The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 07, 1904, Image 6

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6 THE MACON TELEGRAPH : WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1904. MIT UNDERWEAR IN SILK, WOOL, COTTON, BALBRIG- GAN, SILK AND WOOL MIXT URES, NET AND MESH FAB RICS, LINEN, LISLE, ETC. ALL WEIGHTS, ALL GRADES, ALL SIZES FOR FALL ’04. HOSIERY FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LATEST NOVELTIES IN NEW WEAVES, CLOCKINGS AND PAT- TERNS THAT ARE REAL NEW. 566 THE WORK OF MACON’S BOARD OF ALDERMEN MACON, DUBLIN AND 8AVANNAH CASE QOE8 TO THE ATTORNEY8 FOR SETTLEMENT OF LEGAL FIGHT — HARDWOOD FACTORY SITE FOR OELAPIERRE IS RECONSIDERED AND RIGHTS WITH DRAWN-WATCHMEN FOR RAILROAD CROSSINGS REQUIRED IN NEW ORDINANCE— RULE8 GOVERNING COUNCIL FOR COM ING YEAR. The Aral buaineaa up for action at the mcctlna of the city council laat night was the matter of granting a alto to Arthur DeLaplerre of Netv York at Central City Park for a hardwood fac tory. Alderman Maaaec moved to re- conalder the ponton of the mlnutea of tho loot meeting which atated that the alto had been granted. There waa lit tle of tho eplrtted dlacuuton which took place at tho meeting In which tho otto waa granted and with few worda the action of tho body at tha prevlouo meeting waa raadnded. All membera of council atoned Bot tled an to what couraa ahould bn taken In the granting of the factory alto and tha reaclndlng of the work done In the prerloua meeting appeared to he en tirely aatlafactory to thoae who had on tho provloue occaolon favored tho meaauro aa writ aa to thoaa who hail qppoaed It Macon, Dublin and Savannah Caaa. The report of tho apodal commit tee from council upon the matter of Inveatlgatlon aa to broach of contract with the dty on the part of the Macon, Dublin nnd Savannah railroad In the aztanalon of Ita Knee to Bavannah waa again before council laat night for ac tion and the attorneya who had been prrvloualy conaulted will be Inatrucled to communicate with the railroad au- thortttee and elate that the dty la now ready for aome aeltlrment of the inat ter. The report of the apedal rommlttee acme time ago waa to tho effect that the contract hud been violated and tha committee believed that twelve arret of valuable land at Central Oily Park could be taken from the hunda of the railroad. Attornaya had been roneult ed and the opinion waa that the dty had good gmundo for autt. An effort waa made laat night to at low the railroad to come Into council and prrtent their aide of the matter but at tha auggeetton of Mr. Happ. who baa been chairman of the epeclal com mlttee, thta wee refueed upon the grounda, aa he atated. that tha railroad would communicate with council through attorneya. and membera council aa laymen would not he com petent to converec with them. Alderman Happ aald nothing furth er could be done with the railroad at preaent and the matter ahould go to the attorneya. He aald he had conn tn the propoaltlon which had been made by the attorneya conaulted and thought the proper courae would YOUNO LADIES’ CONCERT. Min Matthewa, Vlollnlat. and Mitt Bnllay, Suprano. to Appear Tomorrow Night. Tho tntereat grown In the entertainment to be given Thuraday night at Conover Hall, on Cotton avenue by Mlaa Balloy, the eoprano, and Mlaa Matthewa. the vlollnlat, aa the tale of tlcketa Indlcatee, Tha young ladiee. who have received their mualcal education largely at VVea- ley.'m, will endeavor to ncault themeelvca worthily of their nlma mater. The hull will be In perfect ordir, d-comted, heated and lighted, to aa to Inaure the com fort of every one attending. The pro gramme will be euch aa to teat thefr abilities In every reapecL Prof. Hepburn will be the accompantaL DG€SJ3 Coughs Cutod kjf ALLLN'S LUNQ BALSAM Faculty Recital at Wes leyan College Wednesday night, Dec. 7. MOVE FOR VIADUCT AT CENTRAL CITY PARK ALDERMAN DAMOUR INTRODUCED MEASURE WHICH, IF ADOPTED, WILL REQUIRE SOUTHERN RAILWAY AND MACON, DUBLIN AND 8AVANNAH TO CONSTRUCT STEEL VIADUCT AT ENTRANCE TO CENTRAL CITY PARK WITHIN NEXT 8IX MONTHS—ORDINANCE NOW IN HANDS OF COMMITTEE. be to commit the affair to their charge. Alderman .fonea charged that the rallrond had been eold and all the In cal stockholders had been left out in the cold and he believed the property waa not serving the ends for which it had been given. At this statement City Attorney Wimberly asked to be heard and he spoke of the condition of the Macon, Dublin and Bavannah at preaent. He called attention to the time when the contract had been drawn, lie waa at the time attorney for the road nnd could not draw the contract. He believed the railroad wan perfect as far as the corporation waa concerned and aald with the city It had now come to the point aa to whether the railroad had direct nnd competing lines to Bavannah. He said this was the point of dispute and was purely a question of law. Alderman Chealney wanted to know whether the attorneys communicated with by Mr. Happ had stated poattlvely that the city had a case against tha railroad. Alderman Massee contended that the cltv had gotten a competing line to Bavannah out of the contract and he said that was all the city had asked. Alderman Jones was up and wanted the city to go forward with the case, lie sa<d the railroad had gotten all for nothing and the elty look out for Ita rights. Alderman Redmond wanted the city tn send the report of the special coni* mlttee to the railroad authorities and allow them 1R days to reply. His mo tion to this effect was voted down by eight membera against four. 1 The motion of Alderman Happ waa then put and was carried. This pro vided for direction to the attorneys In which they ar«* to be Instructed to communicate with the railroad and say that the dty Is now ready for a settlement. Rules for Next Year. The special committee on rules for the coming year made a report at the meeting and the rules were discussed This required A great deal of time and the membera of council engaged in warm discussion of the new ones. Alderman McKenna waa a member of thla committee and fought for the adoption of every rule. The rulea regarding time of meet ing and other matters were practi cally unchanged for the coming year* It waa upon the new* rules that the discussion became spirited. Alderman Massee wanted a member to be re quired to have two aeconde before he could call for the yeas and nays upon a question, but he lost In an effort to have this added to the rule*. Another motion requiring a member to have Alderman C. b. Lnmour Introduce t an ordinance at t.»o meeting of the ••tty council last night which If passed will require the Bnuthern railway an1 t.i* Macon, Dublin and Bavannah railroad to construct a viaduct within the n.vr six months at he entrance to City Park. The ordinance has beer under considera*Y,u some time ini *s a result of his up. r*elation of Ctitttvtl City Park Alderman Damour has tak en the present action. The ordinance was Introduced in* 1 read last night. It was not discussed. There was a motion from Aldermtn M-Henna which referred the proposed ordinance to ’he committee on ordi nances and resolutions. It Is to be re ported upon at n future meeting. The proponed o:finance Is as t 1- lows: 'Whereas, the tracks of the South ern Hallway Company, and >/ the con Dublin and Bavnnnnh La'ltoul Ccn.;u*ny or. Seventh at root in frert *f Central City Park, by reason of on grad*; with the streets md only en trances to the said park, are dnngerous to Ufgt and limb, besides of being a Source of delay and annoyance Ic *h« public, forming one of the pr n ••?*» rcfions why said park is no* used mere as a pleasure place for oil* pc.», pie; and, "Whereas, In the opinion of tho may or and council this danger can • qly he aw*ted by a viaduct over t.16 said tracks; "Be It ordained by the mayor mil council of the city of Macon, end It Is hereby ordained by authority of the •ame, That the Southern Railway Com pany nnd the Macon. Dublin and Sa vannah Railroad Company, he nnd tb*y are hereby required to construct and place a viaduct over their trncx« on Seventh street. In front of Central City Park. Bald viaduct to be constructed of steel, thirty-two feet wide, embrac ing a roadway of twenty feet, and side walks six feet In width on either hide of same. Buffi viaduct to be construct ed under the" supervision of the city engineer, and to be fully completed within six montps from the passage of this ordinance. "Be .It further ordained, That for each and every day of failure to com plete said viaduct within the time spe cified shall subject the said railroads to .a fine of fifty dollars for each and every day of such failure. WHEN CONSTIPATED Mosley’s Lemon Elixir Will Give Relief Promptly and Pleasantly. When the liver and bowels do not act regularly the entire systm soon gts out of order. Neglect or Improper treatment results In serious accumula tion. of impurities which clog up the system and ofterr result In serious sick ness. If the bowels nnd liver are kept healthy and regular it will be Impos sible for typhoid and other dangerous summer diseases to get a foot hold. The most satisfactory remedy for biliousness, constlpatlonfl colic, Indi gestion. sour stomach, dizziness, sick headache.,etc., Is Mozley's Lemon Elix ir, tho Ideal laxative. It acts thoroughly* but gently, nnd Inks the place of calo mel and pills, which are so nauseating to most people, and are injurious to all. Mosley’s Lemon Elixir Is made of lem ons nnd Its value ns n laxative Is rec ognized by tho medical profession eve rywhere. ROc a bottle at drug stores. Phenomenal in Its Success and Unmatchable in Values Our sale of Ladies’ High Grade Suits, Coats and Fine Furs Continues As a result of late purchases, made af ter the manufacturer’s season was practically over, we procured hundreds of the newest and best style creations of America’s foremost manufactur ers at prices that enable us to offer values from one-fourtli to one-third better than can be found elsewhere. So potent are these values and so tell ing are they in effect that despite the greatly advertised reductions by other merchants this sale continues to hold the attention of the most critical and fyest dressed women of this section. Furs! The high reputation of the man ufacturers, backed by their ab solute and unequivocal guaran tee on every Fur piece in the collection, and our own guarantee in addition—the won derful richness and beauty of the furs offered—their match less stylo and up to date character, stamp this sale as tho ovent of the season. Vt smooth old mellow—this is whiskey—rich and nd | Old Quaker Rye Made under conditions of abso lute cleanliness—twice distilled in copper — ripened in heavily oak barrels — bottled distillers. Ask for time. d«. 1 on* second 1*efore he could cnll for the yearn and nays was carried. Alderman Jones wanted to do away with the method of seconda to mo tions. A motion to strike tho require ment of a second to a motion was lost and a member making a motion will need a second before he can be heard. A member cannot apeak more than five minutes upon *ny measure and must not speak but once without per mission of the body. Aldermnn Jones opposed this rule and fought It strenu ously, but it {Hissed by a large vote. The committee had provided that all votes In election be taken by bnllot, but the body would not agree upon this nnd the new rule was stricken. Alderman Jones wanted to require the city attorney to iCJend meetings of council. He said It was neceqsary In order to keep pos*ed as to the busi ness of the city. After,some discus sion this motion wan lost. There was a strenuous effort to de feat tho new rule which provides for the fining of a member of council who is absent from a meeting without a good excuse. The new rule was warm ly discussed nnd a motion to strike It proved six In favor of its adoption and six against Its aloptton. This was not sufficient to strike It and tho motion was lost. laitcr nnother mo tion by Alderman Massee to strike this rule was again lost. Alderman Jones In referring to the rules regarding the heads of depart ments charged that the police depart ment was In such condition as to make It necessary to have the whole body deal with this department. He said that the gambling was still In prog ress In this city and that he knew of an Instance where 100 young men had been seen In an open gambling room In the past few days despite the fact that the grand Jury has been In ses sion for rome time, lie avid the ques tion had been put to one of the officials ns to whether a gambler could be caught at the present moment and the official replied that he knew where at the moment between five nnd nine could be captured, hut the official said he had no Instructions to make the raid and could do nothing. The rule* regarding the heads of. departments were not changed. Af ter a long discussion of the different new rules, It was decided to lay them over until the next meeting for final adoption. In the meantime they are to bo typewritten and **ach member of council la to have n sufficient knowl edge of them to pass upon the whole number at the next meeting. Watchman at Crossings. Alderman Massee Introduced an or dinance providing for watchmen at the different railroad crossing* In the dty Instead of bars or other guards. This ordinance, tf adopted, will require ail railroads to keep watchmen at the crossings where the danger is great est In the city. It was read and re ferred to the ordinance committee last night and will be further considered at a future meeting. There was some considerable dis cussion of a grade which had been made in front of Mr. Richard Kind- | lay's property on College street. He I had complained to council shout the [ condition In which hts residence had j been left after the grading had been j done. The matter was finally left to j the mayor who is to go out and ascer- I tain what the agreements were at the time the grade was made. He will I report the matter at the next meet- I Ing of coundL Alderman Jones was at a loss to | know what ahould be done with the I garbage of the city. He still complain- I ed of the trash in the rear of tht 1 rtsces of business and wanted some thing done. Alderman Sloan was also urgent upon this matter. There was no action, however, it being stated that special arrangements could be mads till the end of the present year. There were reports from the clerk f the market, the board of health, the ity sexton, and the finance commit* ee on bills. The** reports vgs road md ordered filed properly. The Young ladies' Hebrew Aid Bo- petition asking for the auditorium and granted tn open It with a ball for charitable purposes. Thla petition was referred to the audi torium committee. Faculty Recital at Wes leyan College Wednesday night, Doc. 7. CONCERT AT MT. OE SALES. A Most Dellohtful Affair for the Benefit of the Oulldlnn Fuad. The coftrnrt at Mt. dr dale*, given last night for the benefit of the building fund, nttractrd n crowd so targe that there waa pot standing room In the academy. It amounted to a great tribute to tne worth of tha educational Institution. The programme opened with the overt ure "Mnzrttu" by the Hepburn Orchestra, which win* so excellent a* to put the audi ence on the qul vlve. Then came the address by Mm. Dun can Brown on the Value of Education and the necessity of providing mutable building* for carrying on the good work no well begun by the rimer* of merry of the Mt. de Side* Aitul**my. Ho graph- frally did she drrerlbw the situation nnd *o eloquently did she make her, that the nttdlrnre was roueed to a high pitch of enthusiasm Mr*. Oould'j* over- it* beat In Onutind'* *'Lo Pnrtate D'Ar- mnr," with flererlberg's "If l Were a lto*e" aa a recall. — Ml** Louise Hluirleton'e "For All Eter nity," given In her usual brilliant con tralto style wn* greatly appreciated. Tho tnnefulnee* ws» remarkable and the effect positive. Ml*h Mamie VannuccVa "Lov ing Spring." by Ardlte evoked hearty nu- nlaus# ** one remarked: "Her blrd-llko tone* filled the air with sweetne**.” Mr*. Joseph Campbell **ng Bartlett's "Day I* Ended" with violin obligato by Prof McKenna. Fhc has a rich contralto voice, and her rendering was tasteful and s> tnpathedc. Mr*. C. H. Schofield’* appearance wan greeted mo*t enthusiastically. "Her beau- tlful tonev " remarked a critic, "seem to R ain In mcllowne**." She ha* rarely been card to batier advantage, ghe wan twice recalled. Hhe rang ”To My Turtle Dove" and "The Swallows." MIm File* Mot thews’ rendering of "The A wan" left nothing to he desired in point of technique and eympnthetlc Interpreta tion Miss Matthew*’ reputation a* a vio linist bad preceded her. 8hc received nn ovation *>n nrr < nnclusion. Mt* L T. Htnlllngs sang "My Dreams’* and "My Sweetheart's Like * Lily," nnd her voice, again demonstrated Its high, cultured «npr*no The audience was most emphatic tn It* appreciation. Mr r»mpM|. with hi* tuneful bass, sang "The Watcher." and he seemed to * irpas* nil hi* previous public efforts. The accotnpnniMt* of the evening were Mrs Charles II. Ilall, Miss Singleton and Prof. Hepburn. CHRISTMAS FUND CONTINUES TO GROW A Total of $254.85 Has Been Raised up to Date to B« Distributed Among the De serving Poor of the City on Christmas Day. _______ From all quarters, silver dollnrs. bill* and merchandise are pouring Into the cof fers ant aside to hold the contributions town i ds a merry Christmas for the de- • glorious voice was at * PO° r °f *h® dty. Day by day and ~ — hour by hour the fund grows apace, but still there a»o hundred In Macon who Intend to odd their part to the praise worthy cause. While money Is the easiest to be handled and looked after by those tn charge, gift* of merchandise nnd cloth ing will two nv|U readily accepted. Where It la Imposstb.c to donate one of the** commodities, the other takes Its place. Those who are so earnestly working In bshalf of the cause have one request THE EMPIRE RESTAURANT. 507 Mulberry Street. Meals served day and night, atten tive waiters, prompt service and everything up to dote. Public patron age respectfully solicited. Mrs, Minnie Schell ing. the part of Mr. Dinkier was made unso licited. HI* new skating rink will be opened at the corner of Third and Mul berry street possibly Monday afternoon next, but at any rate In time for Christ- MR. MILTON E. SMITH PASSES FROM EARTH Survived His Wife Only a Few Months. Was a Good Citizen and Had Many Friends. WEATHER BUREAU MAY GO TO CITY HALL t’hrlNtmua day. Follow lag Is tlio subscription list up to date, furnished by Mayor Hmith: Previously acknowledged W.‘ H ft 8. Blouenateln Jno. T. Moore II J. Lamar Young Cllrl*’ Atrt Hnm welchselbatim & Mack Eugene II. Elder C. M. Wiley c’has. 8. Anderson Chao. Qelsmar Jos. Block Mr. Milton E. Smith died at his home on Coleman jfienue. Huguentn I {eights, $11$.35 ’ this morning at 12:05 o’clock after n short l.oo ’ illness. Mr. Smith survived his rife o ily 2.0o | a few month*. He leaves two children. 5.<w . Mr. Smith came here twenty years 5.00 ago and engaged In a shirt manufictur- 6.i" 1 Ing business In Macon wifh Mr. J 11. 5.00 Herts. He afterwards was In busiuc** tor 2,oo | himself, and had recently bci>n In chunfe Total .... Mr L. J. he would girl .... | — „ tnx day of his new skating rink to bo c\cnlv divided between the poor fund and the city hospital. This announcement on the proceeds of the open 1.00 of FUcscbman’s ye*»t lor the city. 1.(0 waa an ex-chancellor of the supremo 2.00 , lodge of the state or Georgia, Knights of ^— Mr. 8mlth was about 47 year* of age $147.35 and s highly respected citizen of Macon. *" “ He was a consecrated Christian, a amn beloved by many a strong friend made during his long residence here, and one who had gained the confidence of a great many people. He has large numbers of friends wherever he fa known. t^The funeral arrangements will be made later ay and the burial will be announced Negotiations Are Now Under Way for the Removal of Mr. Weeks to This Point When tho New Federal Building Goes Up. i The effort Is now being made to place tho weather bureau In the city hall dur ing the time needed to build tho now federal building in this city. Weather Observer Weeks has explained to the city authorities what space would be needed and the provisions which would be neces sary to locate at the city hall during tho time. He will communicate further with tho mayor and council in an effort to ascer tain whether It will bo advisable to mnvo the weather bureau to this point. In tho event of locating there. It will be neces sary to erect rooms on top of the dty hall fer *he weather man and It will be also necessary to make some other alight prep aration for him. It la understood that the weather bu reau will be placed at the city hall, if * greenble with the federal authorities. l’Tans ore now being made to accommo date this department as well as the fed- frul courts, nnd It is very probable that the change will be made to this point. COUNTY TREASURER’S BOND. Was Reduced Yesterday by County Com missioners From $223,000 to $100,000. At the session of the county commis sioners yesterday it was resolved to re duce the bond of the county treasurer, Mr. 8. A. Crump, from $225,000 to $100,000, the showing having been made th.*l It waa excessive on account of the system of cheeking. The books of the treasurer were shown to be accurately and neatly kept, nnd a wtrict compliance with tho law maintained. The remainder of the session was de voted to routine business. NEorCARDUl THE PARLOR AND IN THE KITCHEN Wint of Careful it the medicine for every woman. Wine of Cardui build* up a woman’s strength and makes her fit for any duty. If she is ailing it puts her in the best health. If she is sick it cures her of such troubles as inegular periods, bearing down pains and all the weaknesses of womanhood. But you do not have to be sick to take Wine of Cardui. This natural female tonic is beneficial at any time. Periodical use of Wine of Cardui is necessary for most women who are burdened with sodal duties, women who have the care of young children and have to do their own work. They find this great tonic a grateful support at times when they are tired, nervous and worn out Will You Give Wine of Cardui a Trial? ALL DRUGGISTS SELL 8 1.00 BOTTLES.