The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, December 08, 1904, Image 5

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******* ♦♦♦+-M-+++44M-* THE MACON TELEGRAPH : THURSDAY MORNTNG, DECEMBER 8, 1904. ♦>IT’S ALL RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN'S. large assortment PRICES ESTIMATE IS BITTERLY REPUDIATED OF- Ckristmas Presents. New Popular Books, Fountain Pens, Christy Pictures, Christy Calendars. Fischer Calendars, Gibson Calendars, Gift Books, Books for old and young. Mail orders have our prompt and care ful attention. DENOUNCED BY FARMERS, WAREHOUSEMEN AND MILLMEN AS A BLOW AT THE PRODUCER—NO REASON WHY THERE SHOULD BE A 13,000,000 BALE ESTIMATE—ATTEMPTED TO PHOTOGRAPH UNPICKED FIELDS IN BIBB COUNTY—PHOTOGRAPHER COULD FIND NONE—REPORT OF HIS CAMERA WORK IN TEXAS. The T. A. Coleman Book & Printing Co. 310—320 Second Street. tIT’S ALL RIGHT IF IT COMES FROM COLEMAN'S. e-M DOLLS, TOYS We have our annex ready for your inspec tion, filled with all kinds of games, doils, toys and fancy goods. Our dolls are especi ally attractive,jhave kid bodied dolls from 15c to $3.00 Bisque jointed dolls 10c to $5.00. Dressed dolls 5c up. Tea sets, drums etc. from the cheapest to the best McEvoy Book & Staty. Co., 572 Cherry St. Macon’s Art Store.” The art lovers of Macon and vioinity are invited to call and inspect our line of Holiday Presents, consisting of Pictures, Frames, Calendars, Christ mas Postals, and lots of other good things too numerous to mention. Our reputation for high class work is too well known to mention here. W. Lamar Williams, “ The Frame Maker” 107 COTTON AVENUE. 0 PERSONAL. | One Cent a Word jj WANTED. INTELLIGENT American widow, hand- some and worth 160,000, wants good, honest husband. Address Aetna, Oneonta Bid., Chicago, HI. JUST RECEIVED—Fresh shipment of Weiner sausage. Frankfurter. Salami and Ring; order somo today. Chaa. Gcls- mar, ’Phone 48. COUPLE wants three rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences, in good locality. N. B. C., Telegraph. ORDER your fresh Jersey butter at 25c. .Per pound from Charles Gelsmar, Phone 48. WANTED—A boy’s btcyclo In good condi tion. ’Phone 3242. BUTTERINE. better than country butter, _and cost you only 20c. pound. Oscar The bearish estimate of Theodore Price haa excited the Indignation of cotton producers throughout the South. He declared, as printed yes terday. that the crop of this season would amount to 13.000,000 bales In cluding Unters and that the Indicated yield la 12,873,333 bales, not Including Unters. In addition he said: “I am supplied with photographs of numter of unpicked fields In the South which I shall shortly publish, and which gives Indisputable evidence of the fact that a large amount of cot ton Is still unpicked." Mr. William McEwen Johnston of this city yesterday received a letter from a party in Texas whom he knows to be undoubtedly reliable, In which he says: "T. H. Price sent down here a week or more ago to some one to have some photographs taken of cotton being picked. If It did not cost over 326.00, and sent to him at once. They found one field (only a corner of It) and they put some negroes In it and they went to work picking and I suppose Price exhibited this and beared tho market —& clear misrepresentation or th® condition of things here." Telegraph reporter made an In vestigation yesterday and discovered that Price had sent an order to a local photographer and offered him 325 to give him pictures of fields of unpicked cotton. The photographer mndo tho effort and reported that he could And none. To what other parts of the Georgia cotton belt Price sent the or der Is not now known. Farmers from the neighboring coun ties, Houston, Jones, Crawford, Twiggs and others who were In tho city yesterday were extremely denun- ciotory of Prlco and charged that he was trying to bear the market. They said ho was a member of the New WANTED—One thousand bushels speck led peas, unknown nnd wixed peas. Jones Gro. Co., foot Mulberry st, ’Pnone 640. WANTED—600 men to get a hair cut and shave at 658 Mulberry at. I*. L. Ste vens. Prop. ORDER your fresh Jersey butter at 25c. *'*und from Charles Gelsmar, 'Phone 48. WANTED—A position as bar tendor; nine months experience; can give reference; willing to work; am now employed, but desire to change. Address L. w.. Tele graph. WANTED—To rent or repair a water mill by an experienced millwright Apply to IL, In care of Telegraph. WANTED—Six hoys to begin apprentice ship In my cabinet works at once. Call on F. W. Muecke, C14 New st. LADIES earn 320 per hundred writing short letters; send stamped envelope for particulars. Ideal Mfg. Co., Cassopolls, Mich. WANTED—A first-class blacksmith who can do wood-work also. Jno. R. Barfield, Emerlch, Ga. WANTED—A 93.000 loan on real estate valued at 98,000.00. Address Invest ment, caro Telegraph. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Cottage, 222 Ron* at.: poa- aeaalon January tat. J. R. Burnett, 1S1 Cotton avo. FOR RENT—Two nice connecting rooms; every convenience. Call 415 New st. ORDER youe fr^sh Jersey butter at 25c. per pound from Charles Gelsmar, 'Pnone 48. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room with or without board. 242 Washington nve. FOR RENT—Three rooms; every conven ience. Call 814 Octnulge# st.. between Second and Academy, 'Phone 2584. FOR RENT—Threo or four furnished rooms for light houaokccplng; upstairs, all conveniences; bent locality In city. X. Y. 55.. care Telegraph. FOR RENT—Front room. Bond st, near car line; furnished or unfurnished; pos- cession about January 1st. 'Phone 3321 or 315. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms on first floor to gentlemen. 313 Walnut at. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—An established sheet metal bustness, complete In every detail, cheap rent, big building, excellent terri tory and good will of concern working In connection with it. ^ Will sell nt a bar gain. good reason for disposal. It will pay you to Investigate, answer quickly. Address Box 148. Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALE—Eight aharea Exhang* Bank ■took. Addreaa "Stock," care Tele, graph. FOR SALE—4-room houae. 109 Willing ham st.. East Macon. Mrs. Joe Ryles. FOR SALE—Old-fashioned mahogany secretary: In perfect condition. Address W-, Telegraph. FOR BALE—Four well-trained registered pointer dogs. 2 years, for 330 to 1100; every dog guaranteed O. K. J. O. CoUe, Montlcello, Ga. MU8ICAL INSTRUCTIONS. lln. Apply to Miss Matthews, 665 ’ FOR CHRISTaMAS—Bicycles, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Autopedes. Coasters. Boy’s Wagons, Doll Carriages, &etc., cheap at 8. 8. Parmelce’s. JUST ARRIVED—Two carloads of Ken tucky and Tennessee mules, all alzea; call and get our prices and savo money. Waterman & Co. fresh FISH and oy,ter» all tho time. O. P. Clarke ft Co. MEDICAL. ATTENTION LADIES— Nokemo positive ly prevents, cures leucorrhra and other discharges; safe and pleasant; month's treatment r.repnld, one dollar; booklet free- Moreland Chemical Co., US Eaat 28th st., Now York, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. a. MABEL LODGE NO. 253, F. & A* M—Regular eommunlca- X Jr t,on W,, I be held tonight at 8 /\f\ P. m.: qualified brethren frater- ... „ naHy Invited: work. Carl Dohn, W. M.; John Hart*, 8ecty. JUST RECEIVED—Fresh shipment of WeJner sausage. Frankfurter, Salami and Ring; order some today. Chaa Gels- mar, ’Phone 48. MOURNING orders completed op short notice. Southern Dye A Cleaning Works. 154 Cotton ave.. f Phone 548. ORDER your fresh Jersey butter at 26c. 'p£ono 4? und from Charle » Gelsmar, DRESSED TURKEYS, hen*, trial, broil- era: also fresh oyntera, n*h. game, cele ry fruit, and vegetable*. Rainey ft Cal laghan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Between VlnevlUe and Hotel La nier. envelope containing deeds and other papers. Finder will pleaao com- munlcato with Isaac Hardeman. LOST—A black grip containing valuable papers by A. Y. Evlns of 122 ?*uckte st., Atlanta, and a red suit case by A. Moms of 13 South Fourth at., St. Louis; both were lost between tho depot nnd th® Ho el Lanier. 925 reward If returned to Hotel Lanier. ORDER your fresh Jersey butter at 25c. I*? und from Charles Gelsmar, ’Phone 48. T ’? 8 T7r; I,0< : k '\ t ! >00 . k containing about 350 In hills; Inside hook is my name, V, B. Hooks. Finder will bo rewarded by re turning same to this office. L08T-Po|nter puppy (bitch), four months old. liver and white ticked, liver head, soots on ride. Return to T. W. Glase. 707 Second st. WT-Whlt. and Uvor ticked pointer bitch; liver (pot on head and tall. Re turn to Ike Dunwody for liberal reward. LOST—White and liver colored pointer, female, about e!ghte«n month* old; has a small lemon spot under left ey®; liberal reward. Telephone 2112, or B. E. Rough- oin/ii r.u-uncnu rewarn ror inrorma- tlon of whereabouts of three months-old Scotch collie puppy* tan color with blase face, tip end of taU white. Dave Fleischer. Special This Week FREE 40 Stamps 40 Stamps We will give 40 Green Trading Stamps free to eacli pur chaser of 50c worth Tea or Coffee daring this week. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. THE NEWS IN TIFT0N AND BERRIEN COUNTY Odd Fellows Elect Their Officers for Ensuing Term—Telephone Improve ment-Cotton Rec< ipts. York Cotton Exchange and that he was. after all. a bear though at the outset of the season he had posed as a bull. They asserted that their own fields were picked and that there was nothing in the “fence corners" for a photographer. The warehousemen declared that they were In full sym pathy with the farmers and they were quite as positive in denouncing Price ns one who was trying to cros3*lift the producer. It was pointed out to the reporter that notwithstanding the Price esti mate, the market was steady for tho day at a gain on the close. One warehouseman, who is not only n factor but a grower, expressed his reprobation of Price In unmeasured terms. In his oplnlqn. it was a deliber ate effort on Price's part to injure tbe Southern producers. Another warehouseman, who is not only a factor, but an owner of plan tations and with large mill interests In this section, was extremely positive. "I' say to you" said he. “that as a manufacturer the price today should not bo less than 9 cents a pound. Cot ton is good for that at this time. The producers ought to hold, I believe the crop will reach 11,760,000 bales as .ev erybody else believes. The man who deliberately sends out a statement that It will bo 13,000,000 and does It Just at this time can have no other motive than to strike a blow at tho producer in order that he may scalp the market." Another warehouseman of long ex perience, who had been In consultation with the farmers all the day said that the price was absurd; that the mill men made n profit at 11 cents while they were complaining of the cost of tho staple; that when cotton went down they did not decrease their price on goods, but on tho contrary, Increas ed them: that the farmer was, there fore, a loser both as a buyer and a seller because of Just such manipula tory tattles as Price, for one, has un dertaken.” HAL. SCHOFIELD KILLS GREEN KING, NEGRO WHITE MAN SUDDENLY ATTACKED THE NEGRO IN A STORE AND EMPTIED HIS REVOLVER, LEAVING HIS VICTIM DEAD ON THE FLOOR—STORY OF THE AFFAIR AS TOLD BY WITNESSES TO THE CORONER’S JURY—SCHOFIELD AWAITS ARREST AND IS INCARCERATED. Hal Schofield shot and Instantly & Parker's store, at tho Branch. Five out of six The difficulty tfeat led to the shoot- that Schofield handed to Green a n’t want yout cigarette." A word two passed and Schofield stepped to the aide of Green, threw hin left arm revolver and placing It within an Inch of the head of Green, fired. The wit nesses at the Inquest differed among themselves as to the number of shots fired while Schofield had tho negro In his grasp. Schofield then released Green and the latter fell to the floor. Schofield continued shooting, one or two of tho balls taking effect and two striking the portion about 18 Inches above tho floor. The revolver, after the fifth ■hot had been discharged, was thrown to the floor by Schofield. It was picked up lator and placed in the hands of Mr. Drew, who turned it over to Cor oner Young. At the tlmo the shooting occurred there were a number of negroes and one or more white men at tho counter. It was stated that both Schofield and Green had been drinking beer some time prior to the shooting. When Green dropped to the floor Schofield walked a few paces away and there remained until Patrolman Seth Knight entered and placed him under arrest. He was taken to the police headquarters where a charge of murder was entered against him on the docket The shooting took place shortly af ter 7 o’clock, when the neighborhood of the killing was thronged with negroes. The reports of the pistol were heard by those on the streets and In an in stant the store was filled with morbid sightseers. A telephone message was at once sent to Coroner Young and that officer hastened to the scene. When he arrived the negro had been dead for some time and Schofield ' at the station houae. Coroner Young and other* examln- A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abourkf#* With impure blood there cannot be good health. With a disordered UVERthere cannot be good blood. Tutt’s Pills ed the body of the dead man and found thnt one or two shots had entered and completely shattered that part of the skull Just above the left eye. Another, had entered Just below the left Jaw bone. Story of Shooting. Ed Taylor, one of the eyo witnesses to tho affair, was the first to be placed upon the stand. What he said fol lows: “I was standing at the far end of the bar and Green was not fnr away. Mr. Schofield was at the other end. I heard a few words pass and then I saw Mr. Schofield hand Green a note and told him to take It to drug store and get some cigars and tobacco. In a few minutes King got back and handed tho tobacco to him, Mr. Bctiofleld then handed Green cigar and Green told' him he did not want any cigarette. Thl* seemed to make Mr. Schofield mod and he said. You don’t know how near death you were a few minutes afo,* Then Green said that ho did not believe Mr. Scho field’s pistol would shoot. At this Mr. Schofield walked towards Green and reaching him, grabbed him about the neck with his left arm and reached In to his pocket, pulled hla revolver with his right hand. He then put tho gun near Green’s head and pulled the trig ger. I don’t know Just how many times he fired whon he had Green In his ip. Tho two tottered a few steps backward and when Mr. Schofield re longed him, Green fell to the floor. Mr. Schofield continued shooting as Green Iny upon the floor. After tho fifth shot he turned and threw the gun to wards the partition between *tho store and tho bar. Mr. Knight then came In to the bar nnd arrested the man who did the ahootlng." In but few particulars the atnte- ments of the remaining wltnesee* varied from that of Taylor. The ver dict of the jury waa: “We. the Jury, say that Green King came to his death from gun shots In flicted in the head by Hal Schofield and In the opinion of the Jury and from the evidence given It waa mur der." Signed, F. D. Ong, foreman; 8. H. Knight, W. A. Rcdlngfleld, Howard Tidwell, J. J. Wilder and J. Mc Creary. • Refutes to Talk. A Telegraph reporter called at po lice headquarters aa soon as the coroner's verdict had been rendered. Permission was given by Chief Mur phy to the reporter to speak to the prisoner, but those who were In com pany with Schofield In one of the room* at the headquarters, refused en trance to the representative of the paper, saying that ha did not wish to make any statement When Schofield was taken to the station house ha waa not placed in a cell, but allowed to remain In a small room Just off the main office. When the headquarters waa visited by a re porter Schofield was seen in the small room drinking from a bottle. In a chair waa seated a woman whose name was withheld by Chief Murphy TIFTON, Ga., Dec. 7.—Tifton Lodge No. 135, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at their trl-monthly meeting last evening elected new lodge offi cers for the ensuing year. Tho fol lowing men will be in command of the affairs of the lodge for the new year: J. J, Murray, Nobla Grand; Vice Grand. T. T. Webb; Recording and Financial Secretary, Dr. O. Lee Chestnutt; Treasurer, E. E. Slack; Trustee, W. F. Spooner; Auditing Committee, J. E. Peeples, W. H. Spooner and Col. R. Eve. Messrs. John T. Mathis and E. H Slack will represent tho Tifton branch of Odd Fellows at tho coming session of the Grand Lodge. Telephone Improvement. Mr. Will Daughtry of tho construc tion department of the Tifton Tele phone Company with a force of men is hard at work putting In new cable wires in an endeavor to get Tlfton’s local exchange In hnrmonous working order again. Tifton has been without phono connections slnco tho destruc tive flro a few woeka ago, as the ex change nnd all the fixtures were burned at the time. Much Inconvon* lence for tho lack of telephone con nection has been experienced and tho patrons of the exchange are patiently awaiting the installation of tho new switch board, etc., which will enable them to enjoy the privilege of a modern mode of long distance conver sation. Cotton Receipts. The cotton receipts of tho ware housemen of Tifton this season havo been unprecedented and nt the present tlmo the warehousemen have on hand more cotton than the total receipts amounted to the whole of last season. These facts clearly demonstrate that Tifton is rnpldly becoming the cotton market of a large scope of south eGor- gla. This year has been an unusually prosperous one In Berrien county and the farmers all seem to be prosperous and living at home, with practically all accounts oven and something over to their credit. A number of north and middle Georgia farmers havo In vested In fartp lands throughout this section nnd are now, and In tho next 30 days, commencing to prepnre for the next crop. Without doubt Ber rien county as well ns the grentcr por tion of south Georgia Is fast becoming tho farming section of tho etate. Sparks, one of the coming towns of this part of the state, Is to have an auction of real estate lots Friday, Dec. The town Is fast building up and has In the past 1C months almost doubled Its population. It has the equal of nny schools In tho Southern equal of any schools In tho southern ties and every Inducement to onoour- nge tho Inflow of all legitimate and profitable enterprises Is nlways tended to prospectors. The city of Sparks Is to be congratulated on Its progressiveness. A NICE COTTAGE Plr.tlnn Foley-. Honay and Tap. Foley ft Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tap a. a throat and lung remedy, and on account of tho great merit nnd popularity of Foloy'e I Toney nnd Tnr many Imitation, nre offered for the genuine. Auk for Foley', Honey nnd Tnr and refuae any .ubitl- tute offered an no other preparation will give thn earn* gntlefactlon. It I. mildly laxative. It contnln* no opiate, and I. amfent for children and dellcat. portion.. Sold by H. J. Lamar ft Co., drugglata. VALUABLE PAPERS LOST WITH BLACK GRIP Somewhere Between the Union Depot end tho Hotol Lanier Two Grips, Property of Traveling Men. Were Either Lo,t or Stolon. A black grip containing valuable pa pent and other nrtlnlra of Intrlneln value and a red lenther cult caeo were either lost or atolon yr.terday afternoon between the Union depot and the Hotel Lanier. Thn two article., thn grip and tho ault caao, were handed to the hotel porter by « !»"' A. Mom of 8t. Louie, and A. Y. In. of Atlanta, a, they entered the cat) to he driven to the Hotel tinier. After regloterlns, the men looked for their belonging, but they wore not to be found. The porter in charge of the hack waa auctioned carefully about them, but could make nn .t.t.mrnl concerning their revivify the torpid LIVEK and restore Its natural action. A healthy UVHR means pure blood. — Pure blood mean* health. Health means happiness. Take no Substitute. All Druggist*. and the station sergeant. Supper waa taken to the prlioner and a physician wag summon-d who gave him a prescription. The Dead Man. Green King, (he well-to-do negro, age. He lived at Pleasant Hill ■ and there owned considerable property. Among the negroes of the r well known and was suppoi man of steady habits. On man. wan tany oc casion* he haa uccompank-d tho local veterans to reunion. In the capacity of a cook. H. returned taxes to the amount of Schofield will bo given a preliminary hearing at the recorder*, court this morning. Lawyer, have been en- whereahout,. Whether they dropped from the hotel hits In lie drive to In. hotel, or were stolen before the vehicle left "Neglected cold, fat grave- S arde” Dr. Wood'. Norway Pine yrup helps men nnd women to a hap. py, vigorous old eg*. BODY OF DEAD BOY FOUND ON ROADSIDE Hsrry Kelley, Negro Youth, Discover ed With Orest Hole In Breast—Hsd Been Hunting and Had 8tarted Est His Lunch. Huguonin Heights, for a cash payment of $460.00. Balance $850.00 to suit purchasor. Good invostmont, nico homo. Money to loan on Real Estate. WILLINGHAM & CONE, Phone 444. 355 Second Street barrelled, 12-boro weapon and loaded with bird shot. The body was found shortly after 2 o’clock by a passer-by. It was nfter- wnrdfi discovered that Kelley had atartod on a hunting trip In the early morning In company with two com panions. After the discovery of the remains a search wns made for the boys with whom Kelley had gone out. They wero not found. Coroner Young wan summoned but no Inquest was held at the time of his arrival ns the evidence was too mengro to wnrrunt one. It la possible that It will be held today. Kelley was about 17 years of nge and lived on Pleasant HJ11. Pay your state, county end poll taxes by December 20th and save costs and Interest OurSpecial Prices For Sale Close In Second street lot 31,000 Close In alx-room cottage— 2,500 8-room 2-atory residence, Spring street, near Mulberry 4,000 Two lota each 60 feet frontage, Spring near Mulberry street H. Horae, Rcalc Estate, Insurance and Loans. 563 Mulberry Street. Phone 454 Finest Cream Cheese, a lb..... 15 New On Cano flyrup, a gal 16 Apple Vinegar, n cal 20 Rent Head Rico, u Tb 06 Octagon Hnup, 6 for ....26 Hand Hit polio, a cake 07tt sugar Cured Ham. a lb 11 Vi Sugar Cured Hhouldor, a lb..........00 Breakfast Strips (best quality), a lb.Lift New Nuts, nil kinds, lb 16 Florida Oranges, n do*. 20 Baldwin Ar J “ ‘ “** ‘ TB Win Apples, a pk 35 Dried Figs. 1-lb. bricks, a lb 11 sins, a pkg ...08 1-3 Heat Quality Prunes, a lb California Evaporated Pea< Bsat Throe Crown ltnlslns. a lb Van Cnmp’a Roups (all kinds), a Van Camp’s Pork and Roans, a 1-: 10...07V ■aches, a lb.. 10 -lamp's Pure Cream, a cm........ Royal Salad Dressing, u bottle 20 Irish Potatoes, a pk lb...."to a can. .01 can. .00 z .09 > 2036. J. R. Odom. Rainey & Callaghan, WH0LE8ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FRE8H FISH. OY8TER8. PRODUCE, POULTRY, FRUIT. VEGETABLES, KALAMAZOO CELERY, EGGS. — let SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT-OK. TOWN ORDERS. RAINEY & CALLAGHAN ■rhonea 233 and 666 <56 Tint SL J. B. Hills, With hla ahnt gun tightly clutched In hta hand*, xtlff In death, and with tha remnant* of a partially eaten lunch ecattered near him on the ground, the body of Harry Kelley, a negro youth, waa found yesterday on a roadalda near the new pumping etatlon. From the poettlon In which the body waa found end the attending facti It aeema that Kelley had juat etarted to eat hla dinner when the gun In hlg poe.ea.lon waa accidentally diacharged, (ending the load Into hla cheat, and eauafng Inatant death. Tha gun waa a sloglo FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Telephone 407 129 Cotton a MACON. GA. GET HOSTETTER’S For Sale $1,300.00 TO LOAN RIGHT QUICK. On improved City Property. Thre® or five years. GEORGIA LAND A TITLE CO. 370 8econd Street. Geo. B. Turpin Sons, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN8, No. 353 Third St. Teloohon. No. 77. DWELLINQ8 FOR RENT. No. 272 College Ft.. 7 room.. No. 121 High Ht., 7 room*... TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS To loan on Improved city property. Money In the bank—no delay. $1,600.00 Will buy a. nico homo In Hugu«>nin Heights, consisting of a good two sto ry. six-room dwelling on desirable lot. Terms, 9300 cash, balance on long tlmo yearly payments mid n.aonublo inter est. A lln»* opportunity for i person of inoderato meant*. Houv-j i« now ■ '• 'i 1 I1»J i" i month arid would make a good in cnt. $1,500.00 Will buy a Ing combined, on Arch street a: all I close In, convenient stand, nnd a corner in value. Georgia Loan & Trust Co M Third Nice alx-room cottage ■treat Jupt beyond tho Contra! railroad croulng can be bought at $1250.00 8tomach Bitter, Immediately kben you notkw any of the.* .yrnptnm., Poor Appetite, Belching, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Coetivenee. or 8l.*pl.,i- no** and you'll eav* youraelf a lot of ucneceisary xufforlng. Nothing ele- ean take Ita place so wa urge you again to In.let on haring Hoetetter*. with a Private Stamp over neck of bottle It »l«o cure# Dytpepei., Indige.tion, CHIU., Cold, and Malaria. Try it and Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. I will Mil this houM on a caah pay ment of 2100 and allow tho balance to bo paid at 116 per month. This house will rent for 112.60 per month readily, mo you con’t go wrong In bnytng. It Is convenient and com fortable and beyond the first payment will coat little more than rent. Frank B. West, For Sale ill The Searcy mill placi land, twelve miles froi water power with 15 t story grist and flour i foundations to first fl< mill with 5,000 feet dally c 120-saw gin, press, elevate on acales. Store doing business. Two thrt'.-roo and two three-room tenant bles, barns, ate. Fine thing complete and off for quick Kale. Good r Ing. The chance of you and particulars, call 01 life REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. S prtng. livery- Duncan Real Estate Exchange