161 Mag nolia st., ’Phone $361, STRAYED—Liberal reward for Informa tlon of whereaboqts of three months-old ’Otch collie puppy’ tan color with hlaso ee, tip end of tail white. Davo Our Special Prices Finest Cream Cheese, n lb 15 New On. Cnne Syrup, a gal $5 Apple Vinegar, a gal ~~ Best Head Illoe, a Tb jHJR Octagon Soup. 6 for .25 Hand Snpollo. a cake 07 Sugar Cured flam, a lb..... 11 Sugar Cured Shoulder, a lb. 00 Breakfast Strips (best quality), a lb. 13 Nuts, all kinds, mixed, a lb 12’ Florida Oranges, u das $0 Baldwin Apples, u pk Dried Figs. 1-lb. bricks, a lb Heeded Raisins, a pkg Specially Cleaned Currants, a pkg. .011 Best Clear American Citron, a lb.... 17 Best Quality Prunes, a lb 07> California Evaporated Peaches, a lb..10 Best Three Crown Ralsfmi a !b 10 Van Camp'a Soups (all kinds), a can..Oil Van Camp’s Pork and Beans, a can..09 Van Comp’s Pure Cream, a can 09 Royal Salad Dressing, a bottle $0 Irish Potatoes, a pk 25 'Phone 2035. J. R. Odom # : ,A• T. HOLT. REAL ESUTti RENTING AGENT i *> v d . AY IIAYE TO BUY WIGS smbers of tho Freshman and Law Classes Clash and Scissors Are Brought Into Play With Telling Ef fect—Christmas Coming and Those Who Have Lost Their Hair Are in a Quandary. Wanted, by several Mercer students, members of the law and freshman classes a hair restore* guaranteed to sprout a fresh and healthy growth be fore the opening of the Christmas hol idays. Np quack cures or slow-work ing remedies desired. Thatchless with the bleak winds of winter and tho Christmas holidays about to loom over the horizon! Heads shaven to the scalp and wigs not de sired for divers reasons. And to all this is annexxed a story of harrowing details. In brief it is Just this: At Mercer Unlversltiy today there are several young men whose heads are as greatly lacking of hair as a hen of teeth. Not that those who have lost their hair were the victims of age or are troubled with baldness due to tho ravnges of years, far from 1L Shear play did the work and It was all done in the friendliest manner. But wheth er the deeds were committed in tho beat of fellowship or not the woe at the school among a certain number of students Is dyed In mottled indigo. And all because the Thetas of the law school and the Thetas of the freshman class desired to work off an overstock ed supply of merriment. Several nights ago the clash occurr l.’ A‘number of freshmen, armed with scissors, entered the room of certain prospective attorney, and In the epace of ono minute caused his head and hair to bid each other a fond good bye. When his foes had departed the victim viewed his head by the aid of a mirror. His woe was unmeasurablo when he beheld his once brilliantly thatched dome of thought slashed right and left. From ear to ear the scissors had ploughed wide furrows. In tho center of the top a circular slash had been made. There was nothing left for the loser to do but visit a barber and huve the work completed. This he did. Today his head Is without a single hair and the young man is con- j fronted by one of tho hardest of prop ositions. His Christmas vacation is less than a month oft and In the Inte rim a new growth could not possibly be acquired In the natural mnnner. Hair restorers ho scoffs at and tho Idea of a wig Is Insurmountable. His caso Is not the only ono at Mer cer. Others huve shared the same fate and are equally as bald. A meeting of the victims has been held and a plan of procedure, not yet made public, was agreed upon. Less, than a week ago one of the freshman members of the local Theta chapter at Mercer likewise was caught by students of the law school and forc ed to undergo a similar reception. His case differed from that of the lawyer to the extent that he was fleet of foot and his football training came In handy for a time. Finally his pursuers pounc ed upon him and clipped a goodly por tion of his brown thatch. The fore locks went first, then followed nil the hair nbovo his ears. Besides losing his hair tho suit that the young man had on at the time was greatly damaged The street was muddy at tho tlmo and Into It he plunged. These happenings were related yes terday to a Telegraph reporter by un Interested students. It was stated that the trouble had not then reached the ears of the faculty. TEST YOUR KIDNEYS Thousands of Men and Women Die Every Year of Kidney Disease Be cause They Don’t Know in Time They Have Get It. The Only way to keep watch of your health is to test your kidneys at least once a month Just let a tumblerful of morning urine stand 24 hours, and If it becomes cloudy, or particles float about in It, or If a reddish-brown se diment forms, It Is positive proof that your kidneys have been diseased for months and are utterly unable to do their work, and unless properly treated at once, Bright’s disease, dia betes, uric acid and blood poisoning, with fatal results, will surely follow. The only safe and positive cure for diseases of the kidneys, bladder llv- and blood In WARNER’S SAFE CURE |6 standard of doctors and hospitals over half a century. It is made of pure herbs and contains no dangerous drugs. Has cured thousands of cases where all else had failed. Safe Cure Is sold at nil drug stores, direct, 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle. Refuso Substitutes snd Imitations, They aro worthless and very often exceedingly dangerous. Ask for War ner's Safe Cure; it will cure you. If, after making this test, you have any doubt oa to your physical condi tion. or the health of any of your fam- rlte fully and in confidence to our doctors for free advice and council. Medical booklet free. Address War ner’s Safe Cure Co., Rochester. N. Y. WARNER’S SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently and aid u speedy cure. the for . GOT BIG CONTRACT. Waycross Works to Construct 500 Cara for Central Railroad. WAYCROSS, Oa., Dec. 6.—The South Atlantic Car and Mannfneturlng Com pany of Waycross yesterday closed contracts with th# Central of Georgia railroad for tho construction of five hundred freight cars to be delivered early next year. This contract will mean the employ ment of four hundred workmen at tho car factory for at least three months. The plant here has been running with small force during the summer months and Waycross people are Jubi lant that It Is to be run on full tlmo again. A lot of new machinery has Just been Installed and the factory will turn out ten completed cars per day. HANCOCK’S LIQUID SULPHUR. Tho Best Blood Purifier Known—In valuable as a Wash. Sulphur Is nature’s greatest germi cide. Its value has been known for centuries, but It wns never success fully produced as n liquid until the dis covery of the Method of making Han cocks’ Liquid Sulpnur. It 1s tho beat blood purifier known. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur will savo doctors' bills and make clear, brilliant complexions. Tnken Internally, It Is Invaluable In tho spring. Used as a wash It kills germs nnd cures and heals eczema, ache, Itch, dandruff, prickly heat, diphtheria, catarrh, cuts, burns, scalds, and all Inflammations and sores. Ask your druggist for It or write for booklet to Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. The Master Plumbers. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.—The Mas ter Plumbers' Association of the At lantic coast held Its closing sessions today. It was decided that hereafter all manufacturers of plumbing materl als should either stamp or label their products. The object of this measure was not only to show from whom bro ken parts should be ordered but also to Indicate the makers of poor ma teria). Walter D. Nolan of Washington was elected president and George W. James of Petersburg, Va., one of the board of governors. FOR SALE. Six acres land for $lu0 per acre. Is plated Into lots, a snap for you: 5 acres, with store and dwelling, for $1,000; 54 acres land, dose to city. $2,000; 110-acre dairy farm. In $0 minutes drive of city. $25 per acre; vacant lot. close In. for $6-x>; nice lot. Artope Heights, $150; 1$ lots, near car line for 9550; nice home In Bellevue for $750; 200 acres land, with enough wood on It to par for It. J. L. ETHRIDOE. Hardeman Bldg. Special This Week FREE 40 Stamps 40 Stamps Wo will give 40 Green Trading Stamps free to oach pur chaser of 50c worth Tea or Coffee during this week. The Great & Pacific Atlantic Tea Co. Here's a 'Bumper, Let it be a thumper, N'ight, morning or noon, December or June— Any old time— Old Barbee Whiskey Bottled in Bond The golden grain of Old Kentucky, turned into youth, good cheer and gladness. Age and purity guaranteed by the U. S. Government. for Old Barbee. Y V.rv.w MtHag ft, II government . , , rcork . Jn«. T. B«fcet 4 Co . Uw ftiik. Ky. POST OFEICE, TO HAVE QUARTERS Old Davis Stables to be Re modeled BIDS ARE BEING MADE L. R. Whitley of tho Supervising Ar chitect's Office in Washington Is in the City Scouring Bids on Remodel ing Old 8tabloa and Postmaster Ed wards Will Be Situated at This Point Whilo the New Federal Building Goes Up. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR FOR ORESHAM HIGH SCHOOL Will Be Opened Next Friday Afternoon in tho Publlo Library Building. Many Flno Prceento and Gift,—Pro ceed. Go to 8chool Library. Groxhnm nigh Brhnnl I. arranging for a Chrlatmn. Iinsuar to he conducted In the Macon Publlo Library on Mul berry etrret. It he. heretofore been the cuetom of thlx .chool to conduct the basaar In tho manunl training room of the echonl hulldlnit but thl. time the change hn. been made to the li brary building. The Ml., will open on next Frld.y afternoon. There will be*. good, in profuxlnn, prceento nnd gift, suitable for everybody. Iieelden theio good, hot chocolut. will be nerved dur Ing tho Mle. and nre he Ing made for a moat fa.hlon.ble b. inr. Thoso In chnrge nre making effort, to conduct thl. affair In mich manner a. to deeerve the Conalderatlon of the old nnd the young. Tho pronto derlv ed from thla oource are to be devoted to the Improvement and the enlarge tnent of the (Ireaham High Hchool library. Thoae who will peralet In closing their earn again.! the conUnual reconi mandatlon of Dr. Klng-o Now Dla covery for Conaumptlon, will have long nnd bitter nght with their troubleIf not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what ~ Beall of Beall, Minn., hna aay: "Lent fall my wife had every aymptom of conaumptlon. Kim took Dr. King*. New niacovery after avarythlng aloe had failed. Improve ment cam. at one* apd four hottlea entirely cured her.” Guaranteed nil drugglata. Price tOc, and Trial bottler free. eil by 11.00. A Sad Death. UNADILLA. fla., Dec. Ml.n Mna Higdon of Calvary. Oa.. died at Un.' dllla on the night of Dec. 4th, after short tltnenn, apparently In perfect health prevlnun to thla attack, and with every proapeet of a long and uaeful Ufa. Thin promlalng young woman waa atrlcken by dlaeao. and in a few daya panned away. Aa n faithful and efficient teacher of mualc of the Una dllla High School, aba will be Mdly mlaaed. She had been connected with thla achool only throe month,, hut her winning waya. quiat and gentle man nor. and Chrlnllan chain, ter have won her many friend, who are aadly griev ed at her death and deeply aympathlxe with her relatlvea In their aad be reavement. Mina Owner Pound Deed. DALLAS. Tex., Dec 7. -The laxly Chan, Goldstein, a wealthy mine owner of Dawaon, Alaska, formerly of Dallaa, waa found her. today In the Hanta Fa freight yard*. The h-v' wan badly' cruahed. floldntetn wax among a num ber of pwaona who narrowly eocaped death recently by the exploalon of dy namite in one of ih. hotel. i.,. r , j enrmhnd that Oohl.t- :n waa killed a Mow from a blunt Inxtrun »nt, rob bery probably h-lr-r the I. -.tire. tfhrrlff A. l*.!'-etr.r tonight . *250 reward for the p-raoij who explod ad the dynamite In la- i,..te| and *270 for the penon or. p-rton. who kitted raeu bay. L. R. Whlttey of tho office of the su pervising architect at Washington who has been in tho city In conference with custodian Edwnrda of the federal building In this city for tho arrange ment of temporary quarters for the pfatofflce while tho new federal build ing goes up, says It Is his purpose on the present visit to secure bids on the Improvement of the old Davis stable Mulberry street, Just below the postoffice, In order to make the build ing suitable. Since this purpose has been mode known It has been announced that Postmaster Edwards expects to be sit uated In the livery stables after the Improvements aro mode. The building will be refitted and renovated In such manner as to make it suitable for tho postoffice. It will be remembered that this property became the government's soon after plans wero made for tho new $805,000 federal building. It will be necessary for the postof- flee to be moved before tho work on the new building begins. It Is tho pur pose of tho authorities to have the re moval take place about the time tho federal courta go Into tho new quar ters. Unless something prevents, both tho courts and tho postoffice will be moved some time during the month of January. Then the work of demolish ing tho old federal building will begin. Mr. Whlttey will be In the city for about one week making tho arrange ments for the change In the postoffice. will be necessary to have such Im provements made In the old livery sta bles as will make the building suitable for at least three or four years' occu pancy. The work on thla building will begin ns soon ns the bids can be got ten In And approved. There will ho very little In the pres ent plan of the old federal building which can bo devoted to the erection of the new. It Is very probable that this structure will be knocked down and cleared away completely. No one knows as yet, however, what will be the plan of tho supervising architect ns regards this. It Is only Stated that It will require a long period of time to have the new federal building ready for occupancy. WHOOPING-COUGH of coughing In whooc!ng-cough may u r? or bunting of a blood vo*ho1. and l>e^ rai'dlca ald pan be gotten It will bo too late to save P* TV 1 A ,r,t \ or * Provide y« .ur h -me with a bot- 8 V )UKh byrap for this o: u rgency. aUSXPZ Rhooplng-congh, and colds before they «?.? whooping-cough, and can bo given the fjkatZa tw tho older child, because It t^tpnijiyxl. Thousands of mothors use It for whooping-cough, croup, colus, measles, etc. Mr*. Mjdoney, 179 Aberdeen Bt. Chicago. Ills, writes:- My baby.ton months olJ.wnataken xVl, 11 • y' 1 »°°ld n | c-t , o U »h. 1 got a bottle of Dr. fWjjA.Sp'ith Syrup. After giving her the third doao ns rjrogorlbcd. the cougii was not so severe and I had not given her ono bottle la all, when her cough was completely gone. 08. BULL’S COUGH SYRUP In euoh tt wonderful cura I had to tell too vi> ' . Dpnotletth< Is just ns gr>o t . ... J-..I .■ •! I bo disappointed in a cure. T ■HML.iumf It.’* Bo warned of tho Substitute. [AffiKSSlLra B tH^stltuto, tar or white pine mixture, which he says slrr OWfn nfrup. He Is calculating upon larger profit and T0U w,u n0 ‘ An Excellent Home in Vineville for cash payment of $750.00 and Balance on time. Give this to your wife. Money to loan on Real Estate WILLINGHAM & CONE, Phone 444. 355 Second Street Faculty Recital at Wosloy- an College Wodnosday night, Deo. 7. MOONSHINER IN TOILS OF LAW Veteran Marshal Thomas Lands Ilis Man IN SWAMPS OF UPSON W. J. Earle, Waa Bound Over Before United Btatee Commlaeione- Erwin and Went Home Under *300 Bond Largo Still Wae Destroyed Neo Rowland With Quantity of Beer. the tolls ot tho revenue Inwa nnd ho waa bound over." Tho accuaod man made the bond and returned to hla home to await tho ac tion of tho federal grand Jury. Thla la the flrat charge made In aome time by United Btatea Deputy Thomaa. Ha hna boon -out aavernl daya. Tho Emplro Restaurant. Mrs. Minnie Hchelllng, recently con-' nerted with the '*Metropolltnn Cafe." haa opened it nrat-claaa restaurant at *07 Mulberry street, nml aollelts tho patronage of tho public generally. Change In Bank Officials. CORDELK, On., Dec. B. It. Pal mar. cashier of tho Cordele National Bank and on. of tLo beat known bank ers ot Bnuth Georgia, has resigned hla position to become Mouth Georgia man ager for the Equitable Life Insurance company, B. H. Dunlap, farmer paying teller for the Mnddox-ftunker Ranking com pany of Atlantn, hna been elected to tho position of enabler of the Cord'd National Bank, nnd will tnko charge of the bualnees on Jnnnary I, when Mr. I’aimer's resignation la to take effect. Government Contraolor Bankrupt. RICHMOND, Va., Doc. J. dem on! Blmfer, contractor for the govern ment river and harbor work In tho James rlvor here, foday filed a volun tary petition In bankruptcy In the United Hlntes district court. The liabilities are given aa **>,144, nnd the assets as *J<0. Tho United Btatea deputy marshals have been busy again nnd as a result W. J. Earles, a whit* farmer of near j Rowland. Upson county, was arraigned | before United Btatea Commissioner Erwin nnd bound over for a hearing before the federal grand Jury under a bond of 1300. Tho veteran "moon shine'' marshaL Georg. Thoms., ha. been scouring Ih. swamp. In th. neigh borhood ot Rowland and de.plte th. raw weather he returned yesterday with his prisoner and reported lo tho authorities that he und Deputy Collec tor W. E. Crockett had destroyed a sixty-flve gallon eopper still. Around the home of the prisoner the officers found some barrels. Jugs and other vessels which they stated con tained the scent of syrup rum. In an out house a large copper atm was hidden Sway and In the home the nffl- cero testified that they took charge of some of the "spirits.” Down In the sivsmp hidden In a clump of trees a still wag In operation. There the officers found a large amount of syrup beer and all the appliances Whereby the "mountain dew" was manufactured. Tho officers set to work and within an hour the business of the "moonshiner" was In rains They went to the home of W. J. Earles and the three came to Mecon lo nettle the matter with the federal authorities The accused man was up before United States Commissioner L. M. Erwin end a hearing waa given. The veteran marshal told hla atory and the collector also testified. Earles stat ed that he was near the scene when the officer* destroyed the still and ex plained how the still and flxtures ware found In hi* home, but It wasn't suffl clent evidence to extricate him from Cure for Asthma and Hay Fever Tho itats meats published below r n- -nn the claim of Ur. Hehlffmann tUa‘ ■eraedy It an absolute cure fur Astbra: . In. il\tj litMff, Pleasant Hill, La] lap: “1 havef.und jrour Aitlima Curoa permsnenl core for Asthma, fur which II used 117 years a*o. I have never hsd Iki ' ‘ retorn of tlio trouble • For Sale Can aell a brand now house In Vlne- vllle on good street and community, $1,850.00 This place Is built of llrst class ma- terlul and Is up to date. Can make easy terms with a reasonable cuxh payment. Vacant Lots They nre getting scarce now nnd es pecially In good neighborhoods on long time. I lmvo ons 50 by 100 for 1:76, payable *75 down nnd HO per month. I have nnother 74 hy ICO for $325— peynble *100 In cash and balance to suit purchaser. Just so tt Is paid for In two years. These lota ere In a grow ing part of tawn und are enhancing every dny. Frank B. West, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Amorican National Bank Bldg. For Sale Close In Second street lot $1,000 Closo In six-room cottage—— 2,500 8-room 2-story residence, Spring street, near Mulberry 4,000 Two lota each 60 feet frontage, Spring near Mulberry atreet. H. Horne, Rcaie Estate, Insurance and Loans. 543 Mulberry Slreet. Phone 451 Rainey & Callaghan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FRESH FISH, OY8TER8. PRODUCE. POULTRY, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, • KALAMAZOO CELERY, EGGS. 8PECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT-OP- TOWN ORDER8. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN ■Phone, 233 and It* 45* First BL For Sale The Rearcy mill place with 12 acres land, twelve miles from Macon. Kina Water power with 15 feet fell; thres et or y grist and flour mill with stone foundation* to first floor. Also saw mill with 5.000 feet dally capacity; one 120-saw gin, preae, elevator* and wag on scales. Store doing prosperous business. Two three-room dwelling* and two three-room tenant houses, sta bles, barns, etc. Fine spring. Kvery thing complete and offered at bergali for quirk sale. Good reasons for sell ing. The chance of your life. For price and particular on or address ave*l*o found your remedy excel I cot In roach 1*1 fttfoelums." A H i/ I '-ver »ulf* rer writes: “I have hall lay Few f^r 14 y^ari. I bought* package of soar t^oi'-dy (Schumann's A*tUm*C ur'*;, ofour druggist ari<l<i to Its c o th!i 14 M ' t r ♦ jm.’pprtbatf pare r.- *A i tr, ; • 4 ' Mr» Frank Gi. 'rf.-., R *xkor > * . <: rugg! its .U and •! ' Hei 1 L'c (tamp to fjr. ft. Schumann, Ilex - Hr. Paul, Miss., (<«r a frrs oaaa- pfa package. Duncan Real Estate Exchange $1,300.00 TO LOAN RIGHT QUICK. On Improved City Property. Three . five yeare. GEORGIA LAND A TITLE CO. 370 8econc! Street. Geo. B. Turpin Sons, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN8, No. 353 Third 8L Telephone No. 77. DWELLINGS FOR RENT. No. 272 College St, 7 rooms....$45.00 No. 121 High 8L, 7 rooms 65.00 TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS To loan on Impro Money In the bank- red 1 ty property. Sl,600.00 Will buy a nice horn-’ In Huguenln Heights, consisting of a good tw<» ry, six-room dwelling on duilrable lot. Term*. $3 f »0 • aah. b.tlum •• «n long time yearly payment* and rrrauon.ible Inter est. A fine oppn Kkrate rente $15 P* Ho J. B. Hills, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Telephone 407 • • • • . 129 Cotton a $1,500.00 Georgia Lcao & Trust Co.,